diff --git a/js/src/views/Event/Event.vue b/js/src/views/Event/Event.vue
index 5467b6ba5..658bdaa73 100644
--- a/js/src/views/Event/Event.vue
+++ b/js/src/views/Event/Event.vue
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
@@ -277,29 +277,30 @@ export default class Event extends Vue {
EventVisibility = EventVisibility;
- async deleteEvent() {
- const router = this.$router;
- const eventTitle = this.event.title;
+ async openDeleteEventModal () {
+ const participantsLength = this.event.participants.length;
+ const prefix = participantsLength ? 'There are %{participants} participants. ' : '';
- try {
- await this.$apollo.mutate({
- mutation: DELETE_EVENT,
- variables: {
- id: this.event.id,
- actorId: this.loggedPerson.id,
- },
- });
+ this.$buefy.dialog.prompt({
+ type: 'is-danger',
+ title: this.$gettext('Delete event'),
+ message: this.$gettextInterpolate(
+ `${prefix}` +
+ 'Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be reverted.
' +
+ 'To confirm, type your event title "%{eventTitle}"',
+ { participants: this.event.participants.length, eventTitle: this.event.title },
+ ),
+ confirmText: this.$gettextInterpolate(
+ 'Delete %{eventTitle}',
+ { eventTitle: this.event.title },
+ ),
+ inputAttrs: {
+ placeholder: this.event.title,
+ pattern: this.event.title,
+ },
- await router.push({ name: RouteName.HOME });
- this.$buefy.notification.open({
- message: this.$gettextInterpolate('Event %{eventTitle} deleted', { eventTitle }),
- type: 'is-success',
- position: 'is-bottom-right',
- duration: 5000,
- });
- } catch (error) {
- console.error(error);
- }
+ onConfirm: () => this.deleteEvent(),
+ });
async joinEvent() {
@@ -398,6 +399,32 @@ export default class Event extends Vue {
get emailShareUrl(): string {
return `mailto:?to=&body=${this.event.url}${encodeURIComponent('\n\n')}${this.event.description}&subject=${this.event.title}`;
+ private async deleteEvent() {
+ const router = this.$router;
+ const eventTitle = this.event.title;
+ try {
+ await this.$apollo.mutate({
+ mutation: DELETE_EVENT,
+ variables: {
+ id: this.event.id,
+ actorId: this.loggedPerson.id,
+ },
+ });
+ await router.push({ name: RouteName.HOME });
+ this.$buefy.notification.open({
+ message: this.$gettextInterpolate('Event %{eventTitle} deleted', { eventTitle }),
+ type: 'is-success',
+ position: 'is-bottom-right',
+ duration: 5000,
+ });
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(error);
+ }
+ }