import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client'; import './public-path'; import { IntlMessageFormat } from 'intl-messageformat'; import type { MessageDescriptor, PrimitiveType } from 'react-intl'; import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl'; import Rails from '@rails/ujs'; import axios from 'axios'; import { throttle } from 'lodash'; import { start } from '../mastodon/common'; import { timeAgoString } from '../mastodon/components/relative_timestamp'; import emojify from '../mastodon/features/emoji/emoji'; import loadKeyboardExtensions from '../mastodon/load_keyboard_extensions'; import { loadLocale, getLocale } from '../mastodon/locales'; import { loadPolyfills } from '../mastodon/polyfills'; import ready from '../mastodon/ready'; import 'cocoon-js-vanilla'; start(); const messages = defineMessages({ usernameTaken: { id: 'username.taken', defaultMessage: 'That username is taken. Try another', }, passwordExceedsLength: { id: 'password_confirmation.exceeds_maxlength', defaultMessage: 'Password confirmation exceeds the maximum password length', }, passwordDoesNotMatch: { id: 'password_confirmation.mismatching', defaultMessage: 'Password confirmation does not match', }, }); interface SetHeightMessage { type: 'setHeight'; id: string; height: number; } function isSetHeightMessage(data: unknown): data is SetHeightMessage { if ( data && typeof data === 'object' && 'type' in data && data.type === 'setHeight' ) return true; else return false; } window.addEventListener('message', (e) => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition -- typings are not correct, it can be null in very rare cases if (! || !isSetHeightMessage( || !window.parent) return; const data =; ready(() => { window.parent.postMessage( { type: 'setHeight', id:, height: document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].scrollHeight, }, '*', ); }).catch((e: unknown) => { console.error('Error in setHeightMessage postMessage', e); }); }); function loaded() { const { messages: localeData } = getLocale(); const locale = document.documentElement.lang; const dateTimeFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, { year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', }); const dateFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric', }); const timeFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, { timeStyle: 'short', }); const formatMessage = ( { id, defaultMessage }: MessageDescriptor, values?: Record<string, PrimitiveType>, ) => { let message: string | undefined = undefined; if (id) message = localeData[id]; if (!message) message = defaultMessage as string; const messageFormat = new IntlMessageFormat(message, locale); return messageFormat.format(values) as string; }; document.querySelectorAll('.emojify').forEach((content) => { content.innerHTML = emojify(content.innerHTML); }); document .querySelectorAll<HTMLTimeElement>('time.formatted') .forEach((content) => { const datetime = new Date(content.dateTime); const formattedDate = dateTimeFormat.format(datetime); content.title = formattedDate; content.textContent = formattedDate; }); const isToday = (date: Date) => { const today = new Date(); return ( date.getDate() === today.getDate() && date.getMonth() === today.getMonth() && date.getFullYear() === today.getFullYear() ); }; const todayFormat = new IntlMessageFormat( localeData[''] || 'Today at {time}', locale, ); document .querySelectorAll<HTMLTimeElement>('time.relative-formatted') .forEach((content) => { const datetime = new Date(content.dateTime); let formattedContent: string; if (isToday(datetime)) { const formattedTime = timeFormat.format(datetime); formattedContent = todayFormat.format({ time: formattedTime, }) as string; } else { formattedContent = dateFormat.format(datetime); } content.title = formattedContent; content.textContent = formattedContent; }); document .querySelectorAll<HTMLTimeElement>('time.time-ago') .forEach((content) => { const datetime = new Date(content.dateTime); const now = new Date(); const timeGiven = content.dateTime.includes('T'); content.title = timeGiven ? dateTimeFormat.format(datetime) : dateFormat.format(datetime); content.textContent = timeAgoString( { formatMessage, formatDate: (date: Date, options) => new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, options).format(date), }, datetime, now.getTime(), now.getFullYear(), timeGiven, ); }); const reactComponents = document.querySelectorAll('[data-component]'); if (reactComponents.length > 0) { import( /* webpackChunkName: "containers/media_container" */ '../mastodon/containers/media_container' ) .then(({ default: MediaContainer }) => { reactComponents.forEach((component) => { Array.from(component.children).forEach((child) => { component.removeChild(child); }); }); const content = document.createElement('div'); const root = createRoot(content); root.render( <MediaContainer locale={locale} components={reactComponents} />, ); document.body.appendChild(content); return true; }) .catch((error: unknown) => { console.error(error); }); } Rails.delegate( document, 'input#user_account_attributes_username', 'input', throttle( ({ target }) => { if (!(target instanceof HTMLInputElement)) return; if (target.value && target.value.length > 0) { axios .get('/api/v1/accounts/lookup', { params: { acct: target.value } }) .then(() => { target.setCustomValidity(formatMessage(messages.usernameTaken)); return true; }) .catch(() => { target.setCustomValidity(''); }); } else { target.setCustomValidity(''); } }, 500, { leading: false, trailing: true }, ), ); Rails.delegate( document, '#user_password,#user_password_confirmation', 'input', () => { const password = document.querySelector<HTMLInputElement>( 'input#user_password', ); const confirmation = document.querySelector<HTMLInputElement>( 'input#user_password_confirmation', ); if (!confirmation || !password) return; if ( confirmation.value && confirmation.value.length > password.maxLength ) { confirmation.setCustomValidity( formatMessage(messages.passwordExceedsLength), ); } else if (password.value && password.value !== confirmation.value) { confirmation.setCustomValidity( formatMessage(messages.passwordDoesNotMatch), ); } else { confirmation.setCustomValidity(''); } }, ); Rails.delegate( document, 'button.status__content__spoiler-link', 'click', function () { if (!(this instanceof HTMLButtonElement)) return; const statusEl = this.parentNode?.parentNode; if ( !( statusEl instanceof HTMLDivElement && statusEl.classList.contains('.status__content') ) ) return; if (statusEl.dataset.spoiler === 'expanded') { statusEl.dataset.spoiler = 'folded'; this.textContent = new IntlMessageFormat( localeData['status.show_more'] || 'Show more', locale, ).format() as string; } else { statusEl.dataset.spoiler = 'expanded'; this.textContent = new IntlMessageFormat( localeData['status.show_less'] || 'Show less', locale, ).format() as string; } }, ); document .querySelectorAll<HTMLButtonElement>('button.status__content__spoiler-link') .forEach((spoilerLink) => { const statusEl = spoilerLink.parentNode?.parentNode; if ( !( statusEl instanceof HTMLDivElement && statusEl.classList.contains('.status__content') ) ) return; const message = statusEl.dataset.spoiler === 'expanded' ? localeData['status.show_less'] || 'Show less' : localeData['status.show_more'] || 'Show more'; spoilerLink.textContent = new IntlMessageFormat( message, locale, ).format() as string; }); } Rails.delegate( document, '#edit_profile input[type=file]', 'change', ({ target }) => { if (!(target instanceof HTMLInputElement)) return; const avatar = document.querySelector<HTMLImageElement>( `img#${}-preview`, ); if (!avatar) return; let file: File | undefined; if (target.files) file = target.files[0]; const url = file ? URL.createObjectURL(file) : avatar.dataset.originalSrc; if (url) avatar.src = url; }, ); Rails.delegate(document, '.input-copy input', 'click', ({ target }) => { if (!(target instanceof HTMLInputElement)) return; target.focus();; target.setSelectionRange(0, target.value.length); }); Rails.delegate(document, '.input-copy button', 'click', ({ target }) => { if (!(target instanceof HTMLButtonElement)) return; const input = target.parentNode?.querySelector<HTMLInputElement>( '.input-copy__wrapper input', ); if (!input) return; const oldReadOnly = input.readOnly; input.readOnly = false; input.focus();; input.setSelectionRange(0, input.value.length); try { if (document.execCommand('copy')) { input.blur(); const parent = target.parentElement; if (!parent) return; parent.classList.add('copied'); setTimeout(() => { parent.classList.remove('copied'); }, 700); } } catch (err) { console.error(err); } input.readOnly = oldReadOnly; }); const toggleSidebar = () => { const sidebar = document.querySelector<HTMLUListElement>('.sidebar ul'); const toggleButton = document.querySelector<HTMLAnchorElement>( 'a.sidebar__toggle__icon', ); if (!sidebar || !toggleButton) return; if (sidebar.classList.contains('visible')) { = ''; toggleButton.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); } else { = 'hidden'; toggleButton.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); } toggleButton.classList.toggle('active'); sidebar.classList.toggle('visible'); }; Rails.delegate(document, '.sidebar__toggle__icon', 'click', () => { toggleSidebar(); }); Rails.delegate(document, '.sidebar__toggle__icon', 'keydown', (e) => { if (e.key === ' ' || e.key === 'Enter') { e.preventDefault(); toggleSidebar(); } }); Rails.delegate(document, 'img.custom-emoji', 'mouseover', ({ target }) => { if (target instanceof HTMLImageElement && target.dataset.original) target.src = target.dataset.original; }); Rails.delegate(document, 'img.custom-emoji', 'mouseout', ({ target }) => { if (target instanceof HTMLImageElement && target.dataset.static) target.src = target.dataset.static; }); // Empty the honeypot fields in JS in case something like an extension // automatically filled them. Rails.delegate(document, '#registration_new_user,#new_user', 'submit', () => { [ 'user_website', 'user_confirm_password', 'registration_user_website', 'registration_user_confirm_password', ].forEach((id) => { const field = document.querySelector<HTMLInputElement>(`input#${id}`); if (field) { field.value = ''; } }); }); function main() { ready(loaded).catch((error: unknown) => { console.error(error); }); } loadPolyfills() .then(loadLocale) .then(main) .then(loadKeyboardExtensions) .catch((error: unknown) => { console.error(error); });