diff --git a/docs/contribute/activity_pub.md b/docs/contribute/activity_pub.md
index 27017c1d6..88f383e06 100644
--- a/docs/contribute/activity_pub.md
+++ b/docs/contribute/activity_pub.md
@@ -111,3 +111,61 @@ Example:
   "url": "http://mobilizon1.com/events/8cf76e9f-c426-4912-9cd6-c7030b969611"
+#### location
+We use Schema.org's `location` property on `Event`.
+[The ActivityStream vocabulary to represent places](https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#places) is quite limited so instead of using `Place` from ActivityStreams we use `Place` from Schema.org.
+A [Schema.org `Place` type](https://schema.org/Place) has [an `address` property](https://schema.org/address), which we assume to be [of `PostalAddress` type](https://schema.org/PostalAddress) and [a `geo` property](https://schema.org/geo), which is assumed to be of [`GeoCoordinates` type](https://schema.org/GeoCoordinates).
+  "@context": [
+    "...",
+    {
+      "GeoCoordinates": "sc:GeoCoordinates",
+      "Place": "sc:Place",
+      "PostalAddress": "sc:PostalAddress",
+      "address": {
+        "@id": "sc:address",
+        "@type": "sc:PostalAddress"
+      },
+      "addressCountry": "sc:addressCountry",
+      "addressLocality": "sc:addressLocality",
+      "addressRegion": "sc:addressRegion",
+      "geo": {
+        "@id": "sc:geo",
+        "@type": "sc:GeoCoordinates"
+      },
+      "location": {
+        "@id": "sc:location",
+        "@type": "sc:Place"
+      },
+      "postalCode": "sc:postalCode",
+      "sc": "http://schema.org#",
+      "streetAddress": "sc:streetAddress",
+    }
+  ],
+  "id": "http://mobilizon2.com/events/945f350d-a3e6-4bcd-9bf2-0bd2e4d353c5",
+  "location": {
+      "address": {
+        "addressCountry": "France",
+        "addressLocality": "Lyon",
+        "addressRegion": "Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes",
+        "postalCode": "69007",
+        "streetAddress": "10 Rue Jangot",
+        "type": "PostalAddress"
+      },
+      "geo": {
+        "latitude": 4.8425657,
+        "longitude": 45.7517141,
+        "type": "GeoCoordinates"
+      },
+      "id": "http://mobilizon2.com/address/bdf7fb53-7177-46f3-8fb3-93c25a802522",
+      "name": "10 Rue Jangot",
+      "type": "Place"
+    },
+  "type": "Event"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/service/activity_pub/utils.ex b/lib/service/activity_pub/utils.ex
index 3e99e7bd6..dc8e7eb95 100644
--- a/lib/service/activity_pub/utils.ex
+++ b/lib/service/activity_pub/utils.ex
@@ -37,6 +37,26 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.Service.ActivityPub.Utils do
           "category" => "sc:category",
           "uuid" => "sc:identifier",
           "maximumAttendeeCapacity" => "sc:maximumAttendeeCapacity",
+          "location" => %{
+            "@id" => "sc:location",
+            "@type" => "sc:Place"
+          },
+          "Place" => "sc:Place",
+          "PostalAddress" => "sc:PostalAddress",
+          "GeoCoordinates" => "sc:GeoCoordinates",
+          "address" => %{
+            "@id" => "sc:address",
+            "@type" => "sc:PostalAddress"
+          },
+          "geo" => %{
+            "@id" => "sc:geo",
+            "@type" => "sc:GeoCoordinates"
+          },
+          "addressCountry" => "sc:addressCountry",
+          "addressRegion" => "sc:addressRegion",
+          "postalCode" => "sc:postalCode",
+          "addressLocality" => "sc:addressLocality",
+          "streetAddress" => "sc:streetAddress",
           "mz" => "https://joinmobilizon.org/ns#",
           "repliesModerationOptionType" => %{
             "@id" => "mz:repliesModerationOptionType",