# frozen_string_literal: true

# Set OTEL_* environment variables according to OTel docs:
# https://opentelemetry.io/docs/concepts/sdk-configuration/

if ENV.keys.any? { |name| name.match?(/OTEL_.*_ENDPOINT/) }
  require 'opentelemetry/sdk'
  require 'opentelemetry/exporter/otlp'

  require 'opentelemetry/instrumentation/active_job'
  require 'opentelemetry/instrumentation/active_model_serializers'
  require 'opentelemetry/instrumentation/concurrent_ruby'
  require 'opentelemetry/instrumentation/excon'
  require 'opentelemetry/instrumentation/faraday'
  require 'opentelemetry/instrumentation/http'
  require 'opentelemetry/instrumentation/http_client'
  require 'opentelemetry/instrumentation/net/http'
  require 'opentelemetry/instrumentation/pg'
  require 'opentelemetry/instrumentation/rack'
  require 'opentelemetry/instrumentation/rails'
  require 'opentelemetry/instrumentation/redis'
  require 'opentelemetry/instrumentation/sidekiq'

  OpenTelemetry::SDK.configure do |c|
    # use_all() attempts to load ALL the auto-instrumentations
    # currently loaded by Ruby requires.
    # Load attempts will emit an INFO or WARN to the console
    # about the success/failure to wire up an auto-instrumentation.
    # "WARN -- : Instrumentation: <X> failed to install" is most
    # likely caused by <X> not being a Ruby library loaded by
    # the application or the instrumentation has been explicitly
    # disabled.
    # To disable an instrumentation, set an environment variable
    # along this pattern:
    # For example, PostgreSQL and Redis produce a lot of child spans
    # in the course of this application doing its business. To turn
    # them off, set the env vars below, but recognize that you will
    # be missing details about what particular calls to the
    # datastores are slow.

      'OpenTelemetry::Instrumentation::Rack' => {
        use_rack_events: false, # instead of events, use middleware; allows for untraced_endpoints to ignore child spans
        untraced_endpoints: ['/health'],
      'OpenTelemetry::Instrumentation::Sidekiq' => {
        span_naming: :job_class, # Use the job class as the span name, otherwise this is the queue name and not very helpful

    prefix = ENV.fetch('OTEL_SERVICE_NAME_PREFIX', 'mastodon')

    c.service_name =  case $PROGRAM_NAME
                      when /puma/ then "#{prefix}/web"
    c.service_version = Mastodon::Version.to_s