diff --git a/app/chewy/statuses_index.rb b/app/chewy/statuses_index.rb
index 6d3352105..2be7e4525 100644
--- a/app/chewy/statuses_index.rb
+++ b/app/chewy/statuses_index.rb
@@ -40,40 +40,13 @@ class StatusesIndex < Chewy::Index
-  # We do not use delete_if option here because it would call a method that we
-  # expect to be called with crutches without crutches, causing n+1 queries
-  index_scope ::Status.unscoped.kept.without_reblogs.includes(:media_attachments, :preloadable_poll, :preview_cards)
-  crutch :mentions do |collection|
-    data = ::Mention.where(status_id: collection.map(&:id)).where(account: Account.local, silent: false).pluck(:status_id, :account_id)
-    data.each.with_object({}) { |(id, name), result| (result[id] ||= []).push(name) }
-  end
-  crutch :favourites do |collection|
-    data = ::Favourite.where(status_id: collection.map(&:id)).where(account: Account.local).pluck(:status_id, :account_id)
-    data.each.with_object({}) { |(id, name), result| (result[id] ||= []).push(name) }
-  end
-  crutch :reblogs do |collection|
-    data = ::Status.where(reblog_of_id: collection.map(&:id)).where(account: Account.local).pluck(:reblog_of_id, :account_id)
-    data.each.with_object({}) { |(id, name), result| (result[id] ||= []).push(name) }
-  end
-  crutch :bookmarks do |collection|
-    data = ::Bookmark.where(status_id: collection.map(&:id)).where(account: Account.local).pluck(:status_id, :account_id)
-    data.each.with_object({}) { |(id, name), result| (result[id] ||= []).push(name) }
-  end
-  crutch :votes do |collection|
-    data = ::PollVote.joins(:poll).where(poll: { status_id: collection.map(&:id) }).where(account: Account.local).pluck(:status_id, :account_id)
-    data.each.with_object({}) { |(id, name), result| (result[id] ||= []).push(name) }
-  end
+  index_scope ::Status.unscoped.kept.without_reblogs.includes(:media_attachments, :preview_cards, :local_mentioned, :local_favorited, :local_reblogged, :local_bookmarked, preloadable_poll: :local_voters), delete_if: ->(status) { status.searchable_by.empty? }
   root date_detection: false do
     field(:id, type: 'long')
     field(:account_id, type: 'long')
     field(:text, type: 'text', analyzer: 'verbatim', value: ->(status) { status.searchable_text }) { field(:stemmed, type: 'text', analyzer: 'content') }
-    field(:searchable_by, type: 'long', value: ->(status, crutches) { status.searchable_by(crutches) })
+    field(:searchable_by, type: 'long', value: ->(status) { status.searchable_by })
     field(:language, type: 'keyword')
     field(:properties, type: 'keyword', value: ->(status) { status.searchable_properties })
     field(:created_at, type: 'date')
diff --git a/app/lib/importer/statuses_index_importer.rb b/app/lib/importer/statuses_index_importer.rb
index 0277cd0ef..285ddc871 100644
--- a/app/lib/importer/statuses_index_importer.rb
+++ b/app/lib/importer/statuses_index_importer.rb
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class Importer::StatusesIndexImporter < Importer::BaseImporter
       scope.find_in_batches(batch_size: @batch_size) do |tmp|
         in_work_unit(tmp.map(&:status_id)) do |status_ids|
           bulk = ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection do
-            Chewy::Index::Import::BulkBuilder.new(index, to_index: Status.includes(:media_attachments, :preloadable_poll, :preview_cards).where(id: status_ids)).bulk_body
+            Chewy::Index::Import::BulkBuilder.new(index, to_index: index.adapter.default_scope.where(id: status_ids)).bulk_body
           indexed = 0
diff --git a/app/models/concerns/status_search_concern.rb b/app/models/concerns/status_search_concern.rb
index 21048b568..3ef45754a 100644
--- a/app/models/concerns/status_search_concern.rb
+++ b/app/models/concerns/status_search_concern.rb
@@ -7,26 +7,20 @@ module StatusSearchConcern
     scope :indexable, -> { without_reblogs.where(visibility: :public).joins(:account).where(account: { indexable: true }) }
-  def searchable_by(preloaded = nil)
-    ids = []
+  def searchable_by
+    @searchable_by ||= begin
+      ids = []
-    ids << account_id if local?
+      ids << account_id if local?
-    if preloaded.nil?
-      ids += mentions.joins(:account).merge(Account.local).active.pluck(:account_id)
-      ids += favourites.joins(:account).merge(Account.local).pluck(:account_id)
-      ids += reblogs.joins(:account).merge(Account.local).pluck(:account_id)
-      ids += bookmarks.joins(:account).merge(Account.local).pluck(:account_id)
-      ids += poll.votes.joins(:account).merge(Account.local).pluck(:account_id) if poll.present?
-    else
-      ids += preloaded.mentions[id] || []
-      ids += preloaded.favourites[id] || []
-      ids += preloaded.reblogs[id] || []
-      ids += preloaded.bookmarks[id] || []
-      ids += preloaded.votes[id] || []
+      ids += local_mentioned.pluck(:id)
+      ids += local_favorited.pluck(:id)
+      ids += local_reblogged.pluck(:id)
+      ids += local_bookmarked.pluck(:id)
+      ids += preloadable_poll.local_voters.pluck(:id) if preloadable_poll.present?
+      ids.uniq
-    ids.uniq
   def searchable_text
diff --git a/app/models/poll.rb b/app/models/poll.rb
index 74a77978b..efa625eb5 100644
--- a/app/models/poll.rb
+++ b/app/models/poll.rb
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ class Poll < ApplicationRecord
   has_many :votes, class_name: 'PollVote', inverse_of: :poll, dependent: :delete_all
   has_many :voters, -> { group('accounts.id') }, through: :votes, class_name: 'Account', source: :account
+  has_many :local_voters, -> { group('accounts.id').merge(Account.local) }, through: :votes, class_name: 'Account', source: :account
   has_many :notifications, as: :activity, dependent: :destroy
diff --git a/app/models/status.rb b/app/models/status.rb
index 760b8ec33..1c41ef1d5 100644
--- a/app/models/status.rb
+++ b/app/models/status.rb
@@ -72,6 +72,12 @@ class Status < ApplicationRecord
   has_many :active_mentions, -> { active }, class_name: 'Mention', inverse_of: :status
   has_many :media_attachments, dependent: :nullify
+  # Those associations are used for the private search index
+  has_many :local_mentioned, -> { merge(Account.local) }, through: :active_mentions, source: :account
+  has_many :local_favorited, -> { merge(Account.local) }, through: :favourites, source: :account
+  has_many :local_reblogged, -> { merge(Account.local) }, through: :reblogs, source: :account
+  has_many :local_bookmarked, -> { merge(Account.local) }, through: :bookmarks, source: :account
   has_and_belongs_to_many :tags
   has_and_belongs_to_many :preview_cards