Compare commits


4 commits

302 changed files with 4090 additions and 11729 deletions

View file

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
not IE 11
not dead
supports es6-module

View file

@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
"extensions": [
// Use 'forwardPorts' to make a list of ports inside the container available locally.

View file

@ -3,70 +3,6 @@ Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
## [3.4.5] - 2022-11-14
## Fixed
- Fix nodes order being sometimes mangled when rewriting emoji ([ClearlyClaire](
## [3.5.4] - 2022-11-14
### Fixed
- Fix error when a remote report includes a private post the server has no access to ([ClearlyClaire](
### Security
- Fix emoji substitution not applying only to text nodes in backend code ([ClearlyClaire](
- Fix emoji substitution not applying only to text nodes in Web UI ([ClearlyClaire](
- Fix rate limiting for paths with formats ([Gargron](
- Fix out-of-bound reads in blurhash transcoder ([delroth](
## [3.5.3] - 2022-05-26
### Added
- **Add language dropdown to compose form in web UI** ([Gargron](, [ykzts](
- **Add warning for limited accounts in web UI** ([Gargron](
- Add `limited` attribute to accounts in REST API ([Gargron](
### Changed
- **Change RSS feeds** ([Gargron](, [tribela](
- Titles are now date and time of post
- Bodies now render all content faithfully, including polls and emojis
- All media attachments are included with Media RSS
- Change "dangerous" to "sensitive" in privacy policy and web UI ([Gargron](
- Change unconfirmed accounts to not be visible in REST API ([ClearlyClaire](
- Change `tootctl search deploy` to improve performance ([Gargron](, [Gargron](
- Change search indexing to use batches to minimize resource usage ([Gargron](
### Fixed
- Fix follower and other counters being able to go negative ([Gargron](
- Fix unnecessary query on when creating a status ([ClearlyClaire](
- Fix warning an account outside of a report closing all reports for that account ([ClearlyClaire](
- Fix error when resolving a link that redirects to a local post ([ClearlyClaire](
- Fix preferred posting language returning unusable value in REST API ([Gargron](
- Fix race condition error when external status is reblogged ([ykzts](
- Fix missing string for appeal validation error ([Gargron](
- Fix block/mute lists showing a follow button in web UI ([ClearlyClaire](
- Fix Redis configuration not being changed by `mastodon:setup` ([ClearlyClaire](
- Fix streaming notifications not using quick filter logic in web UI ([ClearlyClaire](
- Fix ambiguous wording on appeal actions in admin UI ([ClearlyClaire](
- Fix floating action button obscuring last element in web UI ([ClearlyClaire](
- Fix account warnings not being recorded in audit log ([ClearlyClaire](
- Fix leftover icons for direct visibility statuses ([Steffo99](
- Fix link verification requiring case sensitivity on links ([sgolemon](
- Fix embeds not setting their height correctly ([rinsuki](
### Security
- Fix concurrent unfollowing decrementing follower count more than once ([Gargron](
- Fix being able to appeal a strike unlimited times ([Gargron](
- Fix being able to report otherwise inaccessible statuses ([Gargron](
- Fix empty votes arbitrarily increasing voters count in polls ([Gargron](
- Fix moderator identity leak when approving appeal of sensitive marked statuses ([Gargron](
- Fix suspended users being able to access APIs that don't require a user ([Gargron](
- Fix confirmation redirect to app without `Location` header ([Gargron](
## [3.5.2] - 2022-05-04
### Added

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ gem 'pkg-config', '~> 1.4'
gem 'rexml', '~> 3.2'
gem 'puma', '~> 5.6'
gem 'rails', '~> 6.1.6'
gem 'rails', '~> 6.1.5'
gem 'sprockets', '~> 3.7.2'
gem 'thor', '~> 1.2'
gem 'rack', '~> 2.2.3'
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ gem 'makara', '~> 0.5'
gem 'pghero', '~> 2.8'
gem 'dotenv-rails', '~> 2.7'
gem 'aws-sdk-s3', '~> 1.114', require: false
gem 'aws-sdk-s3', '~> 1.113', require: false
gem 'fog-core', '<= 2.1.0'
gem 'fog-openstack', '~> 0.3', require: false
gem 'kt-paperclip', '~> 7.1'
@ -79,13 +79,13 @@ gem 'ruby-progressbar', '~> 1.11'
gem 'sanitize', '~> 6.0'
gem 'scenic', '~> 1.6'
gem 'sidekiq', '~> 6.4'
gem 'sidekiq-scheduler', '~> 4.0'
gem 'sidekiq-scheduler', '~> 3.2'
gem 'sidekiq-unique-jobs', '~> 7.1'
gem 'sidekiq-bulk', '~> 0.2.0'
gem 'sidekiq-bulk', '~>0.2.0'
gem 'simple-navigation', '~> 4.3'
gem 'simple_form', '~> 5.1'
gem 'sprockets-rails', '~> 3.4', require: 'sprockets/railtie'
gem 'stoplight', '~> 3.0.0'
gem 'stoplight', '~> 2.2.1'
gem 'strong_migrations', '~> 0.7'
gem 'tty-prompt', '~> 0.23', require: false
gem 'twitter-text', '~> 3.1.0'
@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ group :production, :test do
group :test do
gem 'capybara', '~> 3.37'
gem 'capybara', '~> 3.36'
gem 'climate_control', '~> 0.2'
gem 'faker', '~> 2.21'
gem 'faker', '~> 2.20'
gem 'microformats', '~> 4.2'
gem 'rails-controller-testing', '~> 1.0'
gem 'rspec-sidekiq', '~> 3.1'
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ group :development do
gem 'letter_opener', '~> 1.8'
gem 'letter_opener_web', '~> 2.0'
gem 'memory_profiler'
gem 'rubocop', '~> 1.29', require: false
gem 'rubocop', '~> 1.27', require: false
gem 'rubocop-rails', '~> 2.14', require: false
gem 'brakeman', '~> 5.2', require: false
gem 'bundler-audit', '~> 0.9', require: false

View file

@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
actioncable (6.1.6)
actionpack (= 6.1.6)
activesupport (= 6.1.6)
actioncable (
actionpack (=
activesupport (=
nio4r (~> 2.0)
websocket-driver (>= 0.6.1)
actionmailbox (6.1.6)
actionpack (= 6.1.6)
activejob (= 6.1.6)
activerecord (= 6.1.6)
activestorage (= 6.1.6)
activesupport (= 6.1.6)
actionmailbox (
actionpack (=
activejob (=
activerecord (=
activestorage (=
activesupport (=
mail (>= 2.7.1)
actionmailer (6.1.6)
actionpack (= 6.1.6)
actionview (= 6.1.6)
activejob (= 6.1.6)
activesupport (= 6.1.6)
actionmailer (
actionpack (=
actionview (=
activejob (=
activesupport (=
mail (~> 2.5, >= 2.5.4)
rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0)
actionpack (6.1.6)
actionview (= 6.1.6)
activesupport (= 6.1.6)
actionpack (
actionview (=
activesupport (=
rack (~> 2.0, >= 2.0.9)
rack-test (>= 0.6.3)
rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0)
rails-html-sanitizer (~> 1.0, >= 1.2.0)
actiontext (6.1.6)
actionpack (= 6.1.6)
activerecord (= 6.1.6)
activestorage (= 6.1.6)
activesupport (= 6.1.6)
actiontext (
actionpack (=
activerecord (=
activestorage (=
activesupport (=
nokogiri (>= 1.8.5)
actionview (6.1.6)
activesupport (= 6.1.6)
actionview (
activesupport (=
builder (~> 3.1)
erubi (~> 1.4)
rails-dom-testing (~> 2.0)
@ -45,22 +45,22 @@ GEM
case_transform (>= 0.2)
jsonapi-renderer (>= 0.1.1.beta1, < 0.3)
active_record_query_trace (1.8)
activejob (6.1.6)
activesupport (= 6.1.6)
activejob (
activesupport (=
globalid (>= 0.3.6)
activemodel (6.1.6)
activesupport (= 6.1.6)
activerecord (6.1.6)
activemodel (= 6.1.6)
activesupport (= 6.1.6)
activestorage (6.1.6)
actionpack (= 6.1.6)
activejob (= 6.1.6)
activerecord (= 6.1.6)
activesupport (= 6.1.6)
activemodel (
activesupport (=
activerecord (
activemodel (=
activesupport (=
activestorage (
actionpack (=
activejob (=
activerecord (=
activesupport (=
marcel (~> 1.0)
mini_mime (>= 1.1.0)
activesupport (6.1.6)
activesupport (
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2)
i18n (>= 1.6, < 2)
minitest (>= 5.1)
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ GEM
attr_required (1.0.1)
awrence (1.1.1)
aws-eventstream (1.2.0)
aws-partitions (1.587.0)
aws-partitions (1.582.0)
aws-sdk-core (3.130.2)
aws-eventstream (~> 1, >= 1.0.2)
aws-partitions (~> 1, >= 1.525.0)
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ GEM
aws-sdk-kms (1.56.0)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.1)
aws-sdk-s3 (1.114.0)
aws-sdk-s3 (1.113.2)
aws-sdk-core (~> 3, >= 3.127.0)
aws-sdk-kms (~> 1)
aws-sigv4 (~> 1.4)
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ GEM
ffi (~> 1.14)
bootsnap (1.11.1)
msgpack (~> 1.2)
brakeman (5.2.3)
brakeman (5.2.2)
browser (4.2.0)
brpoplpush-redis_script (0.1.2)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.5)
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ GEM
sshkit (~> 1.3)
capistrano-yarn (2.0.2)
capistrano (~> 3.0)
capybara (3.37.1)
capybara (3.36.0)
mini_mime (>= 0.1.3)
@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ GEM
dotenv-rails (2.7.6)
dotenv (= 2.7.6)
railties (>= 3.2)
e2mmap (0.1.0)
ed25519 (1.3.0)
elasticsearch (7.13.3)
elasticsearch-api (= 7.13.3)
@ -219,7 +220,7 @@ GEM
excon (0.76.0)
fabrication (2.28.0)
faker (2.21.0)
faker (2.20.0)
i18n (>= 1.8.11, < 2)
faraday (1.9.3)
faraday-em_http (~> 1.0)
@ -306,7 +307,7 @@ GEM
rainbow (>= 2.0.0)
i18n (1.10.0)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
i18n-tasks (1.0.10)
i18n-tasks (1.0.9)
activesupport (>= 4.0.2)
ast (>= 2.1.0)
better_html (~> 1.0)
@ -374,7 +375,7 @@ GEM
activesupport (>= 4)
railties (>= 4)
request_store (~> 1.0)
loofah (2.18.0)
loofah (2.17.0)
crass (~> 1.0.2)
nokogiri (>= 1.5.9)
mail (2.7.1)
@ -404,7 +405,7 @@ GEM
net-ssh (>= 2.6.5, < 7.0.0)
net-ssh (6.1.0)
nio4r (2.5.8)
nokogiri (1.13.6)
nokogiri (1.13.4)
mini_portile2 (~> 2.8.0)
racc (~> 1.4)
nsa (0.2.8)
@ -441,7 +442,7 @@ GEM
orm_adapter (0.5.0)
ox (2.14.11)
parallel (1.22.1)
parser (
parser (
ast (~> 2.4.1)
parslet (2.0.0)
pastel (0.8.0)
@ -467,7 +468,7 @@ GEM
pry (~> 0.13.0)
pry-rails (0.3.9)
pry (>= 0.10.4)
public_suffix (4.0.7)
public_suffix (4.0.6)
puma (5.6.4)
nio4r (~> 2.0)
pundit (2.2.0)
@ -489,20 +490,20 @@ GEM
rack-test (1.1.0)
rack (>= 1.0, < 3)
rails (6.1.6)
actioncable (= 6.1.6)
actionmailbox (= 6.1.6)
actionmailer (= 6.1.6)
actionpack (= 6.1.6)
actiontext (= 6.1.6)
actionview (= 6.1.6)
activejob (= 6.1.6)
activemodel (= 6.1.6)
activerecord (= 6.1.6)
activestorage (= 6.1.6)
activesupport (= 6.1.6)
rails (
actioncable (=
actionmailbox (=
actionmailer (=
actionpack (=
actiontext (=
actionview (=
activejob (=
activemodel (=
activerecord (=
activestorage (=
activesupport (=
bundler (>= 1.15.0)
railties (= 6.1.6)
railties (=
sprockets-rails (>= 2.0.0)
rails-controller-testing (1.0.5)
actionpack (>= 5.0.1.rc1)
@ -518,9 +519,9 @@ GEM
railties (>= 6.0.0, < 7)
rails-settings-cached (0.6.6)
rails (>= 4.2.0)
railties (6.1.6)
actionpack (= 6.1.6)
activesupport (= 6.1.6)
railties (
actionpack (=
activesupport (=
rake (>= 12.2)
thor (~> 1.0)
@ -533,7 +534,7 @@ GEM
redis (4.5.1)
redis-namespace (1.8.2)
redis (>= 3.0.4)
regexp_parser (2.4.0)
regexp_parser (2.3.0)
request_store (1.5.1)
rack (>= 1.4)
responders (3.0.1)
@ -568,16 +569,16 @@ GEM
rspec-support (3.11.0)
rspec_junit_formatter (0.5.1)
rspec-core (>= 2, < 4, != 2.12.0)
rubocop (1.29.1)
rubocop (1.27.0)
parallel (~> 1.10)
parser (>=
rainbow (>= 2.2.2, < 4.0)
regexp_parser (>= 1.8, < 3.0)
rexml (>= 3.2.5, < 4.0)
rubocop-ast (>= 1.17.0, < 2.0)
rubocop-ast (>= 1.16.0, < 2.0)
ruby-progressbar (~> 1.7)
unicode-display_width (>= 1.4.0, < 3.0)
rubocop-ast (1.18.0)
rubocop-ast (1.17.0)
parser (>=
rubocop-rails (2.14.2)
activesupport (>= 4.2.0)
@ -600,18 +601,20 @@ GEM
railties (>= 4.0.0)
securecompare (1.0.0)
semantic_range (3.0.0)
sidekiq (6.4.2)
sidekiq (6.4.1)
connection_pool (>= 2.2.2)
rack (~> 2.0)
redis (>= 4.2.0)
sidekiq-bulk (0.2.0)
sidekiq-scheduler (4.0.0)
redis (>= 4.2.0)
sidekiq-scheduler (3.2.0)
redis (>= 3, < 5)
rufus-scheduler (~> 3.2)
sidekiq (>= 4)
sidekiq (>= 3)
tilt (>= 1.4.0)
sidekiq-unique-jobs (7.1.22)
sidekiq-unique-jobs (7.1.21)
brpoplpush-redis_script (> 0.1.1, <= 2.0.0)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.5)
sidekiq (>= 5.0, < 8.0)
@ -640,7 +643,7 @@ GEM
net-ssh (>= 2.8.0)
stackprof (0.2.19)
statsd-ruby (1.5.0)
stoplight (3.0.0)
stoplight (2.2.1)
strong_migrations (0.7.9)
activerecord (>= 5)
swd (1.3.0)
@ -653,6 +656,8 @@ GEM
terrapin (0.6.0)
climate_control (>= 0.0.3, < 1.0)
thor (1.2.1)
thwait (0.2.0)
tilt (2.0.10)
tpm-key_attestation (0.9.0)
bindata (~> 2.4)
@ -729,7 +734,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
active_record_query_trace (~> 1.8)
addressable (~> 2.8)
annotate (~> 3.2)
aws-sdk-s3 (~> 1.114)
aws-sdk-s3 (~> 1.113)
better_errors (~> 2.9)
binding_of_caller (~> 1.0)
blurhash (~> 0.1)
@ -742,7 +747,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
capistrano-rails (~> 1.6)
capistrano-rbenv (~> 2.2)
capistrano-yarn (~> 2.0)
capybara (~> 3.37)
capybara (~> 3.36)
charlock_holmes (~> 0.7.7)
chewy (~> 7.2)
climate_control (~> 0.2)
@ -757,7 +762,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
dotenv-rails (~> 2.7)
ed25519 (~> 1.3)
fabrication (~> 2.28)
faker (~> 2.21)
faker (~> 2.20)
fast_blank (~> 1.0)
fog-core (<= 2.1.0)
@ -808,7 +813,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
rack (~> 2.2.3)
rack-attack (~> 6.6)
rack-cors (~> 1.1)
rails (~> 6.1.6)
rails (~> 6.1.5)
rails-controller-testing (~> 1.0)
rails-i18n (~> 6.0)
rails-settings-cached (~> 0.6)
@ -820,14 +825,14 @@ DEPENDENCIES
rspec-rails (~> 5.1)
rspec-sidekiq (~> 3.1)
rspec_junit_formatter (~> 0.5)
rubocop (~> 1.29)
rubocop (~> 1.27)
rubocop-rails (~> 2.14)
ruby-progressbar (~> 1.11)
sanitize (~> 6.0)
scenic (~> 1.6)
sidekiq (~> 6.4)
sidekiq-bulk (~> 0.2.0)
sidekiq-scheduler (~> 4.0)
sidekiq-scheduler (~> 3.2)
sidekiq-unique-jobs (~> 7.1)
simple-navigation (~> 4.3)
simple_form (~> 5.1)
@ -835,7 +840,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
sprockets (~> 3.7.2)
sprockets-rails (~> 3.4)
stoplight (~> 3.0.0)
stoplight (~> 2.2.1)
strong_migrations (~> 0.7)
thor (~> 1.2)
tty-prompt (~> 0.23)

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ A "vulnerability in Mastodon" is a vulnerability in the code distributed through
| ------- | ------------------ |
| 3.5.x | Yes |
| 3.4.x | Yes |
| 3.3.x | No |
| 3.3.x | Yes |
| < 3.3 | No |

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
class AccountsIndex < Chewy::Index
settings index: { refresh_interval: '30s' }, analysis: {
settings index: { refresh_interval: '5m' }, analysis: {
analyzer: {
content: {
tokenizer: 'whitespace',
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class AccountsIndex < Chewy::Index
index_scope ::Account.searchable.includes(:account_stat)
index_scope ::Account.searchable.includes(:account_stat), delete_if: ->(account) { account.destroyed? || !account.searchable? }
root date_detection: false do
field :id, type: 'long'
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ class AccountsIndex < Chewy::Index
field :edge_ngram, type: 'text', analyzer: 'edge_ngram', search_analyzer: 'content'
field :following_count, type: 'long', value: ->(account) { account.following_count }
field :followers_count, type: 'long', value: ->(account) { account.followers_count }
field :following_count, type: 'long', value: ->(account) { account.following.local.count }
field :followers_count, type: 'long', value: ->(account) { account.followers.local.count }
field :last_status_at, type: 'date', value: ->(account) { account.last_status_at || account.created_at }

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
class StatusesIndex < Chewy::Index
include FormattingHelper
settings index: { refresh_interval: '30s' }, analysis: {
settings index: { refresh_interval: '15m' }, analysis: {
filter: {
english_stop: {
type: 'stop',
@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ class StatusesIndex < Chewy::Index
# We do not use delete_if option here because it would call a method that we
# expect to be called with crutches without crutches, causing n+1 queries
index_scope ::Status.unscoped.kept.without_reblogs.includes(:media_attachments, :preloadable_poll)
crutch :mentions do |collection|

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
class TagsIndex < Chewy::Index
settings index: { refresh_interval: '30s' }, analysis: {
settings index: { refresh_interval: '15m' }, analysis: {
analyzer: {
content: {
tokenizer: 'keyword',
@ -23,11 +23,7 @@ class TagsIndex < Chewy::Index
index_scope ::Tag.listable
crutch :time_period do
index_scope ::Tag.listable, delete_if: ->(tag) { tag.destroyed? || !tag.listable? }
root date_detection: false do
field :name, type: 'text', analyzer: 'content' do
@ -35,7 +31,7 @@ class TagsIndex < Chewy::Index
field :reviewed, type: 'boolean', value: ->(tag) { tag.reviewed? }
field :usage, type: 'long', value: ->(tag, crutches) { tag.history.aggregate(crutches.time_period).accounts }
field :usage, type: 'long', value: ->(tag) { tag.history.reduce(0) { |total, day| total + day.accounts } }
field :last_status_at, type: 'date', value: ->(tag) { tag.last_status_at || tag.created_at }

View file

@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ class AccountsController < ApplicationController
limit = params[:limit].present? ? [params[:limit].to_i, PAGE_SIZE_MAX].min : PAGE_SIZE
@statuses = filtered_statuses.without_reblogs.limit(limit)
@statuses = cache_collection(@statuses, Status)
render xml: RSS::AccountSerializer.render(@account, @statuses, params[:tag])
format.json do

View file

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
class ActivityPub::BaseController < Api::BaseController
skip_before_action :require_authenticated_user!
skip_before_action :require_not_suspended!
skip_around_action :set_locale

View file

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ class Api::BaseController < ApplicationController
skip_before_action :require_functional!, unless: :whitelist_mode?
before_action :require_authenticated_user!, if: :disallow_unauthenticated_api_access?
before_action :require_not_suspended!
before_action :set_cache_headers
protect_from_forgery with: :null_session
@ -98,10 +97,6 @@ class Api::BaseController < ApplicationController
render json: { error: 'This method requires an authenticated user' }, status: 401 unless current_user
def require_not_suspended!
render json: { error: 'Your login is currently disabled' }, status: 403 if current_user&.account&.suspended?
def require_user!
if !current_user
render json: { error: 'This method requires an authenticated user' }, status: 422

View file

@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ class Api::V1::AccountsController < Api::BaseController
before_action :require_user!, except: [:show, :create]
before_action :set_account, except: [:create]
before_action :check_account_approval, except: [:create]
before_action :check_account_confirmation, except: [:create]
before_action :check_enabled_registrations, only: [:create]
skip_before_action :require_authenticated_user!, only: :create
@ -76,14 +74,6 @@ class Api::V1::AccountsController < Api::BaseController
@account = Account.find(params[:id])
def check_account_approval
raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) if @account.local? && @account.user_pending?
def check_account_confirmation
raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) if @account.local? && !@account.user_confirmed?
def relationships(**options)[], current_user.account_id, **options)

View file

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class Auth::ConfirmationsController < Devise::ConfirmationsController
def after_confirmation_path_for(_resource_name, user)
if user.created_by_application && truthy_param?(:redirect_to_app)

View file

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ class MediaProxyController < ApplicationController
include RoutingHelper
include Authorization
include Redisable
include Lockable
skip_before_action :store_current_location
skip_before_action :require_functional!
@ -17,10 +16,14 @@ class MediaProxyController < ApplicationController
rescue_from HTTP::TimeoutError, HTTP::ConnectionError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, with: :internal_server_error
def show
with_lock("media_download:#{params[:id]}") do
@media_attachment = MediaAttachment.remote.attached.find(params[:id])
authorize @media_attachment.status, :show?
redownload! if @media_attachment.needs_redownload? && !reject_media?
RedisLock.acquire(lock_options) do |lock|
if lock.acquired?
@media_attachment = MediaAttachment.remote.attached.find(params[:id])
authorize @media_attachment.status, :show?
redownload! if @media_attachment.needs_redownload? && !reject_media?
raise Mastodon::RaceConditionError
redirect_to full_asset_url(@media_attachment.file.url(version))
@ -42,6 +45,10 @@ class MediaProxyController < ApplicationController
def lock_options
{ redis: redis, key: "media_download:#{params[:id]}", autorelease: 15.minutes.seconds }
def reject_media?

View file

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
class Settings::ExportsController < Settings::BaseController
include Authorization
include Redisable
include Lockable
skip_before_action :require_functional!
@ -15,13 +14,21 @@ class Settings::ExportsController < Settings::BaseController
def create
backup = nil
with_lock("backup:#{}") do
authorize :backup, :create?
backup = current_user.backups.create!
RedisLock.acquire(lock_options) do |lock|
if lock.acquired?
authorize :backup, :create?
backup = current_user.backups.create!
raise Mastodon::RaceConditionError
redirect_to settings_export_path
def lock_options
{ redis: redis, key: "backup:#{}" }

View file

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ class TagsController < ApplicationController
format.rss do
expires_in 0, public: true
render xml: RSS::TagSerializer.render(@tag, @statuses)
format.json do

View file

@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ module ApplicationHelper
elsif status.private_visibility? || status.limited_visibility?
fa_icon('lock', title: I18n.t('statuses.visibilities.private'))
elsif status.direct_visibility?
fa_icon('at', title: I18n.t(''))
fa_icon('envelope', title: I18n.t(''))
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ module ApplicationHelper
def prerender_custom_emojis(html, custom_emojis, other_options = {}), custom_emojis, other_options.merge(animate: prefers_autoplay?)).to_s
def prerender_custom_emojis(html, custom_emojis), custom_emojis, animate: prefers_autoplay?).to_s

View file

@ -18,32 +18,6 @@ module FormattingHelper
html_aware_format(status.text, status.local?, preloaded_accounts: [status.account] + (status.respond_to?(:active_mentions) ? : []))
def rss_status_content_format(status)
html = status_content_format(status)
before_html = begin
if status.spoiler_text?
"<p><strong>#{I18n.t('rss.content_warning', locale: available_locale_or_nil(status.language) || I18n.default_locale)}</strong> #{h(status.spoiler_text)}</p><hr />"
end.html_safe # rubocop:disable Rails/OutputSafety
after_html = begin
if status.preloadable_poll
"<p>#{ { |o| "<input type=#{status.preloadable_poll.multiple? ? 'checkbox' : 'radio'} disabled /> #{h(o)}" }.join('<br />')}</p>"
end.html_safe # rubocop:disable Rails/OutputSafety
safe_join([before_html, html, after_html]),
style: 'width: 1.1em; height: 1.1em; object-fit: contain; vertical-align: middle; margin: -.2ex .15em .2ex'
def account_bio_format(account)
html_aware_format(account.note, account.local?)

View file

@ -254,8 +254,4 @@ module LanguagesHelper
def valid_locale?(locale)
locale.present? && SUPPORTED_LOCALES.key?(locale.to_sym)
def available_locale_or_nil(locale_name)
locale_name.to_sym if locale_name.present? && I18n.available_locales.include?(locale_name.to_sym)

View file

@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ module StatusesHelper
when 'private'
fa_icon 'lock fw'
when 'direct'
fa_icon 'at fw'
fa_icon 'envelope fw'

View file

export function fetchAccount(id) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
@ -782,8 +780,3 @@ export function unpinAccountFail(error) {
export const revealAccount = id => ({

View file

@ -169,7 +169,6 @@ export function submitCompose(routerHistory) {
spoiler_text: getState().getIn(['compose', 'spoiler']) ? getState().getIn(['compose', 'spoiler_text'], '') : '',
visibility: getState().getIn(['compose', 'privacy']),
poll: getState().getIn(['compose', 'poll'], null),
language: getState().getIn(['compose', 'language']),
headers: {
'Idempotency-Key': getState().getIn(['compose', 'idempotencyKey']),
@ -636,11 +635,6 @@ export function changeComposeSensitivity() {
export const changeComposeLanguage = language => ({
export function changeComposeSpoilerness() {
return {

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
import { saveSettings } from './settings';
export const useLanguage = language => dispatch => {

View file

@ -58,8 +58,7 @@ export const loadPending = () => ({
export function updateNotifications(notification, intlMessages, intlLocale) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const activeFilter = getState().getIn(['settings', 'notifications', 'quickFilter', 'active']);
const showInColumn = activeFilter === 'all' ? getState().getIn(['settings', 'notifications', 'shows', notification.type], true) : activeFilter === notification.type;
const showInColumn = getState().getIn(['settings', 'notifications', 'shows', notification.type], true);
const showAlert = getState().getIn(['settings', 'notifications', 'alerts', notification.type], true);
const playSound = getState().getIn(['settings', 'notifications', 'sounds', notification.type], true);
const filters = getFiltersRegex(getState(), { contextType: 'notifications' });

View file

@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ const messages = defineMessages({
unmute: { id: 'account.unmute', defaultMessage: 'Unmute @{name}' },
mute_notifications: { id: 'account.mute_notifications', defaultMessage: 'Mute notifications from @{name}' },
unmute_notifications: { id: 'account.unmute_notifications', defaultMessage: 'Unmute notifications from @{name}' },
mute: { id: 'account.mute', defaultMessage: 'Mute @{name}' },
block: { id: 'account.block', defaultMessage: 'Block @{name}' },
export default @injectIntl
@ -35,7 +33,6 @@ class Account extends ImmutablePureComponent {
hidden: PropTypes.bool,
actionIcon: PropTypes.string,
actionTitle: PropTypes.string,
defaultAction: PropTypes.string,
onActionClick: PropTypes.func,
@ -64,7 +61,7 @@ class Account extends ImmutablePureComponent {
render () {
const { account, intl, hidden, onActionClick, actionIcon, actionTitle, defaultAction } = this.props;
const { account, intl, hidden, onActionClick, actionIcon, actionTitle } = this.props;
if (!account) {
return <div />;
@ -108,10 +105,6 @@ class Account extends ImmutablePureComponent {
} else if (defaultAction === 'mute') {
buttons = <IconButton icon='volume-off' title={intl.formatMessage(messages.mute, { name: account.get('username') })} onClick={this.handleMute} />;
} else if (defaultAction === 'block') {
buttons = <IconButton icon='lock' title={intl.formatMessage(messages.block, { name: account.get('username') })} onClick={this.handleBlock} />;
} else if (!account.get('moved') || following) {
buttons = <IconButton icon={following ? 'user-times' : 'user-plus'} title={intl.formatMessage(following ? messages.unfollow : messages.follow)} onClick={this.handleFollow} active={following} />;

View file

@ -2,12 +2,11 @@ import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import ImmutablePropTypes from 'react-immutable-proptypes';
import { autoPlayGif } from '../initial_state';
import classNames from 'classnames';
export default class Avatar extends React.PureComponent {
static propTypes = {
size: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
style: PropTypes.object,
inline: PropTypes.bool,
@ -38,6 +37,15 @@ export default class Avatar extends React.PureComponent {
const { account, size, animate, inline } = this.props;
const { hovering } = this.state;
const src = account.get('avatar');
const staticSrc = account.get('avatar_static');
let className = 'account__avatar';
if (inline) {
className = className + ' account__avatar-inline';
const style = {,
width: `${size}px`,
@ -45,21 +53,15 @@ export default class Avatar extends React.PureComponent {
backgroundSize: `${size}px ${size}px`,
if (account) {
const src = account.get('avatar');
const staticSrc = account.get('avatar_static');
if (hovering || animate) {
style.backgroundImage = `url(${src})`;
} else {
style.backgroundImage = `url(${staticSrc})`;
if (hovering || animate) {
style.backgroundImage = `url(${src})`;
} else {
style.backgroundImage = `url(${staticSrc})`;
return (
className={classNames('account__avatar', { 'account__avatar-inline': inline })}

View file

@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ class Status extends ImmutablePureComponent {
'public': { icon: 'globe', text: intl.formatMessage(messages.public_short) },
'unlisted': { icon: 'unlock', text: intl.formatMessage(messages.unlisted_short) },
'private': { icon: 'lock', text: intl.formatMessage(messages.private_short) },
'direct': { icon: 'at', text: intl.formatMessage(messages.direct_short) },
'direct': { icon: 'envelope', text: intl.formatMessage(messages.direct_short) },
const visibilityIcon = visibilityIconInfo[status.get('visibility')];

View file

@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ class Header extends ImmutablePureComponent {
onEditAccountNote: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
domain: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
hidden: PropTypes.bool,
openEditProfile = () => {
@ -124,7 +123,7 @@ class Header extends ImmutablePureComponent {
render () {
const { account, hidden, intl, domain } = this.props;
const { account, intl, domain } = this.props;
if (!account) {
return null;
@ -268,25 +267,21 @@ class Header extends ImmutablePureComponent {
{!suspended && info}
{!(suspended || hidden) && <img src={autoPlayGif ? account.get('header') : account.get('header_static')} alt='' className='parallax' />}
<img src={autoPlayGif ? account.get('header') : account.get('header_static')} alt='' className='parallax' />
<div className='account__header__bar'>
<div className='account__header__tabs'>
<a className='avatar' href={account.get('url')} rel='noopener noreferrer' target='_blank'>
<Avatar account={suspended || hidden ? undefined : account} size={90} />
<Avatar account={account} size={90} />
<div className='spacer' />
{!suspended && (
<div className='account__header__tabs__buttons'>
{!hidden && (
<DropdownMenuContainer items={menu} icon='ellipsis-v' size={24} direction='right' />
@ -300,30 +295,30 @@ class Header extends ImmutablePureComponent {
{!(suspended || hidden) && (
<div className='account__header__extra'>
<div className='account__header__bio'>
{fields.size > 0 && (
<div className='account__header__fields'>
{, i) => (
<dl key={i}>
<dt dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: pair.get('name_emojified') }} title={pair.get('name')} className='translate' />
<div className='account__header__extra'>
<div className='account__header__bio'>
{fields.size > 0 && (
<div className='account__header__fields'>
{, i) => (
<dl key={i}>
<dt dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: pair.get('name_emojified') }} title={pair.get('name')} className='translate' />
<dd className={`${pair.get('verified_at') ? 'verified' : ''} translate`} title={pair.get('value_plain')}>
{pair.get('verified_at') && <span title={intl.formatMessage(messages.linkVerifiedOn, { date: intl.formatDate(pair.get('verified_at'), dateFormatOptions) })}><Icon id='check' className='verified__mark' /></span>} <span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: pair.get('value_emojified') }} />
<dd className={`${pair.get('verified_at') ? 'verified' : ''} translate`} title={pair.get('value_plain')}>
{pair.get('verified_at') && <span title={intl.formatMessage(messages.linkVerifiedOn, { date: intl.formatDate(pair.get('verified_at'), dateFormatOptions) })}><Icon id='check' className='verified__mark' /></span>} <span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: pair.get('value_emojified') }} />
{account.get('id') !== me && <AccountNoteContainer account={account} />}
{account.get('id') !== me && !suspended && <AccountNoteContainer account={account} />}
{account.get('note').length > 0 && account.get('note') !== '<p></p>' && <div className='account__header__content translate' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={content} />}
{account.get('note').length > 0 && account.get('note') !== '<p></p>' && <div className='account__header__content translate' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={content} />}
<div className='account__header__joined'><FormattedMessage id='account.joined' defaultMessage='Joined {date}' values={{ date: intl.formatDate(account.get('created_at'), { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: '2-digit' }) }} /></div>
<div className='account__header__joined'><FormattedMessage id='account.joined' defaultMessage='Joined {date}' values={{ date: intl.formatDate(account.get('created_at'), { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: '2-digit' }) }} /></div>
{!suspended && (
<div className='account__header__extra__links'>
<NavLink isActive={this.isStatusesPageActive} activeClassName='active' to={`/@${account.get('acct')}`} title={intl.formatNumber(account.get('statuses_count'))}>
@ -346,8 +341,8 @@ class Header extends ImmutablePureComponent {

View file

@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ export default class Header extends ImmutablePureComponent {
onAddToList: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
hideTabs: PropTypes.bool,
domain: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
hidden: PropTypes.bool,
static contextTypes = {
@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ export default class Header extends ImmutablePureComponent {
render () {
const { account, hidden, hideTabs } = this.props;
const { account, hideTabs } = this.props;
if (account === null) {
return null;
@ -100,7 +99,7 @@ export default class Header extends ImmutablePureComponent {
return (
<div className='account-timeline__header'>
{(!hidden && account.get('moved')) && <MovedNote from={account} to={account.get('moved')} />}
{account.get('moved') && <MovedNote from={account} to={account.get('moved')} />}
@ -118,10 +117,9 @@ export default class Header extends ImmutablePureComponent {
{!(hideTabs || hidden) && (
{!hideTabs && (
<div className='account__section-headline'>
<NavLink exact to={`/@${account.get('acct')}`}><FormattedMessage id='account.posts' defaultMessage='Posts' /></NavLink>
<NavLink exact to={`/@${account.get('acct')}/with_replies`}><FormattedMessage id='account.posts_with_replies' defaultMessage='Posts and replies' /></NavLink>

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { revealAccount } from 'mastodon/actions/accounts';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import Button from 'mastodon/components/button';
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, { accountId }) => ({
reveal () {
export default @connect(() => {}, mapDispatchToProps)
class LimitedAccountHint extends React.PureComponent {
static propTypes = {
accountId: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
reveal: PropTypes.func,
render () {
const { reveal } = this.props;
return (
<div className='limited-account-hint'>
<p><FormattedMessage id='limited_account_hint.title' defaultMessage='This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.' /></p>
<Button onClick={reveal}><FormattedMessage id='limited_account_hint.action' defaultMessage='Show profile anyway' /></Button>

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { makeGetAccount, getAccountHidden } from '../../../selectors';
import { makeGetAccount } from '../../../selectors';
import Header from '../components/header';
import {
@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ const makeMapStateToProps = () => {
const mapStateToProps = (state, { accountId }) => ({
account: getAccount(state, accountId),
domain: state.getIn(['meta', 'domain']),
hidden: getAccountHidden(state, accountId),
return mapStateToProps;

View file

@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ import MissingIndicator from 'mastodon/components/missing_indicator';
import TimelineHint from 'mastodon/components/timeline_hint';
import { me } from 'mastodon/initial_state';
import { connectTimeline, disconnectTimeline } from 'mastodon/actions/timelines';
import LimitedAccountHint from './components/limited_account_hint';
import { getAccountHidden } from 'mastodon/selectors';
const emptyList = ImmutableList();
@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ const mapStateToProps = (state, { params: { acct, id }, withReplies = false }) =
isLoading: state.getIn(['timelines', `account:${path}`, 'isLoading']),
hasMore: state.getIn(['timelines', `account:${path}`, 'hasMore']),
suspended: state.getIn(['accounts', accountId, 'suspended'], false),
hidden: getAccountHidden(state, accountId),
blockedBy: state.getIn(['relationships', accountId, 'blocked_by'], false),
@ -73,7 +70,6 @@ class AccountTimeline extends ImmutablePureComponent {
blockedBy: PropTypes.bool,
isAccount: PropTypes.bool,
suspended: PropTypes.bool,
hidden: PropTypes.bool,
remote: PropTypes.bool,
remoteUrl: PropTypes.string,
multiColumn: PropTypes.bool,
@ -132,7 +128,7 @@ class AccountTimeline extends ImmutablePureComponent {
render () {
const { accountId, statusIds, featuredStatusIds, isLoading, hasMore, blockedBy, suspended, isAccount, hidden, multiColumn, remote, remoteUrl } = this.props;
const { statusIds, featuredStatusIds, isLoading, hasMore, blockedBy, suspended, isAccount, multiColumn, remote, remoteUrl } = this.props;
if (!isAccount) {
return (
@ -153,12 +149,8 @@ class AccountTimeline extends ImmutablePureComponent {
let emptyMessage;
const forceEmptyState = suspended || blockedBy || hidden;
if (suspended) {
emptyMessage = <FormattedMessage id='empty_column.account_suspended' defaultMessage='Account suspended' />;
} else if (hidden) {
emptyMessage = <LimitedAccountHint accountId={accountId} />;
} else if (blockedBy) {
emptyMessage = <FormattedMessage id='empty_column.account_unavailable' defaultMessage='Profile unavailable' />;
} else if (remote && statusIds.isEmpty()) {
@ -174,14 +166,14 @@ class AccountTimeline extends ImmutablePureComponent {
<ColumnBackButton multiColumn={multiColumn} />
prepend={<HeaderContainer accountId={this.props.accountId} hideTabs={forceEmptyState} />}
prepend={<HeaderContainer accountId={this.props.accountId} />}
statusIds={forceEmptyState ? emptyList : statusIds}
statusIds={(suspended || blockedBy) ? emptyList : statusIds}
hasMore={!forceEmptyState && hasMore}

View file

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class Blocks extends ImmutablePureComponent {
{ =>
<AccountContainer key={id} id={id} defaultAction='block' />,
<AccountContainer key={id} id={id} />,

View file

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import EmojiPickerDropdown from '../containers/emoji_picker_dropdown_container';
import PollFormContainer from '../containers/poll_form_container';
import UploadFormContainer from '../containers/upload_form_container';
import WarningContainer from '../containers/warning_container';
import LanguageDropdown from '../containers/language_dropdown_container';
import { isMobile } from '../../../is_mobile';
import ImmutablePureComponent from 'react-immutable-pure-component';
import { length } from 'stringz';
@ -205,7 +204,6 @@ class ComposeForm extends ImmutablePureComponent {
render () {
const { intl, onPaste, showSearch } = this.props;
const disabled = this.props.isSubmitting;
let publishText = '';
if (this.props.isEditing) {
@ -256,7 +254,6 @@ class ComposeForm extends ImmutablePureComponent {
autoFocus={!showSearch && !isMobile(window.innerWidth)}
<EmojiPickerDropdown onPickEmoji={this.handleEmojiPick} />
<div className='compose-form__modifiers'>
<UploadFormContainer />
<PollFormContainer />
@ -269,18 +266,12 @@ class ComposeForm extends ImmutablePureComponent {
<PollButtonContainer />
<PrivacyDropdownContainer disabled={this.props.isEditing} />
<SpoilerButtonContainer />
<LanguageDropdown />
<div className='character-counter__wrapper'>
<CharacterCounter max={500} text={this.getFulltextForCharacterCounting()} />
<div className='character-counter__wrapper'><CharacterCounter max={500} text={this.getFulltextForCharacterCounting()} /></div>
<div className='compose-form__publish'>
<div className='compose-form__publish-button-wrapper'>
<Button text={publishText} onClick={this.handleSubmit} disabled={!this.canSubmit()} block />
<div className='compose-form__publish-button-wrapper'><Button text={publishText} onClick={this.handleSubmit} disabled={!this.canSubmit()} block /></div>

View file

@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { injectIntl, defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import TextIconButton from './text_icon_button';
import Overlay from 'react-overlays/lib/Overlay';
import Motion from 'mastodon/features/ui/util/optional_motion';
import spring from 'react-motion/lib/spring';
import { supportsPassiveEvents } from 'detect-passive-events';
import classNames from 'classnames';
import { languages as preloadedLanguages } from 'mastodon/initial_state';
import fuzzysort from 'fuzzysort';
const messages = defineMessages({
changeLanguage: { id: 'compose.language.change', defaultMessage: 'Change language' },
search: { id: '', defaultMessage: 'Search languages...' },
clear: { id: 'emoji_button.clear', defaultMessage: 'Clear' },
// Copied from emoji-mart for consistency with emoji picker and since
// they don't export the icons in the package
const icons = {
loupe: (
<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 20 20' width='13' height='13'>
<path d='M12.9 14.32a8 8 0 1 1 1.41-1.41l5.35 5.33-1.42 1.42-5.33-5.34zM8 14A6 6 0 1 0 8 2a6 6 0 0 0 0 12z' />
delete: (
<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 20 20' width='13' height='13'>
<path d='M10 8.586L2.929 1.515 1.515 2.929 8.586 10l-7.071 7.071 1.414 1.414L10 11.414l7.071 7.071 1.414-1.414L11.414 10l7.071-7.071-1.414-1.414L10 8.586z' />
const listenerOptions = supportsPassiveEvents ? { passive: true } : false;
class LanguageDropdownMenu extends React.PureComponent {
static propTypes = {
style: PropTypes.object,
value: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
frequentlyUsedLanguages: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).isRequired,
placement: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
onClose: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
languages: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string)),
intl: PropTypes.object,
static defaultProps = {
languages: preloadedLanguages,
state = {
mounted: false,
searchValue: '',
handleDocumentClick = e => {
if (this.node && !this.node.contains( {
componentDidMount () {
document.addEventListener('click', this.handleDocumentClick, false);
document.addEventListener('touchend', this.handleDocumentClick, listenerOptions);
this.setState({ mounted: true });
componentWillUnmount () {
document.removeEventListener('click', this.handleDocumentClick, false);
document.removeEventListener('touchend', this.handleDocumentClick, listenerOptions);
setRef = c => {
this.node = c;
setListRef = c => {
this.listNode = c;
handleSearchChange = ({ target }) => {
this.setState({ searchValue: target.value });
search () {
const { languages, value, frequentlyUsedLanguages } = this.props;
const { searchValue } = this.state;
if (searchValue === '') {
return [...languages].sort((a, b) => {
// Push current selection to the top of the list
if (a[0] === value) {
return -1;
} else if (b[0] === value) {
return 1;
} else {
// Sort according to frequently used languages
const indexOfA = frequentlyUsedLanguages.indexOf(a[0]);
const indexOfB = frequentlyUsedLanguages.indexOf(b[0]);
return ((indexOfA > -1 ? indexOfA : Infinity) - (indexOfB > -1 ? indexOfB : Infinity));
return fuzzysort.go(searchValue, languages, {
keys: ['0', '1', '2'],
limit: 5,
threshold: -10000,
}).map(result => result.obj);
frequentlyUsed () {
const { languages, value } = this.props;
const current = languages.find(lang => lang[0] === value);
const results = [];
if (current) {
return results;
handleClick = e => {
const value = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-index');
handleKeyDown = e => {
const { onClose } = this.props;
const index = Array.from(this.listNode.childNodes).findIndex(node => node === e.currentTarget);
let element = null;
switch(e.key) {
case 'Escape':
case 'Enter':
case 'ArrowDown':
element = this.listNode.childNodes[index + 1] || this.listNode.firstChild;
case 'ArrowUp':
element = this.listNode.childNodes[index - 1] || this.listNode.lastChild;
case 'Tab':
if (e.shiftKey) {
element = this.listNode.childNodes[index - 1] || this.listNode.lastChild;
} else {
element = this.listNode.childNodes[index + 1] || this.listNode.firstChild;
case 'Home':
element = this.listNode.firstChild;
case 'End':
element = this.listNode.lastChild;
if (element) {
handleSearchKeyDown = e => {
const { onChange, onClose } = this.props;
const { searchValue } = this.state;
let element = null;
switch(e.key) {
case 'Tab':
case 'ArrowDown':
element = this.listNode.firstChild;
if (element) {
case 'Enter':
element = this.listNode.firstChild;
if (element) {
case 'Escape':
if (searchValue !== '') {
handleClear = () => {
this.setState({ searchValue: '' });
renderItem = lang => {
const { value } = this.props;
return (
<div key={lang[0]} role='option' tabIndex='0' data-index={lang[0]} className={classNames('language-dropdown__dropdown__results__item', { active: lang[0] === value })} aria-selected={lang[0] === value} onClick={this.handleClick} onKeyDown={this.handleKeyDown}>
<span className='language-dropdown__dropdown__results__item__native-name'>{lang[2]}</span> <span className='language-dropdown__dropdown__results__item__common-name'>({lang[1]})</span>
render () {
const { style, placement, intl } = this.props;
const { mounted, searchValue } = this.state;
const isSearching = searchValue !== '';
const results =;
return (
<Motion defaultStyle={{ opacity: 0, scaleX: 0.85, scaleY: 0.75 }} style={{ opacity: spring(1, { damping: 35, stiffness: 400 }), scaleX: spring(1, { damping: 35, stiffness: 400 }), scaleY: spring(1, { damping: 35, stiffness: 400 }) }}>
{({ opacity, scaleX, scaleY }) => (
// It should not be transformed when mounting because the resulting
// size will be used to determine the coordinate of the menu by
// react-overlays
<div className={`language-dropdown__dropdown ${placement}`} style={{, opacity: opacity, transform: mounted ? `scale(${scaleX}, ${scaleY})` : null }} ref={this.setRef}>
<div className='emoji-mart-search'>
<input type='search' value={searchValue} onChange={this.handleSearchChange} onKeyDown={this.handleSearchKeyDown} placeholder={intl.formatMessage(} autoFocus />
<button className='emoji-mart-search-icon' disabled={!isSearching} aria-label={intl.formatMessage(messages.clear)} onClick={this.handleClear}>{!isSearching ? icons.loupe : icons.delete}</button>
<div className='language-dropdown__dropdown__results emoji-mart-scroll' role='listbox' ref={this.setListRef}>
export default @injectIntl
class LanguageDropdown extends React.PureComponent {
static propTypes = {
value: PropTypes.string,
frequentlyUsedLanguages: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),
intl: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
onChange: PropTypes.func,
onClose: PropTypes.func,
state = {
open: false,
placement: 'bottom',
handleToggle = ({ target }) => {
const { top } = target.getBoundingClientRect();
if ( && this.activeElement) {
this.activeElement.focus({ preventScroll: true });
this.setState({ placement: top * 2 < innerHeight ? 'bottom' : 'top' });
this.setState({ open: ! });
handleClose = () => {
const { value, onClose } = this.props;
if ( && this.activeElement) {
this.activeElement.focus({ preventScroll: true });
this.setState({ open: false });
handleChange = value => {
const { onChange } = this.props;
render () {
const { value, intl, frequentlyUsedLanguages } = this.props;
const { open, placement } = this.state;
return (
<div className={classNames('privacy-dropdown', { active: open })}>
<div className='privacy-dropdown__value'>
label={value && value.toUpperCase()}
<Overlay show={open} placement={placement} target={this}>

View file

@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ export default class TextIconButton extends React.PureComponent {
ariaControls: PropTypes.string,
handleClick = (e) => {
render () {
const { label, title, active, ariaControls } = this.props;
@ -26,7 +31,7 @@ export default class TextIconButton extends React.PureComponent {
className={`text-icon-button ${active ? 'active' : ''}`}
aria-controls={ariaControls} style={iconStyle}

View file

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import LanguageDropdown from '../components/language_dropdown';
import { changeComposeLanguage } from 'mastodon/actions/compose';
import { useLanguage } from 'mastodon/actions/languages';
import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
import { Map as ImmutableMap } from 'immutable';
const getFrequentlyUsedLanguages = createSelector([
state => state.getIn(['settings', 'frequentlyUsedLanguages'], ImmutableMap()),
], languageCounters => (
.sort((a, b) => languageCounters.get(a) - languageCounters.get(b))
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
frequentlyUsedLanguages: getFrequentlyUsedLanguages(state),
value: state.getIn(['compose', 'language']),
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
onChange (value) {
onClose (value) {
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(LanguageDropdown);

View file

@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ describe('emoji', () => {
it('works with unclosed tags', () => {
it('works with unclosed shortcodes', () => {
@ -22,23 +22,23 @@ describe('emoji', () => {
it('does unicode', () => {
'<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="👩‍👩‍👦‍👦" title=":woman-woman-boy-boy:" src="/emoji/1f469-200d-1f469-200d-1f466-200d-1f466.svg">');
'<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="👩‍👩‍👦‍👦" title=":woman-woman-boy-boy:" src="/emoji/1f469-200d-1f469-200d-1f466-200d-1f466.svg" />');
'<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="👨‍👩‍👧‍👧" title=":man-woman-girl-girl:" src="/emoji/1f468-200d-1f469-200d-1f467-200d-1f467.svg">');
expect(emojify('👩‍👩‍👦')).toEqual('<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="👩‍👩‍👦" title=":woman-woman-boy:" src="/emoji/1f469-200d-1f469-200d-1f466.svg">');
'<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="👨‍👩‍👧‍👧" title=":man-woman-girl-girl:" src="/emoji/1f468-200d-1f469-200d-1f467-200d-1f467.svg" />');
expect(emojify('👩‍👩‍👦')).toEqual('<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="👩‍👩‍👦" title=":woman-woman-boy:" src="/emoji/1f469-200d-1f469-200d-1f466.svg" />');
'<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="❗" title=":exclamation:" src="/emoji/2757.svg">');
'<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="❗" title=":exclamation:" src="/emoji/2757.svg" />');
it('does multiple unicode', () => {
expect(emojify('\u2757 #\uFE0F\u20E3')).toEqual(
'<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="❗" title=":exclamation:" src="/emoji/2757.svg"> <img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="#️⃣" title=":hash:" src="/emoji/23-20e3.svg">');
'<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="❗" title=":exclamation:" src="/emoji/2757.svg" /> <img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="#️⃣" title=":hash:" src="/emoji/23-20e3.svg" />');
'<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="❗" title=":exclamation:" src="/emoji/2757.svg"><img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="#️⃣" title=":hash:" src="/emoji/23-20e3.svg">');
'<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="❗" title=":exclamation:" src="/emoji/2757.svg" /><img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="#️⃣" title=":hash:" src="/emoji/23-20e3.svg" />');
expect(emojify('\u2757 #\uFE0F\u20E3 \u2757')).toEqual(
'<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="❗" title=":exclamation:" src="/emoji/2757.svg"> <img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="#️⃣" title=":hash:" src="/emoji/23-20e3.svg"> <img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="❗" title=":exclamation:" src="/emoji/2757.svg">');
'<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="❗" title=":exclamation:" src="/emoji/2757.svg" /> <img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="#️⃣" title=":hash:" src="/emoji/23-20e3.svg" /> <img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="❗" title=":exclamation:" src="/emoji/2757.svg" />');
expect(emojify('foo \u2757 #\uFE0F\u20E3 bar')).toEqual(
'foo <img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="❗" title=":exclamation:" src="/emoji/2757.svg"> <img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="#️⃣" title=":hash:" src="/emoji/23-20e3.svg"> bar');
'foo <img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="❗" title=":exclamation:" src="/emoji/2757.svg" /> <img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="#️⃣" title=":hash:" src="/emoji/23-20e3.svg" /> bar');
it('ignores unicode inside of tags', () => {
@ -46,16 +46,16 @@ describe('emoji', () => {
it('does multiple emoji properly (issue 5188)', () => {
expect(emojify('👌🌈💕')).toEqual('<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="👌" title=":ok_hand:" src="/emoji/1f44c.svg"><img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="🌈" title=":rainbow:" src="/emoji/1f308.svg"><img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="💕" title=":two_hearts:" src="/emoji/1f495.svg">');
expect(emojify('👌 🌈 💕')).toEqual('<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="👌" title=":ok_hand:" src="/emoji/1f44c.svg"> <img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="🌈" title=":rainbow:" src="/emoji/1f308.svg"> <img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="💕" title=":two_hearts:" src="/emoji/1f495.svg">');
expect(emojify('👌🌈💕')).toEqual('<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="👌" title=":ok_hand:" src="/emoji/1f44c.svg" /><img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="🌈" title=":rainbow:" src="/emoji/1f308.svg" /><img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="💕" title=":two_hearts:" src="/emoji/1f495.svg" />');
expect(emojify('👌 🌈 💕')).toEqual('<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="👌" title=":ok_hand:" src="/emoji/1f44c.svg" /> <img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="🌈" title=":rainbow:" src="/emoji/1f308.svg" /> <img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="💕" title=":two_hearts:" src="/emoji/1f495.svg" />');
it('does an emoji that has no shortcode', () => {
expect(emojify('👁‍🗨')).toEqual('<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="👁‍🗨" title="" src="/emoji/1f441-200d-1f5e8.svg">');
expect(emojify('👁‍🗨')).toEqual('<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="👁‍🗨" title="" src="/emoji/1f441-200d-1f5e8.svg" />');
it('does an emoji whose filename is irregular', () => {
expect(emojify('↙️')).toEqual('<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="↙️" title=":arrow_lower_left:" src="/emoji/2199.svg">');
expect(emojify('↙️')).toEqual('<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="↙️" title=":arrow_lower_left:" src="/emoji/2199.svg" />');
it('avoid emojifying on invisible text', () => {
@ -67,26 +67,26 @@ describe('emoji', () => {
it('avoid emojifying on invisible text with nested tags', () => {
expect(emojify('<span class="invisible">😄<span class="foo">bar</span>😴</span>😇'))
.toEqual('<span class="invisible">😄<span class="foo">bar</span>😴</span><img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="😇" title=":innocent:" src="/emoji/1f607.svg">');
.toEqual('<span class="invisible">😄<span class="foo">bar</span>😴</span><img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="😇" title=":innocent:" src="/emoji/1f607.svg" />');
expect(emojify('<span class="invisible">😄<span class="invisible">😕</span>😴</span>😇'))
.toEqual('<span class="invisible">😄<span class="invisible">😕</span>😴</span><img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="😇" title=":innocent:" src="/emoji/1f607.svg">');
expect(emojify('<span class="invisible">😄<br>😴</span>😇'))
.toEqual('<span class="invisible">😄<br>😴</span><img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="😇" title=":innocent:" src="/emoji/1f607.svg">');
.toEqual('<span class="invisible">😄<span class="invisible">😕</span>😴</span><img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="😇" title=":innocent:" src="/emoji/1f607.svg" />');
expect(emojify('<span class="invisible">😄<br/>😴</span>😇'))
.toEqual('<span class="invisible">😄<br/>😴</span><img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="😇" title=":innocent:" src="/emoji/1f607.svg" />');
it('skips the textual presentation VS15 character', () => {
expect(emojify('✴︎')) // This is U+2734 EIGHT POINTED BLACK STAR then U+FE0E VARIATION SELECTOR-15
.toEqual('<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="✴" title=":eight_pointed_black_star:" src="/emoji/2734_border.svg">');
.toEqual('<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="✴" title=":eight_pointed_black_star:" src="/emoji/2734_border.svg" />');
it('does an simple emoji properly', () => {
.toEqual('<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="♀" title=":female_sign:" src="/emoji/2640.svg"><img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="♂" title=":male_sign:" src="/emoji/2642.svg">');
.toEqual('<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="♀" title=":female_sign:" src="/emoji/2640.svg" /><img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="♂" title=":male_sign:" src="/emoji/2642.svg" />');
it('does an emoji containing ZWJ properly', () => {
.toEqual('<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="💂\u200D♀" title=":female-guard:" src="/emoji/1f482-200d-2640-fe0f_border.svg"><img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="💂\u200D♂" title=":male-guard:" src="/emoji/1f482-200d-2642-fe0f_border.svg">');
.toEqual('<img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="💂\u200D♀" title=":female-guard:" src="/emoji/1f482-200d-2640-fe0f_border.svg" /><img draggable="false" class="emojione" alt="💂\u200D♂" title=":male-guard:" src="/emoji/1f482-200d-2642-fe0f_border.svg" />');

View file

@ -19,26 +19,15 @@ const emojiFilename = (filename) => {
return borderedEmoji.includes(filename) ? (filename + '_border') : filename;
const domParser = new DOMParser();
const emojifyTextNode = (node, customEmojis) => {
let str = node.textContent;
const fragment = new DocumentFragment();
const emojify = (str, customEmojis = {}) => {
const tagCharsWithoutEmojis = '<&';
const tagCharsWithEmojis = Object.keys(customEmojis).length ? '<&:' : '<&';
let rtn = '', tagChars = tagCharsWithEmojis, invisible = 0;
for (;;) {
let match, i = 0;
if (customEmojis === null) {
while (i < str.length && !(match = {
i += str.codePointAt(i) < 65536 ? 1 : 2;
} else {
while (i < str.length && str[i] !== ':' && !(match = {
i += str.codePointAt(i) < 65536 ? 1 : 2;
let match, i = 0, tag;
while (i < str.length && (tag = tagChars.indexOf(str[i])) === -1 && (invisible || !(match = {
i += str.codePointAt(i) < 65536 ? 1 : 2;
let rend, replacement = '';
if (i === str.length) {
@ -46,6 +35,8 @@ const emojifyTextNode = (node, customEmojis) => {
if (!(() => {
rend = str.indexOf(':', i + 1) + 1;
if (!rend) return false; // no pair of ':'
const lt = str.indexOf('<', i + 1);
if (!(lt === -1 || lt >= rend)) return false; // tag appeared before closing ':'
const shortname = str.slice(i, rend);
// now got a replacee as ':shortname:'
// if you want additional emoji handler, add statements below which set replacement and return true.
@ -56,6 +47,29 @@ const emojifyTextNode = (node, customEmojis) => {
return false;
})()) rend = ++i;
} else if (tag >= 0) { // <, &
rend = str.indexOf('>;'[tag], i + 1) + 1;
if (!rend) {
if (tag === 0) {
if (invisible) {
if (str[i + 1] === '/') { // closing tag
if (!--invisible) {
tagChars = tagCharsWithEmojis;
} else if (str[rend - 2] !== '/') { // opening tag
} else {
if (str.startsWith('<span class="invisible">', i)) {
// avoid emojifying on invisible text
invisible = 1;
tagChars = tagCharsWithoutEmojis;
i = rend;
} else { // matched to unicode emoji
const { filename, shortCode } = unicodeMapping[match];
const title = shortCode ? `:${shortCode}:` : '';
@ -66,43 +80,10 @@ const emojifyTextNode = (node, customEmojis) => {
rend += 1;
fragment.append(document.createTextNode(str.slice(0, i)));
if (replacement) {
fragment.append(domParser.parseFromString(replacement, 'text/html').documentElement.getElementsByTagName('img')[0]);
node.textContent = str.slice(0, i);
rtn += str.slice(0, i) + replacement;
str = str.slice(rend);
node.parentElement.replaceChild(fragment, node);
const emojifyNode = (node, customEmojis) => {
for (const child of node.childNodes) {
switch(child.nodeType) {
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
emojifyTextNode(child, customEmojis);
if (!child.classList.contains('invisible'))
emojifyNode(child, customEmojis);
const emojify = (str, customEmojis = {}) => {
const wrapper = document.createElement('div');
wrapper.innerHTML = str;
if (!Object.keys(customEmojis).length)
customEmojis = null;
emojifyNode(wrapper, customEmojis);
return wrapper.innerHTML;
return rtn + str;
export default emojify;

View file

@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ import ColumnBackButton from '../../components/column_back_button';
import ScrollableList from '../../components/scrollable_list';
import MissingIndicator from 'mastodon/components/missing_indicator';
import TimelineHint from 'mastodon/components/timeline_hint';
import LimitedAccountHint from '../account_timeline/components/limited_account_hint';
import { getAccountHidden } from 'mastodon/selectors';
const mapStateToProps = (state, { params: { acct, id } }) => {
const accountId = id || state.getIn(['accounts_map', acct]);
@ -39,8 +37,6 @@ const mapStateToProps = (state, { params: { acct, id } }) => {
accountIds: state.getIn(['user_lists', 'followers', accountId, 'items']),
hasMore: !!state.getIn(['user_lists', 'followers', accountId, 'next']),
isLoading: state.getIn(['user_lists', 'followers', accountId, 'isLoading'], true),
suspended: state.getIn(['accounts', accountId, 'suspended'], false),
hidden: getAccountHidden(state, accountId),
blockedBy: state.getIn(['relationships', accountId, 'blocked_by'], false),
@ -68,8 +64,6 @@ class Followers extends ImmutablePureComponent {
isLoading: PropTypes.bool,
blockedBy: PropTypes.bool,
isAccount: PropTypes.bool,
suspended: PropTypes.bool,
hidden: PropTypes.bool,
remote: PropTypes.bool,
remoteUrl: PropTypes.string,
multiColumn: PropTypes.bool,
@ -107,7 +101,7 @@ class Followers extends ImmutablePureComponent {
}, 300, { leading: true });
render () {
const { accountId, accountIds, hasMore, blockedBy, isAccount, multiColumn, isLoading, suspended, hidden, remote, remoteUrl } = this.props;
const { accountIds, hasMore, blockedBy, isAccount, multiColumn, isLoading, remote, remoteUrl } = this.props;
if (!isAccount) {
return (
@ -127,13 +121,7 @@ class Followers extends ImmutablePureComponent {
let emptyMessage;
const forceEmptyState = blockedBy || suspended || hidden;
if (suspended) {
emptyMessage = <FormattedMessage id='empty_column.account_suspended' defaultMessage='Account suspended' />;
} else if (hidden) {
emptyMessage = <LimitedAccountHint accountId={accountId} />;
} else if (blockedBy) {
if (blockedBy) {
emptyMessage = <FormattedMessage id='empty_column.account_unavailable' defaultMessage='Profile unavailable' />;
} else if (remote && accountIds.isEmpty()) {
emptyMessage = <RemoteHint url={remoteUrl} />;
@ -149,7 +137,7 @@ class Followers extends ImmutablePureComponent {
hasMore={!forceEmptyState && hasMore}
prepend={<HeaderContainer accountId={this.props.accountId} hideTabs />}
@ -158,7 +146,7 @@ class Followers extends ImmutablePureComponent {
{forceEmptyState ? [] : =>
{blockedBy ? [] : =>
<AccountContainer key={id} id={id} withNote={false} />,

View file

@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ import ColumnBackButton from '../../components/column_back_button';
import ScrollableList from '../../components/scrollable_list';
import MissingIndicator from 'mastodon/components/missing_indicator';
import TimelineHint from 'mastodon/components/timeline_hint';
import LimitedAccountHint from '../account_timeline/components/limited_account_hint';
import { getAccountHidden } from 'mastodon/selectors';
const mapStateToProps = (state, { params: { acct, id } }) => {
const accountId = id || state.getIn(['accounts_map', acct]);
@ -39,8 +37,6 @@ const mapStateToProps = (state, { params: { acct, id } }) => {
accountIds: state.getIn(['user_lists', 'following', accountId, 'items']),
hasMore: !!state.getIn(['user_lists', 'following', accountId, 'next']),
isLoading: state.getIn(['user_lists', 'following', accountId, 'isLoading'], true),
suspended: state.getIn(['accounts', accountId, 'suspended'], false),
hidden: getAccountHidden(state, accountId),
blockedBy: state.getIn(['relationships', accountId, 'blocked_by'], false),
@ -68,8 +64,6 @@ class Following extends ImmutablePureComponent {
isLoading: PropTypes.bool,
blockedBy: PropTypes.bool,
isAccount: PropTypes.bool,
suspended: PropTypes.bool,
hidden: PropTypes.bool,
remote: PropTypes.bool,
remoteUrl: PropTypes.string,
multiColumn: PropTypes.bool,
@ -107,7 +101,7 @@ class Following extends ImmutablePureComponent {
}, 300, { leading: true });
render () {
const { accountId, accountIds, hasMore, blockedBy, isAccount, multiColumn, isLoading, suspended, hidden, remote, remoteUrl } = this.props;
const { accountIds, hasMore, blockedBy, isAccount, multiColumn, isLoading, remote, remoteUrl } = this.props;
if (!isAccount) {
return (
@ -127,13 +121,7 @@ class Following extends ImmutablePureComponent {
let emptyMessage;
const forceEmptyState = blockedBy || suspended || hidden;
if (suspended) {
emptyMessage = <FormattedMessage id='empty_column.account_suspended' defaultMessage='Account suspended' />;
} else if (hidden) {
emptyMessage = <LimitedAccountHint accountId={accountId} />;
} else if (blockedBy) {
if (blockedBy) {
emptyMessage = <FormattedMessage id='empty_column.account_unavailable' defaultMessage='Profile unavailable' />;
} else if (remote && accountIds.isEmpty()) {
emptyMessage = <RemoteHint url={remoteUrl} />;
@ -149,7 +137,7 @@ class Following extends ImmutablePureComponent {
hasMore={!forceEmptyState && hasMore}
prepend={<HeaderContainer accountId={this.props.accountId} hideTabs />}
@ -158,7 +146,7 @@ class Following extends ImmutablePureComponent {
{forceEmptyState ? [] : =>
{blockedBy ? [] : =>
<AccountContainer key={id} id={id} withNote={false} />,

View file

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class Mutes extends ImmutablePureComponent {
{ =>
<AccountContainer key={id} id={id} defaultAction='mute' />,
<AccountContainer key={id} id={id} />,

View file

@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ class DetailedStatus extends ImmutablePureComponent {
'public': { icon: 'globe', text: intl.formatMessage(messages.public_short) },
'unlisted': { icon: 'unlock', text: intl.formatMessage(messages.unlisted_short) },
'private': { icon: 'lock', text: intl.formatMessage(messages.private_short) },
'direct': { icon: 'at', text: intl.formatMessage(messages.direct_short) },
'direct': { icon: 'envelope', text: intl.formatMessage(messages.direct_short) },
const visibilityIcon = visibilityIconInfo[status.get('visibility')];

View file

@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class BoostModal extends ImmutablePureComponent {
'public': { icon: 'globe', text: intl.formatMessage(messages.public_short) },
'unlisted': { icon: 'unlock', text: intl.formatMessage(messages.unlisted_short) },
'private': { icon: 'lock', text: intl.formatMessage(messages.private_short) },
'direct': { icon: 'at', text: intl.formatMessage(messages.direct_short) },
'direct': { icon: 'envelope', text: intl.formatMessage(messages.direct_short) },
const visibilityIcon = visibilityIconInfo[status.get('visibility')];

View file

@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ class ColumnsArea extends ImmutablePureComponent {
<div className={`columns-area__panels__main ${floatingActionButton && 'with-fab'}`}>
<div className='columns-area__panels__main'>
<TabsBar key='tabs' />

View file

@ -27,6 +27,5 @@ export const showTrends = getMeta('trends');
export const title = getMeta('title');
export const cropImages = getMeta('crop_images');
export const disableSwiping = getMeta('disable_swiping');
export const languages = initialState && initialState.languages;
export default initialState;

View file

@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
"account.followers_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Follower} other {{counter} Followers}}",
"account.following": "Following",
"account.following_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Following} other {{counter} Following}}",
"account.follows.empty": "Die gebruiker volg nie tans iemand nie.",
"account.follows.empty": "This user doesn't follow anyone yet.",
"account.follows_you": "Volg jou",
"account.hide_reblogs": "Versteek hupstoot vanaf @{name}",
"account.joined": "{date} aangesluit",
"account.link_verified_on": "Eienaarskap van die skakel was getoets op {date}",
"account.locked_info": "Die rekening se privaatheidstatus is gesluit. Die eienaar hersien handmatig wie hom/haar kan volg.",
"account.locked_info": "This account privacy status is set to locked. The owner manually reviews who can follow them.",
"": "Media",
"account.mention": "Noem @{name}",
"account.moved_to": "{name} is geskuif na:",
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
"account.unblock_domain": "Ontblok domein {domain}",
"account.unblock_short": "Ontblok",
"account.unendorse": "Moenie beklemtoon op profiel nie",
"account.unfollow": "Ontvolg",
"account.unfollow": "Unfollow",
"account.unmute": "Ontdemp @{name}",
"account.unmute_notifications": "Ontdemp kennisgewings vanaf @{name}",
"account.unmute_short": "Ontdemp",
@ -57,58 +57,56 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Rate limited",
"alert.unexpected.message": "An unexpected error occurred.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Oops!",
"announcement.announcement": "Aankondiging",
"announcement.announcement": "Announcement",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(unprocessed)",
"autosuggest_hashtag.per_week": "{count} per week",
"boost_modal.combo": "You can press {combo} to skip this next time",
"bundle_column_error.body": "Something went wrong while loading this component.",
"bundle_column_error.retry": "Probeer weer",
"bundle_column_error.title": "Netwerk fout",
"bundle_column_error.retry": "Try again",
"bundle_column_error.title": "Network error",
"bundle_modal_error.close": "Close",
"bundle_modal_error.message": "Iets het verkeerd gegaan terwyl hierdie komponent besig was om te laai.",
"bundle_modal_error.retry": "Probeer weer",
"bundle_modal_error.message": "Something went wrong while loading this component.",
"bundle_modal_error.retry": "Try again",
"column.blocks": "Blocked users",
"column.bookmarks": "Boekmerke",
"": "Plaaslike tydlyn",
"": "Direkte boodskappe",
"": "Blaai deur profiele",
"column.domain_blocks": "Geblokte domeine",
"column.favourites": "Gunstelinge",
"column.follow_requests": "Volgversoeke",
"column.home": "Tuis",
"column.lists": "Lyste",
"column.mutes": "Gedempte gebruikers",
"column.notifications": "Kennisgewings",
"column.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"": "Local timeline",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Browse profiles",
"column.domain_blocks": "Blocked domains",
"column.favourites": "Favourites",
"column.follow_requests": "Follow requests",
"column.home": "Home",
"column.lists": "Lists",
"column.mutes": "Muted users",
"column.notifications": "Notifications",
"column.pins": "Pinned toot",
"column.public": "Gefedereerde tydlyn",
"column_back_button.label": "Terug",
"column_header.hide_settings": "Versteek instellings",
"column_header.moveLeft_settings": "Skuif kolom na links",
"column_header.moveRight_settings": "Skuif kolom na regs",
"": "Pen vas",
"column_header.show_settings": "Wys instellings",
"column_header.unpin": "Ontpen",
"column_subheading.settings": "Instellings",
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Slegs plaaslik",
"column.public": "Federated timeline",
"column_back_button.label": "Back",
"column_header.hide_settings": "Hide settings",
"column_header.moveLeft_settings": "Move column to the left",
"column_header.moveRight_settings": "Move column to the right",
"": "Pin",
"column_header.show_settings": "Show settings",
"column_header.unpin": "Unpin",
"column_subheading.settings": "Settings",
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Local only",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Media only",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Slegs afgeleë",
"compose.language.change": "Verander taal",
"": "Soek tale...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Leer meer",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Plasings op Mastodon het nie end-tot-end enkripsie nie. Moet nie enige gevaarlike inligting oor Mastodon deel nie.",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Remote only",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Learn more",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "This toot won't be listed under any hashtag as it is unlisted. Only public toots can be searched by hashtag.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "Your account is not {locked}. Anyone can follow you to view your follower-only posts.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "gesluit",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "locked",
"compose_form.placeholder": "What is on your mind?",
"compose_form.poll.add_option": "Voeg 'n keuse by",
"compose_form.poll.duration": "Duur van peiling",
"compose_form.poll.option_placeholder": "Keuse {number}",
"compose_form.poll.remove_option": "Verwyder hierdie keuse",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_multiple": "Verander die peiling na verskeie keuses",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_single": "Verander die peiling na 'n enkel keuse",
"compose_form.publish": "Toet",
"compose_form.poll.add_option": "Add a choice",
"compose_form.poll.duration": "Poll duration",
"compose_form.poll.option_placeholder": "Choice {number}",
"compose_form.poll.remove_option": "Remove this choice",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_multiple": "Change poll to allow multiple choices",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_single": "Change poll to allow for a single choice",
"compose_form.publish": "Toot",
"compose_form.publish_loud": "{publish}!",
"compose_form.save_changes": "Stoor veranderinge",
"compose_form.save_changes": "Save changes",
"compose_form.sensitive.hide": "{count, plural, one {Mark media as sensitive} other {Mark media as sensitive}}",
"compose_form.sensitive.marked": "{count, plural, one {Media is marked as sensitive} other {Media is marked as sensitive}}",
"compose_form.sensitive.unmarked": "{count, plural, one {Media is not marked as sensitive} other {Media is not marked as sensitive}}",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Embed this status on your website by copying the code below.",
"embed.preview": "Here is what it will look like:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Activity",
"emoji_button.clear": "Maak skoon",
"emoji_button.custom": "Custom",
"emoji_button.flags": "Flags",
"": "Food & Drink",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "You haven't blocked any users yet.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "You don't have any bookmarked toots yet. When you bookmark one, it will show up here.",
"": "The local timeline is empty. Write something publicly to get the ball rolling!",
"": "Jy het nog nie direkte boodskappe nie. Wanneer jy een stuur of ontvang, sal dit hier verskyn.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "There are no blocked domains yet.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "You don't have any favourite toots yet. When you favourite one, it will show up here.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "to boost",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "to focus a status in one of the columns",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "to focus the compose textarea",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Description",
"": "om direkte boodskappe kolom oop te maak",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "to move down in the list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "to open status",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "to favourite",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Expand image view box",
"": "Next",
"lightbox.previous": "Previous",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Vertoon profiel in elkgeval",
"limited_account_hint.title": "Hierdie profiel is deur moderators van jou bediener versteek.",
"lists.account.add": "Add to list",
"lists.account.remove": "Remove from list",
"lists.delete": "Delete list",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Local timeline",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Compose new toot",
"": "Direkte boodskappe",
"": "Discover",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Edit profile",
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Remove poll",
"privacy.change": "Adjust status privacy",
"": "Visible for mentioned users only",
"": "Slegs genoemde persone",
"": "Direct",
"privacy.private.long": "Visible for followers only",
"privacy.private.short": "Followers-only",
"privacy.public.long": "Visible for all",

View file

@ -70,17 +70,17 @@
"column.blocks": "المُستَخدِمون المَحظورون",
"column.bookmarks": "الفواصل المرجعية",
"": "الخيط الزمني المحلي",
"": "الرسائل المباشِرة",
"column.conversations": "المحادثات",
"": "تَصَفُّحُ المَلفات الشخصية",
"column.domain_blocks": "النطاقات المحظورة",
"column.domain_blocks": "النِّطاقَاتُ المَحظُورَة",
"column.favourites": "المُفَضَّلَة",
"column.follow_requests": لبات المتابعة",
"column.follow_requests": َلَبَاتُ المُتَابَعَة",
"column.home": "الرئيسية",
"column.lists": "القوائم",
"column.mutes": "المُستَخدِمون المَكتومون",
"column.notifications": "الإشعارات",
"column.pins": "المنشورات المُثَبَّتَة",
"column.public": "الخيط الزمني المُوَحَّد",
"column.public": "الخَطُّ الزَّمَنِيُّ المُوَحَّد",
"column_back_button.label": "العودة",
"column_header.hide_settings": "إخفاء الإعدادات",
"column_header.moveLeft_settings": "نقل العامود إلى اليسار",
@ -92,10 +92,8 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "المحلي فقط",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "الوسائط فقط",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "عن بُعد فقط",
"compose.language.change": "تغيير اللغة",
"": "البحث عن لغة…",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "تَعَلَّم المَزيد",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "إنّ المنشورات على ماستدون ليست مشفرة من النهاية إلى النهاية. لا تشارك أي معلومات حساسة عبر ماستدون.",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "لن يُدرَج هذا المنشور تحت أي وسم بما أنَّه غير مُدرَج. فقط المنشورات العامة يُمكن البحث عنها بواسطة الوسم.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "حسابُك غير {locked}. يُمكن لأي شخص مُتابعتك لرؤية (منشورات المتابعين فقط).",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "مُقفَل",
@ -106,7 +104,7 @@
"compose_form.poll.remove_option": "إزالة هذا الخيار",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_multiple": "تغيِير الاستطلاع للسماح باِخيارات مُتعدِّدة",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_single": "تغيِير الاستطلاع للسماح باِخيار واحد فقط",
"compose_form.publish": "بوّق",
"compose_form.publish": "تبويق",
"compose_form.publish_loud": "{publish}!",
"compose_form.save_changes": "احفظ التعديلات",
"compose_form.sensitive.hide": "{count, plural, one {الإشارة إلى الوَسط كمُحتوى حسّاس} two{الإشارة إلى الوسطان كمُحتويان حسّاسان} other {الإشارة إلى الوسائط كمُحتويات حسّاسة}}",
@ -132,7 +130,7 @@
"confirmations.mute.confirm": "أكتم",
"confirmations.mute.explanation": "هذا سيخفي المنشورات عنهم وتلك المشار فيها إليهم، لكنه سيسمح لهم برؤية منشوراتك ومتابعتك.",
"confirmations.mute.message": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد كتم {name} ؟",
"confirmations.redraft.confirm": "إزالة وإعادة الصياغة",
"confirmations.redraft.confirm": "إزالة و إعادة الصياغة",
"confirmations.redraft.message": "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد حذف هذا المنشور و إعادة صياغته؟ سوف تفقد جميع الإعجابات و الترقيات أما الردود المتصلة به فستُصبِح يتيمة.",
"confirmations.reply.confirm": "رد",
"confirmations.reply.message": "الرد في الحين سوف يُعيد كتابة الرسالة التي أنت بصدد كتابتها. متأكد من أنك تريد المواصلة؟",
@ -149,13 +147,12 @@
"embed.instructions": "يمكنكم إدماج هذا المنشور على موقعكم الإلكتروني عن طريق نسخ الشفرة أدناه.",
"embed.preview": "هكذا ما سوف يبدو عليه:",
"emoji_button.activity": "الأنشطة",
"emoji_button.clear": "امسح",
"emoji_button.custom": "مخصص",
"emoji_button.flags": "الأعلام",
"": "الطعام والشراب",
"emoji_button.label": "أدرج إيموجي",
"emoji_button.nature": "الطبيعة",
"emoji_button.not_found": "لا توجد هناك وجوه تعبيرية مطابقة",
"emoji_button.not_found": "لا إيموجو!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻",
"emoji_button.objects": "أشياء",
"emoji_button.people": "الناس",
"emoji_button.recent": "الشائعة الاستخدام",
@ -169,9 +166,9 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "لم تقم بحظر أي مستخدِم بعد.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "ليس لديك أية منشورات في الفواصل المرجعية بعد. عندما ستقوم بإضافة البعض منها، ستظهر هنا.",
"": "الخط العام المحلي فارغ. أكتب شيئا ما للعامة كبداية!",
"": "لم تتلق أية رسالة خاصة مباشِرة بعد. سوف يتم عرض الرسائل المباشرة هنا إن قمت بإرسال واحدة أو تلقيت البعض منها.",
"empty_column.conversations": "عندما ترسل أو تستلم منشورًا محصورٌا على الأشخاص المشار إليهم فيه، سيظهر هنا.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "ليس هناك نطاقات مخفية بعد.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "ليس هناك ما هو متداوَل الآن. عد في وقت لاحق!",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "ليس لديك أية منشورات مفضلة بعد. عندما ستقوم بالإعجاب بواحدة، ستظهر هنا.",
"empty_column.favourites": "لم يقم أي أحد بالإعجاب بهذا المنشور بعد. عندما يقوم أحدهم بذلك سوف يظهر هنا.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "يبدو أنه لا يمكن إنشاء أي اقتراحات لك. يمكنك البحث عن أشخاص قد تعرفهم أو استكشاف الوسوم الرائجة.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "للترقية",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "للتركيز على منشور على أحد الأعمدة",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "للتركيز على نافذة تحرير النصوص",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "لفتح عمود المحادثات",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "الوصف",
"": "لفتح عمود الرسائل المباشرة",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "للانتقال إلى أسفل القائمة",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "لفتح المنشور",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "للإضافة إلى المفضلة",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "توسيع مربع عرض الصور",
"": "التالي",
"lightbox.previous": "العودة",
"limited_account_hint.action": "إظهار الملف التعريفي على أي حال",
"limited_account_hint.title": "أخف مشرف الخادم هذا الملف التعريفي.",
"lists.account.add": "أضف إلى القائمة",
"lists.account.remove": "احذف من القائمة",
"lists.delete": "احذف القائمة",
@ -283,8 +278,8 @@
"": "إبحث في قائمة الحسابات التي تُتابِعها",
"lists.subheading": "قوائمك",
"load_pending": "{count, plural, one {# عنصر جديد} other {# عناصر جديدة}}",
"loading_indicator.label": "جارٍ التحميل…",
"media_gallery.toggle_visible": "{number, plural, zero {} one {اخف الصورة} two {اخف الصورتين} few {اخف الصور} many {اخف الصور} other {اخف الصور}}",
"loading_indicator.label": "تحميل...",
"media_gallery.toggle_visible": "عرض / إخفاء",
"missing_indicator.label": "غير موجود",
"missing_indicator.sublabel": "تعذر العثور على هذا المورد",
"mute_modal.duration": "المدة",
@ -293,11 +288,10 @@
"navigation_bar.apps": "تطبيقات الأجهزة المحمولة",
"navigation_bar.blocks": "الحسابات المحجوبة",
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "الفواصل المرجعية",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "الخيط المحلي",
"navigation_bar.compose": "تحرير منشور جديد",
"": "الرسائل المباشِرة",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "الخيط العام المحلي",
"navigation_bar.compose": "لتحرير منشور جديد",
"": "اكتشف",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "النطاقات المحظورة",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "النطاقات المخفية",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "عدّل الملف التعريفي",
"navigation_bar.explore": "استكشف",
"navigation_bar.favourites": "المفضلة",
@ -371,13 +365,13 @@
"poll_button.add_poll": "إضافة استطلاع للرأي",
"poll_button.remove_poll": "إزالة استطلاع الرأي",
"privacy.change": "اضبط خصوصية المنشور",
"": "مرئي للمستخدمين المذكورين فقط",
"": "الأشخاص المشار إليهم فقط",
"": "أنشر إلى المستخدمين المشار إليهم فقط",
"": "للمشار إليهم فقط",
"privacy.private.long": "أنشر لمتابعيك فقط",
"privacy.private.short": "للمتابِعين فقط",
"privacy.public.long": "مرئي للكل",
"privacy.public.short": "للعامة",
"privacy.unlisted.long": "مرئي للجميع، ولكن مِن دون ميزات الاكتشاف",
"privacy.unlisted.long": "Visible for all, but opted-out of discovery features",
"privacy.unlisted.short": "غير مدرج",
"refresh": "أنعِش",
"regeneration_indicator.label": "جارٍ التحميل…",
@ -399,8 +393,8 @@
"report.categories.other": "أخرى",
"report.categories.spam": "مزعج",
"report.categories.violation": "المحتوى ينتهك شرطا أو عدة شروط استخدام للخادم",
"report.category.subtitle": "اختر أفضل تطابق",
"report.category.title": "وضح لنا ما أمر {type}",
"report.category.subtitle": "Choose the best match",
"report.category.title": "Tell us what's going on with this {type}",
"report.category.title_account": "ملف تعريفي",
"report.category.title_status": "منشور",
"report.close": "تم",
@ -416,16 +410,16 @@
"report.reasons.other": "شيء آخر",
"report.reasons.other_description": "لا تندرج هذه المشكلة ضمن فئات أخرى",
"report.reasons.spam": "إنها رسالة مزعجة",
"report.reasons.spam_description": "روابط خبيثة أو تفاعل كاذب أو ردود متكررة",
"report.reasons.spam_description": "Malicious links, fake engagement, or repetitive replies",
"report.reasons.violation": "ينتهك قواعد الخادم",
"report.reasons.violation_description": "تعلم أنه ينتهك قواعد محددة",
"report.rules.subtitle": "اختر كل ما ينطبق",
"report.reasons.violation_description": "You are aware that it breaks specific rules",
"report.rules.subtitle": "Select all that apply",
"report.rules.title": "ما هي القواعد المنتهكة؟",
"report.statuses.subtitle": "اختر كل ما ينطبق",
"report.statuses.subtitle": "Select all that apply",
"report.statuses.title": "هل توجد مشاركات تدعم صحة هذا البلاغ؟",
"report.submit": "إرسال",
"": "ابلغ عن {target}",
"report.thanks.take_action": "يمكنك هنا التحكم في ما يعرض لك على ماستدون:",
"report.thanks.take_action": "Here are your options for controlling what you see on Mastodon:",
"report.thanks.take_action_actionable": "في أثناء مراجعتنا للبلاغ، يمكنك اتخاذ إجراء ضد @{name}:",
"report.thanks.title": "هل ترغب في مشاهدة هذا؟",
"report.thanks.title_actionable": "شُكرًا لَكَ على الإبلاغ، سَوفَ نَنظُرُ فِي هَذَا الأمر.",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Usuarios bloquiaos",
"column.bookmarks": "Marcadores",
"": "Llinia temporal llocal",
"": "Mensaxes direutos",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Browse profiles",
"column.domain_blocks": "Dominios anubríos",
"column.favourites": "Favoritos",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Local only",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Namái multimedia",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Remote only",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Saber más",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "This post won't be listed under any hashtag as it is unlisted. Only public posts can be searched by hashtag.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Empotra esti estáu nun sitiu web copiando'l códigu d'embaxo.",
"embed.preview": "Asina ye cómo va vese:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Actividaes",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Custom",
"emoji_button.flags": "Banderes",
"": "Comida y bébora",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Entá nun bloquiesti a nengún usuariu.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Entá nun tienes nengún barritu en Marcadores. Cuando amiestes unu, va amosase equí.",
"": "The local timeline is empty. Write something publicly to get the ball rolling!",
"": "Entá nun tienes nengún mensaxe direutu. Cuando unvies o recibas dalgún, apaez equí.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Entá nun hai dominios anubríos.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Entá nun tienes nengún barritu en Favoritos. Cuando amiestes unu, va amosase equí.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "pa compartir un toot",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "to focus a status in one of the columns",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "Enfocar l'área de composición",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Descripción",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "pa baxar na llista",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "p'abrir estaos",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "p'amestar a Favoritos",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Expand image view box",
"": "Siguiente",
"lightbox.previous": "Previous",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Amestar a la llista",
"lists.account.remove": "Desaniciar de la llista",
"lists.delete": "Desaniciar la llista",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Marcadores",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Llinia temporal llocal",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Compose new post",
"": "Mensaxes direutos",
"": "Discover",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Dominios anubríos",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Editar el perfil",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Блокирани потребители",
"column.bookmarks": "Отметки",
"": "Локална емисия",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Преглед на профили",
"column.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
"column.favourites": "Любими",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Само локално",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Media only",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Само дистанционно",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Още информация",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Тази публикация няма да бъде изброена под нито един хаштаг, тъй като е скрита. Само публични публикации могат да се търсят по хаштаг.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Embed this status on your website by copying the code below.",
"embed.preview": "Ето как ще изглежда:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Дейност",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Персонализирано",
"emoji_button.flags": "Знамена",
"": "Храна и напитки",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Не сте блокирали потребители все още.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Все още нямате отметнати публикации. Когато отметнете някоя, тя ще се покаже тук.",
"": "Локалната емисия е празна. Напишете нещо публично, за да започнете!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "There are no hidden domains yet.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Все още нямате любими публикации. Когато поставите някоя в любими, тя ще се покаже тук.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "за споделяне",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "to focus a status in one of the columns",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "за фокусиране на текстовото пространство за композиране",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Описание",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "за придвижване надолу в списъка",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "to open status",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "за поставяне в любими",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Разгъване на полето за преглед на изображение",
"": "Напред",
"lightbox.previous": "Назад",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Добавяне към списък",
"lists.account.remove": "Премахване от списък",
"lists.delete": "Изтриване на списък",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Отметки",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Локална емисия",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Композиране на нова публикация",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Откриване",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Редактирай профил",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "যাদের ব্লক করা হয়েছে",
"column.bookmarks": "বুকমার্ক",
"": "স্থানীয় সময়সারি",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "প্রোফাইল ব্রাউজ করুন",
"column.domain_blocks": "লুকোনো ডোমেনগুলি",
"column.favourites": "পছন্দের গুলো",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "শুধুমাত্র স্থানীয়",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "শুধুমাত্র ছবি বা ভিডিও",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "শুধুমাত্র দূরবর্তী",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "আরো জানুন",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "কোনো হ্যাশট্যাগের ভেতরে এই টুটটি থাকবেনা কারণ এটি তালিকাবহির্ভূত। শুধুমাত্র প্রকাশ্য ঠোটগুলো হ্যাশট্যাগের ভেতরে খুঁজে পাওয়া যাবে।",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "এই লেখাটি আপনার ওয়েবসাইটে যুক্ত করতে নিচের কোডটি বেবহার করুন।",
"embed.preview": "সেটা দেখতে এরকম হবে:",
"emoji_button.activity": "কার্যকলাপ",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "প্রথা",
"emoji_button.flags": "পতাকা",
"": "খাদ্য ও পানীয়",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "আপনি কোনো ব্যবহারকারীদের ব্লক করেন নি।",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "আপনার কাছে এখনও কোনও বুকমার্কড টুট নেই। আপনি যখন একটি বুকমার্ক করেন, এটি এখানে প্রদর্শিত হবে।",
"": "স্থানীয় সময়রেখাতে কিছু নেই। প্রকাশ্যভাবে কিছু লিখে লেখালেখির উদ্বোধন করে ফেলুন!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "এখনও কোনও লুকানো ডোমেন নেই।",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "আপনার পছন্দের কোনো টুট এখনো নেই। আপনি কোনো লেখা পছন্দের হিসেবে চিহ্নিত করলে এখানে পাওয়া যাবে।",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "সমর্থন করতে",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "কোনো কলামএ কোনো লেখা ফোকাস করতে",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "লেখা সম্পদনার জায়গায় ফোকাস করতে",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "বিবরণ",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "তালিকার ভেতরে নিচে যেতে",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "অবস্থা দেখতে",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "পছন্দের দেখতে",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Expand image view box",
"": "পরবর্তী",
"lightbox.previous": "পূর্ববর্তী",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "তালিকাতে যুক্ত করতে",
"lists.account.remove": "তালিকা থেকে বাদ দিতে",
"lists.delete": "তালিকা মুছে ফেলতে",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "বুকমার্ক",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "স্থানীয় সময়রেখা",
"navigation_bar.compose": "নতুন টুট লিখুন",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "ঘুরে দেখুন",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "লুকানো ডোমেনগুলি",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "নিজের পাতা সম্পাদনা করতে",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Implijer·ezed·ien berzet",
"column.bookmarks": "Sinedoù",
"": "Red-amzer lec'hel",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Mont a-dreuz ar profiloù",
"column.domain_blocks": "Domani berzet",
"column.favourites": "Muiañ-karet",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Nemet lec'hel",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Nemet Mediaoù",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Nemet a-bell",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Gouzout hiroc'h",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Ne vo ket lakaet an toud-mañ er rolloù gerioù-klik dre mard eo anlistennet. N'eus nemet an toudoù foran a c'hall bezañ klasket dre c'her-klik.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Enkorfit ar statud war ho lec'hienn en ur eilañ ar c'hod dindan.",
"embed.preview": "Setu penaos e vo diskouezet:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Obererezh",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Kempennet",
"emoji_button.flags": "Bannieloù",
"": "Boued hag Evaj",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "N'eus ket bet berzet implijer·ez ganeoc'h c'hoazh.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "N'ho peus toud ebet enrollet en ho sinedoù c'hoazh. Pa vo ouzhpennet unan ganeoc'h e teuio war wel amañ.",
"": "Goulo eo ar red-amzer lec'hel. Skrivit'ta un dra evit lakaat tan dezhi !",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "N'eus domani kuzh ebet c'hoazh.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "N'ho peus toud muiañ-karet ebet c'hoazh. Pa vo lakaet unan ganeoc'h e vo diskouezet amañ.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "da skignañ",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Fokus ar bann",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "Fokus an takad testenn",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Deskrivadur",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "Diskennañ er roll",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "evit digeriñ un toud",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Lakaat an toud evel muiañ-karet",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Ledanaat boest hewel ar skeudenn",
"": "Da-heul",
"lightbox.previous": "A-raok",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Ouzhpennañ d'al listenn",
"lists.account.remove": "Lemel kuit eus al listenn",
"lists.delete": "Dilemel al listenn",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Sinedoù",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Red-amzer lec'hel",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Skrivañ un toud nevez",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Dizoleiñ",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Domanioù kuzhet",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Aozañ ar profil",

View file

@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
"account.account_note_header": "Nota",
"account.add_or_remove_from_list": "Afegeix o elimina de les llistes",
"account.add_or_remove_from_list": "Afegeix o treu de les llistes",
"": "Bot",
"": "Grup",
"account.block": "Bloqueja @{name}",
"account.block_domain": "Bloqueja el domini {domain}",
"account.block_domain": "Amaga-ho tot de {domain}",
"account.blocked": "Bloquejat",
"account.browse_more_on_origin_server": "Navega més en el perfil original",
"account.cancel_follow_request": "Anul·la la sol·licitud de seguiment",
"": "Envia missatge directe a @{name}",
"account.disable_notifications": "No em notifiquis les publicacions de @{name}",
"account.disable_notifications": "Deixa de notificar-me les publicacions de @{name}",
"account.domain_blocked": "Domini bloquejat",
"account.edit_profile": "Edita el perfil",
"account.enable_notifications": "Notificam les publicacions de @{name}",
"account.endorse": "Recomana en el teu perfil",
"account.follow": "Segueix",
"account.followers": "Seguidors",
"account.followers.empty": "Ningú segueix aquest usuari encara.",
"account.followers.empty": "Encara ningú no segueix aquest usuari.",
"account.followers_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Seguidor} other {{counter} Seguidors}}",
"account.following": "Seguint",
"account.following": "Seguits",
"account.following_counter": "{count, plural, other {{counter} Seguint}}",
"account.follows.empty": "Aquest usuari encara no segueix ningú.",
"account.follows_you": "Et segueix",
@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
"account.joined": "Membre des de {date}",
"account.link_verified_on": "La propietat d'aquest enllaç es va verificar el dia {date}",
"account.locked_info": "Aquest estat de privadesa del compte està definit com a bloquejat. El propietari revisa manualment qui pot seguir-lo.",
"": "Multimèdia",
"account.mention": "Menciona @{name}",
"": "Mèdia",
"account.mention": "Esmenta @{name}",
"account.moved_to": "{name} s'ha traslladat a:",
"account.mute": "Silencia @{name}",
"account.mute_notifications": "Silencia les notificacions de @{name}",
@ -41,10 +41,10 @@
"account.statuses_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Publicació} other {{counter} Publicacions}}",
"account.unblock": "Desbloqueja @{name}",
"account.unblock_domain": "Desbloqueja el domini {domain}",
"account.unblock_short": "Desbloquejar",
"account.unendorse": "No recomanar en el perfil",
"account.unfollow": "Deixar de seguir",
"account.unmute": "Deixar de silenciar @{name}",
"account.unblock_short": "Desbloqueja",
"account.unendorse": "No recomanis en el perfil",
"account.unfollow": "Deixa de seguir",
"account.unmute": "Deixa de silenciar @{name}",
"account.unmute_notifications": "Activar notificacions de @{name}",
"account.unmute_short": "Deixa de silenciar",
"account_note.placeholder": "Fes clic per afegir una nota",
@ -62,16 +62,16 @@
"autosuggest_hashtag.per_week": "{count} per setmana",
"boost_modal.combo": "Pots prémer {combo} per evitar-ho el pròxim cop",
"bundle_column_error.body": "S'ha produït un error en carregar aquest component.",
"bundle_column_error.retry": "Tornar-ho a provar",
"bundle_column_error.retry": "Torna-ho a provar",
"bundle_column_error.title": "Error de connexió",
"bundle_modal_error.close": "Tanca",
"bundle_modal_error.message": "S'ha produït un error en carregar aquest component.",
"bundle_modal_error.retry": "Tornar-ho a provar",
"bundle_modal_error.retry": "Torna-ho a provar",
"column.blocks": "Usuaris bloquejats",
"column.bookmarks": "Marcadors",
"": "Línia de temps local",
"": "Missatges directes",
"": "Navegar pels perfils",
"column.conversations": "Converses",
"": "Navega pels perfils",
"column.domain_blocks": "Dominis bloquejats",
"column.favourites": "Favorits",
"column.follow_requests": "Peticions per a seguir-te",
@ -92,21 +92,19 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Només local",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Només multimèdia",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Només remot",
"compose.language.change": "Canvia d'idioma",
"": "Cerca idiomes...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Més informació",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Les publicacions a Mastodon no estant xifrades punt a punt. No comparteixis informació perillosa mitjançant Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Aquesta publicació no es mostrarà en cap etiqueta, ja que no està llistada. Només les publicacions públiques es poden cercar per etiqueta.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "El teu compte no està {locked}. Tothom pot seguir-te i veure les publicacions de només per a seguidors.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "El teu compte no està bloquejat {locked}. Tothom pot seguir-te i veure els teus missatges només per a seguidors.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "bloquejat",
"compose_form.placeholder": "Què et passa pel cap?",
"compose_form.poll.add_option": "Afegir una opció",
"compose_form.poll.add_option": "Afegeix una opció",
"compose_form.poll.duration": "Durada de l'enquesta",
"compose_form.poll.option_placeholder": "Opció {number}",
"compose_form.poll.remove_option": "Elimina aquesta opció",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_multiple": "Canvia lenquesta per a permetre diverses opcions",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_single": "Canvia lenquesta per permetre una única opció",
"compose_form.publish": "Publicar",
"compose_form.publish": "Publica",
"compose_form.publish_loud": "{publish}!",
"compose_form.save_changes": "Desa els canvis",
"compose_form.sensitive.hide": "{count, plural, one {Marca contingut com a sensible} other {Marca contingut com a sensible}}",
@ -120,7 +118,7 @@
"confirmations.block.confirm": "Bloqueja",
"confirmations.block.message": "Segur que vols bloquejar a {name}?",
"confirmations.delete.confirm": "Suprimeix",
"confirmations.delete.message": "Segur que vols eliminar la publicació?",
"confirmations.delete.message": "Segur que vols suprimir aquesta publicació?",
"confirmations.delete_list.confirm": "Suprimeix",
"confirmations.delete_list.message": "Segur que vols suprimir permanentment aquesta llista?",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.confirm": "Descarta",
@ -140,7 +138,7 @@
"confirmations.unfollow.message": "Segur que vols deixar de seguir {name}?",
"conversation.delete": "Elimina la conversa",
"conversation.mark_as_read": "Marca com a llegida",
"": "Mostra la conversa",
"": "Veure conversa",
"conversation.with": "Amb {names}",
"directory.federated": "Del fedivers conegut",
"directory.local": "Només de {domain}",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Incrusta aquesta publicació a la teva pàgina web copiant el codi següent.",
"embed.preview": "Aquí està quin aspecte tindrà:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Activitat",
"emoji_button.clear": "Neteja",
"emoji_button.custom": "Personalitzat",
"emoji_button.flags": "Banderes",
"": "Menjar i beure",
@ -164,12 +161,12 @@
"emoji_button.symbols": "Símbols",
"": "Viatges i llocs",
"empty_column.account_suspended": "Compte suspès",
"empty_column.account_timeline": "No hi ha publicacions aquí!",
"empty_column.account_timeline": "Aquí no hi ha publicacions!",
"empty_column.account_unavailable": "Perfil no disponible",
"empty_column.blocks": "Encara no has bloquejat cap usuari.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Encara no has marcat com publicació com a preferida. Quan en marquis una apareixerà aquí.",
"": "La línia de temps local és buida. Escriu alguna cosa públicament per posar-ho tot en marxa!",
"": "Encara no tens missatges directes. Quan n'enviïs o en rebis, es mostraran aquí.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Cada vegada que envies o reps una publicació que és només visible per la gent que hi has mencionat en ella, serà mostrada aquí.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Encara no hi ha dominis bloquejats.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "No hi ha res en tendència ara mateix. Revisa-ho més tard!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Encara no has marcat cap publicació com a preferida. Quan les marquis, apareixeran aquí.",
@ -230,14 +227,14 @@
"intervals.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minut} other {# minuts}}",
"keyboard_shortcuts.back": "Anar enrere",
"keyboard_shortcuts.blocked": "Obre la llista d'usuaris bloquejats",
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Impulsa la publicació",
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Impulsa publicació",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Centra la columna",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "Centra l'àrea de composició del text",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "per a obrir la columna de converses",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Descripció",
"": "per obrir la columna de missatges directes",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "Mou-lo avall en la llista",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Obrir publicació",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Afavoreix la publicació",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Obre publicació",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Afavorir publicació",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourites": "Obre la llista de preferits",
"keyboard_shortcuts.federated": "Obre la línia de temps federada",
"keyboard_shortcuts.heading": "Dreceres de teclat",
@ -245,7 +242,7 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.hotkey": "Tecla d'accés directe",
"keyboard_shortcuts.legend": "Mostra aquesta llegenda",
"keyboard_shortcuts.local": "Obre la línia de temps local",
"keyboard_shortcuts.mention": "Mencionar l'autor",
"keyboard_shortcuts.mention": "Esmenta l'autor",
"keyboard_shortcuts.muted": "Obre la llista d'usuaris silenciats",
"keyboard_shortcuts.my_profile": "Obre el teu perfil",
"keyboard_shortcuts.notifications": "Obre la columna de notificacions",
@ -259,7 +256,7 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.start": "Obre la columna \"Primers passos\"",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_hidden": "Mostra/oculta el text marcat com a sensible",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_sensitivity": "Mostra/amaga contingut multimèdia",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toot": "Iniciar una publicació nova",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toot": "Inicia una nova publicació",
"keyboard_shortcuts.unfocus": "Descentra l'àrea de composició de text/cerca",
"keyboard_shortcuts.up": "Moure amunt en la llista",
"lightbox.close": "Tanca",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Amplia el quadre de visualització de limatge",
"": "Següent",
"lightbox.previous": "Anterior",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Mostra el perfil",
"limited_account_hint.title": "Aquest perfil ha estat amagat pels moderadors del servidor.",
"lists.account.add": "Afegeix a la llista",
"lists.account.remove": "Elimina de la llista",
"lists.delete": "Esborra la llista",
@ -294,8 +289,7 @@
"navigation_bar.blocks": "Usuaris bloquejats",
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Marcadors",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Línia de temps local",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Redactar una nova publicació",
"": "Missatges directes",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Redacta una nova publicació",
"": "Descobrir",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Dominis bloquejats",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Edita el perfil",
@ -307,7 +301,7 @@
"": "Sobre aquest servidor",
"navigation_bar.keyboard_shortcuts": "Dreceres de teclat",
"navigation_bar.lists": "Llistes",
"navigation_bar.logout": "Tancar sessió",
"navigation_bar.logout": "Tanca la sessió",
"navigation_bar.mutes": "Usuaris silenciats",
"navigation_bar.personal": "Personal",
"navigation_bar.pins": "Publicacions fixades",
@ -318,11 +312,11 @@
"notification.favourite": "{name} ha afavorit la teva publicació",
"notification.follow": "{name} et segueix",
"notification.follow_request": "{name} ha sol·licitat seguir-te",
"notification.mention": "{name} t'ha mencionat",
"notification.mention": "{name} t'ha esmentat",
"notification.own_poll": "La teva enquesta ha finalitzat",
"notification.poll": "Ha finalitzat una enquesta en què has votat",
"notification.reblog": "{name} ha impulsat la teva publicació",
"notification.status": "{name} acaba de publicar",
"notification.reblog": "{name} ha impulsat el teu estat",
"notification.status": "ha publicat {name}",
"notification.update": "{name} ha editat una publicació",
"notifications.clear": "Esborra les notificacions",
"notifications.clear_confirmation": "Segur que vols esborrar permanentment totes les teves notificacions?",
@ -368,11 +362,11 @@
"": "Vota",
"poll.voted": "Vas votar per aquesta resposta",
"poll.votes": "{votes, plural, one {# vot} other {# vots}}",
"poll_button.add_poll": "Afegir una enquesta",
"poll_button.add_poll": "Afegeix una enquesta",
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Elimina l'enquesta",
"privacy.change": "Canvia la privacitat de la publicació",
"privacy.change": "Ajusta la privacitat de la publicació",
"": "Visible només per als usuaris esmentats",
"": "Només gent mencionada",
"": "Només la gent que menciono",
"privacy.private.long": "Visible només per als seguidors",
"privacy.private.short": "Només seguidors",
"privacy.public.long": "Visible per tothom",
@ -446,12 +440,12 @@
"search_results.statuses_fts_disabled": "La cerca de publicacions pel seu contingut no està habilitada en aquest servidor Mastodon.",
"": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {resultat} other {resultats}}",
"status.admin_account": "Obre l'interfície de moderació per a @{name}",
"status.admin_status": "Obrir aquesta publicació a la interfície de moderació",
"status.admin_status": "Obre aquesta publicació a la interfície de moderació",
"status.block": "Bloqueja @{name}",
"status.bookmark": "Afavoreix",
"status.cancel_reblog_private": "Desfés l'impuls",
"status.cannot_reblog": "Aquesta publicació no es pot impulsar",
"status.copy": "Copia l'enllaç a la publicació",
"status.copy": "Copia l'enllaç a l'estat",
"status.delete": "Esborra",
"status.detailed_status": "Visualització detallada de la conversa",
"": "Envia missatge directe a @{name}",
@ -468,7 +462,7 @@
"status.mention": "Esmenta @{name}",
"status.more": "Més",
"status.mute": "Silencia @{name}",
"status.mute_conversation": "Silencia la conversa",
"status.mute_conversation": "Silencia conversació",
"": "Amplia la publicació",
"": "Fixa en el perfil",
"status.pinned": "Publicació fixada",

View file

@ -18,12 +18,12 @@
"account.followers": "شوێنکەوتووان",
"account.followers.empty": "کەسێک شوێن ئەم بەکارهێنەرە نەکەوتووە",
"account.followers_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} شوێنکەوتوو} other {{counter} شوێنکەوتوو}}",
"account.following": "دواکەوتن",
"account.following_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} شوێنکەوتوو} other {{counter} شوێنکەوتوو}}",
"account.following": "Following",
"account.following_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Following} other {{counter} Following}}",
"account.follows.empty": "ئەم بەکارهێنەرە تا ئێستا شوێن کەس نەکەوتووە.",
"account.follows_you": "شوێنکەوتووەکانت",
"account.hide_reblogs": "داشاردنی بووستەکان لە @{name}",
"account.joined": "بەشداری {date}",
"account.joined": "Joined {date}",
"account.link_verified_on": "خاوەنداریەتی ئەم لینکە لە {date} چێک کراوە",
"account.locked_info": "تایبەتمەندی ئەم هەژمارەیە ڕیکخراوە بۆ قوفڵدراوە. خاوەنەکە بە دەستی پێداچوونەوە دەکات کە کێ دەتوانێت شوێنیان بکەوێت.",
"": "میدیا",
@ -41,18 +41,18 @@
"account.statuses_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Following} other {{counter} Following}}",
"account.unblock": "@{name} لاببە",
"account.unblock_domain": "کردنەوەی دۆمەینی {domain}",
"account.unblock_short": "لابردنی بەربەست",
"account.unblock_short": "Unblock",
"account.unendorse": "تایبەتمەندی لەسەر پرۆفایلەکە نیە",
"account.unfollow": "بەدوادانەچو",
"account.unmute": "بێدەنگکردنی @{name}",
"account.unmute_notifications": "بێدەنگکردنی هۆشیارییەکان لە @{name}",
"account.unmute_short": "بێدەنگی مەکە",
"account.unmute_short": "Unmute",
"account_note.placeholder": "کرتەبکە بۆ زیادکردنی تێبینی",
"admin.dashboard.daily_retention": "ڕێژەی مانەوەی بەکارهێنەر بەپێی ڕۆژ دوای ناو تۆمارکردن",
"admin.dashboard.monthly_retention": "ڕێژەی مانەوەی بەکارهێنەر بەپێی مانگ دوای ناو تۆمارکردن",
"admin.dashboard.retention.average": "ڕێژە",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort": "چوونەژوورەوەی مانگانە",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort_size": "ئەندامی نوێ",
"admin.dashboard.daily_retention": "User retention rate by day after sign-up",
"admin.dashboard.monthly_retention": "User retention rate by month after sign-up",
"admin.dashboard.retention.average": "Average",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort": "Sign-up month",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort_size": "New users",
"alert.rate_limited.message": "تکایە هەوڵبدەرەوە دوای {retry_time, time, medium}.",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "ڕێژەی سنووردار",
"alert.unexpected.message": "هەڵەیەکی چاوەڕوان نەکراو ڕوویدا.",
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "بەکارهێنەرە بلۆککراوەکان",
"column.bookmarks": "نیشانەکان",
"": "هێڵی کاتی ناوخۆیی",
"": "نامە ڕاستەوخۆ",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "گەڕان لە پرۆفایلەکان",
"column.domain_blocks": "دۆمەینە داخراوەکان",
"column.favourites": "دڵخوازترینەکان",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "تەنها خۆماڵی",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "تەنها میدیا",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "تەنها بۆ دوور",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "زیاتر فێربه",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "ئەم توتە لە ژێر هیچ هاشتاگییەک دا ناکرێت وەک ئەوەی لە لیستەکەدا نەریزراوە. تەنها توتی گشتی دەتوانرێت بە هاشتاگی بگەڕێت.",
@ -108,7 +106,7 @@
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_single": "گۆڕینی ڕاپرسی بۆ ڕێگەدان بە تاکە هەڵبژاردنێک",
"compose_form.publish": "توت",
"compose_form.publish_loud": "{publish}!",
"compose_form.save_changes": "پاشکەوتی گۆڕانکاریەکان",
"compose_form.save_changes": "Save changes",
"compose_form.sensitive.hide": "نیشانکردنی میدیا وەک هەستیار",
"compose_form.sensitive.marked": "وادەی کۆتایی",
"compose_form.sensitive.unmarked": "میدیا وەک هەستیار نیشان نەکراوە",
@ -123,8 +121,8 @@
"confirmations.delete.message": "ئایا دڵنیایت لەوەی دەتەوێت ئەم توتە بسڕیتەوە?",
"confirmations.delete_list.confirm": "سڕینەوە",
"confirmations.delete_list.message": "ئایا دڵنیایت لەوەی دەتەوێت بە هەمیشەیی ئەم لیستە بسڕیتەوە?",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.confirm": "ڕەتکردنەوە",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.message": "گۆڕانکاریت لە وەسف یان پێشبینی میدیادا هەڵنەگیراوە، بەهەر حاڵ فڕێیان بدە؟",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.confirm": "Discard",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.message": "You have unsaved changes to the media description or preview, discard them anyway?",
"confirmations.domain_block.confirm": "بلۆککردنی هەموو دۆمەینەکە",
"confirmations.domain_block.message": "ئایا بەڕاستی، بەڕاستی تۆ دەتەوێت هەموو {domain} بلۆک بکەیت؟ لە زۆربەی حاڵەتەکاندا چەند بلۆکێکی ئامانجدار یان بێدەنگەکان پێویست و پەسەندن. تۆ ناوەڕۆک ێک نابینیت لە دۆمەینەکە لە هیچ هێڵی کاتی گشتی یان ئاگانامەکانت. شوێنکەوتوانی تۆ لەو دۆمەینەوە لادەبرێن.",
"confirmations.logout.confirm": "چوونە دەرەوە",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "ئەم توتە بنچین بکە لەسەر وێب سایتەکەت بە کۆپیکردنی کۆدەکەی خوارەوە.",
"embed.preview": "ئەمە ئەو شتەیە کە لە شێوەی خۆی دەچێت:",
"emoji_button.activity": "چالاکی",
"emoji_button.clear": "ڕوون",
"emoji_button.custom": "ئاسایی",
"emoji_button.flags": "ئاڵاکان",
"": "خواردن& خواردنەوە",
@ -163,22 +160,22 @@
"emoji_button.search_results": "ئەنجامەکانی گەڕان",
"emoji_button.symbols": "هێماکان",
"": "گەشت & شوێنەکان",
"empty_column.account_suspended": "هەژمار ڕاگیرا",
"empty_column.account_timeline": "لێرە هیچ نووسراوە نییە!",
"empty_column.account_suspended": "Account suspended",
"empty_column.account_timeline": "لێرە هیچ توتەک نییە!",
"empty_column.account_unavailable": "پرۆفایل بەردەست نیە",
"empty_column.blocks": "تۆ هێشتا هیچ بەکارهێنەرێکت بلۆک نەکردووە.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "تۆ هێشتا هیچ توتێکی دیاریکراوت نیە کاتێک نیشانەیەک نیشان دەکەیت، لێرە دەرئەکەویت.",
"": "هێڵی کاتی ناوخۆیی بەتاڵە. شتێک بە ئاشکرا بنووسە بۆ ئەوەی تۆپەکە بسووڕێت!",
"": "تا ئێستا هیچ نامەیەکی ڕاستەوخۆت نییە. کاتێک یەکێکیان دەنێری یان وەریدەگریت، لێرە دەردەکەوێت.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "هێشتا هیچ دۆمەینێکی بلۆک کراو نییە.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "لە ئێستادا هیچ شتێک ترێند نییە. دواتر سەیری بکە!",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "تۆ هێشتا هیچ توتێکی دڵخوازت نییە، کاتێک حەزت لە دانەیەکی باشە، لێرە دەرئەکەویت.",
"empty_column.favourites": "کەس ئەم توتەی دڵخواز نەکردووە،کاتێک کەسێک وا بکات، لێرە دەرئەکەون.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "پێدەچێت هیچ پێشنیارێک بۆ تۆ دروست نەکرێت. دەتوانیت هەوڵبدەیت گەڕان بەکاربهێنیت بۆ گەڕان بەدوای ئەو کەسانەی کە ڕەنگە بیانناسیت یان بەدوای هاشتاگە ڕەوتەکاندا بگەڕێیت.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "Looks like no suggestions could be generated for you. You can try using search to look for people you might know or explore trending hashtags.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "تۆ هێشتا هیچ داواکارییەکی بەدواداچووت نیە. کاتێک یەکێکت بۆ هات، لێرە دەرئەکەویت.",
"empty_column.hashtag": "هێشتا هیچ شتێک لەم هاشتاگەدا نییە.",
"empty_column.home": "تایم لاینی ماڵەوەت بەتاڵە! سەردانی {public} بکە یان گەڕان بەکاربێنە بۆ دەستپێکردن و بینینی بەکارهێنەرانی تر.",
"empty_column.home.suggestions": "چەند پێشنیارێک ببینە",
"empty_column.home.suggestions": "See some suggestions",
"empty_column.list": "هێشتا هیچ شتێک لەم لیستەدا نییە. کاتێک ئەندامانی ئەم لیستە دەنگی نوێ بڵاودەکەن، لێرە دەردەکەون.",
"empty_column.lists": "تۆ هێشتا هیچ لیستت دروست نەکردووە، کاتێک دانەیەک دروست دەکەیت، لێرە پیشان دەدرێت.",
"empty_column.mutes": "تۆ هێشتا هیچ بەکارهێنەرێکت بێدەنگ نەکردووە.",
@ -190,15 +187,15 @@
"error.unexpected_crash.next_steps_addons": "هەوڵدە لەکاریان بخەیت و لاپەڕەکە تازە بکەوە. ئەگەر ئەمە یارمەتیدەر نەبوو، لەوانەیە هێشتا بتوانیت ماستۆدۆن بەکاربێنیت لە ڕێگەی وێبگەڕەکانی دیکە یان نەرمەکالاکانی ئەسڵی.",
"errors.unexpected_crash.copy_stacktrace": "کۆپیکردنی ستێکتراسی بۆ کلیپ بۆرد",
"errors.unexpected_crash.report_issue": "کێشەی گوزارشت",
"explore.search_results": "ئەنجامەکانی گەڕان",
"explore.suggested_follows": "بۆ تۆ",
"explore.title": "گەڕان",
"explore.trending_links": "هەواڵەکان",
"explore.trending_statuses": "نووسراوەکان",
"explore.trending_tags": "هاشتاگ",
"follow_recommendations.done": "تەواو",
"follow_recommendations.heading": "شوێن ئەو کەسانە بکەون کە دەتەوێت پۆستەکان ببینیت لە! لێرەدا چەند پێشنیارێک هەیە.",
"follow_recommendations.lead": "بابەتەکانی ئەو کەسانەی کە بەدوایدا دەگەڕێیت بە فەرمانی کرۆنۆلۆجی لە خواردنەکانی ماڵەکەت دەردەکەون. مەترسە لە هەڵەکردن، دەتوانیت بە ئاسانی خەڵک هەڵبکەیت هەر کاتێک!",
"explore.search_results": "Search results",
"explore.suggested_follows": "For you",
"explore.title": "Explore",
"explore.trending_links": "News",
"explore.trending_statuses": "Posts",
"explore.trending_tags": "Hashtags",
"follow_recommendations.done": "Done",
"follow_recommendations.heading": "Follow people you'd like to see posts from! Here are some suggestions.",
"follow_recommendations.lead": "Posts from people you follow will show up in chronological order on your home feed. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, you can unfollow people just as easily any time!",
"follow_request.authorize": "ده‌سه‌ڵاتپێدراو",
"follow_request.reject": "ڕەتکردنەوە",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "هەرچەندە هەژمارەکەت داخراو نییە، ستافی {domain} وا بیریان کردەوە کە لەوانەیە بتانەوێت پێداچوونەوە بە داواکاریەکانی ئەم هەژمارەدا بکەن بە دەستی.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "بۆ بەهێزکردن",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "بۆ ئەوەی تیشک بخاتە سەر توتێک لە یەکێک لە ستوونەکان",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "بۆ سەرنجدان بە نووسینی ناوچەی دەق",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "وه‌سف",
"": "بۆ کردنەوەی ستوونی نامە ڕاستەوخۆکان",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "بۆ چوونە خوارەوە لە لیستەکەدا",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "بۆ کردنەوەی توت",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "بۆ دڵخواز",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "فراوانکردنی سندوقی بینینی وێنە",
"": "داهاتوو",
"lightbox.previous": "پێشوو",
"limited_account_hint.action": "بەهەر حاڵ پڕۆفایلی پیشان بدە",
"limited_account_hint.title": "ئەم پرۆفایلییە لەلایەن بەڕێوەبەرانی سێرڤەرەکەتەوە شاراوەتەوە.",
"lists.account.add": "زیادکردن بۆ لیست",
"lists.account.remove": "لابردن لە لیست",
"lists.delete": "سڕینەوەی لیست",
@ -276,13 +271,13 @@
"lists.edit.submit": "گۆڕینی ناونیشان",
"": "زیادکردنی لیست",
"": "ناونیشانی لیستی نوێ",
"lists.replies_policy.followed": "هەر بەکارهێنەرێکی بەدواکەوتوو",
"lists.replies_policy.list": "ئەندامانی لیستەکە",
"lists.replies_policy.none": "هیچکەس",
"lists.replies_policy.followed": "Any followed user",
"lists.replies_policy.list": "Members of the list",
"lists.replies_policy.none": "No one",
"lists.replies_policy.title": "پیشاندانی وەڵامەکان بۆ:",
"": "بگەڕێ لەناو ئەو کەسانەی کە شوێنیان کەوتویت",
"lists.subheading": "لیستەکانت",
"load_pending": "{count, plural, one {# بەڕگەی نوێ} other {# بەڕگەی نوێ}}",
"load_pending": "{count, plural, one {# new item} other {# new items}}",
"loading_indicator.label": "بارکردن...",
"media_gallery.toggle_visible": "شاردنەوەی {number, plural, one {image} other {images}}",
"missing_indicator.label": "نەدۆزرایەوە",
@ -295,11 +290,10 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "نیشانکراوەکان",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "دەمنامەی ناوخۆیی",
"navigation_bar.compose": "نووسینی توتی نوێ",
"": "نامە ڕاستەوخۆ",
"": "دۆزینەوە",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "دۆمەینە بلۆک کراوەکان",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "دەستکاری پرۆفایل بکە",
"navigation_bar.explore": "گەڕان",
"navigation_bar.explore": "Explore",
"navigation_bar.favourites": "دڵخوازەکان",
"navigation_bar.filters": "وشە کپەکان",
"navigation_bar.follow_requests": "بەدواداچوی داواکاریەکان بکە",
@ -314,7 +308,7 @@
"navigation_bar.preferences": "پەسەندەکان",
"navigation_bar.public_timeline": "نووسراوەکانی هەمووشوێنێک",
"": "ئاسایش",
"notification.admin.sign_up": "{name} تۆمارکرا",
"notification.admin.sign_up": "{name} signed up",
"notification.favourite": "{name} نووسراوەکەتی پەسەند کرد",
"notification.follow": "{name} دوای تۆ کەوت",
"notification.follow_request": "{name} داوای کردووە کە شوێنت بکەوێت",
@ -323,15 +317,15 @@
"notification.poll": "ڕاپرسییەک کە دەنگی پێداویت کۆتایی هات",
"notification.reblog": "{name} نووسراوەکەتی دووبارە توتاند",
"notification.status": "{name} تازە بڵاوکرایەوە",
"notification.update": "{name} پۆستێکی دەستکاریکرد",
"notification.update": "{name} edited a post",
"notifications.clear": "ئاگانامەکان بسڕیەوە",
"notifications.clear_confirmation": "ئایا دڵنیایت لەوەی دەتەوێت بە هەمیشەیی هەموو ئاگانامەکانت بسڕیتەوە?",
"notifications.column_settings.admin.sign_up": "چوونەژوورەوەی نوێ:",
"notifications.column_settings.admin.sign_up": "New sign-ups:",
"notifications.column_settings.alert": "ئاگانامەکانی پیشانگەرر ڕومێزی",
"notifications.column_settings.favourite": "دڵخوازترین:",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.advanced": "هەموو پۆلەکان پیشان بدە",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.category": "شریتی پاڵێوەری خێرا",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.show_bar": "نیشاندانی شریتی پاڵافتن",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.show_bar": "Show filter bar",
"notifications.column_settings.follow": "شوێنکەوتوانی نوێ:",
"notifications.column_settings.follow_request": "شوینکەوتنی داواکاری نوێ:",
"notifications.column_settings.mention": "ئاماژەکان:",
@ -341,22 +335,22 @@
"": "لە ستووندا پیشان بدە",
"notifications.column_settings.sound": "لێدانی دەنگ",
"notifications.column_settings.status": "توتەکانی نوێ:",
"notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.category": "ئاگاداریی نەبینراو",
"notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.highlight": "تیشک بخە سەر ئاگاداری نەخوێنراو",
"notifications.column_settings.update": "دەستکاری:",
"notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.category": "Unread notifications",
"notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.highlight": "Highlight unread notifications",
"notifications.column_settings.update": "Edits:",
"notifications.filter.all": "هەموو",
"notifications.filter.boosts": "دووبارەتوتەکان",
"notifications.filter.favourites": "دڵخوازەکان",
"notifications.filter.follows": "بەدواداچوون",
"notifications.filter.follows": "شوێنکەوتن",
"notifications.filter.mentions": "ئاماژەکان",
"notifications.filter.polls": "ئەنجامەکانی ڕاپرسی",
"notifications.filter.statuses": "نوێکردنەوەکان ئەو کەسانەی کە پەیڕەوی دەکەیت",
"notifications.grant_permission": "مۆڵەت بدە.",
"notifications.grant_permission": "Grant permission.",
"": "{count} ئاگانامە",
"notifications.mark_as_read": "هەموو ئاگانامەکان وەک خوێندراوەتەوە نیشان بکە",
"notifications.permission_denied": "ناتوانرێت ئاگانامەکانی دێسکتۆپ چالاک بکرێت وەک ڕێپێدان ڕەتکرایەوە.",
"notifications.permission_denied_alert": "ناتوانرێت ئاگانامەکانی دێسکتۆپ چالاک بکرێت، چونکە پێشتر مۆڵەتی وێبگەڕ ڕەتکرایەوە",
"notifications.permission_required": "ئاگادارکردنەوەکانی سەر مێز بەردەست نین چونکە مۆڵەتی پێویست نەدراوە.",
"notifications.permission_required": "Desktop notifications are unavailable because the required permission has not been granted.",
"notifications_permission_banner.enable": "چالاککردنی ئاگانامەکانی دێسکتۆپ",
"notifications_permission_banner.how_to_control": "بۆ وەرگرتنی ئاگانامەکان کاتێک ماستۆدۆن نەکراوەیە، ئاگانامەکانی دێسکتۆپ چالاک بکە. دەتوانیت بە وردی کۆنترۆڵی جۆری کارلێکەکان بکەیت کە ئاگانامەکانی دێسکتۆپ دروست دەکەن لە ڕێگەی دوگمەی {icon} لەسەرەوە کاتێک چالاک دەکرێن.",
"notifications_permission_banner.title": "هەرگیز شتێک لە دەست مەدە",
@ -367,70 +361,70 @@
"poll.total_votes": "{count, plural, one {# دەنگ} other {# دەنگ}}\n",
"": "دەنگ",
"poll.voted": "تۆ دەنگت بەو وەڵامە دا",
"poll.votes": "{votes, plural, one {# دەنگ} other {# دەنگ}}",
"poll.votes": "{votes, plural, one {# vote} other {# votes}}",
"poll_button.add_poll": "ڕاپرسییەک زیاد بکە",
"poll_button.remove_poll": "ده‌نگدان بسڕه‌وه‌‌",
"privacy.change": "ڕێکخستنی تایبەتمەندی توت",
"": "تەنیا بۆ بەکارهێنەرانی ناوبراو",
"": "تەنها کەسانی باس کراو",
"": "Direct",
"privacy.private.long": "بینراو تەنها بۆ شوێنکەوتوان",
"privacy.private.short": "تەنیا شوێنکەوتووان",
"privacy.public.long": "بۆ هەمووان دیارە",
"privacy.private.short": "Followers-only",
"privacy.public.long": "Visible for all",
"privacy.public.short": "گشتی",
"privacy.unlisted.long": "بۆ هەمووان دیارە، بەڵام لە تایبەتمەندییەکانی دۆزینەوە دەرچووە",
"privacy.unlisted.long": "Visible for all, but opted-out of discovery features",
"privacy.unlisted.short": "لە لیست نەکراو",
"refresh": "نوێکردنەوە",
"regeneration_indicator.label": "بارکردن…",
"regeneration_indicator.sublabel": "ڕاگەیەنەری ماڵەوەت ئامادە دەکرێت!",
"relative_time.days": "{number}ڕۆژ",
"relative_time.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# ڕۆژ} other {# ڕۆژ}} ماوە",
"relative_time.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# کاتژمێر} other {# کاتژمێر}} ماوە",
"relative_time.full.just_now": "ئێستا",
"relative_time.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# خولەک} other {# خولەک}} ماوە",
"relative_time.full.seconds": "{number, plural, one {# چرکە} other {# چرکە}} ماوە",
"relative_time.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# day} other {# days}} ago",
"relative_time.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# hour} other {# hours}} ago",
"relative_time.full.just_now": "just now",
"relative_time.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}} ago",
"relative_time.full.seconds": "{number, plural, one {# second} other {# seconds}} ago",
"relative_time.hours": "{number}کات",
"relative_time.just_now": "ئێستا",
"relative_time.minutes": "{number}کات",
"relative_time.seconds": "{number}کات",
"": "ئیمڕۆ",
"reply_indicator.cancel": "هەڵوەشاندنەوه",
"report.block": "بلۆک",
"report.block_explanation": "تۆ پۆستەکانیان نابینیت. ئەوان ناتوانن بابەتەکانتان ببینن یان شوێنتان بکەون. ئەوان دەتوانن بڵێن کە بەربەستکراون.",
"report.categories.other": "هی تر",
"report.categories.spam": "سپام",
"report.categories.violation": "ناوەڕۆک یەک یان زیاتر لە یاساکانی سێرڤەر پێشێل دەکات",
"report.category.subtitle": "باشترین هاوتا هەڵبژێرە",
"report.category.title": "پێمان بڵێ بە {type} چی ڕوودەدات",
"report.category.title_account": "پرۆفایل",
"report.category.title_status": "پۆست",
"report.close": "تەواو",
"report.comment.title": "ئایا هیچ شتێکی تر هەیە کە پێت وایە ئێمە دەبێت بزانین?",
"report.block": "Block",
"report.block_explanation": "You will not see their posts. They will not be able to see your posts or follow you. They will be able to tell that they are blocked.",
"report.categories.other": "Other",
"report.categories.spam": "Spam",
"report.categories.violation": "Content violates one or more server rules",
"report.category.subtitle": "Choose the best match",
"report.category.title": "Tell us what's going on with this {type}",
"report.category.title_account": "profile",
"report.category.title_status": "post",
"report.close": "Done",
"report.comment.title": "Is there anything else you think we should know?",
"report.forward": "ناردن بۆ {target}",
"report.forward_hint": "هەژمارەکە لە ڕاژەیەکی ترە. ڕونووسێکی نەناسراو بنێرە بۆ گوزارشت لەوێ?",
"report.mute": "بێدەنگ",
"report.mute_explanation": "تۆ پۆستەکانیان نابینیت. ئەوان هێشتا دەتوانن شوێنتان بکەون و پۆستەکانتان ببینن و نازانن کە ئەوان بێ دەنگن.",
"": "دواتر",
"report.mute": "Mute",
"report.mute_explanation": "You will not see their posts. They can still follow you and see your posts and will not know that they are muted.",
"": "Next",
"report.placeholder": "سەرنجەکانی زیاتر",
"report.reasons.dislike": "حەزم لێی نییە",
"report.reasons.dislike_description": "ئەوە شتێک نیە کە دەتەوێت بیبینیت",
"report.reasons.other": "شتێکی ترە",
"report.reasons.other_description": "کێشەکە ناگونجێت بۆ هاوپۆلەکانی تر",
"report.reasons.spam": "ئەوە سپامە",
"report.reasons.spam_description": "لینکە خراپەکان، بەشداری ساختە، یان وەڵامدانەوەی دووبارە",
"report.reasons.violation": "یاساکانی سێرڤەر پێشێل دەکات",
"report.reasons.violation_description": "ئاگاداری ئەوەن کە یاسا تایبەتەکان دەشکێنێت",
"report.rules.subtitle": "هەموو ئەوانەی کە کاریان پێدەکرێت هەڵبژێرە",
"report.rules.title": "کام یاسا پێشێل دەکرێت؟",
"report.statuses.subtitle": "هەموو ئەوانەی کە کاریان پێدەکرێت هەڵبژێرە",
"report.statuses.title": "ئایا هیچ پۆستێک هەیە کە پشتگیری ئەم ڕاپۆرتە بکات؟",
"report.reasons.dislike": "I don't like it",
"report.reasons.dislike_description": "It is not something you want to see",
"report.reasons.other": "It's something else",
"report.reasons.other_description": "The issue does not fit into other categories",
"report.reasons.spam": "It's spam",
"report.reasons.spam_description": "Malicious links, fake engagement, or repetitive replies",
"report.reasons.violation": "It violates server rules",
"report.reasons.violation_description": "You are aware that it breaks specific rules",
"report.rules.subtitle": "Select all that apply",
"report.rules.title": "Which rules are being violated?",
"report.statuses.subtitle": "Select all that apply",
"report.statuses.title": "Are there any posts that back up this report?",
"report.submit": "ناردن",
"": "گوزارشتکردنی{target}",
"report.thanks.take_action": "لێرەدا بژاردەکانت بۆ کۆنترۆڵکردنی ئەو شتانە دەخەینەڕوو کە لە ماستۆدۆن دەیبینیت:",
"report.thanks.take_action_actionable": "لە کاتێکدا ئێمە پێداچوونەوە بەم بابەتە دەکەین، دەتوانیت ڕێوشوێن بگریتەبەر دژی @{name}:",
"report.thanks.title": "ناتەوێت ئەمە ببینیت؟",
"report.thanks.title_actionable": "سوپاس بۆ ڕاپۆرتکردن، ئێمە سەیری ئەم بابەتە دەکەین.",
"report.unfollow": "بەدوادانەچوو@{name}",
"report.unfollow_explanation": "تۆ شوێنکەوتووی ئەم هەژماررەی دەکەیت. بۆ ئەوەی چیتر نووسراوەکانیان لە هۆم فیدی خۆت نەبینی، بەدوایان مەچۆ.",
"report.thanks.take_action": "Here are your options for controlling what you see on Mastodon:",
"report.thanks.take_action_actionable": "While we review this, you can take action against @{name}:",
"report.thanks.title": "Don't want to see this?",
"report.thanks.title_actionable": "Thanks for reporting, we'll look into this.",
"report.unfollow": "Unfollow @{name}",
"report.unfollow_explanation": "You are following this account. To not see their posts in your home feed anymore, unfollow them.",
"search.placeholder": "گەڕان",
"search_popout.search_format": "شێوەی گەڕانی پێشکەوتوو",
"": "گەڕانێکی دەقی سادە دەتوانێت توتەکانی ئێوە کە، نووسیوتانە،پەسەنتان کردووە، دووبارەتانکردووە، یان ئەو توتانە کە باسی ئێوەی تێدا کراوە پەیدا دەکا. هەروەها ناوی بەکارهێنەران، ناوی پیشاندراو و هەشتەگەکانیش لە خۆ دەگرێت.",
@ -439,7 +433,7 @@
"": "دەقی سادە هەڵدەسێ بە گەڕاندنەوەی هاوتایی ناوی پیشاندان، ناوی بەکارهێنەر و هاشتاگەکان",
"": "بەکارهێنەر",
"search_results.accounts": "خەڵک",
"search_results.all": "هەموو",
"search_results.all": "All",
"search_results.hashtags": "هەشتاگ",
"search_results.nothing_found": "Could not find anything for these search terms",
"search_results.statuses": "توتەکان",
@ -455,14 +449,14 @@
"status.delete": "سڕینەوە",
"status.detailed_status": "ڕوانگەی گفتوگۆ بە وردەکاری",
"": "پەیامی ڕاستەوخۆ @{name}",
"status.edit": "دەستکاری",
"status.edited": "بەشداری {date}",
"status.edited_x_times": "دەستکاریکراوە {count, plural, one {{count} کات} other {{count} کات}}",
"status.edit": "Edit",
"status.edited": "Edited {date}",
"status.edited_x_times": "Edited {count, plural, one {{count} time} other {{count} times}}",
"status.embed": "نیشتەجێ بکە",
"status.favourite": "دڵخواز",
"status.filtered": "پاڵاوتن",
"status.history.created": "{name} دروستکراوە لە{date}",
"status.history.edited": "{name} دروستکاریکراوە لە{date}",
"status.history.created": "{name} created {date}",
"status.history.edited": "{name} edited {date}",
"status.load_more": "زیاتر بار بکە",
"status.media_hidden": "میدیای شاراوە",
"status.mention": "ناوبنێ @{name}",
@ -520,14 +514,14 @@
"upload_error.poll": "فایل و ڕاپرسی پێکەوە ڕێپێنەدراون.",
"upload_form.audio_description": "پەیامەکەت بۆ نابیستەکان",
"upload_form.description": "پەیامەکەت بۆ نابیناکان",
"upload_form.description_missing": "هیچ وەسفێک زیاد نەکراوە",
"upload_form.description_missing": "No description added",
"upload_form.edit": "دەستکاری",
"upload_form.thumbnail": "گۆڕانی وینۆچکە",
"upload_form.undo": "بیسڕەوە",
"upload_form.video_description": "پەیامەکەت بۆ نابیست و نابیناکان",
"upload_modal.analyzing_picture": "وێنەکە شی دەکرێتەوە…",
"upload_modal.apply": "بیسەپێنە",
"upload_modal.applying": "داواکاری…",
"upload_modal.applying": "Applying…",
"upload_modal.choose_image": "وێنە هەڵبژێرە",
"upload_modal.description_placeholder": "بە دڵ کەین با بە نەشئەی مەی غوباری میحنەتی دونیا",
"upload_modal.detect_text": "نووسینی ناو وێنەکە دەستنیشان بکە",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Utilizatori bluccati",
"column.bookmarks": "Segnalibri",
"": "Linea pubblica lucale",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Percorre i prufili",
"column.domain_blocks": "Duminii piattati",
"column.favourites": "Favuriti",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Solu lucale",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Solu media",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Solu distante",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Amparà di più",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Stu statutu ùn hè \"Micca listatu\" è ùn sarà micca listatu indè e circate da hashtag. Per esse vistu in quesse, u statutu deve esse \"Pubblicu\".",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Integrà stu statutu à u vostru situ cù u codice quì sottu.",
"embed.preview": "Hà da parè à quessa:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Attività",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Persunalizati",
"emoji_button.flags": "Bandere",
"": "Manghjusca è Bienda",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Per avà ùn avete bluccatu manc'un utilizatore.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Ùn avete manc'un segnalibru. Quandu aghjunghjerate unu, sarà mustratu quì.",
"": "Ùn c'hè nunda indè a linea lucale. Scrivete puru qualcosa!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Ùn c'hè manc'un duminiu bluccatu avà.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Ùn avete manc'unu statutu favuritu. Quandu aghjunghjerate unu à i vostri favuriti, sarà mustratu quì.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "sparte",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "fucalizà un statutu indè una colonna",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "fucalizà nant'à l'area di ridazzione",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Descrizzione",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "falà indè a lista",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "apre u statutu",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "aghjunghje à i favuriti",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Ingrandà a finestra d'affissera di i ritratti",
"": "Siguente",
"lightbox.previous": "Pricidente",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Aghjunghje à a lista",
"lists.account.remove": "Toglie di a lista",
"lists.delete": "Toglie a lista",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Segnalibri",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Linea pubblica lucale",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Scrive un novu statutu",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Scopre",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Duminii piattati",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Mudificà u prufile",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Blokovaní uživatelé",
"column.bookmarks": "Záložky",
"": "Místní časová osa",
"": "Přímé zprávy",
"column.conversations": "Konverzace",
"": "Prozkoumat profily",
"column.domain_blocks": "Blokované domény",
"column.favourites": "Oblíbené",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Pouze místní",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Pouze média",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Pouze vzdálené",
"compose.language.change": "Změnit jazyk",
"": "Prohledat jazyky...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Zjistit více",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Příspěvky na Mastodonu nejsou end-to-end šifrovány. Nesdílejte přes Mastodon žádné nebezpečné informace.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Tento příspěvek nebude zobrazen pod žádným hashtagem, neboť je neuvedený. Pouze veřejné příspěvky mohou být vyhledány podle hashtagu.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Pro přidání příspěvku na vaši webovou stránku zkopírujte níže uvedený kód.",
"embed.preview": "Takhle to bude vypadat:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Aktivita",
"emoji_button.clear": "Vyčistit",
"emoji_button.custom": "Vlastní",
"emoji_button.flags": "Vlajky",
"": "Jídla a nápoje",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Ještě jste nezablokovali žádného uživatele.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Ještě nemáte v záložkách žádné příspěvky. Pokud si do nich nějaký přidáte, zobrazí se zde.",
"": "Místní časová osa je prázdná. Napište něco veřejně a rozhýbejte to tu!",
"": "Ještě nemáte žádné přímé zprávy. Pokud nějakou pošlete nebo dostanete, zobrazí se zde.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Jakmile pošlete nebo obdržíte příspěvek, který je viditelný pouze lidem v něm zmíněným, objeví se tady.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Ještě nemáte žádné blokované domény.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Momentálně není nic populární. Vraťte se později!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Ještě nemáte žádné oblíbené příspěvky. Pokud si nějaký oblíbíte, zobrazí se zde.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Boostnout příspěvek",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Focus na sloupec",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "Focus na textové pole nového příspěvku",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "Otevřít sloupec konverzací",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Popis",
"": "Otevřít sloupec přímých zpráv",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "Posunout dolů v seznamu",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Otevřít příspěvek",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Oblíbit příspěvek",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Ukázat obrázek v plné velikosti",
"": "Další",
"lightbox.previous": "Předchozí",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Přesto profil zobrazit",
"limited_account_hint.title": "Tento profil byl skryt moderátory vašeho serveru.",
"lists.account.add": "Přidat do seznamu",
"lists.account.remove": "Odebrat ze seznamu",
"lists.delete": "Smazat seznam",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Záložky",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Místní časová osa",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Vytvořit nový příspěvek",
"": "Přímé zprávy",
"": "Objevujte",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Blokované domény",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Upravit profil",
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Odstranit anketu",
"privacy.change": "Změnit soukromí příspěvku",
"": "Viditelný pouze pro zmíněné uživatele",
"": "Jen zmínění lidé",
"": "Pouze lidé, které zmíním",
"privacy.private.long": "Viditelný pouze pro sledující",
"privacy.private.short": "Pouze sledující",
"privacy.public.long": "Viditelný pro všechny",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Defnyddwyr a flociwyd",
"column.bookmarks": "Tudalnodau",
"": "Ffrwd lleol",
"": "Negeseuon preifat",
"column.conversations": "Sgyrsiau",
"": "Pori proffiliau",
"column.domain_blocks": "Parthau cuddiedig",
"column.favourites": "Ffefrynnau",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Lleol yn unig",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Cyfryngau yn unig",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Anghysbell yn unig",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Dysgu mwy",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Dyw postiadau ar Mastodon ddim wedi'u hamgryptio o ben i ben. Peidiwch â rhannu unrhyw wybodaeth beryglus dros Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Ni fydd y post hwn wedi ei restru o dan unrhyw hashnod gan ei fod heb ei restru. Dim ond postiadau cyhoeddus gellid chwilio amdanynt drwy hashnod.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Gosodwch y post hwn ar eich gwefan drwy gopïo'r côd isod.",
"embed.preview": "Dyma sut olwg fydd arno:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Gweithgarwch",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Unigryw",
"emoji_button.flags": "Baneri",
"": "Bwyd a Diod",
@ -169,10 +166,10 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Nid ydych wedi blocio unrhyw ddefnyddwyr eto.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Nid oes gennych unrhyw dwtiau tudalnodiedig eto. Pan y byddwch yn tudalnodi un, mi fydd yn ymddangos yma.",
"": "Mae'r ffrwd lleol yn wag. Ysgrifenwch rhywbeth yn gyhoeddus i gael dechrau arni!",
"": "Does gennych unrhyw negeseuon preifat eto. Pan byddwch yn anfon neu derbyn un, bydd yn ymddangos yma.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Unwaith y byddwch chi'n anfon neu'n derbyn post sydd ond yn weladwy i'r bobl a grybwyllir ynddo, bydd yn ymddangos yma.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Nid oes yna unrhyw barthau cuddiedig eto.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Does dim byd yn trendio ar hyn o bryd. Gwiriwch yn ôl yn nes ymlaen!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Nid oes gennych unrhyw hoff bostiadau eto. Pan y byddwch yn hoffi un, mi fydd yn ymddangos yma.",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Nid oes gennych unrhyw hoff dwtiau eto. Pan y byddwch yn hoffi un, mi fydd yn ymddangos yma.",
"empty_column.favourites": "Does neb wedi hoffi'r post hwn eto. Pan bydd rhywun yn ei hoffi, byddent yn ymddangos yma.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "Does dim awgrymiadau yma i chi. Gallwch geisio chwilio am bobl yr ydych yn eu hadnabod neu archwilio hashnodau sy'n trendio.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "Nid oes gennych unrhyw geisiadau dilyn eto. Pan dderbyniwch chi un, byddent yn ymddangos yma.",
@ -194,8 +191,8 @@
"explore.suggested_follows": "I chi",
"explore.title": "Archwilio",
"explore.trending_links": "Newyddion",
"explore.trending_statuses": "Postiadau",
"explore.trending_tags": "Hashnodau",
"explore.trending_statuses": "Postiau",
"explore.trending_tags": "Hanshnodau",
"follow_recommendations.done": "Wedi gorffen",
"follow_recommendations.heading": "Dilynwch y bobl yr hoffech chi weld eu postiadau! Dyma ambell i awgrymiad.",
"follow_recommendations.lead": "Bydd postiadau gan bobl rydych chi'n eu dilyn yn ymddangos mewn trefn amser ar eich ffrwd cartref. Peidiwch â bod ofn gwneud camgymeriadau, gallwch chi ddad-ddilyn pobl yr un mor hawdd unrhyw bryd!",
@ -225,7 +222,7 @@
"home.column_settings.show_replies": "Dangos ymatebion",
"home.hide_announcements": "Cuddio cyhoeddiadau",
"home.show_announcements": "Dangos cyhoeddiadau",
"intervals.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# dydd} two {# ddydd} other {# o ddyddiau}}",
"intervals.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# ddydd} other {# o ddyddiau}}",
"intervals.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# awr} other {# o oriau}}",
"intervals.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# funud} other {# o funudau}}",
"keyboard_shortcuts.back": "i lywio nôl",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "i fŵstio",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Ffocysu colofn",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "i ffocysu yr ardal cyfansoddi testun",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "i agor colofn sgyrsiau",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Disgrifiad",
"": "i agor colofn negeseuon preifat",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "i symud lawr yn y rhestr",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Agor post",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "i hoffi",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Ehangu blwch gweld delwedd",
"": "Nesaf",
"lightbox.previous": "Blaenorol",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Ychwanegwch at restr",
"lists.account.remove": "Dileu o'r rhestr",
"lists.delete": "Dileu rhestr",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Tudalnodau",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Ffrwd leol",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Cyfansoddi post newydd",
"": "Negeseuon preifat",
"": "Darganfod",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Parthau cuddiedig",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Golygu proffil",
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Tynnu pleidlais",
"privacy.change": "Addasu preifatrwdd y post",
"": "Cyhoeddi i'r defnyddwyr sy'n cael eu crybwyll yn unig",
"": "Pobl sy wedi'u crybwyll yn unig",
"": "Dim ond pobl rwy'n eu crybwyll",
"privacy.private.long": "Cyhoeddi i ddilynwyr yn unig",
"privacy.private.short": "Dilynwyr yn unig",
"privacy.public.long": "Gweladwy i bawb",
@ -382,7 +376,7 @@
"refresh": "Adnewyddu",
"regeneration_indicator.label": "Llwytho…",
"regeneration_indicator.sublabel": "Mae eich ffrwd cartref yn cael ei baratoi!",
"relative_time.days": "{number} dydd",
"relative_time.days": "{number}dydd",
"relative_time.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# dydd} other {# o ddyddiau}} yn ôl",
"relative_time.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# awr} other {# o oriau}} yn ôl",
"relative_time.full.just_now": "jyst nawr",
@ -391,7 +385,7 @@
"relative_time.hours": "{number} awr",
"relative_time.just_now": "nawr",
"relative_time.minutes": "{number} munud",
"relative_time.seconds": "{number} eiliad",
"relative_time.seconds": "{number}eiliad",
"": "heddiw",
"reply_indicator.cancel": "Canslo",
"report.block": "Blocio",
@ -440,7 +434,7 @@
"": "defnyddiwr",
"search_results.accounts": "Pobl",
"search_results.all": "Popeth",
"search_results.hashtags": "Hashnodau",
"search_results.hashtags": "Hanshnodau",
"search_results.nothing_found": "Methu dod o hyd i unrhyw beth ar gyfer y termau chwilio hyn",
"search_results.statuses": "Postiadau",
"search_results.statuses_fts_disabled": "Nid yw chwilio postiadau yn ôl eu cynnwys wedi'i alluogi ar y gweinydd Mastodon hwn.",
@ -471,11 +465,11 @@
"status.mute_conversation": "Tawelu sgwrs",
"": "Ehangu'r post hwn",
"": "Pinio ar y proffil",
"status.pinned": "Post wedi'i binio",
"status.pinned": "Pinio post",
"status.read_more": "Darllen mwy",
"status.reblog": "Hybu",
"status.reblog_private": "Hybu i'r gynulleidfa wreiddiol",
"status.reblogged_by": "Hybodd {name}",
"status.reblogged_by": "Hybio {name}",
"status.reblogs.empty": "Does neb wedi hybio'r post yma eto. Pan y bydd rhywun yn gwneud, byddent yn ymddangos yma.",
"status.redraft": "Dileu & ailddrafftio",
"status.remove_bookmark": "Tynnu'r tudalnod",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Blokerede brugere",
"column.bookmarks": "Bogmærker",
"": "Lokal tidslinje",
"": "Direkte beskeder",
"column.conversations": "Konversationer",
"": "Tjek profiler",
"column.domain_blocks": "Blokerede domæner",
"column.favourites": "Favoritter",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Kun lokalt",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Kun medier",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Kun udefra",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Få mere at vide",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Indlæg på Mastodon er ikke ende-til-ende krypteret. Del derfor ikke sensitiv information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Da indlægget ikke er offentligt, vises det ikke under noget hashtag, idet kun offentlige indlæg kan søges via hashtags.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Indlejr dette indlæg på dit websted ved at kopiere nedenstående kode.",
"embed.preview": "Sådan kommer det til at se ud:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Aktivitet",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Tilpasset",
"emoji_button.flags": "Flag",
"": "Mad og drikke",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Ingen brugere blokeret endnu.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Du har ingen bogmærkede indlæg endnu. Når du bogmærker ét, vil det dukke op hér.",
"": "Den lokale tidslinje er tom. Skriv noget offentligt for at sætte tingene i gang!",
"": "Der er endnu ingen direkte beskeder. Når en sendes eller modtages, dukker den op hér.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Når der sendes eller modtages indlæg, som kun er synligt for personer nævnt heri, vil de dukke op her.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Ingen blokerede domæner endnu.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Ingen nye tendensen pt. Tjek igen senere!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Du har endnu ingen favoritindlæg. Når du favoritmarkerer ét, vil det dukke op hér.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Boost indlæg",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Fokusér kolonne",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "Fokusér skriveområdet",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "for at åbne konversationskolonnen",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Beskrivelse",
"": "for at åbne direkte beskeder-kolonnen",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "Flyt nedad på listen",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Åbn indlæg",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Favoritmarkér indlæg",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Udvid billedevisningsfelt",
"": "Næste",
"lightbox.previous": "Forrige",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Vis profil alligevel",
"limited_account_hint.title": "Denne profil er blevet skjult af servermoderatorerne.",
"lists.account.add": "Føj til liste",
"lists.account.remove": "Fjern fra liste",
"lists.delete": "Slet liste",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Bogmærker",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Lokal tidslinje",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Skriv nyt indlæg",
"": "Direkte beskeder",
"": "Opdag",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Blokerede domæner",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Redigér profil",
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Fjern afstemning",
"privacy.change": "Justér indlægsfortrolighed",
"": "Kun synlig for nævnte brugere",
"": "Kun nævnte personer",
"": "Kun personer, jeg nævner",
"privacy.private.long": "Kun synlig for følgere",
"privacy.private.short": "Kun følgere",
"privacy.public.long": "Synlig for alle",

View file

@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
"account.domain_blocked": "Domain versteckt",
"account.edit_profile": "Profil bearbeiten",
"account.enable_notifications": "Benachrichtige mich wenn @{name} etwas postet",
"account.endorse": "Auf Profil hervorheben",
"account.endorse": "Im Profil anzeigen",
"account.follow": "Folgen",
"account.followers": "Follower",
"account.followers.empty": "Diesem Profil folgt noch niemand.",
"account.followers.empty": "Diesem Profil folgt bislang niemand.",
"account.followers_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Follower} other {{counter} Follower}}",
"account.following": "Folgt",
"account.following_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Folgt} other {{counter} Folgt}}",
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Blockierte Profile",
"column.bookmarks": "Lesezeichen",
"": "Lokale Zeitleiste",
"": "Mensaxes directas",
"column.conversations": "Konversationen",
"": "Profile durchsuchen",
"column.domain_blocks": "Blockierte Domains",
"column.favourites": "Favoriten",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Nur lokal",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Nur Medien",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Nur entfernt",
"compose.language.change": "Sprache ändern",
"": "Sprachen durchsuchen...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Mehr erfahren",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Beiträge auf Mastodon sind nicht Ende-zu-Ende-verschlüsselt. Teile keine sensiblen Informationen über Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Dieser Beitrag wird nicht durch Hashtags entdeckbar sein, weil er ungelistet ist. Nur öffentliche Beiträge tauchen in Hashtag-Zeitleisten auf.",
@ -135,7 +133,7 @@
"confirmations.redraft.confirm": "Löschen und neu erstellen",
"confirmations.redraft.message": "Bist du dir sicher, dass du diesen Beitrag löschen und neu machen möchtest? Favoriten und Boosts werden verloren gehen und Antworten zu diesem Beitrag werden verwaist sein.",
"confirmations.reply.confirm": "Antworten",
"confirmations.reply.message": "Wenn du jetzt antwortest wird die gesamte Nachricht verworfen, die du gerade schreibst. Möchtest du wirklich fortfahren?",
"confirmations.reply.message": "Wenn du jetzt antwortest wird es die gesamte Nachricht verwerfen, die du gerade schreibst. Möchtest du wirklich fortfahren?",
"confirmations.unfollow.confirm": "Entfolgen",
"confirmations.unfollow.message": "Bist du dir sicher, dass du {name} entfolgen möchtest?",
"conversation.delete": "Unterhaltung löschen",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Du kannst diesen Beitrag auf deiner Webseite einbetten, indem du den folgenden Code einfügst.",
"embed.preview": "So wird es aussehen:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Aktivitäten",
"emoji_button.clear": "Leeren",
"emoji_button.custom": "Eigene",
"emoji_button.flags": "Flaggen",
"": "Essen und Trinken",
@ -168,8 +165,8 @@
"empty_column.account_unavailable": "Konto nicht verfügbar",
"empty_column.blocks": "Du hast keine Profile blockiert.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Du hast bis jetzt keine Beiträge als Lesezeichen gespeichert. Wenn du einen Beitrag als Lesezeichen speicherst wird er hier erscheinen.",
"": "Die lokale Zeitleiste ist leer. Schreibe einen öffentlichen Beitrag, um den Stein ins Rollen zu bringen!",
"": "Du hast noch keine Direktnachrichten. Sobald du eine sendest oder empfängst, wird sie hier zu sehen sein.",
"": "Die lokale Zeitleiste ist leer. Schreibe einen öffentlichen Beitrag, um den Ball ins Rollen zu bringen!",
"empty_column.conversations": "Sobald du einen Beitrag sendest oder empfängst, der nur für die in ihm erwähnten Personen sichtbar ist, wird er hier angezeigt.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Es sind noch keine Domains versteckt.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Momentan ist nichts im Trend. Schau später wieder!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Du hast noch keine favorisierten Tröts. Wenn du einen favorisierst, wird er hier erscheinen.",
@ -177,7 +174,7 @@
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "Es sieht so aus, als könnten keine Vorschläge für dich generiert werden. Du kannst versuchen nach Leuten zu suchen, die du vielleicht kennst oder du kannst angesagte Hashtags erkunden.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "Du hast noch keine Folge-Anfragen. Sobald du eine erhältst, wird sie hier angezeigt.",
"empty_column.hashtag": "Unter diesem Hashtag gibt es noch nichts.",
"empty_column.home": "Deine Startseite ist leer! Folge mehr Leuten, um sie zu füllen. {suggestions}",
"empty_column.home": "Deine Startseite ist leer! Besuche {public} oder nutze die Suche, um loszulegen und andere Leute zu finden.",
"empty_column.home.suggestions": "Ein paar Vorschläge ansehen",
"empty_column.list": "Diese Liste ist derzeit leer. Wenn Konten auf dieser Liste neue Beiträge veröffentlichen werden sie hier erscheinen.",
"empty_column.lists": "Du hast noch keine Listen. Wenn du eine anlegst, wird sie hier angezeigt.",
@ -201,7 +198,7 @@
"follow_recommendations.lead": "Beiträge von Personen, denen du folgst, werden in chronologischer Reihenfolge auf deiner Startseite angezeigt. Hab keine Angst, Fehler zu machen, du kannst den Leuten jederzeit wieder entfolgen!",
"follow_request.authorize": "Erlauben",
"follow_request.reject": "Ablehnen",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Auch wenn dein Konto nicht gesperrt ist, haben die Moderator_innen von {domain} gedacht, dass du diesen Follower lieber manuell bestätigen solltest.",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Auch wenn dein Konto nicht gesperrt ist, haben die Mitarbeiter von {domain} gedacht, dass es besser wäre den Follow manuell zu bestätigen.",
"generic.saved": "Gespeichert",
"getting_started.developers": "Entwickler",
"": "Profilverzeichnis",
@ -228,13 +225,13 @@
"intervals.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# Tag} other {# Tage}}",
"intervals.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# Stunde} other {# Stunden}}",
"intervals.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# Minute} other {# Minuten}}",
"keyboard_shortcuts.back": "Zurück navigieren",
"keyboard_shortcuts.back": "zurück navigieren",
"keyboard_shortcuts.blocked": "Liste blockierter Profile öffnen",
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "teilen",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "einen Beitrag in einer der Spalten fokussieren",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "fokussiere das Eingabefeld",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "um die Konversationsspalte zu öffnen",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Beschreibung",
"": "um Direktnachrichtenspalte zu öffnen",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "sich in der Liste hinunter bewegen",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Beitrag öffnen",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "um zu favorisieren",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Bildansicht erweitern",
"": "Weiter",
"lightbox.previous": "Zurück",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Profil trotzdem anzeigen",
"limited_account_hint.title": "Dieses Profil wurde von den Moderatoren deines Servers versteckt.",
"lists.account.add": "Zur Liste hinzufügen",
"lists.account.remove": "Von der Liste entfernen",
"lists.delete": "Liste löschen",
@ -284,7 +279,7 @@
"lists.subheading": "Deine Listen",
"load_pending": "{count, plural, one {# neuer Beitrag} other {# neue Beiträge}}",
"loading_indicator.label": "Wird geladen …",
"media_gallery.toggle_visible": "{number, plural, one {Bild verbergen} other {Bilder verbergen}}",
"media_gallery.toggle_visible": "Sichtbarkeit umschalten",
"missing_indicator.label": "Nicht gefunden",
"missing_indicator.sublabel": "Die Ressource konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"mute_modal.duration": "Dauer",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Lesezeichen",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Lokale Zeitleiste",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Neuen Beitrag verfassen",
"": "Direktnachrichten",
"": "Entdecken",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Versteckte Domains",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Profil bearbeiten",
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Umfrage entfernen",
"privacy.change": "Sichtbarkeit des Beitrags anpassen",
"": "Wird an erwähnte Profile gesendet",
"": "Nur erwähnte Personen",
"": "Nur Leute, die ich erwähne",
"privacy.private.long": "Nur für Folgende sichtbar",
"privacy.private.short": "Nur Follower",
"privacy.public.long": "Für alle sichtbar",
@ -398,23 +392,23 @@
"report.block_explanation": "Du wirst die Beiträge von diesem Konto nicht sehen. Das Konto wird nicht in der Lage sein, deine Beiträge zu sehen oder dir zu folgen. Die Person hinter dem Konto wird wissen, dass du das Konto blockiert hast.",
"report.categories.other": "Andere",
"report.categories.spam": "Spam",
"report.categories.violation": "Der Inhalt verletzt eine oder mehrere Server-Regeln",
"report.category.subtitle": "Wähle die passendste Kategorie",
"report.category.title": "Sag uns, was das Problem mit diesem {type} ist",
"report.categories.violation": "Inhalt verletzt ein oder mehrere Server-Regeln",
"report.category.subtitle": "Wähle die beste Zugehörigkeit",
"report.category.title": "Sag uns, was mit diesem {type} vor sich geht",
"report.category.title_account": "Profil",
"report.category.title_status": "Beitrag",
"report.close": "Fertig",
"report.comment.title": "Gibt es etwas anderes, was wir wissen sollten?",
"report.forward": "An {target} weiterleiten",
"report.forward_hint": "Dieses Konto gehört zu einem anderen Server. Soll eine anonymisierte Kopie der Meldung auch dorthin geschickt werden?",
"report.forward_hint": "Dieses Konto ist von einem anderen Server. Soll eine anonymisierte Kopie des Berichts auch dorthin geschickt werden?",
"report.mute": "Stummschalten",
"report.mute_explanation": "Du wirst die Beiträge vom Konto nicht mehr sehen. Das Konto kann dir immernoch folgen und die Person hinter dem Konto wird deine Beiträge sehen können und nicht wissen, dass du sie stumm geschaltet hast.",
"": "Weiter",
"report.placeholder": "Zusätzliche Kommentare",
"report.reasons.dislike": "Das gefällt mir nicht",
"report.reasons.dislike_description": "Es ist etwas, das du nicht sehen willst",
"report.reasons.dislike_description": "Das ist nicht etwas, was ihr nicht sehen wollt",
"report.reasons.other": "Da ist was anderes",
"report.reasons.other_description": "Das Problem passt nicht in die Kategorien",
"report.reasons.other_description": "Das Problem passt nicht in eine der Kategorien",
"report.reasons.spam": "Das ist Spam",
"report.reasons.spam_description": "Bösartige Links, gefälschtes Engagement oder wiederholte Antworten",
"report.reasons.violation": "Es verstößt gegen Serverregeln",
@ -425,10 +419,10 @@
"report.statuses.title": "Gibt es Beiträge, die diesen Bericht unterstützen?",
"report.submit": "Absenden",
"": "{target} melden",
"report.thanks.take_action": "Das sind deine Möglichkeiten, zu bestimmen, was du auf Mastodon sehen möchtest:",
"report.thanks.take_action": "Hier sind deine Optionen, die es dir erlauben zu kontrollieren, was du auf Mastodon sehen möchtest:",
"report.thanks.take_action_actionable": "Während wir dies überprüfen, kannst du gegen @{name} vorgehen:",
"report.thanks.title": "Möchtest du das nicht sehen?",
"report.thanks.title_actionable": "Vielen Dank für die Meldung, wir werden uns das ansehen.",
"report.thanks.title_actionable": "Vielen Dank für die Berichterstattung, wir werden uns damit befassen.",
"report.unfollow": "@{name} entfolgen",
"report.unfollow_explanation": "Du folgst diesem Konto. Um die Beiträge nicht mehr auf deiner Startseite zu sehen, entfolge dem Konto.",
"search.placeholder": "Suche",

View file

@ -75,14 +75,6 @@
"defaultMessage": "Unmute notifications from @{name}",
"id": "account.unmute_notifications"
"defaultMessage": "Mute @{name}",
"id": "account.mute"
"defaultMessage": "Block @{name}",
"id": "account.block"
"path": "app/javascript/mastodon/components/account.json"
@ -795,19 +787,6 @@
"path": "app/javascript/mastodon/features/account_timeline/components/header.json"
"descriptors": [
"defaultMessage": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"id": "limited_account_hint.title"
"defaultMessage": "Show profile anyway",
"id": "limited_account_hint.action"
"path": "app/javascript/mastodon/features/account_timeline/components/limited_account_hint.json"
"descriptors": [
@ -1257,23 +1236,6 @@
"path": "app/javascript/mastodon/features/compose/components/emoji_picker_dropdown.json"
"descriptors": [
"defaultMessage": "Change language",
"id": "compose.language.change"
"defaultMessage": "Search languages...",
"id": ""
"defaultMessage": "Clear",
"id": "emoji_button.clear"
"path": "app/javascript/mastodon/features/compose/components/language_dropdown.json"
"descriptors": [
@ -1546,7 +1508,7 @@
"id": "compose_form.hashtag_warning"
"defaultMessage": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any sensitive information over Mastodon.",
"defaultMessage": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"id": "compose_form.encryption_warning"
@ -1654,20 +1616,12 @@
"descriptors": [
"defaultMessage": "Direct messages",
"id": ""
"defaultMessage": "Conversations",
"id": "column.conversations"
"defaultMessage": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"id": "compose_form.encryption_warning"
"defaultMessage": "Learn more",
"id": "compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more"
"defaultMessage": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"id": ""
"defaultMessage": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"id": "empty_column.conversations"
"path": "app/javascript/mastodon/features/direct_timeline/index.json"
@ -1926,10 +1880,6 @@
"defaultMessage": "Followers",
"id": "timeline_hint.resources.followers"
"defaultMessage": "Account suspended",
"id": "empty_column.account_suspended"
"defaultMessage": "Profile unavailable",
"id": "empty_column.account_unavailable"
@ -1947,10 +1897,6 @@
"defaultMessage": "Follows",
"id": "timeline_hint.resources.follows"
"defaultMessage": "Account suspended",
"id": "empty_column.account_suspended"
"defaultMessage": "Profile unavailable",
"id": "empty_column.account_unavailable"
@ -2019,8 +1965,8 @@
"id": "navigation_bar.explore"
"defaultMessage": "Direct messages",
"id": ""
"defaultMessage": "Conversations",
"id": "column.conversations"
"defaultMessage": "Bookmarks",
@ -2276,8 +2222,8 @@
"id": "keyboard_shortcuts.federated"
"defaultMessage": "to open direct messages column",
"id": ""
"defaultMessage": "to open conversations column",
"id": "keyboard_shortcuts.conversations"
"defaultMessage": "to open \"get started\" column",
@ -3567,8 +3513,8 @@
"id": "tabs_bar.federated_timeline"
"defaultMessage": "Direct messages",
"id": ""
"defaultMessage": "Conversations",
"id": "column.conversations"
"defaultMessage": "Favourites",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Αποκλεισμένοι χρήστες",
"column.bookmarks": "Σελιδοδείκτες",
"": "Τοπική ροή",
"": "Προσωπικά μηνύματα",
"column.conversations": "Συνομιλίες",
"": "Δες προφίλ",
"column.domain_blocks": "Κρυμμένοι τομείς",
"column.favourites": "Αγαπημένα",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Τοπικά μόνο",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Μόνο πολυμέσα",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Απομακρυσμένα μόνο",
"compose.language.change": "Αλλαγή γλώσσας",
"": "Αναζήτηση γλωσσών...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Μάθετε περισσότερα",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Οι δημοσιεύσεις στο Mastodon δεν είναι κρυπτογραφημένες από άκρο σε άκρο. Μην μοιράζεστε επικίνδυνες πληροφορίες μέσω του Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Αυτό το τουτ δεν θα εμφανίζεται κάτω από κανένα hashtag καθώς είναι αφανές. Μόνο τα δημόσια τουτ μπορούν να αναζητηθούν ανά hashtag.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Ενσωματώστε αυτή την κατάσταση στην ιστοσελίδα σας αντιγράφοντας τον παρακάτω κώδικα.",
"embed.preview": "Ορίστε πως θα φαίνεται:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Δραστηριότητα",
"emoji_button.clear": "Καθαρισμός",
"emoji_button.custom": "Προσαρμοσμένα",
"emoji_button.flags": "Σημαίες",
"": "Φαγητά & Ποτά",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Δεν έχεις αποκλείσει κανέναν χρήστη ακόμα.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Δεν έχεις κανένα αποθηκευμένο τουτ ακόμα. Μόλις αποθηκεύσεις κάποιο, θα εμφανιστεί εδώ.",
"": "Η τοπική ροή είναι κενή. Γράψε κάτι δημόσιο παραμύθι ν' αρχινίσει!",
"": "Δεν έχεις προσωπικά μηνύματα ακόμα. Όταν στείλεις ή λάβεις κανένα, θα εμφανιστεί εδώ.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Μόλις στείλετε ή λάβετε μια δημοσίευση που είναι ορατή μόνο σε άτομα που αναφέρονται σε αυτή, θα εμφανιστεί εδώ.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Δεν υπάρχουν αποκλεισμένοι τομείς ακόμα.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Δεν έχεις κανένα αγαπημένο τουτ ακόμα. Μόλις αγαπήσεις κάποιο, θα εμφανιστεί εδώ.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "προώθηση",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "εμφάνιση της κατάστασης σε μια από τις στήλες",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "εστίαση στην περιοχή συγγραφής",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "για να ανοίξετε στήλη συνομιλιών",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Περιγραφή",
"": "άνοιγμα στήλης προσωπικών μηνυμάτων",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "κίνηση προς τα κάτω στη λίστα",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "εμφάνιση κατάστασης",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "σημείωση ως αγαπημένο",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Ανάπτυξη πλαισίου εμφάνισης εικόνας",
"": "Επόμενο",
"lightbox.previous": "Προηγούμενο",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Εμφάνιση προφίλ ούτως ή άλλως",
"limited_account_hint.title": "Αυτό το προφίλ έχει αποκρυφτεί από τους διαχειριστές του διακομιστή σας.",
"lists.account.add": "Πρόσθεσε στη λίστα",
"lists.account.remove": "Βγάλε από τη λίστα",
"lists.delete": "Διαγραφή λίστας",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Σελιδοδείκτες",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Τοπική ροή",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Γράψε νέο τουτ",
"": "Προσωπικά μηνύματα",
"": "Ανακάλυψη",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Κρυμμένοι τομείς",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Επεξεργασία προφίλ",
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Αφαίρεση δημοσκόπησης",
"privacy.change": "Προσαρμογή ιδιωτικότητας δημοσίευσης",
"": "Δημοσίευση μόνο σε όσους και όσες αναφέρονται",
"": "Αναφερόμενα άτομα μόνο",
"": "Μόνο άτομα που αναφέρω",
"privacy.private.long": "Δημοσίευση μόνο στους ακόλουθους",
"privacy.private.short": "Μόνο ακόλουθοι",
"privacy.public.long": "Ορατό σε όλους",

View file

@ -1,549 +0,0 @@
"account.account_note_header": "Note",
"account.add_or_remove_from_list": "Add or Remove from lists",
"": "Bot",
"": "Group",
"account.block": "Block @{name}",
"account.block_domain": "Block domain {domain}",
"account.blocked": "Blocked",
"account.browse_more_on_origin_server": "Browse more on the original profile",
"account.cancel_follow_request": "Cancel follow request",
"": "Direct message @{name}",
"account.disable_notifications": "Stop notifying me when @{name} posts",
"account.domain_blocked": "Domain blocked",
"account.edit_profile": "Edit profile",
"account.enable_notifications": "Notify me when @{name} posts",
"account.endorse": "Feature on profile",
"account.follow": "Follow",
"account.followers": "Followers",
"account.followers.empty": "No one follows this user yet.",
"account.followers_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Follower} other {{counter} Followers}}",
"account.following": "Following",
"account.following_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Following} other {{counter} Following}}",
"account.follows.empty": "This user doesn't follow anyone yet.",
"account.follows_you": "Follows you",
"account.hide_reblogs": "Hide boosts from @{name}",
"account.joined": "Joined {date}",
"account.link_verified_on": "Ownership of this link was checked on {date}",
"account.locked_info": "This account privacy status is set to locked. The owner manually reviews who can follow them.",
"": "Media",
"account.mention": "Mention @{name}",
"account.moved_to": "{name} has moved to:",
"account.mute": "Mute @{name}",
"account.mute_notifications": "Mute notifications from @{name}",
"account.muted": "Muted",
"account.posts": "Posts",
"account.posts_with_replies": "Posts and replies",
"": "Report @{name}",
"account.requested": "Awaiting approval. Click to cancel follow request",
"account.share": "Share @{name}'s profile",
"account.show_reblogs": "Show boosts from @{name}",
"account.statuses_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Post} other {{counter} Posts}}",
"account.unblock": "Unblock @{name}",
"account.unblock_domain": "Unblock domain {domain}",
"account.unblock_short": "Unblock",
"account.unendorse": "Don't feature on profile",
"account.unfollow": "Unfollow",
"account.unmute": "Unmute @{name}",
"account.unmute_notifications": "Unmute notifications from @{name}",
"account.unmute_short": "Unmute",
"account_note.placeholder": "Click to add a note",
"admin.dashboard.daily_retention": "User retention rate by day after sign-up",
"admin.dashboard.monthly_retention": "User retention rate by month after sign-up",
"admin.dashboard.retention.average": "Average",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort": "Sign-up month",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort_size": "New users",
"alert.rate_limited.message": "Please retry after {retry_time, time, medium}.",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Rate limited",
"alert.unexpected.message": "An unexpected error occurred.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Oops!",
"announcement.announcement": "Announcement",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(unprocessed)",
"autosuggest_hashtag.per_week": "{count} per week",
"boost_modal.combo": "You can press {combo} to skip this next time",
"bundle_column_error.body": "Something went wrong while loading this component.",
"bundle_column_error.retry": "Try again",
"bundle_column_error.title": "Network error",
"bundle_modal_error.close": "Close",
"bundle_modal_error.message": "Something went wrong while loading this component.",
"bundle_modal_error.retry": "Try again",
"column.blocks": "Blocked users",
"column.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"": "Local timeline",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Browse profiles",
"column.domain_blocks": "Blocked domains",
"column.favourites": "Favourites",
"column.follow_requests": "Follow requests",
"column.home": "Home",
"column.lists": "Lists",
"column.mutes": "Muted users",
"column.notifications": "Notifications",
"column.pins": "Pinned post",
"column.public": "Federated timeline",
"column_back_button.label": "Back",
"column_header.hide_settings": "Hide settings",
"column_header.moveLeft_settings": "Move column to the left",
"column_header.moveRight_settings": "Move column to the right",
"": "Pin",
"column_header.show_settings": "Show settings",
"column_header.unpin": "Unpin",
"column_subheading.settings": "Settings",
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Local only",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Media only",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Remote only",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Learn more",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "This post won't be listed under any hashtag as it is unlisted. Only public posts can be searched by hashtag.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "Your account is not {locked}. Anyone can follow you to view your follower-only posts.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "locked",
"compose_form.placeholder": "What is on your mind?",
"compose_form.poll.add_option": "Add a choice",
"compose_form.poll.duration": "Poll duration",
"compose_form.poll.option_placeholder": "Choice {number}",
"compose_form.poll.remove_option": "Remove this choice",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_multiple": "Change poll to allow multiple choices",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_single": "Change poll to allow for a single choice",
"compose_form.publish": "Toot",
"compose_form.publish_loud": "{publish}!",
"compose_form.save_changes": "Save changes",
"compose_form.sensitive.hide": "{count, plural, one {Mark media as sensitive} other {Mark media as sensitive}}",
"compose_form.sensitive.marked": "{count, plural, one {Media is marked as sensitive} other {Media is marked as sensitive}}",
"compose_form.sensitive.unmarked": "{count, plural, one {Media is not marked as sensitive} other {Media is not marked as sensitive}}",
"compose_form.spoiler.marked": "Text is hidden behind warning",
"compose_form.spoiler.unmarked": "Text is not hidden",
"compose_form.spoiler_placeholder": "Write your warning here",
"confirmation_modal.cancel": "Cancel",
"confirmations.block.block_and_report": "Block & Report",
"confirmations.block.confirm": "Block",
"confirmations.block.message": "Are you sure you want to block {name}?",
"confirmations.delete.confirm": "Delete",
"confirmations.delete.message": "Are you sure you want to delete this status?",
"confirmations.delete_list.confirm": "Delete",
"confirmations.delete_list.message": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this list?",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.confirm": "Discard",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.message": "You have unsaved changes to the media description or preview, discard them anyway?",
"confirmations.domain_block.confirm": "Hide entire domain",
"confirmations.domain_block.message": "Are you really, really sure you want to block the entire {domain}? In most cases a few targeted blocks or mutes are sufficient and preferable. You will not see content from that domain in any public timelines or your notifications. Your followers from that domain will be removed.",
"confirmations.logout.confirm": "Log out",
"confirmations.logout.message": "Are you sure you want to log out?",
"confirmations.mute.confirm": "Mute",
"confirmations.mute.explanation": "This will hide posts from them and posts mentioning them, but it will still allow them to see your posts and follow you.",
"confirmations.mute.message": "Are you sure you want to mute {name}?",
"confirmations.redraft.confirm": "Delete & redraft",
"confirmations.redraft.message": "Are you sure you want to delete this status and re-draft it? Favourites and boosts will be lost, and replies to the original post will be orphaned.",
"confirmations.reply.confirm": "Reply",
"confirmations.reply.message": "Replying now will overwrite the message you are currently composing. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"confirmations.unfollow.confirm": "Unfollow",
"confirmations.unfollow.message": "Are you sure you want to unfollow {name}?",
"conversation.delete": "Delete conversation",
"conversation.mark_as_read": "Mark as read",
"": "View conversation",
"conversation.with": "With {names}",
"directory.federated": "From known fediverse",
"directory.local": "From {domain} only",
"directory.new_arrivals": "New arrivals",
"directory.recently_active": "Recently active",
"embed.instructions": "Embed this status on your website by copying the code below.",
"embed.preview": "Here is what it will look like:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Activity",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Custom",
"emoji_button.flags": "Flags",
"": "Food & Drink",
"emoji_button.label": "Insert emoji",
"emoji_button.nature": "Nature",
"emoji_button.not_found": "No matching emojis found",
"emoji_button.objects": "Objects",
"emoji_button.people": "People",
"emoji_button.recent": "Frequently used",
"": "Search...",
"emoji_button.search_results": "Search results",
"emoji_button.symbols": "Symbols",
"": "Travel & Places",
"empty_column.account_suspended": "Account suspended",
"empty_column.account_timeline": "No posts found",
"empty_column.account_unavailable": "Profile unavailable",
"empty_column.blocks": "You haven't blocked any users yet.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "You don't have any bookmarked posts yet. When you bookmark one, it will show up here.",
"": "The local timeline is empty. Write something publicly to get the ball rolling!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "There are no blocked domains yet.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "You don't have any favourite posts yet. When you favourite one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.favourites": "No one has favourited this post yet. When someone does, they will show up here.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "Looks like no suggestions could be generated for you. You can try using search to look for people you might know or explore trending hashtags.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "You don't have any follow requests yet. When you receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.hashtag": "There is nothing in this hashtag yet.",
"empty_column.home": "Your home timeline is empty! Follow more people to fill it up. {suggestions}",
"empty_column.home.suggestions": "See some suggestions",
"empty_column.list": "There is nothing in this list yet. When members of this list post new statuses, they will appear here.",
"empty_column.lists": "You don't have any lists yet. When you create one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.mutes": "You haven't muted any users yet.",
"empty_column.notifications": "You don't have any notifications yet. When other people interact with you, you will see it here.",
"empty_column.public": "There is nothing here! Write something publicly, or manually follow users from other servers to fill it up",
"error.unexpected_crash.explanation": "Due to a bug in our code or a browser compatibility issue, this page could not be displayed correctly.",
"error.unexpected_crash.explanation_addons": "This page could not be displayed correctly. This error is likely caused by a browser add-on or automatic translation tools.",
"error.unexpected_crash.next_steps": "Try refreshing the page. If that does not help, you may still be able to use Mastodon through a different browser or native app.",
"error.unexpected_crash.next_steps_addons": "Try disabling them and refreshing the page. If that does not help, you may still be able to use Mastodon through a different browser or native app.",
"errors.unexpected_crash.copy_stacktrace": "Copy stacktrace to clipboard",
"errors.unexpected_crash.report_issue": "Report issue",
"explore.search_results": "Search results",
"explore.suggested_follows": "For you",
"explore.title": "Explore",
"explore.trending_links": "News",
"explore.trending_statuses": "Posts",
"explore.trending_tags": "Hashtags",
"follow_recommendations.done": "Done",
"follow_recommendations.heading": "Follow people you'd like to see posts from! Here are some suggestions.",
"follow_recommendations.lead": "Posts from people you follow will show up in chronological order on your home feed. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, you can unfollow people just as easily any time!",
"follow_request.authorize": "Authorize",
"follow_request.reject": "Reject",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Even though your account is not locked, the {domain} staff thought you might want to review follow requests from these accounts manually.",
"generic.saved": "Saved",
"getting_started.developers": "Developers",
"": "Profile directory",
"getting_started.documentation": "Documentation",
"getting_started.heading": "Getting started",
"getting_started.invite": "Invite people",
"getting_started.open_source_notice": "Mastodon is open source software. You can contribute or report issues on GitHub at {github}.",
"": "Security",
"getting_started.terms": "Terms of service",
"hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.all": "and {additional}",
"hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.any": "or {additional}",
"hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.none": "without {additional}",
"": "No suggestions found",
"": "Enter hashtags…",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.all": "All of these",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.any": "Any of these",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.none": "None of these",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_toggle": "Include additional tags in this column",
"home.column_settings.basic": "Basic",
"home.column_settings.show_reblogs": "Show boosts",
"home.column_settings.show_replies": "Show replies",
"home.hide_announcements": "Hide announcements",
"home.show_announcements": "Show announcements",
"intervals.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# day} other {# days}}",
"intervals.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# hour} other {# hours}}",
"intervals.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}}",
"keyboard_shortcuts.back": "to navigate back",
"keyboard_shortcuts.blocked": "to open blocked users list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "to boost",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "to focus a status in one of the columns",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "to focus the compose textarea",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Description",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "to move down in the list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "to open status",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "to favourite",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourites": "to open favourites list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.federated": "to open federated timeline",
"keyboard_shortcuts.heading": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"keyboard_shortcuts.home": "to open home timeline",
"keyboard_shortcuts.hotkey": "Hotkey",
"keyboard_shortcuts.legend": "to display this legend",
"keyboard_shortcuts.local": "to open local timeline",
"keyboard_shortcuts.mention": "to mention author",
"keyboard_shortcuts.muted": "to open muted users list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.my_profile": "to open your profile",
"keyboard_shortcuts.notifications": "to open notifications column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.open_media": "to open media",
"keyboard_shortcuts.pinned": "to open pinned posts list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.profile": "to open author's profile",
"keyboard_shortcuts.reply": "to reply",
"keyboard_shortcuts.requests": "to open follow requests list",
"": "to focus search",
"keyboard_shortcuts.spoilers": "to show/hide CW field",
"keyboard_shortcuts.start": "to open \"get started\" column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_hidden": "to show/hide text behind CW",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_sensitivity": "to show/hide media",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toot": "to start a brand new post",
"keyboard_shortcuts.unfocus": "to un-focus compose textarea/search",
"keyboard_shortcuts.up": "to move up in the list",
"lightbox.close": "Close",
"lightbox.compress": "Compress image view box",
"lightbox.expand": "Expand image view box",
"": "Next",
"lightbox.previous": "Previous",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Add to list",
"lists.account.remove": "Remove from list",
"lists.delete": "Delete list",
"lists.edit": "Edit list",
"lists.edit.submit": "Change title",
"": "Add list",
"": "New list title",
"lists.replies_policy.followed": "Any followed user",
"lists.replies_policy.list": "Members of the list",
"lists.replies_policy.none": "No one",
"lists.replies_policy.title": "Show replies to:",
"": "Search among people you follow",
"lists.subheading": "Your lists",
"load_pending": "{count, plural, one {# new item} other {# new items}}",
"loading_indicator.label": "Loading...",
"media_gallery.toggle_visible": "{number, plural, one {Hide image} other {Hide images}}",
"missing_indicator.label": "Not found",
"missing_indicator.sublabel": "This resource could not be found",
"mute_modal.duration": "Duration",
"mute_modal.hide_notifications": "Hide notifications from this user?",
"mute_modal.indefinite": "Indefinite",
"navigation_bar.apps": "Mobile apps",
"navigation_bar.blocks": "Blocked users",
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Local timeline",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Compose new post",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Discover",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Edit profile",
"navigation_bar.explore": "Explore",
"navigation_bar.favourites": "Favourites",
"navigation_bar.filters": "Muted words",
"navigation_bar.follow_requests": "Follow requests",
"navigation_bar.follows_and_followers": "Follows and followers",
"": "About this server",
"navigation_bar.keyboard_shortcuts": "Hotkeys",
"navigation_bar.lists": "Lists",
"navigation_bar.logout": "Logout",
"navigation_bar.mutes": "Muted users",
"navigation_bar.personal": "Personal",
"navigation_bar.pins": "Pinned posts",
"navigation_bar.preferences": "Preferences",
"navigation_bar.public_timeline": "Federated timeline",
"": "Security",
"notification.admin.sign_up": "{name} signed up",
"notification.favourite": "{name} favourited your status",
"notification.follow": "{name} followed you",
"notification.follow_request": "{name} has requested to follow you",
"notification.mention": "{name} mentioned you",
"notification.own_poll": "Your poll has ended",
"notification.poll": "A poll you have voted in has ended",
"notification.reblog": "{name} boosted your status",
"notification.status": "{name} just posted",
"notification.update": "{name} edited a post",
"notifications.clear": "Clear notifications",
"notifications.clear_confirmation": "Are you sure you want to permanently clear all your notifications?",
"notifications.column_settings.admin.sign_up": "New sign-ups:",
"notifications.column_settings.alert": "Desktop notifications",
"notifications.column_settings.favourite": "Favourites:",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.advanced": "Display all categories",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.category": "Quick filter bar",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.show_bar": "Show filter bar",
"notifications.column_settings.follow": "New followers:",
"notifications.column_settings.follow_request": "New follow requests:",
"notifications.column_settings.mention": "Mentions:",
"notifications.column_settings.poll": "Poll results:",
"notifications.column_settings.push": "Push notifications",
"notifications.column_settings.reblog": "Boosts:",
"": "Show in column",
"notifications.column_settings.sound": "Play sound",
"notifications.column_settings.status": "New posts:",
"notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.category": "Unread notifications",
"notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.highlight": "Highlight unread notifications",
"notifications.column_settings.update": "Edits:",
"notifications.filter.all": "All",
"notifications.filter.boosts": "Boosts",
"notifications.filter.favourites": "Favourites",
"notifications.filter.follows": "Follows",
"notifications.filter.mentions": "Mentions",
"notifications.filter.polls": "Poll results",
"notifications.filter.statuses": "Updates from people you follow",
"notifications.grant_permission": "Grant permission.",
"": "{count} notifications",
"notifications.mark_as_read": "Mark every notification as read",
"notifications.permission_denied": "Desktop notifications are unavailable due to previously denied browser permissions request",
"notifications.permission_denied_alert": "Desktop notifications can't be enabled, as browser permission has been denied before",
"notifications.permission_required": "Desktop notifications are unavailable because the required permission has not been granted.",
"notifications_permission_banner.enable": "Enable desktop notifications",
"notifications_permission_banner.how_to_control": "To receive notifications when Mastodon isn't open, enable desktop notifications. You can control precisely which types of interactions generate desktop notifications through the {icon} button above once they're enabled.",
"notifications_permission_banner.title": "Never miss a thing",
"picture_in_picture.restore": "Put it back",
"poll.closed": "Closed",
"poll.refresh": "Refresh",
"poll.total_people": "{count, plural, one {# person} other {# people}}",
"poll.total_votes": "{count, plural, one {# vote} other {# votes}}",
"": "Vote",
"poll.voted": "You voted for this answer",
"poll.votes": "{votes, plural, one {# vote} other {# votes}}",
"poll_button.add_poll": "Add a poll",
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Remove poll",
"privacy.change": "Adjust status privacy",
"": "Visible for mentioned users only",
"": "Direct",
"privacy.private.long": "Visible for followers only",
"privacy.private.short": "Followers-only",
"privacy.public.long": "Visible for all",
"privacy.public.short": "Public",
"privacy.unlisted.long": "Visible for all, but opted-out of discovery features",
"privacy.unlisted.short": "Unlisted",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"regeneration_indicator.label": "Loading…",
"regeneration_indicator.sublabel": "Your home feed is being prepared!",
"relative_time.days": "{number}d",
"relative_time.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# day} other {# days}} ago",
"relative_time.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# hour} other {# hours}} ago",
"relative_time.full.just_now": "just now",
"relative_time.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}} ago",
"relative_time.full.seconds": "{number, plural, one {# second} other {# seconds}} ago",
"relative_time.hours": "{number}h",
"relative_time.just_now": "now",
"relative_time.minutes": "{number}m",
"relative_time.seconds": "{number}s",
"": "today",
"reply_indicator.cancel": "Cancel",
"report.block": "Block",
"report.block_explanation": "You will not see their posts. They will not be able to see your posts or follow you. They will be able to tell that they are blocked.",
"report.categories.other": "Other",
"report.categories.spam": "Spam",
"report.categories.violation": "Content violates one or more server rules",
"report.category.subtitle": "Choose the best match",
"report.category.title": "Tell us what's going on with this {type}",
"report.category.title_account": "profile",
"report.category.title_status": "post",
"report.close": "Done",
"report.comment.title": "Is there anything else you think we should know?",
"report.forward": "Forward to {target}",
"report.forward_hint": "The account is from another server. Send an anonymized copy of the report there as well?",
"report.mute": "Mute",
"report.mute_explanation": "You will not see their posts. They can still follow you and see your posts and will not know that they are muted.",
"": "Next",
"report.placeholder": "Type or paste additional comments",
"report.reasons.dislike": "I don't like it",
"report.reasons.dislike_description": "It is not something you want to see",
"report.reasons.other": "It's something else",
"report.reasons.other_description": "The issue does not fit into other categories",
"report.reasons.spam": "It's spam",
"report.reasons.spam_description": "Malicious links, fake engagement, or repetitive replies",
"report.reasons.violation": "It violates server rules",
"report.reasons.violation_description": "You are aware that it breaks specific rules",
"report.rules.subtitle": "Select all that apply",
"report.rules.title": "Which rules are being violated?",
"report.statuses.subtitle": "Select all that apply",
"report.statuses.title": "Are there any posts that back up this report?",
"report.submit": "Submit report",
"": "Report {target}",
"report.thanks.take_action": "Here are your options for controlling what you see on Mastodon:",
"report.thanks.take_action_actionable": "While we review this, you can take action against @{name}:",
"report.thanks.title": "Don't want to see this?",
"report.thanks.title_actionable": "Thanks for reporting, we'll look into this.",
"report.unfollow": "Unfollow @{name}",
"report.unfollow_explanation": "You are following this account. To not see their posts in your home feed anymore, unfollow them.",
"search.placeholder": "Search",
"search_popout.search_format": "Advanced search format",
"": "Simple text returns statuses you have written, favourited, boosted, or have been mentioned in, as well as matching usernames, display names, and hashtags.",
"": "hashtag",
"": "status",
"": "Simple text returns matching display names, usernames and hashtags",
"": "user",
"search_results.accounts": "People",
"search_results.all": "All",
"search_results.hashtags": "Hashtags",
"search_results.nothing_found": "Could not find anything for these search terms",
"search_results.statuses": "Posts",
"search_results.statuses_fts_disabled": "Searching posts by their content is not enabled on this Mastodon server.",
"": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {result} other {results}}",
"status.admin_account": "Open moderation interface for @{name}",
"status.admin_status": "Open this status in the moderation interface",
"status.block": "Block @{name}",
"status.bookmark": "Bookmark",
"status.cancel_reblog_private": "Unboost",
"status.cannot_reblog": "This post cannot be boosted",
"status.copy": "Copy link to status",
"status.delete": "Delete",
"status.detailed_status": "Detailed conversation view",
"": "Direct message @{name}",
"status.edit": "Edit",
"status.edited": "Edited {date}",
"status.edited_x_times": "Edited {count, plural, one {{count} time} other {{count} times}}",
"status.embed": "Embed",
"status.favourite": "Favourite",
"status.filtered": "Filtered",
"status.history.created": "{name} created {date}",
"status.history.edited": "{name} edited {date}",
"status.load_more": "Load more",
"status.media_hidden": "Media hidden",
"status.mention": "Mention @{name}",
"status.more": "More",
"status.mute": "Mute @{name}",
"status.mute_conversation": "Mute conversation",
"": "Expand this status",
"": "Pin on profile",
"status.pinned": "Pinned post",
"status.read_more": "Read more",
"status.reblog": "Boost",
"status.reblog_private": "Boost with original visibility",
"status.reblogged_by": "{name} boosted",
"status.reblogs.empty": "No one has boosted this post yet. When someone does, they will show up here.",
"status.redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
"status.remove_bookmark": "Remove bookmark",
"status.reply": "Reply",
"status.replyAll": "Reply to thread",
"": "Report @{name}",
"status.sensitive_warning": "Sensitive content",
"status.share": "Share",
"status.show_less": "Show less",
"status.show_less_all": "Show less for all",
"status.show_more": "Show more",
"status.show_more_all": "Show more for all",
"status.show_thread": "Show thread",
"status.uncached_media_warning": "Not available",
"status.unmute_conversation": "Unmute conversation",
"status.unpin": "Unpin from profile",
"suggestions.dismiss": "Dismiss suggestion",
"suggestions.header": "You might be interested in…",
"tabs_bar.federated_timeline": "Federated",
"tabs_bar.home": "Home",
"tabs_bar.local_timeline": "Local",
"tabs_bar.notifications": "Notifications",
"": "Search",
"time_remaining.days": "{number, plural, one {# day} other {# days}} left",
"time_remaining.hours": "{number, plural, one {# hour} other {# hours}} left",
"time_remaining.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}} left",
"time_remaining.moments": "Moments remaining",
"time_remaining.seconds": "{number, plural, one {# second} other {# seconds}} left",
"timeline_hint.remote_resource_not_displayed": "{resource} from other servers are not displayed.",
"timeline_hint.resources.followers": "Followers",
"timeline_hint.resources.follows": "Follows",
"timeline_hint.resources.statuses": "Older posts",
"trends.counter_by_accounts": "{count, plural, one {{counter} person} other {{counter} people}} talking",
"trends.trending_now": "Trending now",
"ui.beforeunload": "Your draft will be lost if you leave Mastodon.",
"units.short.billion": "{count}B",
"units.short.million": "{count}M",
"units.short.thousand": "{count}K",
"upload_area.title": "Drag & drop to upload",
"upload_button.label": "Add images, a video or an audio file",
"upload_error.limit": "File upload limit exceeded.",
"upload_error.poll": "File upload not allowed with polls.",
"upload_form.audio_description": "Describe for people with hearing loss",
"upload_form.description": "Describe for the visually impaired",
"upload_form.description_missing": "No description added",
"upload_form.edit": "Edit",
"upload_form.thumbnail": "Change thumbnail",
"upload_form.undo": "Delete",
"upload_form.video_description": "Describe for people with hearing loss or visual impairment",
"upload_modal.analyzing_picture": "Analyzing picture…",
"upload_modal.apply": "Apply",
"upload_modal.applying": "Applying…",
"upload_modal.choose_image": "Choose image",
"upload_modal.description_placeholder": "A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",
"upload_modal.detect_text": "Detect text from picture",
"upload_modal.edit_media": "Edit media",
"upload_modal.hint": "Click or drag the circle on the preview to choose the focal point which will always be in view on all thumbnails.",
"upload_modal.preparing_ocr": "Preparing OCR…",
"upload_modal.preview_label": "Preview ({ratio})",
"upload_progress.label": "Uploading…",
"video.close": "Close video",
"": "Download file",
"video.exit_fullscreen": "Exit full screen",
"video.expand": "Expand video",
"video.fullscreen": "Full screen",
"video.hide": "Hide video",
"video.mute": "Mute sound",
"video.pause": "Pause",
"": "Play",
"video.unmute": "Unmute sound"

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Blocked users",
"column.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"": "Local timeline",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Browse profiles",
"column.domain_blocks": "Blocked domains",
"column.favourites": "Favourites",
@ -92,10 +92,8 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Local only",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Media Only",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Remote only",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Learn more",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any sensitive information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "This post won't be listed under any hashtag as it is unlisted. Only public posts can be searched by hashtag.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "Your account is not {locked}. Anyone can follow you to view your follower-only posts.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "locked",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Embed this post on your website by copying the code below.",
"embed.preview": "Here is what it will look like:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Activity",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Custom",
"emoji_button.flags": "Flags",
"": "Food & Drink",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "You haven't blocked any users yet.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "You don't have any bookmarked posts yet. When you bookmark one, it will show up here.",
"": "The local timeline is empty. Write something publicly to get the ball rolling!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "There are no blocked domains yet.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "You don't have any favourite posts yet. When you favourite one, it will show up here.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Boost post",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Focus column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "Focus compose textarea",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Description",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "Move down in the list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Open post",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Favourite post",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Expand image view box",
"": "Next",
"lightbox.previous": "Previous",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Add to list",
"lists.account.remove": "Remove from list",
"lists.delete": "Delete list",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Local timeline",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Compose new post",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Discover",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Blocked domains",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Edit profile",

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"account.followers": "Sekvantoj",
"account.followers.empty": "Ankoraŭ neniu sekvas tiun uzanton.",
"account.followers_counter": "{count, plural, one{{counter} Sekvanto} other {{counter} Sekvantoj}}",
"account.following": "Sekvantaj",
"account.following": "Following",
"account.following_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Sekvato} other {{counter} Sekvatoj}}",
"account.follows.empty": "Tiu uzanto ankoraŭ ne sekvas iun.",
"account.follows_you": "Sekvas vin",
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Blokitaj uzantoj",
"column.bookmarks": "Legosignoj",
"": "Loka templinio",
"": "Rektaj mesaĝoj",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Trarigardi profilojn",
"column.domain_blocks": "Blokitaj domajnoj",
"column.favourites": "Stelumoj",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Nur loka",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Nur aŭdovidaĵoj",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Nur malproksima",
"compose.language.change": "Ŝanĝi lingvon",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Lerni pli",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Ĉi tiu mesaĝo ne estos listigita per ajna kradvorto. Nur publikaj mesaĝoj estas serĉeblaj per kradvortoj.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Enkorpigu ĉi tiun mesaĝon en vian retejon per kopio de la suba kodo.",
"embed.preview": "Ĝi aperos tiel:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Agadoj",
"emoji_button.clear": "Forviŝi",
"emoji_button.custom": "Propraj",
"emoji_button.flags": "Flagoj",
"": "Manĝi kaj trinki",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Vi ankoraŭ ne blokis uzanton.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Vi ankoraŭ ne aldonis mesaĝon al viaj legosignoj. Kiam vi aldonos iun, tiu aperos ĉi tie.",
"": "La loka templinio estas malplena. Skribu ion por plenigi ĝin!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Ankoraŭ neniu domajno estas blokita.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nenio tendencas nun. Rekontrolu poste!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Vi ankoraŭ ne stelumis mesaĝon. Kiam vi stelumos iun, tiu aperos ĉi tie.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "diskonigi",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "fokusi mesaĝon en unu el la kolumnoj",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "enfokusigi la tekstujon",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Priskribo",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "iri suben en la listo",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "malfermi mesaĝon",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "stelumi",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Pligrandigi bildan vidkeston",
"": "Sekva",
"lightbox.previous": "Antaŭa",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Montru profilon ĉiukaze",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Aldoni al la listo",
"lists.account.remove": "Forigi de la listo",
"lists.delete": "Forigi la liston",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Legosignoj",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Loka templinio",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Skribi novan mesaĝon",
"": "Rektaj mesaĝoj",
"": "Esplori",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Blokitaj domajnoj",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Redakti profilon",
@ -331,7 +325,7 @@
"notifications.column_settings.favourite": "Stelumoj:",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.advanced": "Montri ĉiujn kategoriojn",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.category": "Rapida filtra breto",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.show_bar": "Montru filtrilon",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.show_bar": "Show filter bar",
"notifications.column_settings.follow": "Novaj sekvantoj:",
"notifications.column_settings.follow_request": "Novaj petoj de sekvado:",
"notifications.column_settings.mention": "Mencioj:",
@ -374,8 +368,8 @@
"": "Videbla nur al menciitaj uzantoj",
"": "Direct",
"privacy.private.long": "Videbla nur al viaj sekvantoj",
"privacy.private.short": "Nur abonantoj",
"privacy.public.long": "Videbla por ĉiuj",
"privacy.private.short": "Followers-only",
"privacy.public.long": "Visible for all",
"privacy.public.short": "Publika",
"privacy.unlisted.long": "Visible for all, but opted-out of discovery features",
"privacy.unlisted.short": "Nelistigita",
@ -408,7 +402,7 @@
"report.forward": "Plusendi al {target}",
"report.forward_hint": "La konto estas en alia servilo. Ĉu sendi sennomigitan kopion de la signalo ankaŭ tien?",
"report.mute": "Silentigi",
"report.mute_explanation": "Vi ne vidos iliajn afiŝojn. Ili ankoraŭ povas sekvi vin kaj vidi viajn afiŝojn, kaj ne scios ke si estas silentigitaj.",
"report.mute_explanation": "You will not see their posts. They can still follow you and see your posts and will not know that they are muted.",
"": "Sekva",
"report.placeholder": "Pliaj komentoj",
"report.reasons.dislike": "Mi ne ŝatas ĝin",
@ -420,7 +414,7 @@
"report.reasons.violation": "Ĝi malrespektas servilajn regulojn",
"report.reasons.violation_description": "You are aware that it breaks specific rules",
"report.rules.subtitle": "Elektu ĉiujn, kiuj validas",
"report.rules.title": "Kiuj reguloj estas malobservataj?",
"report.rules.title": "Which rules are being violated?",
"report.statuses.subtitle": "Elektu ĉiujn, kiuj validas",
"report.statuses.title": "Are there any posts that back up this report?",
"report.submit": "Sendi",

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"account.followers": "Seguidores",
"account.followers.empty": "Todavía nadie sigue a este usuario.",
"account.followers_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Seguidor} other {{counter} Seguidores}}",
"account.following": "Seguimientos",
"account.following": "Siguiendo",
"account.following_counter": "{count, plural, other {{counter} Siguiendo}}",
"account.follows.empty": "Todavía este usuario no sigue a nadie.",
"account.follows_you": "Te sigue",
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Usuarios bloqueados",
"column.bookmarks": "Marcadores",
"": "Línea temporal local",
"": "Mensajes directos",
"column.conversations": "Conversaciones",
"": "Explorar perfiles",
"column.domain_blocks": "Dominios bloqueados",
"column.favourites": "Favoritos",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Sólo local",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Sólo medios",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Sólo remoto",
"compose.language.change": "Cambiar idioma",
"": "Buscar idiomas…",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Aprendé más",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Los mensajes en Mastodon no están cifrados de extremo a extremo. No comparta ninguna información sensible al usar Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Este mensaje no se mostrará bajo ninguna etiqueta porque no es público. Sólo los mensajes públicos se pueden buscar por etiquetas.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Insertá este mensaje a tu sitio web copiando el código de abajo.",
"embed.preview": "Así es cómo se verá:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Actividad",
"emoji_button.clear": "Limpiar",
"emoji_button.custom": "Personalizado",
"emoji_button.flags": "Banderas",
"": "Comida y bebida",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Todavía no bloqueaste a ningún usuario.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Todavía no tenés mensajes guardados en \"Marcadores\". Cuando guardés uno en \"Marcadores\", se mostrará acá.",
"": "La línea temporal local está vacía. ¡Escribí algo en modo público para que se empiece a correr la bola!",
"": "Todavía no tenés ningún mensaje directo. Cuando enviés o recibás uno, se mostrará acá.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Una vez que enviés o recibás un mensaje que sólo sea visible para la gente mencionada en él, aparecerá aquí.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Todavía no hay dominios bloqueados.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "No hay nada en tendencia ahora mismo. ¡Volvé a revisar más tarde!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Todavía no tenés mensajes favoritos. Cuando marqués uno como favorito, se mostrará acá.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Adherir al mensaje",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Enfocar columna",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "Enfocar el área de texto de redacción",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "para abrir la columna de conversaciones",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Descripción",
"": "para abrir columna de mensajes directos",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "Bajar en la lista",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Abrir mensaje",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Marcar mensaje como favorito",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Expandir cuadro de vista de imagen",
"": "Siguiente",
"lightbox.previous": "Anterior",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Mostrar perfil de todos modos",
"limited_account_hint.title": "Este perfil fue ocultado por los moderadores de tu servidor.",
"lists.account.add": "Agregar a lista",
"lists.account.remove": "Quitar de lista",
"lists.delete": "Eliminar lista",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Marcadores",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Línea temporal local",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Redactar un nuevo mensaje",
"": "Mensajes directos",
"": "Descubrir",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Dominios bloqueados",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Editar perfil",
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Quitar encuesta",
"privacy.change": "Configurar privacidad del mensaje",
"": "Visible sólo para los usuarios mencionados",
"": "Sólo cuentas mencionadas",
"": "Sólo a las cuentas que menciono",
"privacy.private.long": "Visible sólo para los seguidores",
"privacy.private.short": "Sólo para seguidores",
"privacy.public.long": "Visible para todos",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Usuarios bloqueados",
"column.bookmarks": "Marcadores",
"": "Línea de tiempo local",
"": "Mensajes directos",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Buscar perfiles",
"column.domain_blocks": "Dominios ocultados",
"column.favourites": "Favoritos",
@ -92,10 +92,8 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Solo local",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Solo media",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Solo remoto",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Aprender mas",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Los mensajes en Mastodon no están cifrados de extremo a extremo. No comparta ninguna información confidencial en Mastodon.",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Este toot no se mostrará bajo hashtags porque no es público. Sólo los toots públicos se pueden buscar por hashtag.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "Tu cuenta no está bloqueada. Todos pueden seguirte para ver tus toots solo para seguidores.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "bloqueado",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Añade este toot a tu sitio web con el siguiente código.",
"embed.preview": "Así es como se verá:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Actividad",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Personalizado",
"emoji_button.flags": "Marcas",
"": "Comida y bebida",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Aún no has bloqueado a ningún usuario.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Aún no tienes ningún toot guardado como marcador. Cuando guardes uno, se mostrará aquí.",
"": "La línea de tiempo local está vacía. ¡Escribe algo para empezar la fiesta!",
"": "Aún no tienes ningún mensaje directo. Cuando envíes o recibas uno, se mostrará aquí.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Todavía no hay dominios ocultos.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nada es tendencia en este momento. ¡Revisa más tarde!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Aún no tienes toots preferidos. Cuando marques uno como favorito, aparecerá aquí.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "retootear",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "enfocar un estado en una de las columnas",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "enfocar el área de texto de redacción",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Descripción",
"": "para abrir la columna de mensajes directos",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "mover hacia abajo en la lista",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "abrir estado",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "añadir a favoritos",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Expandir cuadro de visualización de imagen",
"": "Siguiente",
"lightbox.previous": "Anterior",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Añadir a lista",
"lists.account.remove": "Quitar de lista",
"lists.delete": "Borrar lista",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Marcadores",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Historia local",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Escribir un nuevo toot",
"": "Mensajes directos",
"": "Descubrir",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Dominios ocultos",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Editar perfil",
@ -372,12 +366,12 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Eliminar encuesta",
"privacy.change": "Ajustar privacidad",
"": "Sólo mostrar a los usuarios mencionados",
"": "Sólo cuentas mencionadas",
"": "Direct",
"privacy.private.long": "Sólo mostrar a seguidores",
"privacy.private.short": "Solo seguidores",
"privacy.public.long": "Visible para todos",
"privacy.private.short": "Followers-only",
"privacy.public.long": "Visible for all",
"privacy.public.short": "Público",
"privacy.unlisted.long": "Visible para todos, pero excluido de las funciones de descubrimiento",
"privacy.unlisted.long": "Visible for all, but opted-out of discovery features",
"privacy.unlisted.short": "No listado",
"refresh": "Actualizar",
"regeneration_indicator.label": "Cargando…",

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"": "Bot",
"": "Grupo",
"account.block": "Bloquear a @{name}",
"account.block_domain": "Bloquear dominio {domain}",
"account.block_domain": "Ocultar todo de {domain}",
"account.blocked": "Bloqueado",
"account.browse_more_on_origin_server": "Ver más en el perfil original",
"account.cancel_follow_request": "Cancelar la solicitud de seguimiento",
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Usuarios bloqueados",
"column.bookmarks": "Marcadores",
"": "Línea de tiempo local",
"": "Mensajes directos",
"column.conversations": "Conversaciones",
"": "Buscar perfiles",
"column.domain_blocks": "Dominios ocultados",
"column.favourites": "Favoritos",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Solo local",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Solo media",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Solo remoto",
"compose.language.change": "Cambiar idioma",
"": "Buscar idiomas...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Aprender más",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Los mensajes en Mastodon no están cifrados de extremo a extremo. No comparta ninguna información confidencial en Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Esta publicación no se mostrará bajo ningún hashtag porque no está listada. Sólo las publicaciones públicas se pueden buscar por hashtag.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Añade esta publicación a tu sitio web con el siguiente código.",
"embed.preview": "Así es como se verá:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Actividad",
"emoji_button.clear": "Limpiar",
"emoji_button.custom": "Personalizado",
"emoji_button.flags": "Marcas",
"": "Comida y bebida",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Aún no has bloqueado a ningún usuario.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Aún no tienes ninguna publicación guardada como marcador. Cuando guardes una, se mostrará aquí.",
"": "La línea de tiempo local está vacía. ¡Escribe algo para empezar la fiesta!",
"": "Aún no tienes ningún mensaje directo. Cuando envíes o recibas uno, se mostrará aquí.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Una vez que envíe o reciba un mensaje que solo sea visible para la gente mencionada en él, aparecerá aquí.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Todavía no hay dominios ocultos.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nada está en tendencia en este momento. ¡Revisa más tarde!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Aún no tienes publicaciones favoritas. Cuando marques una como favorita, aparecerá aquí.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Retootear",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "enfocar un estado en una de las columnas",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "enfocar el área de texto de redacción",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "para abrir la columna de conversaciones",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Descripción",
"": "para abrir la columna de mensajes directos",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "mover hacia abajo en la lista",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "abrir estado",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "añadir a favoritos",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Expandir cuadro de visualización de imagen",
"": "Siguiente",
"lightbox.previous": "Anterior",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Mostrar perfil de todos modos",
"limited_account_hint.title": "Este perfil ha sido ocultado por los moderadores de tu servidor.",
"lists.account.add": "Añadir a lista",
"lists.account.remove": "Quitar de lista",
"lists.delete": "Borrar lista",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Marcadores",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Línea de tiempo local",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Escribir nueva publicación",
"": "Mensajes directos",
"": "Descubrir",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Dominios ocultos",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Editar perfil",
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Eliminar encuesta",
"privacy.change": "Ajustar privacidad",
"": "Sólo mostrar a los usuarios mencionados",
"": "Sólo cuentas mencionadas",
"": "Solo la gente que yo menciono",
"privacy.private.long": "Sólo mostrar a seguidores",
"privacy.private.short": "Solo seguidores",
"privacy.public.long": "Visible para todos",

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"account.account_note_header": "Märge",
"account.account_note_header": "Note",
"account.add_or_remove_from_list": "Lisa või Eemalda nimekirjadest",
"": "Robot",
"": "Grupp",
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"account.blocked": "Blokeeritud",
"account.browse_more_on_origin_server": "Browse more on the original profile",
"account.cancel_follow_request": "Tühista jälgimistaotlus",
"": "Saada otsesõnum @{name}'ile",
"": "Otsesõnum @{name}",
"account.disable_notifications": "Stop notifying me when @{name} posts",
"account.domain_blocked": "Domeen peidetud",
"account.edit_profile": "Muuda profiili",
@ -17,28 +17,28 @@
"account.follow": "Jälgi",
"account.followers": "Jälgijad",
"account.followers.empty": "Keegi ei jälgi seda kasutajat veel.",
"account.followers_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} jälgija} other {{counter} jälgijat}}",
"account.followers_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Follower} other {{counter} Followers}}",
"account.following": "Following",
"account.following_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} jälgitav} other {{counter} jälgitavat}}",
"account.following_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Following} other {{counter} Following}}",
"account.follows.empty": "See kasutaja ei jälgi veel kedagi.",
"account.follows_you": "Jälgib Teid",
"account.hide_reblogs": "Peida upitused kasutajalt @{name}",
"account.joined": "Liitus {date}",
"account.joined": "Joined {date}",
"account.link_verified_on": "Selle lingi autorsust kontrolliti {date}",
"account.locked_info": "Selle konto privaatsussätteks on lukustatud. Omanik vaatab manuaalselt üle, kes teda jägida saab.",
"": "Meedia",
"account.mention": "Maini @{name}'i",
"account.mention": "Maini @{name}",
"account.moved_to": "{name} on kolinud:",
"account.mute": "Vaigista @{name}",
"account.mute_notifications": "Vaigista teated kasutajalt @{name}",
"account.muted": "Vaigistatud",
"account.posts": "Postitused",
"account.posts_with_replies": "Postitused ja vastused",
"account.posts": "Tuututused",
"account.posts_with_replies": "Tuututused ja vastused",
"": "Raporteeri @{name}",
"account.requested": "Ootab kinnitust. Klõpsa jälgimise soovi tühistamiseks",
"account.share": "Jaga @{name} profiili",
"account.show_reblogs": "Näita kasutaja @{name} upitusi",
"account.statuses_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} postitus} other {{counter} postitust}}",
"account.statuses_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Toot} other {{counter} Toots}}",
"account.unblock": "Eemalda blokeering @{name}",
"account.unblock_domain": "Tee {domain} nähtavaks",
"account.unblock_short": "Unblock",
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"account.unmute": "Ära vaigista @{name}",
"account.unmute_notifications": "Ära vaigista teateid kasutajalt @{name}",
"account.unmute_short": "Unmute",
"account_note.placeholder": "Klõpsa märkme lisamiseks",
"account_note.placeholder": "Click to add a note",
"admin.dashboard.daily_retention": "User retention rate by day after sign-up",
"admin.dashboard.monthly_retention": "User retention rate by month after sign-up",
"admin.dashboard.retention.average": "Average",
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Blokeeritud kasutajad",
"column.bookmarks": "Järjehoidjad",
"": "Kohalik ajajoon",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Sirvi profiile",
"column.domain_blocks": "Peidetud domeenid",
"column.favourites": "Lemmikud",
@ -92,21 +92,19 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Ainult kohalik",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Ainult meedia",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Ainult kaug",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Vaata veel",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Seda tuuti ei kuvata ühegi sildi all, sest see on kirjendamata. Ainult avalikud tuutid on sildi järgi otsitavad.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "Teie konto ei ole {locked}. Igaüks saab Teid jälgida ja näha Teie ainult-jälgijatele postitusi.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "lukus",
"compose_form.placeholder": "Millest mõtled?",
"compose_form.placeholder": "Millest mõtlete?",
"compose_form.poll.add_option": "Lisa valik",
"compose_form.poll.duration": "Küsitluse kestus",
"compose_form.poll.option_placeholder": "Valik {number}",
"compose_form.poll.remove_option": "Eemalda see valik",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_multiple": "Muuda küsitlust lubamaks mitut valikut",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_single": "Muuda küsitlust lubamaks ainult ühte valikut",
"compose_form.publish": "Tuututa",
"compose_form.publish": "Tuut",
"compose_form.publish_loud": "{publish}!",
"compose_form.save_changes": "Save changes",
"compose_form.sensitive.hide": "Märgista meedia tundlikuks",
@ -149,10 +147,9 @@
"embed.instructions": "Manusta see staatus oma veebilehele, kopeerides alloleva koodi.",
"embed.preview": "Nii näeb see välja:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Tegevus",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Mugandatud",
"emoji_button.flags": "Lipud",
"": "Toit & jook",
"": "Toit & Jook",
"emoji_button.label": "Sisesta emoji",
"emoji_button.nature": "Loodus",
"emoji_button.not_found": "Ei ole emojosi!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻",
@ -162,20 +159,20 @@
"": "Otsi...",
"emoji_button.search_results": "Otsitulemused",
"emoji_button.symbols": "Sümbolid",
"": "Reisimine & kohad",
"": "Reisimine & Kohad",
"empty_column.account_suspended": "Account suspended",
"empty_column.account_timeline": "Siin tuute ei ole!",
"empty_column.account_unavailable": "Profiil pole saadaval",
"empty_column.blocks": "Sa ei ole veel ühtegi kasutajat blokeerinud.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Teil pole veel järjehoidjatesse lisatud tuututusi. Kui lisate mõne, näete neid siin.",
"": "Kohalik ajajoon on tühi. Kirjutage midagi avalikult, et pall veerema ajada!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Siin ei ole veel peidetud domeene.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Ükski postitus pole hetkel populaarne. Tule hiljem tagasi!",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Teil pole veel lemmikuid tuute. Kui märgite mõne, näete neid siin.",
"empty_column.favourites": "Keegi pole veel seda tuuti lemmikuks märkinud. Kui seegi seda teeb, näed seda siin.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "Looks like no suggestions could be generated for you. You can try using search to look for people you might know or explore trending hashtags.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "Teil pole hetkel ühtegi jälgimistaotlust. Kui saate mõne, näete neid siin.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "Teil pole veel ühtegi jälgimise taotlust. Kui saate mõne, näete neid siin.",
"empty_column.hashtag": "Selle sildiga pole veel midagi.",
"empty_column.home": "Teie kodu ajajoon on tühi! Külastage {public} või kasutage otsingut alustamaks ja kohtamaks teisi kasutajaid.",
"empty_column.home.suggestions": "See some suggestions",
@ -190,12 +187,12 @@
"error.unexpected_crash.next_steps_addons": "Try disabling them and refreshing the page. If that does not help, you may still be able to use Mastodon through a different browser or native app.",
"errors.unexpected_crash.copy_stacktrace": "Kopeeri stacktrace lõikelauale",
"errors.unexpected_crash.report_issue": "Teavita veast",
"explore.search_results": "Otsingutulemused",
"explore.suggested_follows": "Sinu jaoks",
"explore.title": "Avasta",
"explore.trending_links": "Uudised",
"explore.trending_statuses": "Postitused",
"explore.trending_tags": "Sildid",
"explore.search_results": "Search results",
"explore.suggested_follows": "For you",
"explore.title": "Explore",
"explore.trending_links": "News",
"explore.trending_statuses": "Posts",
"explore.trending_tags": "Hashtags",
"follow_recommendations.done": "Done",
"follow_recommendations.heading": "Follow people you'd like to see posts from! Here are some suggestions.",
"follow_recommendations.lead": "Posts from people you follow will show up in chronological order on your home feed. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, you can unfollow people just as easily any time!",
@ -233,10 +230,10 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "upitamiseks",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "fokuseerimaks staatust ühele tulpadest",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "fokuseerimaks tekstikoostamise alale",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Kirjeldus",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "liikumaks nimstus alla",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Ava postitus",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "staatuse avamiseks",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "lemmikuks märkimiseks",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourites": "avamaks lemmikute nimistut",
"keyboard_shortcuts.federated": "avamaks föderatsiooni ajajoont",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Expand image view box",
"": "Järgmine",
"lightbox.previous": "Eelmine",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Lisa nimistusse",
"lists.account.remove": "Eemalda nimistust",
"lists.delete": "Kustuta nimistu",
@ -284,22 +279,21 @@
"lists.subheading": "Teie nimistud",
"load_pending": "{count, plural, one {# uus kirje} other {# uut kirjet}}",
"loading_indicator.label": "Laeb..",
"media_gallery.toggle_visible": "{number, plural, one {Varja pilt} other {Varja pildid}}",
"media_gallery.toggle_visible": "Lülita nähtavus",
"missing_indicator.label": "Ei leitud",
"missing_indicator.sublabel": "Seda ressurssi ei leitud",
"mute_modal.duration": "Duration",
"mute_modal.hide_notifications": "Kas peita teated sellelt kasutajalt?",
"mute_modal.indefinite": "Indefinite",
"navigation_bar.apps": "Mobiilirakendused",
"navigation_bar.apps": "Mobiilrakendused",
"navigation_bar.blocks": "Blokeeritud kasutajad",
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Järjehoidjad",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Kohalik ajajoon",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Koosta uus tuut",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Avasta",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Peidetud domeenid",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Muuda profiili",
"navigation_bar.explore": "Avasta",
"navigation_bar.explore": "Explore",
"navigation_bar.favourites": "Lemmikud",
"navigation_bar.filters": "Vaigistatud sõnad",
"navigation_bar.follow_requests": "Jälgimistaotlused",
@ -364,13 +358,13 @@
"poll.closed": "Suletud",
"poll.refresh": "Värskenda",
"poll.total_people": "{count, plural,one {# inimene} other {# inimest}}",
"poll.total_votes": "{count, plural, one {# hääl} other {# häält}}",
"poll.total_votes": "{count, plural, one {# hääl} other {# hääli}}",
"": "Hääleta",
"poll.voted": "Teie hääletasite selle poolt",
"poll.votes": "{votes, plural, one {# hääl} other {# häält}}",
"poll.votes": "{votes, plural, one {# vote} other {# votes}}",
"poll_button.add_poll": "Lisa küsitlus",
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Eemalda küsitlus",
"privacy.change": "Muuda postituse nähtavust",
"privacy.change": "Muuda staatuse privaatsust",
"": "Postita ainult mainitud kasutajatele",
"": "Direct",
"privacy.private.long": "Postita ainult jälgijatele",
@ -384,7 +378,7 @@
"regeneration_indicator.sublabel": "Teie kodu voog on ettevalmistamisel!",
"relative_time.days": "{number}p",
"relative_time.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# day} other {# days}} ago",
"relative_time.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# tund} other {# tundi}} tagasi",
"relative_time.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# hour} other {# hours}} ago",
"relative_time.full.just_now": "just now",
"relative_time.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}} ago",
"relative_time.full.seconds": "{number, plural, one {# second} other {# seconds}} ago",
@ -439,7 +433,7 @@
"": "Lihtne tekst toob esile kattuvad kuvanimed, kasutajanimed ning sildid",
"": "kasutaja",
"search_results.accounts": "Inimesed",
"search_results.all": "Kõik",
"search_results.all": "All",
"search_results.hashtags": "Sildid",
"search_results.nothing_found": "Could not find anything for these search terms",
"search_results.statuses": "Tuudid",
@ -451,10 +445,10 @@
"status.bookmark": "Järjehoidja",
"status.cancel_reblog_private": "Äraupita",
"status.cannot_reblog": "Seda postitust ei saa upitada",
"status.copy": "Kopeeri postituse link",
"status.copy": "Kopeeri link staatusesse",
"status.delete": "Kustuta",
"status.detailed_status": "Detailne vestluskuva",
"": "Saada otsesõnum @{name}'ile",
"": "Otsesõnum @{name}",
"status.edit": "Edit",
"status.edited": "Edited {date}",
"status.edited_x_times": "Edited {count, plural, one {{count} time} other {{count} times}}",
@ -463,13 +457,13 @@
"status.filtered": "Filtreeritud",
"status.history.created": "{name} created {date}",
"status.history.edited": "{name} edited {date}",
"status.load_more": "Lae rohkem",
"status.load_more": "Lae veel",
"status.media_hidden": "Meedia peidetud",
"status.mention": "Maini @{name}'i",
"status.mention": "Mainimine @{name}",
"status.more": "Veel",
"status.mute": "Vaigista @{name}",
"status.mute_conversation": "Vaigista vestlus",
"": "Laienda see postitus",
"": "Laienda see staatus",
"": "Kinnita profiilile",
"status.pinned": "Kinnitatud tuut",
"status.read_more": "Loe veel",
@ -481,7 +475,7 @@
"status.remove_bookmark": "Eemalda järjehoidja",
"status.reply": "Vasta",
"status.replyAll": "Vasta lõimele",
"": "Raporteeri @{name}",
"": "Raport @{name}",
"status.sensitive_warning": "Tundlik sisu",
"status.share": "Jaga",
"status.show_less": "Näita vähem",
@ -499,17 +493,17 @@
"tabs_bar.local_timeline": "Kohalik",
"tabs_bar.notifications": "Teated",
"": "Otsi",
"time_remaining.days": "{number, plural, one {# päev} other {# päeva}} jäänud",
"time_remaining.hours": "{number, plural, one {# tund} other {# tundi}} jäänud",
"time_remaining.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minut} other {# minutit}} jäänud",
"time_remaining.days": "{number, plural, one {# päev} other {# päeva}} left",
"time_remaining.hours": "{number, plural, one {# tund} other {# tundi}} left",
"time_remaining.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minut} other {# minutit}} left",
"time_remaining.moments": "Hetked jäänud",
"time_remaining.seconds": "{number, plural, one {# sekund} other {# sekundit}} jäänud",
"time_remaining.seconds": "{number, plural, one {# sekund} other {# sekundit}} left",
"timeline_hint.remote_resource_not_displayed": "{resource} from other servers are not displayed.",
"timeline_hint.resources.followers": "Followers",
"timeline_hint.resources.follows": "Follows",
"timeline_hint.resources.statuses": "Older toots",
"trends.counter_by_accounts": "{count, plural, one {{counter} person} other {{counter} people}} talking",
"trends.trending_now": "Hetkel populaarne",
"trends.trending_now": "Praegu populaarne",
"ui.beforeunload": "Teie mustand läheb kaotsi, kui lahkute Mastodonist.",
"units.short.billion": "{count}B",
"units.short.million": "{count}M",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Blokeatutako erabiltzaileak",
"column.bookmarks": "Laster-markak",
"": "Denbora-lerro lokala",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Arakatu profilak",
"column.domain_blocks": "Ezkutatutako domeinuak",
"column.favourites": "Gogokoak",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Lokala soilik",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Multimedia besterik ez",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Urrunekoa soilik",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Ikasi gehiago",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Bidalketa hau ez da traoletan agertuko zerrendatu gabekoa baita. Traoletan bidalketa publikoak besterik ez dira agertzen.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Txertatu bidalketa hau zure webgunean beheko kodea kopiatuz.",
"embed.preview": "Hau da izango duen itxura:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Jarduera",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Pertsonalizatua",
"emoji_button.flags": "Banderak",
"": "Janari eta edaria",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Ez duzu erabiltzailerik blokeatu oraindik.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Oraindik ez dituzu bidalketa laster-markatutarik. Bat laster-markatzerakoan, hemen agertuko da.",
"": "Denbora-lerro lokala hutsik dago. Idatzi zerbait publikoki pilota biraka jartzeko!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Ez dago ezkutatutako domeinurik oraindik.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Ez dago joerarik une honetan. Begiratu beranduago!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Ez duzu gogokorik oraindik. Gogokoren bat duzunean hemen agertuko da.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Bultzatu bidalketa",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "mezu bat zutabe batean fokatzea",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "testua konposatzeko arean fokatzea",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Deskripzioa",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "zerrendan behera mugitzea",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Ireki bidalketa",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Egin gogoko bidalketa",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Zabaldu irudia ikusteko kaxa",
"": "Hurrengoa",
"lightbox.previous": "Aurrekoa",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Gehitu zerrendara",
"lists.account.remove": "Kendu zerrendatik",
"lists.delete": "Ezabatu zerrenda",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Laster-markak",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Denbora-lerro lokala",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Idatzi bidalketa berria",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Aurkitu",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Ezkutatutako domeinuak",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Aldatu profila",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "کاربران مسدود شده",
"column.bookmarks": "نشانک‌ها",
"": "خط زمانی محلّی",
"": "پیام‌های مستقیم",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "مرور نمایه‌ها",
"column.domain_blocks": "دامنه‌های مسدود شده",
"column.favourites": "پسندیده‌ها",
@ -92,10 +92,8 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "فقط محلّی",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "فقط رسانه",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "تنها دوردست",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "بیشتر بدانید",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "فرسته‌های ماستودون رمزگذاری سرتاسری نشده‌اند. هیچ اطّلاعات خطرناکی را روی ماستودون هم‌رسانی نکنید.",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "از آن‌جا که این فرسته فهرست نشده است، در نتایج جست‌وجوی هشتگ‌ها پیدا نخواهد شد. تنها فرسته‌های عمومی را می‌توان با جست‌وجوی هشتگ یافت.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "حسابتان {locked} نیست. هر کسی می‌تواند پی‌گیرتان شده و فرسته‌های ویژهٔ پی‌گیرانتان را ببیند.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "قفل‌شده",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "برای جاسازی این فرسته در سایت خودتان، کد زیر را رونوشت کنید.",
"embed.preview": "این گونه دیده خواهد شد:",
"emoji_button.activity": "فعالیت",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "سفارشی",
"emoji_button.flags": "پرچم‌ها",
"": "غذا و نوشیدنی",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "هنوز کسی را مسدود نکرده‌اید.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "هنوز هیچ فرستهٔ نشانه‌گذاری شده‌ای ندارید. هنگامی که فرسته‌ای را نشانه‌گذاری کنید، این‌جا نشان داده خواهد شد.",
"": "خط زمانی محلّی خالی است. چیزی بنویسید تا چرخش بچرخد!",
"": "هنوز هیچ پیام مستقیمی ندارید. هنگامی که چنین پیامی بگیرید یا بفرستید این‌جا نشان داده خواهد شد.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "هنوز هیچ دامنه‌ای مسدود نشده است.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "الآن چیزی پرطرفدار نیست. بعداً دوباره بررسی کنید!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "شما هنوز هیچ فرسته‌ای را نپسندیده‌اید. هنگامی که فرسته‌ای را بپسندید، این‌جا نشان داده خواهد شد.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "تقویت فرسته",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "برای تمرکز روی یک فرسته در یکی از ستون‌ها",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "تمرکز روی محیط نوشتن",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "توضیح",
"": "برای گشودن ستون پیغام‌های مستقیم",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "پایین بردن در سیاهه",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "گشودن فرسته",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "پسندیدن فرسته",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "گسترش جعبهٔ نمایش تصویر",
"": "بعدی",
"lightbox.previous": "قبلی",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "افزودن به سیاهه",
"lists.account.remove": "برداشتن از سیاهه",
"lists.delete": "حذف سیاهه",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "نشانک‌ها",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "خط زمانی محلّی",
"navigation_bar.compose": "نوشتن فرستهٔ تازه",
"": "پیام‌های مستقیم",
"": "گشت و گذار",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "دامنه‌های مسدود شده",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "ویرایش نمایه",
@ -371,13 +365,13 @@
"poll_button.add_poll": "افزودن نظرسنجی",
"poll_button.remove_poll": "برداشتن نظرسنجی",
"privacy.change": "تغییر محرمانگی فرسته",
"": "نمایان فقط برای کاربران اشاره شده",
"": "فقط افراد اشاره شده",
"": "فقط برای کاربران نام‌برده نمایان است",
"": "Direct",
"privacy.private.long": "نمایان فقط برای پی‌گیرندگان",
"privacy.private.short": "فقط پی‌گیرندگان",
"privacy.public.long": "نمایان برای همه",
"privacy.private.short": "Followers-only",
"privacy.public.long": "Visible for all",
"privacy.public.short": "عمومی",
"privacy.unlisted.long": "نمایان برای همه، ولی خارج از قابلیت‌های کشف",
"privacy.unlisted.long": "Visible for all, but opted-out of discovery features",
"privacy.unlisted.short": "فهرست نشده",
"refresh": "نوسازی",
"regeneration_indicator.label": "در حال بار شدن…",
@ -520,7 +514,7 @@
"upload_error.poll": "بارگذاری پرونده در نظرسنجی‌ها مجاز نیست.",
"upload_form.audio_description": "برای ناشنوایان توصیفش کنید",
"upload_form.description": "برای کم‌بینایان توصیفش کنید",
"upload_form.description_missing": "شرحی افزوده نشده",
"upload_form.description_missing": "No description added",
"upload_form.edit": "ویرایش",
"upload_form.thumbnail": "تغییر بندانگشتی",
"upload_form.undo": "حذف",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Estetyt käyttäjät",
"column.bookmarks": "Kirjanmerkit",
"": "Paikallinen aikajana",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Selaa profiileja",
"column.domain_blocks": "Piilotetut verkkotunnukset",
"column.favourites": "Suosikit",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Vain paikalliset",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Vain media",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Vain etäkäyttö",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Lisätietoja",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Tätä julkaisua listata minkään hastagin alle, koska se on listaamaton. Ainoastaan julkisia julkaisuja etsiä hastageilla.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Upota julkaisu verkkosivullesi kopioimalla alla oleva koodi.",
"embed.preview": "Se tulee näyttämään tältä:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Aktiviteetit",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Mukautetut",
"emoji_button.flags": "Liput",
"": "Ruoka ja juoma",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Et ole vielä estänyt yhtään käyttäjää.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Et ole vielä lisännyt viestejä kirjanmerkkeihisi. Kun lisäät yhden, se näkyy tässä.",
"": "Paikallinen aikajana on tyhjä. Kirjoita jotain julkista, niin homma lähtee käyntiin!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Yhtään verkko-osoitetta ei ole vielä estetty.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Mikään ei ole nyt trendi. Tarkista myöhemmin!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Et ole vielä lisännyt viestejä kirjanmerkkeihisi. Kun lisäät yhden, se näkyy tässä.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Buustaa viestiä",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Kohdista sarakkeeseen",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "siirry tekstinsyöttöön",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Kuvaus",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "Siirry listassa alaspäin",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Avaa julkaisu",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Lisää suosikkeihin",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Laajenna kuvan näkymälaatikko",
"": "Seuraava",
"lightbox.previous": "Edellinen",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Lisää listaan",
"lists.account.remove": "Poista listasta",
"lists.delete": "Poista lista",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Kirjanmerkit",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Paikallinen aikajana",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Luo uusi viesti",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Löydä uutta",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Estetyt verkkotunnukset",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Muokkaa profiilia",

View file

@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
"account.account_note_header": "Note",
"account.add_or_remove_from_list": "Ajouter ou retirer des listes",
"": "Bot",
"": "Robot",
"": "Groupe",
"account.block": "Bloquer @{name}",
"account.block_domain": "Bloquer le domaine {domain}",
"account.blocked": "Bloqué·e",
"account.blocked": "Bloqué",
"account.browse_more_on_origin_server": "Parcourir davantage sur le profil original",
"account.cancel_follow_request": "Annuler la demande de suivi",
"": "Envoyer un message direct à @{name}",
"account.disable_notifications": "Ne plus me notifier quand @{name} publie quelque chose",
"account.disable_notifications": "Arrêter de me notifier quand @{name} publie",
"account.domain_blocked": "Domaine bloqué",
"account.edit_profile": "Modifier le profil",
"account.enable_notifications": "Me notifier quand @{name} publie quelque chose",
"account.enable_notifications": "Me notifier quand @{name} publie",
"account.endorse": "Recommander sur votre profil",
"account.follow": "Suivre",
"account.followers": "Abonné·e·s",
"account.followers": "Abonnés",
"account.followers.empty": "Personne ne suit cet·te utilisateur·rice pour linstant.",
"account.followers_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Abonné·e} other {{counter} Abonné·e·s}}",
"account.following": "Abonnements",
"account.following_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Abonnement} other {{counter} Abonnements}}",
"account.following_counter": "{count, plural, other {{counter} Abonnements}}",
"account.follows.empty": "Cet·te utilisateur·rice ne suit personne pour linstant.",
"account.follows_you": "Vous suit",
"account.hide_reblogs": "Masquer les partages de @{name}",
@ -30,12 +30,12 @@
"account.mention": "Mentionner @{name}",
"account.moved_to": "{name} a déménagé vers:",
"account.mute": "Masquer @{name}",
"account.mute_notifications": "Masquer les notifications de @{name}",
"account.mute_notifications": "Ignorer les notifications de @{name}",
"account.muted": "Masqué·e",
"account.posts": "Messages",
"account.posts_with_replies": "Messages et réponses",
"": "Signaler @{name}",
"account.requested": "En attente dapprobation. Cliquez pour annuler la demande",
"account.requested": "En attente dapprobation. Cliquez pour annuler la requête",
"account.share": "Partager le profil de @{name}",
"account.show_reblogs": "Afficher les partages de @{name}",
"account.statuses_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Message} other {{counter} Messages}}",
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
"account.unmute_notifications": "Ne plus masquer les notifications de @{name}",
"account.unmute_short": "Ne plus masquer",
"account_note.placeholder": "Cliquez pour ajouter une note",
"admin.dashboard.daily_retention": "Taux de rétention des utilisateur·rice·s par jour après inscription",
"admin.dashboard.monthly_retention": "Taux de rétention des utilisateur·rice·s par mois après inscription",
"admin.dashboard.daily_retention": "Taux de maintien des utilisateur·rice·s par jour après inscription",
"admin.dashboard.monthly_retention": "Brugerfastholdelsesrate efter måned efter tilmelding",
"admin.dashboard.retention.average": "Moyenne",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort": "Mois d'inscription",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort_size": "Nouveaux utilisateurs",
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Comptes bloqués",
"column.bookmarks": "Marque-pages",
"": "Fil public local",
"": "Messages directs",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Parcourir les profils",
"column.domain_blocks": "Domaines bloqués",
"column.favourites": "Favoris",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Local seulement",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Média uniquement",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Distant seulement",
"compose.language.change": "Changer de langue",
"": "Rechercher des langues …",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "En savoir plus",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Les messages sur Mastodon ne sont pas chiffrés de bout en bout. Ne partagez aucune information confidentielle sur Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Ce pouet ne sera pas listé dans les recherches par hashtag car sa visibilité est réglée sur « non listé ». Seuls les pouets avec une visibilité « publique » peuvent être recherchés par hashtag.",
@ -148,11 +146,10 @@
"directory.recently_active": "Actif·ve·s récemment",
"embed.instructions": "Intégrez ce message à votre site en copiant le code ci-dessous.",
"embed.preview": "Il apparaîtra comme cela:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Activités",
"emoji_button.clear": "Effacer",
"emoji_button.activity": "Activité",
"emoji_button.custom": "Personnalisés",
"emoji_button.flags": "Drapeaux",
"": "Nourriture et boisson",
"": "Nourriture & Boisson",
"emoji_button.label": "Insérer un émoji",
"emoji_button.nature": "Nature",
"emoji_button.not_found": "Aucun émoji correspondant n'a été trouvé",
@ -162,14 +159,14 @@
"": "Recherche...",
"emoji_button.search_results": "Résultats de la recherche",
"emoji_button.symbols": "Symboles",
"": "Voyage et lieux",
"": "Lieux & Voyages",
"empty_column.account_suspended": "Compte suspendu",
"empty_column.account_timeline": "Aucun message ici !",
"empty_column.account_unavailable": "Profil non disponible",
"empty_column.blocks": "Vous navez bloqué aucun compte pour le moment.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Vous n'avez pas de message en marque-page. Lorsque vous en ajouterez un, il apparaîtra ici.",
"": "Le fil public local est vide. Écrivez donc quelque chose pour le remplir!",
"": "Vous navez pas encore de messages directs. Lorsque vous en enverrez ou recevrez un, il saffichera ici.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Une fois que vous avez envoyé ou reçu un message qui ne sera visible que par les personnes mentionnées, il apparaîtra ici.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Il ny a aucun domaine bloqué pour le moment.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Rien n'est en tendance pour le moment. Revenez plus tard !",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Vous navez pas encore de message en favori. Lorsque vous en ajouterez un, il apparaîtra ici.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Partager le message",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Se placer dans une colonne",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "Se placer dans la zone de rédaction",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "pour ouvrir la colonne des conversations",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Description",
"": "pour ouvrir la colonne des messages directs",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "Descendre dans la liste",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Ouvrir le message",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Ajouter le message aux favoris",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Agrandir la fenêtre de visualisation des images",
"": "Suivant",
"lightbox.previous": "Précédent",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Afficher le profil quand même",
"limited_account_hint.title": "Ce profil a été masqué par la modération de votre serveur.",
"lists.account.add": "Ajouter à la liste",
"lists.account.remove": "Supprimer de la liste",
"lists.delete": "Supprimer la liste",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Marque-pages",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Fil public local",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Rédiger un nouveau message",
"": "Messages directs",
"": "Découvrir",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Domaines bloqués",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Modifier le profil",
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Supprimer le sondage",
"privacy.change": "Ajuster la confidentialité du message",
"": "Visible uniquement par les comptes mentionnés",
"": "Personnes mentionnées uniquement",
"": "Seulement les personnes mentionnées",
"privacy.private.long": "Visible uniquement par vos abonné·e·s",
"privacy.private.short": "Abonné·e·s uniquement",
"privacy.public.long": "Visible pour tous",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Cuntais choiscthe",
"column.bookmarks": "Leabharmharcanna",
"": "Local timeline",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Browse profiles",
"column.domain_blocks": "Blocked domains",
"column.favourites": "Favourites",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Local only",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Media only",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Remote only",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Learn more",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "This post won't be listed under any hashtag as it is unlisted. Only public posts can be searched by hashtag.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Embed this status on your website by copying the code below.",
"embed.preview": "Here is what it will look like:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Gníomhaíocht",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Custom",
"emoji_button.flags": "Flags",
"": "Bia ⁊ Ól",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "You haven't blocked any users yet.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "You don't have any bookmarked posts yet. When you bookmark one, it will show up here.",
"": "The local timeline is empty. Write something publicly to get the ball rolling!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "There are no blocked domains yet.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "You don't have any favourite posts yet. When you favourite one, it will show up here.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "to boost",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "to focus a status in one of the columns",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "to focus the compose textarea",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Description",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "to move down in the list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "to open status",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "to favourite",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Expand image view box",
"": "Next",
"lightbox.previous": "Previous",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Add to list",
"lists.account.remove": "Remove from list",
"lists.delete": "Delete list",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Local timeline",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Compose new post",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Discover",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Cuir an phróifíl in eagar",

View file

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
"account_note.placeholder": "Briog airson nòta a chur ris",
"admin.dashboard.daily_retention": "Reat glèidheadh nan cleachdaichean às dèidh an clàradh a-rèir latha",
"admin.dashboard.monthly_retention": "Reat glèidheadh nan cleachdaichean às dèidh an clàradh a-rèir mìos",
"admin.dashboard.retention.average": "Średnia",
"admin.dashboard.retention.average": "Cuibheasach",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort": "Mìos a chlàraidh",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort_size": "Cleachdaichean ùra",
"alert.rate_limited.message": "Feuch ris a-rithist às dèidh {retry_time, time, medium}.",
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
"alert.unexpected.title": "Oich!",
"announcement.announcement": "Brath-fios",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(gun phròiseasadh)",
"autosuggest_hashtag.per_week": "{count} san t-seachdain",
"autosuggest_hashtag.per_week": "{count} gach seachdain",
"boost_modal.combo": "Brùth air {combo} nam b fheàrr leat leum a ghearradh thar seo an ath-thuras",
"bundle_column_error.body": "Chaidh rudeigin cearr nuair a dhfheuch sinn ris a cho-phàirt seo a luchdadh.",
"bundle_column_error.retry": "Feuch ris a-rithist",
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Cleachdaichean bacte",
"column.bookmarks": "Comharran-lìn",
"": "Loidhne-ama ionadail",
"": "Teachdaireachdan dìreach",
"column.conversations": "Còmhraidhean",
"": "Rùraich sna pròifilean",
"column.domain_blocks": "Àrainnean bacte",
"column.favourites": "Na h-annsachdan",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Feadhainn ionadail a-mhàin",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Meadhanan a-mhàin",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Feadhainn chèin a-mhàin",
"compose.language.change": "Atharraich an cànan",
"": "Lorg cànan…",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Barrachd fiosrachaidh",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Chan eil crioptachadh ceann gu ceann air postaichean Mhastodon. Na co-roinn fiosrachadh cunnartach idir le Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Cha nochd am post seo fon taga hais on a tha e falaichte o liostaichean. Cha ghabh ach postaichean poblach a lorg a-rèir an tagaichean hais.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Leabaich am post seo san làrach-lìn agad is tu a dèanamh lethbhreac dhen chòd gu h-ìosal.",
"embed.preview": "Seo an coltas a bhios air:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Gnìomhachd",
"emoji_button.clear": "Falamhaich",
"emoji_button.custom": "Gnàthaichte",
"emoji_button.flags": "Brataichean",
"": "Biadh ⁊ deoch",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Cha do bhac thu cleachdaiche sam bith fhathast.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Chan eil comharra-lìn ri post agad fhathast. Nuair a nì thu comharra-lìn de dhfhear, nochdaidh e an-seo.",
"": "Tha an loidhne-ama ionadail falamh. Sgrìobh rudeigin gu poblach airson toiseach-tòiseachaidh a dhèanamh!",
"": "Chan eil teachdaireachd dhìreach agad fhathast. Nuair a chuireas no a gheibh thu tè, nochdaidh i an-seo.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Nuair a chuireas no gheibh thu post nach fhaic ach an fheadhainn le iomradh orra ann, nochdaidh e an-seo.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Cha deach àrainn sam bith a bhacadh fhathast.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Chan eil dad a treandadh an-dràsta fhèin. Thoir sùil a-rithist an ceann greis!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Chan eil annsachd air post agad fhathast. Nuair a nì thu annsachd de dhfhear, nochdaidh e an-seo.",
@ -206,7 +203,7 @@
"getting_started.developers": "Luchd-leasachaidh",
"": "Eòlaire nam pròifil",
"getting_started.documentation": "Docamaideadh",
"getting_started.heading": "Toiseach",
"getting_started.heading": "Dèan toiseach-tòiseachaidh",
"getting_started.invite": "Thoir cuireadh do dhaoine",
"getting_started.open_source_notice": "S e bathar-bog le bun-tùs fosgailte a th ann am Mastodon. S urrainn dhut cuideachadh leis no aithris a dhèanamh air duilgheadasan air GitHub fo {github}.",
"": "Roghainnean a chunntais",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Brosnaich post",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Cuir am fòcas air colbh",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "Cuir am fòcas air raon teacsa an sgrìobhaidh",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "a dhfhosgladh colbh nan còmhraidhean",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Tuairisgeul",
"": "a dhfhosgladh colbh nan teachdaireachdan dìreach",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "Gluais sìos air an liosta",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Fosgail post",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Cuir post ris na h-annsachdan",
@ -256,7 +253,7 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.requests": "Fosgail liosta nan iarrtasan leantainn",
"": "Cuir am fòcas air a bhàr-luirg",
"keyboard_shortcuts.spoilers": "Seall/Falaich raon an rabhaidh susbainte",
"keyboard_shortcuts.start": "Fosgail an colbh “Toiseach”",
"keyboard_shortcuts.start": "Fosgail an colbh “dèan toiseach-tòiseachaidh”",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_hidden": "Seall/Falaich an teacsa fo rabhadh susbainte",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_sensitivity": "Seall/Falaich na meadhanan",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toot": "Tòisich air post ùr",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Leudaich bogsa sealladh an deilbh",
"": "Air adhart",
"lightbox.previous": "Air ais",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Seall a phròifil co-dhiù",
"limited_account_hint.title": "Chaidh a phròifil seo fhalach le maoir an fhrithealaiche agad.",
"lists.account.add": "Cuir ris an liosta",
"lists.account.remove": "Thoir air falbh on liosta",
"lists.delete": "Sguab às an liosta",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Comharran-lìn",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Loidhne-ama ionadail",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Sgrìobh post ùr",
"": "Teachdaireachdan dìreach",
"": "Rùraich",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Àrainnean bacte",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Deasaich a phròifil",
@ -322,7 +316,7 @@
"notification.own_poll": "Thàinig an cunntas-bheachd agad gu crìoch",
"notification.poll": "Thàinig cunntas-bheachd sa bhòt thu gu crìoch",
"notification.reblog": "Bhrosnaich {name} am post agad",
"notification.status": "Phostaich {name} rud",
"notification.status": "Tha {name} air rud a phostadh",
"notification.update": "Dheasaich {name} post",
"notifications.clear": "Falamhaich na brathan",
"notifications.clear_confirmation": "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson na brathan uile agad fhalamhachadh gu buan?",
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Thoir air falbh an cunntas-bheachd",
"privacy.change": "Cuir gleus air prìobhaideachd a phuist",
"": "Chan fhaic ach na cleachdaichean le iomradh orra seo",
"": "An fheadhainn le iomradh orra a-mhàin",
"": "Daoine air an dug mi iomradh a-mhàin",
"privacy.private.long": "Chan fhaic ach na daoine a tha a leantainn ort seo",
"privacy.private.short": "Luchd-leantainn a-mhàin",
"privacy.public.long": "Chì a h-uile duine e",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Usuarias bloqueadas",
"column.bookmarks": "Marcadores",
"": "Cronoloxía local",
"": "Mensaxes directas",
"column.conversations": "Conversas",
"": "Procurar perfís",
"column.domain_blocks": "Dominios agochados",
"column.favourites": "Favoritos",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Só local",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Só multimedia",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Só remoto",
"compose.language.change": "Elixe o idioma",
"": "Buscar idiomas...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Coñecer máis",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "As publicacións en Mastodon non están cifradas de extremo-a-extremo. Non compartas información sensible en Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Esta publicación non aparecerá baixo ningún cancelo (hashtag) porque non está listada. Só se poden procurar publicacións públicas por cancelos.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Engade esta publicación ó teu sitio web copiando o seguinte código.",
"embed.preview": "Así será mostrado:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Actividade",
"emoji_button.clear": "Limpar",
"emoji_button.custom": "Personalizado",
"emoji_button.flags": "Marcas",
"": "Comida e Bebida",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Aínda non bloqueaches a ningún usuaria.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Aínda non marcaches ningunha publicación. Cando o fagas, aparecerán aquí.",
"": "A cronoloxía local está baleira. Escribe algo de xeito público para espallalo!",
"": "Aínda non tes mensaxes directas. Cando envíes ou recibas unha, amosarase aquí.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Aquí verás as publicacións que envíes ou recibas é só son visibles para as persoas mencionadas.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Aínda non hai dominios agochados.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Non hai temas en voga. Volve máis tarde!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Aínda non tes publicacións favoritas. Cando che guste algunha, aparecerá aquí.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Promover publicación",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Destacar unha columna",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "Por o cursor na área de escritura",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "para abrir a columna das conversas",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Descrición",
"": "para abrir a columna de mensaxes directas",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "Para mover cara abaixo na listaxe",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Para abrir publicación",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Para engadir a favoritos",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Expandir a caixa de vista da imaxe",
"": "Seguinte",
"lightbox.previous": "Anterior",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Mostrar perfil igualmente",
"limited_account_hint.title": "Este perfil foi agochado pola moderación do teu servidor.",
"lists.account.add": "Engadir á listaxe",
"lists.account.remove": "Eliminar da listaxe",
"lists.delete": "Eliminar listaxe",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Marcadores",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Cronoloxía local",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Escribir unha nova publicación",
"": "Mensaxes directas",
"": "Descubrir",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Dominios agochados",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Editar perfil",
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Eliminar enquisa",
"privacy.change": "Axustar privacidade",
"": "Só para as usuarias mencionadas",
"": "Só persoas mencionadas",
"": "Só para persoas mencionadas",
"privacy.private.long": "Só para os seguidoras",
"privacy.private.short": "Só para seguidoras",
"privacy.public.long": "Visible por todas",
@ -414,11 +408,11 @@
"report.reasons.dislike": "Non me gusta",
"report.reasons.dislike_description": "Non é algo que queiras ver",
"report.reasons.other": "É outra cousa",
"report.reasons.other_description": "O problema non cae dentro de outras categorías",
"report.reasons.other_description": "O asunto non cae dentro de outras categorías",
"report.reasons.spam": "É spam",
"report.reasons.spam_description": "Ligazóns perigosas, relacións falsas, ou respostas repetitivas",
"report.reasons.violation": "Viola as regras do servidor",
"report.reasons.violation_description": "Décheste conta de que quebra unhas normas en concreto",
"report.reasons.violation_description": "Daste conta de que quebra unhas normas en concreto",
"report.rules.subtitle": "Elixe todo o que sexa de aplicación",
"report.rules.title": "Que regras foron incumpridas?",
"report.statuses.subtitle": "Elixe todo o que corresponda",
@ -461,8 +455,8 @@
"status.embed": "Incrustar",
"status.favourite": "Favorito",
"status.filtered": "Filtrado",
"status.history.created": "{name} creouno o {date}",
"status.history.edited": "{name} editouno o {date}",
"status.history.created": "{name} creado o {date}",
"status.history.edited": "{name} editado o {date}",
"status.load_more": "Cargar máis",
"status.media_hidden": "Contido multimedia agochado",
"status.mention": "Mencionar @{name}",
@ -499,11 +493,11 @@
"tabs_bar.local_timeline": "Local",
"tabs_bar.notifications": "Notificacións",
"": "Procurar",
"time_remaining.days": "Remata en {number, plural, one {# día} other {# días}}",
"time_remaining.hours": "Remata en {number, plural, one {# hora} other {# horas}}",
"time_remaining.minutes": "Remata en {number, plural, one {# minuto} other {# minutos}}",
"time_remaining.moments": "A piques de rematar",
"time_remaining.seconds": "Remata en {number, plural, one {# segundo} other {# segundos}}",
"time_remaining.days": "{number, plural, one {# día} other {# días}} restantes",
"time_remaining.hours": "{number, plural, one {# hora} other {# horas}} restantes",
"time_remaining.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minuto} other {# minutos}} restantes",
"time_remaining.moments": "Momentos restantes",
"time_remaining.seconds": "{number, plural, one {# segundo} other {# segundos}} restantes",
"timeline_hint.remote_resource_not_displayed": "Non se mostran {resource} desde outros servidores.",
"timeline_hint.resources.followers": "Seguidoras",
"timeline_hint.resources.follows": "Seguindo",

View file

@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
"account.account_note_header": ערה",
"account.account_note_header": הודעה שלך ל@{name}",
"account.add_or_remove_from_list": "הוסף או הסר מהרשימות",
"": "בוט",
"": "קבוצה",
"account.block": "חסמי את @{name}",
"account.block_domain": "חסמו את שם המתחם (דומיין) {domain}",
"account.block": "חסימת @{name}",
"account.block_domain": "להסתיר הכל מהקהילה {domain}",
"account.blocked": "חסום",
"account.browse_more_on_origin_server": "ראה יותר בפרופיל המקורי",
"account.browse_more_on_origin_server": "המשך לגלוש בפרופיל המקורי",
"account.cancel_follow_request": "בטל בקשת מעקב",
"": "הודעה ישירה ל@{name}",
"": "Direct Message @{name}",
"account.disable_notifications": "הפסק לשלוח לי התראות כש@{name} מפרסמים",
"account.domain_blocked": "הדומיין חסום",
"account.domain_blocked": "הדומיין חסוי",
"account.edit_profile": "עריכת פרופיל",
"account.enable_notifications": "שלח לי התראות כש@{name} מפרסם",
"account.endorse": "קדם את החשבון בפרופיל",
"account.follow": "עקוב",
"account.enable_notifications": "שלח לי התראות כש@{name} מפרסמים",
"account.endorse": "הצג בפרופיל",
"account.follow": "מעקב",
"account.followers": "עוקבים",
"account.followers.empty": "אף אחד לא עוקב אחר המשתמש הזה עדיין.",
"account.followers_counter": "{count, plural,one {עוקב אחד} other {{counter} עוקבים}}",
"account.following": "נעקבים",
"account.following": "Following",
"account.following_counter": "{count, plural,one {עוקב אחרי {counter}}other {עוקב אחרי {counter}}}",
"account.follows.empty": "משתמש זה לא עוקב אחר אף אחד עדיין.",
"account.follows_you": "במעקב אחריך",
@ -30,28 +30,28 @@
"account.mention": "אזכור של @{name}",
"account.moved_to": "החשבון {name} הועבר אל:",
"account.mute": "להשתיק את @{name}",
"account.mute_notifications": "להסתיר התראות מ @{name}",
"account.mute_notifications": "להסתיר התראות מאת @{name}",
"account.muted": "מושתק",
"account.posts": "חצרוצים",
"account.posts_with_replies": "חצרוצים ותגובות",
"": "דווח על @{name}",
"account.requested": "בהמתנה לאישור. לחצי כדי לבטל בקשת מעקב",
"account.share": "שתף את הפרופיל של @{name}",
"account.show_reblogs": "הצג הדהודים מאת @{name}",
"account.posts": "הודעות",
"account.posts_with_replies": "Toots with replies",
"": "לדווח על @{name}",
"account.requested": "בהמתנה לאישור",
"account.share": "לשתף את הפרופיל של @{name}",
"account.show_reblogs": "להראות הדהודים מאת @{name}",
"account.statuses_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} Toot} other {{counter} Toots}}",
"account.unblock": "הסר את החסימה של @{name}",
"account.unblock_domain": "הסראת שם המתחם {domain}",
"account.unblock_short": "הסר חסימה",
"account.unendorse": "אל תקדם בפרופיל",
"account.unblock": "הסרת חסימה מעל @{name}",
"account.unblock_domain": "הסר חסימה מקהילת {domain}",
"account.unblock_short": "Unblock",
"account.unendorse": "לא להציג בפרופיל",
"account.unfollow": "הפסקת מעקב",
"account.unmute": "הפסקת השתקת @{name}",
"account.unmute_notifications": "להפסיק השתקת הודעות מ @{name}",
"account.unmute_short": "ביטול השתקה",
"account_note.placeholder": "יש ללחוץ כדי להוסיף הערות",
"admin.dashboard.daily_retention": "קצב שימור משתמשים (פר יום) אחרי ההרשמה",
"admin.dashboard.monthly_retention": "קצב שימור משתמשים (פר חודש) אחרי ההרשמה",
"account.unmute_notifications": "להפסיק הסתרת הודעות מעם @{name}",
"account.unmute_short": "Unmute",
"account_note.placeholder": "ללא הערה",
"admin.dashboard.daily_retention": "User retention rate by day after sign-up",
"admin.dashboard.monthly_retention": "User retention rate by month after sign-up",
"admin.dashboard.retention.average": "ממוצע",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort": "חודש רישום",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort": "Sign-up month",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort_size": "משתמשים חדשים",
"alert.rate_limited.message": "נא לנסות אחרי {retry_time, time, medium}.",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "מגבלות מיכסה",
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "חסימות",
"column.bookmarks": "סימניות",
"": "ציר זמן מקומי",
"": "הודעות ישירות",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "גלוש פרופילים",
"column.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
"column.favourites": "חיבובים",
@ -92,10 +92,8 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "מקומי בלבד",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Media only",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "מרחוק בלבד",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "מידע נוסף",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "חצרוצים במסטודון אינם מוצפנים מקצה לקצה. לעולם אל תחלקו מידע רגיש דרך מסטודון.",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "This toot won't be listed under any hashtag as it is unlisted. Only public toots can be searched by hashtag.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "חשבונך אינו {locked}. כל אחד יוכל לעקוב אחריך כדי לקרוא את הודעותיך המיועדות לעוקבים בלבד.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "נעול",
@ -107,11 +105,11 @@
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_multiple": "אפשרו בחירה מרובה בסקר",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_single": "אפשרו בחירה בודדת בסקר",
"compose_form.publish": "ללחוש",
"compose_form.publish_loud": "{publish}!",
"compose_form.save_changes": "שמירת שינויים",
"compose_form.sensitive.hide": "{count, plural, one {סימון מידע כרגיש} other {סימון מידע כרגיש}}",
"compose_form.sensitive.marked": "{count, plural, one {מידע מסומן כרגיש} other {מידע מסומן כרגיש}}",
"compose_form.sensitive.unmarked": "{count, plural, one {מידע לא מסומן כרגיש} other {מידע לא מסומן כרגיש}}",
"compose_form.publish_loud": "לחצרץ!",
"compose_form.save_changes": "Save changes",
"compose_form.sensitive.hide": "{count, plural, one {Mark media as sensitive} other {Mark media as sensitive}}",
"compose_form.sensitive.marked": "{count, plural, one {Media is marked as sensitive} other {Media is marked as sensitive}}",
"compose_form.sensitive.unmarked": "{count, plural, one {Media is not marked as sensitive} other {Media is not marked as sensitive}}",
"compose_form.spoiler.marked": "Text is hidden behind warning",
"compose_form.spoiler.unmarked": "Text is not hidden",
"compose_form.spoiler_placeholder": "אזהרת תוכן",
@ -123,14 +121,14 @@
"confirmations.delete.message": "למחוק את ההודעה?",
"confirmations.delete_list.confirm": "למחוק",
"confirmations.delete_list.message": "האם אתם בטוחים שאתם רוצים למחוק את הרשימה לצמיתות?",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.confirm": "השלך",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.message": "יש לך שינויים לא שמורים לתיאור המדיה. להשליך אותם בכל זאת?",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.confirm": "Discard",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.message": "You have unsaved changes to the media description or preview, discard them anyway?",
"confirmations.domain_block.confirm": "הסתר קהילה שלמה",
"confirmations.domain_block.message": "באמת באמת לחסום את כל קהילת {domain}? ברב המקרים השתקות נבחרות של מספר משתמשים מסויימים צריכה להספיק.",
"confirmations.logout.confirm": "להתנתק",
"confirmations.logout.message": "האם אתם בטוחים שאתם רוצים להתנתק?",
"confirmations.mute.confirm": "להשתיק",
"confirmations.mute.explanation": "זה יסתיר חצרוצים שלהם וחצרוצים המזכירים אותם, אבל עדיין יתיר להם לראות פוסטים שלך ולעקוב אחריך.",
"confirmations.mute.explanation": "This will hide posts from them and posts mentioning them, but it will still allow them to see your posts and follow you.",
"confirmations.mute.message": "להשתיק את {name}?",
"confirmations.redraft.confirm": "מחק וערוך מחדש",
"confirmations.redraft.message": "Are you sure you want to delete this status and re-draft it? You will lose all replies, boosts and favourites to it.",
@ -142,14 +140,13 @@
"conversation.mark_as_read": "סמן כנקרא",
"": "צפו בשיחה",
"conversation.with": "עם {names}",
"directory.federated": "מהפדרציה הידועה",
"directory.local": "מ- {domain} בלבד",
"directory.new_arrivals": "חדשים כאן",
"directory.federated": "From known fediverse",
"directory.local": "From {domain} only",
"directory.new_arrivals": "New arrivals",
"directory.recently_active": "פעילים לאחרונה",
"embed.instructions": "ניתן להטמיע את ההודעה באתרך ע\"י העתקת הקוד שלהלן.",
"embed.preview": "דוגמא כיצד זה יראה:",
"emoji_button.activity": "פעילות",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "מיוחדים",
"emoji_button.flags": "דגלים",
"": "אוכל ושתיה",
@ -169,111 +166,109 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "עדיין לא חסמתם משתמשים אחרים.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "You don't have any bookmarked toots yet. When you bookmark one, it will show up here.",
"": "טור הסביבה ריק. יש לפרסם משהו כדי שדברים יתרחילו להתגלגל!",
"": "אין לך שום הודעות פרטיות עדיין. כשתשלחו או תקבלו אחת, היא תופיע כאן.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "There are no hidden domains yet.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "אין נושאים חמים כרגע. אולי אחר כך!",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "You don't have any favourite toots yet. When you favourite one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.favourites": "No one has favourited this toot yet. When someone does, they will show up here.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "נראה שלא ניתן לייצר המלצות עבורך. נסה/י להשתמש בחיפוש כדי למצוא אנשים מוכרים או לבדוק את הנושאים החמים.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "אין לך שום בקשות מעקב עדיין. לכשיתקבלו כאלה, הן תופענה כאן.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "Looks like no suggestions could be generated for you. You can try using search to look for people you might know or explore trending hashtags.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "You don't have any follow requests yet. When you receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.hashtag": "אין כלום בהאשתג הזה עדיין.",
"empty_column.home": "אף אחד לא במעקב עדיין. אפשר לבקר ב{public} או להשתמש בחיפוש כדי להתחיל ולהכיר חצוצרנים אחרים. {suggestions}",
"empty_column.home.suggestions": "ראה/י כמה הצעות",
"empty_column.home": "אף אחד לא במעקב עדיין. אפשר לבקר ב{public} או להשתמש בחיפוש כדי להתחיל ולהכיר חצוצרנים אחרים.",
"empty_column.home.suggestions": "See some suggestions",
"empty_column.list": "אין עדיין מאום ברשימה.",
"empty_column.lists": "אין לך שום רשימות עדיין. לכשיהיו, הן תופענה כאן.",
"empty_column.mutes": "עוד לא השתקת שום משתמש.",
"empty_column.lists": "You don't have any lists yet. When you create one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.mutes": "You haven't muted any users yet.",
"empty_column.notifications": "אין התראות עדיין. יאללה, הגיע הזמן להתחיל להתערבב.",
"empty_column.public": "אין פה כלום! כדי למלא את הטור הזה אפשר לכתוב משהו, או להתחיל לעקוב אחרי אנשים מקהילות אחרות",
"error.unexpected_crash.explanation": "עקב תקלה בקוד שלנו או בעיית תאימות דפדפן, לא ניתן להציג דף זה כראוי.",
"error.unexpected_crash.explanation_addons": "לא ניתן להציג דף זה כראוי. הבעיה נגרמת כנראה עקב תוסף דפדפן או כלי תרגום אוטומטי.",
"error.unexpected_crash.next_steps": "נסה/י לרענן את הדף. אם זה לא עוזר, אולי אפשר עדיין להשתמש במסטודון דרך דפדפן אחר או באמצעות אפליקציה ילידית.",
"error.unexpected_crash.next_steps_addons": "נסה/י להסיר אותם ולרענן את הדף. אם זה לא עוזר, אולי אפשר עדיין להשתמש במסטודון דרך דפדפן אחר או באמצעות אפליקציה ילידית.",
"errors.unexpected_crash.copy_stacktrace": "להעתיק את הקוד ללוח הכתיבה",
"errors.unexpected_crash.report_issue": "דווח על בעיה",
"explore.search_results": "תוצאות חיפוש",
"explore.suggested_follows": "עבורך",
"explore.title": "סיור",
"explore.trending_links": "חדשות",
"explore.trending_statuses": "חצרוצים",
"explore.trending_tags": "האשטאגים",
"follow_recommendations.done": "בוצע",
"follow_recommendations.heading": "עקב/י אחרי אנשים שתרצה/י לראות את חצרוציהם! הנה כמה הצעות.",
"follow_recommendations.lead": "חצרוצים מאנשים במעקב יופיעו בסדר כרונולוגי בפיד הבית. אל תחששו מטעויות, אפשר להסיר מעקב באותה הקלות ובכל זמן!",
"error.unexpected_crash.explanation": "Due to a bug in our code or a browser compatibility issue, this page could not be displayed correctly.",
"error.unexpected_crash.explanation_addons": "This page could not be displayed correctly. This error is likely caused by a browser add-on or automatic translation tools.",
"error.unexpected_crash.next_steps": "Try refreshing the page. If that does not help, you may still be able to use Mastodon through a different browser or native app.",
"error.unexpected_crash.next_steps_addons": "Try disabling them and refreshing the page. If that does not help, you may still be able to use Mastodon through a different browser or native app.",
"errors.unexpected_crash.copy_stacktrace": "Copy stacktrace to clipboard",
"errors.unexpected_crash.report_issue": "Report issue",
"explore.search_results": "Search results",
"explore.suggested_follows": "For you",
"explore.title": "Explore",
"explore.trending_links": "News",
"explore.trending_statuses": "Posts",
"explore.trending_tags": "Hashtags",
"follow_recommendations.done": "Done",
"follow_recommendations.heading": "Follow people you'd like to see posts from! Here are some suggestions.",
"follow_recommendations.lead": "Posts from people you follow will show up in chronological order on your home feed. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, you can unfollow people just as easily any time!",
"follow_request.authorize": "קבלה",
"follow_request.reject": "דחיה",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "למרות שחשבונך אינו נעול, צוות {domain} חושב שאולי כדאי לוודא את בקשות המעקב האלה ידנית.",
"generic.saved": "נשמר",
"getting_started.developers": "מפתחות",
"": "ספריית פרופילים",
"getting_started.documentation": "תיעוד",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Even though your account is not locked, the {domain} staff thought you might want to review follow requests from these accounts manually.",
"generic.saved": "Saved",
"getting_started.developers": "Developers",
"": "Profile directory",
"getting_started.documentation": "Documentation",
"getting_started.heading": "בואו נתחיל",
"getting_started.invite": "להזמין אנשים",
"getting_started.invite": "Invite people",
"getting_started.open_source_notice": "מסטודון היא תוכנה חופשית (בקוד פתוח). ניתן לתרום או לדווח על בעיות בגיטהאב: {github}.",
"": "Security",
"getting_started.terms": "תנאי שימוש",
"hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.all": "ו- {additional}",
"hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.any": "או {additional}",
"hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.none": "ללא {additional}",
"": "לא נמצאו הצעות",
"": "הזן תגי הקבצה…",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.all": "כל אלה",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.any": "כל אלה",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.none": "אפאחד מאלה",
"getting_started.terms": "Terms of service",
"hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.all": "and {additional}",
"hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.any": "or {additional}",
"hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.none": "without {additional}",
"": "No suggestions found",
"": "Enter hashtags…",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.all": "All of these",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.any": "Any of these",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.none": "None of these",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_toggle": "Include additional tags in this column",
"home.column_settings.basic": "למתחילים",
"home.column_settings.show_reblogs": "הצגת הדהודים",
"home.column_settings.show_replies": "הצגת תגובות",
"home.hide_announcements": "הסתר הכרזות",
"home.show_announcements": "הצג הכרזות",
"intervals.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# יום} other {# ימים}}",
"intervals.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# שעה} other {# שעות}}",
"intervals.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# דקה} other {# דקות}}",
"home.hide_announcements": "Hide announcements",
"home.show_announcements": "Show announcements",
"intervals.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# day} other {# days}}",
"intervals.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# hour} other {# hours}}",
"intervals.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}}",
"keyboard_shortcuts.back": "ניווט חזרה",
"keyboard_shortcuts.blocked": "פתיחת רשימת חסומים",
"keyboard_shortcuts.blocked": "to open blocked users list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "להדהד",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "להתמקד בהודעה באחד מהטורים",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "להתמקד בתיבת חיבור ההודעות",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "תיאור",
"": "לפתיחת טור הודעות ישירות",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "לנוע במורד הרשימה",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "פתח חצרוץ",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "to open status",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "לחבב",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourites": "פתיחת רשימת מועדפים",
"keyboard_shortcuts.federated": "פתיחת ציר זמן בין-קהילתי",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourites": "to open favourites list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.federated": "to open federated timeline",
"keyboard_shortcuts.heading": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"keyboard_shortcuts.home": "פתיחת ציר זמן אישי",
"keyboard_shortcuts.home": "to open home timeline",
"keyboard_shortcuts.hotkey": "מקש קיצור",
"keyboard_shortcuts.legend": "להציג את הפירוש",
"keyboard_shortcuts.local": "פתיחת ציר זמן קהילתי",
"keyboard_shortcuts.local": "to open local timeline",
"keyboard_shortcuts.mention": "לאזכר את המחבר(ת)",
"keyboard_shortcuts.muted": "פתיחת רשימת משתמשים מושתקים",
"keyboard_shortcuts.my_profile": "פתיחת הפרופיל שלך",
"keyboard_shortcuts.notifications": "פתיחת טור התראות",
"keyboard_shortcuts.open_media": "פתיחת מדיה",
"keyboard_shortcuts.pinned": "פתיחת רשימת חצרותים מוצמדים",
"keyboard_shortcuts.profile": "פתח את פרופיל המשתמש",
"keyboard_shortcuts.muted": "to open muted users list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.my_profile": "to open your profile",
"keyboard_shortcuts.notifications": "to open notifications column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.open_media": "to open media",
"keyboard_shortcuts.pinned": "to open pinned toots list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.profile": "to open author's profile",
"keyboard_shortcuts.reply": "לענות",
"keyboard_shortcuts.requests": "פתיחת רשימת בקשות מעקב",
"keyboard_shortcuts.requests": "to open follow requests list",
"": "להתמקד בחלון החיפוש",
"keyboard_shortcuts.spoilers": "הצגת/הסתרת שדה אזהרת תוכן (CW)",
"keyboard_shortcuts.spoilers": "to show/hide CW field",
"keyboard_shortcuts.start": "to open \"get started\" column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_hidden": "הצגת/הסתרת טקסט מוסתר מאחורי אזהרת תוכן",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_sensitivity": "הצגת/הסתרת מדיה",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_hidden": "to show/hide text behind CW",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_sensitivity": "to show/hide media",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toot": "להתחיל חיצרוץ חדש",
"keyboard_shortcuts.unfocus": "לצאת מתיבת חיבור/חיפוש",
"keyboard_shortcuts.up": "לנוע במעלה הרשימה",
"lightbox.close": "סגירה",
"lightbox.compress": "דחיסת קופסת צפייה בתמונה",
"lightbox.expand": "הרחבת קופסת צפייה בתמונה",
"lightbox.compress": "Compress image view box",
"lightbox.expand": "Expand image view box",
"": "הלאה",
"lightbox.previous": "הקודם",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "הוסף לרשימה",
"lists.account.remove": "הסר מרשימה",
"lists.delete": "מחיקת רשימה",
"lists.edit": "עריכת רשימה",
"lists.edit.submit": "שנה/י כותרת",
"lists.delete": "Delete list",
"lists.edit": "Edit list",
"lists.edit.submit": "Change title",
"": "הוספת רשימה",
"": "כותרת הרשימה החדשה",
"lists.replies_policy.followed": "משתמשים שאני עוקב אחריהם",
@ -282,7 +277,7 @@
"lists.replies_policy.title": "הצג תגובות ל:",
"": "חיפוש בין אנשים שאני עוקב\\ת אחריהם",
"lists.subheading": "הרשימות שלך",
"load_pending": "{count, plural, one {# פריט חדש} other {# פריטים חדשים}}",
"load_pending": "{count, plural, one {# new item} other {# new items}}",
"loading_indicator.label": "טוען...",
"media_gallery.toggle_visible": "נראה\\בלתי נראה",
"missing_indicator.label": "לא נמצא",
@ -290,147 +285,146 @@
"mute_modal.duration": "משך הזמן",
"mute_modal.hide_notifications": "להסתיר הודעות מחשבון זה?",
"mute_modal.indefinite": "ללא תאריך סיום",
"navigation_bar.apps": "יישומונים לנייד",
"navigation_bar.apps": "Mobile apps",
"navigation_bar.blocks": "חסימות",
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "סימניות",
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "ציר זמן מקומי",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Compose new toot",
"": "הודעות ישירות",
"": "גלה",
"": "Discover",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "עריכת פרופיל",
"navigation_bar.explore": "חקור",
"navigation_bar.explore": "Explore",
"navigation_bar.favourites": "חיבובים",
"navigation_bar.filters": "מילים מושתקות",
"navigation_bar.filters": "Muted words",
"navigation_bar.follow_requests": "בקשות מעקב",
"navigation_bar.follows_and_followers": "נעקבים ועוקבים",
"navigation_bar.follows_and_followers": "Follows and followers",
"": "מידע נוסף",
"navigation_bar.keyboard_shortcuts": "קיצורי מקלדת",
"navigation_bar.lists": "רשימות",
"navigation_bar.lists": "Lists",
"navigation_bar.logout": "יציאה",
"navigation_bar.mutes": "השתקות",
"navigation_bar.personal": "אישי",
"navigation_bar.personal": "Personal",
"navigation_bar.pins": "חיצרוצים מקובעים",
"navigation_bar.preferences": "העדפות",
"navigation_bar.public_timeline": "ציר זמן בין-קהילתי",
"": "בטיחות",
"notification.admin.sign_up": "{name} נרשמו",
"": "Security",
"notification.admin.sign_up": "{name} signed up",
"notification.favourite": "חצרוצך חובב על ידי {name}",
"notification.follow": "{name} במעקב אחרייך",
"notification.follow_request": "{name} ביקשו לעקוב אחריך",
"notification.follow_request": "{name} has requested to follow you",
"notification.mention": "אוזכרת על ידי {name}",
"notification.own_poll": "הסקר שלך הסתיים",
"notification.poll": "סקר שהצבעת בו הסתיים",
"notification.own_poll": "Your poll has ended",
"notification.poll": "A poll you have voted in has ended",
"notification.reblog": "חצרוצך הודהד על ידי {name}",
"notification.status": "{name} הרגע פרסמו",
"notification.status": "{name} just posted",
"notification.update": "{name} ערכו פוסט",
"notifications.clear": "הסרת התראות",
"notifications.clear_confirmation": "להסיר את כל ההתראות? בטוח?",
"notifications.column_settings.admin.sign_up": "הרשמות חדשות:",
"notifications.column_settings.admin.sign_up": "New sign-ups:",
"notifications.column_settings.alert": "התראות לשולחן העבודה",
"notifications.column_settings.favourite": "מחובבים:",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.advanced": "הצג את כל הקטגוריות",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.category": "שורת סינון מהיר",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.show_bar": "הצג שורת סינון",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.advanced": "Display all categories",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.category": "Quick filter bar",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.show_bar": "Show filter bar",
"notifications.column_settings.follow": "עוקבים חדשים:",
"notifications.column_settings.follow_request": "בקשות מעקב חדשות:",
"notifications.column_settings.follow_request": "New follow requests:",
"notifications.column_settings.mention": "פניות:",
"notifications.column_settings.poll": "תוצאות סקר:",
"notifications.column_settings.poll": "Poll results:",
"notifications.column_settings.push": "הודעות בדחיפה",
"notifications.column_settings.reblog": "הדהודים:",
"": "הצגה בטור",
"notifications.column_settings.sound": "שמע מופעל",
"notifications.column_settings.status": "New toots:",
"notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.category": "התראות שלא נקראו",
"notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.highlight": "הבלט התראות שלא נקראו",
"notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.category": "Unread notifications",
"notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.highlight": "Highlight unread notifications",
"notifications.column_settings.update": "שינויים:",
"notifications.filter.all": "הכל",
"notifications.filter.boosts": "הדהודים",
"notifications.filter.favourites": "חיבובים",
"notifications.filter.follows": "נעקבים",
"notifications.filter.mentions": "אזכורים",
"notifications.filter.polls": "תוצאות סקר",
"notifications.filter.statuses": "עדכונים מאנשים במעקב",
"notifications.grant_permission": "מתן הרשאה.",
"": "{count} התראות",
"notifications.mark_as_read": "סימון כל ההודעות כנקראו",
"notifications.permission_denied": "לא ניתן להציג התראות מסך כיוון כיוון שהרשאות דפדפן נשללו בעבר",
"notifications.permission_denied_alert": "לא ניתן לאפשר נוטיפיקציות מסך שכן הדפדפן סורב הרשאה בעבר",
"notifications.permission_required": "לא ניתן לאפשר נוטיפיקציות מסך כיוון שהרשאה דרושה לא ניתנה.",
"notifications_permission_banner.enable": "לאפשר נוטיפיקציות מסך",
"notifications_permission_banner.how_to_control": "כדי לקבל הודעות גם כאשר מסטודון סגור יש לאפשר נוטיפיקציות מסך. ניתן לשלוט בדיוק איזה סוג של אינטראקציות יביא לנוטיפיקציות מסך דרך כפתור ה- {icon} מרגע שהן מאופשרות.",
"notifications_permission_banner.title": "לעולם אל תחמיץ דבר",
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"poll.total_votes": "{count, plural, one {# קול} other {# קולות}}",
"": "קול",
"poll.voted": "הצבעת לתשובה זו",
"poll.votes": "{votes, plural, one {# קול} other {# קולות}}",
"poll_button.add_poll": "הוספת סקר",
"poll_button.remove_poll": "הסרת סקר",
"notifications.filter.all": "All",
"notifications.filter.boosts": "Boosts",
"notifications.filter.favourites": "Favourites",
"notifications.filter.follows": "Follows",
"notifications.filter.mentions": "Mentions",
"notifications.filter.polls": "Poll results",
"notifications.filter.statuses": "Updates from people you follow",
"notifications.grant_permission": "Grant permission.",
"": "{count} notifications",
"notifications.mark_as_read": "Mark every notification as read",
"notifications.permission_denied": "Desktop notifications are unavailable due to previously denied browser permissions request",
"notifications.permission_denied_alert": "Desktop notifications can't be enabled, as browser permission has been denied before",
"notifications.permission_required": "Desktop notifications are unavailable because the required permission has not been granted.",
"notifications_permission_banner.enable": "Enable desktop notifications",
"notifications_permission_banner.how_to_control": "To receive notifications when Mastodon isn't open, enable desktop notifications. You can control precisely which types of interactions generate desktop notifications through the {icon} button above once they're enabled.",
"notifications_permission_banner.title": "Never miss a thing",
"picture_in_picture.restore": "Put it back",
"poll.closed": "Closed",
"poll.refresh": "Refresh",
"poll.total_people": "{count, plural, one {# person} other {# people}}",
"poll.total_votes": "{count, plural, one {# vote} other {# votes}}",
"": "Vote",
"poll.voted": "You voted for this answer",
"poll.votes": "{votes, plural, one {# vote} other {# votes}}",
"poll_button.add_poll": "Add a poll",
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Remove poll",
"privacy.change": "שינוי פרטיות ההודעה",
"": "הצג רק למי שהודעה זו פונה אליו",
"": "אנשים מוזכרים בלבד",
"": "Direct",
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"privacy.public.long": "גלוי לכל",
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"privacy.public.short": "פומבי",
"privacy.unlisted.long": "גלוי לכל, אבל מוסתר מאמצעי גילוי",
"privacy.unlisted.long": "Visible for all, but opted-out of discovery features",
"privacy.unlisted.short": "לא לפיד הכללי",
"refresh": "רענון",
"regeneration_indicator.label": "טוען…",
"regeneration_indicator.sublabel": "פיד הבית שלך בהכנה!",
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"relative_time.full.days": "לפני {number, plural, one {# יום} other {# ימים}}",
"relative_time.full.hours": "לפני {number, plural, one {# שעה} other {# שעות}}",
"relative_time.full.just_now": "ממש עכשיו",
"relative_time.full.minutes": "לפני {number, plural, one {# דקה} other {# דקות}}",
"relative_time.full.seconds": "לפני {number, plural, one {# שניה} other {# שניות}}",
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"": "היום",
"relative_time.minutes": "{number}m",
"relative_time.seconds": "{number}s",
"": "today",
"reply_indicator.cancel": "ביטול",
"report.block": "לחסום",
"report.block_explanation": "לא ניתן יהיה לראות את חצרוציהם. הם לא יוכלו לראות את חצרוציך או לעקוב אחריך. הם יוכלו לדעת שהם חסומים.",
"report.categories.other": "אחר",
"report.categories.spam": "ספאם",
"report.categories.violation": "התוכן מפר אחד או יותר מחוקי השרת",
"report.category.subtitle": "בחר/י את המתאים ביותר",
"report.category.title": "ספר/י לנו מה קורה עם ה-{type} הזה",
"report.category.title_account": "פרופיל",
"report.category.title_status": "חצרוץ",
"report.close": "בוצע",
"report.comment.title": "האם יש דבר נוסף שלדעתך חשוב שנדע?",
"report.forward": "קדם ל-{target}",
"report.forward_hint": "חשבון זה הוא משרת אחר. האם לשלוח בנוסף עותק אנונימי לשם?",
"report.mute": "להשתיק",
"report.mute_explanation": "לא ניתן יהיה לראות את חצרוציהם. הם עדיין יוכלו לעקוב אחריך ולראות את חצרוציך ולא ידעו שהם מושתקים.",
"": "הבא",
"report.block": "Block",
"report.block_explanation": "You will not see their posts. They will not be able to see your posts or follow you. They will be able to tell that they are blocked.",
"report.categories.other": "Other",
"report.categories.spam": "Spam",
"report.categories.violation": "Content violates one or more server rules",
"report.category.subtitle": "Choose the best match",
"report.category.title": "Tell us what's going on with this {type}",
"report.category.title_account": "profile",
"report.category.title_status": "post",
"report.close": "Done",
"report.comment.title": "Is there anything else you think we should know?",
"report.forward": "Forward to {target}",
"report.forward_hint": "The account is from another server. Send an anonymized copy of the report there as well?",
"report.mute": "Mute",
"report.mute_explanation": "You will not see their posts. They can still follow you and see your posts and will not know that they are muted.",
"": "Next",
"report.placeholder": "הערות נוספות",
"report.reasons.dislike": "אני לא אוהב את זה",
"report.reasons.dislike_description": "זה לא משהו שתרצה/י לראות",
"report.reasons.other": "זה משהו אחר",
"report.reasons.other_description": "הבעיה לא מתאימה לקטגוריות אחרות",
"report.reasons.spam": "זה ספאם",
"report.reasons.spam_description": "קישורים מרושעים, התייחסות מזוייפת או תגובות חוזרות",
"report.reasons.violation": "מפר את חוקי השרת",
"report.reasons.violation_description": "את/ה מודע/ת לכך שזה מפר חוקים ספציפיים",
"report.rules.subtitle": "בחר/י את כל המתאימים",
"report.rules.title": "אילו חוקים מופרים?",
"report.statuses.subtitle": "בחר/י את כל המתאימים",
"report.statuses.title": "האם ישנם חצרוצים התומכים בדיווח זה?",
"report.reasons.dislike": "I don't like it",
"report.reasons.dislike_description": "It is not something you want to see",
"report.reasons.other": "It's something else",
"report.reasons.other_description": "The issue does not fit into other categories",
"report.reasons.spam": "It's spam",
"report.reasons.spam_description": "Malicious links, fake engagement, or repetitive replies",
"report.reasons.violation": "It violates server rules",
"report.reasons.violation_description": "You are aware that it breaks specific rules",
"report.rules.subtitle": "Select all that apply",
"report.rules.title": "Which rules are being violated?",
"report.statuses.subtitle": "Select all that apply",
"report.statuses.title": "Are there any posts that back up this report?",
"report.submit": "שליחה",
"": "דיווח על {target}",
"report.thanks.take_action": "הנה כמה אפשרויות לשליטה בתצוגת מסטודון:",
"report.thanks.take_action_actionable": "בזמן שאנו בוחנות את הדיווח, ניתן לפעול כנגד @{name}:",
"report.thanks.title": "לא מעוניין/ת לראות את זה?",
"report.thanks.title_actionable": "תודה על הדיווח, נבדוק את העניין.",
"report.unfollow": "הפסיקו לעקוב אחרי @{name}",
"report.unfollow_explanation": "אתם עוקבים אחרי החשבון הזה. כדי להפסיק לראות את הפרסומים שלו בפיד הבית שלכם, הפסיקו לעקוב אחריהם.",
"": "דיווח",
"report.thanks.take_action": "Here are your options for controlling what you see on Mastodon:",
"report.thanks.take_action_actionable": "While we review this, you can take action against @{name}:",
"report.thanks.title": "Don't want to see this?",
"report.thanks.title_actionable": "Thanks for reporting, we'll look into this.",
"report.unfollow": "Unfollow @{name}",
"report.unfollow_explanation": "You are following this account. To not see their posts in your home feed anymore, unfollow them.",
"search.placeholder": "חיפוש",
"search_popout.search_format": "מבנה חיפוש מתקדם",
"": "Simple text returns statuses you have written, favourited, boosted, or have been mentioned in, as well as matching usernames, display names, and hashtags.",
@ -438,112 +432,112 @@
"": "status",
"": "טקסט פשוט מחזיר כינויים, שמות משתמש והאשתגים",
"": "משתמש(ת)",
"search_results.accounts": "אנשים",
"search_results.all": "כל התוצאות",
"search_results.hashtags": "האשתגיות",
"search_results.nothing_found": "לא נמצא דבר עבור תנאי חיפוש אלה",
"search_results.accounts": "People",
"search_results.all": "All",
"search_results.hashtags": "Hashtags",
"search_results.nothing_found": "Could not find anything for these search terms",
"search_results.statuses": "Toots",
"search_results.statuses_fts_disabled": "Searching toots by their content is not enabled on this Mastodon server.",
"": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {תוצאה} other {תוצאות}}",
"status.admin_account": "פתח/י ממשק ניהול עבור @{name}",
"status.admin_account": "Open moderation interface for @{name}",
"status.admin_status": "Open this status in the moderation interface",
"status.block": "חסימת @{name}",
"status.bookmark": "סימניה",
"status.cancel_reblog_private": "הסרת הדהוד",
"status.block": "Block @{name}",
"status.bookmark": "Bookmark",
"status.cancel_reblog_private": "Unboost",
"status.cannot_reblog": "לא ניתן להדהד הודעה זו",
"status.copy": "Copy link to status",
"status.delete": "מחיקה",
"status.detailed_status": "תצוגת שיחה מפורטת",
"status.detailed_status": "Detailed conversation view",
"": "הודעה ישירה ל@{name}",
"status.edit": "עריכה",
"status.edited": "נערך ב{date}",
"status.edited_x_times": "נערך {count, plural, one {פעם {count}} other {{count} פעמים}}",
"status.edit": "Edit",
"status.edited": "Edited {date}",
"status.edited_x_times": "Edited {count, plural, one {{count} time} other {{count} times}}",
"status.embed": "הטמעה",
"status.favourite": "חיבוב",
"status.filtered": "סונן",
"status.history.created": "{name} יצר/ה {date}",
"status.history.edited": "{name} ערך/ה {date}",
"status.filtered": "Filtered",
"status.history.created": "{name} created {date}",
"status.history.edited": "{name} edited {date}",
"status.load_more": "עוד",
"status.media_hidden": "מדיה מוסתרת",
"status.mention": "פניה אל @{name}",
"status.more": "עוד",
"status.mute": "להשתיק את @{name}",
"status.mute": "Mute @{name}",
"status.mute_conversation": "השתקת שיחה",
"": "הרחבת הודעה",
"": "לקבע באודות",
"status.pinned": "Pinned toot",
"status.read_more": "לקרוא עוד",
"status.read_more": "Read more",
"status.reblog": "הדהוד",
"status.reblog_private": "להדהד ברמת הנראות המקורית",
"status.reblog_private": "Boost with original visibility",
"status.reblogged_by": "הודהד על ידי {name}",
"status.reblogs.empty": "No one has boosted this toot yet. When someone does, they will show up here.",
"status.redraft": "מחיקה ועריכה מחדש",
"status.remove_bookmark": "הסרת סימניה",
"status.redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
"status.remove_bookmark": "Remove bookmark",
"status.reply": "תגובה",
"status.replyAll": "תגובה לכולם",
"": "דיווח על @{name}",
"status.sensitive_warning": "תוכן רגיש",
"status.share": "שיתוף",
"status.show_less": "הראה פחות",
"status.show_less_all": "להציג פחות מהכל",
"status.show_less_all": "Show less for all",
"status.show_more": "הראה יותר",
"status.show_more_all": "להציג יותר מהכל",
"status.show_thread": "להציג סיב",
"status.uncached_media_warning": "לא זמין",
"status.show_more_all": "Show more for all",
"status.show_thread": "Show thread",
"status.uncached_media_warning": "Not available",
"status.unmute_conversation": "הסרת השתקת שיחה",
"status.unpin": "לשחרר מקיבוע באודות",
"suggestions.dismiss": "להתעלם מהצעה",
"suggestions.header": "ייתכן שזה יעניין אותך…",
"suggestions.dismiss": "Dismiss suggestion",
"suggestions.header": "You might be interested in…",
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"tabs_bar.home": "בבית",
"tabs_bar.local_timeline": "ציר זמן מקומי",
"tabs_bar.notifications": "התראות",
"": "חיפוש",
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"time_remaining.hours": "נותרו {number, plural, one {# שעה} other {# שעות}}",
"time_remaining.minutes": "נותרו {number, plural, one {# דקה} other {# דקות}}",
"time_remaining.moments": "רגעים נותרו",
"time_remaining.seconds": "נותרו {number, plural, one {# שניה} other {# שניות}}",
"timeline_hint.remote_resource_not_displayed": "{resource} משרתים אחרים לא מוצגים.",
"timeline_hint.resources.followers": "עוקבים",
"timeline_hint.resources.follows": "נעקבים",
"": "Search",
"time_remaining.days": "{number, plural, one {# day} other {# days}} left",
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"time_remaining.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}} left",
"time_remaining.moments": "Moments remaining",
"time_remaining.seconds": "{number, plural, one {# second} other {# seconds}} left",
"timeline_hint.remote_resource_not_displayed": "{resource} from other servers are not displayed.",
"timeline_hint.resources.followers": "Followers",
"timeline_hint.resources.follows": "Follows",
"timeline_hint.resources.statuses": "Older toots",
"trends.counter_by_accounts": "{count, plural, one {{counter} אחד/ת מדבר/ת} other {{counter} אנשים מדברים}}",
"trends.trending_now": "נושאים חמים",
"trends.counter_by_accounts": "{count, plural, one {{counter} person} other {{counter} people}} talking",
"trends.trending_now": "Trending now",
"ui.beforeunload": "הטיוטא תאבד אם תעזבו את מסטודון.",
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"upload_modal.applying": "Applying…",
"upload_modal.choose_image": "Choose image",
"upload_modal.description_placeholder": "A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",
"upload_modal.detect_text": "Detect text from picture",
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"": "ניגון",
"video.unmute": "החזרת צליל"

View file

@ -9,21 +9,21 @@
"account.browse_more_on_origin_server": "मूल प्रोफ़ाइल पर अधिक ब्राउज़ करें",
"account.cancel_follow_request": "फ़ॉलो रिक्वेस्ट रद्द करें",
"": "प्रत्यक्ष संदेश @{name}",
"account.disable_notifications": "@{name} पोस्ट के लिए मुझे सूचित मत करो",
"account.disable_notifications": "Stop notifying me when @{name} posts",
"account.domain_blocked": "छिपा हुआ डोमेन",
"account.edit_profile": "प्रोफ़ाइल संपादित करें",
"account.enable_notifications": "जब @{name} पोस्ट मौजूद हो सूचित करें",
"account.enable_notifications": "Notify me when @{name} posts",
"account.endorse": "प्रोफ़ाइल पर दिखाए",
"account.follow": "फॉलो करें",
"account.followers": "फॉलोवर",
"account.followers.empty": "कोई भी इस यूज़र् को फ़ॉलो नहीं करता है",
"account.followers_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} अनुगामी} other {{counter} समर्थक}}",
"account.following": "फॉलोइंग",
"account.following": "Following",
"account.following_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} निम्नलिखित} other {{counter} निम्नलिखित}}",
"account.follows.empty": "यह यूज़र् अभी तक किसी को फॉलो नहीं करता है।",
"account.follows_you": "आपको फॉलो करता है",
"account.hide_reblogs": "@{name} के बूस्ट छुपाएं",
"account.joined": "शामिल हुये {date}",
"account.joined": "Joined {date}",
"account.link_verified_on": "इस लिंक का स्वामित्व {date} को चेक किया गया था",
"account.locked_info": "यह खाता गोपनीयता स्थिति लॉक करने के लिए सेट है। मालिक मैन्युअल रूप से समीक्षा करता है कि कौन उनको फॉलो कर सकता है।",
"": "मीडिया",
@ -41,24 +41,24 @@
"account.statuses_counter": "{count, plural, one {{counter} भोंपू} other {{counter} भोंपू}}",
"account.unblock": "@{name} को अनब्लॉक करें",
"account.unblock_domain": "{domain} दिखाए",
"account.unblock_short": "अनब्लॉक",
"account.unblock_short": "Unblock",
"account.unendorse": "प्रोफ़ाइल पर न दिखाए",
"account.unfollow": "अनफॉलो करें",
"account.unmute": "अनम्यूट @{name}",
"account.unmute_notifications": "@{name} के नोटिफिकेशन अनम्यूट करे",
"account.unmute_short": "अनम्यूट",
"account.unmute_short": "Unmute",
"account_note.placeholder": "नोट्स जोड़ने के लिए क्लिक करें",
"admin.dashboard.daily_retention": "साईन-अप के बाद उपयोगकर्ता के रिटेंशन दर",
"admin.dashboard.monthly_retention": "साईन-अप के बाद उपयोगकर्ता के महीने तक रिटेंशन दर",
"admin.dashboard.retention.average": "औसत",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort": "साईन-अप महिना",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort_size": "नये उपयोगकर्ता",
"admin.dashboard.daily_retention": "User retention rate by day after sign-up",
"admin.dashboard.monthly_retention": "User retention rate by month after sign-up",
"admin.dashboard.retention.average": "Average",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort": "Sign-up month",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort_size": "New users",
"alert.rate_limited.message": "कृप्या {retry_time, time, medium} के बाद दुबारा कोशिश करें",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "सीमित दर",
"alert.unexpected.message": "एक अप्रत्याशित त्रुटि हुई है!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "उफ़!",
"announcement.announcement": "घोषणा",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(असंसाधित)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(unprocessed)",
"autosuggest_hashtag.per_week": "{count} हर सप्ताह",
"boost_modal.combo": "अगली बार स्किप करने के लिए आप {combo} दबा सकते है",
"bundle_column_error.body": "इस कॉम्पोनेन्ट को लोड करते वक्त कुछ गलत हो गया",
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "ब्लॉक्ड यूज़र्स",
"column.bookmarks": "पुस्तकचिह्न:",
"": "लोकल टाइम्लाइन",
"": "सीधा संदेश",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "प्रोफाइल्स खोजें",
"column.domain_blocks": "छुपे डोमेन्स",
"column.favourites": "पसंदीदा",
@ -92,10 +92,8 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "स्थानीय ही",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "सिर्फ़ मीडिया",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "केवल सुदूर",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "और जानें",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "मास्टोडॉन पर पोस्ट एन्ड-टू-एन्ड एन्क्रिप्टेड नहीं है",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "यह टूट् किसी भी हैशटैग के तहत सूचीबद्ध नहीं होगा क्योंकि यह अनलिस्टेड है। हैशटैग द्वारा केवल सार्वजनिक टूट्स खोजे जा सकते हैं।",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "आपका खाता {locked} नहीं है। आपको केवल फॉलोवर्स को दिखाई दिए जाने वाले पोस्ट देखने के लिए कोई भी फॉलो कर सकता है।",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "लॉक्ड",
@ -108,7 +106,7 @@
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_single": "एक ही विकल्प के लिए अनुमति देने के लिए पोल बदलें",
"compose_form.publish": "टूट्",
"compose_form.publish_loud": "{publish}!",
"compose_form.save_changes": "परिवर्तनों को सहेजें",
"compose_form.save_changes": "Save changes",
"compose_form.sensitive.hide": "मीडिया को संवेदनशील के रूप में चिह्नित करें",
"compose_form.sensitive.marked": "मीडिया संवेदनशील के रूप में चिह्नित है",
"compose_form.sensitive.unmarked": "मीडिया संवेदनशील के रूप में चिह्नित नहीं है",
@ -123,8 +121,8 @@
"confirmations.delete.message": "क्या आप वाकई इस स्टेटस को हटाना चाहते हैं?",
"confirmations.delete_list.confirm": "मिटाए",
"confirmations.delete_list.message": "क्या आप वाकई इस लिस्ट को हमेशा के लिये मिटाना चाहते हैं?",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.confirm": "डिस्कार्ड",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.message": "लिस्ट में जोड़ें",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.confirm": "Discard",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.message": "You have unsaved changes to the media description or preview, discard them anyway?",
"confirmations.domain_block.confirm": "संपूर्ण डोमेन छिपाएं",
"confirmations.domain_block.message": "क्या आप वास्तव में, वास्तव में आप पूरे {domain} को ब्लॉक करना चाहते हैं? ज्यादातर मामलों में कुछ लक्षित ब्लॉक या म्यूट पर्याप्त और बेहतर हैं। आप किसी भी सार्वजनिक समय-सीमा या अपनी सूचनाओं में उस डोमेन की सामग्री नहीं देखेंगे। उस डोमेन से आपके फॉलोवर्स को हटा दिया जाएगा।",
"confirmations.logout.confirm": "लॉग आउट करें",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "अपने वेबसाइट पर, निचे दिए कोड को कॉपी करके, इस स्टेटस को एम्बेड करें",
"embed.preview": "यह ऐसा दिखेगा :",
"emoji_button.activity": "गतिविधि",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "निजीकृत",
"emoji_button.flags": "झंडे",
"": "भोजन एवं पेय",
@ -163,15 +160,15 @@
"emoji_button.search_results": "खोज परिणाम",
"emoji_button.symbols": "प्रतीक",
"": "यात्रा एवं स्थान",
"empty_column.account_suspended": "खाता निलंबित",
"empty_column.account_suspended": "Account suspended",
"empty_column.account_timeline": "सन्नाटा! यहां कोई टूट्स नहीं!",
"empty_column.account_unavailable": "प्रोफाइल उपलब्ध नहीं",
"empty_column.blocks": "आप अभी तक किसी भी यूजर के द्वारा ब्लॉक्ड नहीं हो।",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "आपके पास अभी तक कोई बुकमार्क नहीं है। जब आप एक बुकमार्क करते हैं, तो यह यहां दिखाई देगा।",
"": "लोकल टाइम्लाइन खाली है, कुछ देखने के लिये सार्वजनिक रूप से कुछ लिखें!",
"": "आपके पास अभी तक कोई सीधा संदेश नहीं है, जब आप भेजेंगे या प्राप्त करेंगे तो ये यहाँ दिखेगा |",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "अभी तक कोई छुपा हुआ डोमेन नहीं है।",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "कुछ भी अभी ट्रैंडिंग नहीं है, कुछ देर बाद जांचे!",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "आपके पास अभी कोई भी चहिता टूट नहीं है. जब आप किसी टूट को पसंद (स्टार) करेंगे, तब वो यहाँ दिखेगा।",
"empty_column.favourites": "अभी तक किसी ने भी इस टूट को पसंद (स्टार) नहीं किया है. जब भी कोई इसे पसंद करेगा, उनका नाम यहाँ दिखेगा।",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "Looks like no suggestions could be generated for you. You can try using search to look for people you might know or explore trending hashtags.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "बढ़ावा देने के लिए",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "to focus a status in one of the columns",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "कंपोज़ टेक्स्ट-एरिया पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने के लिए",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "विवरण",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "सूची में शामिल करने के लिए",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "स्टेटस खोलने के लिए",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "पसंदीदा के लिए",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Expand image view box",
"": "अगला",
"lightbox.previous": "पिछला",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Add to list",
"lists.account.remove": "सूची से निकालें",
"lists.delete": "सूची हटाएँ",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "पुस्तकचिह्न:",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "लोकल टाइम्लाइन",
"navigation_bar.compose": "नया टूट् लिखें",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "खोजें",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "प्रोफ़ाइल संपादित करें",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Blokirani korisnici",
"column.bookmarks": "Knjižne oznake",
"": "Lokalna vremenska crta",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Pregledavanje profila",
"column.domain_blocks": "Blokirane domene",
"column.favourites": "Favoriti",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Samo lokalno",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Samo medijski sadržaj",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Samo udaljeno",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Saznajte više",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Ovaj toot neće biti prikazan ni pod jednim hashtagom jer je postavljen kao neprikazan. Samo javni tootovi mogu biti pretraživani pomoći hashtagova.",
@ -124,7 +122,7 @@
"confirmations.delete_list.confirm": "Obriši",
"confirmations.delete_list.message": "Jeste li sigurni da želite trajno obrisati ovu listu?",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.confirm": "Odbaciti",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.message": "Postoje nespremljene promjene u opisu medija ili u pretpregledu, svejedno ih odbaciti?",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.message": "Niste spremili promjene u opisu medija ili u predpregledu, svejedno ih odbaciti?",
"confirmations.domain_block.confirm": "Blokiraj cijelu domenu",
"confirmations.domain_block.message": "Jeste li zaista, zaista sigurni da želite blokirati cijelu domenu {domain}? U većini slučajeva dovoljno je i preferirano nekoliko ciljanih blokiranja ili utišavanja. Nećete vidjeti sadržaj s te domene ni u kojim javnim vremenskim crtama ili Vašim obavijestima. Vaši pratitelji s te domene bit će uklonjeni.",
"confirmations.logout.confirm": "Odjavi se",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Embed this status on your website by copying the code below.",
"embed.preview": "Evo kako će izgledati:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Aktivnost",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Prilagođeno",
"emoji_button.flags": "Zastave",
"": "Hrana i piće",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Još niste blokirali nikoga.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Još nemaš niti jedan označeni toot. Kada označiš jedan, prikazad će se ovdje.",
"": "Lokalna vremenska crta je prazna. Napišite nešto javno da biste pokrenuli stvari!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Još nema blokiranih domena.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "You don't have any favourite toots yet. When you favourite one, it will show up here.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "za boostanje",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "za fokusiranje na toot u jednom od stupaca",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "za fokusiranje na tekstualni okvir za stvaranje",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Opis",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "za pomak dolje na listi",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "za otvaranje toota",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "za označavanje favoritom",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Expand image view box",
"": "Sljedeće",
"lightbox.previous": "Prethodno",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Dodaj na listu",
"lists.account.remove": "Ukloni s liste",
"lists.delete": "Izbriši listu",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Lokalna vremenska crta",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Compose new toot",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Istraživanje",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Blokirane domene",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Uredi profil",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Letiltott felhasználók",
"column.bookmarks": "Könyvjelzők",
"": "Helyi idővonal",
"": "Közvetlen üzenetek",
"column.conversations": "Beszélgetések",
"": "Profilok böngészése",
"column.domain_blocks": "Rejtett domainek",
"column.favourites": "Kedvencek",
@ -86,14 +86,12 @@
"column_header.moveLeft_settings": "Oszlop elmozdítása balra",
"column_header.moveRight_settings": "Oszlop elmozdítása jobbra",
"": "Kitűzés",
"column_header.show_settings": "Beállítások megjelenítése",
"column_header.show_settings": "Beállítások mutatása",
"column_header.unpin": "Kitűzés eltávolítása",
"column_subheading.settings": "Beállítások",
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Csak helyi",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Csak média",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Csak távoli",
"compose.language.change": "Nyelv megváltoztatása",
"": "Nyelv keresése...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Tudj meg többet",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "A bejegyzések a Mastodonon nem használnak végpontok közötti titkosítást. Ne ossz meg érzékeny információt Mastodonon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Ez a bejegyzésed nem fog megjelenni semmilyen hashtag alatt, mivel listázatlan. Csak a nyilvános bejegyzések kereshetők hashtaggel.",
@ -112,8 +110,8 @@
"compose_form.sensitive.hide": "{count, plural, one {Média kényesnek jelölése} other {Média kényesnek jelölése}}",
"compose_form.sensitive.marked": "{count, plural, one {A médiát kényesnek jelölték} other {A médiát kényesnek jelölték}}",
"compose_form.sensitive.unmarked": "{count, plural, one {A médiát nem jelölték kényesnek} other {A médiát nem jelölték kényesnek}}",
"compose_form.spoiler.marked": "Tartalmi figyelmeztetés törlése",
"compose_form.spoiler.unmarked": "Tartalmi figyelmeztetés hozzáadása",
"compose_form.spoiler.marked": "A szöveg figyelmeztetés mögé van rejtve",
"compose_form.spoiler.unmarked": "A szöveg nem rejtett",
"compose_form.spoiler_placeholder": "Írd ide a figyelmeztetést",
"confirmation_modal.cancel": "Mégse",
"confirmations.block.block_and_report": "Letiltás és jelentés",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Ágyazd be ezt a bejegyzést a weboldaladba az alábbi kód kimásolásával.",
"embed.preview": "Így fog kinézni:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Tevékenység",
"emoji_button.clear": "Törlés",
"emoji_button.custom": "Egyéni",
"emoji_button.flags": "Zászlók",
"": "Étel és Ital",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Még senkit sem tiltottál le.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Még nincs egyetlen könyvjelzőzött bejegyzésed sem. Ha könyvjelzőzöl egyet, itt fog megjelenni.",
"": "A helyi idővonal üres. Tégy közzé valamit nyilvánosan, hogy elindítsd az eseményeket!",
"": "Még nincs egy közvetlen üzeneted sem. Ha küldesz vagy kapsz egyet, itt fog megjelenni.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Ha olyan bejegyzést küldesz vagy fogadsz, melyet csak az abban megemlítettek látnak, itt fog megjelenni.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Még nem rejtettél el egyetlen domaint sem.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Jelenleg semmi sem felkapott. Nézz vissza később!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Még nincs egyetlen kedvenc bejegyzésed sem. Ha kedvencnek jelölsz egyet, itt fog megjelenni.",
@ -222,9 +219,9 @@
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_toggle": "Új címkék felvétele ehhez az oszlophoz",
"home.column_settings.basic": "Alapvető",
"home.column_settings.show_reblogs": "Megtolások mutatása",
"home.column_settings.show_replies": "Válaszok megjelenítése",
"home.column_settings.show_replies": "Válaszok mutatása",
"home.hide_announcements": "Közlemények elrejtése",
"home.show_announcements": "Közlemények megjelenítése",
"home.show_announcements": "Közlemények mutatása",
"intervals.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# nap} other {# nap}}",
"intervals.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# óra} other {# óra}}",
"intervals.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# perc} other {# perc}}",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Bejegyzés megtolása",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Fókuszálás egy oszlopra",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "fókuszálás a szerkesztési szövegdobozra",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "beszélgetések megnyitása",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Leírás",
"": "közvetlen üzenetek megnyitása",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "lefele navigálás a listában",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Bejegyzés megnyitása",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Bejegyzés kedvencnek jelölése",
@ -255,10 +252,10 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.reply": "Válasz bejegyzésre",
"keyboard_shortcuts.requests": "követési kérések listájának megnyitása",
"": "fókuszálás a keresőre",
"keyboard_shortcuts.spoilers": "Tartalmi figyelmeztetés mező megjelenítése/elrejtése",
"keyboard_shortcuts.spoilers": "CW mező mutatása/elrejtése",
"keyboard_shortcuts.start": "\"Első lépések\" megnyitása",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_hidden": "Tartalmi figyelmeztetéssel ellátott szöveg megjelenítése/elrejtése",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_sensitivity": "Média megjelenítése/elrejtése",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_hidden": "tartalmi figyelmeztetéssel ellátott szöveg mutatása/elrejtése",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toggle_sensitivity": "média mutatása/elrejtése",
"keyboard_shortcuts.toot": "Új bejegyzés írása",
"keyboard_shortcuts.unfocus": "Szerkesztés/keresés fókuszból való kivétele",
"keyboard_shortcuts.up": "felfelé mozdítás a listában",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Képnézet kinagyítása",
"": "Következő",
"lightbox.previous": "Előző",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Mindenképpen mutassa a profilt",
"limited_account_hint.title": "Ezt a profilt a kiszolgálód moderátorai elrejtették.",
"lists.account.add": "Hozzáadás a listához",
"lists.account.remove": "Eltávolítás a listából",
"lists.delete": "Lista törlése",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Könyvjelzők",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Helyi idővonal",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Új bejegyzés írása",
"": "Közvetlen üzenetek",
"": "Felfedezés",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Rejtett domainek",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Profil szerkesztése",
@ -329,7 +323,7 @@
"notifications.column_settings.admin.sign_up": "Új regisztrálók:",
"notifications.column_settings.alert": "Asztali értesítések",
"notifications.column_settings.favourite": "Kedvencek:",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.advanced": "Minden kategória megjelenítése",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.advanced": "Minden kategória mutatása",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.category": "Gyorskereső mező",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.show_bar": "Szűrősáv mutatása",
"notifications.column_settings.follow": "Új követők:",
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Szavazás törlése",
"privacy.change": "Bejegyzés láthatóságának módosítása",
"": "Csak a megemlített felhasználóknak látható",
"": "Csak megemlítetteknek",
"": "Csak a megemlítettek",
"privacy.private.long": "Csak követőknek látható",
"privacy.private.short": "Csak követők",
"privacy.public.long": "Mindenki számára látható",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Արգելափակուած օգտատէրեր",
"column.bookmarks": "Էջանիշեր",
"": "Տեղական հոսք",
"": "Հասցէագրուած",
"column.conversations": "Զրոյցներ",
"": "Զննել անձնական էջերը",
"column.domain_blocks": "Թաքցուած տիրոյթները",
"column.favourites": "Հաւանածներ",
@ -92,10 +92,8 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Միայն տեղական",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Միայն մեդիա",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Միայն հեռակայ",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Իմանալ աւելին",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Մաստոդոնում գրառումները ծայրից-ծայր գաղտնագրուող չեն։ Գաղտնիք պարունակող նամակներ մի ուղարկէք։",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Այս գրառումը չի հաշուառուի որեւէ պիտակի տակ, քանզի այն ծածուկ է։ Միայն հրապարակային թթերը հնարաւոր է որոնել պիտակներով։",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "Քո հաշիւը {locked} չէ։ Իւրաքանչիւրութիւն ոք կարող է հետեւել քեզ եւ տեսնել միայն հետեւողների համար նախատեսուած գրառումները։",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "փակ",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Այս գրառումը քո կայքում ներդնելու համար կարող ես պատճէնել ներքեւի կոդը։",
"embed.preview": "Ահա, թէ ինչ տեսք կունենայ այն՝",
"emoji_button.activity": "Զբաղմունքներ",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Յատուկ",
"emoji_button.flags": "Դրօշներ",
"": "Կերուխում",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Դու դեռ ոչ մէկի չես արգելափակել։",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Դու դեռ չունես որեւէ էջանշուած գրառում։ Երբ էջանշես, դրանք կը երեւան այստեղ։",
"": "Տեղական հոսքը դատարկ է։ Հրապարակային մի բան գրի՛ր շարժիչը գործարկելու համար։",
"": "Դու դեռ չունես ոչ մի հասցէագրուած հաղորդագրութիւն։ Երբ ուղարկես կամ ստանաս որեւէ անձնական նամակ, այն կերեւայ այստեղ։",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Թաքցուած տիրոյթներ դեռ չկան։",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Դու դեռ չունես որեւէ հաւանած գրառում։ Երբ հաւանես, դրանք կերեւան այստեղ։",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "տարածելու համար",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "սիւներից մէկի վրայ սեւեռուելու համար",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "շարադրման տիրոյթին սեւեռուելու համար",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Նկարագրութիւն",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "ցանկով ներքեւ շարժուելու համար",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Գրառումը բացելու համար",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "հաւանելու համար",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Բացել պատկերի դիտման պատուհանը",
"": "Յաջորդ",
"lightbox.previous": "Նախորդ",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Աւելացնել ցանկին",
"lists.account.remove": "Հանել ցանկից",
"lists.delete": "Ջնջել ցանկը",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Էջանիշեր",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Տեղական հոսք",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Ստեղծել նոր գրառում",
"": "Հասցէագրուած նամակներ",
"": "Բացայայտել",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Թաքցուած տիրոյթներ",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Խմբագրել անձնական էջը",
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Հեռացնել հարցումը",
"privacy.change": "Կարգաւորել գրառման գաղտնիութիւնը",
"": "Կը տեսնեն միայն նշուած օգտատէրերը",
"": "Direct",
"": "Միայն նշածս մարդիկ",
"privacy.private.long": "Կը տեսնեն միայն հետեւորդները",
"privacy.private.short": "Միայն հետեւողները",
"privacy.public.long": "Տեսանելի բոլորին",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Pengguna yang diblokir",
"column.bookmarks": "Markah",
"": "Linimasa Lokal",
"": "Pesan langsung",
"column.conversations": "Percakapan",
"": "Jelajahi profil",
"column.domain_blocks": "Topik tersembunyi",
"column.favourites": "Favorit",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Hanya lokal",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Hanya media",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Hanya jarak jauh",
"compose.language.change": "Ganti bahasa",
"": "Telusuri bahasa...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Pelajari selengkapnya",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Kiriman di Mastodon tidak dienkripsi end-to-end. Jangan bagikan informasi rahasial melalui Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Toot ini tidak akan ada dalam daftar tagar manapun karena telah diatur sebagai tidak terdaftar. Hanya postingan publik yang bisa dicari dengan tagar.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Sematkan kiriman ini di website anda dengan menyalin kode di bawah ini.",
"embed.preview": "Tampilan akan seperti ini nantinya:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Aktivitas",
"emoji_button.clear": "Hapus",
"emoji_button.custom": "Kustom",
"emoji_button.flags": "Bendera",
"": "Makanan & Minuman",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Anda belum memblokir siapapun.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Anda belum memiliki toot termarkah. Saat Anda menandainya sebagai markah, ia akan muncul di sini.",
"": "Linimasa lokal masih kosong. Tulis sesuatu secara publik dan buat roda berputar!",
"": "Anda belum memiliki pesan langsung. Ketika Anda mengirim atau menerimanya, maka akan muncul di sini.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Saat Anda mengirim atau menerima kiriman yang hanya terlihat oleh orang yang disebutkan, itu akan muncul di sini.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Tidak ada topik tersembunyi.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Tidak ada yang sedang tren pada saat ini. Silakan mengecek lagi nanti!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Anda belum memiliki toot favorit. Ketika Anda mengirim atau menerimanya, maka akan muncul di sini.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "untuk menyebarkan",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "untuk fokus kepada sebuah status di sebuah kolom",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "untuk fokus ke area penulisan",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "untuk membuka kolom percakapan",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Deskripsi",
"": "untuk membuka kolom pesan langsung",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "untuk pindah ke bawah dalam sebuah daftar",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "untuk membuka status",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "untuk memfavoritkan",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Besarkan kotak tampilan gambar",
"": "Selanjutnya",
"lightbox.previous": "Sebelumnya",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Tetap tampilkan profil",
"limited_account_hint.title": "Profil ini telah disembunyikan oleh moderator server Anda.",
"lists.account.add": "Tambah ke daftar",
"lists.account.remove": "Hapus dari daftar",
"lists.delete": "Hapus daftar",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Markah",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Linimasa lokal",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Tulis toot baru",
"": "Pesan langsung",
"": "Temukan",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Domain tersembunyi",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Ubah profil",
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Hapus japat",
"privacy.change": "Tentukan privasi status",
"": "Kirim hanya ke pengguna yang disebut",
"": "Orang yang disebutkan saja",
"": "Hanya orang yang saya sebut",
"privacy.private.long": "Kirim postingan hanya kepada pengikut",
"privacy.private.short": "Pengikut saja",
"privacy.public.long": "Terlihat oleh semua",

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"account.block": "Blokusar @{name}",
"account.block_domain": "Hide everything from {domain}",
"account.blocked": "Restriktita",
"account.browse_more_on_origin_server": "Videz pluse che originala profilo",
"account.browse_more_on_origin_server": "Videz plu che originala profilo",
"account.cancel_follow_request": "Removez sequodemando",
"": "Direct Message @{name}",
"account.disable_notifications": "Cesez avizar me kande @{name} postas",
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
"account.unmute_notifications": "Desilencigez avizi de @{name}",
"account.unmute_short": "Desilencigez",
"account_note.placeholder": "Click to add a note",
"admin.dashboard.daily_retention": "Dia uzantoretenseso pos registro",
"admin.dashboard.monthly_retention": "Monata uzantoreteneso pos registro",
"admin.dashboard.daily_retention": "User retention rate by day after sign-up",
"admin.dashboard.monthly_retention": "User retention rate by month after sign-up",
"admin.dashboard.retention.average": "Averajo",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort": "Registromonato",
"admin.dashboard.retention.cohort_size": "Nova uzanti",
@ -68,173 +68,170 @@
"bundle_modal_error.message": "Nulo ne functionis dum chargar ca kompozaj.",
"bundle_modal_error.retry": "Probez itere",
"column.blocks": "Blokusita uzeri",
"column.bookmarks": "Libromarki",
"column.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"": "Lokala tempolineo",
"": "Direta mesaji",
"": "Videz profili",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Browse profiles",
"column.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
"column.favourites": "Favorati",
"column.follow_requests": "Demandi di sequado",
"column.home": "Hemo",
"column.lists": "Listi",
"column.lists": "Lists",
"column.mutes": "Celita uzeri",
"column.notifications": "Savigi",
"column.pins": "Pinned toot",
"column.public": "Federata tempolineo",
"column_back_button.label": "Retro",
"column_header.hide_settings": "Celez ajusti",
"column_header.moveLeft_settings": "Movez kolumno a la sinistro",
"column_header.moveRight_settings": "Movez kolumno a la dextro",
"": "Pinglagez",
"column_header.show_settings": "Montrez ajusti",
"column_header.unpin": "Depinglagez",
"column_subheading.settings": "Ajusti",
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Lokala nur",
"column_header.hide_settings": "Hide settings",
"column_header.moveLeft_settings": "Move column to the left",
"column_header.moveRight_settings": "Move column to the right",
"": "Pin",
"column_header.show_settings": "Show settings",
"column_header.unpin": "Unpin",
"column_subheading.settings": "Settings",
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Local only",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Media only",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Fora nur",
"compose.language.change": "Chanjez linguo",
"": "Trovez linguo...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Lernez pluse",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posti di Mastodon ne intersequante chifrigesas. Ne partigez irga danjera informo che Mastodon.",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Remote only",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Learn more",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "This toot won't be listed under any hashtag as it is unlisted. Only public toots can be searched by hashtag.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "Vua konto ne esas {locked}. Irgu povas sequar vu por vidar vua sequanto-nura posti.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "klefagesas",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "Your account is not {locked}. Anyone can follow you to view your follower-only posts.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "locked",
"compose_form.placeholder": "Quo esas en tua spirito?",
"compose_form.poll.add_option": "Insertez selekto",
"compose_form.poll.duration": "Votpostoduro",
"compose_form.poll.option_placeholder": "Selektato {number}",
"compose_form.poll.remove_option": "Efacez ca selektajo",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_multiple": "Chanjez votposto por permisar multiselektaji",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_single": "Chanjez votposto por permisar una selektajo",
"compose_form.poll.add_option": "Add a choice",
"compose_form.poll.duration": "Poll duration",
"compose_form.poll.option_placeholder": "Choice {number}",
"compose_form.poll.remove_option": "Remove this choice",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_multiple": "Change poll to allow multiple choices",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_single": "Change poll to allow for a single choice",
"compose_form.publish": "Siflar",
"compose_form.publish_loud": "{publish}!",
"compose_form.save_changes": "Sparez chanji",
"compose_form.sensitive.hide": "{count, plural,one {Markizez medii quale privata} other {Markizez medii quale privata}}",
"compose_form.sensitive.marked": "{count, plural,one {Medii markizesis quale privata} other {Medii markizesis quale privata}}",
"compose_form.sensitive.unmarked": "{count, plural,one {Medii ne markizesis quale privata} other {Medii ne markizesis quale privata}}",
"compose_form.save_changes": "Save changes",
"compose_form.sensitive.hide": "{count, plural, one {Mark media as sensitive} other {Mark media as sensitive}}",
"compose_form.sensitive.marked": "{count, plural, one {Media is marked as sensitive} other {Media is marked as sensitive}}",
"compose_form.sensitive.unmarked": "{count, plural, one {Media is not marked as sensitive} other {Media is not marked as sensitive}}",
"compose_form.spoiler.marked": "Text is hidden behind warning",
"compose_form.spoiler.unmarked": "Text is not hidden",
"compose_form.spoiler_placeholder": "Averto di kontenajo",
"confirmation_modal.cancel": "Anulez",
"confirmations.block.block_and_report": "Restriktez e Raportizez",
"confirmations.block.confirm": "Restriktez",
"confirmations.block.message": "Ka vu certe volas restrikar {name}?",
"confirmations.delete.confirm": "Efacez",
"confirmation_modal.cancel": "Cancel",
"confirmations.block.block_and_report": "Block & Report",
"confirmations.block.confirm": "Block",
"confirmations.block.message": "Are you sure you want to block {name}?",
"confirmations.delete.confirm": "Delete",
"confirmations.delete.message": "Are you sure you want to delete this status?",
"confirmations.delete_list.confirm": "Efacez",
"confirmations.delete_list.message": "Ka vu certe volas netempale efacar ca listo?",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.confirm": "Efacez",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.message": "Vu havas nesparita chanji di mediodeskript o prevido, vu volas jus efacar?",
"confirmations.delete_list.confirm": "Delete",
"confirmations.delete_list.message": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this list?",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.confirm": "Discard",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.message": "You have unsaved changes to the media description or preview, discard them anyway?",
"confirmations.domain_block.confirm": "Hide entire domain",
"confirmations.domain_block.message": "Are you really, really sure you want to block the entire {domain}? In most cases a few targeted blocks or mutes are sufficient and preferable.",
"confirmations.logout.confirm": "Ekirez",
"confirmations.logout.message": "Ka tu certe volas ekirar?",
"confirmations.mute.confirm": "Silencigez",
"confirmations.mute.explanation": "Co celigos posti de oli e posti quo mencionas oli, ma ol ankore permisas oli vidar vua posti e sequar vu.",
"confirmations.mute.message": "Ka vu certe volas silencigar {name}?",
"confirmations.redraft.confirm": "Efacez e riskisez",
"confirmations.logout.confirm": "Log out",
"confirmations.logout.message": "Are you sure you want to log out?",
"confirmations.mute.confirm": "Mute",
"confirmations.mute.explanation": "This will hide posts from them and posts mentioning them, but it will still allow them to see your posts and follow you.",
"confirmations.mute.message": "Are you sure you want to mute {name}?",
"confirmations.redraft.confirm": "Delete & redraft",
"confirmations.redraft.message": "Are you sure you want to delete this status and re-draft it? You will lose all replies, boosts and favourites to it.",
"confirmations.reply.confirm": "Respondez",
"confirmations.reply.message": "Respondar nun remplos mesajo quon vu nun igas. Ka vu certe volas durar?",
"confirmations.unfollow.confirm": "Desequez",
"confirmations.unfollow.message": "Ka vu certe volas desequar {name}?",
"conversation.delete": "Efacez konverso",
"conversation.mark_as_read": "Markizez quale lektita",
"": "Videz konverso",
"conversation.with": "Kun {names}",
"directory.federated": "De savita fediverso",
"directory.local": "De {domain} nur",
"directory.new_arrivals": "Nova venanti",
"directory.recently_active": "Recenta aktivo",
"confirmations.reply.confirm": "Reply",
"confirmations.reply.message": "Replying now will overwrite the message you are currently composing. Are you sure you want to proceed?",
"confirmations.unfollow.confirm": "Unfollow",
"confirmations.unfollow.message": "Are you sure you want to unfollow {name}?",
"conversation.delete": "Delete conversation",
"conversation.mark_as_read": "Mark as read",
"": "View conversation",
"conversation.with": "With {names}",
"directory.federated": "From known fediverse",
"directory.local": "From {domain} only",
"directory.new_arrivals": "New arrivals",
"directory.recently_active": "Recently active",
"embed.instructions": "Embed this status on your website by copying the code below.",
"embed.preview": "Co esas quon ol semblos tale:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Ago",
"emoji_button.clear": "Efacez",
"emoji_button.custom": "Kustumizato",
"emoji_button.flags": "Flagi",
"": "Manjajo & Drinkajo",
"embed.preview": "Here is what it will look like:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Activity",
"emoji_button.custom": "Custom",
"emoji_button.flags": "Flags",
"": "Food & Drink",
"emoji_button.label": "Insertar emoji",
"emoji_button.nature": "Naturo",
"emoji_button.not_found": "Nula tala parigata emojii",
"emoji_button.objects": "Kozi",
"emoji_button.people": "Personi",
"emoji_button.recent": "Ofta uzato",
"": "Trovez...",
"emoji_button.search_results": "Trovuri",
"emoji_button.symbols": "Simboli",
"": "Vizito & Plasi",
"empty_column.account_suspended": "Konto restriktesis",
"emoji_button.nature": "Nature",
"emoji_button.not_found": "No matching emojis found",
"emoji_button.objects": "Objects",
"emoji_button.people": "People",
"emoji_button.recent": "Frequently used",
"": "Search...",
"emoji_button.search_results": "Search results",
"emoji_button.symbols": "Symbols",
"": "Travel & Places",
"empty_column.account_suspended": "Account suspended",
"empty_column.account_timeline": "No toots here!",
"empty_column.account_unavailable": "Profilo esas nedisponebla",
"empty_column.blocks": "Vu ne restriktis irga uzanti til nun.",
"empty_column.account_unavailable": "Profile unavailable",
"empty_column.blocks": "You haven't blocked any users yet.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "You don't have any bookmarked toots yet. When you bookmark one, it will show up here.",
"": "La lokala tempolineo esas vakua. Skribez ulo publike por iniciar la agiveso!",
"": "Vu ne havas irga direta mesaji til nun. Kande vu sendas o ganas, ol montresos hike.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "There are no hidden domains yet.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nulo esas tendenca nun. Videz itere pose!",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "You don't have any favourite toots yet. When you favourite one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.favourites": "No one has favourited this toot yet. When someone does, they will show up here.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "Semblas tale nula sugestato povas facesar por vu. Vu povas probar trovar personi quon vu forsan konocas o exploras tendenca hashtagi.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "Vu ne havas irga sequodemandi til nun. Kande vu ganas talo, ol montresos hike.",
"empty_column.follow_recommendations": "Looks like no suggestions could be generated for you. You can try using search to look for people you might know or explore trending hashtags.",
"empty_column.follow_requests": "You don't have any follow requests yet. When you receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.hashtag": "Esas ankore nulo en ta gretovorto.",
"empty_column.home": "Tu sequas ankore nulu. Vizitez {public} od uzez la serchilo por komencar e renkontrar altra uzeri.",
"empty_column.home.suggestions": "Videz ula sugestati",
"empty_column.home.suggestions": "See some suggestions",
"empty_column.list": "There is nothing in this list yet.",
"empty_column.lists": "Vu ne havas irga listi til nun. Kande vu kreas talo, ol montresos hike.",
"empty_column.mutes": "Vu ne silencigis irga uzanti til nun.",
"empty_column.lists": "You don't have any lists yet. When you create one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.mutes": "You haven't muted any users yet.",
"empty_column.notifications": "Tu havas ankore nula savigo. Komunikez kun altri por debutar la konverso.",
"empty_column.public": "Esas nulo hike! Skribez ulo publike, o manuale sequez uzeri de altra instaluri por plenigar ol.",
"error.unexpected_crash.explanation": "Pro eroro en nia kodexo o vidilkonciliebloproblemo, ca pagino ne povas korekte montresar.",
"error.unexpected_crash.explanation_addons": "Ca pagino ne povas korekte montresar. Ca eroro posible kauzigesas vidilplusajo o automata tradukutensili.",
"error.unexpected_crash.next_steps": "Probez rifreshar pagino. Se to ne helpas, vu forsan ankore povas uzar Mastodon per diferenta vidilo o provizita softwaro.",
"error.unexpected_crash.next_steps_addons": "Probez desaktivigar e rifreshar pagino. Se to ne helpas, vu forsan ankore povas uzar Mastodon per diferenta vidilo o provizita softwaro.",
"errors.unexpected_crash.copy_stacktrace": "Kopiez amastraso a klipplanko",
"errors.unexpected_crash.report_issue": "Reportigez problemo",
"explore.search_results": "Trovuri",
"explore.suggested_follows": "Por vu",
"explore.title": "Explorez",
"explore.trending_links": "Niuz",
"explore.trending_statuses": "Posti",
"explore.trending_tags": "Hashtagi",
"follow_recommendations.done": "Fina",
"follow_recommendations.heading": "Sequez personi quo igas posti quon vu volas vidar! Hike esas ula sugestati.",
"follow_recommendations.lead": "Posti de personi quon vu sequas kronologiale montresos en vua hemniuzeto. Ne timas igar erori, vu povas desequar personi tam same facila irgatempe!",
"error.unexpected_crash.explanation": "Due to a bug in our code or a browser compatibility issue, this page could not be displayed correctly.",
"error.unexpected_crash.explanation_addons": "This page could not be displayed correctly. This error is likely caused by a browser add-on or automatic translation tools.",
"error.unexpected_crash.next_steps": "Try refreshing the page. If that does not help, you may still be able to use Mastodon through a different browser or native app.",
"error.unexpected_crash.next_steps_addons": "Try disabling them and refreshing the page. If that does not help, you may still be able to use Mastodon through a different browser or native app.",
"errors.unexpected_crash.copy_stacktrace": "Copy stacktrace to clipboard",
"errors.unexpected_crash.report_issue": "Report issue",
"explore.search_results": "Search results",
"explore.suggested_follows": "For you",
"explore.title": "Explore",
"explore.trending_links": "News",
"explore.trending_statuses": "Posts",
"explore.trending_tags": "Hashtags",
"follow_recommendations.done": "Done",
"follow_recommendations.heading": "Follow people you'd like to see posts from! Here are some suggestions.",
"follow_recommendations.lead": "Posts from people you follow will show up in chronological order on your home feed. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, you can unfollow people just as easily any time!",
"follow_request.authorize": "Yurizar",
"follow_request.reject": "Refuzar",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Quankam vua konto ne klefklozesis, la {domain} laborero pensas ke vu forsan volas kontralar sequodemandi de ca konti manuale.",
"generic.saved": "Sparesis",
"getting_started.developers": "Developeri",
"": "Profilcheflisto",
"getting_started.documentation": "Dokumentajo",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Even though your account is not locked, the {domain} staff thought you might want to review follow requests from these accounts manually.",
"generic.saved": "Saved",
"getting_started.developers": "Developers",
"": "Profile directory",
"getting_started.documentation": "Documentation",
"getting_started.heading": "Debuto",
"getting_started.invite": "Invitez personi",
"getting_started.invite": "Invite people",
"getting_started.open_source_notice": "Mastodon esas programaro kun apertita kodexo. Tu povas kontributar o signalar problemi en GitHub ye {github}.",
"": "Security",
"getting_started.terms": "Servkondicioni",
"hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.all": "e {additional}",
"hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.any": "o {additional}",
"hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.none": "sen {additional}",
"": "Nula sugestati",
"": "Insertez hashtagi…",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.all": "Omna co",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.any": "Irga co",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.none": "Nula co",
"getting_started.terms": "Terms of service",
"hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.all": "and {additional}",
"hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.any": "or {additional}",
"hashtag.column_header.tag_mode.none": "without {additional}",
"": "No suggestions found",
"": "Enter hashtags…",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.all": "All of these",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.any": "Any of these",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_mode.none": "None of these",
"hashtag.column_settings.tag_toggle": "Include additional tags in this column",
"home.column_settings.basic": "Simpla",
"home.column_settings.show_reblogs": "Montrar repeti",
"home.column_settings.show_replies": "Montrar respondi",
"home.hide_announcements": "Celez anunci",
"home.show_announcements": "Montrez anunci",
"intervals.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# dio} other {# dii}}",
"intervals.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# horo} other {# hori}}",
"intervals.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minuto} other {# minuti}}",
"home.hide_announcements": "Hide announcements",
"home.show_announcements": "Show announcements",
"intervals.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# day} other {# days}}",
"intervals.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# hour} other {# hours}}",
"intervals.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}}",
"keyboard_shortcuts.back": "to navigate back",
"keyboard_shortcuts.blocked": "to open blocked users list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "to boost",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "to focus a status in one of the columns",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "to focus the compose textarea",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Deskripto",
"": "apertar kolumno di direta mesaji",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Description",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "to move down in the list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "to open status",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "to favourite",
@ -242,7 +239,7 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.federated": "to open federated timeline",
"keyboard_shortcuts.heading": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"keyboard_shortcuts.home": "to open home timeline",
"keyboard_shortcuts.hotkey": "Rapidklavo",
"keyboard_shortcuts.hotkey": "Hotkey",
"keyboard_shortcuts.legend": "to display this legend",
"keyboard_shortcuts.local": "to open local timeline",
"keyboard_shortcuts.mention": "to mention author",
@ -263,287 +260,284 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.unfocus": "to un-focus compose textarea/search",
"keyboard_shortcuts.up": "to move up in the list",
"lightbox.close": "Klozar",
"lightbox.compress": "Kompresez imajvidbuxo",
"lightbox.expand": "Expansez imajvidbuxo",
"": "Nexta",
"lightbox.previous": "Antea",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Jus montrez profilo",
"limited_account_hint.title": "Ca profilo celesas da jerero di vua servilo.",
"lists.account.add": "Insertez a listo",
"lists.account.remove": "Efacez de listo",
"lists.delete": "Efacez listo",
"lists.edit": "Modifikez listo",
"lists.edit.submit": "Chanjez titulo",
"": "Insertez listo",
"": "Nova listotitulo",
"lists.replies_policy.followed": "Irga sequita uzanto",
"lists.replies_policy.list": "Membro di listo",
"lists.replies_policy.none": "Nulu",
"lists.replies_policy.title": "Montrez respondi a:",
"": "Trovez inter personi quon vu sequas",
"lists.subheading": "Vua listi",
"load_pending": "{count, plural, one {# nova kozo} other {# nova kozi}}",
"lightbox.compress": "Compress image view box",
"lightbox.expand": "Expand image view box",
"": "Next",
"lightbox.previous": "Previous",
"lists.account.add": "Add to list",
"lists.account.remove": "Remove from list",
"lists.delete": "Delete list",
"lists.edit": "Edit list",
"lists.edit.submit": "Change title",
"": "Add list",
"": "New list title",
"lists.replies_policy.followed": "Any followed user",
"lists.replies_policy.list": "Members of the list",
"lists.replies_policy.none": "No one",
"lists.replies_policy.title": "Show replies to:",
"": "Search among people you follow",
"lists.subheading": "Your lists",
"load_pending": "{count, plural, one {# new item} other {# new items}}",
"loading_indicator.label": "Kargante...",
"media_gallery.toggle_visible": "Chanjar videbleso",
"missing_indicator.label": "Ne trovita",
"missing_indicator.sublabel": "Ca moyeno ne existas",
"mute_modal.duration": "Durado",
"mute_modal.hide_notifications": "Celez avizi de ca uzanto?",
"mute_modal.indefinite": "Nedefinitiva",
"navigation_bar.apps": "Smartfonsoftwari",
"missing_indicator.sublabel": "This resource could not be found",
"mute_modal.duration": "Duration",
"mute_modal.hide_notifications": "Hide notifications from this user?",
"mute_modal.indefinite": "Indefinite",
"navigation_bar.apps": "Mobile apps",
"navigation_bar.blocks": "Blokusita uzeri",
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Libromarki",
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Lokala tempolineo",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Compose new toot",
"": "Direta mesaji",
"": "Deskovrez",
"": "Discover",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Modifikar profilo",
"navigation_bar.explore": "Explorez",
"navigation_bar.explore": "Explore",
"navigation_bar.favourites": "Favorati",
"navigation_bar.filters": "Silencigita vorti",
"navigation_bar.filters": "Muted words",
"navigation_bar.follow_requests": "Demandi di sequado",
"navigation_bar.follows_and_followers": "Sequati e sequanti",
"navigation_bar.follows_and_followers": "Follows and followers",
"": "Detaloza informi",
"navigation_bar.keyboard_shortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts",
"navigation_bar.lists": "Listi",
"navigation_bar.lists": "Lists",
"navigation_bar.logout": "Ekirar",
"navigation_bar.mutes": "Celita uzeri",
"navigation_bar.personal": "Personala",
"navigation_bar.personal": "Personal",
"navigation_bar.pins": "Pinned toots",
"navigation_bar.preferences": "Preferi",
"navigation_bar.public_timeline": "Federata tempolineo",
"": "Sekureso",
"notification.admin.sign_up": "{name} registresis",
"": "Security",
"notification.admin.sign_up": "{name} signed up",
"notification.favourite": "{name} favorizis tua mesajo",
"notification.follow": "{name} sequeskis tu",
"notification.follow_request": "{name} demandas sequar vu",
"notification.follow_request": "{name} has requested to follow you",
"notification.mention": "{name} mencionis tu",
"notification.own_poll": "Vua votposto finigis",
"notification.poll": "Votposto quo havas vua voto finigis",
"notification.own_poll": "Your poll has ended",
"notification.poll": "A poll you have voted in has ended",
"notification.reblog": "{name} repetis tua mesajo",
"notification.status": "{name} nove postigis",
"notification.update": "{name} modifikis posto",
"notification.status": "{name} just posted",
"notification.update": "{name} edited a post",
"notifications.clear": "Efacar savigi",
"notifications.clear_confirmation": "Ka tu esas certa, ke tu volas efacar omna tua savigi?",
"notifications.column_settings.admin.sign_up": "Nova registranti:",
"notifications.column_settings.alert": "Desktopavizi",
"notifications.column_settings.admin.sign_up": "New sign-ups:",
"notifications.column_settings.alert": "Surtabla savigi",
"notifications.column_settings.favourite": "Favorati:",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.advanced": "Montrez omna kategorii",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.category": "Rapidfiltrobaro",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.show_bar": "Montrez filtrobaro",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.advanced": "Display all categories",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.category": "Quick filter bar",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.show_bar": "Show filter bar",
"notifications.column_settings.follow": "Nova sequanti:",
"notifications.column_settings.follow_request": "Nova sequodemandi:",
"notifications.column_settings.follow_request": "New follow requests:",
"notifications.column_settings.mention": "Mencioni:",
"notifications.column_settings.poll": "Votpostorezulti:",
"notifications.column_settings.push": "Pulsavizi",
"notifications.column_settings.poll": "Poll results:",
"notifications.column_settings.push": "Push notifications",
"notifications.column_settings.reblog": "Repeti:",
"": "Montrar en kolumno",
"notifications.column_settings.sound": "Plear sono",
"notifications.column_settings.status": "New toots:",
"notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.category": "Nelektita avizi",
"notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.highlight": "Briligez nelektita avizi",
"notifications.column_settings.update": "Modifikati:",
"notifications.filter.all": "Omna",
"notifications.filter.boosts": "Busti",
"notifications.filter.favourites": "Favorati",
"notifications.filter.follows": "Sequati",
"notifications.filter.mentions": "Mencioni",
"notifications.filter.polls": "Votpostorezulti",
"notifications.filter.statuses": "Niuz de personi quon vu sequas",
"notifications.grant_permission": "Donez permiso.",
"": "{count} avizi",
"notifications.mark_as_read": "Markizez singla avizi quale lektita",
"notifications.permission_denied": "Desktopavizi esas nedisplonebla pro antea refuzita vidilpermisdemando",
"notifications.permission_denied_alert": "Desktopavizi ne povas aktivigesar pro ke vidilpermiso refuzesis",
"notifications.permission_required": "Desktopavizi esas nedisplonebla pro ke bezonata permiso ne donesis.",
"notifications_permission_banner.enable": "Aktivigez desktopavizi",
"notifications_permission_banner.how_to_control": "Por ganar avizi kande Mastodon ne esas apertita, aktivigez dekstopavizi. Vu povas precize regularar quale interakti facas deskstopavizi tra la supera {icon} butono pos oli aktivigesis.",
"notifications_permission_banner.title": "Irga kozo ne pasas vu",
"picture_in_picture.restore": "Retropozez",
"poll.closed": "Klozita",
"poll.refresh": "Rifreshez",
"poll.total_people": "{count, plural, one {# persono} other {# personi}}",
"poll.total_votes": "{count, plural, one {# voto} other {# voti}}",
"": "Votez",
"poll.voted": "Vu ja votis ca respondo",
"poll.votes": "{votes, plural, one {# voto} other {# voti}}",
"poll_button.add_poll": "Insertez votposto",
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Efacez votposto",
"notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.category": "Unread notifications",
"notifications.column_settings.unread_notifications.highlight": "Highlight unread notifications",
"notifications.column_settings.update": "Edits:",
"notifications.filter.all": "All",
"notifications.filter.boosts": "Boosts",
"notifications.filter.favourites": "Favourites",
"notifications.filter.follows": "Follows",
"notifications.filter.mentions": "Mentions",
"notifications.filter.polls": "Poll results",
"notifications.filter.statuses": "Updates from people you follow",
"notifications.grant_permission": "Grant permission.",
"": "{count} notifications",
"notifications.mark_as_read": "Mark every notification as read",
"notifications.permission_denied": "Desktop notifications are unavailable due to previously denied browser permissions request",
"notifications.permission_denied_alert": "Desktop notifications can't be enabled, as browser permission has been denied before",
"notifications.permission_required": "Desktop notifications are unavailable because the required permission has not been granted.",
"notifications_permission_banner.enable": "Enable desktop notifications",
"notifications_permission_banner.how_to_control": "To receive notifications when Mastodon isn't open, enable desktop notifications. You can control precisely which types of interactions generate desktop notifications through the {icon} button above once they're enabled.",
"notifications_permission_banner.title": "Never miss a thing",
"picture_in_picture.restore": "Put it back",
"poll.closed": "Closed",
"poll.refresh": "Refresh",
"poll.total_people": "{count, plural, one {# person} other {# people}}",
"poll.total_votes": "{count, plural, one {# vote} other {# votes}}",
"": "Vote",
"poll.voted": "You voted for this answer",
"poll.votes": "{votes, plural, one {# vote} other {# votes}}",
"poll_button.add_poll": "Add a poll",
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Remove poll",
"privacy.change": "Aranjar privateso di mesaji",
"": "Sendar nur a mencionata uzeri",
"": "Mencionita personi nur",
"": "Direct",
"privacy.private.long": "Sendar nur a sequanti",
"privacy.private.short": "Sequanti nur",
"privacy.public.long": "Videbla da omnu",
"privacy.private.short": "Followers-only",
"privacy.public.long": "Visible for all",
"privacy.public.short": "Publike",
"privacy.unlisted.long": "Videbla da omnu ma voluntala ne inkluzas deskovrotraiti",
"privacy.unlisted.long": "Visible for all, but opted-out of discovery features",
"privacy.unlisted.short": "Ne enlistigota",
"refresh": "Rifreshez",
"regeneration_indicator.label": "Chargas…",
"regeneration_indicator.sublabel": "Vua hemniuzeto preparesas!",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"regeneration_indicator.label": "Loading…",
"regeneration_indicator.sublabel": "Your home feed is being prepared!",
"relative_time.days": "{number}d",
"relative_time.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# dio} other {# dii}} ante nun",
"relative_time.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# horo} other {# hori}} ante nun",
"relative_time.full.just_now": "jus nun",
"relative_time.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minuto} other {# minuti}} ante nun",
"relative_time.full.seconds": "{number, plural, one {# sekundo} other {# sekundi}} ante nun",
"relative_time.full.days": "{number, plural, one {# day} other {# days}} ago",
"relative_time.full.hours": "{number, plural, one {# hour} other {# hours}} ago",
"relative_time.full.just_now": "just now",
"relative_time.full.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}} ago",
"relative_time.full.seconds": "{number, plural, one {# second} other {# seconds}} ago",
"relative_time.hours": "{number}h",
"relative_time.just_now": "nun",
"relative_time.just_now": "now",
"relative_time.minutes": "{number}m",
"relative_time.seconds": "{number}s",
"": "hodie",
"": "today",
"reply_indicator.cancel": "Nihiligar",
"report.block": "Restriktez",
"report.block_explanation": "Vu ne vidos olia posti. Oli ne povas vidar vua posti o sequar vu. Oli savos ke oli restriktesis.",
"report.categories.other": "Altra",
"report.categories.spam": "Spamo",
"report.categories.violation": "Kontenaj nesequas servilregulo",
"report.category.subtitle": "Selektez maxim bona parigato",
"report.category.title": "Savigez ni pri quo eventas kun ca {type}",
"report.category.title_account": "profilo",
"report.category.title_status": "posto",
"report.close": "Fina",
"report.comment.title": "Ka altra irgo quon vu pensas ke ni debas savar?",
"report.forward": "Sendez a {target}",
"report.forward_hint": "La konto esas de altra servilo. Vu volas sendar raportkopiur sen nomo ibe anke?",
"report.mute": "Silencigez",
"report.mute_explanation": "Vu ne vidos olia posti. Oli povas ankore sequar vu e vidar vua posti e ne savar ke oli silencigesis.",
"": "Nexta",
"report.block": "Block",
"report.block_explanation": "You will not see their posts. They will not be able to see your posts or follow you. They will be able to tell that they are blocked.",
"report.categories.other": "Other",
"report.categories.spam": "Spam",
"report.categories.violation": "Content violates one or more server rules",
"report.category.subtitle": "Choose the best match",
"report.category.title": "Tell us what's going on with this {type}",
"report.category.title_account": "profile",
"report.category.title_status": "post",
"report.close": "Done",
"report.comment.title": "Is there anything else you think we should know?",
"report.forward": "Forward to {target}",
"report.forward_hint": "The account is from another server. Send an anonymized copy of the report there as well?",
"report.mute": "Mute",
"report.mute_explanation": "You will not see their posts. They can still follow you and see your posts and will not know that they are muted.",
"": "Next",
"report.placeholder": "Plusa komenti",
"report.reasons.dislike": "Me ne amas",
"report.reasons.dislike_description": "Ol ne esas olo quon vu volas vidar",
"report.reasons.other": "Ol esas altra ulo",
"report.reasons.other_description": "La problemo ne fitas a altra kategorii",
"report.reasons.spam": "Ol esas spamo",
"report.reasons.spam_description": "Mala ligili, falsa interago o repetiva repliki",
"report.reasons.violation": "Ol nesequas servilreguli",
"report.reasons.violation_description": "Vu remarkas ke ol nesequas partikulara reguli",
"report.rules.subtitle": "Selektez relatata omno",
"report.rules.title": "Quala reguli nesequesas?",
"report.statuses.subtitle": "Selektez relatata omno",
"report.statuses.title": "Ka existas irga posti quo suportas ca raporto?",
"report.reasons.dislike": "I don't like it",
"report.reasons.dislike_description": "It is not something you want to see",
"report.reasons.other": "It's something else",
"report.reasons.other_description": "The issue does not fit into other categories",
"report.reasons.spam": "It's spam",
"report.reasons.spam_description": "Malicious links, fake engagement, or repetitive replies",
"report.reasons.violation": "It violates server rules",
"report.reasons.violation_description": "You are aware that it breaks specific rules",
"report.rules.subtitle": "Select all that apply",
"report.rules.title": "Which rules are being violated?",
"report.statuses.subtitle": "Select all that apply",
"report.statuses.title": "Are there any posts that back up this report?",
"report.submit": "Sendar",
"": "Denuncante",
"report.thanks.take_action": "Co esas vua opcioni por regularar quo vu vidas che Mastodon:",
"report.thanks.take_action_actionable": "Dum ke ni kontrolas co, vu povas demarshar kontra @{name}:",
"report.thanks.title": "Ka vu ne volas vidar co?",
"report.thanks.title_actionable": "Danko por raportizar, ni kontrolos co.",
"report.unfollow": "Desequez @{name}",
"report.unfollow_explanation": "Vu sequas ca konto. Por ne vidar olia posti en vua hemniuzeto pluse, desequez oli.",
"report.thanks.take_action": "Here are your options for controlling what you see on Mastodon:",
"report.thanks.take_action_actionable": "While we review this, you can take action against @{name}:",
"report.thanks.title": "Don't want to see this?",
"report.thanks.title_actionable": "Thanks for reporting, we'll look into this.",
"report.unfollow": "Unfollow @{name}",
"report.unfollow_explanation": "You are following this account. To not see their posts in your home feed anymore, unfollow them.",
"search.placeholder": "Serchez",
"search_popout.search_format": "Avancata trovformato",
"search_popout.search_format": "Advanced search format",
"": "Simple text returns statuses you have written, favourited, boosted, or have been mentioned in, as well as matching usernames, display names, and hashtags.",
"": "hashtago",
"": "hashtag",
"": "status",
"": "Simpla textoretrovenuri quo parigas trovnomi, uzantonomi e hashtagi",
"": "uzanto",
"search_results.accounts": "Personi",
"search_results.all": "Omna",
"search_results.hashtags": "Hashtagi",
"search_results.nothing_found": "Ne povas ganar irgo per ca trovvorti",
"": "Simple text returns matching display names, usernames and hashtags",
"": "user",
"search_results.accounts": "People",
"search_results.all": "All",
"search_results.hashtags": "Hashtags",
"search_results.nothing_found": "Could not find anything for these search terms",
"search_results.statuses": "Toots",
"search_results.statuses_fts_disabled": "Searching toots by their content is not enabled on this Mastodon server.",
"": "{count, number} {count, plural, one {rezulto} other {rezulti}}",
"status.admin_account": "Apertez jerintervizajo por @{name}",
"status.admin_account": "Open moderation interface for @{name}",
"status.admin_status": "Open this status in the moderation interface",
"status.block": "Restriktez @{name}",
"status.bookmark": "Libromarko",
"status.cancel_reblog_private": "Debustez",
"status.cannot_reblog": "Ca posto ne povas bustesas",
"status.block": "Block @{name}",
"status.bookmark": "Bookmark",
"status.cancel_reblog_private": "Unboost",
"status.cannot_reblog": "This post cannot be boosted",
"status.copy": "Copy link to status",
"status.delete": "Efacar",
"status.detailed_status": "Detala konversvido",
"": "Direta mesajigez @{name}",
"status.edit": "Modifikez",
"status.edited": "Modifikesis ye {date}",
"status.edited_x_times": "Modifikesis {count, plural, one {{count} foyo} other {{count} foyi}}",
"status.embed": "Eninsertez",
"status.detailed_status": "Detailed conversation view",
"": "Direct message @{name}",
"status.edit": "Edit",
"status.edited": "Edited {date}",
"status.edited_x_times": "Edited {count, plural, one {{count} time} other {{count} times}}",
"status.embed": "Embed",
"status.favourite": "Favorizar",
"status.filtered": "Filtrita",
"status.history.created": "{name} kreis ye {date}",
"status.history.edited": "{name} modifikis ye {date}",
"status.filtered": "Filtered",
"status.history.created": "{name} created {date}",
"status.history.edited": "{name} edited {date}",
"status.load_more": "Kargar pluse",
"status.media_hidden": "Kontenajo celita",
"status.mention": "Mencionar @{name}",
"status.more": "Pluse",
"status.mute": "Silencigez @{name}",
"status.mute_conversation": "Silencigez konverso",
"status.more": "More",
"status.mute": "Mute @{name}",
"status.mute_conversation": "Mute conversation",
"": "Detaligar ca mesajo",
"": "Pinglagez che profilo",
"": "Pin on profile",
"status.pinned": "Pinned toot",
"status.read_more": "Lektez pluse",
"status.read_more": "Read more",
"status.reblog": "Repetar",
"status.reblog_private": "Bustez kun originala videbleso",
"status.reblog_private": "Boost with original visibility",
"status.reblogged_by": "{name} repetita",
"status.reblogs.empty": "No one has boosted this toot yet. When someone does, they will show up here.",
"status.redraft": "Efacez e riskisigez",
"status.remove_bookmark": "Efacez libromarko",
"status.redraft": "Delete & re-draft",
"status.remove_bookmark": "Remove bookmark",
"status.reply": "Respondar",
"status.replyAll": "Respondar a filo",
"": "Denuncar @{name}",
"status.sensitive_warning": "Trubliva kontenajo",
"status.share": "Partigez",
"status.share": "Share",
"status.show_less": "Montrar mine",
"status.show_less_all": "Montrez min por omno",
"status.show_less_all": "Show less for all",
"status.show_more": "Montrar plue",
"status.show_more_all": "Montrez pluse por omno",
"status.show_thread": "Montrez postaro",
"status.uncached_media_warning": "Nedisplonebla",
"status.unmute_conversation": "Desilencigez konverso",
"status.unpin": "Depinglagez de profilo",
"suggestions.dismiss": "Desklozez sugestajo",
"suggestions.header": "Vu forsan havas intereso pri…",
"status.show_more_all": "Show more for all",
"status.show_thread": "Show thread",
"status.uncached_media_warning": "Not available",
"status.unmute_conversation": "Unmute conversation",
"status.unpin": "Unpin from profile",
"suggestions.dismiss": "Dismiss suggestion",
"suggestions.header": "You might be interested in…",
"tabs_bar.federated_timeline": "Federata",
"tabs_bar.home": "Hemo",
"tabs_bar.local_timeline": "Lokala",
"tabs_bar.notifications": "Savigi",
"": "Trovez",
"time_remaining.days": "{number, plural, one {# dio} other {# dii}} restas",
"time_remaining.hours": "{number, plural, one {# horo} other {# hori}} restas",
"time_remaining.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minuto} other {# minuti}} restas",
"time_remaining.moments": "Poka sekundi restas",
"time_remaining.seconds": "{number, plural, one {# sekundo} other {# sekundi}} restas",
"timeline_hint.remote_resource_not_displayed": "{resource} de altra servili ne montresas.",
"timeline_hint.resources.followers": "Sequanti",
"timeline_hint.resources.follows": "Sequati",
"": "Search",
"time_remaining.days": "{number, plural, one {# day} other {# days}} left",
"time_remaining.hours": "{number, plural, one {# hour} other {# hours}} left",
"time_remaining.minutes": "{number, plural, one {# minute} other {# minutes}} left",
"time_remaining.moments": "Moments remaining",
"time_remaining.seconds": "{number, plural, one {# second} other {# seconds}} left",
"timeline_hint.remote_resource_not_displayed": "{resource} from other servers are not displayed.",
"timeline_hint.resources.followers": "Followers",
"timeline_hint.resources.follows": "Follows",
"timeline_hint.resources.statuses": "Older toots",
"trends.counter_by_accounts": "{count, plural, one {{counter} persono} other {{counter} personi}} parolas",
"trends.trending_now": "Tendencigas nun",
"ui.beforeunload": "Vua skisato perdesos se vu ekiras Mastodon.",
"units.short.billion": "{count}G",
"trends.counter_by_accounts": "{count, plural, one {{counter} person} other {{counter} people}} talking",
"trends.trending_now": "Trending now",
"ui.beforeunload": "Your draft will be lost if you leave Mastodon.",
"units.short.billion": "{count}B",
"units.short.million": "{count}M",
"units.short.thousand": "{count}K",
"upload_area.title": "Tranar faligar por kargar",
"upload_button.label": "Adjuntar kontenajo",
"upload_error.limit": "Failadcharglimito ecesesis.",
"upload_error.poll": "Failadchargo ne permisesas kun votposti.",
"upload_form.audio_description": "Deskriptez por personi kun audnekapableso",
"upload_form.description": "Deskriptez por personi kun vidnekapableso",
"upload_form.description_missing": "Deskriptajo ne insertesis",
"upload_form.edit": "Modifikez",
"upload_form.thumbnail": "Chanjez imajeto",
"upload_error.limit": "File upload limit exceeded.",
"upload_error.poll": "File upload not allowed with polls.",
"upload_form.audio_description": "Describe for people with hearing loss",
"upload_form.description": "Describe for the visually impaired",
"upload_form.description_missing": "No description added",
"upload_form.edit": "Edit",
"upload_form.thumbnail": "Change thumbnail",
"upload_form.undo": "Desfacar",
"upload_form.video_description": "Deskriptez por personi kun audnekapableso o vidnekapableso",
"upload_modal.analyzing_picture": "Analizas imajo…",
"upload_modal.apply": "Aplikez",
"upload_modal.applying": "Aplikas…",
"upload_modal.choose_image": "Selektez imajo",
"upload_modal.description_placeholder": "Rapida bruna foxo saltas super la indolenta hundo",
"upload_modal.detect_text": "Deskovrez texto de imajo",
"upload_modal.edit_media": "Modifikez medii",
"upload_modal.hint": "Kliktez o tirez cirklo che prevido por selektar centrala punto quo sempre montresas kun omna imajeti.",
"upload_modal.preparing_ocr": "Preparas OCR…",
"upload_modal.preview_label": "Previdez ({ratio})",
"upload_form.video_description": "Describe for people with hearing loss or visual impairment",
"upload_modal.analyzing_picture": "Analyzing picture…",
"upload_modal.apply": "Apply",
"upload_modal.applying": "Applying…",
"upload_modal.choose_image": "Choose image",
"upload_modal.description_placeholder": "A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog",
"upload_modal.detect_text": "Detect text from picture",
"upload_modal.edit_media": "Edit media",
"upload_modal.hint": "Click or drag the circle on the preview to choose the focal point which will always be in view on all thumbnails.",
"upload_modal.preparing_ocr": "Preparing OCR…",
"upload_modal.preview_label": "Preview ({ratio})",
"upload_progress.label": "Kargante...",
"video.close": "Klozez video",
"": "Deschargez failo",
"video.exit_fullscreen": "Ekirez plena skreno",
"video.expand": "Expansez video",
"video.fullscreen": "Plena skreno",
"video.hide": "Celez video",
"video.mute": "Silencigez sono",
"video.pause": "Pauzez",
"": "Pleez",
"video.unmute": "Desilencigez sono"
"video.close": "Close video",
"": "Download file",
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"video.expand": "Expand video",
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"": "Play",
"video.unmute": "Unmute sound"

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Útilokaðir notendur",
"column.bookmarks": "Bókamerki",
"": "Staðvær tímalína",
"": "Bein skilaboð",
"column.conversations": "Samtöl",
"": "Vafra notandasnið",
"column.domain_blocks": "Útilokuð lén",
"column.favourites": "Eftirlæti",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Einungis staðvært",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Einungis myndskrár",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Einungis fjartengt",
"compose.language.change": "Skipta um tungumál",
"": "Leita að tungumálum...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Kanna nánar",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Færslur á Mastodon eru ekki enda-í-enda dulritaðar. Ekki deila viðkvæmum upplýsingum á Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Þessi færsla verður ekki talin með undir nokkru myllumerki þar sem það er óskráð. Einungis er hægt að leita að opinberum færslum eftir myllumerkjum.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Felldu þessa færslu inn í vefsvæðið þitt með því að afrita kóðann hér fyrir neðan.",
"embed.preview": "Svona mun þetta líta út:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Virkni",
"emoji_button.clear": "Hreinsa",
"emoji_button.custom": "Sérsniðin",
"emoji_button.flags": "Flögg",
"": "Matur og drykkur",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Þú hefur ekki ennþá útilokað neina notendur.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Þú ert ekki ennþá með neinar bókamerktar færslur. Þegar þú bókamerkir færslu, mun það birtast hér.",
"": "Staðværa tímalínan er tóm. Skrifaðu eitthvað opinberlega til að láta boltann fara að rúlla!",
"": "Þú átt ennþá engin bein skilaboð. Þegar þú sendir eða tekur á móti slíkum skilaboðum, munu þau birtast hér.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Þegar þú hefur sent eða móttekið færslu sem er aðeins sýnileg fólki sem nefnt er í henni þá birtist hún hér.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Það eru ennþá engin útilokuð lén.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Ekkert er á uppleið í augnablikinu. Athugaðu aftur síðar!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Þú ert ekki ennþá með neinar eftirlætisfærslur. Þegar þú setur færslu í eftirlæti, munu þau birtast hér.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Endurbirta færslu",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Setja virkni í dálk",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "Setja virkni á textainnsetningarreit",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "að opna samtalsdálka",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Lýsing",
"": "að opna dálk með beinum skilaboðum",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "Fara neðar í listanum",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Opna færslu",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Eftirlætisfærsla",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Fletta út myndskoðunarreit",
"": "Næsta",
"lightbox.previous": "Fyrra",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Birta notandasniðið samt",
"limited_account_hint.title": "Þetta notandasnið hefur verið falið af umsjónarmönnum netþjónsins þíns.",
"lists.account.add": "Bæta á lista",
"lists.account.remove": "Fjarlægja af lista",
"lists.delete": "Eyða lista",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Bókamerki",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Staðvær tímalína",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Semja nýja færslu",
"": "Bein skilaboð",
"": "Uppgötva",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Útilokuð lén",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Breyta notandasniði",
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Fjarlægja könnun",
"privacy.change": "Aðlaga gagnaleynd færslu",
"": "Senda einungis á notendur sem minnst er á",
"": "Aðeins fólk sem minnst er á",
"": "Aðeins fólk sem ég minnist á",
"privacy.private.long": "Senda einungis á fylgjendur",
"privacy.private.short": "Einungis fylgjendur",
"privacy.public.long": "Sýnilegt fyrir alla",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Utenti bloccati",
"column.bookmarks": "Segnalibri",
"": "Timeline locale",
"": "Messaggi diretti",
"column.conversations": "Conversazioni",
"": "Sfoglia profili",
"column.domain_blocks": "Domini bloccati",
"column.favourites": "Preferiti",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Solo Locale",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Solo Media",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Solo Remoto",
"compose.language.change": "Cambia lingua",
"": "Ricerca lingue...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Scopri di più",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "I messaggi su Mastodon non sono crittografati end-to-end. Non condividere alcuna informazione sensibile su Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Questo post non sarà elencato sotto alcun hashtag poiché senza elenco. Solo i toot pubblici possono essere ricercati per hashtag.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Incorpora questo post sul tuo sito web copiando il codice sotto.",
"embed.preview": "Ecco come apparirà:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Attività",
"emoji_button.clear": "Cancella",
"emoji_button.custom": "Personalizzato",
"emoji_button.flags": "Bandiere",
"": "Cibo & Bevande",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Non hai ancora bloccato alcun utente.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Non hai ancora segnato alcun post. Quando ne segni uno, sarà mostrato qui.",
"": "La timeline locale è vuota. Condividi qualcosa pubblicamente per dare inizio alla festa!",
"": "Non hai ancora nessun messaggio diretto. Quando ne manderai o riceverai qualcuno, apparirà qui.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Quando invii o ricevi un post visibile solo alle persone citate in esso, apparirà qui.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Non vi sono domini nascosti.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nulla è in tendenza in questo momento. Riprova più tardi!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Non hai ancora segnato nessun post come apprezzato. Quando lo farai, comparirà qui.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Condividi il post",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "per portare il focus su uno status in una delle colonne",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "per portare il focus nell'area di composizione",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "per aprire la colonna conversazioni",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Descrizione",
"": "per aprire la colonna dei messaggi diretti",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "Spostati in basso nella lista",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Apri il post",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Apprezza post",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Espandi casella di visualizzazione immagine",
"": "Successivo",
"lightbox.previous": "Precedente",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Mostra comunque il profilo",
"limited_account_hint.title": "Questo profilo è stato nascosto dai moderatori del tuo server.",
"lists.account.add": "Aggiungi alla lista",
"lists.account.remove": "Togli dalla lista",
"lists.delete": "Elimina lista",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Segnalibri",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Timeline locale",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Componi nuovo toot",
"": "Messaggi diretti",
"": "Scopri",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Domini nascosti",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Modifica profilo",
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Rimuovi sondaggio",
"privacy.change": "Modifica privacy del post",
"": "Invia solo a utenti menzionati",
"": "Solo persone citate",
"": "Solo le persone che menziono",
"privacy.private.long": "Invia solo ai follower",
"privacy.private.short": "Solo i seguaci",
"privacy.public.long": "Visibile a tutti",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "ブロックしたユーザー",
"column.bookmarks": "ブックマーク",
"": "ローカルタイムライン",
"": "ダイレクトメッセージ",
"column.conversations": "会話",
"": "ディレクトリ",
"column.domain_blocks": "ブロックしたドメイン",
"column.favourites": "お気に入り",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "ローカルのみ表示",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "メディアのみ表示",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "リモートのみ表示",
"compose.language.change": "言語を変更",
"": "言語を検索...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "もっと詳しく",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Mastodonの投稿はエンドツーエンド暗号化に対応していません。安全に送受信されるべき情報をMastodonで共有しないでください。",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "この投稿は公開設定ではないのでハッシュタグの一覧に表示されません。公開投稿だけがハッシュタグで検索できます。",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "下記のコードをコピーしてウェブサイトに埋め込みます。",
"embed.preview": "表示例:",
"emoji_button.activity": "活動",
"emoji_button.clear": "クリア",
"emoji_button.custom": "カスタム絵文字",
"emoji_button.flags": "国旗",
"": "食べ物",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "まだ誰もブロックしていません。",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "まだ何もブックマーク登録していません。ブックマーク登録するとここに表示されます。",
"": "ローカルタイムラインはまだ使われていません。何か書いてみましょう!",
"": "ダイレクトメッセージはまだありません。ダイレクトメッセージをやりとりすると、ここに表示されます。",
"empty_column.conversations": "メンションした相手にだけ表示されるメッセージを一度でも送受信した場合、ここに表示されます。",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "ブロックしているドメインはありません。",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "まだ何もありません。後で確認してください。",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "まだ何もお気に入り登録していません。お気に入り登録するとここに表示されます。",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "ブースト",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "左からn番目のカラムの最新に移動",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "投稿の入力欄に移動",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "会話カラムを開く",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "説明",
"": "ダイレクトメッセージのカラムを開く",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "カラム内一つ下に移動",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "投稿の詳細を表示",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "お気に入り",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "画像ビューボックスを開く",
"": "次",
"lightbox.previous": "前",
"limited_account_hint.action": "構わず表示する",
"limited_account_hint.title": "このプロフィールはサーバーのモデレーターによって非表示になっています。",
"lists.account.add": "リストに追加",
"lists.account.remove": "リストから外す",
"lists.delete": "リストを削除",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "ブックマーク",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "ローカルタイムライン",
"navigation_bar.compose": "投稿の新規作成",
"": "ダイレクトメッセージ",
"": "見つける",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "ブロックしたドメイン",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "プロフィールを編集",
@ -371,8 +365,8 @@
"poll_button.add_poll": "アンケートを追加",
"poll_button.remove_poll": "アンケートを削除",
"privacy.change": "公開範囲を変更",
"": "指定された相手のみ閲覧可",
"": "指定された相手のみ",
"": "送信した相手のみ閲覧可",
"": "メンションした相手のみ",
"privacy.private.long": "フォロワーのみ閲覧可",
"privacy.private.short": "フォロワーのみ",
"privacy.public.long": "誰でも閲覧可",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "დაბლოკილი მომხმარებლები",
"column.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"": "ლოკალური თაიმლაინი",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Browse profiles",
"column.domain_blocks": "დამალული დომენები",
"column.favourites": "ფავორიტები",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Local only",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "მხოლოდ მედია",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Remote only",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "გაიგე მეტი",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "ეს ტუტი არ მოექცევა ჰეშტეგების ქვეს, რამეთუ ის არაა მითითებული. მხოლოდ ღია ტუტები მოიძებნება ჰეშტეგით.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "ეს სტატუსი ჩასვით თქვენს ვებ-საიტზე შემდეგი კოდის კოპირებით.",
"embed.preview": "ესაა თუ როგორც გამოჩნდება:",
"emoji_button.activity": "აქტივობა",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "პერსონალიზირებული",
"emoji_button.flags": "დროშები",
"": "საჭმელი და სასლმელი",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "You haven't blocked any users yet.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "You don't have any bookmarked toots yet. When you bookmark one, it will show up here.",
"": "ლოკალური თაიმლაინი ცარიელია. დაწერეთ რაიმე ღიად ან ქენით რაიმე სხვა!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "There are no hidden domains yet.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "You don't have any favourite toots yet. When you favourite one, it will show up here.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "დასაბუსტად",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "ერთ-ერთი სვეტში სტატუსზე ფოკუსირებისთვის",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "შედგენის ტექსტ-არეაზე ფოკუსირებისთვის",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "აღწერილობა",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "სიაში ქვემოთ გადასაადგილებლად",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "სტატუსის გასახსნელად",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "ფავორიტად ქცევისთვის",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Expand image view box",
"": "შემდეგი",
"lightbox.previous": "წინა",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "სიაში დამატება",
"lists.account.remove": "სიიდან ამოშლა",
"lists.delete": "სიის წაშლა",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "ლოკალური თაიმლაინი",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Compose new toot",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "აღმოაჩინე",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "დამალული დომენები",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "შეცვალე პროფილი",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Imiḍanen yettusḥebsen",
"column.bookmarks": "Ticraḍ",
"": "Tasuddemt tadigant",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Inig deg imaɣnuten",
"column.domain_blocks": "Taɣulin yeffren",
"column.favourites": "Ismenyifen",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Adigan kan",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Allal n teywalt kan",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Anmeggag kan",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Issin ugar",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "This toot won't be listed under any hashtag as it is unlisted. Only public toots can be searched by hashtag.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Ẓẓu addad-agi deg usmel-inek s wenγal n tangalt yellan sdaw-agi.",
"embed.preview": "Akka ara d-iban:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Aqeddic",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Udmawan",
"emoji_button.flags": "Innayen",
"": "Tegwella & Tissit",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Ur tesḥebseḍ ula yiwen n umseqdac ar tura.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Ulac tijewwaqin i terniḍ ɣer yismenyifen-ik ar tura. Ticki terniḍ yiwet, ad d-tettwasken da.",
"": "Tasuddemt tazayezt tadigant n yisallen d tilemt. Aru ihi kra akken ad tt-teččareḍ!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Ulac kra n taɣult yettwaffren ar tura.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Ulac ula yiwet n tjewwaqt deg yismenyifen-ik ar tura. Ticki Tella-d yiwet, ad d-ban da.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "i beṭṭu tikelt-nniḍen",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "to focus a status in one of the columns",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "to focus the compose textarea",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Aglam",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "i kennu ɣer wadda n tebdart",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "i tildin n tsuffeɣt",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "akken ad ternuḍ ɣer yismenyifen",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Simeɣer tamnaḍt n uskan n tugna",
"": "Γer zdat",
"lightbox.previous": "Γer deffir",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Rnu ɣer tebdart",
"lists.account.remove": "Kkes seg tebdart",
"lists.delete": "Kkes tabdart",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Ticraḍ",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Tasuddemt tadigant",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Aru tajewwiqt tamaynut",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Ẓer",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Tiɣula yeffren",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Ẓreg amaɣnu",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Бұғатталғандар",
"column.bookmarks": "Бетбелгілер",
"": "Жергілікті желі",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Профильдерді аралау",
"column.domain_blocks": "Жасырылған домендер",
"column.favourites": "Таңдаулылар",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Тек жергілікті",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Тек медиа",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Тек сыртқы",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Көбірек білу",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Бұл пост іздеуде хэштегпен шықпайды, өйткені ол бәріне ашық емес. Тек ашық жазбаларды ғана хэштег арқылы іздеп табуға болады.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Төмендегі кодты көшіріп алу арқылы жазбаны басқа сайттарға да орналастыра аласыз.",
"embed.preview": "Былай көрінетін болады:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Белсенділік",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Жеке",
"emoji_button.flags": "Тулар",
"": "Тамақ",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Ешкімді бұғаттамағансыз.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Ешқандай жазба Бетбелгілер тізіміне қосылмапты. Қосылғаннан кейін осында жинала бастайды.",
"": "Жергілікті желі бос. Сіз бастап жазыңыз!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Бұғатталған домен жоқ.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Ешқандай жазба 'Таңдаулылар' тізіміне қосылмапты. Қосылғаннан кейін осында жинала бастайды.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "жазба бөлісу",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "бағандардағы жазбаны оқу",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "пост жазу",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Сипаттама",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "тізімде төмен түсу",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "жазбаны ашу",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "таңдаулыға қосу",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Expand image view box",
"": "Келесі",
"lightbox.previous": "Алдыңғы",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Тізімге қосу",
"lists.account.remove": "Тізімнен шығару",
"lists.delete": "Тізімді өшіру",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Бетбелгілер",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Жергілікті желі",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Жаңа жазба бастау",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "шарлау",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Жабық домендер",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Профиль түзету",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Blocked users",
"column.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"": "Local timeline",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Browse profiles",
"column.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
"column.favourites": "Favourites",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Local only",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Media only",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Remote only",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Learn more",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "This toot won't be listed under any hashtag as it is unlisted. Only public toots can be searched by hashtag.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Embed this status on your website by copying the code below.",
"embed.preview": "Here is what it will look like:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Activity",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Custom",
"emoji_button.flags": "Flags",
"": "Food & Drink",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "You haven't blocked any users yet.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "You don't have any bookmarked toots yet. When you bookmark one, it will show up here.",
"": "The local timeline is empty. Write something publicly to get the ball rolling!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "There are no hidden domains yet.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "You don't have any favourite toots yet. When you favourite one, it will show up here.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "to boost",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "to focus a status in one of the columns",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "to focus the compose textarea",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Description",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "to move down in the list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "to open status",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "to favourite",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Expand image view box",
"": "Next",
"lightbox.previous": "Previous",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Add to list",
"lists.account.remove": "Remove from list",
"lists.delete": "Delete list",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Local timeline",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Compose new toot",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Discover",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Edit profile",

View file

@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
"account.endorse": "프로필에 추천하기",
"account.follow": "팔로우",
"account.followers": "팔로워",
"account.followers.empty": "아직 아무도 이 사용자를 팔로우하고 있지 않습니다.",
"account.followers.empty": "아직 아무도 이 유저를 팔로우하고 있지 않습니다.",
"account.followers_counter": "{counter} 팔로워",
"account.following": "팔로잉",
"account.following_counter": "{counter} 팔로잉",
"account.follows.empty": "이 사용자는 아직 아무도 팔로우하고 있지 않습니다.",
"account.follows.empty": "이 유저는 아직 아무도 팔로우하고 있지 않습니다.",
"account.follows_you": "날 팔로우합니다",
"account.hide_reblogs": "@{name}의 부스트를 숨기기",
"account.joined": "{date}에 가입함",
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"account.locked_info": "이 계정의 프라이버시 설정은 잠금으로 설정되어 있습니다. 계정 소유자가 수동으로 팔로워를 승인합니다.",
"": "미디어",
"account.mention": "@{name}에게 글쓰기",
"account.moved_to": "{name} 님은 계정을 이동했습니다:",
"account.moved_to": "{name} 계정을 이동했습니다:",
"account.mute": "@{name} 뮤트",
"account.mute_notifications": "@{name}의 알림을 뮤트",
"account.muted": "뮤트 됨",
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "차단한 사용자",
"column.bookmarks": "보관함",
"": "로컬 타임라인",
"": "다이렉트 메시지",
"column.conversations": "대화",
"": "프로필 둘러보기",
"column.domain_blocks": "차단한 도메인",
"column.favourites": "좋아요",
@ -92,10 +92,8 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "로컬만",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "미디어만",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "원격만",
"compose.language.change": "언어 변경",
"": "언어 검색...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "더 알아보기",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "마스토돈의 게시물들은 종단간 암호화가 되지 않습니. 위험한 정보를 마스토돈을 통해 전달하지 마세요.",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "마스토돈의 게시물들은 종단간 암호화가 되지 않습니아. 위험한 정보를 마스토돈을 통해 전달하지 마세요.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "이 게시물은 어떤 해시태그로도 검색 되지 않습니다. 전체공개로 게시 된 게시물만이 해시태그로 검색 될 수 있습니다.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer": "이 계정은 {locked}로 설정 되어 있지 않습니다. 누구나 이 계정을 팔로우 할 수 있으며, 팔로워 공개의 포스팅을 볼 수 있습니다.",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "비공개",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "아래의 코드를 복사하여 대화를 원하는 곳으로 공유하세요.",
"embed.preview": "다음과 같이 표시됩니다:",
"emoji_button.activity": "활동",
"emoji_button.clear": "지우기",
"emoji_button.custom": "커스텀",
"emoji_button.flags": "깃발",
"": "음식과 마실것",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "아직 아무도 차단하지 않았습니다.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "아직 보관한 게시물이 없습니다. 게시물을 보관하면 여기에 나타납니다.",
"": "로컬 타임라인에 아무 것도 없습니다. 아무거나 적어 보세요!",
"": "아직 다이렉트 메시지가 없습니다. 다이렉트 메시지를 보내거나 받은 경우, 여기에 표시 됩니다.",
"empty_column.conversations": "멘션한 사람만 볼 수 있는 게시물을 보내거나 받은 경우에, 여기에 나타납니다.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "아직 차단한 도메인이 없습니다.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "아직 유행하는 것이 없습니다. 나중에 다시 확인하세요!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "아직 마음에 들어한 게시물이 없습니다. 게시물을 좋아요 하면 여기에 나타납니다.",
@ -183,7 +180,7 @@
"empty_column.lists": "아직 리스트가 없습니다. 리스트를 만들면 여기에 나타납니다.",
"empty_column.mutes": "아직 아무도 뮤트하지 않았습니다.",
"empty_column.notifications": "아직 알림이 없습니다. 다른 사람들이 당신에게 반응했을 때, 여기에서 볼 수 있습니다.",
"empty_column.public": "여기엔 아직 아무 것도 없습니다! 공개적으로 무언가 포스팅하거나, 다른 서버의 사용자를 팔로우 해서 채워보세요",
"empty_column.public": "여기엔 아직 아무 것도 없습니다! 공개적으로 무언가 포스팅하거나, 다른 서버의 유저를 팔로우 해서 채워보세요",
"error.unexpected_crash.explanation": "버그 혹은 브라우저 호환성 문제로 이 페이지를 올바르게 표시할 수 없습니다.",
"error.unexpected_crash.explanation_addons": "이 페이지는 올바르게 보여질 수 없습니다. 브라우저 애드온이나 자동 번역 도구 등으로 인해 발생된 에러일 수 있습니다.",
"error.unexpected_crash.next_steps": "페이지를 새로고침 해보세요. 그래도 해결되지 않는 경우, 다른 브라우저나 네이티브 앱으로도 마스토돈을 이용하실 수 있습니다.",
@ -229,12 +226,12 @@
"intervals.full.hours": "{number} 시간",
"intervals.full.minutes": "{number} 분",
"keyboard_shortcuts.back": "뒤로가기",
"keyboard_shortcuts.blocked": "차단된 사용자 목록 열기",
"keyboard_shortcuts.blocked": "차단한 유저 리스트 열기",
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "게시물 부스트",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "해당 컬럼에 포커스",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "작성창에 포커스",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "대화 컬럼 열기",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "설명",
"": "다이렉트 메시지 컬럼 열기",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "리스트에서 아래로 이동",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "게시물 열기",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "관심글 지정",
@ -246,7 +243,7 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.legend": "이 개요 표시",
"keyboard_shortcuts.local": "로컬 타임라인 열기",
"keyboard_shortcuts.mention": "작성자에게 멘션",
"keyboard_shortcuts.muted": "뮤트된 사용자 목록 열기",
"keyboard_shortcuts.muted": "뮤트 된 유저 리스트 열기",
"keyboard_shortcuts.my_profile": "내 프로필 열기",
"keyboard_shortcuts.notifications": "알림 컬럼 열기",
"keyboard_shortcuts.open_media": "미디어 열기",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "이미지 박스 확장",
"": "다음",
"lightbox.previous": "이전",
"limited_account_hint.action": "그래도 프로필 보기",
"limited_account_hint.title": "이 프로필은 서버 운영진에 의해 숨겨진 상태입니다.",
"lists.account.add": "리스트에 추가",
"lists.account.remove": "리스트에서 제거",
"lists.delete": "리스트 삭제",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "보관함",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "로컬 타임라인",
"navigation_bar.compose": "새 게시물 작성",
"": "다이렉트 메시지",
"": "발견하기",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "차단한 도메인",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "프로필 편집",
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "투표 삭제",
"privacy.change": "게시물의 프라이버시 설정을 변경",
"": "멘션한 사용자에게만 공개",
"": "멘션한 사람만",
"": "내가 멘션한 사람만",
"privacy.private.long": "팔로워에게만 공개",
"privacy.private.short": "팔로워 전용",
"privacy.public.long": "모두가 볼 수 있음",
@ -433,11 +427,11 @@
"report.unfollow_explanation": "당신을 이 계정을 팔로우 하고 있습니다. 홈 피드에서 게시물을 보지 않으려면, 팔로우를 해제하세요.",
"search.placeholder": "검색",
"search_popout.search_format": "고급 검색 방법",
"": "단순한 텍스트 검색은 당신이 작성했거나, 관심글로 지정했거나, 부스트했거나, 멘션을 받은 게시글, 그리고 사용자명, 표시되는 이름, 해시태그를 반환합니다.",
"": "단순한 텍스트 검색은 당신이 작성했거나, 관심글로 지정했거나, 부스트했거나, 멘션을 받은 게시글, 그리고 유저네임, 디스플레이네임, 해시태그를 반환합니다.",
"": "해시태그",
"": "게시물",
"": "단순한 텍스트 검색은 관계된 프로필 이름, 사용자명 그리고 해시태그를 표시합니다",
"": "사용자",
"": "단순한 텍스트 검색은 관계된 프로필 이름, 유저 이름 그리고 해시태그를 표시합니다",
"": "유저",
"search_results.accounts": "사람",
"search_results.all": "전부",
"search_results.hashtags": "해시태그",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Bikarhênerên astengkirî",
"column.bookmarks": "Şûnpel",
"": "Demnameya herêmî",
"": "Peyamên rasterast",
"column.conversations": "Axaftin",
"": "Li profîlan bigere",
"column.domain_blocks": "Navperên astengkirî",
"column.favourites": "Bijarte",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Tenê herêmî",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Tenê media",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Tenê ji dûr ve",
"compose.language.change": "Ziman biguherîne",
"": "Li zimanan bigere...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Bêtir fêr bibe",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Şandiyên li ser Mastodon dawî-bi-dawî ne şîfrekirî ne. Li ser Mastodon zanyariyên talûke parve neke.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Ev şandî ji ber ku nehatiye tomarkirin dê di binê hashtagê de neyê tomar kirin. Tenê peyamên gelemperî dikarin bi hashtagê werin lêgerîn.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Bi jêgirtina koda jêrîn vê şandiyê li ser malpera xwe bicîh bikin.",
"embed.preview": "Wa ye wê wusa xuya bike:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Çalakî",
"emoji_button.clear": "Pak bike",
"emoji_button.custom": "Kesanekirî",
"emoji_button.flags": "Nîşankirî",
"": "Xwarin û vexwarin",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Te tu bikarhêner asteng nekiriye.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Hîn tu peyamên şûnpelkirî tuneye. Gava ku hûn yek şûnpel bikin, ew ê li vir xûya bike.",
"": "Demnameya herêmî vala ye. Tiştek ji raya giştî re binivsînin da ku rûpel biherike!",
"": "Hêj peyameke te yê rasterast tuneye. Gava ku tu yekî bişeynî an jî bigirî, ew ê li vir xûya bike.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Dema tu şandiyekê bişîninî an jî bistînî ku tenê ji kesên qalkirî re xuyabar in, ew ê li vir xuya bibe.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Hê jî navperên hatine asteng kirin tune ne.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Tiştek niha di rojevê de tune. Paşê vegere!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Hîn tu peyamên te yên bijare tunene. Gava ku te yekî bijart, ew ê li vir xûya bike.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Şandiyê bilind bike",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Stûna balkişandinê",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "Bal bikşîne cîhê nivîsê/textarea",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "ji bo vekirina stûna axaftinan",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Danasîn",
"": "ji bo vekirina stûnê peyamên rasterast",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "Di rêzokê de dakêşe jêr",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Şandiyê veke",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Şandiya bijarte",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Qutîya wêneya nîşan dike fireh bike",
"": "Pêş",
"lightbox.previous": "Paş",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Bi heman awayî profîlê nîşan bide",
"limited_account_hint.title": "Ev profîl ji aliyê çavêriya li ser rajekarê te hatiye veşartin.",
"lists.account.add": "Tevlî rêzokê bike",
"lists.account.remove": "Ji rêzokê rake",
"lists.delete": "Rêzokê jê bibe",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Şûnpel",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Demnameya herêmî",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Şandiyeke nû binivsîne",
"": "Peyamên rasterast",
"": "Vekolê",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Navparên astengkirî",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Profîl serrast bike",
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Rapirsî yê rake",
"privacy.change": "Nepênîtiya şandiyan biguherîne",
"": "Tenê ji bo bikarhênerên qalkirî tê dîtin",
"": "Tenê kesên qalkirî",
"": "Tenê mirovên ku min qalkirî",
"privacy.private.long": "Tenê bo şopîneran xuyabar e",
"privacy.private.short": "Tenê şopîneran",
"privacy.public.long": "Ji bo hemûyan xuyabar e",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Devnydhyoryon lettys",
"column.bookmarks": "Folennosow",
"": "Amserlin leel",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Peuri profilys",
"column.domain_blocks": "Gorfarthow lettys",
"column.favourites": "Re drudh",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Leel hepken",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Myski hepken",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "A-bell hepken",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Dyski moy",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Ny vydh an post ma diskwedhys yn-dann vòlnos vyth awos y vos mes a rol. Ny yllir hwilas saw poblow postek dre vòlnos.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Stagewgh an post ma a-berth yn agas gwiasva ow tasskrifa'n kod a-wòles.",
"embed.preview": "Ottomma fatel hevel:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Gwrians",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "A-vusur",
"emoji_button.flags": "Baneryow",
"": "Bòs & Diwes",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Ny wrussowgh lettya devnydhyoryon vyth hwath.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Nyns eus dhywgh postow gans folennos hwath. Pan wrewgh gorra onan, ev a wra omdhiskwedhes omma.",
"": "An amserlin leel yw gwag. Skrifewgh neppytn yn poblek dh'y lonchya!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Nyns eus gorfarthow lettys hwath.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Nyns eus dhywgh postow drudh hwath. Pan wrewgh merkya onan vel drudh, ev a wra omdhiskwedhes omma.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Kenertha post",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Fogella koloven",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "Fogella tekstva gomposya",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Deskrifans",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "Movya war-nans y'n rol",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Ygeri post",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Merkya post vel drudh",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Efani kist a weles aven",
"": "Nessa",
"lightbox.previous": "Kynsa",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Keworra dhe rol",
"lists.account.remove": "Removya a rol",
"lists.delete": "Dilea rol",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Folennosow",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Amserlin leel",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Komposya post nowydh",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Diskudha",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Gorfarthow lettys",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Golegi profil",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Blocked users",
"column.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"": "Local timeline",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Browse profiles",
"column.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
"column.favourites": "Mėgstamiausi",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Local only",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Media only",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Remote only",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Learn more",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "This toot won't be listed under any hashtag as it is unlisted. Only public toots can be searched by hashtag.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Embed this status on your website by copying the code below.",
"embed.preview": "Here is what it will look like:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Activity",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Custom",
"emoji_button.flags": "Flags",
"": "Food & Drink",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "You haven't blocked any users yet.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "You don't have any bookmarked toots yet. When you bookmark one, it will show up here.",
"": "The local timeline is empty. Write something publicly to get the ball rolling!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "There are no hidden domains yet.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "You don't have any favourite toots yet. When you favourite one, it will show up here.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "to boost",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "to focus a status in one of the columns",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "to focus the compose textarea",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Description",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "to move down in the list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "to open status",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "to favourite",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Expand image view box",
"": "Next",
"lightbox.previous": "Previous",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Add to list",
"lists.account.remove": "Remove from list",
"lists.delete": "Delete list",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Local timeline",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Compose new toot",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Discover",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Edit profile",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Bloķētie lietotāji",
"column.bookmarks": "Grāmatzīmes",
"": "Vietējā ziņu līnija",
"": "Privātie ziņojumi",
"column.conversations": "Sarunas",
"": "Pārlūkot profilus",
"column.domain_blocks": "Bloķētie domēni",
"column.favourites": "Izlase",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Tikai vietējie",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Tikai mediji",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Tikai attālinātie",
"compose.language.change": "Mainīt valodu",
"": "Meklēt valodas...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Uzzināt vairāk",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Ziņas vietnē Mastodon nav pilnībā šifrētas. Nedalies ar bīstamu informāciju caur Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Ziņojumu nebūs iespējams atrast zem haštagiem jo tas nav publisks. Tikai publiskos ziņojumus ir iespējams meklēt pēc tiem.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Iestrādā šo ziņu savā mājaslapā, kopējot zemāk redzmo kodu.",
"embed.preview": "Tas izskatīsies šādi:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Aktivitāte",
"emoji_button.clear": "Notīrīt",
"emoji_button.custom": "Pielāgots",
"emoji_button.flags": "Karogi",
"": "Ēdieni un dzērieni",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Patreiz tu neesi nevienu bloķējis.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Patreiz tev nav neviena grāmatzīmēm pievienota ieraksta. Kad tādu pievienosi, tas parādīsies šeit.",
"": "Vietējā ziņu lenta ir tukša. Uzraksti kaut ko publiski, lai viss notiktu!",
"": "Patrez tev nav privātu ziņu. Tiklīdz tādu nosūtīsi vai saņemsi, tās parādīsies šeit.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Kad nosūtīsi vai saņemsi ziņu, kas ir redzama tikai tajā minētajām personām, tā tiks parādīta šeit.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Vēl nav neviena bloķēta domēna.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Pašlaik nekas nav tendēts. Pārbaudiet vēlāk!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Patreiz tev nav neviena izceltā ieraksta. Kad kādu izcelsi, tas parādīsies šeit.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Palielināt ziņu",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Fokusēt kolonnu",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "Fokusēt veidojamā teksta lauku",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "lai atvērtu sarunu kolonnu",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Apraksts",
"": "lai atvērtu privāto ziņojumu kolonnu",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "Pārvietot sarakstā uz leju",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Atvērt ziņu",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Pievienot izlasei",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Paplašināt attēla ietvaru",
"": "Tālāk",
"lightbox.previous": "Iepriekš",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Tik un tā rādīt profilu",
"limited_account_hint.title": "Tava servera moderatori ir paslēpuši šo profilu.",
"lists.account.add": "Pievienot sarakstam",
"lists.account.remove": "Noņemt no saraksta",
"lists.delete": "Dzēst sarakstu",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Grāmatzīmes",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Vietējā ziņu lenta",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Veidot jaunu ziņu",
"": "Privātie ziņojumi",
"": "Atklāt",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Bloķētie domēni",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Rediģēt profilu",
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Noņemt aptauju",
"privacy.change": "Mainīt ziņas privātumu",
"": "Redzams tikai pieminētajiem lietotājiem",
"": "Tikai minētie cilvēki",
"": "Tikai cilvēki, kurus es pieminu",
"privacy.private.long": "Redzams tikai sekotājiem",
"privacy.private.short": "Tikai sekotājiem",
"privacy.public.long": "Redzama visiem",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Блокирани корисници",
"column.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"": "Локална временска зона",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Види профили",
"column.domain_blocks": "Скриени домеини",
"column.favourites": "Омилени",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Local only",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Само медиа",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Remote only",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Научи повеќе",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "This toot won't be listed under any hashtag as it is unlisted. Only public toots can be searched by hashtag.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Embed this status on your website by copying the code below.",
"embed.preview": "Here is what it will look like:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Активност",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Custom",
"emoji_button.flags": "Flags",
"": "Храна &amp; Пијалаци",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Немате сеуште блокирано корисници.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "You don't have any bookmarked toots yet. When you bookmark one, it will show up here.",
"": "Локалниот времеплов е празен. Објавете нешто јавно за да може да почне шоуто!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Немате сокриени домеини уште.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "You don't have any favourite toots yet. When you favourite one, it will show up here.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "to boost",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "to focus a status in one of the columns",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "to focus the compose textarea",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Description",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "to move down in the list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "to open status",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "to favourite",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Expand image view box",
"": "Next",
"lightbox.previous": "Previous",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Add to list",
"lists.account.remove": "Remove from list",
"lists.delete": "Delete list",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Local timeline",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Compose new toot",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Discover",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Уреди профил",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "തടയപ്പെട്ട ഉപയോക്താക്കൾ",
"column.bookmarks": "ബുക്ക്മാർക്കുകൾ",
"": "പ്രാദേശികമായ സമയരേഖ",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "പ്രൊഫൈലുകൾ മറിച്ചുനോക്കുക",
"column.domain_blocks": "മറയ്ക്കപ്പെട്ട മേഖലകൾ",
"column.favourites": "പ്രിയപ്പെട്ടവ",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "പ്രാദേശികം മാത്രം",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "മാധ്യമങ്ങൾ മാത്രം",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Remote only",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "കൂടുതൽ പഠിക്കുക",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "ഈ ടൂട്ട് പട്ടികയിൽ ഇല്ലാത്തതിനാൽ ഒരു ചർച്ചാവിഷയത്തിന്റെ പട്ടികയിലും പെടുകയില്ല. പരസ്യമായ ടൂട്ടുകൾ മാത്രമേ ചർച്ചാവിഷയം അടിസ്ഥാനമാക്കി തിരയുവാൻ സാധിക്കുകയുള്ളു.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "ചുവടെയുള്ള കോഡ് പകർത്തിക്കൊണ്ട് നിങ്ങളുടെ വെബ്‌സൈറ്റിൽ ഈ ടൂട്ട് ഉൾച്ചേർക്കുക.",
"embed.preview": "ഇത് ഇങ്ങനെ കാണപ്പെടും:",
"emoji_button.activity": "പ്രവര്‍ത്തനം",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "സ്വന്തമായ ഭേദഗതി",
"emoji_button.flags": "കൊടികൾ",
"": "ഭക്ഷണവും പാനീയവും",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "നിങ്ങൾ ഇതുവരെ ഒരു ഉപയോക്താക്കളെയും തടഞ്ഞിട്ടില്ല.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "നിങ്ങൾക് ഇതുവരെ അടയാളപ്പെടുത്തിയ ടൂട്ടുകൾ ഇല്ല. അടയാളപ്പെടുത്തിയാൽ അത് ഇവിടെ വരും.",
"": "പ്രാദേശികമായ സമയരേഖ ശൂന്യമാണ്. എന്തെങ്കിലും പരസ്യമായി എഴുതി തുടക്കം കുറിക്കു!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "മറയ്ക്കപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്ന മേഖലകൾ ഇതുവരെ ഇല്ല.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഇത് വരെ ഒരു പ്രിയപ്പെട്ട ടൂട്ടും ഇല്ല. നിങ്ങൾ അങ്ങനെ ഒന്ന് പ്രിയപ്പെടുന്ന പക്ഷം അതിവിടെ കാണപ്പെടുന്നതാണ്.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "ബൂസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യുക",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "to focus a status in one of the columns",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "to focus the compose textarea",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "വിവരണം",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "to move down in the list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "ടൂട്ട് എടുക്കാൻ",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "to favourite",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Expand image view box",
"": "അടുത്തത്",
"lightbox.previous": "പുറകോട്ട്",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "പട്ടികയിലേക്ക് ചേർക്കുക",
"lists.account.remove": "പട്ടികയിൽ നിന്ന് ഒഴിവാക്കുക",
"lists.delete": "പട്ടിക ഒഴിവാക്കുക",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "ബുക്ക്മാർക്കുകൾ",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "പ്രാദേശിക സമയരേഖ",
"navigation_bar.compose": "പുതിയ ടൂട്ട് എഴുതുക",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "കണ്ടെത്തുക",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "പ്രൊഫൈൽ തിരുത്തുക",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "ब्लॉक केलेले खातेधारक",
"column.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"": "Local timeline",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Browse profiles",
"column.domain_blocks": "गुप्त डोमेन्स",
"column.favourites": "आवडते",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Local only",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "केवळ मीडिया",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Remote only",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "अधिक जाणून घ्या",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "This toot won't be listed under any hashtag as it is unlisted. Only public toots can be searched by hashtag.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Embed this status on your website by copying the code below.",
"embed.preview": "Here is what it will look like:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Activity",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Custom",
"emoji_button.flags": "Flags",
"": "Food & Drink",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "You haven't blocked any users yet.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "You don't have any bookmarked toots yet. When you bookmark one, it will show up here.",
"": "The local timeline is empty. Write something publicly to get the ball rolling!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "There are no hidden domains yet.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "You don't have any favourite toots yet. When you favourite one, it will show up here.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "to boost",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "to focus a status in one of the columns",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "to focus the compose textarea",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Description",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "to move down in the list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "to open status",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "to favourite",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Expand image view box",
"": "Next",
"lightbox.previous": "Previous",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Add to list",
"lists.account.remove": "Remove from list",
"lists.delete": "Delete list",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Bookmarks",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Local timeline",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Compose new toot",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Discover",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Hidden domains",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Edit profile",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Pengguna yang disekat",
"column.bookmarks": "Tanda buku",
"": "Garis masa tempatan",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Conversations",
"": "Layari profil",
"column.domain_blocks": "Domain disekat",
"column.favourites": "Kegemaran",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Tempatan sahaja",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Media sahaja",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Jauh sahaja",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Ketahui lebih lanjut",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Hantaran ini tidak akan disenaraikan di bawah mana-mana tanda pagar kerana ia tidak tersenarai. Hanya hantaran awam sahaja boleh dicari menggunakan tanda pagar.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Benam hantaran ini di laman sesawang anda dengan menyalin kod berikut.",
"embed.preview": "Begini rupanya nanti:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Aktiviti",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Tersuai",
"emoji_button.flags": "Bendera",
"": "Makanan & Minuman",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Anda belum menyekat sesiapa.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Anda belum ada hantaran yang ditanda buku. Apabila anda menanda buku sesuatu, ia akan muncul di sini.",
"": "Garis masa tempatan kosong. Tulislah secara awam untuk memulakan sesuatu!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Belum ada domain yang disekat.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Nothing is trending right now. Check back later!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Anda belum ada hantaran yang digemari. Apabila anda menggemari sesuatu, ia akan muncul di sini.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "to boost",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Tumpu pada lajur",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "to focus the compose textarea",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Keterangan",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "to move down in the list",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Buka hantaran",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "to favourite",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Besarkan kotak paparan imej",
"": "Seterusnya",
"lightbox.previous": "Sebelumnya",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Tambah ke senarai",
"lists.account.remove": "Buang daripada senarai",
"lists.delete": "Padam senarai",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Tanda buku",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Garis masa tempatan",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Karang hantaran baharu",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Teroka",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Domain disekat",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Sunting profil",

View file

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"column.blocks": "Geblokkeerde gebruikers",
"column.bookmarks": "Bladwijzers",
"": "Lokale tijdlijn",
"": "Direct messages",
"column.conversations": "Gesprekken",
"": "Gebruikersgids",
"column.domain_blocks": "Geblokkeerde domeinen",
"column.favourites": "Favorieten",
@ -92,8 +92,6 @@
"community.column_settings.local_only": "Alleen lokaal",
"community.column_settings.media_only": "Alleen media",
"community.column_settings.remote_only": "Alleen andere servers",
"compose.language.change": "Change language",
"": "Search languages...",
"compose_form.direct_message_warning_learn_more": "Meer leren",
"compose_form.encryption_warning": "Posts on Mastodon are not end-to-end encrypted. Do not share any dangerous information over Mastodon.",
"compose_form.hashtag_warning": "Dit bericht valt niet onder een hashtag te bekijken, omdat deze niet op openbare tijdlijnen wordt getoond. Alleen openbare berichten kunnen via hashtags gevonden worden.",
@ -149,7 +147,6 @@
"embed.instructions": "Embed dit bericht op jouw website door de onderstaande code te kopiëren.",
"embed.preview": "Zo komt het eruit te zien:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Activiteiten",
"emoji_button.clear": "Clear",
"emoji_button.custom": "Lokale emojis",
"emoji_button.flags": "Vlaggen",
"": "Eten en drinken",
@ -169,7 +166,7 @@
"empty_column.blocks": "Jij hebt nog geen enkele gebruiker geblokkeerd.",
"empty_column.bookmarked_statuses": "Jij hebt nog geen berichten aan je bladwijzers toegevoegd. Wanneer je er een aan jouw bladwijzers toevoegt, valt deze hier te zien.",
"": "De lokale tijdlijn is nog leeg. Plaats een openbaar bericht om de spits af te bijten!",
"": "You don't have any direct messages yet. When you send or receive one, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.conversations": "Once you send or receive a post that's only visible to people mentioned in it, it will show up here.",
"empty_column.domain_blocks": "Er zijn nog geen geblokkeerde domeinen.",
"empty_column.explore_statuses": "Momenteel zijn er geen trends. Kom later terug!",
"empty_column.favourited_statuses": "Jij hebt nog geen favoriete berichten. Wanneer je er een aan jouw favorieten toevoegt, valt deze hier te zien.",
@ -233,8 +230,8 @@
"keyboard_shortcuts.boost": "Bericht boosten",
"keyboard_shortcuts.column": "Op één van de kolommen focussen",
"keyboard_shortcuts.compose": "Tekstveld om een bericht te schrijven focussen",
"keyboard_shortcuts.conversations": "to open conversations column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.description": "Omschrijving",
"": "to open direct messages column",
"keyboard_shortcuts.down": "Naar beneden in de lijst bewegen",
"keyboard_shortcuts.enter": "Volledig bericht tonen",
"keyboard_shortcuts.favourite": "Aan jouw favorieten toevoegen",
@ -267,8 +264,6 @@
"lightbox.expand": "Afbeelding groot weergeven",
"": "Volgende",
"lightbox.previous": "Vorige",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Show profile anyway",
"limited_account_hint.title": "This profile has been hidden by the moderators of your server.",
"lists.account.add": "Aan lijst toevoegen",
"lists.account.remove": "Uit lijst verwijderen",
"lists.delete": "Lijst verwijderen",
@ -295,7 +290,6 @@
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Bladwijzers",
"navigation_bar.community_timeline": "Lokale tijdlijn",
"navigation_bar.compose": "Nieuw bericht schrijven",
"": "Direct messages",
"": "Ontdekken",
"navigation_bar.domain_blocks": "Geblokkeerde domeinen",
"navigation_bar.edit_profile": "Profiel bewerken",
@ -372,7 +366,7 @@
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Poll verwijderen",
"privacy.change": "Zichtbaarheid van bericht aanpassen",
"": "Alleen aan vermelde gebruikers tonen",
"": "Direct",
"": "Alleen gebruikers die ik noem",
"privacy.private.long": "Alleen aan volgers tonen",
"privacy.private.short": "Alleen volgers",
"privacy.public.long": "Voor iedereen zichtbaar",

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more