diff --git a/js/src/i18n/es.json b/js/src/i18n/es.json
index f8b79e594..387b1ae5c 100644
--- a/js/src/i18n/es.json
+++ b/js/src/i18n/es.json
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
   "@{group}": "@{group}",
   "@{username}": "@{username}",
   "@{username} ({role})": "@{username} ({role})",
+  "@{username}'s follow request was accepted": "Se aceptó la solicitud de seguimiento de @{username}",
   "@{username}'s follow request was rejected": "Se rechazó la solicitud de seguimiento de @{username}",
   "A cookie is a small file containing information that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. When you visit the site again, the cookie allows that site to recognize your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. You can configure your browser to refuse all cookies. However, this may result in some website features or services partially working. Local storage works the same way but allows you to store more data.": "Una cookie es un pequeño archivo que contiene información que se envía a su computadora cuando visita un sitio web. Cuando vuelve a visitar el sitio, la cookie permite que ese sitio reconozca su navegador. Las cookies pueden almacenar preferencias del usuario y otra información. Puede configurar su navegador para rechazar todas las cookies. Sin embargo, esto puede provocar que algunas funciones o servicios del sitio web funcionen parcialmente. El almacenamiento local funciona de la misma manera, pero le permite almacenar más datos.",
   "A cookie is a small file containing informations that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. When you visit the site again, the cookie allows that site to recognize your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. You can configure your browser to refuse all cookies. However, this may result in some website features or services partially working. Local storage works the same way but allows to store more data.": "Una cookie es un pequeño archivo que contiene información que se envía a su computadora cuando visita un sitio web. Cuando vuelve a visitar el sitio, la cookie permite que ese sitio reconozca su navegador. Las cookies pueden almacenar las preferencias del usuario y otra información. Puede configurar su navegador para rechazar todas las cookies. Sin embargo, esto puede provocar que algunas funciones o servicios del sitio web funcionen parcialmente. El almacenamiento local funciona de la misma manera pero permite almacenar más datos.",
diff --git a/js/src/i18n/gd.json b/js/src/i18n/gd.json
index a6167c737..17a15d55e 100644
--- a/js/src/i18n/gd.json
+++ b/js/src/i18n/gd.json
@@ -1,15 +1,44 @@
+  "#{tag}": "#{tag}",
+  "(Masked)": "(Falaichte)",
+  "(this folder)": "(am pasgan seo)",
+  "(this link)": "(an ceangal seo)",
+  "+ Add a resource": "+ Cuir goireas ris",
+  "+ Create an event": "+ Cruthaich tachartas",
+  "+ Post a public message": "+ Postaich teachdaireachd phoblach",
+  "+ Start a discussion": "+ Tòisich air deasbad",
+  "@{group}": "@{group}",
+  "@{username} ({role})": "@{username} ({role})",
+  "A cookie is a small file containing information that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. When you visit the site again, the cookie allows that site to recognize your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. You can configure your browser to refuse all cookies. However, this may result in some website features or services partially working. Local storage works the same way but allows you to store more data.": "’S e faidhle beag a th’ ann am briosgaid sa bheil fiosrachadh ’s a thèid a chur dhan choimpiutair agad nuair a thadhlas tu air làrach-lìn. Nuair a thadhlas tu air an làrach-lìn a-rithist, aithnichidh an làrach ud am brabhsair agad leis a’ bhriosgaid. Gabhaidh roghainnean cleachdaiche is fiosrachadh eile a stòradh ann am briosgaid. ’S urrainn dhut am brabhsair agad a rèiteachadh ach an diùlt e gach briosgaid. Gidheadh, dh’fhaoidte nach obraich a h-uile gleus no seirbheis aig làrach-lìn mar bu chòir an uairsin. Obraichidh an stòras ionadail air an aon dòigh ach faodar barrachd dàta a chumail ann.",
+  "A place for your code of conduct, rules or guidelines. You can use HTML tags.": "Seo àite airson còd-giùlain, riaghailtean no comharra-treòrachaidh. ’S urrainn dhut tagaichean HTML a chleachdadh.",
+  "A place to explain who you are and the things that set your instance apart. You can use HTML tags.": "Seo àite airson cò thusa agus dè a tha sònraichte mun ionstans agad a mhìneachadh. ’S urrainn dhut tagaichean HTML a chleachdadh.",
+  "A place to publish something to the whole world, your community or just your group members.": "Seo àite airson rudan fhoillseachadh dhan t-saoghal gu lèir, dhan choimhearsnachd agad no do bhuill do bhuidhinn a-mhàin.",
+  "A place to store links to documents or resources of any type.": "Seo àite airson ceanglaichean gu sgrìobhainnean no goireasan sam bith eile a stòradh.",
+  "A user-friendly, emancipatory and ethical tool for gathering, organising, and mobilising.": "Inneal saor beusail airson cruinneachadh, cur air dòigh is iomairt a tha furasta cleachdadh.",
   "A validation email was sent to {email}": "Chaidh post-d dearbhaidh a chur gu {email}",
+  "API": "API",
   "Abandon editing": "Tilg air falbh an deasachadh",
   "About": "Mu dhèidhinn",
   "About Mobilizon": "Mu Mobilizon",
   "About anonymous participation": "Mun chom-pàirteachadh gun ainm",
   "About this event": "Mun tachartas seo",
   "About this instance": "Mun ionstans seo",
+  "Accept": "Gabh ris",
   "Accepted": "Air a ghabhail ris",
+  "Accessible only to members": "Chan fhaod ach buill inntrigeadh",
+  "Accessible through link": "Gabhaidh inntrigeadh le ceangal",
   "Account": "Cunntas",
+  "Actions": "Gnìomhan",
+  "Activated": "An gnìomh",
+  "Active": "Gnìomhach",
+  "Actor": "Actar",
   "Add": "Cuir ris",
+  "Add / Remove…": "Cuir ris / Thoir air falbh…",
+  "Add a contact": "Cuir fiosrachadh conaltraidh ris",
+  "Add a group": "Cuir buidheann ris",
+  "Add a new post": "Cuir post ùr ris",
   "Add a note": "Cuir nòta ris",
+  "Add a todo": "Cuir rud ri dhèanamh ris",
   "Add an address": "Cuir seòladh ris",
   "Add an instance": "Cuir ionstans ris",
   "Add some tags": "Cuir tagaichean ris",
@@ -18,44 +47,660 @@
   "Admin": "Rianaire",
   "Admin settings successfully saved.": "Chaidh roghainnean an rianaire a shàbhaladh.",
   "Administration": "Rianachd",
+  "Administrator": "Rianaire",
+  "All good, let's continue!": "Tha seo dòigheil, leanamaid oirnn!",
+  "Allow all comments from users with accounts": "Ceadaich a h-uile beachd o chleachdaichean air an clàradh a-steach",
   "Allow registrations": "Ceadaich clàradh",
+  "An instance is an installed version of the Mobilizon software running on a server. An instance can be run by anyone using the {mobilizon_software} or other federated apps, aka the “fediverse”. This instance's name is {instance_name}. Mobilizon is a federated network of multiple instances (just like email servers), users registered on different instances may communicate even though they didn't register on the same instance.": "’S e tionndadh dhen bhathar-bhog Mobilizon a chaidh a stàladh ’s a tha a’ ruith air frithealaiche a th’ ann an ionstans. ’S urrainn do dhuine sam bith ionstans a ruith le {mobilizon_software} no le aplacaidean co-naisgte eile, sin an “co-shaoghal”. Is {instance_name} ainm an ionstans seo. ’S e lìonra de dh’iomadh ionstans co-naisgte (coltach ri frithealaichean puist-d) a th’ ann am Mobilizon. ’S urrainn do chleachdaichean a chlàraich le ionstansan eadar-dhealaichte conaltradh ri chèile ged nach do chlàraich iad air an on ionstans.",
+  "An “application programming interface” or “API” is a communication protocol that allows software components to communicate with each other. The Mobilizon API, for example, can allow third-party software tools to communicate with Mobilizon instances to carry out certain actions, such as posting events on your behalf, automatically and remotely.": "’S e pròtacal conaltraidh a th’ ann an “application programming interface” no “API” a leigeas le co-phàirtean bathair-bhog conaltradh ri chèile. Mar eisimpleir, ’s urrainn dhan API aig Mobilizon leigeil le innealan bathair-bhog threas-phàrtaidhean gun dèan iad conaltradh le ionstansan de Mhobilizon airson gnìomhan sònraichte a ghabhail, can postadh thachartasan às do leth gu fèin-obrachail is gu cèin.",
+  "And {number} comments": "Agus {number} beachd",
   "Anonymous participant": "Freastalaiche gun ainm",
   "Anonymous participants will be asked to confirm their participation through e-mail.": "Thèid iarraidh air freastalaichean gun ainm gun dearbh iad an com-pàirteachadh air a’ phost-d.",
   "Anonymous participations": "Com-pàirteachaidhean gun ainm",
+  "Any day": "Latha sam bith",
+  "Application": "Aplacaid",
   "Are you really sure you want to delete your whole account? You'll lose everything. Identities, settings, events created, messages and participations will be gone forever.": "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an cunntas agad a sguabadh às uile gu lèir? Caillidh tu a h-uile rud. Falbhaidh na dearbh-aithnean, na roghainnean, na tachartasan a chruthaich thu agus na com-pàirteachaidhean gu buan.",
   "Are you sure you want to cancel the event creation? You'll lose all modifications.": "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson sgur de chruthachadh an tachartais? Caillidh tu gach atharrachadh a rinn thu air.",
   "Are you sure you want to cancel the event edition? You'll lose all modifications.": "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson sgur de dheasachadh an tachartais? Caillidh tu gach atharrachadh a rinn thu air.",
   "Are you sure you want to cancel your participation at event \"{title}\"?": "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson sgur dhen chom-pàirteachadh agad aig “{title}”?",
+  "Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be reverted.": "A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an tachartas seo a sguabadh às? Cha ghabh seo a neo-dhèanamh.",
+  "Assigned to": "Air iomruineadh dha",
+  "Avatar": "Avatar",
+  "Back to previous page": "Air ais dhan duilleag roimhpe",
+  "Banner": "Bratach",
+  "Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account.": "Mus urrainn dhut clàradh a-steach, feumaidh tu briogadh air a’ cheangal ’na broinn gus an cunntas agad a dhearbhadh.",
+  "Begins on": "Tòisichidh e aig",
+  "Bold": "Trom",
+  "By @{group}": "Le @{group}",
+  "By @{username}": "Le @{username}",
+  "By {author}": "Le {author}",
+  "By {group}": "Le {group}",
+  "Can be an email or a link, or just plain text.": "’S urrainn dhut post-d no ceangal no teacsa lom a cleachdadh.",
+  "Cancel": "Sguir dheth",
   "Cancel anonymous participation": "Sguir dhen chom-pàirteachadh gun ainm",
+  "Cancel creation": "Sguir dhen chruthachadh",
+  "Cancel edition": "Sguir dhen deasachadh",
   "Cancel my participation request…": "Sguir dhen iarrtas agam air com-pàirteachadh…",
   "Cancel my participation…": "Sguir dhen chom-pàirteachadh agam…",
+  "Cancelled: Won't happen": "Sguireadh dheth: Cha tachair seo",
+  "Change": "Atharraich",
+  "Change my email": "Atharraich am post-d agam",
+  "Change my identity…": "Atharraich an dearbh-aithne agam…",
+  "Change my password": "Atharraich am facal-faire agam",
+  "Change timezone": "Atharraich an roinn-tìde",
+  "Clear": "Falamhaich",
+  "Click to upload": "Briog airson luchdadh suas",
+  "Close": "Dùin",
+  "Close comments for all (except for admins)": "Dùin na beachdan dhan a h-uile duine (ach rianairean)",
+  "Closed": "Dùinte",
+  "Comment deleted": "Chaidh am beachd a sguabadh às",
+  "Comment from @{username} reported": "Chaidh gearan a dhèanamh mu bheachd le @{username}",
+  "Comments": "Beachdan",
   "Confirm my participation": "Dearbh an com-pàirteachadh agam",
+  "Confirm my particpation": "Dearbh an com-pàirteachadh agam",
+  "Confirmed": "Air a dhearbhachadh",
+  "Confirmed at": "Chaidh a dhearbhachadh",
+  "Confirmed: Will happen": "Air dearbhadh: Tachraidh seo",
+  "Congratulations, your account is now created!": "Meal do naidheachd, chaidh an cunntas agad a chruthachadh!",
+  "Contact": "Fios thugainn",
+  "Continue editing": "Lean air an deasachadh",
+  "Cookies and Local storage": "Briosgaidean is an stòras ionadail",
+  "Country": "Dùthaich",
+  "Create": "Cruthaich",
+  "Create a calc": "Cruthaich cliath-dhuilleag",
+  "Create a discussion": "Cruthaich deasbad",
+  "Create a folder": "Cruthaich pasgan",
+  "Create a new event": "Cruthaich tachartas ùr",
+  "Create a new group": "Cruthaich buidheann ùr",
+  "Create a new identity": "Cruthaich dearbh-aithne ùr",
+  "Create a new list": "Cruthaich liosta ùr",
+  "Create a pad": "Cruthaich pada",
+  "Create a videoconference": "Cruthaich coinneamh video",
+  "Create group": "Cruthaich buidheann",
+  "Create my event": "Cruthaich an tachartas agam",
+  "Create my group": "Cruthaich am buidheann agam",
+  "Create my profile": "Cruthaich a’ phròifil agam",
+  "Create resource": "Cruthaich goireas",
+  "Create the discussion": "Cruthaich an deasbad",
+  "Create to-do lists for all the tasks you need to do, assign them and set due dates.": "Cruthaich liostaichean de rudan ri dhèanamh dha na saothraichean uile a tha romhaibh, iomruin iad is suidhich cinn-latha orra.",
+  "Create token": "Cruthaich tòcan",
+  "Created by {name}": "Chaidh a chruthachadh le {name}",
+  "Created by {username}": "Chaidh a chruthachadh le {username}",
+  "Current identity has been changed to {identityName} in order to manage this event.": "Chaidh an dearbh-aithne làithreach atharrachadh gu {identityName} airson an tachartas seo a stiùireadh.",
+  "Current page": "An duilleag làithreach",
+  "Custom": "Gnàthaichte",
+  "Custom URL": "URL gnàthaichte",
+  "Custom text": "Teacsa gnàthaichte",
+  "Daily email summary": "Geàrr-chunntas puist-d làitheil",
+  "Dashboard": "Deas-bhòrd",
+  "Date": "Ceann-latha",
+  "Date and time": "Ceann-là ’s àm",
+  "Date and time settings": "Roghainnean a’ chinn-là ’s an ama",
+  "Date parameters": "Paramadairean a’ chinn-là",
+  "Decline": "Diùlt",
+  "Default": "Tùsail",
+  "Default Mobilizon privacy policy": "Poileasaidh prìobhaideachd Mhobilizon thùsail",
+  "Default Mobilizon terms": "Teirmichean Mhobilizon tùsail",
+  "Delete": "Sguab às",
+  "Delete Comment": "Sguab às am beachd",
+  "Delete Event": "Sguab às an tachartas",
+  "Delete account": "Sguab à an cunntas",
+  "Delete conversation": "Sguab às an còmhradh",
+  "Delete event": "Sguab às an tachartas",
+  "Delete everything": "Sguab às a h-uile rud",
+  "Delete group": "Sguab às am buidheann",
+  "Delete my account": "Sguab às an cunntas agam",
+  "Delete post": "Sguab às am post",
+  "Delete this identity": "Sguab às an dearbh-aithne seo",
+  "Delete your identity": "Sguab às an dearbh-aithne agad",
+  "Delete {eventTitle}": "Sguab às {eventTitle}",
+  "Delete {preferredUsername}": "Sguab às {preferredUsername}",
+  "Deleting comment": "A’ sguabadh às am beachd",
+  "Deleting event": "A’ sguabadh às an tachartais",
+  "Deleting my account will delete all of my identities.": "Ma sguabas mi às an cunntas agam, thèid gach dearbh-aithne agam a sguabadh às cuideachd.",
+  "Deleting your Mobilizon account": "A’ sguabadh às an cunntas Mobilizon agad",
+  "Demote": "Ìslich",
+  "Description": "Tuairisgeul",
+  "Didn't receive the instructions?": "Nach d’fhuair thu an stiùireadh?",
+  "Disabled": "À comas",
+  "Discussions": "Deasbadan",
+  "Display name": "Ainm-taisbeanaidh",
   "Display participation price": "Seall prìs a’ chom-pàirteachaidh",
-  "Either the participation request has already been validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Chaidh an t-iarrtas air com-pàirteachadh a dhearbhadh cheana no chan eil tòcan a’ chom-pàirteachaidh mar bu chòir.",
+  "Displayed nickname": "Am far-ainm a chithear",
+  "Displayed on homepage and meta tags. Describe what Mobilizon is and what makes this instance special in a single paragraph.": "Thèid seo a shealltainn air an duilleag-dhachaigh agus am measg nan tagaichean meata. Mìnich dè th’ ann am Mobilizon agus dè tha sònraichte mun ionstans agad ann an an earrann a-mhàin.",
+  "Do not receive any mail": "Na faigh post-d idir",
+  "Domain": "Àrainn",
+  "Draft": "Dreachd",
+  "Drafts": "Dreachdan",
+  "Due on": "An dùil air",
+  "Duplicate": "Dùblaich",
+  "Edit": "Deasaich",
+  "Edit post": "Deasaich am post",
+  "Edited {ago}": "Air a dheasachadh {ago}",
+  "Eg: Stockholm, Dance, Chess…": "M.e.: Steòrnabhagh, Cèilidh, Spòrs…",
+  "Either on the {instance} instance or on another instance.": "Air an ionstans {instance} no air ionstans eile.",
+  "Either the account is already validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Chaidh an cunntas a dhearbhadh mo thràth no chan eil tòcan an dearbhaidh mar bu chòir.",
+  "Either the email has already been changed, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Chaidh am post-d atharrachadh mu thràth no chan eil tòcan an dearbhaidh mar bu chòir.",
+  "Either the participation request has already been validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Chaidh an t-iarrtas air com-pàirteachadh a dhearbhadh mu thràth no chan eil tòcan a’ chom-pàirteachaidh mar bu chòir.",
+  "Email": "Post-d",
+  "Email address": "Seòladh puist-d",
+  "Email notifications": "Brathan puist-d",
+  "Enabled": "An comas",
+  "Ends on…": "Thig e gu crìoch…",
+  "Enter the link URL": "Cuir a-steach URL a’ cheangail",
+  "Enter your email address below, and we'll email you instructions on how to change your password.": "Cuir a-steach an seòladh puist-d agad gu h-ìosal agus cuiridh sinn stiùireadh thugad air mar a dh’atharraicheas tu am facal-faire agad.",
+  "Enter your own privacy policy. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_privacy_policy} is provided as template.": "Cuir a-steach a’ phoileasaidh agad fhèin. Tha tagaichean HTML ceadaichte. Tha {mobilizon_privacy_policy} ’ga solar mar theamplaid.",
+  "Enter your own terms. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_terms} are provided as template.": "Cuir a-steach na teirmichean agad fhèin. Tha tagaichean HTML ceadaichte. Tha {mobilizon_terms} ’gan solar mar theamplaid.",
+  "Error": "Mearachd",
+  "Error while changing email": "Mearachd le atharrachadh a’ phuist-d",
+  "Error while login with {provider}. Retry or login another way.": "Mearachd a’ clàradh a-steach le {provider}. Feuch ris a-rithist no clàradh a-steach air dòigh eile.",
+  "Error while login with {provider}. This login provider doesn't exist.": "Mearachd a’ clàradh a-steach le {provider}. Chan eil an solaraiche clàraidh a-steach seo ann.",
+  "Error while reporting group {groupTitle}": "Tachair mearachd leis a’ ghearan mun bhuidheann {groupTitle}",
+  "Error while validating account": "Mearachd le dearbhadh a’ chunntais",
   "Error while validating participation request": "Mearachd le dearbhadh an iarrtais air com-pàirteachadh",
+  "Event": "Tachartas",
+  "Event already passed": "Tha an tachartas seachad mu thràth",
+  "Event cancelled": "Chaidh an tachartas a chur gu neoini",
+  "Event creation": "Cruthachadh tachartais",
+  "Event edition": "Deasachadh tachartais",
+  "Event list": "Liosta nan tachartasan",
+  "Event page settings": "Roghainnean duilleag an tachartais",
+  "Event to be confirmed": "Tachartas ri dearbhadh",
+  "Event {eventTitle} deleted": "Chaidh an tachartas {eventTitle} a sguabadh às",
+  "Event {eventTitle} reported": "Chaidh gearan a dhèanamh mun tachartas {eventTitle}",
+  "Events": "Tachartasan",
+  "Events tagged with {tag}": "Tachartasan le taga {tag} riutha",
+  "Everything": "A h-uile rud",
+  "Ex: mobilizon.fr": "Can: mobilizon.fr",
+  "Ex: someone@mobilizon.org": "Can: someone@mobilizon.org",
+  "Explore": "Rùraich",
+  "Explore events": "Rùraich na tachartasan",
+  "Failed to save admin settings": "Dh’fhàillig le sàbhaladh roghainnean na rianachd",
+  "Featured events": "Tachartasan brosnaichte",
+  "Federated Group Name": "Ainm co-naisgte a’ bhuidhinn",
+  "Federation": "Co-nasgadh",
+  "Fetch more": "Faigh barrachd dheth",
+  "Find an address": "Lorg seòladh",
+  "Find an instance": "Lorg ionstans",
+  "Followers": "Luchd-leantainn",
+  "Followings": "A’ leantainn",
+  "For instance: London": "Mar eisimpleir: Glaschu",
+  "For instance: London, Taekwondo, Architecture…": "Mar eisimpleir: Glaschu, Camanachd, Ailtireachd…",
+  "Forgot your password ?": "Na dhìochuimhnich thu am facal-faire agad?",
+  "Forgot your password?": "Na dhìochuimhnich thu am facal-faire agad?",
+  "From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate}": "O {startDate} aig {startTime} gu {endDate}",
+  "From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate} at {endTime}": "O {startDate} aig {startTime} gu {endDate} aig {endTime}",
+  "From the {startDate} to the {endDate}": "O {startDate} gu {endDate}",
+  "Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize": "Cruinnich ⋅ Cuir air dòigh ⋅ Iomair",
+  "General": "Coitcheann",
+  "General information": "Fiosrachadh coitcheann",
+  "Getting location": "A’ faighinn an ionaid",
+  "Glossary": "Briathrachan",
+  "Go": "Siuthad",
+  "Group Members": "Buill dhen bhuidheann",
+  "Group address": "Seòladh a’ bhuidhinn",
+  "Group display name": "Ainm-taisbeanaidh a’ bhuidhinn",
+  "Group name": "Ainm a’ bhuidhinn",
+  "Group settings": "Roghainnean a’ bhuidhinn",
+  "Group settings saved": "Chaidh roghainnean a’ bhuidhinn a shàbhaladh",
+  "Group short description": "Tuairisgeul goirid a’ bhuidhinn",
+  "Group visibility": "So-fhaicsinneachd a’ bhuidhinn",
+  "Group {displayName} created": "Chaidh am buidheann {displayName} a chruthachadh",
+  "Group {groupTitle} reported": "Chaidh gearan a dhèanamh mun bhuidheann {groupTitle}",
+  "Groups": "Buidhnean",
+  "Groups are spaces for coordination and preparation to better organize events and manage your community.": "’S e rumannan airson co-òrdanachadh is ullachadh thachartasan agus stiùireadh coimhearsnachd air dòigh nas fhasa a tha sna buidhnean.",
+  "Headline picture": "Dealbh cinn-naidheachd",
+  "Hide replies": "Falaich na freagairtean",
+  "Home": "Dachaigh",
+  "Home to {number} users": "Seo dachaigh do {number} luchd-cleachdaidh",
+  "Hourly email summary": "Geàrr-chunntas puist-d gach uair a thìde",
+  "I agree to the {instanceRules} and {termsOfService}": "Tha mi ag aontachadh ri {instanceRules} agus {termsOfService}",
+  "I create an identity": "’S urrainn dhomh dearbh-aithne a chruthachadh",
+  "I don't have a Mobilizon account": "Chan eil cunntas Mobilizon agam",
+  "I have a Mobilizon account": "Tha cunntas Mobilizon agam",
+  "I have an account on another Mobilizon instance.": "Tha cunntas agam air ionstans eile de Mhobilizon",
+  "I participate": "Gabhaidh mi pàirt",
+  "I want to allow people to participate without an account.": "Tha mi airson ceadachadh gun gabh daoine pàirt às aonais cunntais.",
   "I want to approve every participation request": "Tha mi airson aontachadh ris a h-uile iarrtas air com-pàirteachadh",
+  "Identity {displayName} created": "Chaidh an dearbh-aithne {displayName} a chruthachadh",
+  "Identity {displayName} deleted": "Chaidh an dearbh-aithne {displayName} a sguabadh às",
+  "Identity {displayName} updated": "Chaidh an dearbh-aithne {displayName} ùrachadh",
+  "If allowed by organizer": "Ma cheadaicheas an t-eagraiche e",
+  "If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to {email}": "Ma thua cunntas aig a bheil am post-d seo ann, cuiridh sinn post-d dearbhaidh eile gu {email}",
+  "If this identity is the only administrator of some groups, you need to delete them before being able to delete this identity.": "Mas e an t-aon rianaire aig buidheann a tha san dearbh-aithne seo, feumaidh tu a sguabadh às mus urrainn dhut an dearbh-aithne a sguabadh às.",
+  "If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here.": "Faodaidh tu teachdaireachd a chur gu eagraiche an tachartais an-seo ma thogras tu.",
+  "In the following context, an application is a software, either provided by the Mobilizon team or by a 3rd-party, used to interact with your instance.": "Sa cho-theacs a leanas, ’s e bathar-bog a th’ ann an aplacaid a chleachdas tu airson eadar-ghnìomhan a ghabhail leis an ionstans agad ’s a tha ’ga sholar le sgioba Mobilizon no le tread-phàrtaidh.",
+  "Instance": "Ionstans",
+  "Instance Long Description": "Tuairisgeul fada an ionstans",
+  "Instance Name": "Ainm an ionstans",
+  "Instance Privacy Policy": "Poileasaidh prìobhaideachd an ionstans",
+  "Instance Privacy Policy Source": "Tùs poileasaidh prìobhaideachd an ionstans",
+  "Instance Privacy Policy URL": "URL poileasaidh prìobhaideachd an ionstans",
+  "Instance Rules": "Riaghailtean an ionstans",
+  "Instance Short Description": "Tuairisgeul goirid an ionstans",
+  "Instance Terms": "Teirmichean an ionstans",
+  "Instance Terms Source": "Tùs teirmichean an ionstans",
+  "Instance Terms URL": "URL teirmichean an ionstans",
+  "Instance administrator": "Rianaire ionstans",
+  "Instance configuration": "Rèiteachadh an ionstans",
+  "Instance rules": "Riaghailtean an ionstans",
+  "Instance settings": "Roghainnean an ionstans",
+  "Instances": "Ionstansan",
+  "Invite a new member": "Thoir cuireadh do bhall ùr",
+  "Invite member": "Thoir cuireadh do bhall",
+  "Invited": "Air cuireadh fhaighinn",
+  "Italic": "Eadailteach",
+  "Join group": "Faigh ballrachd sa bhuidheann",
+  "Keep the entire conversation about a specific topic together on a single page.": "Cùm an còmhradh gu lèir mu chuspair sònraichte còmhla air an aon duilleag.",
+  "Key words": "Faclan-luirg",
+  "Language": "Cànan",
+  "Last IP adress": "An seòladh IP mu dheireadh",
+  "Last published event": "An tachartas foillsichte as ùire",
+  "Last sign-in": "An clàradh a-steach mu dheireadh",
+  "Last week": "An t-seachdain seo chaidh",
+  "Latest posts": "Na puist as ùire",
+  "Learn more": "Barrachd fiosrachaidh",
+  "Learn more about Mobilizon": "Barrachd fiosrachaidh mu Mhobilizon",
+  "Learn more about {instance}": "Faigh barrachd fiosrachaidh mu {instance}",
+  "Leave": "Falbh",
+  "Leave event": "Fàg an tachartas",
+  "Leaving event \"{title}\"": "A’ fàgail an tachartais “{title}”",
+  "Legal": "Nòtaichean laghail",
+  "Let's define a few settings": "Nach suidhich sinn roghainn no dhà?",
+  "License": "Ceadachas",
+  "Limited number of places": "Àiteachan cuingichte",
+  "List title": "Tiotal na liosta",
+  "Load more": "Luchdaich barrachd dheth",
+  "Local": "Ionadail",
+  "Locality": "Ionad",
+  "Location": "Ionad",
+  "Log in": "Clàraich a-steach",
+  "Log out": "Clàraich a-mach",
+  "Login": "Clàraich a-steach",
+  "Login on Mobilizon!": "Clàraich a-steach air Mobilizon!",
+  "Login on {instance}": "Clàraich a-steach air {instance}",
+  "Login status": "Staid a’ chlàraidh a-steach",
   "Manage participations": "Stiùir na com-pàirteachaidhean",
+  "Mark as resolved": "Cuir comharra gun deach fhuasgladh",
+  "Member": "Ball",
+  "Members": "Buill",
+  "Message": "Teachdaireachd",
+  "Mobilizon": "Mobilizon",
+  "Mobilizon is a federated network. You can interact with this event from a different server.": "’S e lìonra co-naisgte a th’ ann am Mobilizon ’S urrainn dhut eadar-ghnìomh a dhèanamh leis an tachartas seo o fhrithealaiche eile.",
+  "Mobilizon software": "Bathar-bog Mobilizon",
+  "Mobilizon version": "Tionndadh de Mhobilizon",
+  "Mobilizon will send you an email when the events you are attending have important changes: date and time, address, confirmation or cancellation, etc.": "Cuiridh Mobilizon post-d thugad nuair a thig atharrachadh cudromach air na tachartasan sa bhios tu an làthair: an ceann-là ’s àm, an seòladh, gabhail ris no cur dheth is msaa.",
+  "Moderated comments (shown after approval)": "Beachdan fo mhaoirsainneachd (thèid an sealltainn as dèidh aontachaidh)",
+  "Moderation": "Maorsainneachd",
+  "Moderation log": "Loga na maorsainneachd",
+  "Moderator": "Maor",
+  "Move": "Gluais",
+  "Move \"{resourceName}\"": "Gluais “{resourceName}”",
+  "Move resource to {folder}": "Gluais an goireas gu {folder}",
+  "My account": "An cunntas agam",
+  "My events": "Na tachartasan agam",
+  "My groups": "Na buidhnean agam",
+  "My identities": "Na dearbh-aithnean agam",
+  "NOTE! The default terms have not been checked over by a lawyer and thus are unlikely to provide full legal protection for all situations for an instance admin using them. They are also not specific to all countries and jurisdictions. If you are unsure, please check with a lawyer.": "AN AIRE! Tha dug neach-lagha sùil air na teirmichean tùsail idir agus mar sin chan eil sinn an dùil gun solar iad dìon laghail slàn anns gach suidheachadh do rianaire ionstans a chleachdas iad. Cuideachd, chan eil iad sònraichte do gach dùthaich is uachdranas laghail. Mur eil thu cinnteach, bruidhinn ri neach-lagha.",
+  "Name": "Ainm",
+  "New discussion": "Deasbad ùr",
+  "New email": "Post-d ùr",
+  "New folder": "Pasgan ùr",
+  "New link": "Ceangal ùr",
+  "New note": "Nòta ùr",
+  "New password": "Facal-faire ùr",
+  "New profile": "Pròifil ùr",
+  "Next month": "An ath mhìos",
+  "Next page": "An ath-dhuilleag",
+  "Next week": "An ath sheachdain",
+  "No address defined": "Cha deach seòladh a mhìneachadh",
+  "No closed reports yet": "Cha deach gearan a dhùnadh fhathast",
+  "No comment": "Gun bheachd",
+  "No comments yet": "Chan eil beachd ann fhathast",
+  "No discussions yet": "Chan eil deasbad ann fhathast",
+  "No end date": "Gun latha crìochnachaidh",
+  "No events found": "Cha deach tachartas sam bith a lorg",
+  "No group found": "Cha deach buidheann sam bith a lorg",
+  "No groups found": "Cha deach buidheann sam bith a lorg",
+  "No instance follows your instance yet.": "Chan eil ionstans sam bith a’ leantainn air an ionstans agad-sa fhathast.",
+  "No member matches the filters": "Chan eil ball sam bith a’ maidseadh nan criathragan",
+  "No message": "Chan eil teachdaireachd ann",
+  "No moderation logs yet": "Chan eil loga maorsainneachd ann fhathast",
+  "No open reports yet": "Chan eil gearan gun fhuasgladh ann",
+  "No participant matches the filters": "Chan eil com-pàirtiche sam bith a’ maidseadh nan criathragan",
+  "No posts found": "Cha deach post a lorg",
+  "No posts yet": "Chan eil post ann fhathast",
+  "No profile matches the filters": "Chan eil pròifil sam bith a’ maidseadh nan criathragan",
+  "No profiles found": "Cha deach pròifil a lorg",
+  "No public upcoming events": "Cha bhi tachartas poblach ann a dh’aithghearr",
+  "No resolved reports yet": "Cha deach gearan fuasgladh fhathast",
+  "No resources in this folder": "Chan eil goireas sa phasgan seo",
+  "No resources yet": "Chan eil goireas ann fhathast",
+  "No results for \"{queryText}\"": "Cha deach toradh a lorg airson “{queryText}”",
+  "No rules defined yet.": "Cha deach riaghailt a mhìneachadh fhathast.",
+  "None": "Chan eil gin",
+  "Not approved": "Gun aonta",
+  "Not confirmed": "Gun dearbhadh",
+  "Notes": "Nòtaichean",
+  "Nothing to see here": "Chan eil dad ri fhaicinn an-seo",
+  "Notification before the event": "Brath ron tachartas",
+  "Notification on the day of the event": "Brath air latha an tachartais",
   "Notifications for manually approved participations to an event": "Brathan mu chom-pàirteachaichean air tachartas a chaidh aontachadh riutha à làimh.",
+  "Now, create your first profile:": "Nise, cruthaich a’ chiad phròifil agad:",
+  "Number of places": "Co mheud àite",
+  "OK": "Ceart ma-thà",
+  "Old password": "An seann fhacal-faire",
+  "On {date}": "{date}",
+  "On {date} ending at {endTime}": "{date}, a’ crìochnachadh aig {endTime}",
+  "On {date} from {startTime} to {endTime}": "{date} o {startTime} gu {endTime}",
+  "On {date} starting at {startTime}": "{date}, a’ tòiseachadh aig {startTime}",
+  "Only accessible through link": "Cha ghabh inntrigeadh ach le ceangal",
+  "Only accessible through link (private)": "Cha ghabh inntrigeadh ach le ceangal (prìobhaideach)",
+  "Only accessible to members of the group": "Cha ghabh inntrigeadh ach le buill a’ bhuidhinn",
+  "Only alphanumeric lowercased characters and underscores are supported.": "Chan eil taic ach ri litrichean gun sràcan, àireamhan is fo-loidhnichean.",
+  "Open": "Fosgailte",
+  "Opened reports": "Gearanan gun fhuasgladh",
+  "Or": "No",
+  "Organized": "’Ga eagrachadh",
+  "Organized by": "’Ga eagrachadh le",
+  "Organized by {name}": "’Ga eagrachadh le {ainm}",
+  "Organizer": "Eagraiche",
+  "Organizer notifications": "Brathan an eagraiche",
+  "Organizers": "Eagraichean",
+  "Other": "Eile",
+  "Other notification options:": "Roghainnean eile nam brathan:",
+  "Other software may also support this.": "Dh’fhaoidte gun doir bathar-bog eile taic ri seo cuideachd.",
+  "Otherwise this identity will just be removed from the group administrators.": "Air neo thèid an dearbh-aithne seo a thoirt air falbh le rianairean a’ bhuidhinn.",
+  "Page": "Duilleag",
+  "Page limited to my group (asks for auth)": "Duilleag cuingichte air a’ bhuidheann agam (thèid dearbhadh iarraidh)",
+  "Parent folder": "Pasgan pàrant",
+  "Participant": "Com-pàirtiche",
+  "Participants": "Com-pàirtichean",
+  "Participate": "Gabh pàirt ann",
+  "Participate using your email address": "Gabh pàirt ann leis an t-seòladh puist-d agad",
   "Participation approval": "Aontachadh a’ chom-pàirteachaidh",
   "Participation confirmation": "Dearbhadh a’ chom-pàirteachaidh",
   "Participation notifications": "Brathan mu chom-pàirteachaidhean",
   "Participation requested!": "Chaidh com-pàirteachadh iarraidh!",
   "Participations": "Com-pàirteachaidhean",
+  "Password": "Facal-faire",
+  "Password (confirmation)": "Facal-faire (dearbhadh)",
+  "Past events": "Tachartasan a tha seachad mu thràth",
+  "Pick": "Tagh",
+  "Pick a group": "Tagh buidheann",
+  "Pick a profile or a group": "Tagh pròifil no buidheann",
+  "Pick an identity": "Tagh dearbh-aithne",
+  "Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive the email.": "Thoir sùil air pasgan an spama agad mur fhuair thu am post-d.",
+  "Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake.": "Cuir fios gu rianaire an ionstans Mobilizon seo ma tha thu dhen bheachd gur e mearachd a th’ ann.",
   "Please do not use it in any real way.": "Na cleachd ann an da-rìribh e.",
+  "Please enter your password to confirm this action.": "Cuir a-steach am facal-faire agad gus a dhearbhadh.",
+  "Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved.": "Dèan cinnteach gu bheil an t-seòladh mar bu chòir ’s nach deach an duilleag a ghluasad.",
+  "Post": "Post",
+  "Post a comment": "Postaich beachd",
+  "Post a reply": "Postaich freagairt",
+  "Postal Code": "Còd-puist",
+  "Posts": "Postaichean",
+  "Powered by {mobilizon}. © 2018 - {date} The Mobilizon Contributors - Made with the financial support of {contributors}.": "Le cumhachd {mobilizon}. © 2018 – {date} Luchd-cuideachaidh Mobilizon – Le taic maoineachaidh o {contributors}.",
+  "Preferences": "Roghainnean",
+  "Previous page": "An duilleag roimhpe",
+  "Privacy Policy": "Poileasaidh prìobhaideachd",
+  "Privacy policy": "Poileasaidh prìobhaideachd",
+  "Private event": "Tachartas prìobhaideach",
+  "Private feeds": "Inbhirean prìobhaideach",
+  "Profiles": "Pròifilean",
+  "Promote": "Brosnaich",
+  "Public": "Poblach",
+  "Public RSS/Atom Feed": "Inbhir RSS/Atom poblach",
+  "Public comment moderation": "Maorsainneachd nam beachdan poblach",
+  "Public event": "Tachartas poblach",
+  "Public feeds": "Inbhirean poblach",
+  "Public iCal Feed": "Inbhir iCal poblach",
+  "Public page": "Duilleag phoblach",
+  "Publication date": "Ceann-là an fhoillseachaidh",
+  "Publish": "Foillsich",
+  "RSS/Atom Feed": "Inbhir RSS/Atom",
+  "Radius": "Rèideas",
+  "Recap every week": "Cuimhneachan seachdaineil",
+  "Receive one email per request": "Faigh aon phost-d air gach iarrtas",
+  "Refresh profile": "Ath-nuadhaich a’ phròifil",
+  "Region": "Roinn-dùthcha",
+  "Register an account on {instanceName}!": "Clàraich cunntas air {instanceName}!",
+  "Register on this instance": "Clàraich leis an ionstans seo",
+  "Registration is allowed, anyone can register.": "Tha clàradh ceadaichte, ’s urrainn do dhuine sam bith clàradh.",
+  "Registration is closed.": "Tha an clàradh dùinte.",
+  "Registration is currently closed.": "Tha an clàradh dùinte aig an àm seo.",
+  "Registrations": "Clàraidhean",
+  "Registrations are restricted by allowlisting.": "Tha an clàradh cuingichte le liosta ceadachaidh.",
+  "Rejected": "Air a dhiùltadh",
   "Remember my participation in this browser": "Cùm an com-pàirteachadh agam an cuimhne a’ bhrabhsair seo",
+  "Remove": "Thoir air falbh",
+  "Rename": "Thoir ainm ùr air",
+  "Rename resource": "Thoir ainm ùr air a’ ghoireas",
+  "Reopen": "Ath-fhosgail",
+  "Reply": "Freagair",
+  "Report": "Dèan gearan",
+  "Report #{reportNumber}": "Gearan #{report_number}",
+  "Report this comment": "Dèan gearan mun bheachd seo",
+  "Report this event": "Dèan gearan mun tachartas seo",
+  "Report this group": "Dèan gearan mun bhuidheann seo",
+  "Reported": "Air gearan a dhèanamh",
+  "Reported by": "Chaidh gearan a dhèanamh le",
+  "Reported by someone on {domain}": "Rinn cuideigin air {domain} gearan mu dhèidhinn",
+  "Reported by {reporter}": "Rinn {reporter} gearan mu dhèidhinn",
+  "Reported group": "Chaidh gearan a dhèanamh mun bhuidheann",
+  "Reported identity": "Chaidh gearan a dhèanamh air dearbh-aithne",
+  "Reports": "Gearanan",
   "Request for participation confirmation sent": "Chaidh iarrtas air dearbhadh a’ chom-pàirteachaidh a chur",
-  "The event organiser has chosen to validate manually participations. Do you want to add a little note to explain why you want to participate to this event?": "Chuir eagraiche an tachartais romhpa gun dearbh iad na com-pàirteachaidhean a làimh.",
-  "The event organizer manually approves participations. Since you've chosen to participate without an account, please explain why you want to participate to this event.": "Dearbhaidh eagraiche an tachartais romhpa na com-pàirteachaidhean a làimh.",
+  "Resend confirmation email": "Cuir am post-d dearbhaidh a-rithist",
+  "Reset my password": "Ath-shuidhich am facal-faire agam",
+  "Resolved": "Air fhuasgladh",
+  "Resource provided is not an URL": "Chan e URL a tha sa ghoireas a chaidh a solar",
+  "Resources": "Goireasan",
+  "Restricted": "Cuingichte",
+  "Right now": "An-dràsta fhèin",
+  "Role": "Dreuchd",
+  "Rules": "Riaghailtean",
+  "SSL and it's successor TLS are encryption technologies to secure data communications when using the service. You can recognize an encrypted connection in your browser's address line when the URL begins with {https} and the lock icon is displayed in your browser's address bar.": "’S e teicneolasan crioptachaidh a th’ anns an SSL agus san TLS a thàinig ’na dhèidh a nì dàta conaltraidh tèarainte nuair a chleachdas tu an t-seirbheis. Aithnichidh tu ceangal crioptaichte air loidhne an t-seòlaidh aig a’ bhrabhsair agad nuair a thòisicheas an URL le {https} agus ìomhaigheag glaise ’ga shealltainn air bàr an t-seòlaidh aig a’ bhrabhsair.",
+  "SSL/TLS": "SSL/TLS",
+  "Save": "Sàbhail",
+  "Save draft": "Sàbhail dreachd",
+  "Search": "Lorg",
+  "Search events, groups, etc.": "Lorg tachartasan, buidhnean is msaa.",
+  "Searching…": "’Ga lorg…",
+  "Search…": "Lorg…",
+  "Select a language": "Tagh cànan",
+  "Select a timezone": "Tagh roinn-tìde",
+  "Send email": "Cuir post-d",
+  "Send the confirmation email again": "Cuir am post-d dearbhaidh a-rithist",
+  "Send the report": "Cuir an gearan",
+  "Set an URL to a page with your own privacy policy.": "Suidhich an t-URL air duilleag leis a’ phoileasaidh prìobhaideachd agad fhèin.",
+  "Set an URL to a page with your own terms.": "Suidhich an t-URL air duilleag leis na teirmichean agad fhèin.",
+  "Settings": "Roghainnean",
+  "Share this event": "Co-roinn an tachartas seo",
+  "Short bio": "Sgeul-beatha goirid",
+  "Show map": "Seall am mapa",
+  "Show remaining number of places": "Seall na tha air fhàgail de dh’àiteachan",
+  "Show the time when the event begins": "Seall an t-àm a thòisicheas an tachartas",
+  "Show the time when the event ends": "Seall an t-àm a chrìochnaicheas an tachartas",
+  "Sign in with": "Clàraich a-steach le",
+  "Sign up": "Clàraich",
+  "Since you are a new member, private content can take a few minutes to appear.": "On a tha thu ’nad bhall ùr, dh’fhaoidte gun doir e greiseag mus nochd susbaint phrìobhaideach.",
+  "Some terms, technical or otherwise, used in the text below may cover concepts that are difficult to grasp. We have provided a glossary here to help you understand them better:": "Tha cuid dhe na faclan a tha ’gan cleachdadh san teacsa gu h-ìosal, co-dhiù an e faclan teicnigeach a th’ annta gus nach e, mu bheachdan a tha caran doirbh a thuigsinn ma dh’fhaoidte. Rinn sinn briathrachan ach am bhiod e na b’ fhasa dhut an tuigsinn:",
+  "Starts on…": "Àm-tòiseachaidh…",
+  "Status": "Staid",
+  "Street": "Sràid",
+  "Submit": "Cuir a-null",
+  "Suspend": "Cuir à rèim",
+  "Suspend group": "Cuir am buidheann à rèim",
+  "Suspended": "Chaidh a chur à rèim",
+  "Task lists": "Liostaichean shaothraichean",
+  "Tentative: Will be confirmed later": "Gun chinnt: Thèid a dhearbhadh uaireigin eile",
+  "Terms": "Teirmichean",
+  "Terms of service": "Teirmichean na seirbheise",
+  "Text": "Teacsa",
+  "The account's email address was changed. Check your emails to verify it.": "Chaidh seòladh puist-d a’ chunntais atharrachadh. Thoir sùil air a’ phost-d agad airson a dhearbhadh.",
+  "The actual number of participants may differ, as this event is hosted on another instance.": "Dh’fhaoidte gu bheil àireamh fhìrinneach nan com-pàirtichean diofraichte on a tha an tachartas seo ’ga òstadh air ionstans eile.",
+  "The content came from another server. Transfer an anonymous copy of the report?": "Thàinig an t-susbaint seo o fhrithealaiche eile. A bheil thu airson lethbhreac gun ainm dhen ghearan a thar-chur?",
+  "The draft event has been updated": "Chaidh dreachd an tachartais ùrachadh",
+  "The event has been created as a draft": "Chaidh an tachartas a chruthachadh mar dreachd",
+  "The event has been published": "Chaidh an tachartas fhoillseachadh",
+  "The event has been updated": "Chaidh an tachartas ùrachadh",
+  "The event has been updated and published": "Chaidh an tachartas ùrachadh ’s fhoillseachadh",
+  "The event organiser has chosen to validate manually participations. Do you want to add a little note to explain why you want to participate to this event?": "Chuir eagraiche an tachartais romhpa gun dearbh iad na com-pàirteachaidhean a làimh.Am bu mhiann leat nòta a chur ris a mhìnicheas carson a tha thu airson gabhail pàirt san tachartas seo?",
+  "The event organizer didn't add any description.": "Cha do chuir eagraiche an tachartais tuairisgeul sam bith ris.",
+  "The event organizer manually approves participations. Since you've chosen to participate without an account, please explain why you want to participate to this event.": "Dearbhaidh eagraiche an tachartais romhpa na com-pàirteachaidhean a làimh.On a chuir thu romhad pàirt a ghabhail ann gun chunntas, mìnich carson a bu mhiann leat pàirt a ghabhail san tachartas seo.",
+  "The event title will be ellipsed.": "Thèid tiotal an tachartais a ghiorrachadh.",
+  "The event will show as attributed to this group.": "Thèid an tachartas seo iomruineadh dhan bhuidheann seo.",
+  "The event will show as attributed to your personal profile.": "Thèid an tachartas seo iomruineadh dhan phròifil phearsanta agad.",
+  "The event will show the group as organizer.": "Seallaidh an tachartas am buidheann mar eagraiche.",
+  "The group will be publicly listed in search results and may be suggested in the explore section. Only public informations will be shown on it's page.": "Chithear am buidheann ann an toraidhean luirg gu poblach agus dh’fhaoidte gun dèid a mholadh san earrann rùrachaidh. Cha nochd ach fiosrachadh poblach air an duilleag aige.",
+  "The instance administrator is the person or entity that runs this Mobilizon instance.": "’S e an neach no eintiteas a tha a’ ruith an t-ionstans seo de Mhobilizon a th’ ann an rianaire an ionstans.",
+  "The page you're looking for doesn't exist.": "Chan eil an duilleag a tha thu a’ lorg ann.",
+  "The password was successfully changed": "Chaidh am facal-faire atharrachadh",
+  "The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below.": "Thèid do ghearan a chuir dha na maoir aig an ionstans agad. ’S urrainn dhut mìneachadh carson a tha thu a’ dèanamh gearan mun t-susbaint seo gu h-ìosal.",
+  "The {default_privacy_policy} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.": "Thèid {default_privacy_policy} a chleachdadh. Thèid a h-eadar-theangachadh gu cànan a’ chleachdaiche.",
+  "The {default_terms} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.": "Thèid {default_terms} a chleachdadh. Thèid an eadar-theangachadh gu cànan a’ chleachdaiche.",
+  "There are {participants} participants.": "Tha {participants} com-pàirtiche(an) ann.",
+  "There will be no way to recover your data.": "Cha bhi dòigh sam bith ann gus an dàta agad aiseag.",
+  "These events may interest you": "Dh’fhaoidte gu bheil ùidh agad sna tachartasan seo",
   "This Mobilizon instance and this event organizer allows anonymous participations, but requires validation through email confirmation.": "Gabhaidh an t-ionstans seo de Mhobilizon agus eagraiche an tachartais seo ri com-pàirteachadh gun ainm ach feumaidh tu a dhearbhadh air a’ phost-d.",
+  "This event has been cancelled.": "Chaidh an tachartas seo a chur gu neoini.",
+  "This event is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.": "Cha ghabh an tachartas seo inntrigeadh ach leis a’ cheangal aige. Thoir an aire mus postaich thu an ceangal seo am badeigin.",
+  "This identifier is unique to your profile. It allows others to find you.": "Tha an t-aithnichear seo àraidh dhan phròifil agad. Leigidh e le càch do lorg.",
+  "This identity is not a member of any group.": "Chan eil an dearbh-aithne seo ’na ball ann am buidheann sam bith.",
+  "This information is saved only on your computer. Click for details": "Tha dèid am fiosrachadh seo a shàbhaladh ach air a’ choimpiutair agad. Briog airson mion-fhiosrachadh",
+  "This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances.": "Chan eil an t-ionstans seo fosgailte a chùm clàraidh ach ’s urrainn dhut clàradh air ionstansan eile.",
+  "This is a demonstration site to test Mobilizon.": "Seo làrach taisbeanaidh airson Mobilizon fheuchainn",
+  "This month": "Am mìos seo",
+  "This week": "An t-seachdain seo",
+  "This weekend": "An deireadh-seachdain seo",
   "This will delete / anonymize all content (events, comments, messages, participations…) created from this identity.": "Sguabaidh seo às / Bheir seo air falbh gach susbaint (tachartasan, beachdan, teachdaireachdan, com-pàirteachaidhean…) a chaidh a chruthachadh leis an dearbh-aithne seo.",
+  "Timezone": "Roinn-tìde",
+  "Timezone detected as {timezone}.": "Mhothaich sinn dha {timezone} mar an roinn-tìde agad.",
+  "Title": "Tiotal",
+  "To activate more notifications, head over to the notification settings.": "Airson barrachd bhrathan a ghnìomhachadh, tadhail air roghainnean nam brathan.",
+  "To confirm, type your event title \"{eventTitle}\"": "Airson a dhearbhadh, sgrìobh tiotal do thachartais “{eventTitle}”",
+  "To confirm, type your identity username \"{preferredUsername}\"": "Airson a dhearbhadh, sgrìobh ainm-cleachdaiche an dearbh-aithne “{preferredUsername}” agad",
+  "Today": "An-diugh",
+  "Tomorrow": "A-màireach",
+  "Transfer to {outsideDomain}": "Tar-chur gu {outsideDomain}",
+  "Type": "Seòrsa",
+  "URL": "URL",
+  "URL copied to clipboard": "Chaidh lethbhreac dhen URL a chur air an stòr-bhòrd",
+  "Unfortunately, this instance isn't opened to registrations": "Gu mì-fhortanach, chan eil an t-ionstans seo fosgailte a chùm clàraidh",
   "Unfortunately, your participation request was rejected by the organizers.": "Gu mì-fhortanach, dhiùlt na h-eagraichean do chom-pàirteachadh.",
+  "Unknown": "Chan eil fhios",
+  "Unknown actor": "Actar nach aithne dhuinn",
+  "Unknown error.": "Mearachd nach aithne dhuinn.",
+  "Unsaved changes": "Atharraichean gun sàbhaladh",
+  "Unset group": "Dì-shuidhich am buidheann",
+  "Unsuspend": "Na cuir à rèim tuilleadh",
+  "Upcoming": "Ri thighinn",
+  "Upcoming events": "Tachartasan ri thighinn",
+  "Update": "Ùraich",
+  "Update event {name}": "Ùraich an tachartas {name}",
+  "Update group": "Ùraich am buidheann",
+  "Update my event": "Ùraich an tachartas agam",
+  "Update post": "Ùraich am post",
+  "Updated": "Air ùrachadh",
+  "Use my location": "Cleachd an t-ionad agam",
+  "User": "Cleachdaiche",
+  "Username": "Ainm-cleachdaiche",
+  "Users": "Cleachdaichean",
+  "View all": "Seall a h-uile",
+  "View all posts": "Seall a h-uile post",
+  "View event page": "Seall duilleag an tachartais",
+  "View everything": "Seall a h-uile càil",
+  "View page on {hostname} (in a new window)": "Seall an duilleag air {hostname} (ann an uinneag ùr)",
+  "Visible everywhere on the web": "Chithear air feadh an lìn e",
+  "Visible everywhere on the web (public)": "Chithear air feadh an lìn e (poblach)",
+  "Waiting for organization team approval.": "A’ feitheamh air aontachadh leis an sgioba eagrachaidh.",
+  "Warning": "Rabhadh",
+  "We just sent an email to {email}": "Tha sinn air post-d a chur gu {email}",
+  "We use your timezone to make sure you get notifications for an event at the correct time.": "Cleachdaidh sinn an roinn-tìde agad ach an cuir sinn na brathan mu thachartas thugad aig an àm cheart.",
+  "We will redirect you to your instance in order to interact with this event": "Bheir sinn dhan ionstans agad-sa thu airson eadar-ghnìomh a ghabhail leis an tachartas seo",
+  "We'll send you an email one hour before the event begins, to be sure you won't forget about it.": "Cuiridh sinn post-d thugad uair a thìde mus tòisich an tachartas a dhèanamh cinnteach nach dìochuimhnich thu e.",
+  "We'll use your timezone settings to send a recap of the morning of the event.": "Cleachdaidh sinn an roinn-tìde agad airson cuimhneachan a chur thugad sa mhadainn ron tachartas.",
+  "Website": "Làrach-lìn",
+  "Website / URL": "Làrach-lìn / URL",
+  "Welcome back {username}!": "Fàilte air ais, {username}!",
+  "Welcome back!": "Fàilte air ais!",
+  "Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "Fàilte gu Mobilizon, {username}!",
+  "Who can view this event and participate": "Cò chì an tachartas seo ’s a dh’fhaodas pàirt a ghabhail ann",
+  "Who can view this post": "Cò chì am post seo",
+  "Who published {number} events": "A dh’fhoillsich {number} tachartas",
+  "Will allow to display and manage your participation status on the event page when using this device. Uncheck if you're using a public device.": "Leigidh seo leat staid do chom-pàirteachaidh a shealltainn ’s a stiùireadh air duilleag an tachartais nuair a chleachdas tu an t-uidheam seo. Thoir a’ chromag air falbh ma tha thu a’ cleachdadh uidheam poblach.",
+  "Write something…": "Sgrìobh rudeigin…",
+  "You are participating in this event anonymously": "Tha thu a’ gabhail pàirt san tachartas seo gun ainm",
   "You are participating in this event anonymously but didn't confirm participation": "Tha thu a’ gabhail pàirt san tachartas seo gun ainm ach cha do dhearbh thu do chom-pàirteachadh",
+  "You can add tags by hitting the Enter key or by adding a comma": "’S urrainn dhut tagaichean a chur ris ’s tu a’ brùthadh air Enter no a’ cur cromag ris",
+  "You can pick your timezone into your preferences.": "’S urrainn dhut an roinn-tìde a thaghadh sna roghainnean agad.",
+  "You can try another search term or drag and drop the marker on the map": "’S urrainn dhut facal-luirg eile fheuchainn no an comharra a shlaodadh agus leigeil às air a’ mhapa",
+  "You can't change your password because you are registered through {provider}.": "Chan urrainn dhut am facal-faire agad atharrachadh air sgàth ’s gun do clàraich thu le {provider}.",
+  "You don't follow any instances yet.": "Chan eil thu a’ leantainn air ionstans sam bith fhathast.",
+  "You have been disconnected": "Chaidh do cheangal a bhriseadh",
+  "You have been invited by {invitedBy} to the following group:": "Thug {invitedBy} cuireadh dhut dhan bhuidheann seo:",
+  "You have been removed from this group's members.": "Chaidh do thoirt air falbh o bhallrachd a’ bhuidhinn seo.",
   "You have cancelled your participation": "Sguir thu dhen chom-pàirteachadh agad",
+  "You need to create the group before you create an event.": "Feumaidh buidheann a chruthachadh mus cruthaich thu tachartas.",
+  "You need to login.": "Feumaidh tu clàradh a-steach.",
+  "You will be redirected to the original instance": "Thèid d’ ath-stiùireadh dhan ionstans tùsail",
+  "You wish to participate to the following event": "Tha thu airson pàirt a ghabhail san tachartas a leanas",
+  "You'll get a weekly recap every Monday for upcoming events, if you have any.": "Gheibh thu cuimhneachan gach madainn DiLuain mu na tachartasan ri thighinn ma tha gin agad.",
+  "You'll need to transmit the group URL so people may access the group's profile. The group won't be findable in Mobilizon's search or regular search engines.": "Feumaidh tu URL a’ bhuidhinn a thar-chur ach an urrainn do dhaoine pròifil a’ bhuidhinn inntrigeadh. Cha ghabh am buidheann a lorg le gleus nan lorg aig Mobilizon no le einnseanan-luirg àbhaisteach.",
+  "You'll receive a confirmation email.": "Gheibh thu post-d dearbhaidh.",
+  "Your account has been successfully deleted": "Chaidh an cunntas agad a sguabadh às",
+  "Your account has been validated": "Chaidh an cunntas agad a dhearbhadh",
+  "Your account is being validated": "Tha an cunntas agad ’ga dhearbhadh",
+  "Your account is nearly ready, {username}": "Cha mhòr nach eil an cunntas gad ullamh, {username}",
+  "Your current email is {email}. You use it to log in.": "Is {email} am post-d làithreach agad. Cleachd e airson clàradh a-steach.",
+  "Your email address was automatically set based on your {provider} account.": "Chaidh am post-d agad a shuidheachadh gu fèin-obrachail, stèidhichte air a’ chunntas agad le {provider}.",
+  "Your email has been changed": "Chaidh am post-d agad atharrachadh",
+  "Your email is being changed": "Tha am post-d agad ’ga atharrachadh",
+  "Your email will only be used to confirm that you're a real person and send you eventual updates for this event. It will NOT be transmitted to other instances or to the event organizer.": "Cha dèid am post-d agad a chleachdadh ach airson dearbhadh gur e neach a th’ annad agus airson naidheachdan a chur thugad mun tachartas seo. ’S ann NACH DÈID a thar-chur gu ionstansan eile no gu eagraiche an tachartais.",
+  "Your federated identity": "An dearbh-aithne co-nasgaichte agad",
   "Your participation has been confirmed": "Chaidh an com-pàirteachadh agad a dhearbhadh",
   "Your participation has been rejected": "Chaidh an com-pàirteachadh agad a dhiùltadh",
   "Your participation has been requested": "Chaidh an com-pàirteachadh agad iarraidh",
   "Your participation request has been validated": "Chaidh an com-pàirteachadh agad a dhearbhadh",
   "Your participation request is being validated": "Tha an com-pàirteachadh agad ’ga dhearbhadh",
   "Your participation status has been changed": "Chaidh staid do chom-pàirteachaidh atharrachadh",
-  "Your participation still has to be approved by the organisers.": "Feumaidh na h-eagraichean aontachadh ri do chom-pàirteachadh fhathast."
+  "Your participation status is saved only on this device and will be deleted one month after the event's passed.": "Cha dèid staid a’ chom-pàirteachaidh agad a shàbhaladh ach air an uidheam seo agus thèid a sguabadh às mìos às dèidh crìoch an tachartais.",
+  "Your participation still has to be approved by the organisers.": "Feumaidh na h-eagraichean aontachadh ri do chom-pàirteachadh fhathast.",
+  "Your profile will be shown as contact.": "Thèid a’ phròifil agad a shealltainn mar fhiosrachadh conaltraidh.",
+  "Your timezone is currently set to {timezone}.": "Chaidh an roinn-tìde agad a shuidheachadh air {timezone}.",
+  "Your timezone was detected as {timezone}.": "Mhothaich sinn dha {timezone} mar an roinn-tìde agad.",
+  "[This comment has been deleted by it's author]": "[Chaidh am beachd seo a sguabadh às leis an ùghdar]",
+  "[This comment has been deleted]": "[Chaidh am beachd seo a sguabadh às]",
+  "[deleted]": "[air a sguabadh às]",
+  "a non-existent report": "gearan nach eil ann",
+  "any distance": "astar sam bith",
+  "as {identity}": "mar {identity}",
+  "contact uninformed": "gun fhiosrachadh conaltraidh",
+  "default Mobilizon privacy policy": "poileasaidh Mhobilizon thùsail",
+  "default Mobilizon terms": "teirmichean Mhobilizon tùsail",
+  "e.g. 10 Rue Jangot": "m.e. 10 Rathad a’ Chidhe",
+  "full rules": "riaghailtean slàna",
+  "iCal Feed": "Inbhir iCal",
+  "instance rules": "riaghailtean an ionstans",
+  "more than 1360 contributors": "còrr is 1360 luchd-cuideachaidh",
+  "profile@instance": "ainm@ionstans",
+  "report #{report_number}": "gearan #{report_number}",
+  "terms of service": "teirmichean na seirbheise",
+  "with another identity…": "le dearbh-aithne eile…",
+  "{count} team members": "Buill an sgioba ({count})",
+  "{group}'s events": "Na tachartasan aig {group}",
+  "{instanceName} is an instance of the {mobilizon} software.": "Tha {instanceName} ’na ionstans dhen bhathar-bhog {mobilizon}",
+  "{moderator} added a note on {report}": "Chuir {moderator} nòta ri {report}",
+  "{moderator} closed {report}": "Dhùin {moderator} {report}",
+  "{moderator} deleted an event named \"{title}\"": "Sguab {moderator} às tachartas air a bheil “{title}”",
+  "{moderator} has deleted user {user}": "Sguab {moderator} às an cleachdaiche {user}",
+  "{moderator} has unsuspended profile {profile}": "Ghnìomhaich {moderator} a’ phròifil {profile}",
+  "{moderator} marked {report} as resolved": "Chuir {moderator} comharra gun deach {report} fhuasgladh",
+  "{moderator} reopened {report}": "Dh’fhosgail {moderator} {report} a-rithist",
+  "{moderator} suspended profile {profile}": "Chuir {moderator} a’ phròifil {profile} à rèim",
+  "{nb} km": "{nb} km",
+  "{number} members": "{number} ball/buill",
+  "{profile} (by default)": "{profile} (o thùs)",
+  "© The OpenStreetMap Contributors": "© Luchd-cuideachaidh OpenStreetMap"
diff --git a/js/src/i18n/gl.json b/js/src/i18n/gl.json
index e7035164d..8796adca8 100644
--- a/js/src/i18n/gl.json
+++ b/js/src/i18n/gl.json
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
   "<b>Please do not use it in any real way.</b>": "<b>Por favor, non o utilices nun escenario real.</b>",
   "<b>{contact}</b> will be displayed as contact.": "<b>{contact}</b> será mostrado como contacto.|<b>{contact}</b> serán mostrados como contactos.",
   "@{group}": "@{group}",
+  "@{username}": "@{username}",
   "@{username} ({role})": "@{username} ({role})",
   "@{username}'s follow request was rejected": "A solicitude de seguimento de @{username} foi rexeitada",
   "A cookie is a small file containing information that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. When you visit the site again, the cookie allows that site to recognize your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. You can configure your browser to refuse all cookies. However, this may result in some website features or services partially working. Local storage works the same way but allows you to store more data.": "Unha cookie é un pequeno ficheiro que contén información que se envía á túa computadora cando visitas unha web. Cando volves á mesma web, a cookie permite que esa web recoñeza o teu navegador. As cookies poden gardar preferencias da usuaria e outra información. Podes configurar o navegador para rexeitar todas as cookies. Porén, esto podería facer que algúns servizos ou características da web non funcionen correctamente. O almacenaxe local funciona do mesmo xeito pero permite almacenar máis datos.",
@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@
   "Administrator": "Administradora",
   "All good, let's continue!": "Todo ben, adiante!",
   "All group members and other eventual server admins will still be able to view this information.": "Todos os membros do grupo e eventuais administradoras aínda poderán serguir vendo esta información.",
-  "All the places have already been taken": "Ocupáronse todas as prazas|Queda unha praza dispoñible|quedan {places} prazas dispoñibles",
+  "All the places have already been taken": "Ocupáronse todas as prazas",
   "Allow all comments": "Permitir tódolos comentarios",
   "Allow all comments from users with accounts": "Permitir comentarios de usuarias conectadas",
   "Allow registrations": "Permitir o rexistro",
@@ -698,6 +699,9 @@
   "The event will show as attributed to this group.": "O evento aparecerá atribuído a este grupo.",
   "The event will show as attributed to your personal profile.": "O evento aparecerá atribuído ó teu perfil persoal.",
   "The event will show the group as organizer.": "O evento mostrará ó grupo como organizador.",
+  "The event {event} was created by {profile}.": "O evento {event} foi creado por {profile}.",
+  "The event {event} was deleted by {profile}.": "{profile} eliminou o evento {event}.",
+  "The event {event} was updated by {profile}.": "{profile} actualizou o evento {evento}.",
   "The events you created are not shown here.": "Os eventos que ti creaches non se mostran aquí.",
   "The group will be publicly listed in search results and may be suggested in the explore section. Only public informations will be shown on it's page.": "Este grupo aparecerá en resultados de buscas e podería ser suxerido na sección descubrir. Só se mostrará información pública nesta páxina.",
   "The instance administrator is the person or entity that runs this Mobilizon instance.": "A administradora da instancia é a persoa ou entidade que xestiona a instancia Mobilizon.",
@@ -706,6 +710,7 @@
   "The organiser has chosen to close comments.": "A organización escolleu pechar os comentarios.",
   "The page you're looking for doesn't exist.": "A páxina que buscas non existe.",
   "The password was successfully changed": "Cambiouse correctamente o contrasinal",
+  "The post {post} was created by {profile}.": "{profile} creou a publicación {post}.",
   "The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below.": "A denuncia vaise enviar á moderación da instancia. Podes explicar aquí abaixo as razóns para denunciar.",
   "The technical details of the error can help developers solve the problem more easily. Please add them to your feedback.": "Os detalles técnicos do erro axudan ás desenvolvedoras a solucionar o problema máis facilmente. Engádeos ao teu informe.",
   "The {default_privacy_policy} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.": "Vaise usar a {default_privacy_policy} e será traducida ó idioma da usuaria.",
@@ -817,6 +822,7 @@
   "Within {number} kilometers of {place}": "|Menos dun quilómetro de {place}|A menos de {number} quilometros de {place}",
   "World map": "Mapa do mundo",
   "Write something…": "Escribe algo…",
+  "Yesterday": "Onte",
   "You are not an administrator for this group.": "Non es administradora deste grupo.",
   "You are not part of any group": "Non formas parte de ningún grupo",
   "You are not part of any group.": "Non formas parte de ningún grupo.",
@@ -827,6 +833,9 @@
   "You can pick your timezone into your preferences.": "Podes escoller a zona horaria nas preferencias.",
   "You can try another search term or drag and drop the marker on the map": "Podes intentalo con outro termo de busca ou arrastrar e soltar a marca no mapa",
   "You can't change your password because you are registered through {provider}.": "Non podes cambiar o contrasinal porque estás rexistrada en {provider}.",
+  "You created the event {event}.": "Creaches o evento {event}.",
+  "You created the post {post}.": "Creaches a publicación {post}.",
+  "You deleted the event {event}.": "Eliminaches o evento {evento}.",
   "You didn't create or join any event yet": "Non creaches nin te uniches a ningún evento",
   "You didn't create or join any event yet.": "Aínda non te uniches nin creaches un evento.",
   "You don't follow any instances yet.": "Aínda non segues ningunha instancia.",
@@ -842,6 +851,7 @@
   "You may now close this window.": "Xa podes pechar esta ventá.",
   "You need to create the group before you create an event.": "Tes que crear un grupo antes de crear un evento.",
   "You need to login.": "Teste que conectar.",
+  "You updated the event {event}.": "Actualizaches o evento {event}.",
   "You will be able to add an avatar and set other options in your account settings.": "Poderás engadir un avatar e establecer outras opcións nos axustes da conta.",
   "You will be redirected to the original instance": "Vas ser redirixida á instancia orixinal",
   "You will find here all the events you have created or of which you are a participant.": "Atoparás aquí tódolos eventos que creaches ou nos que vas participar.",
@@ -854,6 +864,7 @@
   "Your account is being validated": "A túa conta está sendo validada",
   "Your account is nearly ready, {username}": "A túa conta xa case está preparada, {username}",
   "Your city or region and the radius will only be used to suggest you events nearby.": "A túa cidade ou rexión e o radio que se utilizará para suxerirche eventos na proximidade.",
+  "Your city or region and the radius will only be used to suggest you events nearby. The event radius will consider the administrative center of the area.": "A túa cidade ou rexión e o radio só se utilizará para suxerirche eventos próximos. O radio do evento será considerado desde o centro da área administrativa.",
   "Your current email is {email}. You use it to log in.": "O teu email é {email}. Utilízao para conectarte.",
   "Your email": "O teu email",
   "Your email address was automatically set based on your {provider} account.": "O enderezo de correo estableceuse automáticamente baseándonos na conta {provider}.",
diff --git a/js/src/i18n/pt_BR.json b/js/src/i18n/pt_BR.json
index 199eb8960..724778b75 100644
--- a/js/src/i18n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/js/src/i18n/pt_BR.json
@@ -1,40 +1,98 @@
+  "#{tag}": "#{tag}",
+  "(Masked)": "(Oculto)",
+  "(this folder)": "(esta pasta)",
+  "(this link)": "(este link)",
+  "+ Add a resource": "+ Adicionar um recurso",
+  "+ Create an event": "+ Criar um evento",
+  "+ Post a public message": "+ Publicar uma mensagem pública",
+  "+ Start a discussion": "+ Iniciar uma conversa",
   "<b>Please do not use it in any real way.</b>": "<b>Por favor, não use isso para fins reais.</b>",
+  "<b>{contact}</b> will be displayed as contact.": "<b>{contact}</b> será mostrado como contato.|<b>{contact}</b> será mostrado como contatos.",
+  "@{group}": "@{group}",
+  "@{username} ({role})": "@{username} ({role})",
+  "A cookie is a small file containing information that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. When you visit the site again, the cookie allows that site to recognize your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. You can configure your browser to refuse all cookies. However, this may result in some website features or services partially working. Local storage works the same way but allows you to store more data.": "Um cookie é um arquivo pequeno contando informações que são enviadas ao seu computador quando você visita um site web. Quando você visita o site novamente, o cookie permite que o site reconheça o seu navegador. Cookies podem armazenar preferências do usuário e outras informações. Você pode configurar o seu navegador para que ele recuse todos os cookies. Contudo, isso talvez faça com que alguns recursos ou serviços do site funcionem parcialmente. Armazenamento local funciona da mesma maneira, mas possibilita armazenar mais dados.",
+  "A federated software": "Um aplicativo federado",
+  "A place for your code of conduct, rules or guidelines. You can use HTML tags.": "Um lugar para o seu código de conduta, regras ou diretrizes. Você pode usar tags HTML.",
+  "A place to explain who you are and the things that set your instance apart. You can use HTML tags.": "Um lugar para explicar quem é você e as coisas que diferenciam a sua instância. Pode usar tags HTML.",
+  "A place to publish something to the whole world, your community or just your group members.": "Um lugar para você publicar alguma coisa para o mundo inteiro, sua comunidade ou apenas os membros do seu grupo.",
+  "A place to store links to documents or resources of any type.": "Um lugar para guardar links para os documentos ou recursos de qualquer tipo.",
+  "A practical tool": "Uma ferramenta prática",
+  "A short tagline for your instance homepage. Defaults to \"Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize\"": "Um slogan para a página de início da sua instância. O valor predefinido é \"Reunir - Organizar - Mobiliar\"",
   "A user-friendly, emancipatory and ethical tool for gathering, organising, and mobilising.": "Uma ferramenta de convívio, emancipadora e ética, para se reunir, se organizar e se mobilizar.",
   "A validation email was sent to {email}": "Um email de confirmação foi enviado ao {email}",
+  "API": "API",
+  "Abandon editing": "Abandonar a edição",
   "Abandon edition": "Abandonar a edição",
   "About": "Sobre",
   "About Mobilizon": "Sobre Mobilizon",
   "About this event": "Sobre este evento",
   "About this instance": "Sobre esta instância",
+  "About {instance}": "Sobre {instance}",
+  "Accept": "Aceitar",
   "Accepted": "Aceitado",
+  "Accessible only to members": "Acessível apenas aos membros",
+  "Accessible through link": "Acessível através do link",
+  "Account": "Conta",
+  "Actions": "Ações",
+  "Activated": "Ativado",
+  "Active": "Ativo",
+  "Actor": "Participante",
   "Add": "Adicionar",
+  "Add / Remove…": "Adicionar / Remover…",
+  "Add a contact": "Adicionar um contato",
+  "Add a group": "Adicionar grupo",
+  "Add a new post": "Adicionar nova publicação",
   "Add a note": "Adicionar uma nota",
+  "Add a todo": "Adicionar uma tarefa",
   "Add an address": "Adicionar um endereço",
   "Add an instance": "Adicionar uma instância",
   "Add some tags": "Adicionar etiquetas",
   "Add to my calendar": "Adicionar no meu calendário",
   "Additional comments": "Adicionar comentários",
+  "Admin": "Administrador",
   "Admin settings": "Configuração do administrador",
   "Admin settings successfully saved.": "Configurações do administrador salvadas com sucesso.",
   "Administration": "Administração",
-  "All the places have already been taken": "Todos os lugares foram ocupados |Um lugar ainda está disponível|{places}lugares estão ainda disponíveis",
+  "Administrator": "Administrador",
+  "All good, let's continue!": "Ótimo, continue !",
+  "All the places have already been taken": "Todos os lugares já foram ocupados",
   "Allow all comments": "Permitir todos comentários",
+  "Allow all comments from users with accounts": "Permitir todos os comentários de usuários que efetuaram acesso",
   "Allow registrations": "Permitir inscrições",
   "An error has occurred.": "Ocorreu um erro.",
+  "An ethical alternative": "Uma alternativa ética",
+  "An instance is an installed version of the Mobilizon software running on a server. An instance can be run by anyone using the {mobilizon_software} or other federated apps, aka the “fediverse”. This instance's name is {instance_name}. Mobilizon is a federated network of multiple instances (just like email servers), users registered on different instances may communicate even though they didn't register on the same instance.": "Uma instância é uma versão instalada do aplicativo Mobilizon em um servidor. Uma instância pode ser administrada por qualquer pessoa que utilize o {mobilizon_sotware} ou outro aplicativo federado, também conhecido como \"fediverse\". O nome dessa instância é {instance_name}. Mobilizon é uma rede federada de múltiplas instâncias (exatamente como os servidores de email), usuários registrados em diferente instâncias podem se comunicar mesmo que eles não se registraram na mesma instância.",
+  "An “application programming interface” or “API” is a communication protocol that allows software components to communicate with each other. The Mobilizon API, for example, can allow third-party software tools to communicate with Mobilizon instances to carry out certain actions, such as posting events on your behalf, automatically and remotely.": "Um API (Application Programming Interface), em português (interface de programação de aplicativo) é um protocolo de comunicação que permite componentes de aplicativos de comunicarem entre si. O API Mobilizon, pode permitir com que ferramentas de aplicativos de terceiros comuniquem com instâncias Mobilizon para realizar algumas ações, tais como, postar eventos automaticamente e remotamente em seu nome.",
+  "And {number} comments": "E {number} comentários",
+  "Anonymous participant": "Participante anônimo",
   "Anonymous participants will be asked to confirm their participation through e-mail.": "Os participantes anônimos deverão confirmar sua participação por email.",
   "Anonymous participations": "Participações anônimas",
+  "Any day": "Qualquer dia",
+  "Application": "Aplicação",
   "Approve": "Aprovar",
+  "Are you really sure you want to delete your whole account? You'll lose everything. Identities, settings, events created, messages and participations will be gone forever.": "Tem certeza que você quer apagar toda sua conta? Você perderá tudo, identidades, configurações, eventos criados, mensagens e participações desaparecerão para sempre.",
+  "Are you sure you want to <b>completely delete</b> this group? All members - including remote ones - will be notified and removed from the group, and <b>all of the group data (events, posts, discussions, todos…) will be irretrievably destroyed</b>.": "Você está seguro que quer <b>apagar completamente</b> este grupo? Todos os membros - incluindo membros remotos - serão notificados e removidos deste grupo e <b>todos os dados do grupo (eventos, publicações, conversas, tarefas…) serão irremediavelmente destruídos</b>.",
   "Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this comment? This action cannot be undone.": "Você está seguro que quer  <b>apagar</b> este comentário? Esta ação não pode ser desfeita.",
   "Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this event? This action cannot be undone. You may want to engage the discussion with the event creator or edit its event instead.": "Você está seguro que quer  <b>apagar</b> este evento? Esta ação não pode ser desfeita. Talvez você queira tentar uma conversa com o criador do evento ou, então, editar este evento.",
+  "Are you sure you want to <b>suspend</b> this group? All members - including remote ones - will be notified and removed from the group, and <b>all of the group data (events, posts, discussions, todos…) will be irretrievably destroyed</b>.": "Você está seguro que quer <b>suspender</b>este grupo? Todos os membros - incluindo os membros remotos - irão ser notificados e removidos do grupo, e <b>todos os dados do grupo (eventos, publicações, conversas, tarefas...) serão irremediavelmente destruídos</b>.",
+  "Are you sure you want to <b>suspend</b> this group? As this group originates from instance {instance}, this will only remove local members and delete the local data, as well as rejecting all the future data.": "Você está seguro que quer <b>suspender</b> este grupo? Visto que este grupo é oriundo da instância {instance}, isto irá remover apenas membros locais e apagar os dados locais, como também rejeitar todos os dados futuros.",
   "Are you sure you want to cancel the event creation? You'll lose all modifications.": "Você está seguro que quer cancelar a criação do evento? Você perderá todas as modificações.",
   "Are you sure you want to cancel the event edition? You'll lose all modifications.": "Você está seguro que quer cancelar a edição do evento? Você perderá todas as modificações.",
   "Are you sure you want to cancel your participation at event \"{title}\"?": "Você está seguro que quer cancelar a sua participação no evento \"{title}\"?",
   "Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be reverted.": "Você está seguro que quer apagar este evento? Esta ação não pode ser desfeita.",
+  "Assigned to": "Atribuído a",
   "Avatar": "Avatar",
   "Back to previous page": "Voltar à página anterior",
+  "Banner": "Banner",
   "Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account.": "Antes de você poder começar, você precisa clicar no link que está no interior para validar a sua conta.",
+  "Begins on": "Começa às",
+  "Bold": "Negrito",
+  "By @{group}": "Por @{group}",
   "By @{username}": "Por @{username}",
+  "By {author}": "Por {author}",
+  "By {group}": "Por {group}",
+  "Can be an email or a link, or just plain text.": "Pode ser um email ou um link, ou apenas um texto simples.",
   "Cancel": "Cancelar",
   "Cancel anonymous participation": "Cancelar participação anônima",
   "Cancel creation": "Cancelar a criação",
@@ -44,9 +102,12 @@
   "Cancelled: Won't happen": "Cancelado: Não irá acontecer",
   "Category": "Categoria",
   "Change": "Modificar",
+  "Change my email": "Mudar o meu email",
   "Change my identity…": "Mudar minha identidade…",
   "Change my password": "Mudar minha senha",
   "Change password": "Mudar a senha",
+  "Change timezone": "Mudar fuso horário",
+  "Check your inbox (and your junk mail folder).": "Verifique sua caixa de emails (e também a sua pasta de spam).",
   "Clear": "Limpar",
   "Click to select": "Clique para selecionar",
   "Click to upload": "Click para subir",
@@ -56,64 +117,123 @@
   "Comment deleted": "Comentário apagado",
   "Comment from @{username} reported": "Comentário de @{username} reportado",
   "Comments": "Comentários",
+  "Comments are closed for everybody else.": "Os comentários estão fechados para todos os demais.",
   "Comments have been closed.": "Os comentários foram fechados.",
+  "Confirm my participation": "Confirmar minha participação",
   "Confirm my particpation": "Confirmar minha participação",
+  "Confirmed": "Confirmado",
+  "Confirmed at": "Confirmado às",
   "Confirmed: Will happen": "Confirmado: Irá acontecer",
+  "Congratulations, your account is now created!": "Parabéns, sua conta está criada agora!",
+  "Contact": "Contato",
   "Continue editing": "Continuar a edição",
+  "Cookies and Local storage": "Cookies e armazenamento local",
   "Country": "País",
   "Create": "Criar",
+  "Create a calc": "Criar um calc",
+  "Create a discussion": "Criar uma conversa",
+  "Create a folder": "Criar uma pasta",
   "Create a new event": "Criar novo evento",
   "Create a new group": "Criar novo grupo",
   "Create a new identity": "Criar nova identidade",
+  "Create a new list": "Criar uma nova lista",
+  "Create a pad": "Criar um pad",
+  "Create a videoconference": "Criar uma videoconferência",
+  "Create an account": "Criar um conta",
   "Create and manage several identities from the same account": "Criar e administrar várias identidades da mesma conta",
   "Create group": "Criar grupo",
   "Create my event": "Criar meu evento",
   "Create my group": "Criar meu grupo",
   "Create my profile": "Criar meu perfil",
+  "Create resource": "Criar recurso",
+  "Create the discussion": "Criar a conversa",
+  "Create to-do lists for all the tasks you need to do, assign them and set due dates.": "Crie uma lista para todas as tarefas que você precisa fazer, atribua-as e defina datas de vencimento.",
   "Create token": "Criar token",
   "Create, edit or delete events": "Criar, editar ou apagar eventos",
+  "Created by {name}": "Criado por {name}",
+  "Created by {username}": "Criado por {username}",
   "Creator": "Criador",
   "Current identity has been changed to {identityName} in order to manage this event.": "A identidade atual foi modificada para  {identityName} para poder administrar este evento.",
+  "Current page": "Página atual",
   "Custom": "Personalizar",
   "Custom URL": "URL personalizada",
   "Custom text": "Texto personalizado",
+  "Daily email summary": "Resumo diário por email",
   "Dashboard": "Painel de controle",
   "Date": "Data",
+  "Date and time": "Data e hora",
   "Date and time settings": "Configuração da data e hora",
   "Date parameters": "Parâmetros da data",
+  "Decline": "Recusar",
   "Default": "Padrão",
+  "Default Mobilizon privacy policy": "Políticas padrões de privacidade do Mobilizon",
+  "Default Mobilizon terms": "Condições Gerais Padrões do Mobilizon",
   "Default Mobilizon.org terms": "Termos de uso padrão do Mobilizon.org",
   "Delete": "Apagar",
   "Delete Comment": "Apagar comentário",
   "Delete Event": "Apagar o Evento",
+  "Delete account": "Apagar conta",
+  "Delete conversation": "Apagar conversa",
   "Delete event": "Apagar um Evento",
+  "Delete everything": "Apagar tudo",
+  "Delete group": "Apagar grupo",
+  "Delete my account": "Apagar minha conta",
+  "Delete post": "Apagar publicação",
   "Delete this identity": "Apagar esta identidade",
   "Delete your identity": "Apagar a sua identidade",
   "Delete {eventTitle}": "Apagar {eventTitle}",
   "Delete {preferredUsername}": "Apagar {preferredUsername}",
   "Deleting comment": "Apagar comentário",
   "Deleting event": "Apagar evento",
+  "Deleting my account will delete all of my identities.": "Apagar minha conta apagará todas as minhas identidades.",
+  "Deleting your Mobilizon account": "Apagar sua conta Mobilizon",
+  "Demote": "Retroceder",
   "Description": "Descrição",
   "Didn't receive the instructions ?": "Você não recebeu as instruções?",
+  "Didn't receive the instructions?": "Você não recebeu as instruções?",
+  "Disabled": "Desativado",
+  "Discussions": "Conversas",
   "Display name": "Mostrar nome",
   "Display participation price": "Mostrar um preço de participação",
+  "Displayed nickname": "Apelido exibido",
+  "Displayed on homepage and meta tags. Describe what Mobilizon is and what makes this instance special in a single paragraph.": "Mostrado na página de início e nas metas etiquetas. Descreva o que é Mobilizon e o que torna esta instância especial em apenas um parágrafo.",
+  "Do not receive any mail": "Não receber nenhum email",
   "Domain": "Domínio",
   "Draft": "Rascunho",
   "Drafts": "Rascunhos",
+  "Due on": "Previsto para",
+  "Duplicate": "Duplicar",
   "Edit": "Editar",
+  "Edit post": "Editar publicação",
+  "Edited {ago}": "Editado {ago}",
   "Eg: Stockholm, Dance, Chess…": "Exemplo: São Paulo, Brasília, Salvador…",
   "Either on the {instance} instance or on another instance.": "Tanto na instância {instance} como em outra instância.",
   "Either the account is already validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Ou a conta já está validada, ou o token de validação está incorreto.",
+  "Either the email has already been changed, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Ou o email foi alterado, ou a validação do token está incorreta.",
   "Either the participation has already been validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Oi a participação já foi validada, ou o token de validação está incorreto.",
+  "Either the participation request has already been validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Ou o pedido de participação já foi validado, ou a validação do token está incorreta.",
   "Email": "Email",
+  "Email address": "Endereço de email",
+  "Email notifications": "Notificações de email",
+  "Enabled": "Habilitado",
   "Ends on…": "Termina em…",
   "Enjoy discovering Mobilizon!": "Divirta-se descobrindo Mobilizon!",
   "Enter the link URL": "Insira o link URL",
+  "Enter your email address below, and we'll email you instructions on how to change your password.": "Insira o seu endereço de email abaixo e nós enviaremos à você um email com instruções de como mudar a senha.",
+  "Enter your own privacy policy. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_privacy_policy} is provided as template.": "Insira sua própria política de privacidade. Tags HTML são permitidas. As {mobilizon_privacy_policy} são oferecidas como modelo.",
   "Enter your own terms. HTML tags allowed. Mobilizon.org's terms are provided as template.": "Insira seus próprios termos. tags HTML são autorizadas. Os termos do Mobilizon.org são oferecidos como um exemplo apenas.",
+  "Enter your own terms. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_terms} are provided as template.": "Insira suas próprias condições gerais. Tags HTML são permitidas. As {mobilizon_terms} são oferecidas como modelo.",
+  "Error": "Erro",
+  "Error while changing email": "Erro ao modificar o email",
   "Error while communicating with the server.": "Erro ao comunicar com o servidor.",
+  "Error while login with {provider}. Retry or login another way.": "Erro ao entrar com {provider}. Tente novamente ou entre de outra maneira.",
+  "Error while login with {provider}. This login provider doesn't exist.": "Erro ao entrar com {provider}. O provedor deste login não existe.",
+  "Error while reporting group {groupTitle}": "Erro ao denunciar o grupo {groupTitle}",
   "Error while saving report.": "Erro ao salvar o relatório.",
   "Error while validating account": "Erro ao validar a conta",
   "Error while validating participation": "Erro ao validar a participação",
+  "Error while validating participation request": "Erro ao validar o pedido de participação",
+  "Ethical alternative to Facebook events, groups and pages, Mobilizon is a <b>tool designed to serve you</b>. Period.": "Alternativa ética aos eventos, grupos e páginas do Facebook, Mobilizon é uma <b>criada pra servir você</b>. Ponto.",
   "Event": "Evento",
   "Event already passed": "Evento já ocorreu",
   "Event cancelled": "Evento cancelado",
@@ -126,34 +246,59 @@
   "Event {eventTitle} deleted": "Evento {eventTitle} foi apagado",
   "Event {eventTitle} reported": "Evento {eventTitle} foi reportado",
   "Events": "Eventos",
+  "Events tagged with {tag}": "Eventos etiquetados com {tag}",
+  "Everything": "Tudo",
   "Ex: mobilizon.fr": "Ex: mobilizon.fr",
+  "Ex: someone@mobilizon.org": "Ex: alguém@mobilizon.org",
   "Exclude": "Excluir",
   "Explore": "Explorar",
+  "Explore events": "Explorar eventos",
   "Failed to save admin settings": "Falha ao salvar configurações do administrador",
   "Featured events": "Eventos em destaque",
   "Features": "Funcionalidades",
+  "Federated Group Name": "Nome do grupo federado",
+  "Federation": "Federação",
+  "Fetch more": "Buscar mais",
   "Find an address": "Encontrar um endereço",
   "Find an instance": "Encontrar uma instância",
   "Followers": "Seguidores",
   "Followings": "Seguindo",
+  "For instance: London": "Por exemplo: Londres",
   "For instance: London, Taekwondo, Architecture…": "Por exemplo: Londres, Taekwondo, Arquitetura…",
   "Forgot your password ?": "Esqueceu a senha?",
+  "Forgot your password?": "Esqueceu sua senha?",
   "From a birthday party with friends and family to a march for climate change, right now, our gatherings are <b>trapped inside the tech giants’ platforms</b>. How can we organize, how can we click “Attend,” without <b>providing private data</b> to Facebook or <b>locking ourselves up</b> inside MeetUp?": "Desde um aniversário com amigos e família até uma marcha pela mudança do clima, exatamente agora,  right now, os bons motivos para nos juntarmos <b>Presos pelos gigantes da tecnologia</b>. Como nós podemos nos organizar, como nós podemos clicar, \"Participar\" sem <b>dar nossos dados</b> para o Facebook <b>que nos prende</b> dentro do MeetUp?",
   "From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate}": "De {startDate} às {startTime} até {endDate}",
   "From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate} at {endTime}": "De {startDate} às {startTime} até {endDate} às {endTime}",
   "From the {startDate} to the {endDate}": "De  {startDate} até {endDate}",
   "Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize": "Reunir⋅ Organizar⋅ Mobilizar",
+  "General": "Geral",
   "General information": "Informações gerais",
   "Getting location": "Obter localização",
+  "Glossary": "Glossário",
   "Go": "Vamos",
+  "Go to the event page": "Vá para a página do evento",
   "Going as {name}": "Indo como {name}",
   "Group List": "Lista de grupos",
+  "Group Members": "Membros do grupo",
+  "Group address": "Endereço do grupo",
+  "Group display name": "Nome de exibição do grupo",
   "Group full name": "Nome completo do grupo",
   "Group name": "Nome do grupo",
+  "Group settings": "Configurações de grupo",
+  "Group settings saved": "Configurações do grupo salvas",
+  "Group short description": "Descrição curta do grupo",
+  "Group visibility": "Visibilidade do grupo",
   "Group {displayName} created": "Grupo {displayName} criado",
+  "Group {groupTitle} reported": "Grupo {groupTitle} denunciado",
   "Groups": "Grupos",
+  "Groups are spaces for coordination and preparation to better organize events and manage your community.": "Grupos são espaços para coordenação e preparação para melhor organizar eventos e administrar a sua comunidade.",
   "Headline picture": "Imagem de manchete",
   "Hide replies": "Esconder as respostas",
+  "Home": "Início",
+  "Home to {number} users": "Início de {number} usuários",
+  "Hourly email summary": "Resumo por e-mail à cada hora",
+  "I agree to the {instanceRules} and {termsOfService}": "Eu concordo com as {instanceRules} e {termsOfService}",
   "I create an identity": "Eu crio uma identidade",
   "I don't have a Mobilizon account": "Eu não tenho uma conta Mobilizon",
   "I have a Mobilizon account": "Eu tenho uma conta Mobilizon",
@@ -164,53 +309,119 @@
   "Identity {displayName} created": "Identidade {displayName} criada",
   "Identity {displayName} deleted": "Identidade {displayName} apagada",
   "Identity {displayName} updated": "Identidade {displayName} atualizada",
+  "If allowed by organizer": "Se autorizado pelo organizador",
   "If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to {email}": "Se uma conta com esse email existe, nós acabamos de enviar um outro email de confirmação para {email}",
   "If this identity is the only administrator of some groups, you need to delete them before being able to delete this identity.": "Se esta identidade é o único administrador de alguns grupos, você precisa apagar esses grupos antes de poder apagar esta identidade.",
+  "If you have opted for manual validation of participants, Mobilizon will send you an email to inform you of new participations to be processed. You can choose the frequency of these notifications below.": "Se você optou por validação manual dos participantes, Mobilizon irá enviar à você um email informando os novos participantes a serem processados. Você pode escolher a frequência dessas notificações abaixo.",
+  "If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here.": "Se você quiser, você pode enviar uma mensagem para o organizador do evento aqui.",
   "Impossible to login, your email or password seems incorrect.": "Impossível fazer login, seu e-mail ou senha parecem estar incorreto.",
+  "In the following context, an application is a software, either provided by the Mobilizon team or by a 3rd-party, used to interact with your instance.": "No contexto que se segue, uma aplicação é um software, seja fornecido pela equipe Mobilizon ou por um terceiro, usado para interagir com a sua instância.",
   "In the meantime, please consider that the software is not (yet) finished. More information {onBlog}.": "Enquanto isso, favor considerar que o aplicativo não está (ainda) terminado. Mais informações {onBlog}.",
   "Installing Mobilizon will allow communities to free themselves from the services of tech giants by creating <b>their own event platform</b>.": "instalar Mobilizon possibilitará às comunidades de se libertarem dos serviços de grandes empresas de tecnologia criando, elas mesmas, <b>suas próprias plataformas</b>.",
+  "Instance": "Instância",
   "Instance Description": "Descrição da instância",
+  "Instance Long Description": "Descrição longa da instância",
   "Instance Name": "Nome da instância",
+  "Instance Privacy Policy": "Política de privacidade da instância",
+  "Instance Privacy Policy Source": "Fonte da política de privacidade da instância",
+  "Instance Privacy Policy URL": "URL da política de privacidade da instância",
+  "Instance Rules": "Regras da instância",
+  "Instance Short Description": "Descrição curta da instância",
+  "Instance Slogan": "Slogan da instância",
   "Instance Terms": "Termos de uso da instância",
   "Instance Terms Source": "Termos básicos de uso da instância",
   "Instance Terms URL": "URL dos termos de uso da instância",
+  "Instance administrator": "Administrador da instância",
+  "Instance configuration": "Configuração da instância",
+  "Instance languages": "Idiomas da instância",
+  "Instance rules": "Regras da instância",
+  "Instance settings": "Configurações da instância",
   "Instances": "Instâncias",
+  "Instances following you": "Instâncias seguindo você",
+  "Instances you follow": "Instâncias que você segue",
+  "Invite a new member": "Convidar um novo membro",
+  "Invite member": "Convidar membro",
+  "Invited": "Convidado",
+  "Italic": "Itálico",
+  "Join <b>{instance}</b>, a Mobilizon instance": "Juntar-se a <b>{instance}</b>, uma instância Mobilizon",
+  "Join group": "Juntar-se ao grupo",
   "Join {instance}, a Mobilizon instance": "Junte-se à {instance}, uma instância Mobilizon",
+  "Keep the entire conversation about a specific topic together on a single page.": "Mantenha toda a conversa sobre um tema específico em apenas uma página.",
+  "Key words": "Palavras chave",
+  "Language": "Idioma",
+  "Last IP adress": "Último endereço IP",
+  "Last group created": "Último grupo criado",
   "Last published event": "Último evento publicado",
+  "Last sign-in": "Último log-in",
   "Last week": "Última semana",
+  "Latest posts": "Últimas publicações",
   "Learn more": "Saiba mais",
   "Learn more about Mobilizon": "Saiba mais sobre Mobilizon",
+  "Learn more about {instance}": "Aprenda mais sobre {instance}",
+  "Leave": "Sair",
   "Leave event": "Deixar o evento",
   "Leaving event \"{title}\"": "Deixar o evento \"{title}\"",
+  "Legal": "Legal",
   "Let's create a new common": "Vamos criar um novo Common",
+  "Let's define a few settings": "Vamos definir algumas configurações",
   "License": "Licença",
   "Limited number of places": "Número de lugares limitados",
+  "List title": "Título da lista",
   "Load more": "Ver mais",
+  "Local": "Local",
   "Locality": "Localidade",
+  "Location": "Local",
   "Log in": "Entrar",
   "Log out": "Sair",
   "Login": "Entrar",
   "Login on Mobilizon!": "Entrar no Mobilizon!",
   "Login on {instance}": "Entrar em {instance}",
+  "Login status": "Status do Login",
+  "Main languages you/your moderators speak": "Principais línguas faladas por você ou seus moderadores",
   "Manage participations": "Gerenciar participações",
   "Mark as resolved": "Marcar como resolvido",
+  "Member": "Membro",
   "Members": "Membros",
+  "Message": "Mensagem",
+  "Mobilizon": "Mobilizon",
   "Mobilizon is a federated network. You can interact with this event from a different server.": "Mobilizon é uma rede federada. Você pode interagir com este evento através de um outro servidor.",
   "Mobilizon is a free/libre software that will allow communities to create <b>their own spaces</b> to publish events in order to better emancipate themselves from tech giants.": "Mobilizon é um aplicativo livre/gratuito que permitirá às comunidades de criarem  <b>seus próprios espaços</b> para publicarem eventos para se emanciparem dos grandes gigantes da tecnologia.",
+  "Mobilizon is a tool that helps you <b>find, create and organise events</b>.": "Mobilizou é uma ferramenta que ajuda você a <b>encontrar, criar e organizar eventos</b>.",
+  "Mobilizon is not a giant platform, but a <b>multitude of interconnected Mobilizon websites</b>.": "Mobilizon não é uma plataforma gigante, mas uma <b>multitude de sites web Mobilizon interconectados</b>.",
   "Mobilizon is under development, we will add new features to this site during regular updates, until the release of <b>version 1 of the software in the first half of 2020</b>.": "Mobilizon está em desenvolvimento, nós iremos adicionar novas funcionalidades neste site durante atualizações regulares, até o lançamento da <b>versão 1 do aplicativo  no primeiro semestre de 2020</b>.",
+  "Mobilizon software": "Aplicativo Mobilizon",
+  "Mobilizon version": "Versão Mobilizon",
+  "Mobilizon will send you an email when the events you are attending have important changes: date and time, address, confirmation or cancellation, etc.": "Mobilizon te enviará um email quando o evento que você participa tiver mudanças importantes: data e hora, endereço, confirmação ou cancelamento, etc.",
   "Mobilizon’s licence": "A licença Mobilizon",
   "Moderated comments (shown after approval)": "Comentários moderados (mostrados após aprovação)",
+  "Moderation": "Moderação",
+  "Moderation log": "Relatório de moderação",
+  "Moderator": "Moderador",
+  "Move": "Mover",
+  "Move \"{resourceName}\"": "Mover \"{resourceName}\"",
+  "Move resource to {folder}": "Mover recurso para {folder}",
   "My account": "Minha conta",
   "My events": "Meus eventos",
+  "My groups": "Meus grupos",
   "My identities": "Minhas identidades",
+  "NOTE! The default terms have not been checked over by a lawyer and thus are unlikely to provide full legal protection for all situations for an instance admin using them. They are also not specific to all countries and jurisdictions. If you are unsure, please check with a lawyer.": "NOTA! As condições gerais não foram verificadas por um advogado e, portanto, é pouco provável que ofereçam proteção legal para todas as situações para um administrador de instância utilizá-las. E também não são específicas para todos os países e jurisdições. Se você não está seguro, favor verificar com um advogado.",
   "Name": "Nome",
+  "New discussion": "Nova conversa",
+  "New email": "Novo email",
+  "New folder": "Nova pasta",
+  "New link": "Novo link",
   "New note": "Nova nota",
   "New password": "Nova senha",
+  "New profile": "Novo perfil",
+  "Next month": "Próximo mês",
+  "Next page": "Próxima página",
+  "Next week": "Na próxima semana",
   "No actors found": "Nenhum ator encontrado",
   "No address defined": "Nenhum endereço definido",
   "No closed reports yet": "Nenhum relatório fechado ainda",
   "No comment": "Nenhum comentário",
   "No comments yet": "Nenhum comentário ainda",
+  "No discussions yet": "Nenhuma conversa ainda",
   "No end date": "Não há data final",
   "No events found": "Nenhum evento encontrado",
   "No group found": "Nenhum grupo encontrado",
@@ -219,11 +430,36 @@
   "No instance to approve|Approve instance|Approve {number} instances": "Nenhuma instância para aprovar|Aprovar instância|Aprovar {number} instâncias",
   "No instance to reject|Reject instance|Reject {number} instances": "Nenhuma instância a rejeitar|Rejeitar instância|Rejeitar {number} instâncias",
   "No instance to remove|Remove instance|Remove {number} instances": "Nenhuma instância para remover|Remover instância|Remover {number}  instâncias",
+  "No languages found": "Nenhum idioma encontrado",
+  "No member matches the filters": "Nenhum membro corresponde aos filtros",
+  "No message": "Nenhuma mensagem",
+  "No moderation logs yet": "Nenhum relatório de moderação ainda",
+  "No one is going to this event": "Ninguém está indo neste evento|Uma pessoa indo|{going} pessoas indo",
   "No open reports yet": "Nenhum relatório aberto ainda",
+  "No participant matches the filters": "Nenhum participante corresponde aos filtros",
+  "No participant to approve|Approve participant|Approve {number} participants": "Nenhum participante para aprovar|Aprovar participante|Aprovar {number} participantes",
+  "No participant to reject|Reject participant|Reject {number} participants": "Nenhum participante a rejeitar|Rejeitar participante|Rejeitar {number} participantes",
+  "No posts found": "Nenhuma publicação encontrada",
+  "No posts yet": "Nenhuma publicação ainda",
+  "No profile matches the filters": "Nenhum perfil corresponde aos filtros",
+  "No profiles found": "Nenhum perfil encontrado",
+  "No public upcoming events": "Não há eventos públicos próximos",
   "No resolved reports yet": "Nenhum relatório resolvido ainda",
+  "No resources in this folder": "Nenhum recurso nessa pasta",
+  "No resources selected": "Nenhum recurso selecionado|Um recurso selecionado|{count} recursos selecionados",
+  "No resources yet": "Nenhum recurso ainda",
   "No results for \"{queryText}\"": "Não há resultado para \"{queryText}\"",
+  "No rules defined yet.": "Nenhuma regra definida ainda.",
   "No user account with this email was found. Maybe you made a typo?": "Nenhuma conta de usuário com este e-mail foi encontrado. Talvez você esqueceu ou trocou alguma letra?",
+  "None": "Nenhum",
+  "Not approved": "Não aprovado",
+  "Not confirmed": "Não confirmado",
   "Notes": "Notas",
+  "Nothing to see here": "Não há nada a ver aqui",
+  "Notification before the event": "Notificações antes do evento",
+  "Notification on the day of the event": "Notificações no dia do evento",
+  "Notifications for manually approved participations to an event": "Notificações para participações aprovadas manualmente para um evento",
+  "Now, create your first profile:": "Agora, crie seu primeiro perfil:",
   "Number of places": "Número de lugares",
   "OK": "OK",
   "Old password": "senha antiga",
@@ -232,104 +468,178 @@
   "On {date} from {startTime} to {endTime}": "Em {date} de {startTime} até {endTime}",
   "On {date} starting at {startTime}": "Em {date} começando às {startTime}",
   "One person is going": "Ninguém irá| Uma pessoa irá | {approved} pessoas irão",
+  "Only accessible through link": "Acessível apenas através do link",
+  "Only accessible through link (private)": "Acessível somente através de link (privado)",
   "Only accessible through link and search (private)": "Acessível somente através de um link e busca (privada)",
+  "Only accessible to members of the group": "Acessível apenas aos membros do grupo",
   "Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are supported.": "Apenas letras e números e sublinhado (underscore) é aceito.",
+  "Only alphanumeric lowercased characters and underscores are supported.": "Permitido apenas caracteres alfanuméricos minúsculos e sublinhado.",
   "Open": "Aberto",
   "Opened reports": "Relatórios abertos",
   "Or": "Ou",
   "Organized": "Organizado",
+  "Organized by": "Organizado por",
   "Organized by {name}": "Organizado por  {name}",
   "Organizer": "Organizador",
+  "Organizer notifications": "Notificações do organizador",
+  "Organizers": "Organizadores",
+  "Other": "Outro",
+  "Other notification options:": "Outras opções de notificações:",
   "Other software may also support this.": "Outros aplicativos talvez também suportem esta funcionalidade.",
   "Otherwise this identity will just be removed from the group administrators.": "Caso contrário, esta identidade será removida do grupo de administradores.",
+  "Page": "Página",
   "Page limited to my group (asks for auth)": "Acesso limitado ao meu grupo (solicite o acesso)",
   "Page not found": "Página não encontrada",
+  "Parent folder": "Pasta pai",
+  "Participant": "Participante",
   "Participant already was rejected.": "Participante já foi rejeitado.",
   "Participant has already been approved as participant.": "o participante já foi aprovado como participante.",
   "Participants": "Participantes",
   "Participate": "Participar",
   "Participate using your email address": "Participar utilizando o seu endereço de email",
   "Participation approval": "Aprovação de participação",
+  "Participation confirmation": "Confirmação da participação",
+  "Participation notifications": "Notificações de participações",
   "Participation requested!": "Participação solicitada!",
+  "Participations": "Participações",
   "Password": "Senha",
   "Password (confirmation)": "Senha (confirmação)",
   "Password change": "Mudança de senha",
   "Password reset": "Reinicializar a senha",
   "Past events": "Eventos realizados",
   "Pending": "Pendente",
+  "Pick": "Escolha",
+  "Pick a group": "Escolha um grupo",
+  "Pick a profile or a group": "Escolha um perfil ou um grupo",
   "Pick an identity": "Escolha uma identidade",
   "Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive the email.": "Favor verificar sua caixa de spam caso não tenha recebido o email.",
   "Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake.": "Contate o administrador desta instância Mobilizon se você pensa se tratar de um erro.",
+  "Please do not use it in any real way.": "Por favor de não utilizar de um modo real.",
+  "Please enter your password to confirm this action.": "Favor inserir sua senha para confirmar esta ação.",
   "Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved.": "Favor certificar-se de que o endereço está correto e de que a página não foi movida.",
   "Please read the full rules": "Favor leia todas as regras",
+  "Please read the {fullRules} published by {instance}'s administrators.": "Favor ler as {fullRules} publicadas pelos administradores da instância {instance}.",
   "Please refresh the page and retry.": "Favor atualizar a página e tentar novamente.",
+  "Post": "Publicação",
   "Post a comment": "Adicione um comentário",
   "Post a reply": "Envie uma resposta",
   "Postal Code": "Código Postal",
+  "Posts": "Publicações",
+  "Powered by {mobilizon}. © 2018 - {date} The Mobilizon Contributors - Made with the financial support of {contributors}.": "Distribuído por {mobilizon}. © 2018 - {date} Os Contribuidores Mobilizon - Feito com o apoio financeiro dos {contributors}.",
+  "Preferences": "Preferências",
+  "Previous page": "Página anterior",
   "Privacy Policy": "Política de privacidade",
+  "Privacy policy": "Política de privacidade",
   "Private event": "Evento privado",
   "Private feeds": "Feeds Privados",
+  "Profiles": "Perfis",
+  "Promote": "Promover",
+  "Public": "Público",
   "Public RSS/Atom Feed": "RSS público/Atom feed",
   "Public comment moderation": "Moderação de comentários públicos",
   "Public event": "Evento público",
   "Public feeds": "Feeds públicos",
   "Public iCal Feed": "Feed iCal público",
+  "Public page": "Página pública",
+  "Publication date": "Data da publicação",
   "Publish": "Publicar",
   "Published events": "Eventos publicados",
+  "Published events with <b>{comments}</b> comments and <b>{participations}</b> confirmed participations": "Eventos publicados com <b>{comments}</b> comentários e <b>{participations}</b> participações confirmadas",
   "RSS/Atom Feed": "RSS/Feed  Atom",
+  "Radius": "Radio",
   "Read Framasoft’s statement of intent on the Framablog": "Leia a declaração de intenção da Associação Framasoft em Framablog",
+  "Recap every week": "Resumo semanal",
+  "Receive one email per request": "Receber um email por solicitação",
   "Redirecting to event…": "Redirecionando para o evento…",
+  "Refresh profile": "Atualizar perfil",
   "Region": "Região",
   "Register": "Inscrever",
   "Register an account on Mobilizon!": "Registrar uma conta no Mobilizon!",
+  "Register an account on {instanceName}!": "Registrar uma conta em {instanceName}!",
   "Register for an event by choosing one of your identities": "Inscrever-se num evento escolhendo uma de suas identidades",
+  "Register on this instance": "Registrar-se nesta instância",
   "Registration is allowed, anyone can register.": "Inscrições autorizadas, qualquer um pode se inscrever.",
   "Registration is closed.": "Inscrições fechadas.",
   "Registration is currently closed.": "Inscrições estão atualmente fechadas.",
+  "Registrations": "Inscrições",
+  "Registrations are restricted by allowlisting.": "As inscrições são reservadas à lista de acesso.",
   "Registrations are restricted by whitelisting.": "Inscrições são restritas aos membros da lista branca.",
   "Reject": "Rejeitar",
   "Rejected": "Rejeitado",
   "Rejected participations": "Participantes rejeitados",
+  "Remember my participation in this browser": "Lembrar a minha participação neste navegador",
+  "Remove": "Remover",
+  "Rename": "Renomear",
+  "Rename resource": "Renomear recurso",
   "Reopen": "Reabrir",
   "Reply": "Responder",
   "Report": "Relatar",
+  "Report #{reportNumber}": "Relatório #{reportNumber}",
   "Report this comment": "Relatar este comentário",
   "Report this event": "Relatar este evento",
+  "Report this group": "Denunciar este grupo",
   "Reported": "Reportado",
   "Reported by": "Relatado por",
   "Reported by someone on {domain}": "Relatado por alguém em {domain}",
   "Reported by {reporter}": "Relatado por {reporter}",
+  "Reported group": "Grupo denunciado",
   "Reported identity": "Identidade reportada",
   "Reports": "Relatórios",
+  "Request for participation confirmation sent": "Pedido de confirmação de participação enviado",
   "Requests": "Solicitações",
   "Resend confirmation email": "Enviar um novo email de confirmação",
   "Reset my password": "Recuperar a senha",
   "Resolved": "Resolvido",
   "Resource provided is not an URL": "O recurso oferecido não é um URL",
+  "Resources": "Recursos",
+  "Restricted": "Limitado",
+  "Right now": "Agora mesmo",
+  "Role": "Papel",
+  "Rules": "Regras",
+  "SSL and it's successor TLS are encryption technologies to secure data communications when using the service. You can recognize an encrypted connection in your browser's address line when the URL begins with {https} and the lock icon is displayed in your browser's address bar.": "SSL e seu sucessor TLS são tecnologias de criptografia que protege comunicação de dados quando se usa o serviço. Você pode reconhecer uma conexão criptografada na linha de endereço do seu navegador quando o URL começa com {https} e o ícone de um cadeado é mostrado na barra de endereço do seu navegador.",
+  "SSL/TLS": "SSL/TLS",
   "Save": "Salvar",
   "Save draft": "Salvar rascunho",
   "Search": "Buscar",
   "Search events, groups, etc.": "Buscar eventos, grupos, etc.",
   "Search results: \"{search}\"": "Resultados da busca: \"{search}\"",
   "Searching…": "Buscando…",
+  "Search…": "Buscar…",
+  "Select a language": "Selecionar idioma",
+  "Select a timezone": "Selecionar um fuso horário",
+  "Select languages": "Selecionar idioma",
   "Send email": "Enviar email",
   "Send me an email to reset my password": "Envie-me um e-mail para eu reiniciar minha senha",
   "Send me the confirmation email once again": "Envie-me o email de confirmação novamente",
+  "Send the confirmation email again": "Enviar o email de confirmação novamente",
   "Send the report": "Enviar o relato",
+  "Set an URL to a page with your own privacy policy.": "Defina um endereço URL apontando para uma página web com a sua própria política de privacidade.",
   "Set an URL to a page with your own terms.": "Insira um URL apontando para uma página contendo os seus próprios termos.",
   "Settings": "Parâmetros",
   "Share this event": "Compartilhar este evento",
+  "Short bio": "Breve biografia",
   "Show map": "Mostrar mapa",
   "Show remaining number of places": "Mostrar o número de lugares restantes",
   "Show the time when the event begins": "Mostrar o horário de início do evento",
   "Show the time when the event ends": "Mostrar o horário que o evento termina",
+  "Sign in with": "Entrar com",
   "Sign up": "Registrar",
+  "Since you are a new member, private content can take a few minutes to appear.": "Uma vez que você é um membro novo, conteúdo privado pode levar alguns minutos para aparecer.",
   "Software to the people": "Aplicativos para as pessoas",
+  "Some terms, technical or otherwise, used in the text below may cover concepts that are difficult to grasp. We have provided a glossary here to help you understand them better:": "Alguns termos, técnicos ou não, utilizados no texto abaixo talvez trate de conceitos que são difíceis de compreender. Oferecemos u glossário aqui para ajudar você a compreendê-los melhor:",
   "Starts on…": "Começa em…",
   "Status": "Status",
   "Street": "Rua",
+  "Submit": "Enviar",
+  "Suspend": "Suspender",
+  "Suspend group": "Suspender o grupo",
+  "Suspended": "Suspendido",
+  "Task lists": "Lista de tarefas",
   "Tentative: Will be confirmed later": "Provisório: será confirmado mais tarde",
   "Terms": "Termos de uso",
+  "Terms of service": "Condições de uso",
+  "Text": "Texto",
+  "The account's email address was changed. Check your emails to verify it.": "O endereço de email da conta foi modificado. Olhe seus emails para verificar isso.",
   "The actual number of participants may differ, as this event is hosted on another instance.": "O número atual de participantes talvez difiram, já que este evento é hospedado em outra instância.",
   "The content came from another server. Transfer an anonymous copy of the report?": "O conteúdo vem de um outro servidor. Transferir uma cópia anônima do relatório?",
   "The current identity doesn't have any permission on this event. You should probably change it.": "O identidade atual não tem permissão neste evento. Você deverá provavelmente mudar isso.",
@@ -338,82 +648,149 @@
   "The event has been published": "Evento publicado",
   "The event has been updated": "Evento atualizado",
   "The event has been updated and published": "Evento atualizado e publicado",
+  "The event organiser has chosen to validate manually participations. Do you want to add a little note to explain why you want to participate to this event?": "O organizador do evento escolheu validar manualmente as participações. Você quer adicionar uma pequena nota para explicar o por que você quer participar deste evento?",
   "The event organizer didn't add any description.": "O organizador do evento não inseriu nenhuma descrição.",
+  "The event organizer manually approves participations. Since you've chosen to participate without an account, please explain why you want to participate to this event.": "O organizador do evento aprova manualmente as participações. Visto que você escolhe participar sem uma conta, favor explicar o por que você quer participar deste evento.",
   "The event title will be ellipsed.": "O título do evento será reticulado.",
+  "The event will show as attributed to this group.": "O evento será mostrado como atribuído a este grupo.",
+  "The event will show as attributed to your personal profile.": "O evento será mostrado como atribuído a seu perfil pessoal.",
+  "The event will show the group as organizer.": "O evento mostrará o grupo como organizador.",
+  "The group will be publicly listed in search results and may be suggested in the explore section. Only public informations will be shown on it's page.": "O grupo será publicamente listado nos resultados de buscas e pode ser sugerido na seção « Exploração ». Apenas informações públicas serão mostradas nessa página.",
+  "The instance administrator is the person or entity that runs this Mobilizon instance.": "O administrador da instância é a pessoa ou entidade que administra esta instância Mobilizon.",
+  "The member was removed from the group {group}": "O membro foi removido do grupo {group}",
+  "The organiser has chosen to close comments.": "O organizador optou por fechar comentários.",
   "The page you're looking for doesn't exist.": "A página que você procura não existe.",
   "The password was successfully changed": "A senha foi modificada com sucesso",
   "The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below.": "O relato será enviado aos moderadores da sua instância. Você pode explicar o por que você relatou o conteúdo abaixo.",
   "The user account you're trying to login as has not been confirmed yet. Check your email inbox and eventually your spam folder.": "A conta de usuário que você utiliza para entrar não foi confirmada ainda. Verifique sua caixa de emails e, eventualmente, a sua caixa de spam.",
+  "The {default_privacy_policy} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.": "A {default_privacy_policy} será usada. Elas serão traduzidas na língua do usuário.",
   "The {default_terms} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.": "Os {default_terms} será usado. Eles serão traduzidos no idioma do usuário.",
   "There are {participants} participants.": "Há {participants} participantes.",
+  "There will be no way to recover your data.": "Não haverá maneira de recuperar seus dados.",
   "These events may interest you": "Estes eventos talvez te interessem",
   "This Mobilizon instance and this event organizer allows anonymous participations, but requires validation through email confirmation.": "Esta instância Mobilizon e o organizador deste evento permitem participantes anônimos, mas solicita a validação através da confirmação do email.",
   "This email is already registered as participant for this event": "Este email ja está registrado como participante deste evento",
+  "This event has been cancelled.": "Este evento foi cancelado.",
+  "This event is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.": "Este evento é acessível apenas através do seu link. Tenha cuidado onde você publica este link.",
+  "This identifier is unique to your profile. It allows others to find you.": "Este identificador é único para o seu perfil. Permite que outros te encontrem.",
+  "This identity is not a member of any group.": "Esta identidade não é membro de nenhum grupo.",
   "This information is saved only on your computer. Click for details": "Esta informação é salva apenas no seu computador. Clique para mais detalhes",
   "This installation (called “instance“) can easily {interconnect}, thanks to {protocol}.": "Esta instalação (chamada “instância“) pode facilmente {interconnect}, graças a {protocol}.",
   "This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances.": "Esta instância não está aberta para registros, mas você pode se registrar em outras instâncias.",
+  "This is a demonstration site to test Mobilizon.": "Este é um site de demonstração para testar Mobilizon.",
   "This is a demonstration site to test the beta version of Mobilizon.": "Este é um site teste de demonstração da versão beta do Mobilizon.",
+  "This is like your federated username (<code>{username}</code>) for groups. It will allow the group to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique.": "É como o seu endereço federado (<code>{username}</code>) para grupos. Ele permitirá que o grupo seja encontrado na federação e garante que seja único.",
+  "This month": "Este mês",
+  "This week": "Esta semana",
+  "This weekend": "Este fim de semana",
   "This will delete / anonymize all content (events, comments, messages, participations…) created from this identity.": "Isto irá apagar / tornar anônimo todo o conteúdo (eventos, comentários, mensagens, participantes...) criados por esta identidade.",
+  "Timezone": "Fuso horário",
+  "Timezone detected as {timezone}.": "Fuso horário detectado como {timezone}.",
   "Title": "Título",
   "To achieve your registration, please create a first identity profile.": "Para concluir sua inscrição, favor criar seu primeiro perfil de identidade.",
+  "To activate more notifications, head over to the notification settings.": "Para ativar mais notificações, vá até configurações de notificações.",
   "To change the world, change the software": "Para mudar o mundo, mude o aplicativo",
   "To confirm, type your event title \"{eventTitle}\"": "Para confirmar, insira o título do seu evento \"{eventTitle}\"",
   "To confirm, type your identity username \"{preferredUsername}\"": "Para confirmar, insira o nome da identidade \"{preferredUsername}\"",
+  "To create and manage multiples identities from a same account": "Para criar e administrar múltiplas identidades de uma mesma conta",
+  "To create and manage your events": "Para criar e administrar seus eventos",
+  "To create or join an group and start organizing with other people": "Para criar ou juntar-se a um grupo e começar a vos organizar",
+  "To register for an event by choosing one of your identities": "Para se inscrever em um evento escolhendo uma de suas identidades",
+  "Today": "Hoje",
+  "Tomorrow": "Amanhã",
   "Transfer to {outsideDomain}": "Transferir para {outsideDomain}",
   "Type": "Tipo",
   "URL": "URL",
+  "URL copied to clipboard": "URL copiado para a área de transferência",
+  "Unable to detect timezone.": "Impossível detectar o fuso horário.",
   "Unfortunately, this instance isn't opened to registrations": "Infelizmente, esta instância não está aberta para registros",
   "Unfortunately, your participation request was rejected by the organizers.": "Infelizmente, seu pedido de participação foi rejeitado pelos organizadores.",
   "Unknown": "Desconhecido",
   "Unknown actor": "Ator desconhecido",
   "Unknown error.": "Erro desconhecido.",
   "Unsaved changes": "Modificações não salvas",
+  "Unset group": "Desselecionar grupo",
+  "Unsuspend": "Anular a suspensão",
   "Upcoming": "Em breve",
+  "Upcoming events": "Próximos Eventos",
+  "Update": "Atualizar",
   "Update event {name}": "Atualizar evento {name}",
+  "Update group": "Atualizar grupo",
   "Update my event": "Atualizar meu evento",
+  "Update post": "Atualizar publicação",
   "Updated": "Atualizado",
+  "Use my location": "Use minha localização",
+  "User": "Usuário",
   "Username": "Nome de usuário",
   "Users": "Usuários",
   "View a reply": "Nenhuma resposta|Ver uma resposta|Ver {totalReplies} respostas",
+  "View all": "Ver tudo",
+  "View all posts": "Ver todas as publicações",
   "View event page": "Ver a página do evento",
   "View everything": "Ver tudo",
   "View page on {hostname} (in a new window)": "Ver a página em {hostname} (numa nova janela)",
+  "Visible everywhere on the web": "Visível por toda parte na web",
   "Visible everywhere on the web (public)": "Visível a todo mundo na web (público)",
   "Waiting for organization team approval.": "Aguardando pela aprovação da equipe de organização.",
   "Waiting list": "Lista de espera",
   "Warning": "Atenção",
   "We just sent an email to {email}": "Acabamos de enviar um email para {email}",
+  "We use your timezone to make sure you get notifications for an event at the correct time.": "Nós usamos seu fuso horário para assegurar que você recebe as notificações de um evento no horário correto.",
   "We want to develop a <b>digital common</b>, that everyone can make their own, which respects <b>privacy and activism by design</b>.": "Queremos criar um <b>bem comum (commons) digital </b>, onde cada qual possa se apropriar e fazer o seu também, respeitando <b>a privacidade e o ativismo como base</b>.",
   "We will redirect you to your instance in order to interact with this event": "Iremos redirecionar você para sua instância para você interagir com este evento",
   "We won’t change the world from Facebook. The tool we dream of, surveillance capitalism corporations won’t develop it, as they couldn’t profit from it. This is an opportunity to build something better, by taking another approach.": "Nós não mudarmos o mundo pelo Facebook. A ferramenta que nós sonhamos não será criada pelas corporações do capitalismo de vigilância, já que eles não teriam lucro com ela. Esta é uma oportunidade para construirmos algo melhor, adotando uma outra abordagem.",
+  "We'll send you an email one hour before the event begins, to be sure you won't forget about it.": "Enviaremos um e-mail uma hora antes do início do evento, para assegurar que você não o esquecerá.",
+  "We'll use your timezone settings to send a recap of the morning of the event.": "Nos usaremos suas configurações de fuso horário para enviar um resumo de seus eventos pela manhã.",
+  "Website": "Site Web",
   "Website / URL": "Website / URL",
   "Welcome back {username}!": "Bem-vindo(a) novamente {username}!",
   "Welcome back!": "Bem-vindo de volta!",
   "Welcome on your administration panel": "Bem-vindo ao seu painel de administração",
   "Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "Bem-vindo(a) ao Mobilizon, {username}!",
   "Who can view this event and participate": "Quem pode ver este evento e participar",
+  "Who can view this post": "Que pode ver esta publicação",
+  "Who published {number} events": "Quem publicou {number} eventos",
+  "Why create an account?": "Por quê criar uma conta?",
+  "Will allow to display and manage your participation status on the event page when using this device. Uncheck if you're using a public device.": "Permitirá mostrar e administrar o status da sua participação na página do evento quando usar este aparelho. Desmarque se você está usando um dispositivo público.",
   "World map": "Mapa mundi",
   "Write something…": "Escreva qualquer coisa…",
   "You and one other person are going to this event": "Você é o único que está indo neste evento|Você e uma outra pessoa estão indo neste evento | Você e {approved} pessoas estão indo neste evento.",
   "You are already a participant of this event.": "Você já participa deste evento.",
+  "You are not an administrator for this group.": "Você não é um administrador deste grupo.",
   "You are participating in this event anonymously": "Você participa deste evento de forma anônima",
   "You are participating in this event anonymously but didn't confirm participation": "Você participa deste evento de forma anônima, mas você não confirmou a sua participação",
   "You can add tags by hitting the Enter key or by adding a comma": "Você pode adicionar etiquetas pressionando Enter ou adicionando uma vírgula",
+  "You can pick your timezone into your preferences.": "Você pode selecionar seu fuso horário nas suas preferências.",
   "You can try another search term or drag and drop the marker on the map": "Você pode tentar inserir outro termo de busca ou arrastar o marcador do mapa",
+  "You can't change your password because you are registered through {provider}.": "Você não pode mudar sua senha porque você está registrado em {provider}.",
   "You can't remove your last identity.": "Você não pode remover a sua última identidade.",
   "You don't follow any instances yet.": "Você não segue nenhuma instância ainda.",
   "You have been disconnected": "Você foi disconectado",
+  "You have been invited by {invitedBy} to the following group:": "Você foi convidado por {invitedBy} para o seguinte grupo:",
+  "You have been removed from this group's members.": "Você foi removido dos membros deste grupo.",
   "You have cancelled your participation": "Você cancelou a sua participação",
   "You have one event in {days} days.": "Você não tem eventos nos próximos {days} dias. |Você tem um evento em {days} dias. | Você tem  {count} eventos em {days} dias",
   "You have one event today.": "Você não tem evento hoje | Você tem um evento hoje. | Você tem {count} eventos hoje",
   "You have one event tomorrow.": "Você não tem eventos amanhã  | Você tem um evento amanhã. | Você tem {count} eventos amanhã",
   "You may also ask to {resend_confirmation_email}.": "Você pode também pedir para  {resend_confirmation_email}.",
+  "You may now close this window, or {return_to_event}.": "Você pode agora fechar a janela, ou {return_to_event}.",
+  "You need to create the group before you create an event.": "Você precisa criar um grupo antes de criar um evento.",
   "You need to login.": "Você precisa entrar (fazer login).",
+  "You will be able to add an avatar and set other options in your account settings.": "Você poderá adicionar um avatar e definir outras opções nas configurações da sua conta.",
   "You will be redirected to the original instance": "Você será redirecionado para a instância original",
   "You wish to participate to the following event": "Você deseja participar do seguinte evento",
+  "You'll get a weekly recap every Monday for upcoming events, if you have any.": "Todas as segundas-feiras você receberá um resumo dos próximos eventos, se você tiver algum.",
+  "You'll need to transmit the group URL so people may access the group's profile. The group won't be findable in Mobilizon's search or regular search engines.": "Você precisará transmitir o URL do grupo para que as pessoas possam acessar o perfil do grupo. O grupo não será encontrado no motor de busca Mobilizon ou nos demais motores de busca.",
+  "You'll receive a confirmation email.": "Você receberá um email de confirmação.",
+  "Your account has been successfully deleted": "Sua conta foi apagada com sucesso",
   "Your account has been validated": "Sua conta foi validada",
   "Your account is being validated": "Sua conta esta sendo validada",
   "Your account is nearly ready, {username}": "Sua conta está quase pronta, {username}",
+  "Your current email is {email}. You use it to log in.": "Seu email atual é {email}. Utilize-o para fazer log-in (Entrar).",
+  "Your email": "Seu email",
+  "Your email address was automatically set based on your {provider} account.": "Seu endereço de email foi configurado baseado na sua conta {provider}.",
+  "Your email has been changed": "Seu email foi modificado",
+  "Your email is being changed": "Seu email está sendo modificado",
   "Your email is not whitelisted, you can't register.": "Seu email não está na lista branca, você não pode se registrar.",
   "Your email will only be used to confirm that you're a real person and send you eventual updates for this event. It will NOT be transmitted to other instances or to the event organizer.": "Seu email será usado apenas para confirmar que você é uma pessoa real e para enviar à você eventuais atualizações para este evento. Ele NÃO será transmitido a outras instâncias ou ao organizador do evento.",
   "Your federated identity": "Sua identidade federada",
@@ -423,26 +800,63 @@
   "Your participation has been requested": "Sua participação foi solicitada",
   "Your participation has been validated": "Sua participação foi validada",
   "Your participation is being validated": "Sua participação está sendo validada",
+  "Your participation request has been validated": "Sua participação foi validada",
+  "Your participation request is being validated": "Sua participação está sendo validada",
   "Your participation status has been changed": "O status da sua participação foi modificado",
+  "Your participation still has to be approved by the organisers.": "Sua participação ainda tem que ser aprovada pelos organizadores.",
+  "Your profile will be shown as contact.": "Seu perfil irá ser mostrado como contato.",
+  "Your timezone is currently set to {timezone}.": "Seu fuso horário está configurado para {timezone}.",
+  "Your timezone was detected as {timezone}.": "Seu fuso horário foi detectado como {timezone}.",
+  "[This comment has been deleted by it's author]": "[Este comentário foi apagado pelo seu autor]",
   "[This comment has been deleted]": "[Este comentário foi apagado]",
   "[deleted]": "[apagado]",
   "a decentralised federation protocol": "um protocolo de federação descentralizada",
+  "a non-existent report": "Relatório inexistente",
+  "and {number} groups": "e {number} grupos",
+  "any distance": "qualquer distância",
   "as {identity}": "como {identity}",
+  "contact uninformed": "Contato não especificado",
+  "default Mobilizon privacy policy": "Política padrão de privacidade do Mobilizon",
   "default Mobilizon terms": "Termos de utilização padrão do Mobilizon.org",
   "e.g. 10 Rue Jangot": "por exemplo: 10 Rue Jangot",
   "firstDayOfWeek": "1",
+  "full rules": "Regras completas",
   "iCal Feed": "Feed iCal",
+  "instance rules": "regras da instância",
   "interconnect with others like it": "Interconectar com outros como este",
   "its source code is public": "seu código fonte é público",
+  "more than 1360 contributors": "mais de 1360 contribuidores",
   "on our blog": "no nosso blog",
   "profile@instance": "perfil@instance",
+  "report #{report_number}": "relatório #{report_number}",
   "resend confirmation email": "Reenviar email de confirmação",
   "respect of the fundamental freedoms": "o respeito às liberdades fundamentais",
+  "terms of service": "condições gerais do serviço",
   "with another identity…": "com uma outra identidade…",
   "{approved} / {total} seats": "{approved} / {total} lugares",
+  "{available}/{capacity} available places": "Nenhum lugar sobrando|{available}/{capacity} lugares disponíveis",
   "{count} participants": "Nenhum participante ainda | Um participante | {count} participantes",
   "{count} requests waiting": "Uma solução aguardando | {count} solicitações aguardando",
+  "{count} team members": "{count} membros da equipe",
+  "{group}'s events": "Eventos do {group}",
+  "{instanceName} is an instance of the {mobilizon} software.": "{instanceName} é uma instância do aplicativo {mobilizon}.",
   "{license} guarantees {respect} of the people who will use it. Since {source}, anyone can audit it, which guarantees its transparency.": "{license} garantir o {respect} das pessoas que irão usar,  Uma vez que {source}, qualquer um pode auditar isso, o que garante a transparência.",
+  "{moderator} added a note on {report}": "{moderator} adicionou nota no {report}",
+  "{moderator} closed {report}": "{moderator} fechou {report}",
+  "{moderator} deleted an event named \"{title}\"": "{moderator} apagou um evento chamado \"{title}\"",
+  "{moderator} has deleted user {user}": "{moderator} apagou o usuário {user}",
+  "{moderator} has unsuspended profile {profile}": "{moderator} anulou a suspensão de {profile}",
+  "{moderator} marked {report} as resolved": "{moderator} marcou {report} como resolvido",
+  "{moderator} reopened {report}": "{moderator} reabriu {report}",
+  "{moderator} suspended profile {profile}": "{moderator} suspendeu o perfil {profile}",
+  "{nb} km": "{nb} km",
+  "{number} members": "{number} membros",
+  "{number} organized events": "Nenhum evento organizado|Um evento organizado|{number} eventos organizados",
+  "{number} participations": "Nenhuma participação|Uma participação|{number} participações",
+  "{number} posts": "Nenhuma publicação|Uma publicação|{number} publicações",
+  "{profile} (by default)": "{profile} (padrão)",
+  "{title} ({count} todos)": "{title} ({count} tarefas pendentes)",
+  "{username} was invited to {group}": "{username} foi convidado para o {group}",
   "© The Mobilizon Contributors {date} - Made with Elixir, Phoenix, VueJS & with some love and some weeks": "© Os colaboradores Mobilizon {date} - Feito com Elixir, Phoenix, VueJS & e com um pouco de amor em algumas semanas",
   "© The OpenStreetMap Contributors": "© Os colaboradores OpenStreetMap"
diff --git a/priv/gettext/ar/LC_MESSAGES/errors.po b/priv/gettext/ar/LC_MESSAGES/errors.po
index 7b861f485..7ac7f55a8 100644
--- a/priv/gettext/ar/LC_MESSAGES/errors.po
+++ b/priv/gettext/ar/LC_MESSAGES/errors.po
@@ -8,16 +8,16 @@
 ## to merge POT files into PO files.
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-02-24 09:08+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: ButterflyOfFire <butterflyoffire@protonmail.com>\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-03-05 13:05+0000\n"
+"Last-Translator: Esmail_Hazem <hazem_almaleeh1@hotmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Arabic <https://weblate.framasoft.org/projects/mobilizon/"
 "Language: ar\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 "
 "&& n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 ? 4 : 5;\n"
-"X-Generator: Weblate 3.11\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.4.2\n"
 msgid "can't be blank"
 msgstr "لا يمكن أن يترك فارغا"
@@ -29,34 +29,34 @@ msgid "is invalid"
 msgstr "غير صالح"
 msgid "must be accepted"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "يجب الموافقة عليه"
 msgid "has invalid format"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "لديه تنسيق غير صالح"
 msgid "has an invalid entry"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "لديه إدخال غير صالح"
 msgid "is reserved"
 msgstr "محجوز"
 msgid "does not match confirmation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "لا تتطابق مع التأكيد"
 msgid "is still associated with this entry"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ما زالت مرتبطة مع هذا الإدخال"
 msgid "are still associated with this entry"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ما زالوا مرتبطين مع هذا الإدخال"
 msgid "should be %{count} character(s)"
 msgid_plural "should be %{count} character(s)"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-msgstr[2] ""
-msgstr[3] ""
-msgstr[4] ""
-msgstr[5] ""
+msgstr[0] "يجب أن يكون %{count} حرف"
+msgstr[1] "يجب أن يكون %{count} حرف"
+msgstr[2] "يجب أن يكون %{count} حرفَيْن"
+msgstr[3] "يجب أن يكون %{count} حُروف"
+msgstr[4] "يجب أن يكون %{count} حرف"
+msgstr[5] "يجب أن يكون %{count} حرف"
 msgid "should have %{count} item(s)"
 msgid_plural "should have %{count} item(s)"
@@ -118,744 +118,744 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "must be equal to %{number}"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:103
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Cannot refresh the token"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:195
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Current profile is not a member of this group"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:199
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Current profile is not an administrator of the selected group"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:512
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Error while saving user settings"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/error.ex:90 lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:192
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:223 lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:258 lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:80
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Group not found"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:63
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Group with ID %{id} not found"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:83
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Impossible to authenticate, either your email or password are invalid."
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:255
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Member not found"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:58 lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:88
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:417
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "No profile found for the moderator user"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:195
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "No user to validate with this email was found"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:249 lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:219
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "No user with this email was found"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:28 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:159
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:161 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:195
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:273 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:302 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:315
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:125
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Registrations are not open"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:330
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "The current password is invalid"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:382
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "The new email doesn't seem to be valid"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:379
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "The new email must be different"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:333
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "The new password must be different"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:376 lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:439
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:442
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "The password provided is invalid"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:337
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "The password you have chosen is too short. Please make sure your password contains at least 6 characters."
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:215
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "This user can't reset their password"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:79
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "This user has been disabled"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:179
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Unable to validate user"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:420
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "User already disabled"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:487
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "User requested is not logged-in"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:229
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You are already a member of this group"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:262
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You can't leave this group because you are the only administrator"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:226
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You cannot join this group"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:91
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You may not list groups unless moderator."
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:387
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to change your email"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:345
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to change your password"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:204
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete a group"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:447
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete your account"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:234
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to join a group"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:267
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave a group"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:169
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to update a group"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:108
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to have an existing token to get a refresh token"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:198 lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:222
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You requested again a confirmation email too soon"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:128
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Your email is not on the allowlist"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:64 lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:94
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Error while performing background task"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:27
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "No profile found with this ID"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:54 lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:91
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "No remote profile found with this ID"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:69
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Only moderators and administrators can suspend a profile"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:99
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Only moderators and administrators can unsuspend a profile"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:24
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Only remote profiles may be refreshed"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:61
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Profile already suspended"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:92
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:86
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:192
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Cannot remove the last administrator of a group"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:189
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Comment is already deleted"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:62
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Discussion not found"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:58 lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:77
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Error while saving report"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:96
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Error while updating report"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:127
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Event id not found"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:236
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:280
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Event not found"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:83
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:124 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:99
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Internal Error"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:186
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "No discussion with ID %{id}"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:78 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:168
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "No profile found for user"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:63
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "No such feed token"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:237
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:169
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:198 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:240
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Participant not found"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:29
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Person with ID %{id} not found"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:51
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Person with username %{username} not found"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:167 lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:200
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Post ID is not a valid ID"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:170 lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:203
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Post doesn't exist"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:83
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Profile invited doesn't exist"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:92 lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:96
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Profile is already a member of this group"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:132 lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:173
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:206 lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:87 lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:124
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:182 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:57
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:81 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:99 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:171
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:194 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:222
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Profile is not member of group"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:158 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:186
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Profile not found"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:100 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:234
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:36
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Report not found"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:150 lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:179
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:260
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "This token is invalid"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:165 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:219
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Todo doesn't exist"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:75 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:191
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:216
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Todo list doesn't exist"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:69
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Token does not exist"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:66
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Token is not a valid UUID"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/error.ex:87 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:331
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "User not found"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:252
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:130
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:190
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You are not a member of the group the discussion belongs to"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:86
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You are not a member of this group"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:151
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:41
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:78
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:163
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:192
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:155
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You can't set yourself to a lower member role for this group because you are the only administrator"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You cannot delete this event"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:89
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You cannot invite to this group"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:72
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You don't have permission to delete this token"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:52
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to list action logs"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:26
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to list reports"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:101
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to update a report"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:41
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to view a report"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:236
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to access admin settings"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:221
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to access dashboard statistics"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:260
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to save admin settings"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:76
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to access discussions"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:93
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:211
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:140
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to create posts"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:74
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to create reports"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:129
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:285
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:211
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete posts"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:187
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:104
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:203
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:250
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:178
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to update posts"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:158
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to update resources"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:210
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged-in to view a resource preview"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:121
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Parent resource doesn't belong to this group"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:109
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "The chosen password is too short."
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:138
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "The registration token is already in use, this looks like an issue on our side."
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:104
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "This email is already used."
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/error.ex:88
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Post not found"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/error.ex:75
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Invalid arguments passed"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/error.ex:81
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Invalid credentials"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/error.ex:79
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Reset your password to login"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/error.ex:86 lib/graphql/error.ex:91
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Resource not found"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/error.ex:92
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Something went wrong"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/error.ex:74
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Unknown Resource"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/error.ex:84
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You don't have permission to do this"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/error.ex:76
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You need to be logged in"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:116
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You can't accept this invitation with this profile."
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:134
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You can't reject this invitation with this profile."
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/media.ex:62
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "File doesn't have an allowed MIME type."
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:164
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:239
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You can't edit this event."
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:242
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:137
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "This invitation doesn't exist."
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:179
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "This member already has been rejected."
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:186
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You don't have the right to remove this member."
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/mobilizon/actors/actor.ex:351
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "This username is already taken."
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:73
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:200
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:89
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
 msgstr ""
-#, elixir-format
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:128 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:155
 #: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:246
+#, elixir-format
 msgid "The provided picture is too heavy"
 msgstr ""