Merge branch 'weblate-mobilizon-frontend' into 'master'
Translations update from Weblate See merge request framasoft/mobilizon!684
This commit is contained in:
@ -541,7 +541,7 @@
"Participation requested!": "¡Participación solicitada!",
"Participation requested!": "¡Participación solicitada!",
"Participations": "Participaciones",
"Participations": "Participaciones",
"Password": "Contraseña",
"Password": "Contraseña",
"Password (confirmation)": "Confirmación de contraseña)",
"Password (confirmation)": "Contraseña (confirmación)",
"Password reset": "Restablecimiento de contraseña",
"Password reset": "Restablecimiento de contraseña",
"Past events": "Eventos pasados",
"Past events": "Eventos pasados",
"Pending": "Pendiente",
"Pending": "Pendiente",
@ -1 +1,794 @@
"#{tag}": "#{tag}",
"(Masked)": "(Elfedve)",
"(this folder)": "(ez a mappa)",
"(this link)": "(ez a hivatkozás)",
"+ Add a resource": "+ Adjon hozzá erőforrást",
"+ Create an event": "+ Hozzon létre eseményt",
"+ Post a public message": "+ Küldjön be nyilvános üzenetet",
"+ Start a discussion": "+ Indítson megbeszélést",
"<b>{contact}</b> will be displayed as contact.": "<b>{contact}</b> meg lesz jelenítve kapcsolatként.|<b>{contact}</b> meg lesznek jelenítve kapcsolatokként.",
"@{group}": "@{group}",
"@{username} ({role})": "@{username} ({role})",
"A cookie is a small file containing information that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. When you visit the site again, the cookie allows that site to recognize your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. You can configure your browser to refuse all cookies. However, this may result in some website features or services partially working. Local storage works the same way but allows you to store more data.": "A süti egy információt tartalmazó kis fájl, amelyet akkor küld el a számítógépe, ha meglátogat egy weboldalt. Amikor újra meglátogatja a weboldalt, akkor a süti lehetővé teszi annak az oldalnak, hogy felismerje a böngészőjét. A sütik tárolhatnak felhasználói beállításokat vagy egyéb információkat. Beállíthatja a böngészőjét úgy, hogy utasítson vissza minden sütit. Azonban ez azt eredményezheti, hogy néhány weboldalon a funkciók vagy a szolgáltatások csak részlegesen működnek. A helyi tároló hasonlóan működik, de több adat tárolását teszi lehetővé.",
"A federated software": "Egy föderált szoftver",
"A place for your code of conduct, rules or guidelines. You can use HTML tags.": "Egy hely a magatartási kódexének, szabályainak és irányelveinek. Használhat HTML címkéket.",
"A place to explain who you are and the things that set your instance apart. You can use HTML tags.": "Egy hely annak elmagyarázásához, hogy kicsoda Ön, valamint azokat a dolgokat, amelyek megkülönböztetik az Ön példányát. Használhat HTML címkéket.",
"A place to publish something to the whole world, your community or just your group members.": "Egy hely, hogy közzétegyen valamit az egész világnak, a közösségének vagy csak a csoportja tagjainak.",
"A place to store links to documents or resources of any type.": "Egy hely dokumentumokra mutató hivatkozások vagy bármilyen típusú erőforrások tárolásához.",
"A practical tool": "Egy praktikus eszköz",
"A short tagline for your instance homepage. Defaults to \"Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize\"": "Egy rövid címkesor a példánya honlapjára. Alapértelmezetten „Összejövetel ⋅ Szervezés ⋅ Mozgósítás”",
"A user-friendly, emancipatory and ethical tool for gathering, organising, and mobilising.": "Egy felhasználóbarát, felszabadító és etikus eszköz összejövetelekhez, szervezéshez és mozgósításhoz.",
"A validation email was sent to {email}": "Egy ellenőrző e-mail lett elküldve ide: {email}",
"API": "API",
"Abandon edition": "Felhagyott kiadás",
"About": "Névjegy",
"About Mobilizon": "A Mobilizon névjegye",
"About this event": "Erről az eseményről",
"About this instance": "Erről a példányról",
"About {instance}": "A(z) {instance} névjegye",
"Accept": "Elfogadás",
"Accepted": "Elfogadva",
"Accessible only to members": "Csak tagoknak érhető el",
"Accessible through link": "Hivatkozáson keresztül érhető el",
"Account": "Fiók",
"Actions": "Műveletek",
"Activated": "Aktiválva",
"Active": "Aktív",
"Actor": "Szereplő",
"Add": "Hozzáadás",
"Add / Remove…": "Hozzáadás vagy eltávolítás…",
"Add a contact": "Kapcsolat hozzáadása",
"Add a group": "Csoport hozzáadása",
"Add a new post": "Új hozzászólás hozzáadása",
"Add a note": "Jegyzet hozzáadása",
"Add a todo": "Tennivaló hozzáadása",
"Add an address": "Cím hozzáadása",
"Add an instance": "Példány hozzáadása",
"Add some tags": "Címkék hozzáadása",
"Add to my calendar": "Hozzáadás a naptáramhoz",
"Additional comments": "További hozzászólások",
"Admin": "Rendszergazda",
"Admin settings successfully saved.": "A rendszergazdai beállítások sikeresen mentve.",
"Administration": "Adminisztráció",
"Administrator": "Rendszergazda",
"All good, let's continue!": "Minden rendben, menjünk tovább!",
"All group members and other eventual server admins will still be able to view this information.": "Az összes csoporttag és más végleges kiszolgáló rendszergazdák továbbra is képesek lesznek megtekinteni ezt az információt.",
"All the places have already been taken": "Az összes hely elfogyott|Egy hely még elérhető|{places} hely még elérhető",
"Allow all comments from users with accounts": "Az összes hozzászólás engedélyezése a bejelentkezett felhasználóktól",
"Allow registrations": "Regisztrációk engedélyezése",
"An ethical alternative": "Egy etikus alternatíva",
"An instance is an installed version of the Mobilizon software running on a server. An instance can be run by anyone using the {mobilizon_software} or other federated apps, aka the “fediverse”. This instance's name is {instance_name}. Mobilizon is a federated network of multiple instances (just like email servers), users registered on different instances may communicate even though they didn't register on the same instance.": "A példány a kiszolgálón futó Mobilizon szoftvernek egy telepített verziója. Egy példányt bárki futtathat a {mobilizon_software} vagy egyéb föderált alkalmazások (vagy más néven „födiverzum”) használatával. Ennek a példánynak a neve {instance_name}. A Mobilizon több példány föderált hálózata (hasonlóan a levelezési kiszolgálókhoz). A különböző példányokon regisztrált felhasználók még akkor is kommunikálhatnak egymással, ha nem regisztráltak ugyanarra a példányra.",
"An “application programming interface” or “API” is a communication protocol that allows software components to communicate with each other. The Mobilizon API, for example, can allow third-party software tools to communicate with Mobilizon instances to carry out certain actions, such as posting events on your behalf, automatically and remotely.": "Az „alkalmazásprogramozási felület” vagy „API” egy olyan kommunikációs protokoll, amely lehetővé teszi a szoftverkomponensek számára az egymással történő kommunikációt. A Mobilizon API például lehetővé teheti a harmadik féltől származó szoftveres eszközök számára, hogy kommunikáljanak a Mobilizon példányokkal és végrehajtsanak bizonyos műveleteket, mint például események automatikus és távolról történő beküldését az Ön nevében.",
"And {number} comments": "És {number} hozzászólás",
"Anonymous participant": "Névtelen részvétel",
"Anonymous participants will be asked to confirm their participation through e-mail.": "A névtelen résztvevők arra lesznek kérve, hogy erősítsék meg a részvételüket e-mailen keresztül.",
"Anonymous participations": "Névtelen részvételek",
"Any day": "Bármely nap",
"Application": "Alkalmazás",
"Approve": "Jóváhagyás",
"Are you really sure you want to delete your whole account? You'll lose everything. Identities, settings, events created, messages and participations will be gone forever.": "Egészen biztos abban, hogy a teljes fiókot törölni szeretné? Mindent el fog veszíteni! A személyazonosságok, a beállítások, a létrehozott események, az üzenetek és a részvételek örökre eltűnnek.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>completely delete</b> this group? All members - including remote ones - will be notified and removed from the group, and <b>all of the group data (events, posts, discussions, todos…) will be irretrievably destroyed</b>.": "Biztosan <b>teljesen törölni</b> szeretné ezt a csoportot? Az összes tag – beleértve a távoliakat is – értesítve lesz, és eltávolításra kerül a csoportból, valamint <b>az összes csoportadat (események, hozzászólások, megbeszélések, tennivalók…) visszavonhatatlanul meg lesznek semmisítve</b>.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this comment? This action cannot be undone.": "Biztosan <b>törölni</b> szeretné ezt a hozzászólást? Ezt a műveletet nem lehet visszavonni.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this event? This action cannot be undone. You may want to engage the discussion with the event creator or edit its event instead.": "Biztosan <b>törölni</b> szeretné ezt az eseményt? Ezt a műveletet nem lehet visszavonni. Érdemes lenne megbeszélést kezdeményeznie az esemény létrehozójával, vagy az eseményét szerkeszteni inkább.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>suspend</b> this group? All members - including remote ones - will be notified and removed from the group, and <b>all of the group data (events, posts, discussions, todos…) will be irretrievably destroyed</b>.": "Biztosan <b>fel szeretné függeszteni</b> ezt a csoportot? Az összes tag – beleértve a távoliakat is – értesítve lesz, és eltávolításra kerül a csoportból, valamint <b>az összes csoportadat (események, hozzászólások, megbeszélések, tennivalók…) visszavonhatatlanul meg lesznek semmisítve</b>.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>suspend</b> this group? As this group originates from instance {instance}, this will only remove local members and delete the local data, as well as rejecting all the future data.": "Biztosan <b>fel szeretné függeszteni</b> ezt a csoportot? Mivel ez a csoport a(z) {instance} példányról származik, ez csak a helyi tagokat távolítja el és a helyi adatokat törli, valamint visszautasítja az összes jövőbeli adatot.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel the event creation? You'll lose all modifications.": "Biztosan meg szeretné szakítani az esemény létrehozását? Az összes módosítást el fogja veszíteni.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel the event edition? You'll lose all modifications.": "Biztosan meg szeretné szakítani az esemény szerkesztését? Az összes módosítást el fogja veszíteni.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel your participation at event \"{title}\"?": "Biztosan meg szeretné szakítani a(z) „{title}” eseményen való részvételét?",
"Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be reverted.": "Biztosan törölni szeretné ezt az eseményt? Ezt a műveletet nem lehet visszavonni.",
"Assigned to": "Hozzárendelve ehhez",
"Avatar": "Profilkép",
"Back to previous page": "Vissza az előző oldalra",
"Banner": "Reklámcsík",
"Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account.": "Mielőtt bejelentkezne, rá kell kattintania a belül lévő hivatkozásra a fiókja ellenőrzéséhez.",
"Begins on": "Ekkor kezdődik",
"Bold": "Félkövér",
"By @{group}": "@{group} által",
"By @{username}": "@{username} által",
"By {author}": "{author} által",
"By {group}": "{group} által",
"Can be an email or a link, or just plain text.": "Lehet egy e-mail-cím vagy egy hivatkozás, vagy csak egyszerű szöveg.",
"Cancel": "Mégse",
"Cancel anonymous participation": "Névtelen részvétel megszakítása",
"Cancel creation": "Létrehozás megszakítása",
"Cancel edition": "Szerkesztés megszakítása",
"Cancel my participation request…": "Részvételi kérésem megszakítása…",
"Cancel my participation…": "Részvételem megszakítása…",
"Cancelled: Won't happen": "Törölve: nem fog megtörténni",
"Category": "Kategória",
"Change": "Változtatás",
"Change my email": "E-mail-címem megváltoztatása",
"Change my identity…": "Személyazonosságom megváltoztatása…",
"Change my password": "Jelszavam megváltoztatása",
"Change timezone": "Időzóna megváltoztatása",
"Check your inbox (and your junk mail folder).": "Nézze meg a bejövő leveleit (és a levélszemét mappát is).",
"Clear": "Törlés",
"Click to select": "Kattintson a kijelöléshez",
"Click to upload": "Kattintson a feltöltéshez",
"Close": "Lezárás",
"Close comments for all (except for admins)": "Hozzászólások lezárása mindenkinél (kivéve a rendszergazdáknál)",
"Closed": "Lezárva",
"Comment deleted": "Hozzászólás törölve",
"Comment from @{username} reported": "@{username} felhasználótól érkezett hozzászólás jelentve",
"Comments": "Hozzászólások",
"Comments are closed for everybody else.": "A hozzászólások le vannak zárva mindenki más számára.",
"Confirm my participation": "Részvételem megerősítése",
"Confirm my particpation": "Részvételem megerősítése",
"Confirmed": "Megerősítve",
"Confirmed at": "Megerősítve ekkor",
"Confirmed: Will happen": "Megerősítve: meg fog történni",
"Congratulations, your account is now created!": "Gratulálunk, a fiókja most létrejött!",
"Contact": "Kapcsolat",
"Continue editing": "Szerkesztés folytatása",
"Cookies and Local storage": "Sütik és helyi tároló",
"Country": "Ország",
"Create": "Létrehozás",
"Create a calc": "Táblázat létrehozása",
"Create a discussion": "Megbeszélés létrehozása",
"Create a folder": "Mappa létrehozása",
"Create a new event": "Új esemény létrehozása",
"Create a new group": "Új csoport létrehozása",
"Create a new identity": "Új személyazonosság létrehozása",
"Create a new list": "Új lista létrehozása",
"Create a pad": "Dokumentum létrehozása",
"Create a videoconference": "Videokonferencia létrehozása",
"Create an account": "Fiók létrehozása",
"Create group": "Csoport létrehozása",
"Create my event": "Saját esemény létrehozása",
"Create my group": "Saját csoport létrehozása",
"Create my profile": "Saját profil létrehozása",
"Create resource": "Erőforrás létrehozása",
"Create the discussion": "A megbeszélés létrehozása",
"Create to-do lists for all the tasks you need to do, assign them and set due dates.": "Hozzon létre tennivalólistákat az összes elvégzendő feladathoz, rendelje hozzá őket, és állítson be a határidőket.",
"Create token": "Token létrehozása",
"Created by {name}": "{name} hozta létre",
"Created by {username}": "{username} hozta létre",
"Creator": "Létrehozó",
"Current identity has been changed to {identityName} in order to manage this event.": "A jelenlegi személyazonosság megváltozott {identityName} személyazonosságra az esemény kezelése érdekében.",
"Current page": "Jelenlegi oldal",
"Custom": "Egyéni",
"Custom URL": "Egyéni URL",
"Custom text": "Egyéni szöveg",
"Daily email summary": "Napi e-mailes összegzés",
"Dashboard": "Vezérlőpult",
"Date": "Dátum",
"Date and time": "Dátum és idő",
"Date and time settings": "Dátum- és időbeállítások",
"Date parameters": "Dátumparaméterek",
"Decline": "Elutasítás",
"Default": "Alapértelmezett",
"Default Mobilizon privacy policy": "Alapértelmezett Mobilizon adatvédelmi irányelv",
"Default Mobilizon terms": "Alapértelmezett Mobilizon használati feltételek",
"Delete": "Törlés",
"Delete Comment": "Hozzászólás törlése",
"Delete Event": "Esemény törlése",
"Delete account": "Fiók törlése",
"Delete conversation": "Beszélgetés törlése",
"Delete event": "Esemény törlése",
"Delete everything": "Minden törlése",
"Delete group": "Csoport törlése",
"Delete my account": "Saját fiók törlése",
"Delete post": "Hozzászólás törlése",
"Delete this identity": "A személyazonosság törlése",
"Delete your identity": "Az Ön személyazonosságának törlése",
"Delete {eventTitle}": "{eventTitle} törlése",
"Delete {preferredUsername}": "{preferredUsername} törlése",
"Deleting comment": "Hozzászólás törlése",
"Deleting event": "Esemény törlése",
"Deleting my account will delete all of my identities.": "A saját fiókom törlése törölni fogja az összes személyazonosságomat is.",
"Deleting your Mobilizon account": "Az Ön Mobilizon-fiókjának törlése",
"Demote": "Lefokozás",
"Description": "Leírás",
"Didn't receive the instructions?": "Nem kapta meg az utasításokat?",
"Disabled": "Letiltva",
"Discussions": "Megbeszélések",
"Display name": "Név megjelenítése",
"Display participation price": "Részvételi díj megjelenítése",
"Displayed nickname": "Megjelenített becenév",
"Displayed on homepage and meta tags. Describe what Mobilizon is and what makes this instance special in a single paragraph.": "A honlapon és a meta címkékben van megjelenítve. Leírja egyetlen bekezdésben, hogy mi a Mobilizon, és mi teszi ezt a példányt különlegessé.",
"Do not receive any mail": "Ne fogadjon egyetlen levelet sem",
"Domain": "Tartomány",
"Don't show @{organizer} as event host alongside @{group}": "Ne jelenítse meg @{organizer} szervezőt eseménygazdaként a(z) @{group} mellett",
"Draft": "Piszkozat",
"Drafts": "Piszkozatok",
"Due on": "Határidő",
"Duplicate": "Kettőzés",
"Edit": "Szerkesztés",
"Edit post": "Hozzászólás szerkesztése",
"Edited {ago}": "Szerkesztve {ago}",
"Eg: Stockholm, Dance, Chess…": "Például: Budapest, Tánc, Sakk…",
"Either on the {instance} instance or on another instance.": "Vagy a(z) {instance} példányon, vagy egy másik példányon.",
"Either the account is already validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "A fiók már ellenőrizve lett vagy az ellenőrző token helytelen.",
"Either the email has already been changed, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Az e-mail-cím már meg lett változtatva vagy az ellenőrző token helytelen.",
"Either the participation request has already been validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "A részvételi kérés már ellenőrizve lett vagy az ellenőrző token helytelen.",
"Email": "E-mail",
"Email address": "E-mail-cím",
"Email notifications": "E-mail értesítések",
"Enabled": "Engedélyezve",
"Ends on…": "Befejeződik…",
"Enter the link URL": "Adja meg a hivatkozás URL-ét",
"Enter your email address below, and we'll email you instructions on how to change your password.": "Adja meg lent az e-mail-címét, és elküldjük e-mailben az utasításokat, hogy hogyan változtathatja meg a jelszavát.",
"Enter your own privacy policy. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_privacy_policy} is provided as template.": "Adja meg a saját adatvédelmi irányelveit. A HTML címkék engedélyezettek. A {mobilizon_privacy_policy} meg van adva sablonként.",
"Enter your own terms. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_terms} are provided as template.": "Adja meg a saját használati feltételeit. A HTML címkék engedélyezettek. A {mobilizon_terms} meg van adva sablonként.",
"Error": "Hiba",
"Error while changing email": "Hiba az e-mail megváltoztatásakor",
"Error while login with {provider}. Retry or login another way.": "Hiba a(z) {provider} használatával történő bejelentkezés közben. Próbálja újra vagy jelentkezzen be más módon.",
"Error while login with {provider}. This login provider doesn't exist.": "Hiba a(z) {provider} használatával történő bejelentkezés közben. Ez a bejelentkezés-szolgáltató nem létezik.",
"Error while reporting group {groupTitle}": "Hiba a(z) {groupTitle} csoport jelentése közben",
"Error while validating account": "Hiba a fiók ellenőrzésekor",
"Error while validating participation request": "Hiba a részvételi kérés ellenőrzésekor",
"Ethical alternative to Facebook events, groups and pages, Mobilizon is a <b>tool designed to serve you</b>. Period.": "Etikus alternatíva a Facebook eseményekre, csoportokra és oldalakra. A Mobilizon egy olyan <b>eszköz, amelyet úgy terveztek, hogy Önt szolgálja</b>. És pont.",
"Event": "Esemény",
"Event already passed": "Az esemény már elmúlt",
"Event cancelled": "Esemény törölve",
"Event creation": "Eseménylétrehozás",
"Event edition": "Eseményszerkesztés",
"Event list": "Eseménylista",
"Event page settings": "Eseményoldal beállításai",
"Event to be confirmed": "Megerősítendő esemény",
"Event {eventTitle} deleted": "A(z) {eventTitle} esemény törölve",
"Event {eventTitle} reported": "A(z) {eventTitle} jelentve",
"Events": "Események",
"Events tagged with {tag}": "{tag} címkével megjelölt események",
"Everything": "Minden",
"Ex:": "Például:",
"Ex:": "Például:",
"Exclude": "Kizárás",
"Explore": "Felfedezés",
"Explore events": "Események felfedezése",
"Failed to save admin settings": "Nem sikerült elmenteni a rendszergazdai beállításokat",
"Featured events": "Kiemelt események",
"Federated Group Name": "Föderált csoportnév",
"Federation": "Föderáció",
"Fetch more": "Több lekérése",
"Find an address": "Cím keresése",
"Find an instance": "Példány keresése",
"Find another instance": "Másik példány keresése",
"Followers": "Követők",
"Followings": "Követések",
"For instance: London": "Például: Budapest",
"For instance: London, Taekwondo, Architecture…": "Például: Budapest, Taekwondo, Építészet…",
"Forgot your password ?": "Elfelejtette a jelszavát?",
"Forgot your password?": "Elfelejtette a jelszavát?",
"From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate}": "{startDate} {startTime} és {endDate} között",
"From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate} at {endTime}": "{startDate} {startTime} és {endDate} {endTime} között",
"From the {startDate} to the {endDate}": "{startDate} és {endDate} között",
"Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize": "Összejövetel ⋅ Szervezés ⋅ Mozgósítás",
"General": "Általános",
"General information": "Általános információk",
"Getting location": "Hely lekérése",
"Glossary": "Szójegyzék",
"Go": "Menj",
"Go to the event page": "Ugrás az esemény oldalára",
"Going as {name}": "Menetel {name} néven",
"Group Members": "Csoporttagok",
"Group address": "Csoport címe",
"Group display name": "Csoport megjelenített neve",
"Group name": "Csoport neve",
"Group settings": "Csoport beállításai",
"Group settings saved": "A csoport beállításai elmentve",
"Group short description": "Csoport rövid leírása",
"Group visibility": "Csoport láthatósága",
"Group {displayName} created": "A(z) {displayName} csoport létrehozva",
"Group {groupTitle} reported": "A(z) {groupTitle} csoport jelentve",
"Groups": "Csoportok",
"Groups are spaces for coordination and preparation to better organize events and manage your community.": "A csoportok a koordináció és a felkészülés terei az események jobb szervezéséhez és a közösség kezeléséhez.",
"Headline picture": "Főcím fényképe",
"Hide replies": "Válaszok elrejtése",
"Hide the organizer": "A szervező elrejtése",
"Home": "Kezdőlap",
"Home to {number} users": "{number} felhasználó otthona",
"Hourly email summary": "Óránkénti e-mailes összegzés",
"I agree to the {instanceRules} and {termsOfService}": "Elfogadom a {instanceRules} és a {termsOfService}",
"I create an identity": "Én hozok létre személyazonosságot",
"I don't have a Mobilizon account": "Nincs Mobilizon-fiókom",
"I have a Mobilizon account": "Van Mobilizon-fiókom",
"I have an account on another Mobilizon instance.": "Van fiókom egy másik Mobilizon példányon.",
"I participate": "Részt veszek",
"I want to allow people to participate without an account.": "Lehetővé szeretném tenni az embereknek, hogy fiók nélkül egyenek részt.",
"I want to approve every participation request": "Jóvá szeretnék hagyni minden részvételi kérést",
"Identity {displayName} created": "A(z) {displayName} személyazonosság létrehozva",
"Identity {displayName} deleted": "A(z) {displayName} személyazonosság törölve",
"Identity {displayName} updated": "A(z) {displayName} személyazonosság frissítve",
"If allowed by organizer": "Ha a szervező engedélyezi",
"If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to {email}": "Ha létezik fiók ezzel az e-mail-címmel, akkor elküldtünk egy másik megerősítő e-mailt erre a címre: {email}",
"If this identity is the only administrator of some groups, you need to delete them before being able to delete this identity.": "Ha ez a személyazonosság az egyetlen rendszergazdája néhány csoportnak, akkor törölnie kell azokat, mielőtt képes lenne törölni ezt a személyazonosságot.",
"If you have opted for manual validation of participants, Mobilizon will send you an email to inform you of new participations to be processed. You can choose the frequency of these notifications below.": "Ha a résztvevők kézi ellenőrzését választotta, akkor a Mobilizon küldeni fog Önnek egy e-mailt, hogy tájékoztassa Önt a feldolgozandó új részvételekről. Alább kiválaszthatja ezen értesítések gyakoriságát.",
"If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here.": "Ha szeretné, itt küldhet üzenetet az esemény szervezőjének.",
"In the following context, an application is a software, either provided by the Mobilizon team or by a 3rd-party, used to interact with your instance.": "A következő környezetben az alkalmazás egy, az Ön példányával történő interakcióra használt szoftver, amelyet vagy a Mobilizon csapat, vagy egy harmadik fél biztosít.",
"Instance": "Példány",
"Instance Long Description": "Példány hosszú leírása",
"Instance Name": "Példány neve",
"Instance Privacy Policy": "Példány adatvédelmi irányelve",
"Instance Privacy Policy Source": "Példány adatvédelmi irányelvének forrása",
"Instance Privacy Policy URL": "Példány adatvédelmi irányelvének URL-je",
"Instance Rules": "Példány szabályai",
"Instance Short Description": "Példány rövid leírása",
"Instance Slogan": "Példány szlogenje",
"Instance Terms": "Példány használati feltételei",
"Instance Terms Source": "Példány használati feltételeinek forrása",
"Instance Terms URL": "Példány használati feltételeinek URL-e",
"Instance administrator": "Példány rendszergazdája",
"Instance configuration": "Példány beállítása",
"Instance languages": "Példány nyelvei",
"Instance rules": "Példány szabályai",
"Instance settings": "Példány beállításai",
"Instances": "Példányok",
"Instances following you": "Az Önt követő példányok",
"Instances you follow": "Az Ön által követett példányok",
"Invite a new member": "Új tag meghívása",
"Invite member": "Tag meghívása",
"Invited": "Meghívva",
"Italic": "Dőlt",
"Join <b>{instance}</b>, a Mobilizon instance": "Csatlakozás a(z) <b>{instance}</b> példányhoz, egy Mobilizon-példányhoz",
"Join group": "Csatlakozás a csoporthoz",
"Keep the entire conversation about a specific topic together on a single page.": "Tartsa egy adott témával kapcsolatos teljes beszélgetést egyben egyetlen oldalon.",
"Key words": "Kulcsszavak",
"Language": "Nyelv",
"Last IP adress": "Utolsó IP-cím",
"Last group created": "Utolsó csoport létrehozva",
"Last published event": "Legutóbb közzétett esemény",
"Last sign-in": "Utolsó bejelentkezés",
"Last week": "Múlt hét",
"Latest posts": "Legutóbbi hozzászólások",
"Learn more": "Tudjon meg többet",
"Learn more about Mobilizon": "Tudjon meg többet a Mobilizonról",
"Learn more about {instance}": "Tudjon meg többet a(z) {instance} példányról",
"Leave": "Kilépés",
"Leave event": "Esemény elhagyása",
"Leaving event \"{title}\"": "A(z) „{title}” esemény elhagyása",
"Legal": "Jogi",
"Let's define a few settings": "Adjunk meg néhány beállítást",
"License": "Licenc",
"Limited number of places": "A helyek száma korlátozott",
"List title": "Lista címe",
"Load more": "Több betöltése",
"Local": "Helyi",
"Locality": "Hely",
"Location": "Hely",
"Log in": "Bejelentkezés",
"Log out": "Kijelentkezés",
"Login": "Bejelentkezés",
"Login on Mobilizon!": "Bejelentkezés a Mobilizonra!",
"Login on {instance}": "Bejelentkezés a(z) {instance} példányra",
"Login status": "Bejelentkezési állapot",
"Main languages you/your moderators speak": "Fő nyelvek, amelyeken Ön vagy a moderátorai beszélnek",
"Manage my notifications": "Saját értesítések kezelése",
"Manage my settings": "Saját beállítások kezelése",
"Manage participations": "Részvételek kezelése",
"Mark as resolved": "Megjelölés megoldottként",
"Member": "Tag",
"Members": "Tagok",
"Message": "Üzenet",
"Mobilizon": "Mobilizon",
"Mobilizon is a federated network. You can interact with this event from a different server.": "A Mobilizon egy föderált hálózat. Interakcióba léphet ezzel az eseménnyel egy eltérő kiszolgálóról is.",
"Mobilizon is a tool that helps you <b>find, create and organise events</b>.": "A Mobilizon egy olyan eszköz, amely segít Önnek <b>eseményeket keresni, létrehozni és szervezni</b>.",
"Mobilizon is not a giant platform, but a <b>multitude of interconnected Mobilizon websites</b>.": "A Mobilizon nem egy hatalmas platform, hanem <b>kölcsönösen összekapcsolt Mobilizon weboldalak sokasága</b>.",
"Mobilizon software": "Mobilizon szoftver",
"Mobilizon version": "Mobilizon verziója",
"Mobilizon will send you an email when the events you are attending have important changes: date and time, address, confirmation or cancellation, etc.": "A Mobilizon egy e-mail fog küldeni Önnek, ha fontos változtatások történnek azoknál az eseményeknél, amelyeken részt vesz: dátum és idő, cím, megerősítés vagy törlés stb.",
"Moderated comments (shown after approval)": "Moderált hozzászólások (jóváhagyás után megjelenítve)",
"Moderation": "Moderálás",
"Moderation log": "Moderálási napló",
"Moderator": "Moderátor",
"Move": "Áthelyezés",
"Move \"{resourceName}\"": "„{resourceName}” áthelyezése",
"Move resource to {folder}": "Erőforrás áthelyezése ide: {folder}",
"My account": "Saját fiók",
"My events": "Saját események",
"My groups": "Saját csoportok",
"My identities": "Saját személyazonosságok",
"NOTE! The default terms have not been checked over by a lawyer and thus are unlikely to provide full legal protection for all situations for an instance admin using them. They are also not specific to all countries and jurisdictions. If you are unsure, please check with a lawyer.": "MEGJEGYZÉS! Az alapértelmezett használati feltételek nem lettek jogász által ellenőrizve, és ennélfogva nem valószínű, hogy minden helyzetben teljes jogi védelmet biztosít az azt használó példány rendszergazdájának. Továbbá nem tér ki az összes országra és igazságszolgáltatásra. Ha nem biztos a dolgában, akkor ellenőriztesse egy jogásszal.",
"Name": "Név",
"New discussion": "Új megbeszélés",
"New email": "Új e-mail",
"New folder": "Új mappa",
"New link": "Új hivatkozás",
"New note": "Új jegyzet",
"New password": "Új jelszó",
"New profile": "Új profil",
"Next month": "Következő hónap",
"Next page": "Következő oldal",
"Next week": "Következő hét",
"No address defined": "Nincs cím megadva",
"No closed reports yet": "Még nincsenek lezárt jelentések",
"No comment": "Nincs hozzászólás",
"No comments yet": "Még nincsenek hozzászólások",
"No discussions yet": "Még nincsenek megbeszélések",
"No end date": "Nincs befejezési dátum",
"No events found": "Nem találhatók események",
"No group found": "Nem található csoport",
"No groups found": "Nem találhatók csoportok",
"No instance follows your instance yet.": "Még egyetlen példány sem követi az Ön példányát.",
"No instance to approve|Approve instance|Approve {number} instances": "Nincs jóváhagyandó példány|Példány jóváhagyása|{number} példány jóváhagyása",
"No instance to reject|Reject instance|Reject {number} instances": "Nincs visszautasítandó példány|Példány visszautasítása|{number} példány visszautasítása",
"No instance to remove|Remove instance|Remove {number} instances": "Nincsenek eltávolítandó példányok|Példány eltávolítása|{number} példány eltávolítása",
"No languages found": "Nem találhatók nyelvek",
"No member matches the filters": "Nincs a szűrőkre illeszkedő tag",
"No message": "Nincs üzenet",
"No moderation logs yet": "Még nincsenek moderálási naplók",
"No one is going to this event": "Senki sem jön erre az eseményre|Egy személy jön|{going} személy jön",
"No open reports yet": "Még nincsenek nyitott jelentések",
"No participant matches the filters": "Nincs a szűrőkre illeszkedő résztvevő",
"No participant to approve|Approve participant|Approve {number} participants": "Nincs jóváhagyandó résztvevő|Résztvevő jóváhagyása|{number} résztvevő jóváhagyása",
"No participant to reject|Reject participant|Reject {number} participants": "Nincs visszautasítandó résztvevő|Résztvevő visszautasítása|{number} résztvevő visszautasítása",
"No posts found": "Nem találhatók hozzászólások",
"No posts yet": "Még nincsenek hozzászólások",
"No profile matches the filters": "Nincs a szűrőkre illeszkedő profil",
"No profiles found": "Nem találhatók profilok",
"No public upcoming events": "Nincsenek nyilvános közelgő események",
"No resolved reports yet": "Még nincsenek megoldott jelentések",
"No resources in this folder": "Nincsenek erőforrások ebben a mappában",
"No resources selected": "Nincsenek erőforrások kijelölve|Egy erőforrás kijelölve|{count} erőforrás kijelölve",
"No resources yet": "Még nincsenek erőforrások",
"No results for \"{queryText}\"": "Nincs találat a(z) „{queryText}” kifejezésre",
"No rules defined yet.": "Még nincsenek szabályok meghatározva.",
"None": "Nincs",
"Not approved": "Nincs jóváhagyva",
"Not confirmed": "Nincs megerősítve",
"Notes": "Jegyzetek",
"Nothing to see here": "Nincs mit nézni itt",
"Notification before the event": "Értesítés az esemény előtt",
"Notification on the day of the event": "Értesítés az esemény napján",
"Notifications for manually approved participations to an event": "Értesítések egy esemény kézzel jóváhagyott részvételeinél",
"Now, create your first profile:": "Most hozza létre az első profilját:",
"Number of places": "Helyek száma",
"OK": "Rendben",
"Old password": "Régi jelszó",
"On {date}": "Ekkor: {date}",
"On {date} ending at {endTime}": "{date} {endTime}-kor fejeződik be",
"On {date} from {startTime} to {endTime}": "{date} {startTime} és {endTime} között",
"On {date} starting at {startTime}": "{date} {startTime}-kor kezdődik",
"Only accessible through link": "Csak hivatkozáson keresztül érhető el",
"Only accessible through link (private)": "Csak hivatkozáson keresztül érhető el (személyes)",
"Only accessible to members of the group": "Csak a csoport tagjainak érhető el",
"Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are supported.": "Csak betűk, számok és aláhúzások támogatottak.",
"Only group moderators can create, edit and delete posts.": "Csak a csoport moderátorai hozhatnak létre, szerkeszthetnek és törölhetnek hozzászólásokat.",
"Open": "Megnyitás",
"Opened reports": "Nyitott jelentések",
"Or": "Vagy",
"Organized": "Megszervezve",
"Organized by": "Megszervezte",
"Organized by {name}": "{name} szervezte",
"Organizer": "Szervező",
"Organizer notifications": "Szervezői értesítések",
"Organizers": "Szervezők",
"Other": "Egyéb",
"Other notification options:": "Egyéb értesítési lehetőségek:",
"Other software may also support this.": "Más szoftverek is támogathatják ezt.",
"Otherwise this identity will just be removed from the group administrators.": "Egyébként ez a személyazonosság el lesz távolítva a csoport rendszergazdáiból.",
"Page": "Oldal",
"Page limited to my group (asks for auth)": "Az oldal korlátozva van a csoportomra (hitelesítést kér)",
"Parent folder": "Szülőmappa",
"Participant": "Résztvevő",
"Participants": "Résztvevők",
"Participate": "Részvétel",
"Participate using your email address": "Részvétel az e-mail-címe használatával",
"Participation approval": "Részvétel jóváhagyása",
"Participation confirmation": "Részvétel megerősítése",
"Participation notifications": "Részvételi értesítések",
"Participation requested!": "Részvétel kérve!",
"Participations": "Részvételek",
"Password": "Jelszó",
"Password (confirmation)": "Jelszó (megerősítés)",
"Password reset": "Jelszó visszaállítása",
"Past events": "Elmúlt események",
"Pending": "Függőben",
"Pick": "Választás",
"Pick a group": "Válasszon csoportot",
"Pick a profile or a group": "Válasszon profilt vagy csoportot",
"Pick an identity": "Válasszon személyazonosságot",
"Pick an instance": "Válasszon példányt",
"Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive the email.": "Nézze meg a levélszemét mappát, ha nem kapta meg az e-mailt.",
"Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake.": "Vegye fel a kapcsolatot a példány Mobilizon rendszergazdájával, ha úgy gondolja, hogy ez hiba.",
"Please do not use it in any real way.": "Ne használja semmilyen valódi módon.",
"Please enter your password to confirm this action.": "Adja meg a jelszavát a művelet megerősítéséhez.",
"Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved.": "Győződjön meg arról, hogy a cím helyes és hogy az oldalt nem helyezték át.",
"Please read the {fullRules} published by {instance}'s administrators.": "Olvassa el a(z) {instance} rendszergazdái által közzétett {fullRules}.",
"Post": "Hozzászólás",
"Post a comment": "Hozzászólás beküldése",
"Post a reply": "Válasz beküldése",
"Postal Code": "Irányítószám",
"Posts": "Hozzászólások",
"Powered by {mobilizon}. © 2018 - {date} The Mobilizon Contributors - Made with the financial support of {contributors}.": "A gépházban: {mobilizon}. © 2018 - {date} A Mobilizon közreműködői – {contributors} pénzügyi támogatásával készült.",
"Preferences": "Beállítások",
"Previous page": "Előző oldal",
"Privacy Policy": "Adatvédelmi irányelv",
"Privacy policy": "Adatvédelmi irányelv",
"Private event": "Személyes esemény",
"Private feeds": "Személyes hírforrások",
"Profiles": "Profilok",
"Promote": "Előléptetés",
"Public": "Nyilvános",
"Public RSS/Atom Feed": "Nyilvános RSS/Atom hírforrás",
"Public comment moderation": "Nyilvános hozzászólás moderálása",
"Public event": "Nyilvános esemény",
"Public feeds": "Nyilvános hírforrások",
"Public iCal Feed": "Nyilvános iCal hírforrás",
"Public page": "Nyilvános oldal",
"Publication date": "Közzététel dátuma",
"Publish": "Közzététel",
"Published events with <b>{comments}</b> comments and <b>{participations}</b> confirmed participations": "Közzétett események <b>{comments}</b> hozzászólással és <b>{participations}</b> megerősített részvétellel",
"RSS/Atom Feed": "RSS/Atom hírforrás",
"Radius": "Sugár",
"Recap every week": "Rövid összegzés minden héten",
"Receive one email per request": "Egy levél fogadása kérésenként",
"Redirecting to event…": "Átirányítás az eseményhez…",
"Refresh profile": "Profil frissítése",
"Region": "Régió",
"Register an account on Mobilizon!": "Regisztráljon egy fiókot a Mobilizonra!",
"Register an account on {instanceName}!": "Regisztráljon egy fiókot a(z) {instanceName} páldányon!",
"Register on this instance": "Regisztrálás ezen a példányon",
"Registration is allowed, anyone can register.": "A regisztráció engedélyezve van, bárki regisztrálhat.",
"Registration is closed.": "A regisztráció le van zárva.",
"Registration is currently closed.": "A regisztráció jelenleg le van zárva.",
"Registrations": "Regisztrációk",
"Registrations are restricted by allowlisting.": "A regisztrációkat az engedélyezési lista korlátozza.",
"Reject": "Visszautasítás",
"Rejected": "Visszautasítva",
"Remember my participation in this browser": "Emlékezzen a részvételemre ebben a böngészőben",
"Remove": "Eltávolítás",
"Rename": "Átnevezés",
"Rename resource": "Erőforrás átnevezése",
"Reopen": "Újranyitás",
"Reply": "Válasz",
"Report": "Jelentés",
"Report #{reportNumber}": "#{reportNumber} jelentés",
"Report this comment": "Hozzászólás jelentése",
"Report this event": "Esemény jelentése",
"Report this group": "A csoport jelentése",
"Reported": "Bejelentve",
"Reported by": "Bejelentő",
"Reported by someone on {domain}": "Valaki jelentette a(z) {domain} tartományon",
"Reported by {reporter}": "{reporter} jelentette",
"Reported group": "Csoport jelentve",
"Reported identity": "Bejelentett személyazonosság",
"Reports": "Jelentések",
"Request for participation confirmation sent": "A részvétel megerősítésének kérése elküldve",
"Resend confirmation email": "Megerősítő e-mail újraküldése",
"Reset my password": "Jelszavam visszaállítása",
"Resolved": "Megoldva",
"Resource provided is not an URL": "A megadott erőforrás nem URL",
"Resources": "Erőforrások",
"Restricted": "Korlátozott",
"Right now": "Épp most",
"Role": "Szerep",
"Rules": "Szabályok",
"SSL and it's successor TLS are encryption technologies to secure data communications when using the service. You can recognize an encrypted connection in your browser's address line when the URL begins with {https} and the lock icon is displayed in your browser's address bar.": "Az SSL és utódja, a TLS, titkosítási technológiák a szolgáltatás használatakor történő adatkommunikációk biztonságossá tételéhez. Arról ismerhet fel egy titkosított kapcsolatot a böngészője címsorában, hogy az URL {https} kezdetű, és lakat ikon jelenik meg a böngészője címsávjában.",
"Save": "Mentés",
"Save draft": "Piszkozat mentése",
"Search": "Keresés",
"Search events, groups, etc.": "Események, csoportok stb. keresése",
"Searching…": "Keresés…",
"Search…": "Keresés…",
"Select a language": "Nyelv kiválasztása",
"Select a timezone": "Válasszon egy időzónát",
"Select languages": "Nyelvek kiválasztása",
"Send email": "E-mail küldése",
"Send the confirmation email again": "A megerősítő e-mail újraküldése",
"Send the report": "A jelentés küldése",
"Set an URL to a page with your own privacy policy.": "URL beállítása a saját adatvédelmi irányelveit tartalmazó oldalra.",
"Set an URL to a page with your own terms.": "URL beállítása a saját használati feltételeit tartalmazó oldalra.",
"Settings": "Beállítások",
"Share this event": "Az esemény megosztása",
"Short bio": "Rövid bemutatkozás",
"Show map": "Térkép megjelenítése",
"Show remaining number of places": "Fennmaradó helyek számának megjelenítése",
"Show the time when the event begins": "Az idő megjelenítése, amikor az esemény kezdődik",
"Show the time when the event ends": "Az idő megjelenítése, amikor az esemény befejeződik",
"Sign in with": "Bejelentkezés ezzel",
"Sign up": "Regisztráció",
"Since you are a new member, private content can take a few minutes to appear.": "Mivel Ön új tag, a személyes tartalomnak kell pár perc, hogy megjelenjen.",
"Some terms, technical or otherwise, used in the text below may cover concepts that are difficult to grasp. We have provided a glossary here to help you understand them better:": "Az alábbi szövegben használt egyes műszaki vagy egyéb kifejezések nehezen megfogható fogalmakra terjedhetnek ki. Biztosítottunk itt egy szószedetet, hogy segítsen jobban megérteni azokat:",
"Starts on…": "Ekkor kezdődik…",
"Status": "Állapot",
"Street": "Utca",
"Submit": "Elküldés",
"Suspend": "Felfüggesztés",
"Suspend group": "Csoport felfüggesztése",
"Suspended": "Felfüggesztve",
"Task lists": "Feladatlisták",
"Tentative: Will be confirmed later": "Kísérleti: később lesz megerősítve",
"Terms": "Használati feltételek",
"Terms of service": "Szolgáltatás feltételei",
"Text": "Szöveg",
"The account's email address was changed. Check your emails to verify it.": "A fiók e-mail-címe megváltozott. Nézze meg az e-mailjeit az ellenőrzéséhez.",
"The actual number of participants may differ, as this event is hosted on another instance.": "A résztvevők tényleges száma eltérhet, mivel ez az esemény egy másik példányon van kiszolgálva.",
"The content came from another server. Transfer an anonymous copy of the report?": "A tartalom egy másik kiszolgálóról érkezik. Átvisz a jelentés egy névtelen másolatát?",
"The draft event has been updated": "A piszkozatesemény frissítve lett",
"The event has been created as a draft": "Az esemény létre lett hozva piszkozatként",
"The event has been published": "Az esemény közzé lett téve",
"The event has been updated": "A esemény frissítve lett",
"The event has been updated and published": "Az esemény frissítve lett és közzé lett téve",
"The event organiser has chosen to validate manually participations. Do you want to add a little note to explain why you want to participate to this event?": "Az esemény szerevezője a részvételek kézzel történő ellenőrzését választotta. Szeretne hozzáadni egy kis jegyzetet annak magyarázatára, hogy miért szeretne részt venni ezen az eseményen?",
"The event organizer didn't add any description.": "Az esemény szervezője nem adott hozzá semmilyen leírást.",
"The event organizer manually approves participations. Since you've chosen to participate without an account, please explain why you want to participate to this event.": "Az esemény szervezője kézzel hagyja jóvá a részvételeket. Mivel azt választotta, hogy fiók nélkül vesz részt, magyarázza el, hogy miért szeretne részt venni ezen az eseményen.",
"The event title will be ellipsed.": "Az esemény címe hármasponttal lesz megjelenítve.",
"The event will show as attributed to this group.": "Az esemény ennek a csoportnak tulajdonítva lesz megjelenítve.",
"The event will show as attributed to your personal profile.": "Az esemény az Ön személyes profiljának tulajdonítva lesz megjelenítve.",
"The event will show the group as organizer.": "Az esemény szervezőként fogja megjeleníteni a csoportot.",
"The group will be publicly listed in search results and may be suggested in the explore section. Only public informations will be shown on it's page.": "A csoport nyilvánosan fel lesz sorolva a keresési eredményekben, és ajánlva is lehet a felfedezés szakaszban. Csak nyilvános információk lesznek megjelenítve az oldalán.",
"The instance administrator is the person or entity that runs this Mobilizon instance.": "A példány rendszergazdája az a személy vagy jogi személy, aki ezt a Mobilizon példányt futtatja.",
"The member was removed from the group {group}": "A tag el lett távolítva ebből a csoportból: {group}",
"The organiser has chosen to close comments.": "A szervező azt választotta, hogy lezárja a hozzászólásokat.",
"The page you're looking for doesn't exist.": "A keresett oldal nem létezik.",
"The password was successfully changed": "A jelszó sikeresen meg lett változtatva",
"The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below.": "A jelentés el lesz küldve a példánya moderátorainak. Elmagyarázhatja alább, hogy miért jelenti ezt a tartalmat.",
"The {default_privacy_policy} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.": "Az {default_privacy_policy} lesz használva. Ez le lesz fordítva a felhasználó nyelvére.",
"The {default_terms} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.": "Az {default_terms} lesznek használva. Le lesz fordítva a felhasználó nyelvére.",
"There are {participants} participants.": "{participants} résztvevő van.",
"There will be no way to recover your data.": "Nem lesz mód az adatai visszaállítására.",
"These events may interest you": "Ez az események érdekelhetik Önt",
"This Mobilizon instance and this event organizer allows anonymous participations, but requires validation through email confirmation.": "Ez a Mobilizon példány és ez az eseményszervező megengedi a névtelen részvételeket, de ellenőrzés szükséges e-mailen keresztüli megerősítéssel.",
"This event has been cancelled.": "Ezt az eseményt törölték.",
"This event is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.": "Ez az esemény csak a hivatkozásán keresztül érhető el. Legyen óvatos, hogy hova küldi be ezt a hivatkozást.",
"This group doesn't have a description yet.": "Ennek a csoportnak még nincs leírása.",
"This identifier is unique to your profile. It allows others to find you.": "Ez az azonosító egyedi az Ön profiljához. Lehetővé teszi másoknak, hogy megtalálják Önt.",
"This identity is not a member of any group.": "Ez a személyazonosság nem tagja egyetlen csoportnak sem.",
"This information is saved only on your computer. Click for details": "Ez az információ csak az Ön számítógépén van elmentve. Kattintson a részletekért",
"This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances.": "Ez a példány nincs megnyitva a regisztrációkhoz, de regisztrálhat más példányokon.",
"This is a demonstration site to test Mobilizon.": "Ez egy bemutató oldal a Mobilizon kipróbálásához.",
"This is like your federated username (<code>{username}</code>) for groups. It will allow the group to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique.": "Ez olyan mint az Ön föderált felhasználóneve (<code>{username}</code>) a csoportoknál. Lehetővé teszi, hogy a csoport megtalálható legyen a föderációban, és garantálja az egyediséget.",
"This month": "Ez a hónap",
"This website isn't moderated and the data that you enter will be automatically destroyed every day at 00:01 (Paris timezone).": "Ez a weboldal nincs moderálva, és a beírt adatok automatikusan meg lesznek semmisítve minden nap 00:01-kor (Párizs időzóna).",
"This week": "Ez a hét",
"This weekend": "Ez a hétvége",
"This will delete / anonymize all content (events, comments, messages, participations…) created from this identity.": "Ez törölni vagy névteleníteni fogja az ezzel a személyazonossággal létrehozott összes tartalmat (eseményeket, hozzászólásokat, üzeneteket, részvételeket…).",
"Timezone": "Időzóna",
"Timezone detected as {timezone}.": "Időzóna felismerve mint {timezone}.",
"Title": "Cím",
"To activate more notifications, head over to the notification settings.": "Több értesítés bekapcsolásához menjen az értesítési beállításokra.",
"To confirm, type your event title \"{eventTitle}\"": "A megerősítéshez gépelje be az esemény nevét: „{eventTitle}”",
"To confirm, type your identity username \"{preferredUsername}\"": "A megerősítéshez gépelje be a személyazonossága felhasználónevét: „{preferredUsername}”",
"To create and manage multiples identities from a same account": "Több személyazonosság létrehozásához és kezeléséhez ugyanabból a fiókból",
"To create and manage your events": "Az eseményei létrehozásához és kezeléséhez",
"To create or join an group and start organizing with other people": "Egy csoport létrehozásához vagy ahhoz csatlakozáshoz, valamint más emberekkel való szervezés elkezdéséhez",
"To register for an event by choosing one of your identities": "Egy eseményre történő regisztrációhoz a személyazonosságai egyikének választásával",
"Today": "Ma",
"Tomorrow": "Holnap",
"Transfer to {outsideDomain}": "Átvitel ide: {outsideDomain}",
"Type": "Típus",
"URL": "URL",
"URL copied to clipboard": "URL másolva a vágólapra",
"Unable to detect timezone.": "Nem sikerült felismerni az időzónát.",
"Unfortunately, this instance isn't opened to registrations": "Sajnálatos módon ez a példány nincs megnyitva a regisztrációkhoz",
"Unfortunately, your participation request was rejected by the organizers.": "Sajnálatos módon a részvételi kérést visszautasították a szervezők.",
"Unknown": "Ismeretlen",
"Unknown actor": "Ismeretlen szereplő",
"Unknown error.": "Ismeretlen hiba.",
"Unsaved changes": "Mentetlen változtatások",
"Unset group": "Csoport beállításának törlése",
"Unsuspend": "Felfüggesztés visszavonása",
"Upcoming": "Közelgő",
"Upcoming events": "Közelgő események",
"Update": "Frissítés",
"Update event {name}": "A(z) {name} esemény frissítése",
"Update group": "Csoport frissítése",
"Update my event": "Saját esemény frissítése",
"Update post": "Hozzászólás frissítése",
"Updated": "Frissítve",
"Use my location": "Saját hely használata",
"User": "Felhasználó",
"Username": "Felhasználónév",
"Users": "Felhasználók",
"View a reply": "|Egy válasz megtekintése|{totalReplies} válasz megtekintése",
"View all": "Összes megtekintése",
"View all posts": "Összes hozzászólás megtekintése",
"View all upcoming events": "Az összes közelgő esemény megtekintése",
"View event page": "Eseményoldal megtekintése",
"View everything": "Minden megtekintése",
"View page on {hostname} (in a new window)": "Oldal megtekintése a(z) {hostname} gépen (új ablakban)",
"Visible everywhere on the web": "Látható bárhol a világhálón",
"Visible everywhere on the web (public)": "Mindenhol látható a világhálón (nyilvános)",
"Waiting for organization team approval.": "Várakozás a szervezői csapat jóváhagyására.",
"Warning": "Figyelmeztetés",
"We just sent an email to {email}": "Most küldtünk egy e-mailt erre a címre: {email}",
"We use your timezone to make sure you get notifications for an event at the correct time.": "Az időzónáját használjuk annak biztosításához, hogy a megfelelő időben kapja meg egy esemény értesítéseit.",
"We will redirect you to your instance in order to interact with this event": "Át fogjuk irányítani a saját példányára az eseménnyel való interakció érdekében",
"We'll send you an email one hour before the event begins, to be sure you won't forget about it.": "Egy e-mailt fogunk küldeni Önnek az esemény kezdete előtt egy órával, hogy biztosan ne felejtse el azt.",
"We'll use your timezone settings to send a recap of the morning of the event.": "Az Ön időzóna-beállításait fogjuk használni az esemény reggeli rövid összegzésének küldéséhez.",
"Website": "Weboldal",
"Website / URL": "Weboldal vagy URL",
"Welcome back {username}!": "Üdvözöljük, {username}!",
"Welcome back!": "Üdvözöljük!",
"Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "Üdvözli a Mobilizon, {username}!",
"When a moderator from the group creates an event and attributes it to the group, it will show up here.": "Ha a csoportból egy moderátor létrehoz egy eseményt és a csoportnak tulajdonítja azt, akkor az itt fog megjelenni.",
"Who can view this event and participate": "Ki láthatja ezt az eseményt és ki vehet részt",
"Who can view this post": "Ki láthatja ezt a hozzászólást",
"Who published {number} events": "Ki tett közzé {number} eseményt",
"Why create an account?": "Miért hozzon létre fiókot?",
"Will allow to display and manage your participation status on the event page when using this device. Uncheck if you're using a public device.": "Lehetővé fogja tenni a részvételi állapotának megjelenítést és kezelését az esemény oldalán, ha ezt az eszközt használja. Törölje a bejelölést, ha nyilvános eszközt használ.",
"Write something…": "Írjon valamit…",
"You are not an administrator for this group.": "Ön nem rendszergazda ennél a csoportnál.",
"You are participating in this event anonymously": "Névtelenül vesz részt ezen az eseményen",
"You are participating in this event anonymously but didn't confirm participation": "Névtelenül vesz részt ezen az eseményen, de nem erősítette meg a részvételét",
"You can add tags by hitting the Enter key or by adding a comma": "Hozzáadhat címkéket az Enter billentyű lenyomásával vagy egy vessző hozzáadásával",
"You can only get invited to groups right now.": "Csak most lehet meghívva csoportokba.",
"You can pick your timezone into your preferences.": "Kiválaszthatja az időzónát a beállításaiban.",
"You can try another search term or drag and drop the marker on the map": "Megpróbálhat egy másik keresési kifejezést, vagy fogd és vidd módon tegye a jelölőt a térképre",
"You can't change your password because you are registered through {provider}.": "Nem tudja megváltoztatni a jelszavát, mert {provider} használatával regisztrált.",
"You don't follow any instances yet.": "Még nem követ egyetlen példányt sem.",
"You have been disconnected": "A kapcsolata bontva lett",
"You have been invited by {invitedBy} to the following group:": "{invitedBy} meghívta Önt a következő csoportba:",
"You have been removed from this group's members.": "El lett távolítva a csoport tagjai közül.",
"You have cancelled your participation": "Törölte a részvételét",
"You have one event in {days} days.": "Nincsenek eseményei {days} napon belül | Egy eseménye van {days} napon belül. | {count} eseménye van {days} napon belül",
"You have one event today.": "Nincsenek eseményei ma | Egy eseménye van ma. | {count} eseménye van ma",
"You have one event tomorrow.": "Nincsenek eseményei holnap | Egy eseménye van holnap. | {count} eseménye van holnap",
"You may now close this window.": "Most már bezárhatja ezt az ablakot.",
"You need to create the group before you create an event.": "Létre kell hoznia egy csoportot egy esemény létrehozása előtt.",
"You need to login.": "Be kell jelentkeznie.",
"You will be able to add an avatar and set other options in your account settings.": "Lehetősége lesz hozzáadni egy profilképet, és más lehetőségeket beállítani a fiókja beállításaiban.",
"You will be redirected to the original instance": "Át lesz irányítva az eredeti példányra",
"You wish to participate to the following event": "Részt kíván venni a következő eseményen",
"You'll get a weekly recap every Monday for upcoming events, if you have any.": "Heti rövid összegzést fog kapni minden hétfőn a közelgő eseményekről, ha van ilyen.",
"You'll need to transmit the group URL so people may access the group's profile. The group won't be findable in Mobilizon's search or regular search engines.": "Át kell küldenie a csoport URL-jét, hogy az emberek hozzáférhessenek a csoport profiljához. A csoport nem lesz megtalálható a Mobilizon keresőjében vagy a szokásos keresőmotorokban.",
"You'll receive a confirmation email.": "Kapni fog egy megerősítő e-mailt.",
"Your account has been successfully deleted": "A fiókja sikeresen törölve lett",
"Your account has been validated": "A fiókja ellenőrizve lett",
"Your account is being validated": "A fiókja ellenőrizés alatt van",
"Your account is nearly ready, {username}": "A fiókja majdnem készen, {username}",
"Your current email is {email}. You use it to log in.": "A jelenlegi e-mail-címe {email}. Használja ezt a bejelentkezéshez.",
"Your email": "Az e-mail címe",
"Your email address was automatically set based on your {provider} account.": "Az e-mail-címe automatikusan be lett állítva a(z) {provider} fiókja alapján.",
"Your email has been changed": "Az e-mail-címe megváltozott",
"Your email is being changed": "Az e-mail-címe megváltozik",
"Your email will only be used to confirm that you're a real person and send you eventual updates for this event. It will NOT be transmitted to other instances or to the event organizer.": "Az e-mail-címét csak annak megerősítéshez fogják használni, hogy Ön valódi személy, valamint az esemény végleges frissítéseinek küldéséhez. NEM lesz átküldve más példányoknak vagy az esemény szervezőjének.",
"Your federated identity": "Az Ön föderált személyazonossága",
"Your participation has been confirmed": "A részvétele meg lett erősítve",
"Your participation has been rejected": "A részvétele vissza lett utasítva",
"Your participation has been requested": "A részvétele kérve lett",
"Your participation request has been validated": "A részvétele ellenőrizve lett",
"Your participation request is being validated": "A részvétele ellenőrzés alatt van",
"Your participation status has been changed": "A részvételi állapota meg lett változtatva",
"Your participation still has to be approved by the organisers.": "A részvételét továbbra is jóvá kell hagynia a szervezőknek.",
"Your profile will be shown as contact.": "Az Ön profilja meg lesz jelenítve kapcsolatként.",
"Your timezone is currently set to {timezone}.": "Az Ön időzónája jelenleg erre van állítva: {timezone}.",
"Your timezone was detected as {timezone}.": "Az Ön időzónája úgy lett felismerve mint {timezone}.",
"[This comment has been deleted by it's author]": "[Ezt a hozzászólást törölte a szerzője]",
"[This comment has been deleted]": "[Ezt a hozzászólást törölték]",
"[deleted]": "[törölve]",
"a non-existent report": "egy nem létező jelentés",
"and {number} groups": "és {number} csoport",
"any distance": "bármilyen távolság",
"as {identity}": "mint {identity}",
"contact uninformed": "informális kapcsolatfelvétel",
"default Mobilizon privacy policy": "alapértelmezett Mobilizon adatvédelmi irányelv",
"default Mobilizon terms": "alapértelmezett Mobilizon használati feltételek",
"e.g. 10 Rue Jangot": "például Budapest, I. kerület",
"firstDayOfWeek": "0",
"full rules": "szabályokat",
"iCal Feed": "iCal hírforrás",
"instance rules": "példány szabályait",
"more than 1360 contributors": "Több mint 1360 közreműködő",
"profile@instance": "profil@példány",
"report #{report_number}": "#{report_number} jelentés",
"terms of service": "szolgáltatás feltételeit",
"with another identity…": "egy másik személyazonossággal…",
"{approved} / {total} seats": "{approved} / {total} ülés",
"{available}/{capacity} available places": "Nincsenek szabad helyek|{available}/{capacity} elérhető hely",
"{count} participants": "Még nincsenek résztvevők | Egy résztvevő | {count} résztvevő",
"{count} requests waiting": "{count} kérés várakozik",
"{count} team members": "{count} csapattag",
"{group}'s events": "{group} eseményei",
"{instanceName} is an instance of the {mobilizon} software.": "A(z) {instanceName} a {mobilizon} szoftver egy példánya.",
"{moderator} added a note on {report}": "{moderator} jegyzetet adott ehhez: {report}",
"{moderator} closed {report}": "{moderator} lezárta ezt: {report}",
"{moderator} deleted an event named \"{title}\"": "{moderator} törölt egy „{title}” nevű eseményt",
"{moderator} has deleted user {user}": "{moderator} törölte ezt a felhasználót: {user}",
"{moderator} has unsuspended profile {profile}": "{moderator} visszavonta ennek a profilnak felfüggesztését: {profile}",
"{moderator} marked {report} as resolved": "{moderator} megjelölte megoldottként ezt: {report}",
"{moderator} reopened {report}": "{moderator} újranyitotta ezt: {report}",
"{moderator} suspended profile {profile}": "{moderator} felfüggesztette ezt a profilt: {profile}",
"{nb} km": "{nb} km",
"{number} members": "{number} tag",
"{number} organized events": "Nincsenek szervezett események|Egy szervezett esemény|{number} szervezett esemény",
"{number} participations": "Nincsenek részvételek|Egy részvétel|{number} részvétel",
"{number} posts": "Nincsenek hozzászólások|Egy hozzászólás|{number} hozzászólás",
"{profile} (by default)": "{profile} (alapértelmezetten)",
"{title} ({count} todos)": "{title} ({count} tennnivaló)",
"{username} was invited to {group}": "{username} meg lett hívva ide: {group}",
"© The OpenStreetMap Contributors": "© Az OpenStreetMap közreműködői"
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
"(Masked)": "(Nascosto)",
"<b>Please do not use it in any real way.</b>": "<b>Non puoi ancora usarlo per pubblicizzare eventi reali!</b>",
"<b>Please do not use it in any real way.</b>": "<b>Non puoi ancora usarlo per pubblicizzare eventi reali!</b>",
"@{group}": "@{group}",
"@{username} ({role})": "@{username} ({role})",
"A user-friendly, emancipatory and ethical tool for gathering, organising, and mobilising.": "Uno strumento facile da usare, emancipante ed etico per riunirsi, organizzarsi e mobilizzarsi.",
"A user-friendly, emancipatory and ethical tool for gathering, organising, and mobilising.": "Uno strumento facile da usare, emancipante ed etico per riunirsi, organizzarsi e mobilizzarsi.",
"A validation email was sent to {email}": "Un'email di conferma è stata spedita a {email}",
"A validation email was sent to {email}": "Un'email di conferma è stata spedita a {email}",
"Abandon edition": "Abbandona la versione",
"Abandon edition": "Abbandona la versione",
@ -11,6 +14,7 @@
"Account": "Account",
"Account": "Account",
"Actor": "Partecipante",
"Actor": "Partecipante",
"Add": "Aggiungi",
"Add": "Aggiungi",
"Add a group": "Aggiungere un gruppo",
"Add a note": "Aggiungi nota",
"Add a note": "Aggiungi nota",
"Add an address": "Aggiungi un indirizzo",
"Add an address": "Aggiungi un indirizzo",
"Add an instance": "Aggiungi istanza",
"Add an instance": "Aggiungi istanza",
@ -32,13 +36,15 @@
"Are you really sure you want to delete your whole account? You'll lose everything. Identities, settings, events created, messages and participations will be gone forever.": "Sei veramente sicuro di eliminare l'intero account? Perderai tutto. Identità, impostazioni, eventi creati, messaggi e partecipazioni verranno eliminati per sempre.",
"Are you really sure you want to delete your whole account? You'll lose everything. Identities, settings, events created, messages and participations will be gone forever.": "Sei veramente sicuro di eliminare l'intero account? Perderai tutto. Identità, impostazioni, eventi creati, messaggi e partecipazioni verranno eliminati per sempre.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this comment? This action cannot be undone.": "Sei sicuro di voler <b>eliminare</b> questo commento? Questa azione non può essere annullata.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this comment? This action cannot be undone.": "Sei sicuro di voler <b>eliminare</b> questo commento? Questa azione non può essere annullata.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this event? This action cannot be undone. You may want to engage the discussion with the event creator or edit its event instead.": "Sei sicuro di voler <b>cancellare</b> questo evento? L'azione non può essere annulalta. Potresti parlarne con il creatore dell'evento o piuttosto modificare il suo evento.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this event? This action cannot be undone. You may want to engage the discussion with the event creator or edit its event instead.": "Sei sicuro di voler <b>cancellare</b> questo evento? L'azione non può essere annulalta. Potresti parlarne con il creatore dell'evento o piuttosto modificare il suo evento.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel the event creation? You'll lose all modifications.": "Sicuro vuoi cancellare la creazione dell'evento? Perderai tutte le modifiche.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel the event creation? You'll lose all modifications.": "Sicuro di voler annullare la creazione dell'evento? Perderai tutte le modifiche.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel the event edition? You'll lose all modifications.": "Sei sicuro di voler annullare la modifica dell'evento? Perderai tutte le modifiche.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel the event edition? You'll lose all modifications.": "Sei sicuro di voler annullare la modifica dell'evento? Perderai tutte le modifiche.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel your participation at event \"{title}\"?": "Sicuro vuoi cancellare la partecipazione all'evento \"{title}\"?",
"Are you sure you want to cancel your participation at event \"{title}\"?": "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare la partecipazione all'evento \"{title}\"?",
"Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be reverted.": "Sicuro vuoi cancellare questo evento? Questa azione non può essere ripristinata.",
"Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be reverted.": "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questo evento? Questa azione è irreversibile.",
"Assigned to": "Assegnato a",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
"Back to previous page": "Torna alla pagina precedente",
"Back to previous page": "Torna alla pagina precedente",
"Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account.": "Prima di effettuare il login, è necessario cliccare sul link per convalidare il tuo account.",
"Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account.": "Prima di effettuare il login, è necessario cliccare sul link per convalidare il tuo account.",
"By @{group}": "Di @{group}",
"By @{username}": "Di @{username}",
"By @{username}": "Di @{username}",
"Cancel": "Cancella",
"Cancel": "Cancella",
"Cancel anonymous participation": "Cancella i partecipanti anonimi",
"Cancel anonymous participation": "Cancella i partecipanti anonimi",
@ -67,7 +73,7 @@
"Confirm my participation": "Conferma la mia partecipazione",
"Confirm my participation": "Conferma la mia partecipazione",
"Confirm my particpation": "Conferma la mia partecipazione",
"Confirm my particpation": "Conferma la mia partecipazione",
"Confirmed at": "Confermato per",
"Confirmed at": "Confermato per",
"Confirmed: Will happen": "Confermato: succederà",
"Confirmed: Will happen": "Confermato: si svolgerà",
"Continue editing": "Continua a modificare",
"Continue editing": "Continua a modificare",
"Country": "Paese",
"Country": "Paese",
"Create": "Crea",
"Create": "Crea",
@ -88,6 +94,7 @@
"Custom text": "Testo personalizzato",
"Custom text": "Testo personalizzato",
"Dashboard": "Pannello di controllo",
"Dashboard": "Pannello di controllo",
"Date": "Data",
"Date": "Data",
"Date and time": "Data e ora",
"Date and time settings": "Configurazione di data e ora",
"Date and time settings": "Configurazione di data e ora",
"Date parameters": "Parametri di data",
"Date parameters": "Parametri di data",
"Default": "Predefinito",
"Default": "Predefinito",
@ -111,6 +118,7 @@
"Display name": "Mostra nome",
"Display name": "Mostra nome",
"Display participation price": "Mostra prezzo di partecipazione",
"Display participation price": "Mostra prezzo di partecipazione",
"Domain": "Dominio",
"Domain": "Dominio",
"Don't show @{organizer} as event host alongside @{group}": "Non mostrare @{organizer} come conduttore dell'evento assieme a @{group}",
"Draft": "Bozza",
"Draft": "Bozza",
"Drafts": "Bozze",
"Drafts": "Bozze",
"Due on": "Scade il",
"Due on": "Scade il",
@ -168,6 +176,7 @@
"Groups": "Gruppi",
"Groups": "Gruppi",
"Headline picture": "immagine della prima pagina",
"Headline picture": "immagine della prima pagina",
"Hide replies": "Nascondi risposte",
"Hide replies": "Nascondi risposte",
"Hide the organizer": "Nascondi l'organizzatore",
"I create an identity": "Creo un'identità",
"I create an identity": "Creo un'identità",
"I don't have a Mobilizon account": "Non ho un account Mobilizon",
"I don't have a Mobilizon account": "Non ho un account Mobilizon",
"I have a Mobilizon account": "Ho un account Mobilizon",
"I have a Mobilizon account": "Ho un account Mobilizon",
@ -185,6 +194,7 @@
"Instance Name": "Nome dell'istanza",
"Instance Name": "Nome dell'istanza",
"Instance Terms": "Termini dell'istanza",
"Instance Terms": "Termini dell'istanza",
"Instance Terms Source": "Sorgente dei termini dell'istanza",
"Instance Terms Source": "Sorgente dei termini dell'istanza",
"Instance Terms URL": "URL delle Condizioni d'Uso",
"Instance settings": "Impostazioni dell'istanza",
"Instance settings": "Impostazioni dell'istanza",
"Instances": "Istanze",
"Instances": "Istanze",
"Join <b>{instance}</b>, a Mobilizon instance": "Entra in <b>{instance}</b>, un'istanza di Mobilizon",
"Join <b>{instance}</b>, a Mobilizon instance": "Entra in <b>{instance}</b>, un'istanza di Mobilizon",
@ -199,6 +209,7 @@
"Limited number of places": "Posti a numero chiuso",
"Limited number of places": "Posti a numero chiuso",
"Load more": "Carica di più",
"Load more": "Carica di più",
"Locality": "Località",
"Locality": "Località",
"Location": "Posizione",
"Log in": "Log in",
"Log in": "Log in",
"Log out": "Esci",
"Log out": "Esci",
"Login": "Accesso",
"Login": "Accesso",
@ -214,6 +225,7 @@
"Moderation log": "Registro di moderazione",
"Moderation log": "Registro di moderazione",
"My account": "Mio account",
"My account": "Mio account",
"My events": "Miei eventi",
"My events": "Miei eventi",
"My groups": "Miei gruppi",
"My identities": "Mie identità",
"My identities": "Mie identità",
"Name": "Nome",
"Name": "Nome",
"New email": "Nuova email",
"New email": "Nuova email",
@ -234,6 +246,7 @@
"No instance to reject|Reject instance|Reject {number} instances": "Nessuna istanza da rifiutare|rifiuta instanza|Rifiuta {number} instanze",
"No instance to reject|Reject instance|Reject {number} instances": "Nessuna istanza da rifiutare|rifiuta instanza|Rifiuta {number} instanze",
"No instance to remove|Remove instance|Remove {number} instances": "Nessuna istanza da rimuovere|Rimuovi instanza|Rimuovi {number} instanze",
"No instance to remove|Remove instance|Remove {number} instances": "Nessuna istanza da rimuovere|Rimuovi instanza|Rimuovi {number} instanze",
"No message": "Nessun messaggio",
"No message": "Nessun messaggio",
"No one is going to this event": "Nessuno va a questo evento|Va una persona|Vanno {going} persone",
"No open reports yet": "Ancora nessuna segnalazione aperta",
"No open reports yet": "Ancora nessuna segnalazione aperta",
"No participant to approve|Approve participant|Approve {number} participants": "Nessun partecipante da approvare|Approva partecipante|Approva {number} partecipanti",
"No participant to approve|Approve participant|Approve {number} participants": "Nessun partecipante da approvare|Approva partecipante|Approva {number} partecipanti",
"No participant to reject|Reject participant|Reject {number} participants": "Nessun partecipante da rifiutare|Rifiuta partecipante|Rifiuta {number} partecipanti",
"No participant to reject|Reject participant|Reject {number} participants": "Nessun partecipante da rifiutare|Rifiuta partecipante|Rifiuta {number} partecipanti",
@ -255,6 +268,7 @@
"Organized": "Organizzato",
"Organized": "Organizzato",
"Organized by {name}": "Organizzato da {name}",
"Organized by {name}": "Organizzato da {name}",
"Organizer": "Organizzatore",
"Organizer": "Organizzatore",
"Organizers": "Organizzatori",
"Other software may also support this.": "Altro software può anche supportare questo.",
"Other software may also support this.": "Altro software può anche supportare questo.",
"Otherwise this identity will just be removed from the group administrators.": "Altrimenti quest'identità sarà solo rimossa dal gruppo di amministrazione.",
"Otherwise this identity will just be removed from the group administrators.": "Altrimenti quest'identità sarà solo rimossa dal gruppo di amministrazione.",
"Page": "Pagin",
"Page": "Pagin",
@ -273,7 +287,12 @@
"Pending": "In sospeso",
"Pending": "In sospeso",
"Pick": "Scegli",
"Pick": "Scegli",
"Pick a group": "Scegli un gruppo",
"Pick a group": "Scegli un gruppo",
"Pick an identity": "Scegli un'identità",
"Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive the email.": "Per favore verifica la tua cartella di posta indesiderata (spam) se non hai ricevuto la mail.",
"Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake.": "Per favore contatta l'amministrazione di Mobilizon di questa istanza se pensi che questo sia un errore.",
"Please do not use it in any real way.": "Per piacere non usarlo per nessun vero motivo.",
"Please do not use it in any real way.": "Per piacere non usarlo per nessun vero motivo.",
"Please enter your password to confirm this action.": "Per favore inserisci la tua password per confermare questa azione.",
"Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved.": "Per favore assicurati che l'indirizzo sia corretto e che la pagina non sia stata trasferita.",
"Post a comment": "Pubblica un commento",
"Post a comment": "Pubblica un commento",
"Post a reply": "Pubblica una risposta",
"Post a reply": "Pubblica una risposta",
"Postal Code": "CAP",
"Postal Code": "CAP",
@ -289,41 +308,164 @@
"Public feeds": "Feed pubblici",
"Public feeds": "Feed pubblici",
"Public iCal Feed": "Feed iCal pubblico",
"Public iCal Feed": "Feed iCal pubblico",
"Publish": "Pubblica",
"Publish": "Pubblica",
"Published events with <b>{comments}</b> comments and <b>{participations}</b> confirmed participations": "Eventi pubblicati con <b>{comments}</b> commenti e <b>{participations}</b> partecipanti confermati",
"RSS/Atom Feed": "RSS/Atom Feed",
"Recap every week": "Fai un riassunto ogni settimana",
"Recap every week": "Fai un riassunto ogni settimana",
"Redirecting to event…": "Reindirizzando all'evento…",
"Region": "Regione",
"Region": "Regione",
"Register": "Registra",
"Register": "Registra",
"Register an account on Mobilizon!": "Registra un account su Mobilizion!",
"Registration is allowed, anyone can register.": "La registrazione è permessa, chiunque può registrarsi.",
"Registration is closed.": "La registrazione è chiusa.",
"Registration is currently closed.": "La registrazione è chiusa al momento.",
"Reject": "Rifiuta",
"Reject": "Rifiuta",
"Rejected": "Rifiutato",
"Rejected": "Rifiutato",
"Reopen": "Ri-apri",
"Reopen": "Ri-apri",
"Reply": "Risposta",
"Reply": "Risposta",
"Report": "Segnala",
"Report": "Segnala",
"Report this comment": "Segnala questo commento",
"Report this event": "Segnala questo evento",
"Reported": "Segnalato",
"Reported": "Segnalato",
"Reported by": "Segnalato da",
"Reported by someone on {domain}": "Segnalato da qualcuno su {domain}",
"Reported by {reporter}": "Segnalato da {reporter}",
"Reported identity": "Identità segnalata",
"Reports": "Segnalazioni",
"Reports": "Segnalazioni",
"Reset my password": "Reimposta la mia password",
"Resolved": "Risolto",
"Resolved": "Risolto",
"Resource provided is not an URL": "La risorsa data non è un URL",
"Role": "Ruolo",
"Role": "Ruolo",
"Save": "Salva",
"Save": "Salva",
"Save draft": "Salva bozza",
"Search": "Cerca",
"Search": "Cerca",
"Search events, groups, etc.": "Cerca eventi, gruppi, ecc.",
"Searching…": "Ricerca…",
"Searching…": "Ricerca…",
"Send email": "Manda email",
"Send the report": "Manda la segnalazione",
"Set an URL to a page with your own terms.": "Stabilisci un URL a una pagina con le tue condizioni d'uso.",
"Settings": "Impostazioni",
"Settings": "Impostazioni",
"Share this event": "Condividi questo evento",
"Show map": "Mostra mappa",
"Show remaining number of places": "Mostra il numero restante di posti",
"Show the time when the event begins": "Mostra l'ora di inizio dell'evento",
"Show the time when the event ends": "Mostra l'ora di fine dell'evento",
"Sign up": "Regìstrati",
"Some terms, technical or otherwise, used in the text below may cover concepts that are difficult to grasp. We have provided a glossary here to help you understand them better:": "Alcuni termini, tecnici e non, usati nel testo sottostante potrebbero rappresentare concetti difficili da comprendere. Abbiamo messo a disposizione un glossario per aiutarti a capire meglio:",
"Some terms, technical or otherwise, used in the text below may cover concepts that are difficult to grasp. We have provided a glossary here to help you understand them better:": "Alcuni termini, tecnici e non, usati nel testo sottostante potrebbero rappresentare concetti difficili da comprendere. Abbiamo messo a disposizione un glossario per aiutarti a capire meglio:",
"Starts on…": "Inizia il…",
"Starts on…": "Inizia il…",
"Status": "Stato",
"Status": "Stato",
"Street": "Via",
"Street": "Via",
"Tentative: Will be confirmed later": "Provvisorio: sarà confermato più tardi",
"Terms": "Condizioni",
"The account's email address was changed. Check your emails to verify it.": "L'indirizzo email dell'account è stato cambiato. Controlla le tue email per verificarlo.",
"The actual number of participants may differ, as this event is hosted on another instance.": "Il numero reale di partecipanti può essere diverso poiché questo evento è ospitato su un'altra istanza.",
"The content came from another server. Transfer an anonymous copy of the report?": "Il contenuto viene da un altro server. Trasferire una copia anonima della segnalazione?",
"The draft event has been updated": "La bozza dell'evento è stata aggiornata",
"The event has been created as a draft": "L'evento è stato creato come bozza",
"The event has been published": "L'evento è stato pubblicato",
"The event has been updated": "L'evento è stato aggiornato",
"The event has been updated and published": "L'evento è stato aggiornato e pubblicato",
"The event organiser has chosen to validate manually participations. Do you want to add a little note to explain why you want to participate to this event?": "Chi organizza l'evento ha scelto di validare chi partecipa manualmente. Vuoi aggiungere un appunto per spiegare perché vuoi partecipare a questo evento?",
"The event organizer didn't add any description.": "Chi organizza l'evento non ha aggiunto nessuna descrizione.",
"The event organizer manually approves participations. Since you've chosen to participate without an account, please explain why you want to participate to this event.": "Chi organizza l'evento approva manualmente chi partecipa. Poiché hai scelto di partecipare senza account, spiega perché vuoi partecipare a questo evento.",
"The event title will be ellipsed.": "Il titolo dell'evento sarà eclissato.",
"The event title will be ellipsed.": "Il titolo dell'evento sarà eclissato.",
"The event will show the group as organizer.": "L'evento mostrerà il gruppo come organizzatore.",
"The page you're looking for doesn't exist.": "La pagina che stai cercando non esiste.",
"The password was successfully changed": "La password è stata cambiata con successo",
"The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below.": "La segnalazione sarà inviata a chi modera la tua istanza. Puoi spiegare perché segnali questo contenuto qua sotto.",
"The {default_terms} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.": "Saranno usate le {default_terms}. Saranno tradotte nel linguaggio dell'utente.",
"There are {participants} participants.": "Ci sono {participants} partecipanti.",
"There will be no way to recover your data.": "Non c'è modo di recuperare i tuoi dati.",
"These events may interest you": "Questo evento potrebbe interessarti",
"This Mobilizon instance and this event organizer allows anonymous participations, but requires validation through email confirmation.": "Questa istanza Mobilizon e chi organizza questo evento permettono la partecipazione anonima, ma richiedono una validazione tramite email di conferma.",
"This identity is not a member of any group.": "Questa identità non è membro di nessun gruppo.",
"This information is saved only on your computer. Click for details": "Queste informazioni sono salvate solo sul tuo computer. Clicca per dettagli",
"This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances.": "Questa istanza non è aperta a registrazioni, ma puoi registrarti su altre istanze.",
"This is a demonstration site to test Mobilizon.": "Questo è un sito di dimostrazione per provare Mobilizon.",
"This will delete / anonymize all content (events, comments, messages, participations…) created from this identity.": "Questa operazione eliminerà / anonimizzerà tutti i contenuti (eventi, commenti, messaggi, partecipazioni, …) creati da questa identità.",
"Title": "Titolo",
"Title": "Titolo",
"To achieve your registration, please create a first identity profile.": "Per registrarti con successo crea un primo profilo d'identità.",
"To achieve your registration, please create a first identity profile.": "Per registrarti con successo crea un primo profilo d'identità.",
"To confirm, type your event title \"{eventTitle}\"": "Per confermare, scrivi il titolo del tuo eveno \"{eventTitle}\"",
"To confirm, type your identity username \"{preferredUsername}\"": "Per confermare, scrivi il nome utente ella tua identità \"{preferredUsername}\"",
"Transfer to {outsideDomain}": "Trasferire a {outsideDomain}",
"Type": "Tipo",
"URL": "URL",
"Unfortunately, this instance isn't opened to registrations": "Sfortunatamente, questa istanza non è aperta a registrazioni",
"Unfortunately, your participation request was rejected by the organizers.": "Sfortunatamente, la tua richiesta di partecipazione è stata rifiutata da chi organizza l'evento.",
"Unknown": "Sconosciuto",
"Unknown actor": "Agente sconosciuto",
"Unknown error.": "Errore sconosciuto.",
"Unsaved changes": "Cambiamenti non salvati",
"Unset group": "Togli gruppo",
"Unset group": "Togli gruppo",
"Upcoming": "Prossimamente",
"Upcoming": "Prossimamente",
"Update event {name}": "Aggiorna evento {name}",
"Update my event": "Aggiorna il mio evento",
"Updated": "Aggiornato",
"Updated": "Aggiornato",
"Use my location": "Usa la mia posizione",
"Username": "Nome utente",
"Username": "Nome utente",
"Users": "Utenti",
"Users": "Utenti",
"View a reply": "|Vedi una risposta|Vedi {totalReplies} risposte",
"View event page": "Vedi pagina evento",
"View everything": "Vedi tutto",
"View page on {hostname} (in a new window)": "Vedi pagina su {hostname} (in una nuova finestra)",
"Visible everywhere on the web (public)": "Visibile ovunque dalla rete (pubblico)",
"Waiting for organization team approval.": "In attesa dell'approvazione dal gruppo di organizzazione.",
"Warning": "Avviso",
"Warning": "Avviso",
"We just sent an email to {email}": "Abbiamo appena mandato una mail a {email}",
"We will redirect you to your instance in order to interact with this event": "Ti reindirizzeremo alla tua istanza in modo da interagire con questo evento",
"We'll use your timezone settings to send a recap of the morning of the event.": "Useremo il tuo fuso orario per spedirti un riassunto la mattina dell'evento.",
"We'll use your timezone settings to send a recap of the morning of the event.": "Useremo il tuo fuso orario per spedirti un riassunto la mattina dell'evento.",
"Website / URL": "Sito web / URL",
"Welcome back {username}!": "Bentrovatə {username}!",
"Welcome back!": "Bentrovatə!",
"Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "Benvenutə su Mobilizon, {username}!",
"Who can view this event and participate": "Chi può vedere questo evento e partecipare",
"Write something…": "Scrivi qualcosa…",
"You are participating in this event anonymously": "Stai partecipando a questo evento in forma anonima",
"You are participating in this event anonymously but didn't confirm participation": "Stai partecipando a questo evento in forma anonima ma non hai confermato la partecipazione",
"You can add tags by hitting the Enter key or by adding a comma": "Puoi aggiungere etichette premendo il tasto Invio o aggiungendo una virgola",
"You can pick your timezone into your preferences.": "Puoi scegliere il tuo fuso orario nelle preferenze.",
"You can pick your timezone into your preferences.": "Puoi scegliere il tuo fuso orario nelle preferenze.",
"You can try another search term or drag and drop the marker on the map": "Puoi provare un altro termine di ricerca o trascinare il marcatore sulla mappa",
"You don't follow any instances yet.": "Non segui ancora nessuna istanza.",
"You have been disconnected": "Sei stato disconnesso",
"You have cancelled your participation": "Hai cancellato la tua partecipazione",
"You have one event in {days} days.": "Non hai eventi in {days} giorni | Hai un evento in {days} giorni. | Hai {count} eventi in {days} giorni",
"You have one event today.": "Non hai eventi oggi | Hai un evento oggi. | Hai {count} eventi oggi",
"You have one event tomorrow.": "Non hai eventi domani | Hai un evento domani | Hai {count} eventi domani",
"You need to create the group before you create an event.": "Devi creare un gruppo prima di creare un evento.",
"You need to login.": "Devi accedere",
"You will be redirected to the original instance": "Sarai reindirizzato verso l'istanza originale",
"You wish to participate to the following event": "Desideri partecipare all'evento seguente",
"You'll get a weekly recap every Monday for upcoming events, if you have any.": "Rivecerai un riassunto settimanale degli eventi in arrivo ogni Lunedì, se ce ne sono.",
"You'll get a weekly recap every Monday for upcoming events, if you have any.": "Rivecerai un riassunto settimanale degli eventi in arrivo ogni Lunedì, se ce ne sono.",
"You'll receive a confirmation email.": "Riceverai un'email di conferma",
"Your account has been successfully deleted": "Il tuo account è stato eliminato con successo",
"Your account has been validated": "Il tuo account è stato validato",
"Your account is being validated": "Il tuo account è in via di validazione",
"Your account is nearly ready, {username}": "Il tuo account è quasi pronto, {username}",
"Your current email is {email}. You use it to log in.": "La tua email attuale è {email}. La usi per accedere.",
"Your email has been changed": "La tua email è stata cambiata",
"Your email is being changed": "La tua email sta per essere cambiata",
"Your email will only be used to confirm that you're a real person and send you eventual updates for this event. It will NOT be transmitted to other instances or to the event organizer.": "La tua email sarà usata solo per confermare che sei una persona reale e per mandarti aggiornamenti successivi a questo evento. NON verrà trasmessa ad altre istanze o a chi organizza l'evento.",
"Your federated identity": "La tua identità federata",
"Your participation has been confirmed": "La tua partecipazione è stata confermata",
"Your participation has been rejected": "La tua partecipazione è stata rifiutata",
"Your participation has been requested": "La tua partecipazione è stata richiesta",
"Your participation request has been validated": "La tua partecipazione è stata validata",
"Your participation request is being validated": "La tua partecipazione è in via di validazione",
"Your participation status has been changed": "Lo stato della tua partecipazione è cambiato",
"[This comment has been deleted]": "[Questo commento è stato eliminato]",
"[deleted]": "[cancellato]",
"[deleted]": "[cancellato]",
"as {identity}": "come {identità}",
"default Mobilizon terms": "condizioni predefinite di Mobilizon",
"digital habits of activists": "Abitudini digitali degli attivisti",
"digital habits of activists": "Abitudini digitali degli attivisti",
"e.g. 10 Rue Jangot": "ad es. via Jangot, 10",
"firstDayOfWeek": "0",
"firstDayOfWeek": "0",
"fit the needs and uses of the people": "Soddisfa i bisogni e gli utilizzi delle persone",
"fit the needs and uses of the people": "Soddisfa i bisogni e gli utilizzi delle persone",
"{approved} / {total} seats": "{approved} / {total} posti"
"iCal Feed": "iCal Feed",
"profile@instance": "profilo@istanza",
"with another identity…": "con altra identità…",
"{approved} / {total} seats": "{approved} / {total} posti",
"{available}/{capacity} available places": "Nessun posto rimasto|{available}/{capacity} posti rimasti",
"{count} participants": "Ancora nessun partecipante | Un partecipante | {counts} partecipanti",
"{count} requests waiting": "{count} richieste in attesa",
"{title} ({count} todos)": "{title} ({count} tutti)",
"© The OpenStreetMap Contributors": "© The OpenStreetMap Contributors"
@ -3,17 +3,21 @@
"(Masked)": "(Maskert)",
"(Masked)": "(Maskert)",
"(this folder)": "(denne mappa)",
"(this folder)": "(denne mappa)",
"(this link)": "(denne lenka)",
"(this link)": "(denne lenka)",
"+ Add a resource": "+ Lag ein ressurs",
"+ Add a resource": "+ Legg til ein ressurs",
"+ Create an event": "+ Lag ei hending",
"+ Create an event": "+ Lag ei hending",
"+ Post a public message": "+ Skriv ei offentleg melding",
"+ Post a public message": "+ Legg ut ei melding til ålmenta",
"+ Start a discussion": "+ Start eit ordskifte",
"+ Start a discussion": "+ Start eit ordskifte",
"<b>{contact}</b> will be displayed as contact.": "<b>{contact}</b> vil bli vist som kontakt.|<b>{contact}</b> vil bli viste som kontaktar.",
"@{group}": "@{group}",
"@{group}": "@{group}",
"@{username} ({role})": "@{username} ({role})",
"@{username} ({role})": "@{username} ({role})",
"A cookie is a small file containing information that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. When you visit the site again, the cookie allows that site to recognize your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. You can configure your browser to refuse all cookies. However, this may result in some website features or services partially working. Local storage works the same way but allows you to store more data.": "Ein infokapsel er ei lita fil som held på informasjon som vert sendt til datamaskina di når du besøkjer ei nettside. Når du kjem attende til sida, lèt infokapselen sida kjenna att nettlesaren din. Infokapslar kan ta vare på preferansane til brukaren og annan informasjon. Du kan setja opp nettlesaren din til å avvisa alle infokapslane, men det kan henda dette får nokre funksjonar eller tenester på nettsida til å berre verka delvis. Lokallagring verkar på same måte, berre at ein får lagra meir data.",
"A cookie is a small file containing information that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. When you visit the site again, the cookie allows that site to recognize your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. You can configure your browser to refuse all cookies. However, this may result in some website features or services partially working. Local storage works the same way but allows you to store more data.": "Ein infokapsel er ei lita fil som held på informasjon som vert sendt til datamaskina di når du besøkjer ei nettside. Når du kjem attende til sida, lèt infokapselen sida kjenna att nettlesaren din. Infokapslar kan ta vare på preferansane til brukaren og annan informasjon. Du kan setja opp nettlesaren din til å avvisa alle infokapslane, men det kan henda dette får nokre funksjonar eller tenester på nettsida til å berre verka delvis. Lokallagring verkar på same måte, berre at ein får lagra meir data.",
"A federated software": "Spreidd programvare",
"A place for your code of conduct, rules or guidelines. You can use HTML tags.": "Ein plass der du forklarar reglar, skikk og retningsliner på nettstaden din. Du kan bruka HTML.",
"A place for your code of conduct, rules or guidelines. You can use HTML tags.": "Ein plass der du forklarar reglar, skikk og retningsliner på nettstaden din. Du kan bruka HTML.",
"A place to explain who you are and the things that set your instance apart. You can use HTML tags.": "Ein plass der du forklarer kven du er og kva som er spesielt for nettstaden din. Du kan bruka HTML.",
"A place to explain who you are and the things that set your instance apart. You can use HTML tags.": "Ein plass der du forklarer kven du er og kva som er spesielt for nettstaden din. Du kan bruka HTML.",
"A place to publish something to the whole world, your community or just your group members.": "Ein stad å leggja ut noko for heile verda, for samfunnet ditt eller berre for gruppemedlemer.",
"A place to publish something to the whole world, your community or just your group members.": "Ein stad for å skriva noko til heile verda, samfunnet ditt eller berre dei i gruppa di.",
"A place to store links to documents or resources of any type.": "Ein stad å lagra lenker til dokument eller ressursar av alle slag.",
"A place to store links to documents or resources of any type.": "Ein stad å lagra lenker til dokument eller ressursar av alle slag.",
"A practical tool": "Eit praktisk verkty",
"A short tagline for your instance homepage. Defaults to \"Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize\"": "Eit kort slagord for heimesida til nettstaden din. Standarden er \"Samla folk⋅ Organiser ⋅ Mobiliser\"",
"A user-friendly, emancipatory and ethical tool for gathering, organising, and mobilising.": "Eit brukarvenleg, frigjerande og etisk verktøy for å samla, organisera og mobilisera.",
"A user-friendly, emancipatory and ethical tool for gathering, organising, and mobilising.": "Eit brukarvenleg, frigjerande og etisk verktøy for å samla, organisera og mobilisera.",
"A validation email was sent to {email}": "Ein stadfestingsepost er sendt til {email}",
"A validation email was sent to {email}": "Ein stadfestingsepost er sendt til {email}",
"API": "API",
"API": "API",
@ -22,8 +26,11 @@
"About Mobilizon": "Om Mobilizon",
"About Mobilizon": "Om Mobilizon",
"About this event": "Om dette arrangementet",
"About this event": "Om dette arrangementet",
"About this instance": "Om denne instansen",
"About this instance": "Om denne instansen",
"About {instance}": "Om {instance}",
"Accept": "Godta",
"Accept": "Godta",
"Accepted": "Akseptert",
"Accepted": "Akseptert",
"Accessible only to members": "Berre tilgjengeleg for medlemer",
"Accessible through link": "Tilgjengeleg med ei lenke",
"Account": "Konto",
"Account": "Konto",
"Actions": "Handlingar",
"Actions": "Handlingar",
"Activated": "Skrudd på",
"Activated": "Skrudd på",
@ -31,6 +38,7 @@
"Actor": "Aktør",
"Actor": "Aktør",
"Add": "Legg til",
"Add": "Legg til",
"Add / Remove…": "Legg til / fjern…",
"Add / Remove…": "Legg til / fjern…",
"Add a contact": "Legg til ein kontakt",
"Add a group": "Legg til ei gruppe",
"Add a group": "Legg til ei gruppe",
"Add a new post": "Skriv eit nytt innlegg",
"Add a new post": "Skriv eit nytt innlegg",
"Add a note": "Legg til eit notat",
"Add a note": "Legg til eit notat",
@ -47,7 +55,9 @@
"All good, let's continue!": "Fint, då kan me halda fram!",
"All good, let's continue!": "Fint, då kan me halda fram!",
"All group members and other eventual server admins will still be able to view this information.": "Alle gruppemedlemer og andre eventuelle tenar-administratorar vil framleis sjå desse opplysingane.",
"All group members and other eventual server admins will still be able to view this information.": "Alle gruppemedlemer og andre eventuelle tenar-administratorar vil framleis sjå desse opplysingane.",
"All the places have already been taken": "Alle plassane er opptekne|Det er ein ledig plass|Det er {places} ledige plassar",
"All the places have already been taken": "Alle plassane er opptekne|Det er ein ledig plass|Det er {places} ledige plassar",
"Allow all comments from users with accounts": "Skru på alle kommentarar frå innlogga brukarar",
"Allow registrations": "Tillat nye brukarar",
"Allow registrations": "Tillat nye brukarar",
"An ethical alternative": "Eit etisk alternativ",
"An instance is an installed version of the Mobilizon software running on a server. An instance can be run by anyone using the {mobilizon_software} or other federated apps, aka the “fediverse”. This instance's name is {instance_name}. Mobilizon is a federated network of multiple instances (just like email servers), users registered on different instances may communicate even though they didn't register on the same instance.": "Ein Mobilizon-nettstad har installert ein versjon av Mobilizon på ein tenar. Alle kan laga ein nettstad ved å bruka {mobilizon_software} eller andre spreidde program, òg kjent som \"fødiverset\". Denne nettstaden heiter {instance_name}. Mobilizon er eit spreidd nettverk med mange nettstader (akkurat som eposttenarar). Brukarar som er medlemer av ulike nettstader kan kommunisera med kvarandre sjølv om dei ikkje registrerte seg på same nettstad.",
"An instance is an installed version of the Mobilizon software running on a server. An instance can be run by anyone using the {mobilizon_software} or other federated apps, aka the “fediverse”. This instance's name is {instance_name}. Mobilizon is a federated network of multiple instances (just like email servers), users registered on different instances may communicate even though they didn't register on the same instance.": "Ein Mobilizon-nettstad har installert ein versjon av Mobilizon på ein tenar. Alle kan laga ein nettstad ved å bruka {mobilizon_software} eller andre spreidde program, òg kjent som \"fødiverset\". Denne nettstaden heiter {instance_name}. Mobilizon er eit spreidd nettverk med mange nettstader (akkurat som eposttenarar). Brukarar som er medlemer av ulike nettstader kan kommunisera med kvarandre sjølv om dei ikkje registrerte seg på same nettstad.",
"An “application programming interface” or “API” is a communication protocol that allows software components to communicate with each other. The Mobilizon API, for example, can allow third-party software tools to communicate with Mobilizon instances to carry out certain actions, such as posting events on your behalf, automatically and remotely.": "Eit \"application programming interface\" eller \"API\" er ein kommunikasjonsprotokoll som gjev programkomponentar høve til å kommunisera med kvarandre. Mobilizon-APIet, til dømes, lèt tredjepartsprogram kommunisera med Mobilizon-nettstader for å utføra visse handlingar, slik som å leggja ut innlegg på dine vegner, automatisk og utanfrå.",
"An “application programming interface” or “API” is a communication protocol that allows software components to communicate with each other. The Mobilizon API, for example, can allow third-party software tools to communicate with Mobilizon instances to carry out certain actions, such as posting events on your behalf, automatically and remotely.": "Eit \"application programming interface\" eller \"API\" er ein kommunikasjonsprotokoll som gjev programkomponentar høve til å kommunisera med kvarandre. Mobilizon-APIet, til dømes, lèt tredjepartsprogram kommunisera med Mobilizon-nettstader for å utføra visse handlingar, slik som å leggja ut innlegg på dine vegner, automatisk og utanfrå.",
"And {number} comments": "Og skrive {number} kommentarar",
"And {number} comments": "Og skrive {number} kommentarar",
@ -77,6 +87,7 @@
"By @{group}": "Av @{group}",
"By @{group}": "Av @{group}",
"By @{username}": "Av @{username}",
"By @{username}": "Av @{username}",
"By {author}": "Av {author}",
"By {author}": "Av {author}",
"By {group}": "Av {gruppe}",
"Can be an email or a link, or just plain text.": "Kan vera ei epostadresse eller ei lenke, eller rein tekst.",
"Can be an email or a link, or just plain text.": "Kan vera ei epostadresse eller ei lenke, eller rein tekst.",
"Cancel": "Avbryt",
"Cancel": "Avbryt",
"Cancel anonymous participation": "Avbryt anonym deltaking",
"Cancel anonymous participation": "Avbryt anonym deltaking",
@ -91,6 +102,7 @@
"Change my identity…": "Byt identitet…",
"Change my identity…": "Byt identitet…",
"Change my password": "Byt passord",
"Change my password": "Byt passord",
"Change timezone": "Endra tidssone",
"Change timezone": "Endra tidssone",
"Check your inbox (and your junk mail folder).": "Sjekk innboksen din (og søppelmappa).",
"Clear": "Tøm",
"Clear": "Tøm",
"Click to select": "Klikk for å velja",
"Click to select": "Klikk for å velja",
"Click to upload": "Klikk for å lasta opp",
"Click to upload": "Klikk for å lasta opp",
@ -100,11 +112,13 @@
"Comment deleted": "Kommentaren er sletta",
"Comment deleted": "Kommentaren er sletta",
"Comment from @{username} reported": "Kommentaren frå @{username} er rapportert",
"Comment from @{username} reported": "Kommentaren frå @{username} er rapportert",
"Comments": "Kommentarar",
"Comments": "Kommentarar",
"Comments are closed for everybody else.": "Ingen andre har lov å kommentera.",
"Confirm my participation": "Stadfest at eg deltek",
"Confirm my participation": "Stadfest at eg deltek",
"Confirm my particpation": "Stadfest at eg deltek",
"Confirm my particpation": "Stadfest at eg deltek",
"Confirmed": "Stadfesta",
"Confirmed": "Stadfesta",
"Confirmed at": "Stadfesta den",
"Confirmed at": "Stadfesta den",
"Confirmed: Will happen": "Stadfesta: Kjem til å skje",
"Confirmed: Will happen": "Stadfesta: Kjem til å skje",
"Congratulations, your account is now created!": "Gratulerer, kontoen din er ferdig!",
"Contact": "Kontakt",
"Contact": "Kontakt",
"Continue editing": "Rediger vidare",
"Continue editing": "Rediger vidare",
"Cookies and Local storage": "Infokapslar og lokal lagring",
"Cookies and Local storage": "Infokapslar og lokal lagring",
@ -119,6 +133,7 @@
"Create a new list": "Lag ei ny liste",
"Create a new list": "Lag ei ny liste",
"Create a pad": "Lag ei kladdebok",
"Create a pad": "Lag ei kladdebok",
"Create a videoconference": "Lag ein videokonferanse",
"Create a videoconference": "Lag ein videokonferanse",
"Create an account": "Lag ein konto",
"Create group": "Lag ei gruppe",
"Create group": "Lag ei gruppe",
"Create my event": "Lag hendinga mi",
"Create my event": "Lag hendinga mi",
"Create my group": "Lag gruppa mi",
"Create my group": "Lag gruppa mi",
@ -127,6 +142,8 @@
"Create the discussion": "Lag ordskiftet",
"Create the discussion": "Lag ordskiftet",
"Create to-do lists for all the tasks you need to do, assign them and set due dates.": "Lag gjeremålslister for alle oppgåvene du må gjera, tildel dei og set sluttfristar.",
"Create to-do lists for all the tasks you need to do, assign them and set due dates.": "Lag gjeremålslister for alle oppgåvene du må gjera, tildel dei og set sluttfristar.",
"Create token": "Lag teikn",
"Create token": "Lag teikn",
"Created by {name}": "Laga av {name}",
"Created by {username}": "Laga av {username}",
"Creator": "Skapar",
"Creator": "Skapar",
"Current identity has been changed to {identityName} in order to manage this event.": "Identitenen din er endra til {identityName} for å handtera denne hendinga.",
"Current identity has been changed to {identityName} in order to manage this event.": "Identitenen din er endra til {identityName} for å handtera denne hendinga.",
"Current page": "Noverande side",
"Current page": "Noverande side",
@ -163,10 +180,12 @@
"Deleting your Mobilizon account": "Slett Mobilizon-kontoen din",
"Deleting your Mobilizon account": "Slett Mobilizon-kontoen din",
"Demote": "Nedgrader",
"Demote": "Nedgrader",
"Description": "Skildring",
"Description": "Skildring",
"Didn't receive the instructions?": "Fekk du ikkje framgangsmåten?",
"Disabled": "Skrudd av",
"Disabled": "Skrudd av",
"Discussions": "Ordskifte",
"Discussions": "Ordskifte",
"Display name": "Synleg namn",
"Display name": "Synleg namn",
"Display participation price": "Vis ein billettpris",
"Display participation price": "Vis ein billettpris",
"Displayed nickname": "Synleg kallenamn",
"Displayed on homepage and meta tags. Describe what Mobilizon is and what makes this instance special in a single paragraph.": "Står på heimesida og meta-skildring. Skriv kva Mobilizon er, og kva som gjer denne nettstaden spesiell, i eitt avsnitt.",
"Displayed on homepage and meta tags. Describe what Mobilizon is and what makes this instance special in a single paragraph.": "Står på heimesida og meta-skildring. Skriv kva Mobilizon er, og kva som gjer denne nettstaden spesiell, i eitt avsnitt.",
"Do not receive any mail": "Ikkje få nokon epostar",
"Do not receive any mail": "Ikkje få nokon epostar",
"Domain": "Domene",
"Domain": "Domene",
@ -174,12 +193,12 @@
"Draft": "Kladd",
"Draft": "Kladd",
"Drafts": "Kladdar",
"Drafts": "Kladdar",
"Due on": "Forfell den",
"Due on": "Forfell den",
"Duplicate": "Dupliser",
"Duplicate": "Kopier",
"Edit": "Rediger",
"Edit": "Rediger",
"Edit post": "Rediger innlegget",
"Edit post": "Rediger innlegget",
"Edited {ago}": "Redigert {ago}",
"Edited {ago}": "Redigert {ago}",
"Eg: Stockholm, Dance, Chess…": "Td. Stockholm, dans, sjakk…",
"Eg: Stockholm, Dance, Chess…": "Td. Stockholm, dans, sjakk…",
"Either on the {instance} instance or on another instance.": "Anten på {instance}-instansen eller ein annan instans.",
"Either on the {instance} instance or on another instance.": "Anten på {instance}-nettstaden eller ein annan nettstad.",
"Either the account is already validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Anten er kontoen allereie stadfesta, eller så er stadfestingsteiknet feil.",
"Either the account is already validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Anten er kontoen allereie stadfesta, eller så er stadfestingsteiknet feil.",
"Either the email has already been changed, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Anten er eposten allereie endra, eller så er stadfestingsteiknet feil.",
"Either the email has already been changed, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Anten er eposten allereie endra, eller så er stadfestingsteiknet feil.",
"Either the participation request has already been validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Anten er førespurnaden om deltaking allereie stadfesta, eller så er stadfestingsteiknet feil.",
"Either the participation request has already been validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Anten er førespurnaden om deltaking allereie stadfesta, eller så er stadfestingsteiknet feil.",
@ -192,11 +211,14 @@
"Enter your email address below, and we'll email you instructions on how to change your password.": "Skriv inn epostadressa di under, så sender me deg framgangsmåten for å endra passordet.",
"Enter your email address below, and we'll email you instructions on how to change your password.": "Skriv inn epostadressa di under, så sender me deg framgangsmåten for å endra passordet.",
"Enter your own privacy policy. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_privacy_policy} is provided as template.": "Skriv inn dine eigne personvernvilkår. HTML er lov. {mobilizon_privacy_policy} er oppgjevne som mal.",
"Enter your own privacy policy. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_privacy_policy} is provided as template.": "Skriv inn dine eigne personvernvilkår. HTML er lov. {mobilizon_privacy_policy} er oppgjevne som mal.",
"Enter your own terms. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_terms} are provided as template.": "Skriv inn dine eigne vilkår. HTML er lov. {mobilizon_terms} er oppgjevne som mal.",
"Enter your own terms. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_terms} are provided as template.": "Skriv inn dine eigne vilkår. HTML er lov. {mobilizon_terms} er oppgjevne som mal.",
"Error": "Feil",
"Error while changing email": "Greidde ikkje endra epostadressa",
"Error while changing email": "Greidde ikkje endra epostadressa",
"Error while login with {provider}. Retry or login another way.": "Greidde ikkje logga inn med {provider}. Prøv ein gong til, eller prøv med noko anna.",
"Error while login with {provider}. Retry or login another way.": "Greidde ikkje logga inn med {provider}. Prøv ein gong til, eller prøv med noko anna.",
"Error while login with {provider}. This login provider doesn't exist.": "Greidde ikkje logga inn med {provider}. Denne innloggingstilbydaren finst ikkje.",
"Error while login with {provider}. This login provider doesn't exist.": "Greidde ikkje logga inn med {provider}. Denne innloggingstilbydaren finst ikkje.",
"Error while reporting group {groupTitle}": "Greidde ikkje rapportera gruppa {groupTitle}",
"Error while validating account": "Greidde ikkje stadfesta kontoen",
"Error while validating account": "Greidde ikkje stadfesta kontoen",
"Error while validating participation request": "Greidde ikkje stadfesta at du deltek",
"Error while validating participation request": "Greidde ikkje stadfesta at du deltek",
"Ethical alternative to Facebook events, groups and pages, Mobilizon is a <b>tool designed to serve you</b>. Period.": "Mobilizon er eit etisk betre alternativ til Facebook-hendingar, -grupper og -sider, og er <b>laga for å tena deg</b>. Punktum.",
"Event": "Hending",
"Event": "Hending",
"Event already passed": "Hendinga er over",
"Event already passed": "Hendinga er over",
"Event cancelled": "Hendinga er avlyst",
"Event cancelled": "Hendinga er avlyst",
@ -218,10 +240,11 @@
"Failed to save admin settings": "Greidde ikkje lagra admin-innstillingane",
"Failed to save admin settings": "Greidde ikkje lagra admin-innstillingane",
"Featured events": "Framheva hendingar",
"Featured events": "Framheva hendingar",
"Federated Group Name": "Spreidd gruppenamn",
"Federated Group Name": "Spreidd gruppenamn",
"Federation": "Føderering",
"Federation": "Spreiing",
"Fetch more": "Få meir",
"Fetch more": "Få meir",
"Find an address": "Finn ei adresse",
"Find an address": "Finn ei adresse",
"Find an instance": "Finn ein instans",
"Find an instance": "Finn ein nettstad",
"Find another instance": "Finn ein annan nettstad",
"Followers": "Fylgjarar",
"Followers": "Fylgjarar",
"Followings": "Fylgjer",
"Followings": "Fylgjer",
"For instance: London": "Til dømes: London",
"For instance: London": "Til dømes: London",
@ -237,15 +260,18 @@
"Getting location": "Hentar plass",
"Getting location": "Hentar plass",
"Glossary": "Ordliste",
"Glossary": "Ordliste",
"Go": "Gå",
"Go": "Gå",
"Go to the event page": "Gå til hendingssida",
"Going as {name}": "Går som {name}",
"Going as {name}": "Går som {name}",
"Group Members": "Gruppemedlemer",
"Group Members": "Gruppemedlemer",
"Group address": "Gruppeadresse",
"Group address": "Gruppeadresse",
"Group display name": "Visingsnamn for gruppa",
"Group display name": "Visingsnamn for gruppa",
"Group name": "Gruppenamn",
"Group name": "Gruppenamn",
"Group settings": "Gruppeinnstillingar",
"Group settings": "Gruppeinnstillingar",
"Group settings saved": "Gruppeinnstillingane er lagra",
"Group short description": "Kort skildring av gruppa",
"Group short description": "Kort skildring av gruppa",
"Group visibility": "Kvar gruppa er synleg",
"Group visibility": "Kvar gruppa er synleg",
"Group {displayName} created": "Gruppa {displayName} er oppretta",
"Group {displayName} created": "Gruppa {displayName} er oppretta",
"Group {groupTitle} reported": "Gruppa {groupTitle} er rapportert",
"Groups": "Grupper",
"Groups": "Grupper",
"Groups are spaces for coordination and preparation to better organize events and manage your community.": "Grupper er stader der du koordinerer og førebur deg for å skipa til hendingar og handtera brukarsamfunnet ditt.",
"Groups are spaces for coordination and preparation to better organize events and manage your community.": "Grupper er stader der du koordinerer og førebur deg for å skipa til hendingar og handtera brukarsamfunnet ditt.",
"Headline picture": "Hovudbilete",
"Headline picture": "Hovudbilete",
@ -258,7 +284,7 @@
"I create an identity": "Eg lagar ein identitet",
"I create an identity": "Eg lagar ein identitet",
"I don't have a Mobilizon account": "Eg har ingen Mobilizon-konto",
"I don't have a Mobilizon account": "Eg har ingen Mobilizon-konto",
"I have a Mobilizon account": "Eg har ein Mobilizon-konto",
"I have a Mobilizon account": "Eg har ein Mobilizon-konto",
"I have an account on another Mobilizon instance.": "Eg har ein konto på ein annan Mobilizon-instans.",
"I have an account on another Mobilizon instance.": "Eg har ein konto på ein annan Mobilizon-nettstad.",
"I participate": "Eg deltek",
"I participate": "Eg deltek",
"I want to allow people to participate without an account.": "Eg vil at folk skal kunna delta utan å ha ein brukarkonto.",
"I want to allow people to participate without an account.": "Eg vil at folk skal kunna delta utan å ha ein brukarkonto.",
"I want to approve every participation request": "Eg vil godkjenna alle førespurnader om å delta",
"I want to approve every participation request": "Eg vil godkjenna alle førespurnader om å delta",
@ -268,39 +294,48 @@
"If allowed by organizer": "Viss tilskiparen tillèt det",
"If allowed by organizer": "Viss tilskiparen tillèt det",
"If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to {email}": "Viss det finst ein brukarkonto med denne epostadressa, har me akkurat sendt ein ny stadfestingsepost til {email}",
"If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to {email}": "Viss det finst ein brukarkonto med denne epostadressa, har me akkurat sendt ein ny stadfestingsepost til {email}",
"If this identity is the only administrator of some groups, you need to delete them before being able to delete this identity.": "Viss denne identiteten er den einaste administratoren for nokon grupper, må du sletta dei før du slettar identiteten.",
"If this identity is the only administrator of some groups, you need to delete them before being able to delete this identity.": "Viss denne identiteten er den einaste administratoren for nokon grupper, må du sletta dei før du slettar identiteten.",
"If you have opted for manual validation of participants, Mobilizon will send you an email to inform you of new participations to be processed. You can choose the frequency of these notifications below.": "Viss du har skrudd på manuell godkjenning av deltakarar, vil Mobilizon senda deg ein epost når det kjem nye påmeldingar du må godkjenna. Du kan velja kor ofte desse epostane kjem under.",
"If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here.": "Viss du vil, kan du senda ei melding til arrangøren her.",
"If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here.": "Viss du vil, kan du senda ei melding til arrangøren her.",
"In the following context, an application is a software, either provided by the Mobilizon team or by a 3rd-party, used to interact with your instance.": "I denne samanhengen tyder \"program\" ei programvare, anten utvila av Mobilizon-laget eller ein tredjepart, som blir brukt for å samhandla med nettstaden din.",
"In the following context, an application is a software, either provided by the Mobilizon team or by a 3rd-party, used to interact with your instance.": "I denne samanhengen tyder \"program\" ei programvare, anten utvila av Mobilizon-laget eller ein tredjepart, som blir brukt for å samhandla med nettstaden din.",
"Instance": "Nettstad",
"Instance": "Nettstad",
"Instance Long Description": "Lang skildring av nettstaden",
"Instance Long Description": "Lang skildring av nettstaden",
"Instance Name": "Namn på instansen",
"Instance Name": "Namn på nettstaden",
"Instance Privacy Policy": "Personvern for nettstaden",
"Instance Privacy Policy": "Personvern for nettstaden",
"Instance Privacy Policy Source": "Kjelde for personvernpolitikken til nettstaden",
"Instance Privacy Policy Source": "Kjelde for personvernpolitikken til nettstaden",
"Instance Privacy Policy URL": "URL til personvernsida for nettstaden",
"Instance Privacy Policy URL": "URL til personvernsida for nettstaden",
"Instance Rules": "Reglar for nettstaden",
"Instance Rules": "Reglar for nettstaden",
"Instance Short Description": "Kort skildring av nettstaden",
"Instance Short Description": "Kort skildring av nettstaden",
"Instance Terms": "Vilkår for instansen",
"Instance Slogan": "Slagord for nettstaden",
"Instance Terms Source": "Vilkår for denne instansen",
"Instance Terms": "Vilkår for nettstaden",
"Instance Terms URL": "Adresse til vilkåra for instansen",
"Instance Terms Source": "Vilkår for denne nettstaden",
"Instance Terms URL": "Adresse til vilkåra for nettstaden",
"Instance administrator": "Styrar på nettstaden",
"Instance administrator": "Styrar på nettstaden",
"Instance configuration": "Oppsett for nettstaden",
"Instance configuration": "Oppsett for nettstaden",
"Instance languages": "Språk på nettstaden",
"Instance rules": "Reglar for nettstaden",
"Instance rules": "Reglar for nettstaden",
"Instance settings": "Innstillingar for instansen",
"Instance settings": "Innstillingar for nettstaden",
"Instances": "Instansar",
"Instances": "Nettstader",
"Instances following you": "Nettstader som fylgjer deg",
"Instances you follow": "Nettstader du fylgjer",
"Invite a new member": "Inviter ein ny medlem",
"Invite a new member": "Inviter ein ny medlem",
"Invite member": "Inviter ein medlem",
"Invite member": "Inviter ein medlem",
"Invited": "Invitert",
"Invited": "Invitert",
"Italic": "Kursiv",
"Italic": "Kursiv",
"Join <b>{instance}</b>, a Mobilizon instance": "Bli medlem av <b>{instance}</b>, ein instans på Mobilizon",
"Join <b>{instance}</b>, a Mobilizon instance": "Bli medlem av <b>{instance}</b>, ein nettstad på Mobilizon",
"Join group": "Bli med i ei gruppe",
"Keep the entire conversation about a specific topic together on a single page.": "Hald heile ordskiftet om eit visst emne samla på ei side.",
"Keep the entire conversation about a specific topic together on a single page.": "Hald heile ordskiftet om eit visst emne samla på ei side.",
"Key words": "Stikkord",
"Key words": "Stikkord",
"Language": "Språk",
"Language": "Språk",
"Last IP adress": "Sist IP-adresse",
"Last IP adress": "Sist IP-adresse",
"Last group created": "Den nyaste gruppa",
"Last published event": "Nyaste hending",
"Last published event": "Nyaste hending",
"Last sign-in": "Sist innlogging",
"Last sign-in": "Sist logga på",
"Last week": "Sist veka",
"Last week": "Sist veka",
"Latest posts": "Siste innlegg",
"Latest posts": "Siste innlegg",
"Learn more": "Lær meir",
"Learn more": "Lær meir",
"Learn more about Mobilizon": "Lær meir om Mobilizon",
"Learn more about Mobilizon": "Lær meir om Mobilizon",
"Learn more about {instance}": "Lær meir om {instance}",
"Leave": "Forlat",
"Leave event": "Forlat hendinga",
"Leave event": "Forlat hendinga",
"Leaving event \"{title}\"": "Forlèt hendinga \"{title}\"",
"Leaving event \"{title}\"": "Forlèt hendinga \"{title}\"",
"Legal": "Juridisk",
"Legal": "Juridisk",
@ -318,6 +353,7 @@
"Login on Mobilizon!": "Logg inn på Mobilizon!",
"Login on Mobilizon!": "Logg inn på Mobilizon!",
"Login on {instance}": "Logg inn på {instance}",
"Login on {instance}": "Logg inn på {instance}",
"Login status": "Innloggingsstatus",
"Login status": "Innloggingsstatus",
"Main languages you/your moderators speak": "Dei språka du og styrarane pratar",
"Manage my notifications": "Handter varsla mine",
"Manage my notifications": "Handter varsla mine",
"Manage my settings": "Endre innstillingane mine",
"Manage my settings": "Endre innstillingane mine",
"Manage participations": "Handter deltakingar",
"Manage participations": "Handter deltakingar",
@ -326,14 +362,16 @@
"Members": "Medlemer",
"Members": "Medlemer",
"Message": "Melding",
"Message": "Melding",
"Mobilizon": "Mobilizon",
"Mobilizon": "Mobilizon",
"Mobilizon is a federated network. You can interact with this event from a different server.": "Mobilizon er eit desentralisert nettverk. Du kan samhandla med denne hendinga frå ein annan tenar.",
"Mobilizon is a federated network. You can interact with this event from a different server.": "Mobilizon er eit spreidd nettverk. Du kan samhandla med denne hendinga frå ein annan tenar.",
"Mobilizon is a tool that helps you <b>find, create and organise events</b>.": "Mobilizon er eit verkty som hjelper deg å <b>finna, oppretta og organisera hendingar</b>.",
"Mobilizon is not a giant platform, but a <b>multitude of interconnected Mobilizon websites</b>.": "Mobilizon er ikkje ein svær plattform, men <b>ei mengd samankopla Mobilizon-nettstader</b>.",
"Mobilizon software": "Mobilizon-programvara",
"Mobilizon software": "Mobilizon-programvara",
"Mobilizon version": "Mobilizon-versjon",
"Mobilizon version": "Mobilizon-versjon",
"Mobilizon will send you an email when the events you are attending have important changes: date and time, address, confirmation or cancellation, etc.": "Mobilizon sender deg ein epost dersom hendingane du deltek på har viktige endringar: dato og tid, adresse, stadfesting eller avlysing osb.",
"Mobilizon will send you an email when the events you are attending have important changes: date and time, address, confirmation or cancellation, etc.": "Mobilizon sender deg ein epost dersom hendingane du deltek på har viktige endringar: dato og tid, adresse, stadfesting eller avlysing osb.",
"Moderated comments (shown after approval)": "Kommentarar under gjennomsyn (blir synlege etter godkjenning)",
"Moderated comments (shown after approval)": "Kommentarar under gjennomsyn (blir synlege etter godkjenning)",
"Moderation": "Gjennomsyn",
"Moderation": "Gjennomsyn",
"Moderation log": "Gjennomsynslogg",
"Moderation log": "Gjennomsynslogg",
"Moderator": "Moderator",
"Moderator": "Styrar",
"Move": "Flytt",
"Move": "Flytt",
"Move \"{resourceName}\"": "Flytt \"{resourceName}\"",
"Move \"{resourceName}\"": "Flytt \"{resourceName}\"",
"Move resource to {folder}": "Flytt ressursen til {folder}",
"Move resource to {folder}": "Flytt ressursen til {folder}",
@ -362,7 +400,11 @@
"No events found": "Fann ingen hendingar",
"No events found": "Fann ingen hendingar",
"No group found": "Fann ingen grupper",
"No group found": "Fann ingen grupper",
"No groups found": "Fann ingen grupper",
"No groups found": "Fann ingen grupper",
"No instance follows your instance yet.": "Det er ingen instansar som fylgjer din enno.",
"No instance follows your instance yet.": "Det er ingen nettstader som fylgjer din enno.",
"No instance to approve|Approve instance|Approve {number} instances": "Ingen nettstad å godkjenna|Godkjenn nettstaden|Godkjenn {number} nettstader",
"No instance to reject|Reject instance|Reject {number} instances": "Ingen nettstad å avslå|Avslå nettstaden|Avslå {number} nettstader",
"No instance to remove|Remove instance|Remove {number} instances": "Ingen nettstad å fjerna|Fjern nettstaden|Fjern {number} nettstader",
"No languages found": "Fann ingen språk",
"No member matches the filters": "Ingen medlemer passar med filtra",
"No member matches the filters": "Ingen medlemer passar med filtra",
"No message": "Inga melding",
"No message": "Inga melding",
"No moderation logs yet": "Ingen gjennomsynsloggar enno",
"No moderation logs yet": "Ingen gjennomsynsloggar enno",
@ -390,6 +432,7 @@
"Notification before the event": "Varsling før hendinga",
"Notification before the event": "Varsling før hendinga",
"Notification on the day of the event": "Varsling på dagen for hendinga",
"Notification on the day of the event": "Varsling på dagen for hendinga",
"Notifications for manually approved participations to an event": "Varslingar for manuelt godkjende deltakingar til ei hending",
"Notifications for manually approved participations to an event": "Varslingar for manuelt godkjende deltakingar til ei hending",
"Now, create your first profile:": "No kan du laga din fyrste profil:",
"Number of places": "Tal plassar",
"Number of places": "Tal plassar",
"OK": "OK",
"OK": "OK",
"Old password": "Gamalt passord",
"Old password": "Gamalt passord",
@ -401,10 +444,12 @@
"Only accessible through link (private)": "Berre tilgjengeleg med lenka (private)",
"Only accessible through link (private)": "Berre tilgjengeleg med lenka (private)",
"Only accessible to members of the group": "Berre tilgjengeleg for gruppemedlemer",
"Only accessible to members of the group": "Berre tilgjengeleg for gruppemedlemer",
"Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are supported.": "Du kan berre bruka bokstavar, tal og understrek.",
"Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are supported.": "Du kan berre bruka bokstavar, tal og understrek.",
"Only group moderators can create, edit and delete posts.": "Berre gruppestyrarar kan skriva, endra og sletta innlegg.",
"Open": "Open",
"Open": "Open",
"Opened reports": "Opna rapportar",
"Opened reports": "Opna rapportar",
"Or": "Eller",
"Or": "Eller",
"Organized": "Organisert",
"Organized": "Organisert",
"Organized by": "Organisert av",
"Organized by {name}": "Organisert av {name}",
"Organized by {name}": "Organisert av {name}",
"Organizer": "Organisator",
"Organizer": "Organisator",
"Organizer notifications": "Arrangørvarslingar",
"Organizer notifications": "Arrangørvarslingar",
@ -414,7 +459,7 @@
"Other software may also support this.": "Anna programvare kan òg ha støtte for dette.",
"Other software may also support this.": "Anna programvare kan òg ha støtte for dette.",
"Otherwise this identity will just be removed from the group administrators.": "Elles vil denne identiteten berre bli sletta frå gruppeadministratorane.",
"Otherwise this identity will just be removed from the group administrators.": "Elles vil denne identiteten berre bli sletta frå gruppeadministratorane.",
"Page": "Side",
"Page": "Side",
"Page limited to my group (asks for auth)": "Sida er avgrensa til gruppa mi (bed om godkjenning)",
"Page limited to my group (asks for auth)": "Sida er avgrensa til gruppa mi (spør om godkjenning)",
"Parent folder": "Foreldremappe",
"Parent folder": "Foreldremappe",
"Participant": "Deltakar",
"Participant": "Deltakar",
"Participants": "Deltakarar",
"Participants": "Deltakarar",
@ -430,13 +475,17 @@
"Password reset": "Nullstill passord",
"Password reset": "Nullstill passord",
"Past events": "Tidlegare hendingar",
"Past events": "Tidlegare hendingar",
"Pending": "Ventar",
"Pending": "Ventar",
"Pick": "Vel",
"Pick a group": "Vel ei gruppe",
"Pick a group": "Vel ei gruppe",
"Pick a profile or a group": "Vel ein profil eller ei gruppe",
"Pick an identity": "Vel ein identitet",
"Pick an identity": "Vel ein identitet",
"Pick an instance": "Vel ein nettstad",
"Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive the email.": "Sjekk søppel-mappa di om du ikkje fekk eposten.",
"Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive the email.": "Sjekk søppel-mappa di om du ikkje fekk eposten.",
"Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake.": "Ver god å kontakta administratoren på denne Mobilizon-tenaren om du meiner dette er feil.",
"Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake.": "Ver god å kontakta administratoren på denne Mobilizon-tenaren om du meiner dette er feil.",
"Please do not use it in any real way.": "Ikkje bruk denne på ordentleg.",
"Please do not use it in any real way.": "Ikkje bruk denne på ordentleg.",
"Please enter your password to confirm this action.": "Skriv inn passordet ditt for å stadfesta denne handlinga.",
"Please enter your password to confirm this action.": "Skriv inn passordet ditt for å stadfesta denne handlinga.",
"Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved.": "Sjå til at adressa er rett, og at sida ikkje er flytta.",
"Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved.": "Sjå til at adressa er rett, og at sida ikkje er flytta.",
"Please read the {fullRules} published by {instance}'s administrators.": "Les gjerne{fullRules} som styrarane på {instance} har lagt ut.",
"Post": "Innlegg",
"Post": "Innlegg",
"Post a comment": "Skriv ein kommentar",
"Post a comment": "Skriv ein kommentar",
"Post a reply": "Skriv eit svar",
"Post a reply": "Skriv eit svar",
@ -475,8 +524,10 @@
"Registration is closed.": "Påmeldinga er stengd.",
"Registration is closed.": "Påmeldinga er stengd.",
"Registration is currently closed.": "Påmeldinga er stengd.",
"Registration is currently closed.": "Påmeldinga er stengd.",
"Registrations": "Registreringar",
"Registrations": "Registreringar",
"Registrations are restricted by allowlisting.": "Registreringar er avgrensa av tilgangslister.",
"Reject": "Avslå",
"Reject": "Avslå",
"Rejected": "Avslege",
"Rejected": "Avslege",
"Remember my participation in this browser": "Hugs deltakinga mi i denne nettlesaren",
"Remove": "Fjern",
"Remove": "Fjern",
"Rename": "Døyp om",
"Rename": "Døyp om",
"Rename resource": "Døyp om ressursen",
"Rename resource": "Døyp om ressursen",
@ -486,12 +537,16 @@
"Report #{reportNumber}": "Rapport nr. {reportNumber}",
"Report #{reportNumber}": "Rapport nr. {reportNumber}",
"Report this comment": "Rapporter denne kommentaren",
"Report this comment": "Rapporter denne kommentaren",
"Report this event": "Rapporter denne hendinga",
"Report this event": "Rapporter denne hendinga",
"Report this group": "Rapporter denne gruppa",
"Reported": "Rapportert",
"Reported": "Rapportert",
"Reported by": "Rapportert av",
"Reported by": "Rapportert av",
"Reported by someone on {domain}": "Rapportert av nokon på {domain}",
"Reported by someone on {domain}": "Rapportert av nokon på {domain}",
"Reported by {reporter}": "Meldt inn av {reporter}",
"Reported by {reporter}": "Meldt inn av {reporter}",
"Reported group": "Rapportert gruppe",
"Reported identity": "Rapportert identitet",
"Reported identity": "Rapportert identitet",
"Reports": "Rapportar",
"Reports": "Rapportar",
"Request for participation confirmation sent": "Me har sendt spørsmål om å godkjenna deltakinga",
"Resend confirmation email": "Send stadfestingseposten på nytt",
"Reset my password": "Nullstill passordet mitt",
"Reset my password": "Nullstill passordet mitt",
"Resolved": "Løyst",
"Resolved": "Løyst",
"Resource provided is not an URL": "Denne ressursen er ikkje ei URL-adresse",
"Resource provided is not an URL": "Denne ressursen er ikkje ei URL-adresse",
@ -510,6 +565,7 @@
"Search…": "Søk…",
"Search…": "Søk…",
"Select a language": "Vel språk",
"Select a language": "Vel språk",
"Select a timezone": "Vel ein tidssone",
"Select a timezone": "Vel ein tidssone",
"Select languages": "Vel språk",
"Send email": "Send epost",
"Send email": "Send epost",
"Send the confirmation email again": "Send stadfestingseposten på nytt",
"Send the confirmation email again": "Send stadfestingseposten på nytt",
"Send the report": "Send rapporten",
"Send the report": "Send rapporten",
@ -517,6 +573,7 @@
"Set an URL to a page with your own terms.": "Gje ei URL-adresse til ei side med dine eigne vilkår.",
"Set an URL to a page with your own terms.": "Gje ei URL-adresse til ei side med dine eigne vilkår.",
"Settings": "Innstillingar",
"Settings": "Innstillingar",
"Share this event": "Del denne hendinga",
"Share this event": "Del denne hendinga",
"Short bio": "Kort biografi",
"Show map": "Vis kart",
"Show map": "Vis kart",
"Show remaining number of places": "Vis tal på ledige plassar",
"Show remaining number of places": "Vis tal på ledige plassar",
"Show the time when the event begins": "Vis kva tid hendinga startar",
"Show the time when the event begins": "Vis kva tid hendinga startar",
@ -538,7 +595,7 @@
"Terms of service": "Bruksvilkår",
"Terms of service": "Bruksvilkår",
"Text": "Tekst",
"Text": "Tekst",
"The account's email address was changed. Check your emails to verify it.": "Epostadressa for brukarkontoen er endra. Sjekk eposten din for å stadfesta.",
"The account's email address was changed. Check your emails to verify it.": "Epostadressa for brukarkontoen er endra. Sjekk eposten din for å stadfesta.",
"The actual number of participants may differ, as this event is hosted on another instance.": "Det faktiske deltakartalet kan avvika, fordi denne hendinga skjer ein annan stad.",
"The actual number of participants may differ, as this event is hosted on another instance.": "Det faktiske deltakartalet kan avvika, fordi denne hendinga skjer på ein annan nettstad.",
"The content came from another server. Transfer an anonymous copy of the report?": "Innhaldet kom frå ein annan tenar. Vil du overføra ein anonym kopi av rapporten?",
"The content came from another server. Transfer an anonymous copy of the report?": "Innhaldet kom frå ein annan tenar. Vil du overføra ein anonym kopi av rapporten?",
"The draft event has been updated": "Hendingskladden er oppdatert",
"The draft event has been updated": "Hendingskladden er oppdatert",
"The event has been created as a draft": "Hendinga er oppretta som kladd",
"The event has been created as a draft": "Hendinga er oppretta som kladd",
@ -549,9 +606,13 @@
"The event organizer didn't add any description.": "Tilskiparen har ikkje skrive noka skildring.",
"The event organizer didn't add any description.": "Tilskiparen har ikkje skrive noka skildring.",
"The event organizer manually approves participations. Since you've chosen to participate without an account, please explain why you want to participate to this event.": "Tilskiparen godkjenner deltakarar manuelt. Sidan du har valt å delta utan brukarkonto, er det fint om du skriv kvifor du vil vera med.",
"The event organizer manually approves participations. Since you've chosen to participate without an account, please explain why you want to participate to this event.": "Tilskiparen godkjenner deltakarar manuelt. Sidan du har valt å delta utan brukarkonto, er det fint om du skriv kvifor du vil vera med.",
"The event title will be ellipsed.": "Tittelen på denne hendinga blir forkorta med ein ellipse (…).",
"The event title will be ellipsed.": "Tittelen på denne hendinga blir forkorta med ein ellipse (…).",
"The event will show as attributed to this group.": "Hendinga vil bli knytt til denne gruppa.",
"The event will show as attributed to your personal profile.": "Hendinga vil bli knytt til den personlege profilen din.",
"The event will show the group as organizer.": "Denne hendinga vil syna gruppa som tilskipar.",
"The event will show the group as organizer.": "Denne hendinga vil syna gruppa som tilskipar.",
"The group will be publicly listed in search results and may be suggested in the explore section. Only public informations will be shown on it's page.": "Denne gruppa vil bli lista opp offentleg i søkjeresultat og kan bli føreslegen når folk utforskar nettstaden. Berre offentleg informasjon vil syna på sida til gruppa.",
"The group will be publicly listed in search results and may be suggested in the explore section. Only public informations will be shown on it's page.": "Denne gruppa vil bli lista opp offentleg i søkjeresultat og kan bli føreslegen når folk utforskar nettstaden. Berre offentleg informasjon vil syna på sida til gruppa.",
"The instance administrator is the person or entity that runs this Mobilizon instance.": "Styraren er den personen eller eininga som driv denne Mobilizon-nettstaden.",
"The instance administrator is the person or entity that runs this Mobilizon instance.": "Styraren er den personen eller eininga som driv denne Mobilizon-nettstaden.",
"The member was removed from the group {group}": "Medlemen vart fjerna frå gruppa {group}",
"The organiser has chosen to close comments.": "Tilskiparen har valt å stenga for kommentarar.",
"The page you're looking for doesn't exist.": "Denne sida finst ikkje.",
"The page you're looking for doesn't exist.": "Denne sida finst ikkje.",
"The password was successfully changed": "Passordet er endra",
"The password was successfully changed": "Passordet er endra",
"The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below.": "Rapporten blir sendt til dei som styrer nettstaden din. Du kan forklara kvifor du rapporterer dette innhaldet under her.",
"The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below.": "Rapporten blir sendt til dei som styrer nettstaden din. Du kan forklara kvifor du rapporterer dette innhaldet under her.",
@ -563,12 +624,15 @@
"This Mobilizon instance and this event organizer allows anonymous participations, but requires validation through email confirmation.": "Denne Mobilizon-nettstaden og tilskiparen tillèt anonym deltaking, men krev at du stadfestar ved epost.",
"This Mobilizon instance and this event organizer allows anonymous participations, but requires validation through email confirmation.": "Denne Mobilizon-nettstaden og tilskiparen tillèt anonym deltaking, men krev at du stadfestar ved epost.",
"This event has been cancelled.": "Denne hendinga er avlyst.",
"This event has been cancelled.": "Denne hendinga er avlyst.",
"This event is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.": "Denne hendinga er berre tilgjengeleg via lenka. Ver varsam når du legg ut lenka.",
"This event is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.": "Denne hendinga er berre tilgjengeleg via lenka. Ver varsam når du legg ut lenka.",
"This group doesn't have a description yet.": "Denne gruppa har inga skildring enno.",
"This identifier is unique to your profile. It allows others to find you.": "Denne ID-en er unik for profilen din. Han gjer det mogleg for andre å finna deg.",
"This identity is not a member of any group.": "Denne identiteten er ikkje medlem av noka gruppe.",
"This identity is not a member of any group.": "Denne identiteten er ikkje medlem av noka gruppe.",
"This information is saved only on your computer. Click for details": "Desse opplysingane blir berre lagra på datamaskina di. Klikk for meir info",
"This information is saved only on your computer. Click for details": "Desse opplysingane blir berre lagra på datamaskina di. Klikk for meir info",
"This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances.": "Denne nettstaden tillèt ikkje nye registreringar, men du kan bli med på andre nettstader.",
"This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances.": "Denne nettstaden tillèt ikkje nye registreringar, men du kan bli med på andre nettstader.",
"This is a demonstration site to test Mobilizon.": "Dette er ei demoside for å prøva ut Mobilizon.",
"This is a demonstration site to test Mobilizon.": "Dette er ei demoside for å prøva ut Mobilizon.",
"This is like your federated username (<code>{username}</code>) for groups. It will allow the group to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique.": "Dette er som det spreidde brukarnamnet (<code>{username}</code>) for grupper. Det gjer det mogleg å finna gruppa på heile nettverket, og vil garantert vera unikt.",
"This is like your federated username (<code>{username}</code>) for groups. It will allow the group to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique.": "Dette er som det spreidde brukarnamnet (<code>{username}</code>) for grupper. Det gjer det mogleg å finna gruppa på heile nettverket, og vil garantert vera unikt.",
"This month": "Denne månaden",
"This month": "Denne månaden",
"This website isn't moderated and the data that you enter will be automatically destroyed every day at 00:01 (Paris timezone).": "Denne nettstaden er ikkje styrt, og alt du skriv her vil bli automatisk sletta kvar dag kl. 00:01 (Paris-tid).",
"This week": "Denne veka",
"This week": "Denne veka",
"This weekend": "I helga",
"This weekend": "I helga",
"This will delete / anonymize all content (events, comments, messages, participations…) created from this identity.": "Dette vil sletta/anonymisera alt innhald (hendingar, kommentarar, meldingar, deltakingar…) som denne identiteten har laga.",
"This will delete / anonymize all content (events, comments, messages, participations…) created from this identity.": "Dette vil sletta/anonymisera alt innhald (hendingar, kommentarar, meldingar, deltakingar…) som denne identiteten har laga.",
@ -578,12 +642,17 @@
"To activate more notifications, head over to the notification settings.": "Gå til varslingsinnstillingane for å skru på fleire varsel.",
"To activate more notifications, head over to the notification settings.": "Gå til varslingsinnstillingane for å skru på fleire varsel.",
"To confirm, type your event title \"{eventTitle}\"": "Skriv inn namnet på hendinga, \"{eventTitle}\", for å stadfesta",
"To confirm, type your event title \"{eventTitle}\"": "Skriv inn namnet på hendinga, \"{eventTitle}\", for å stadfesta",
"To confirm, type your identity username \"{preferredUsername}\"": "Skriv inn identitetsnamnet ditt, \"{preferredUsername}\", for å stadfesta",
"To confirm, type your identity username \"{preferredUsername}\"": "Skriv inn identitetsnamnet ditt, \"{preferredUsername}\", for å stadfesta",
"To create and manage multiples identities from a same account": "For å laga og handtera fleire identitetar frå same konto",
"To create and manage your events": "For å laga og handtera hendingar",
"To create or join an group and start organizing with other people": "For å laga eller bli med i ei gruppe, og byrja å organisera saman med andre folk",
"To register for an event by choosing one of your identities": "For å melda deg på hendingar med ein av identitetane dine",
"Today": "I dag",
"Today": "I dag",
"Tomorrow": "I morgon",
"Tomorrow": "I morgon",
"Transfer to {outsideDomain}": "Overfør til {outsideDomain}",
"Transfer to {outsideDomain}": "Overfør til {outsideDomain}",
"Type": "Type",
"Type": "Type",
"URL": "URL-adresse",
"URL": "URL-adresse",
"URL copied to clipboard": "Adressa er kopiert til utklippstavla",
"URL copied to clipboard": "Adressa er kopiert til utklippstavla",
"Unable to detect timezone.": "Greidde ikkje finna tidssonen.",
"Unfortunately, this instance isn't opened to registrations": "Denne nettstaden er diverre ikkje open for innmeldingar no",
"Unfortunately, this instance isn't opened to registrations": "Denne nettstaden er diverre ikkje open for innmeldingar no",
"Unfortunately, your participation request was rejected by the organizers.": "Tilskiparane har diverre avslege deltakinga di.",
"Unfortunately, your participation request was rejected by the organizers.": "Tilskiparane har diverre avslege deltakinga di.",
"Unknown": "Ukjent",
"Unknown": "Ukjent",
@ -606,6 +675,7 @@
"Users": "Brukarar",
"Users": "Brukarar",
"View a reply": "|Sjå eitt svar|Sjå {totalReplies} svar",
"View a reply": "|Sjå eitt svar|Sjå {totalReplies} svar",
"View all": "Sjå alle",
"View all": "Sjå alle",
"View all posts": "Sjå alle innlegga",
"View all upcoming events": "Sjå alle komande hendingar",
"View all upcoming events": "Sjå alle komande hendingar",
"View event page": "Sjå på hendingssida",
"View event page": "Sjå på hendingssida",
"View everything": "Sjå alt",
"View everything": "Sjå alt",
@ -624,13 +694,18 @@
"Welcome back {username}!": "Velkomen att, {username}!",
"Welcome back {username}!": "Velkomen att, {username}!",
"Welcome back!": "Velkomen att!",
"Welcome back!": "Velkomen att!",
"Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "Velkomen til Mobilizon, {username}!",
"Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "Velkomen til Mobilizon, {username}!",
"When a moderator from the group creates an event and attributes it to the group, it will show up here.": "Når ein styrar i gruppa lagar ei hending og knyter ho til gruppa, vil ho syna her.",
"Who can view this event and participate": "Kven som kan sjå og delta på denne hendinga",
"Who can view this event and participate": "Kven som kan sjå og delta på denne hendinga",
"Who can view this post": "Kven kan sjå dette innlegget",
"Who can view this post": "Kven kan sjå dette innlegget",
"Who published {number} events": "Som har laga {number} hendingar",
"Who published {number} events": "Som har laga {number} hendingar",
"Why create an account?": "Kvifor laga konto?",
"Will allow to display and manage your participation status on the event page when using this device. Uncheck if you're using a public device.": "Lèt deg syna og handtera deltakarstatusen din på hendingssida når du bruker denne eininga. Fjern merkinga viss du bruker ei offentleg eining.",
"Write something…": "Skriv noko…",
"Write something…": "Skriv noko…",
"You are not an administrator for this group.": "Du er ikkje styrar for denne gruppa.",
"You are participating in this event anonymously": "Du deltek på denne hendinga anonymt",
"You are participating in this event anonymously": "Du deltek på denne hendinga anonymt",
"You are participating in this event anonymously but didn't confirm participation": "Du deltek på denne hendinga anonymt, men har ikkje stadfesta at du deltek",
"You are participating in this event anonymously but didn't confirm participation": "Du deltek på denne hendinga anonymt, men har ikkje stadfesta at du deltek",
"You can add tags by hitting the Enter key or by adding a comma": "Du kan leggja til merkelappar ved å trykkja Enter eller skriva eit komma",
"You can add tags by hitting the Enter key or by adding a comma": "Du kan leggja til merkelappar ved å trykkja Enter eller skriva eit komma",
"You can only get invited to groups right now.": "Du kan berre få invitasjonar til grupper nett no.",
"You can pick your timezone into your preferences.": "Du kan velja tidssone i innstillingane dine.",
"You can pick your timezone into your preferences.": "Du kan velja tidssone i innstillingane dine.",
"You can try another search term or drag and drop the marker on the map": "Du kan søkja etter noko anna, eller dra og sleppa markøren på kartet",
"You can try another search term or drag and drop the marker on the map": "Du kan søkja etter noko anna, eller dra og sleppa markøren på kartet",
"You can't change your password because you are registered through {provider}.": "Du kan ikkje endra passordet ditt, fordi du er registrert gjennom {provider}.",
"You can't change your password because you are registered through {provider}.": "Du kan ikkje endra passordet ditt, fordi du er registrert gjennom {provider}.",
@ -642,17 +717,21 @@
"You have one event in {days} days.": "Du har ingen hendingar dei neste {days} dagane | Du har ei hending dei neste {days} dagane. | Du har {count} hendingar dei neste {days} dagane",
"You have one event in {days} days.": "Du har ingen hendingar dei neste {days} dagane | Du har ei hending dei neste {days} dagane. | Du har {count} hendingar dei neste {days} dagane",
"You have one event today.": "Du har ingen hendingar i dag | Du har ei hending i dag. | Du har {count} hendingar i dag",
"You have one event today.": "Du har ingen hendingar i dag | Du har ei hending i dag. | Du har {count} hendingar i dag",
"You have one event tomorrow.": "Du har ingen hendingar i morgon | Du har ei hending i morgon. | Du har {count} hendingar i morgon",
"You have one event tomorrow.": "Du har ingen hendingar i morgon | Du har ei hending i morgon. | Du har {count} hendingar i morgon",
"You may now close this window.": "No kan du stenga dette vindauga.",
"You need to create the group before you create an event.": "Du må laga ei gruppe før du lagar ei hending.",
"You need to create the group before you create an event.": "Du må laga ei gruppe før du lagar ei hending.",
"You need to login.": "Du må logga inn.",
"You need to login.": "Du må logga inn.",
"You will be able to add an avatar and set other options in your account settings.": "Du kan laga eit profilbilete og gjera andre val i kontoinnstillingane dine.",
"You will be redirected to the original instance": "Du blir send vidare til den opphavelege nettstaden",
"You will be redirected to the original instance": "Du blir send vidare til den opphavelege nettstaden",
"You wish to participate to the following event": "Du ynskjer å delta på denne hendinga",
"You wish to participate to the following event": "Du ynskjer å delta på denne hendinga",
"You'll get a weekly recap every Monday for upcoming events, if you have any.": "Du vil få eit samandrag kvar måndag over komande hendingar, om du har nokon.",
"You'll get a weekly recap every Monday for upcoming events, if you have any.": "Du vil få eit samandrag kvar måndag over komande hendingar, om du har nokon.",
"You'll need to transmit the group URL so people may access the group's profile. The group won't be findable in Mobilizon's search or regular search engines.": "Du må senda ut gruppeadressa slik at folk kan sjå gruppeprofilen. Du vil ikkje finna gruppa i Mobilizon-søk eller vanlege søkjemotorar.",
"You'll receive a confirmation email.": "Du får ein stadfestingsepost.",
"You'll receive a confirmation email.": "Du får ein stadfestingsepost.",
"Your account has been successfully deleted": "Kontoen din er sletta",
"Your account has been successfully deleted": "Kontoen din er sletta",
"Your account has been validated": "Kontoen din er godkjend",
"Your account has been validated": "Kontoen din er godkjend",
"Your account is being validated": "Kontoen din blir godkjend",
"Your account is being validated": "Kontoen din blir godkjend",
"Your account is nearly ready, {username}": "Kontoen din er snart klar, {username}",
"Your account is nearly ready, {username}": "Kontoen din er snart klar, {username}",
"Your current email is {email}. You use it to log in.": "Epostadressa du har no, er {email}. Du bruker ho til å logga inn.",
"Your current email is {email}. You use it to log in.": "Epostadressa du har no, er {email}. Du bruker ho til å logga inn.",
"Your email": "Epostadressa di",
"Your email address was automatically set based on your {provider} account.": "Epostadressa di vart avgjort automatisk ut frå {provider}-kontoen din.",
"Your email address was automatically set based on your {provider} account.": "Epostadressa di vart avgjort automatisk ut frå {provider}-kontoen din.",
"Your email has been changed": "Epostadressa di er endra",
"Your email has been changed": "Epostadressa di er endra",
"Your email is being changed": "Epostadressa di blir endra",
"Your email is being changed": "Epostadressa di blir endra",
@ -664,12 +743,15 @@
"Your participation request has been validated": "Me har stadfesta at du deltek",
"Your participation request has been validated": "Me har stadfesta at du deltek",
"Your participation request is being validated": "Me stadfestar at du deltek",
"Your participation request is being validated": "Me stadfestar at du deltek",
"Your participation status has been changed": "Deltakingsstatusen din er endra",
"Your participation status has been changed": "Deltakingsstatusen din er endra",
"Your participation still has to be approved by the organisers.": "Tilskiparane må framleis godkjenna at du deltek.",
"Your profile will be shown as contact.": "Profilen din blir vist som kontakt.",
"Your timezone is currently set to {timezone}.": "Tidssonen din er {timezone}.",
"Your timezone is currently set to {timezone}.": "Tidssonen din er {timezone}.",
"Your timezone was detected as {timezone}.": "Me fann tidssonen {timezone}.",
"Your timezone was detected as {timezone}.": "Me fann tidssonen {timezone}.",
"[This comment has been deleted by it's author]": "[Skribenten har sletta denne kommentaren]",
"[This comment has been deleted by it's author]": "[Skribenten har sletta denne kommentaren]",
"[This comment has been deleted]": "[Denne kommentaren er sletta]",
"[This comment has been deleted]": "[Denne kommentaren er sletta]",
"[deleted]": "[sletta]",
"[deleted]": "[sletta]",
"a non-existent report": "ein ikkje-eksisterande rapport",
"a non-existent report": "ein ikkje-eksisterande rapport",
"and {number} groups": "og {number} grupper",
"any distance": "alle avstandar",
"any distance": "alle avstandar",
"as {identity}": "som {identity}",
"as {identity}": "som {identity}",
"contact uninformed": "ingen kontakt informert",
"contact uninformed": "ingen kontakt informert",
@ -707,5 +789,6 @@
"{number} posts": "Ingen innlegg|Eitt innlegg|{number} innlegg",
"{number} posts": "Ingen innlegg|Eitt innlegg|{number} innlegg",
"{profile} (by default)": "{profile} (som standard)",
"{profile} (by default)": "{profile} (som standard)",
"{title} ({count} todos)": "{title} ({count} ting å gjera)",
"{title} ({count} todos)": "{title} ({count} ting å gjera)",
"{username} was invited to {group}": "{username} vart invitert til {group}",
"© The OpenStreetMap Contributors": "© OpenStreetMap-bidragsytarane"
"© The OpenStreetMap Contributors": "© OpenStreetMap-bidragsytarane"
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
"Email": "Corrièl",
"Email": "Corrièl",
"Email address": "Adreça mail",
"Email address": "Adreça mail",
"Email notifications": "Notificacions per corrièl",
"Email notifications": "Notificacions per corrièl",
"Enabled": "Activat",
"Enabled": "Activada",
"Ends on…": "S’acaba lo…",
"Ends on…": "S’acaba lo…",
"Enjoy discovering Mobilizon!": "Amusatz-vos ben en descobrir Mobilizon !",
"Enjoy discovering Mobilizon!": "Amusatz-vos ben en descobrir Mobilizon !",
"Enter some tags": "Escriure d’etiquetas",
"Enter some tags": "Escriure d’etiquetas",
@ -251,6 +251,7 @@
"Error while validating account": "Error en validant lo compte",
"Error while validating account": "Error en validant lo compte",
"Error while validating participation": "Error en validant la participacion",
"Error while validating participation": "Error en validant la participacion",
"Error while validating participation request": "Error pendent la validacion de la demanda de participacion",
"Error while validating participation request": "Error pendent la validacion de la demanda de participacion",
"Ethical alternative to Facebook events, groups and pages, Mobilizon is a <b>tool designed to serve you</b>. Period.": "Alternativa etica als eveniment, grops e paginas Facebook, Mobilizon es <b>una aisina concebuda per vos servir</b>. Punt.",
"Event": "Eveniment",
"Event": "Eveniment",
"Event already passed": "Eveniment ja passat",
"Event already passed": "Eveniment ja passat",
"Event cancelled": "Eveniment anullat",
"Event cancelled": "Eveniment anullat",
@ -280,6 +281,7 @@
"Fetch more": "Ne recuperar plus",
"Fetch more": "Ne recuperar plus",
"Find an address": "Trobar una adreça",
"Find an address": "Trobar una adreça",
"Find an instance": "Trobar una instància",
"Find an instance": "Trobar una instància",
"Find another instance": "Trobar una autra instància",
"Followed by {count} persons": "Seguit per {count} personas",
"Followed by {count} persons": "Seguit per {count} personas",
"Followers": "Seguidors",
"Followers": "Seguidors",
"Followings": "Abonaments",
"Followings": "Abonaments",
@ -336,6 +338,7 @@
"If allowed by organizer": "Se permés per l’organizator",
"If allowed by organizer": "Se permés per l’organizator",
"If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to {email}": "Se un compte amb aquesta adreça existís, venèm d’enviar un novèl corrièl de confirmacion a {email}",
"If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to {email}": "Se un compte amb aquesta adreça existís, venèm d’enviar un novèl corrièl de confirmacion a {email}",
"If this identity is the only administrator of some groups, you need to delete them before being able to delete this identity.": "S’aquesta identitat es l’unica que pòt administrar unes grops, vos cal los suprimir d’en primièr per dire de poder suprimir aquesta identitat.",
"If this identity is the only administrator of some groups, you need to delete them before being able to delete this identity.": "S’aquesta identitat es l’unica que pòt administrar unes grops, vos cal los suprimir d’en primièr per dire de poder suprimir aquesta identitat.",
"If you have opted for manual validation of participants, Mobilizon will send you an email to inform you of new participations to be processed. You can choose the frequency of these notifications below.": "S’avètz optat per una validacion manuala de las participacions, Mobilizon vos enviarà un email per vos téner al fial de las participacions novèlas de tractar. Podètz causir la frequéncia d’aquestas notificacion çai-jos.",
"If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here.": "Se volètz, podètz daissar aquí un messatge per l’organizator de l’eveniment çai-jos.",
"If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here.": "Se volètz, podètz daissar aquí un messatge per l’organizator de l’eveniment çai-jos.",
"Impossible to login, your email or password seems incorrect.": "Connexion impossibla, lo corrièl o lo senhal sembla incorrècte.",
"Impossible to login, your email or password seems incorrect.": "Connexion impossibla, lo corrièl o lo senhal sembla incorrècte.",
"In the following context, an application is a software, either provided by the Mobilizon team or by a 3rd-party, used to interact with your instance.": "Dins lo contèxt seguent, una aplicacion es un logicial, provesit per la còla Mobilizon o una tèrça part, utilizat per interagir amb vòstra instància.",
"In the following context, an application is a software, either provided by the Mobilizon team or by a 3rd-party, used to interact with your instance.": "Dins lo contèxt seguent, una aplicacion es un logicial, provesit per la còla Mobilizon o una tèrça part, utilizat per interagir amb vòstra instància.",
@ -421,6 +424,7 @@
"Mobilizon is a federated network. You can interact with this event from a different server.": "Mobilizon es un malhum federat. Podètz interagir amb aqueste eveniment d’un servidor diferent estant.",
"Mobilizon is a federated network. You can interact with this event from a different server.": "Mobilizon es un malhum federat. Podètz interagir amb aqueste eveniment d’un servidor diferent estant.",
"Mobilizon is a free/libre software that will allow communities to create <b>their own spaces</b> to publish events in order to better emancipate themselves from tech giants.": "Mobilizon es un logicial liure que permetrà a de comunautats de <b>crear lor pròpris espacis</b> de publicacion d’eveniments, per dire de se liberar melhor dels gigants del web.",
"Mobilizon is a free/libre software that will allow communities to create <b>their own spaces</b> to publish events in order to better emancipate themselves from tech giants.": "Mobilizon es un logicial liure que permetrà a de comunautats de <b>crear lor pròpris espacis</b> de publicacion d’eveniments, per dire de se liberar melhor dels gigants del web.",
"Mobilizon is a tool that helps you <b>find, create and organise events</b>.": "Mobilizon es una aisina que vos permet de <b>trobar, crear e organizar d’eveniments</b>.",
"Mobilizon is a tool that helps you <b>find, create and organise events</b>.": "Mobilizon es una aisina que vos permet de <b>trobar, crear e organizar d’eveniments</b>.",
"Mobilizon is not a giant platform, but a <b>multitude of interconnected Mobilizon websites</b>.": "Mobilizon es pas una plataforma giganta, mas una <b>multitud de site web Mobilizon interconnectats</b>.",
"Mobilizon is under development, we will add new features to this site during regular updates, until the release of <b>version 1 of the software in the first half of 2020</b>.": "Mobilizon es en desvolopament, ajustarem de nòvas foncionalitats a aqueste site pendent de mesas a jorn regularas, fins a la publicacion de <b>la version 1 del logicial al primièr semèstre 2020</b>.",
"Mobilizon is under development, we will add new features to this site during regular updates, until the release of <b>version 1 of the software in the first half of 2020</b>.": "Mobilizon es en desvolopament, ajustarem de nòvas foncionalitats a aqueste site pendent de mesas a jorn regularas, fins a la publicacion de <b>la version 1 del logicial al primièr semèstre 2020</b>.",
"Mobilizon software": "logicial Mobilizon",
"Mobilizon software": "logicial Mobilizon",
"Mobilizon version": "Version de Mobilizon",
"Mobilizon version": "Version de Mobilizon",
@ -512,7 +516,8 @@
"Only accessible through link and search (private)": "Solament accessible via ligam e la recèrca (privat)",
"Only accessible through link and search (private)": "Solament accessible via ligam e la recèrca (privat)",
"Only accessible to members of the group": "Accessible sonque als membres del grop",
"Only accessible to members of the group": "Accessible sonque als membres del grop",
"Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are supported.": "Solament los caractèrs alfanumerics e los jonhents basses son suportats.",
"Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are supported.": "Solament los caractèrs alfanumerics e los jonhents basses son suportats.",
"Open": "Dobrir",
"Only group moderators can create, edit and delete posts.": "Sonque los moderators de grops pòdon crear, modificar e suprimir de publicacions.",
"Open": "Dobèrtas",
"Opened reports": "Senhalaments dubèrts",
"Opened reports": "Senhalaments dubèrts",
"Or": "O",
"Or": "O",
"Organize and take action, freely": "S’organizar e agir, liurament",
"Organize and take action, freely": "S’organizar e agir, liurament",
@ -551,6 +556,7 @@
"Pick a group": "Causissètz un grop",
"Pick a group": "Causissètz un grop",
"Pick a profile or a group": "Causir un perfil o un grop",
"Pick a profile or a group": "Causir un perfil o un grop",
"Pick an identity": "Causir una identitat",
"Pick an identity": "Causir una identitat",
"Pick an instance": "Causir una instància",
"Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive the email.": "Mercés de verificar vòstre dorsièr de messatges indesirables s’avètz pas recebut lo corrièl.",
"Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive the email.": "Mercés de verificar vòstre dorsièr de messatges indesirables s’avètz pas recebut lo corrièl.",
"Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake.": "Volgatz contactar l’administrator d’aquesta instància Mobilizon se pensatz qu’es una error.",
"Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake.": "Volgatz contactar l’administrator d’aquesta instància Mobilizon se pensatz qu’es una error.",
"Please do not use it in any real way.": "Mercés de l’utilizar pas d’un biais real.",
"Please do not use it in any real way.": "Mercés de l’utilizar pas d’un biais real.",
@ -727,6 +733,7 @@
"This email is already used.": "Aquesta adreça es ja utilizada.",
"This email is already used.": "Aquesta adreça es ja utilizada.",
"This event has been cancelled.": "Aqueste eveniment foguèt anullat.",
"This event has been cancelled.": "Aqueste eveniment foguèt anullat.",
"This event is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.": "Aqueste eveniment es sonque accessible via son ligam. Fasètz moment ont lo publicatz.",
"This event is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.": "Aqueste eveniment es sonque accessible via son ligam. Fasètz moment ont lo publicatz.",
"This group doesn't have a description yet.": "Aqueste grop a pas encara de descripcion.",
"This identifier is unique to your profile. It allows others to find you.": "Aqueste identificant es unic a vòstre perfil. Permet a d’autras personas de vos trobat.",
"This identifier is unique to your profile. It allows others to find you.": "Aqueste identificant es unic a vòstre perfil. Permet a d’autras personas de vos trobat.",
"This identity is not a member of any group.": "Aquesta identitat es membre de cap de grop.",
"This identity is not a member of any group.": "Aquesta identitat es membre de cap de grop.",
"This information is saved only on your computer. Click for details": "Aquesta informacion es solament enregistrada sus vòstre ordenador. Clicatz per mai de detalhs",
"This information is saved only on your computer. Click for details": "Aquesta informacion es solament enregistrada sus vòstre ordenador. Clicatz per mai de detalhs",
@ -736,6 +743,7 @@
"This is a demonstration site to test the beta version of Mobilizon.": "Aquò es un site de demostracion per ensajar la version beta de Mobilizon.",
"This is a demonstration site to test the beta version of Mobilizon.": "Aquò es un site de demostracion per ensajar la version beta de Mobilizon.",
"This is like your federated username (<code>{username}</code>) for groups. It will allow the group to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique.": "Es coma vòstra adreça federada (<code>{username}</code>) pels grops. Aquò permetrà al monde de lo trobar sus la federacion, e es garantit d’èsser unic.",
"This is like your federated username (<code>{username}</code>) for groups. It will allow the group to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique.": "Es coma vòstra adreça federada (<code>{username}</code>) pels grops. Aquò permetrà al monde de lo trobar sus la federacion, e es garantit d’èsser unic.",
"This month": "Aqueste mes",
"This month": "Aqueste mes",
"This website isn't moderated and the data that you enter will be automatically destroyed every day at 00:01 (Paris timezone).": "Aqueste site es pas moderat e las donadas qu’i picatz serà automaticament suprimidas cada jorn a 00h01 (ora de París).",
"This week": "Aquesta setmana",
"This week": "Aquesta setmana",
"This weekend": "Aquesta dimenjada",
"This weekend": "Aquesta dimenjada",
"This will delete / anonymize all content (events, comments, messages, participations…) created from this identity.": "Aquò suprimirà / far venir anonim tot lo contengut (eveniments, comentaris, messatges, participacions…) creat amb aquesta identitat.",
"This will delete / anonymize all content (events, comments, messages, participations…) created from this identity.": "Aquò suprimirà / far venir anonim tot lo contengut (eveniments, comentaris, messatges, participacions…) creat amb aquesta identitat.",
@ -806,6 +814,7 @@
"Welcome back!": "Tornatz ben aquí !",
"Welcome back!": "Tornatz ben aquí !",
"Welcome on your administration panel": "La benvenguda a vòstre espaci d’administracion",
"Welcome on your administration panel": "La benvenguda a vòstre espaci d’administracion",
"Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "Benvengut a Mobilizon, {username} !",
"Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "Benvengut a Mobilizon, {username} !",
"When a moderator from the group creates an event and attributes it to the group, it will show up here.": "Quand un moderator de grop crèa un eveniment e l’atribuís al grop, se mostrarà aicí.",
"Who can view this event and participate": "Qual pòt veire aqueste eveniment e i participar",
"Who can view this event and participate": "Qual pòt veire aqueste eveniment e i participar",
"Who can view this post": "Qual pòt veire aqueste bilhet",
"Who can view this post": "Qual pòt veire aqueste bilhet",
"Who published {number} events": "Qu’an publicat {number} eveniments",
"Who published {number} events": "Qu’an publicat {number} eveniments",
@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
"Banner": "Baner",
"Banner": "Baner",
"Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account.": "Zanim się zalogujesz, musisz odwiedzić odnośnik znajdujący się w niej, aby potwierdzić swoje konto.",
"Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account.": "Zanim się zalogujesz, musisz odwiedzić odnośnik znajdujący się w niej, aby potwierdzić swoje konto.",
"Begins on": "Zaczyna się",
"Begins on": "Zaczyna się",
"Bold": "Pogrubione",
"By @{group}": "Od @{group}",
"By @{group}": "Od @{group}",
"By @{username}": "Od @{username}",
"By @{username}": "Od @{username}",
"By {author}": "Autorstwa {author}",
"By {author}": "Autorstwa {author}",
@ -109,6 +110,7 @@
"Click to upload": "Naciśnij aby wysłać",
"Click to upload": "Naciśnij aby wysłać",
"Close": "Zamknij",
"Close": "Zamknij",
"Close comments for all (except for admins)": "Wyłącz komentarze dla wszystkich (poza administracją)",
"Close comments for all (except for admins)": "Wyłącz komentarze dla wszystkich (poza administracją)",
"Closed": "Zamknięte",
"Comment deleted": "Usunięto komentarz",
"Comment deleted": "Usunięto komentarz",
"Comment from @{username} reported": "Zgłoszono komentarz @{username}",
"Comment from @{username} reported": "Zgłoszono komentarz @{username}",
"Comments": "Komentarze",
"Comments": "Komentarze",
@ -152,6 +154,7 @@
"Creator": "Twórca",
"Creator": "Twórca",
"Current identity has been changed to {identityName} in order to manage this event.": "Obecna tożsamość została zmieniona na {identityName}, aby móc zarządzać tym wydarzeniem.",
"Current identity has been changed to {identityName} in order to manage this event.": "Obecna tożsamość została zmieniona na {identityName}, aby móc zarządzać tym wydarzeniem.",
"Current page": "Obecna strona",
"Current page": "Obecna strona",
"Custom": "Niestandardowe",
"Custom URL": "Niestandardowy adres URL",
"Custom URL": "Niestandardowy adres URL",
"Custom text": "Niestandardowy tekst",
"Custom text": "Niestandardowy tekst",
"Daily email summary": "Codzienne wiadomości podsumowujące",
"Daily email summary": "Codzienne wiadomości podsumowujące",
@ -161,6 +164,7 @@
"Date and time settings": "Ustawienia daty i czasu",
"Date and time settings": "Ustawienia daty i czasu",
"Date parameters": "Parametry daty",
"Date parameters": "Parametry daty",
"Decline": "Odrzuć",
"Decline": "Odrzuć",
"Default": "Domyślne",
"Default Mobilizon privacy policy": "Domyślna polityka prywatności Mobilizon",
"Default Mobilizon privacy policy": "Domyślna polityka prywatności Mobilizon",
"Default Mobilizon terms": "Domyślny regulamin Mobilizon",
"Default Mobilizon terms": "Domyślny regulamin Mobilizon",
"Delete": "Usuń",
"Delete": "Usuń",
@ -185,6 +189,7 @@
"Description": "Opis",
"Description": "Opis",
"Didn't receive the instructions ?": "Nie otrzymałeś(-aś) instrukcji?",
"Didn't receive the instructions ?": "Nie otrzymałeś(-aś) instrukcji?",
"Didn't receive the instructions?": "Nie otrzymałeś(-aś) instrukcji?",
"Didn't receive the instructions?": "Nie otrzymałeś(-aś) instrukcji?",
"Disabled": "Wyłączone",
"Discussions": "Dyskusje",
"Discussions": "Dyskusje",
"Display name": "Wyświetlana nazwa",
"Display name": "Wyświetlana nazwa",
"Display participation price": "Wyświetlaj cenę udziału",
"Display participation price": "Wyświetlaj cenę udziału",
@ -196,6 +201,7 @@
"Draft": "Szkic",
"Draft": "Szkic",
"Drafts": "Szkice",
"Drafts": "Szkice",
"Due on": "Do",
"Due on": "Do",
"Duplicate": "Duplikuj",
"Edit": "Edytuj",
"Edit": "Edytuj",
"Edit post": "Edytuj wpis",
"Edit post": "Edytuj wpis",
"Edited {ago}": "Edytowano {ago}",
"Edited {ago}": "Edytowano {ago}",
@ -203,6 +209,7 @@
"Either on the {instance} instance or on another instance.": "Na instancji {instance} lub innej instancji.",
"Either on the {instance} instance or on another instance.": "Na instancji {instance} lub innej instancji.",
"Either the account is already validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Konto jest już potwierdzone lub token walidacji jest nieprawidłowy.",
"Either the account is already validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Konto jest już potwierdzone lub token walidacji jest nieprawidłowy.",
"Either the email has already been changed, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Adres e-mail już został zmieniony, albo token walidujący jest nieprawidłowy.",
"Either the email has already been changed, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Adres e-mail już został zmieniony, albo token walidujący jest nieprawidłowy.",
"Either the participation request has already been validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Prośba o uczestnictwo została już zatwierdzona, lub token walidacji jest nieprawidłowy.",
"Email": "E-mail",
"Email": "E-mail",
"Email address": "Adres e-mail",
"Email address": "Adres e-mail",
"Email notifications": "Powiadomienia e-mail",
"Email notifications": "Powiadomienia e-mail",
@ -285,6 +292,7 @@
"Headline picture": "Obraz nagłówka",
"Headline picture": "Obraz nagłówka",
"Hide replies": "Ukryj odpowiedzi",
"Hide replies": "Ukryj odpowiedzi",
"Hide the organizer": "Ukryj organizatora",
"Hide the organizer": "Ukryj organizatora",
"Home": "Strona główna",
"Home to {number} users": "Miejsce dla {number} użytkowników",
"Home to {number} users": "Miejsce dla {number} użytkowników",
"Hourly email summary": "Cogodzinne wiadomości podsumowujące",
"Hourly email summary": "Cogodzinne wiadomości podsumowujące",
"I agree to the {instanceRules} and {termsOfService}": "Zgadzam się z {instanceRules} i {termsOfService}",
"I agree to the {instanceRules} and {termsOfService}": "Zgadzam się z {instanceRules} i {termsOfService}",
@ -330,6 +338,7 @@
"Invite a new member": "Zaproś nowego członka",
"Invite a new member": "Zaproś nowego członka",
"Invite member": "Zaproś czcłonka",
"Invite member": "Zaproś czcłonka",
"Invited": "Zaproszony(-a)",
"Invited": "Zaproszony(-a)",
"Italic": "Pochylone",
"Join <b>{instance}</b>, a Mobilizon instance": "Dołącz do <b>{instance}</b>, instancji Mobilizon",
"Join <b>{instance}</b>, a Mobilizon instance": "Dołącz do <b>{instance}</b>, instancji Mobilizon",
"Join group": "Dołącz do grupy",
"Join group": "Dołącz do grupy",
"Join {instance}, a Mobilizon instance": "Dołącz do {instance}, instancji Mobilizon",
"Join {instance}, a Mobilizon instance": "Dołącz do {instance}, instancji Mobilizon",
@ -362,6 +371,7 @@
"Login": "Login",
"Login": "Login",
"Login on Mobilizon!": "Zaloguj się na Mobilizon!",
"Login on Mobilizon!": "Zaloguj się na Mobilizon!",
"Login on {instance}": "Zaloguj się na {instance}",
"Login on {instance}": "Zaloguj się na {instance}",
"Login status": "Stan logowania",
"Main languages you/your moderators speak": "Główne języki którymi posługujesz się Ty/moderatorzy",
"Main languages you/your moderators speak": "Główne języki którymi posługujesz się Ty/moderatorzy",
"Manage my notifications": "Zarządzaj powiadomieniami",
"Manage my notifications": "Zarządzaj powiadomieniami",
"Manage my settings": "Zarządzaj moimi ustawieniami",
"Manage my settings": "Zarządzaj moimi ustawieniami",
@ -461,6 +471,7 @@
"Only accessible to members of the group": "Dostępne tylko dla członków grupy",
"Only accessible to members of the group": "Dostępne tylko dla członków grupy",
"Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are supported.": "Tylko znaki alfanumeryczne i podkreślniki są dozwolone.",
"Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are supported.": "Tylko znaki alfanumeryczne i podkreślniki są dozwolone.",
"Only group moderators can create, edit and delete posts.": "Tylko moderatorzy grupy mogą tworzyć, edytować i usuwać wpisy.",
"Only group moderators can create, edit and delete posts.": "Tylko moderatorzy grupy mogą tworzyć, edytować i usuwać wpisy.",
"Open": "Otwarty",
"Opened reports": "Otwarte zgłoszenia",
"Opened reports": "Otwarte zgłoszenia",
"Or": "Lub",
"Or": "Lub",
"Organized": "Zorganizowane",
"Organized": "Zorganizowane",
@ -661,6 +672,7 @@
"This information is saved only on your computer. Click for details": "Ta informacja jest zapisywana tylko na Twoim komputerze. Naciśnij, aby uzyskać szczegóły",
"This information is saved only on your computer. Click for details": "Ta informacja jest zapisywana tylko na Twoim komputerze. Naciśnij, aby uzyskać szczegóły",
"This installation (called “instance“) can easily {interconnect}, thanks to {protocol}.": "Ta instalacja (nazywana „instancją” może łatwo {interconnect} dzięki {protocol}.",
"This installation (called “instance“) can easily {interconnect}, thanks to {protocol}.": "Ta instalacja (nazywana „instancją” może łatwo {interconnect} dzięki {protocol}.",
"This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances.": "Ta instancja nie pozwala na rejestrację, ale możesz zarejestrować się na innych.",
"This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances.": "Ta instancja nie pozwala na rejestrację, ale możesz zarejestrować się na innych.",
"This is a demonstration site to test Mobilizon.": "To jest demonstracyjna strona służąca do testowania Mobilizon.",
"This is a demonstration site to test the beta version of Mobilizon.": "To strona demonstracyjna pozwalająca na przetestowanie wersji beta Mobilizon.",
"This is a demonstration site to test the beta version of Mobilizon.": "To strona demonstracyjna pozwalająca na przetestowanie wersji beta Mobilizon.",
"This is like your federated username (<code>{username}</code>) for groups. It will allow the group to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique.": "To wygląda tak jak sfederowana nazwa użytkownika (<code>{username}</code>) dla grup. Pozwala na znalezienie ich w federacji i masz pewność, że będą unikatowe.",
"This is like your federated username (<code>{username}</code>) for groups. It will allow the group to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique.": "To wygląda tak jak sfederowana nazwa użytkownika (<code>{username}</code>) dla grup. Pozwala na znalezienie ich w federacji i masz pewność, że będą unikatowe.",
"This is like your federated username (<code>{username}</code>) for groups. It will allow you to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique.": "Jest taka jak Twoja sfederowana nazwa użytkownika (<code>{username}</code>), ale dla grup. Pozwala na znalezienie jej w federacji i będzie unikatowa.",
"This is like your federated username (<code>{username}</code>) for groups. It will allow you to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique.": "Jest taka jak Twoja sfederowana nazwa użytkownika (<code>{username}</code>), ale dla grup. Pozwala na znalezienie jej w federacji i będzie unikatowa.",
@ -689,6 +701,8 @@
"Unable to detect timezone.": "Nie udało się wykryć strefy czasowej.",
"Unable to detect timezone.": "Nie udało się wykryć strefy czasowej.",
"Unfortunately, this instance isn't opened to registrations": "Niestety, rejestracja jest zamknięta na tej instancji",
"Unfortunately, this instance isn't opened to registrations": "Niestety, rejestracja jest zamknięta na tej instancji",
"Unfortunately, your participation request was rejected by the organizers.": "Niestety, Twoje zgłoszenie udziału zostało odrzucone przez organizatorów.",
"Unfortunately, your participation request was rejected by the organizers.": "Niestety, Twoje zgłoszenie udziału zostało odrzucone przez organizatorów.",
"Unknown": "Nieznane",
"Unknown actor": "Nieznany aktor",
"Unknown error.": "Nieznany błąd.",
"Unknown error.": "Nieznany błąd.",
"Unsaved changes": "Niezapisane zmiany",
"Unsaved changes": "Niezapisane zmiany",
"Unset group": "Odznacz grupę",
"Unset group": "Odznacz grupę",
@ -780,6 +794,8 @@
"Your participation has been confirmed": "Twój udział został potwierdzony",
"Your participation has been confirmed": "Twój udział został potwierdzony",
"Your participation has been rejected": "Twoje uczestnictwo zostało odrzucone",
"Your participation has been rejected": "Twoje uczestnictwo zostało odrzucone",
"Your participation has been requested": "Poprosiłeś(-aś) o uczestnictwo",
"Your participation has been requested": "Poprosiłeś(-aś) o uczestnictwo",
"Your participation request has been validated": "Twoje członkostwo zostało zwalidowane",
"Your participation request is being validated": "Twoje członkostwo jest walidowane",
"Your participation status has been changed": "Stan Twojego uczestnictwa zostan zmieniony",
"Your participation status has been changed": "Stan Twojego uczestnictwa zostan zmieniony",
"Your participation still has to be approved by the organisers.": "Twoje zgłoszenie wciąż czeka na zatwierdzenie przez organizatorów.",
"Your participation still has to be approved by the organisers.": "Twoje zgłoszenie wciąż czeka na zatwierdzenie przez organizatorów.",
"Your profile will be shown as contact.": "Twój profil będzie wyświetlany jako kontakt.",
"Your profile will be shown as contact.": "Twój profil będzie wyświetlany jako kontakt.",
@ -796,6 +812,7 @@
"default Mobilizon privacy policy": "Domyślna polityka prywatności Mobilizon",
"default Mobilizon privacy policy": "Domyślna polityka prywatności Mobilizon",
"default Mobilizon terms": "domyślny regulamin Mobilizon",
"default Mobilizon terms": "domyślny regulamin Mobilizon",
"e.g. 10 Rue Jangot": "np. Jana Pawła II 21/37",
"e.g. 10 Rue Jangot": "np. Jana Pawła II 21/37",
"firstDayOfWeek": "0",
"full rules": "zasady",
"full rules": "zasady",
"iCal Feed": "Strumień iCal",
"iCal Feed": "Strumień iCal",
"instance rules": "zasadami instancji",
"instance rules": "zasadami instancji",
@ -8,15 +8,15 @@
## to merge POT files into PO files.
## to merge POT files into PO files.
msgid ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-02 08:06+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-04 12:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: josé m. <>\n"
"Last-Translator: josé m. <>\n"
"Language-Team: Galician <"
"Language-Team: Galician <"
"Language: gl\n"
"Language: gl\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.1\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "can't be blank"
msgid "can't be blank"
msgstr "non pode estar baleiro"
msgstr "non pode estar baleiro"
@ -55,106 +55,107 @@ msgstr[1] "deberían ter %{count} caracter(es)"
msgid "should have %{count} item(s)"
msgid "should have %{count} item(s)"
msgid_plural "should have %{count} item(s)"
msgid_plural "should have %{count} item(s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[0] "debería ter %{count} elemento"
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[1] "debería ter %{count} elementos"
msgid "should be at least %{count} character(s)"
msgid "should be at least %{count} character(s)"
msgid_plural "should be at least %{count} character(s)"
msgid_plural "should be at least %{count} character(s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[0] "debería ter ao menos %{count} caracter"
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[1] "debería ter ao menos %{count} caracteres"
msgid "should have at least %{count} item(s)"
msgid "should have at least %{count} item(s)"
msgid_plural "should have at least %{count} item(s)"
msgid_plural "should have at least %{count} item(s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[0] "debería ter ó menos %{count} elemento"
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[1] "debería ter ó menos %{count} elementos"
msgid "should be at most %{count} character(s)"
msgid "should be at most %{count} character(s)"
msgid_plural "should be at most %{count} character(s)"
msgid_plural "should be at most %{count} character(s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[0] "debería ser como moito %{count} caracter"
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[1] "debería ser como moito de %{count} caracteres"
msgid "should have at most %{count} item(s)"
msgid "should have at most %{count} item(s)"
msgid_plural "should have at most %{count} item(s)"
msgid_plural "should have at most %{count} item(s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[0] "debería ter como moito %{count} elemento"
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[1] "debería ter como moito %{count} elementos"
msgid "must be less than %{number}"
msgid "must be less than %{number}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ten que ser menor que %{number}"
msgid "must be greater than %{number}"
msgid "must be greater than %{number}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ten que ser maior de %{number}"
msgid "must be less than or equal to %{number}"
msgid "must be less than or equal to %{number}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ten que ser menos ou igual a %{number}"
msgid "must be greater than or equal to %{number}"
msgid "must be greater than or equal to %{number}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ten que ser maior ou igual a %{number}"
msgid "must be equal to %{number}"
msgid "must be equal to %{number}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ten que ser igual a %{number}"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:103
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:103
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Cannot refresh the token"
msgid "Cannot refresh the token"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non puido actualizar o token"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:139
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:139
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Creator profile is not owned by the current user"
msgid "Creator profile is not owned by the current user"
msgstr ""
msgstr "A usuaria actual non é dona da creadora do perfil"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:203
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:203
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Current profile is not a member of this group"
msgid "Current profile is not a member of this group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "O perfil actual non é membro deste grupo"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:207
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Current profile is not an administrator of the selected group"
msgid "Current profile is not an administrator of the selected group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "O perfil actual non é administrador do grupo seleccionado"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:512
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:512
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Error while saving user settings"
msgid "Error while saving user settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Erro ó gardar os axustes de usuaria"
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:90 lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:200
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:90 lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:200
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:248 lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:283 lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:83
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:248 lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:283 lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:83
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Group not found"
msgid "Group not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Grupo non atopado"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:69
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:69
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Group with ID %{id} not found"
msgid "Group with ID %{id} not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Grupo con ID %{id} non atopado"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:83
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:83
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Impossible to authenticate, either your email or password are invalid."
msgid "Impossible to authenticate, either your email or password are invalid."
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"A autenticación non foi posible, o contrasinal ou o email non son correctos."
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:280
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:280
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Member not found"
msgid "Member not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Membro non atopado"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:58 lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:58 lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:417
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:417
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "No profile found for the moderator user"
msgid "No profile found for the moderator user"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non se atopou o perfil para a usuaria moderadora"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:195
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:195
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "No user to validate with this email was found"
msgid "No user to validate with this email was found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non se atopou unha usuaria con este email para validar"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:232 lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:76
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:232 lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:76
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:219
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:219
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "No user with this email was found"
msgid "No user with this email was found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non se atopa ningunha usuaria con este email"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50 lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:112
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50 lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:112
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:286 lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28 lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:245
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:286 lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28 lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:245
@ -165,188 +166,190 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:57
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:57
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr ""
msgstr "O perfil non pertence a unha usuaria autenticada"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:125
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:125
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Registrations are not open"
msgid "Registrations are not open"
msgstr ""
msgstr "O rexistro está pechado"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:330
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:330
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "The current password is invalid"
msgid "The current password is invalid"
msgstr ""
msgstr "O contrasinal actual non é válido"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:382
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:382
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "The new email doesn't seem to be valid"
msgid "The new email doesn't seem to be valid"
msgstr ""
msgstr "O novo email non semella ser válido"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:379
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:379
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "The new email must be different"
msgid "The new email must be different"
msgstr ""
msgstr "O novo email ten que ser diferente"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:333
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:333
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "The new password must be different"
msgid "The new password must be different"
msgstr ""
msgstr "O novo contrasinal ten que ser diferente"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:376 lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:439
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:376 lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:439
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:442
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:442
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "The password provided is invalid"
msgid "The password provided is invalid"
msgstr ""
msgstr "O contrasinal escrito non é válido"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:337
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:337
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "The password you have chosen is too short. Please make sure your password contains at least 6 characters."
msgid "The password you have chosen is too short. Please make sure your password contains at least 6 characters."
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"O contrasinal escollido é demasiado curto, ten que ter 6 caracteres polo "
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:215
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:215
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "This user can't reset their password"
msgid "This user can't reset their password"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Esta usuaria non pode restablecer o seu contrasinal"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:79
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:79
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "This user has been disabled"
msgid "This user has been disabled"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Estab usuaria foi desactivada"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:179
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:179
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Unable to validate user"
msgid "Unable to validate user"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non se puido validar a usuaria"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:420
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:420
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "User already disabled"
msgid "User already disabled"
msgstr ""
msgstr "A usuaria xa está desactivada"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:487
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:487
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "User requested is not logged-in"
msgid "User requested is not logged-in"
msgstr ""
msgstr "A usuaria solicitada non está conectada"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:254
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:254
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You are already a member of this group"
msgid "You are already a member of this group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Xa es membro deste grupo"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:287
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:287
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You can't leave this group because you are the only administrator"
msgid "You can't leave this group because you are the only administrator"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non podes deixar este grupo porque es a única administradora"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:251
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:251
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You cannot join this group"
msgid "You cannot join this group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non podes unirte a este grupo"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:97
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:97
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You may not list groups unless moderator."
msgid "You may not list groups unless moderator."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non podes facer listas de grupos porque non es moderadora."
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:387
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:387
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to change your email"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to change your email"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tes que estar conectada para poder cambiar o email"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:345
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:345
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to change your password"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to change your password"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tes que estar conectada para poder cambiar o contrasinal"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:212
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:212
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete a group"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete a group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tes que estar conectada para poder eleminar un grupo"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:447
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:447
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete your account"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete your account"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tes que estar conectada para poder eliminar a conta"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:259
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:259
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join a group"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join a group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tes que estar conectada para poder unirte a un grupo"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:292
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:292
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave a group"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave a group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tes que estar conectada para poder deixar un grupo"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:177
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:177
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update a group"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update a group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tes que estar conectada para poder actualizar un grupo"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:58
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:58
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to have admin access to list users"
msgid "You need to have admin access to list users"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tes que ter acceso de administración para ver lista de usuarias"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:108
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:108
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to have an existing token to get a refresh token"
msgid "You need to have an existing token to get a refresh token"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tes que ter un token existente para obter un token actualizado"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:198 lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:222
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:198 lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:222
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You requested again a confirmation email too soon"
msgid "You requested again a confirmation email too soon"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Solicitaches demasiado pronto un email de confirmación"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:128
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:128
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Your email is not on the allowlist"
msgid "Your email is not on the allowlist"
msgstr ""
msgstr "O teu email non está na lista dos permitidos"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:64 lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:94
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:64 lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:94
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Error while performing background task"
msgid "Error while performing background task"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Erro ó executar a tarefa en segundo plano"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:27
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:27
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "No profile found with this ID"
msgid "No profile found with this ID"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non se atopa o perfil con este ID"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:54 lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:91
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:54 lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:91
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "No remote profile found with this ID"
msgid "No remote profile found with this ID"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non se atopa o perfil remoto con este ID"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:69
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:69
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Only moderators and administrators can suspend a profile"
msgid "Only moderators and administrators can suspend a profile"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Só moderadoras e administradoras poden suspender un perfil"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:99
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:99
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Only moderators and administrators can unsuspend a profile"
msgid "Only moderators and administrators can unsuspend a profile"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Só moderadoras e administradoras pode restablecer un perfil"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:24
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:24
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Only remote profiles may be refreshed"
msgid "Only remote profiles may be refreshed"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Só os perfís remotos poderían ser actualizdos"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:61
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:61
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr ""
msgstr "O perfil xa está suspendido"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:96
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:96
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr ""
msgstr "A túa instancia require un email válido"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non está permitida a participación ánonima"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:188
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:188
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
## to merge POT files into PO files.
## to merge POT files into PO files.
msgid ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-02 08:06+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-04 12:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: x <>\n"
"Last-Translator: diorama <>\n"
"Language-Team: Italian <"
"Language-Team: Italian <"
"Language: it\n"
"Language: it\n"
@ -43,20 +43,20 @@ msgid "does not match confirmation"
msgstr "non corrisponde alla conferma"
msgstr "non corrisponde alla conferma"
msgid "is still associated with this entry"
msgid "is still associated with this entry"
msgstr "e' ancora associato/o a questa voce"
msgstr "è già associato a questo inserimento"
msgid "are still associated with this entry"
msgid "are still associated with this entry"
msgstr "sono ancora associati/e a questa voce"
msgstr "sono ancora associati/e a questa voce"
msgid "should be %{count} character(s)"
msgid "should be %{count} character(s)"
msgid_plural "should be %{count} character(s)"
msgid_plural "should be %{count} character(s)"
msgstr[0] "dovrebbe avere %{count} character(s)"
msgstr[0] "dovrebbe avere un carattere"
msgstr[1] "dovrebbe avere %{count} character(s)"
msgstr[1] "dovrebbe avere %{count} caratteri"
msgid "should have %{count} item(s)"
msgid "should have %{count} item(s)"
msgid_plural "should have %{count} item(s)"
msgid_plural "should have %{count} item(s)"
msgstr[0] "dovrebbe avere %{count} elemento(i)"
msgstr[0] "dovrebbe avere un elemento"
msgstr[1] "dovrebbero avere %{count} elemento(i)"
msgstr[1] "dovrebbe avere %{count} elementi"
msgid "should be at least %{count} character(s)"
msgid "should be at least %{count} character(s)"
msgid_plural "should be at least %{count} character(s)"
msgid_plural "should be at least %{count} character(s)"
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ msgstr "Gruppo con ID %{id} non trovato"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:83
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:83
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Impossible to authenticate, either your email or password are invalid."
msgid "Impossible to authenticate, either your email or password are invalid."
msgstr "Impossibile autenticarsi: email e/o password non validi"
msgstr "Impossibile autenticarsi: email e/o password non validi."
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:280
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:280
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ msgstr "Hai richiesto di nuovo un'e-mail di conferma troppo presto"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:128
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:128
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Your email is not on the allowlist"
msgid "Your email is not on the allowlist"
msgstr ""
msgstr "La tua mail non è nella lista delle autorizzazioni"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:64 lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:94
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:64 lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:94
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ msgstr "Nessuno profilo trovato per l'utente"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:66
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:66
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "No such feed token"
msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nessun token di rifornimento corrispondente"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:202
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:202
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ msgstr "Il profilo dell'organizzatore non è di proprietà dell'utente"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:244
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:244
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Il partecipante ha già il ruolo %{role}"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:173
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:173
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:202 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:237
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:202 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:237
@ -444,22 +444,22 @@ msgstr "Partecipante non trovato"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:31
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:31
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Person with ID %{id} not found"
msgid "Person with ID %{id} not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "La persona con l'ID %{id} non è stata trovata"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:52
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:52
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Person with username %{username} not found"
msgid "Person with username %{username} not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "La persona con il nome utente %{username} non è stata trovata"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/picture.ex:45
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/picture.ex:45
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Picture with ID %{id} was not found"
msgid "Picture with ID %{id} was not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "L'immagine con l'ID %{id} non è stata trovata"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:165 lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:198
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:165 lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:198
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Post ID is not a valid ID"
msgid "Post ID is not a valid ID"
msgstr ""
msgstr "L'ID del post non è un ID valido"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:168 lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:201
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:168 lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:201
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
@ -469,12 +469,12 @@ msgstr "Il post non esiste"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:86
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:86
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Profile invited doesn't exist"
msgid "Profile invited doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Il profilo invitato non esiste"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:95 lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:99
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:95 lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:99
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Profile is already a member of this group"
msgid "Profile is already a member of this group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Il profilo è già un membro diquesto gruppo"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:131 lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:171
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:131 lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:171
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:204 lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:87 lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:124
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:204 lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:87 lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:124
@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:197 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:225
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:197 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:225
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Profile is not member of group"
msgid "Profile is not member of group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Il profilo non è membro del gruppo"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:154 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:154 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:182
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
@ -494,6 +494,8 @@ msgstr "Profilo non trovato"
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Il profilo del moderatore fornito non dispone dell'autorizzazione per questo "
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:38
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:38
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
@ -508,12 +510,12 @@ msgstr "La risorsa non esiste"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:124
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:124
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr ""
msgstr "L'evento ha già raggiunto la sua massima capacità"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:267
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:267
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Questo token non è valido"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:168 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:222
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:168 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:222
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
@ -534,7 +536,7 @@ msgstr "Il token non esiste"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:69
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:69
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Token is not a valid UUID"
msgid "Token is not a valid UUID"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Il token non è un UUID valido"
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:87 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:323
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:87 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:323
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
@ -544,12 +546,12 @@ msgstr "Utente non trovato"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:235
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Hai già un profilo per questo utente"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:134
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:134
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Se già un partecipante di questo evento"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:185
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:185
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
@ -559,238 +561,249 @@ msgstr "Non sei membro del gruppo a cui la discussione appartiene"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:89
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:89
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You are not a member of this group"
msgid "You are not a member of this group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non sei un membro di questo gruppo"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:154
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:154
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non sei un moderatore o amministratore di questo gruppo"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:55
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:55
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non è consentito creare un commento se non si è collegati"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:44
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:44
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non puoi creare un token di rifornimento senza connessione"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:117
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:117
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non è consentito eliminare un commento se non si è collegati"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:81
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:81
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non puoi eliminare un token di rifornimento senza connettersi"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:77
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:77
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non è consentito aggiornare un commento se non si è collegati"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:167
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:167
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:196
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:196
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Non puoi lasciare l'evento perchè sei l'unico partecipante creatore di eventi"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:158
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:158
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You can't set yourself to a lower member role for this group because you are the only administrator"
msgid "You can't set yourself to a lower member role for this group because you are the only administrator"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Non puoi impostare te stesso per un ruolo di membro inferiore per questo "
"gruppo perché sei l'unico amministratore"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non puoi eliminare questo commento"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non puoi eliminare questo evento"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:92
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:92
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You cannot invite to this group"
msgid "You cannot invite to this group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non puoi invitare in questo gruppo"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:75
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:75
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You don't have permission to delete this token"
msgid "You don't have permission to delete this token"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non hai il permesso di cancellare questo token"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:52
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:52
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to list action logs"
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to list action logs"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso e un moderatore per elencare i log delle azioni"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:28
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to list reports"
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to list reports"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso e un moderatore per elencare i rapporti"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:118
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:118
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to update a report"
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to update a report"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso e un moderatore per aggiornare un rapporto"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:43
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:43
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to view a report"
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to view a report"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso e un moderatore per visualizzare un rapporto"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:220
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to access admin settings"
msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to access admin settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Devi essere connesso e un moderatore per accedere alle opzioni "
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:205
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:205
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to access dashboard statistics"
msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to access dashboard statistics"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Devi essere connesso e un moderatore per accedere alle statistiche del "
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:244
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:244
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to save admin settings"
msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to save admin settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Devi essere connesso e un moderatore per salvare le impostazioni "
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:66
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:66
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to access discussions"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to access discussions"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per accedere alle discussioni"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:93
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:93
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per accedere alle risorse"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:213
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:213
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per creare eventi"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:139
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:139
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create posts"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create posts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per creare dei post"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:81 lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:92
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:81 lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:92
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create reports"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create reports"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per creare rapporti"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:129
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:129
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per creare risorse"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:291
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:291
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per eliminare un evento"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:209
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:209
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete posts"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete posts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per eliminare dei post"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:187
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per eliminare risorse"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:108
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:108
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per partecipare a un evento"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:207
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per lasciare un evento"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:252
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:252
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per aggiornare un evento"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:176
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:176
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update posts"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update posts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per aggiornare dei post"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:158
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:158
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update resources"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update resources"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per aggiornare le risorse"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:210
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:210
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to view a resource preview"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to view a resource preview"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per visualizzare l'anteprima di una risorsa"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/picture.ex:86
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/picture.ex:86
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to login to upload a picture"
msgid "You need to login to upload a picture"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per caricare un'immagine"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:84
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Reporter ID does not match the anonymous profile id"
msgid "Reporter ID does not match the anonymous profile id"
msgstr ""
msgstr "L'ID reporter non corrisponde all'ID del profilo anonimo"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:59
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:59
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Reporter profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgid "Reporter profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Il profilo del reporter non è di proprietà dell'utente autenticato"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:121
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:121
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Parent resource doesn't belong to this group"
msgid "Parent resource doesn't belong to this group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "La risorsa principale non appartiene a questo gruppo"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr ""
msgstr "L'ID profilo fornito non è quello del profilo anonimo"
#: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:109
#: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:109
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "The chosen password is too short."
msgid "The chosen password is too short."
msgstr ""
msgstr "La password scelta è troppo corta."
#: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:138
#: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:138
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "The registration token is already in use, this looks like an issue on our side."
msgid "The registration token is already in use, this looks like an issue on our side."
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Il token di registrazione è già in uso, questo sembra un problema dalla "
"nostra parte."
#: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:104
#: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:104
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "This email is already used."
msgid "This email is already used."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Questa email è già in uso."
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:88
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Post not found"
msgid "Post not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Post non trovato"
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:75
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:75
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Invalid arguments passed"
msgid "Invalid arguments passed"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Sono stati trasmessi argomenti non validi"
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:81
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:81
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Invalid credentials"
msgid "Invalid credentials"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Credenziali non valide"
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:79
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:79
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Reset your password to login"
msgid "Reset your password to login"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Reimposta la tua password per connetterti"
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:86 lib/graphql/error.ex:91
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:86 lib/graphql/error.ex:91
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
@ -800,64 +813,64 @@ msgstr "Segnalazione non trovata"
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:92
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:92
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Something went wrong"
msgid "Something went wrong"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Qualcosa è andato storto"
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:74
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:74
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Unknown Resource"
msgid "Unknown Resource"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Risorsa sconosciuta"
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:84
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You don't have permission to do this"
msgid "You don't have permission to do this"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non hai il permesso di farlo"
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:76
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:76
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged in"
msgid "You need to be logged in"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Devi essere connesso"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:119
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:119
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You can't accept this invitation with this profile."
msgid "You can't accept this invitation with this profile."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non puoi accettare l'invito con questo profilo."
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:137
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:137
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You can't reject this invitation with this profile."
msgid "You can't reject this invitation with this profile."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non puoi rifiutare l'invito con questo profilo."
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/picture.ex:78
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/picture.ex:78
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "File doesn't have an allowed MIME type."
msgid "File doesn't have an allowed MIME type."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Il file non ha un tipo MIME consentito."
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:172
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:172
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Il profilo non è amministratore del gruppo"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non puoi modificare questo evento."
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:244
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:244
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non puo iattribuire questo evento a questo profilo."
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:140
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:140
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "This invitation doesn't exist."
msgid "This invitation doesn't exist."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Questo invito non esiste."
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:182
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "This member already has been rejected."
msgid "This member already has been rejected."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Questo memebro è già stato rifiutato."
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:189
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:189
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You don't have the right to remove this member."
msgid "You don't have the right to remove this member."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non hai il diritto di rimuovere questo membro."
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-24 14:40+0000\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-24 14:40+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-02 08:06+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-04 12:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Quentin PAGÈS <>\n"
"Last-Translator: Quentin PAGÈS <>\n"
"Language-Team: Occitan <"
"Language-Team: Occitan <"
@ -488,12 +488,21 @@ msgstr "Modificacion d'aquestas condictions d'utilizacion"
msgctxt "terms"
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "A lot of the content on the Service is from you and others, and we don't review, verify or authenticate it, and it may include inaccuracies or false information. We make no representations, warranties, or guarantees relating to the quality, suitability, truth, accuracy or completeness of any content contained in the Service. You acknowledge sole responsibility for and assume all risk arising from your use of or reliance on any content."
msgid "A lot of the content on the Service is from you and others, and we don't review, verify or authenticate it, and it may include inaccuracies or false information. We make no representations, warranties, or guarantees relating to the quality, suitability, truth, accuracy or completeness of any content contained in the Service. You acknowledge sole responsibility for and assume all risk arising from your use of or reliance on any content."
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Fòrça part del contengut del Servici ven de vosautres e dels autres, e l’"
"examinam pas, lo verificam pas, nimai l’autentificam pas, e pòt conténer "
"inexactitud o informacions falsas. Fasèm pas cap de declaracion, garantida o "
"assegurança respècte a la qualitat, la pertinéncia, la veracitat, l’"
"exactitud o del caractèr exaustiu del contengut del Servici. Reconeissètz "
"èsser lo sol responsable e assumissètz quin risc que siá que resulta de "
"vòstra utilizacion o de vòstra fisança dins lo contengut."
#: lib/web/templates/api/terms.html.eex:60
#: lib/web/templates/api/terms.html.eex:60
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "Also, you agree that you will not do any of the following in connection with the Service or other users:"
msgid "Also, you agree that you will not do any of the following in connection with the Service or other users:"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Amai, acceptatz de far pas çò que sèc en relacion lo Servici o los autres "
"utilizaires :"
#: lib/web/templates/api/terms.html.eex:65
#: lib/web/templates/api/terms.html.eex:65
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
@ -1016,7 +1025,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/web/templates/email/event_updated.text.eex:11
#: lib/web/templates/email/event_updated.text.eex:11
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "This event has been cancelled by its organizers. Sorry!"
msgid "This event has been cancelled by its organizers. Sorry!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Aqueste eveniment foguèt anullat pels seus organizators. Desolat !"
#: lib/web/templates/email/event_updated.html.eex:51
#: lib/web/templates/email/event_updated.html.eex:51
#: lib/web/templates/email/event_updated.text.eex:7
#: lib/web/templates/email/event_updated.text.eex:7
@ -1029,6 +1038,8 @@ msgstr "L’eveniment es estat confirmat"
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "This event has yet to be confirmed: organizers will let you know if they do confirm it."
msgid "This event has yet to be confirmed: organizers will let you know if they do confirm it."
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Aqueste eveniment deu encara èsser confirmat : los organizators vos avisaràn "
"quand siá confirmat."
#: lib/web/templates/email/event_participation_rejected.html.eex:45
#: lib/web/templates/email/event_participation_rejected.html.eex:45
#: lib/web/templates/email/event_participation_rejected.text.eex:7
#: lib/web/templates/email/event_participation_rejected.text.eex:7
@ -1096,7 +1107,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/web/templates/email/event_participation_rejected.text.eex:5
#: lib/web/templates/email/event_participation_rejected.text.eex:5
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You issued a request to attend %{title}."
msgid "You issued a request to attend %{title}."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Avètz demandar de participar a %{title}."
#: lib/web/templates/email/event_participation_approved.text.eex:5
#: lib/web/templates/email/event_participation_approved.text.eex:5
#: lib/web/templates/email/event_participation_confirmed.text.eex:3
#: lib/web/templates/email/event_participation_confirmed.text.eex:3
@ -1115,6 +1126,7 @@ msgstr "I anatz !"
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "If you didn't trigger the change yourself, please ignore this message."
msgid "If you didn't trigger the change yourself, please ignore this message."
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"S’avètz pas demandat aquesta modificacion, mercés d’ignorar aqueste messatge."
#: lib/web/templates/email/email.html.eex:89
#: lib/web/templates/email/email.html.eex:89
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
@ -1136,7 +1148,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/web/email/group.ex:62
#: lib/web/email/group.ex:62
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You have been removed from group %{group}"
msgid "You have been removed from group %{group}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Vos an tirat del grop %{group}"
#: lib/web/templates/email/group_member_removal.text.eex:3
#: lib/web/templates/email/group_member_removal.text.eex:3
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
## to merge POT files into PO files.
## to merge POT files into PO files.
msgid ""
msgid ""
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-02 08:06+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-04 12:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Marcin Mikołajczak <>\n"
"Last-Translator: Marcin Mikołajczak <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <"
"Language-Team: Polish <"
@ -637,182 +637,190 @@ msgstr "Nie masz uprawnień do usunięcia tego tokenu"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:52
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:52
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to list action logs"
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to list action logs"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowanym moderatorem, aby mieć dostęp do dzennika działań"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:28
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to list reports"
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to list reports"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowanym moderatorem, aby mieć dostęp do listy zgłoszeń"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:118
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:118
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to update a report"
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to update a report"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowanym moderatorem, aby móc zaktualizować zgłoszenie"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:43
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:43
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to view a report"
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to view a report"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowanym moderatorem, aby wyświetlić zgłoszenie"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:220
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to access admin settings"
msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to access admin settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Musisz być zalogowanym moderatorem, aby uzyskać dostęp do ustawień "
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:205
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:205
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to access dashboard statistics"
msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to access dashboard statistics"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Musisz być zalogowanym administratorem, aby uzyskać dostęp do statystyk w "
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:244
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:244
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to save admin settings"
msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to save admin settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Musisz być zalogowanym administratorem, aby zapisywać ustawienia "
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:66
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:66
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to access discussions"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to access discussions"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby uzyskać dostęp do dyskusji"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:93
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:93
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby uzyskać dostęp do zasobów"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:213
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:213
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby móc utworzyć wydarzenia"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:139
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:139
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create posts"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create posts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby utworzyć wpis"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:81 lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:92
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:81 lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:92
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create reports"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create reports"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby utworzyć zgłoszenie"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:129
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:129
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby utworzyć zasób"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:291
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:291
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby usunąć wydarzenie"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:209
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:209
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete posts"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete posts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby usunąć wpis"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:187
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby usunąć zasób"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:108
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:108
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby dołączyć do wydarzenia"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:207
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby opuścić wydarzenie"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:252
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:252
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby zaktualizować wydarzenie"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:176
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:176
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update posts"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update posts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby zaktualizować wpis"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:158
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:158
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update resources"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update resources"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby zaktualizować zasób"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:210
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:210
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to view a resource preview"
msgid "You need to be logged-in to view a resource preview"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby zobaczyć podgląd zasobu"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/picture.ex:86
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/picture.ex:86
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to login to upload a picture"
msgid "You need to login to upload a picture"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Musisz się zalogować, aby dodać obraz"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:84
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Reporter ID does not match the anonymous profile id"
msgid "Reporter ID does not match the anonymous profile id"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ID zgłaszającego nie zgadza się z ID anonimowego profilu"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:59
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:59
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Reporter profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgid "Reporter profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Profil zgłaszającego nie należy od uwierzytelnionego użytkownika"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:121
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:121
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Parent resource doesn't belong to this group"
msgid "Parent resource doesn't belong to this group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nadrzędny zasób nie należy do tej grupy"
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Podane ID profilu nie jest anonimowym profilem"
#: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:109
#: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:109
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "The chosen password is too short."
msgid "The chosen password is too short."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Wybrane hasło jest zbyt krótkie"
#: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:138
#: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:138
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "The registration token is already in use, this looks like an issue on our side."
msgid "The registration token is already in use, this looks like an issue on our side."
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Token rejestracyjny jest już w użyciu, to wygląda na problem po naszej "
#: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:104
#: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:104
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "This email is already used."
msgid "This email is already used."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ten adres e-mail jest już w użyciu."
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:88
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Post not found"
msgid "Post not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nie znaleziono wpisu"
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:75
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:75
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Invalid arguments passed"
msgid "Invalid arguments passed"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Podano nieprawidłowe argumenty"
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:81
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:81
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Invalid credentials"
msgid "Invalid credentials"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nieprawidłowe dane uwierzytelniające"
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:79
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:79
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Reset your password to login"
msgid "Reset your password to login"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Resetuj swoje hasło, aby zalogować się"
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:86 lib/graphql/error.ex:91
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:86 lib/graphql/error.ex:91
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Resource not found"
msgid "Resource not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nie znaleziono zasobu"
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:92
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:92
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
msgid "Something went wrong"
msgid "Something went wrong"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Coś poszło nie tak"
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:74
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:74
#, elixir-format
#, elixir-format
Reference in a new issue