diff --git a/app/views/admin/action_logs/_action_log.html.haml b/app/views/admin/action_logs/_action_log.html.haml
index 59905f341..a2fce2d11 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/action_logs/_action_log.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/admin/action_logs/_action_log.html.haml
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
       = image_tag action_log.account.avatar.url(:original), alt: '', width: 40, height: 40, class: 'avatar'
-        = t("admin.action_logs.actions.#{action_log.action}_#{action_log.target_type.underscore}", name: content_tag(:span, action_log.account.username, class: 'username'), target: content_tag(:span, log_target(action_log), class: 'target')).html_safe
+        = t("admin.action_logs.actions.#{action_log.action}_#{action_log.target_type.underscore}_html", name: content_tag(:span, action_log.account.username, class: 'username'), target: content_tag(:span, log_target(action_log), class: 'target'))
         %time.formatted{ datetime: action_log.created_at.iso8601 }
diff --git a/app/views/admin/reports/_action_log.html.haml b/app/views/admin/reports/_action_log.html.haml
index 024078eb9..0f7d05867 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/reports/_action_log.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/admin/reports/_action_log.html.haml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-    = t("admin.action_logs.actions.#{action_log.action}_#{action_log.target_type.underscore}", name: content_tag(:span, action_log.account.username, class: 'username'), target: content_tag(:span, log_target(action_log), class: 'target')).html_safe
+    = t("admin.action_logs.actions.#{action_log.action}_#{action_log.target_type.underscore}_html", name: content_tag(:span, action_log.account.username, class: 'username'), target: content_tag(:span, log_target(action_log), class: 'target'))
     = admin_account_link_to(action_log.account)
     %time.formatted{ datetime: action_log.created_at.iso8601 }= l action_log.created_at
diff --git a/config/locales/en.yml b/config/locales/en.yml
index b364e9237..14f1a08e4 100644
--- a/config/locales/en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/en.yml
@@ -261,46 +261,46 @@ en:
         update_domain_block: Update Domain Block
         update_status: Update Status
-        assigned_to_self_report: "%{name} assigned report %{target} to themselves"
-        change_email_user: "%{name} changed the e-mail address of user %{target}"
-        confirm_user: "%{name} confirmed e-mail address of user %{target}"
-        create_account_warning: "%{name} sent a warning to %{target}"
-        create_announcement: "%{name} created new announcement %{target}"
-        create_custom_emoji: "%{name} uploaded new emoji %{target}"
-        create_domain_allow: "%{name} allowed federation with domain %{target}"
-        create_domain_block: "%{name} blocked domain %{target}"
-        create_email_domain_block: "%{name} blocked e-mail domain %{target}"
-        create_ip_block: "%{name} created rule for IP %{target}"
-        demote_user: "%{name} demoted user %{target}"
-        destroy_announcement: "%{name} deleted announcement %{target}"
-        destroy_custom_emoji: "%{name} destroyed emoji %{target}"
-        destroy_domain_allow: "%{name} disallowed federation with domain %{target}"
-        destroy_domain_block: "%{name} unblocked domain %{target}"
-        destroy_email_domain_block: "%{name} unblocked e-mail domain %{target}"
-        destroy_ip_block: "%{name} deleted rule for IP %{target}"
-        destroy_status: "%{name} removed status by %{target}"
-        disable_2fa_user: "%{name} disabled two factor requirement for user %{target}"
-        disable_custom_emoji: "%{name} disabled emoji %{target}"
-        disable_user: "%{name} disabled login for user %{target}"
-        enable_custom_emoji: "%{name} enabled emoji %{target}"
-        enable_user: "%{name} enabled login for user %{target}"
-        memorialize_account: "%{name} turned %{target}'s account into a memoriam page"
-        promote_user: "%{name} promoted user %{target}"
-        remove_avatar_user: "%{name} removed %{target}'s avatar"
-        reopen_report: "%{name} reopened report %{target}"
-        reset_password_user: "%{name} reset password of user %{target}"
-        resolve_report: "%{name} resolved report %{target}"
-        sensitive_account: "%{name} marked %{target}'s media as sensitive"
-        silence_account: "%{name} silenced %{target}'s account"
-        suspend_account: "%{name} suspended %{target}'s account"
-        unassigned_report: "%{name} unassigned report %{target}"
-        unsensitive_account: "%{name} unmarked %{target}'s media as sensitive"
-        unsilence_account: "%{name} unsilenced %{target}'s account"
-        unsuspend_account: "%{name} unsuspended %{target}'s account"
-        update_announcement: "%{name} updated announcement %{target}"
-        update_custom_emoji: "%{name} updated emoji %{target}"
-        update_domain_block: "%{name} updated domain block for %{target}"
-        update_status: "%{name} updated status by %{target}"
+        assigned_to_self_report_html: "%{name} assigned report %{target} to themselves"
+        change_email_user_html: "%{name} changed the e-mail address of user %{target}"
+        confirm_user_html: "%{name} confirmed e-mail address of user %{target}"
+        create_account_warning_html: "%{name} sent a warning to %{target}"
+        create_announcement_html: "%{name} created new announcement %{target}"
+        create_custom_emoji_html: "%{name} uploaded new emoji %{target}"
+        create_domain_allow_html: "%{name} allowed federation with domain %{target}"
+        create_domain_block_html: "%{name} blocked domain %{target}"
+        create_email_domain_block_html: "%{name} blocked e-mail domain %{target}"
+        create_ip_block_html: "%{name} created rule for IP %{target}"
+        demote_user_html: "%{name} demoted user %{target}"
+        destroy_announcement_html: "%{name} deleted announcement %{target}"
+        destroy_custom_emoji_html: "%{name} destroyed emoji %{target}"
+        destroy_domain_allow_html: "%{name} disallowed federation with domain %{target}"
+        destroy_domain_block_html: "%{name} unblocked domain %{target}"
+        destroy_email_domain_block_html: "%{name} unblocked e-mail domain %{target}"
+        destroy_ip_block_html: "%{name} deleted rule for IP %{target}"
+        destroy_status_html: "%{name} removed status by %{target}"
+        disable_2fa_user_html: "%{name} disabled two factor requirement for user %{target}"
+        disable_custom_emoji_html: "%{name} disabled emoji %{target}"
+        disable_user_html: "%{name} disabled login for user %{target}"
+        enable_custom_emoji_html: "%{name} enabled emoji %{target}"
+        enable_user_html: "%{name} enabled login for user %{target}"
+        memorialize_account_html: "%{name} turned %{target}'s account into a memoriam page"
+        promote_user_html: "%{name} promoted user %{target}"
+        remove_avatar_user_html: "%{name} removed %{target}'s avatar"
+        reopen_report_html: "%{name} reopened report %{target}"
+        reset_password_user_html: "%{name} reset password of user %{target}"
+        resolve_report_html: "%{name} resolved report %{target}"
+        sensitive_account_html: "%{name} marked %{target}'s media as sensitive"
+        silence_account_html: "%{name} silenced %{target}'s account"
+        suspend_account_html: "%{name} suspended %{target}'s account"
+        unassigned_report_html: "%{name} unassigned report %{target}"
+        unsensitive_account_html: "%{name} unmarked %{target}'s media as sensitive"
+        unsilence_account_html: "%{name} unsilenced %{target}'s account"
+        unsuspend_account_html: "%{name} unsuspended %{target}'s account"
+        update_announcement_html: "%{name} updated announcement %{target}"
+        update_custom_emoji_html: "%{name} updated emoji %{target}"
+        update_domain_block_html: "%{name} updated domain block for %{target}"
+        update_status_html: "%{name} updated status by %{target}"
       deleted_status: "(deleted status)"
       empty: No logs found.
       filter_by_action: Filter by action