Merge i18n
Signed-off-by: Thomas Citharel <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -519,6 +519,7 @@
"Only accessible through link and search (private)": "Solo accesible a través de enlace y búsqueda (privado)",
"Only accessible to members of the group": "Solo accesible para los miembros del grupo",
"Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are supported.": "Solo se admiten caracteres alfanuméricos y guiones bajos.",
"Only alphanumeric lowercased characters and underscores are supported.": "Solo se admiten caracteres alfanuméricos en minúscula y guiones bajos.",
"Only group moderators can create, edit and delete posts.": "Solo los moderadores de grupo pueden crear, editar y eliminar publicaciones.",
"Open": "Abrir",
"Opened reports": "Informes abiertos",
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
"(Masked)": "(Peitetty)",
"(this folder)": "(tämä kansio)",
"(this link)": "(tämä linkki)",
"+ Add a resource": "+ Luo resurssi",
"+ Add a resource": "+ Lisää resurssi",
"+ Create an event": "+ Luo tapahtuma",
"+ Post a public message": "+ Julkaise viesti",
"+ Post a public message": "+ Julkaise julkinen viesti",
"+ Start a discussion": "+ Aloita keskustelu",
"<b>Please do not use it in any real way.</b>": "<b>Älä käytä todellisiin tarkoituksiin.</b>",
"<b>{contact}</b> will be displayed as contact.": "<b>{contact}</b> näytetään kontaktina.|<b>{contact}</b> näytetään kontakteina.",
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
"Create a new identity": "Luo uusi identiteetti",
"Create a new list": "Luo uusi luettelo",
"Create a pad": "Luo tekstiasiakirja",
"Create a videoconference": "Luo videoneuvottelu",
"Create a videoconference": "Luo videokokous",
"Create a visioconference": "Luo videopuhelu",
"Create an account": "Luo käyttäjätunnus",
"Create and manage several identities from the same account": "Luo ja hallinnoi useita identiteettejä saman tilin kautta",
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
"Group {displayName} created": "Ryhmä {displayName} luotu",
"Group {groupTitle} reported": "Ryhmä {groupTitle} raportoitu",
"Groups": "Ryhmät",
"Groups are spaces for coordination and preparation to better organize events and manage your community.": "Ryhmät ovat tiloja tapahtumien järjestämisen koordinointiin ja valmisteluun sekä yhteisösi ylläpitoon.",
"Groups are spaces for coordination and preparation to better organize events and manage your community.": "Ryhmät ovat tapahtumien järjestämiseen, koordinointiin ja valmisteluun sekä yhteisön hallinnointiin tarkoitettuja tiloja.",
"Headline picture": "Otsikkokuva",
"Hide replies": "Piilota vastaukset",
"Hide the organizer": "Piilota järjestäjä",
@ -361,10 +361,10 @@
"Invite member": "Kutsu jäsen",
"Invited": "Kutsuttu",
"Italic": "Kursivoitu",
"Join <b>{instance}</b>, a Mobilizon instance": "Liity Mobilizon-instanssiin <b>{instance}</b>",
"Join <b>{instance}</b>, a Mobilizon instance": "Liity Mobilizon-palvelimelle <b>{instance}</b>",
"Join group": "Liity ryhmään",
"Join {instance}, a Mobilizon instance": "Liity Mobilizon-palvelimelle {instance}",
"Keep the entire conversation about a specific topic together on a single page.": "Pidä koko keskustelu tietystä aiheesta keskitettynä yhdelle sivulle.",
"Keep the entire conversation about a specific topic together on a single page.": "Pidä kaikki aiheeseen liittyvä keskustelu samassa paikassa.",
"Key words": "Avainsanat",
"Language": "Kieli",
"Last IP adress": "Edellinen IP-osoite",
@ -508,6 +508,7 @@
"Only accessible through link and search (private)": "Pääsy vain linkin ja hakutoiminnon kautta (yksityinen)",
"Only accessible to members of the group": "Pääsy vain ryhmän jäsenillä",
"Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are supported.": "Vain kirjaimet, numerot ja alaviiva ovat sallittuja.",
"Only alphanumeric lowercased characters and underscores are supported.": "Vain pieniä kirjaimia (a-z), numeroita ja alaviivaa voi käyttää.",
"Only group moderators can create, edit and delete posts.": "Vain ryhmän moderaattorit voivat luode, muokata ja poistaa viestejä.",
"Open": "Avoin",
"Opened reports": "Avatut raportit",
@ -551,7 +552,7 @@
"Pick an instance": "Valitse instanssi",
"Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive the email.": "Jos et saanut sähköpostia, tarkista roskapostikansio.",
"Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake.": "Jos epäilet tätä virheeksi, ota yhteyttä tämän palvelimen Mobilizon-ylläpitäjään.",
"Please do not use it in any real way.": "Älä käytä oikeasti.",
"Please do not use it in any real way.": "Älä käytä todellisiin tarkoituksiin.",
"Please enter your password to confirm this action.": "Vahvista toimenpide syöttämällä salasanasi.",
"Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved.": "Varmista, että osoite on oikein eikä sivua ole siirretty.",
"Please read the full rules": "Lue säännöt kokonaan",
@ -585,7 +586,7 @@
"Publication date": "Julkaisupäivä",
"Publish": "Julkaise",
"Published events": "Julkaistut tapahtumat",
"Published events with <b>{comments}</b> comments and <b>{participations}</b> confirmed participations": "Julkaistut tapahtumat <b>{comments}</b> kommentilla ja <b>{participations}</b> vahvistetulla osallistujalla",
"Published events with <b>{comments}</b> comments and <b>{participations}</b> confirmed participations": "Julkaistuissa tapahtumissa <b>{comments}</b> kommenttia ja <b>{participations}</b> vahvistettua osallistumista",
"RSS/Atom Feed": "RSS/Atom-syöte",
"Radius": "Säde",
"Read Framasoft’s statement of intent on the Framablog": "Lue Framasoftin päämääräjulkilausuma Framablogista",
@ -732,9 +733,9 @@
"This installation (called “instance“) can easily {interconnect}, thanks to {protocol}.": "{protocol}-protokollan ansiosta tämä palvelin on vaivattomasti yhteydessä muihin ({interconnect}).",
"This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances.": "Tälle palvelimelle ei voi rekisteröityä, mutta voit rekisteröityä muille palvelimille.",
"This instance, <b>{instanceName} ({domain})</b>, hosts your profile, so remember its name.": "Tämä palvelin, <b>{instanceName} ({domain})</b>, sisältää profiilisi joten älä unohda sen nimeä.",
"This is a demonstration site to test Mobilizon.": "Tämä on kokeilusivusto Mobilizonin testaamiseen.",
"This is a demonstration site to test Mobilizon.": "Tämä on koekäyttöön tarkoitettu Mobilizonin esittelysivu.",
"This is a demonstration site to test the beta version of Mobilizon.": "Tällä esittelysivulla voit koekäyttää Mobilizonin beetaversiota.",
"This is like your federated username (<code>{username}</code>) for groups. It will allow the group to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique.": "Tämä on kuin federoitu käyttäjätunnus (<code>{username}</code>) mutta ryhmille. Sen avulla ryhmä voidaan löytää muilta palvelimilita ja se on varmasti yksilöllinen.",
"This is like your federated username (<code>{username}</code>) for groups. It will allow the group to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique.": "Tämä on ryhmän käyttäjätunnus (<code>{username}</code>) fediversumissa. Sen avulla ryhmä voidaan yksilöidysti löytää muiden palvelinten kautta.",
"This is like your federated username (<code>{username}</code>) for groups. It will allow you to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique.": "Tämä muistuttaa käyttäjän federaationimeä (<code>{username}</code>) mutta viittaa ryhmään. Se on yksilöllinen, ja sen avulla sinut löydetään federaatiosta.",
"This month": "Tässä kuussa",
"This setting will be used to display the website and send you emails in the correct language.": "Tämän asetuksen perusteella sinulle näytetään verkkosivu ja lähetetään sähköpostit oikealla kielellä.",
@ -913,7 +914,7 @@
"{count} participants": "Ei osallistujia vielä | Yksi osallistuja | {count} osallistujaa",
"{count} requests waiting": "{count} pyyntöä odottamassa",
"{count} team members": "tiimissä {count} jäsentä",
"{group}'s events": "{group}:n tapahtumat",
"{group}'s events": "Ryhmän {group} tapahtumat",
"{instanceName} is an instance of the {mobilizon} software.": "{instanceName} on {mobilizon}-ohjelmaa käyttävä palvelin.",
"{license} guarantees {respect} of the people who will use it. Since {source}, anyone can audit it, which guarantees its transparency.": "{license} varmistaa sitä käyttävien ihmisten {respect}. Koska {source}, kuka tahansa voi tarkastaa sen ja varmistua sen läpinäkyvyydestä.",
"{moderator} added a note on {report}": "{moderator} lisäsi huomautuksen: {report}",
@ -482,6 +482,7 @@
"Only accessible through link (private)": "Só accesible desde a ligazón {private}",
"Only accessible to members of the group": "Accesible só para membros do grupo",
"Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are supported.": "Só se permiten caracteres alfanuméricos e trazo baixo.",
"Only alphanumeric lowercased characters and underscores are supported.": "Só se permiten caracteres alfanuméricos en minúsculas e trazo baixo.",
"Only group moderators can create, edit and delete posts.": "Só as moderadoras do grupo poden crear, editar e eliminar publicacións.",
"Open": "Abrir",
"Opened reports": "Denuncias abertas",
@ -464,8 +464,9 @@
"Only accessible through link (private)": "Accessibile solo tramite link (privato)",
"Only accessible to members of the group": "Accessibile solo ai membri del gruppo",
"Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are supported.": "Solo caratteri alfanumerici e trattini bassi sono supportati.",
"Only alphanumeric lowercased characters and underscores are supported.": "Sono accettati solo caratteri alfanumerici in minuscolo, e il tratto basso (underscore).",
"Only group moderators can create, edit and delete posts.": "Solo i moderatori del gruppo possono creare, modificare ed eliminare i post.",
"Open": "Apri",
"Open": "Aperto/a",
"Opened reports": "Segnalazioni aperte",
"Or": "Oppure",
"Organized": "Organizzato",
@ -178,7 +178,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr ""
@ -355,12 +356,12 @@ msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr ""
@ -395,24 +396,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr ""
@ -432,14 +433,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr ""
@ -493,7 +494,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr ""
@ -508,12 +509,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr ""
@ -549,7 +550,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr ""
@ -569,7 +570,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -579,7 +580,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -589,13 +590,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
@ -605,12 +606,12 @@ msgid "You can't set yourself to a lower member role for this group because you
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr ""
@ -670,7 +671,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr ""
@ -690,7 +691,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr ""
@ -705,17 +706,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr ""
@ -825,12 +826,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr ""
@ -858,3 +859,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr ""
@ -152,7 +152,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr ""
@ -329,12 +330,12 @@ msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -349,7 +350,7 @@ msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr ""
@ -369,24 +370,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr ""
@ -406,14 +407,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr ""
@ -467,7 +468,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr ""
@ -482,12 +483,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr ""
@ -523,7 +524,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr ""
@ -543,7 +544,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -553,7 +554,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -563,13 +564,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
@ -579,12 +580,12 @@ msgid "You can't set yourself to a lower member role for this group because you
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr ""
@ -644,7 +645,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr ""
@ -664,7 +665,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr ""
@ -679,17 +680,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr ""
@ -799,12 +800,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr ""
@ -832,3 +833,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr ""
@ -153,7 +153,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr ""
@ -330,12 +331,12 @@ msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -350,7 +351,7 @@ msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr ""
@ -370,24 +371,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr ""
@ -407,14 +408,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr ""
@ -468,7 +469,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr ""
@ -483,12 +484,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr ""
@ -524,7 +525,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr ""
@ -544,7 +545,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -554,7 +555,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -564,13 +565,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
@ -580,12 +581,12 @@ msgid "You can't set yourself to a lower member role for this group because you
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr ""
@ -645,7 +646,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr ""
@ -665,7 +666,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr ""
@ -680,17 +681,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr ""
@ -800,12 +801,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr ""
@ -833,3 +834,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr ""
@ -152,7 +152,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr ""
@ -329,12 +330,12 @@ msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -349,7 +350,7 @@ msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr ""
@ -369,24 +370,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr ""
@ -406,14 +407,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr ""
@ -467,7 +468,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr ""
@ -482,12 +483,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr ""
@ -523,7 +524,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr ""
@ -543,7 +544,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -553,7 +554,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -563,13 +564,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
@ -579,12 +580,12 @@ msgid "You can't set yourself to a lower member role for this group because you
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr ""
@ -644,7 +645,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr ""
@ -664,7 +665,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr ""
@ -679,17 +680,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr ""
@ -799,12 +800,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr ""
@ -832,3 +833,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr ""
@ -146,7 +146,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr ""
@ -323,12 +324,12 @@ msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -343,7 +344,7 @@ msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr ""
@ -363,24 +364,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr ""
@ -400,14 +401,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr ""
@ -461,7 +462,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr ""
@ -476,12 +477,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr ""
@ -517,7 +518,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr ""
@ -537,7 +538,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -547,7 +548,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -557,13 +558,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
@ -573,12 +574,12 @@ msgid "You can't set yourself to a lower member role for this group because you
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr ""
@ -638,7 +639,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr ""
@ -658,7 +659,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr ""
@ -673,17 +674,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr ""
@ -793,12 +794,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr ""
@ -826,3 +827,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr ""
@ -156,7 +156,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr ""
@ -333,12 +334,12 @@ msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -353,7 +354,7 @@ msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr ""
@ -373,24 +374,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr ""
@ -410,14 +411,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr ""
@ -471,7 +472,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr ""
@ -486,12 +487,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr ""
@ -527,7 +528,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr ""
@ -547,7 +548,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -557,7 +558,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -567,13 +568,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
@ -583,12 +584,12 @@ msgid "You can't set yourself to a lower member role for this group because you
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr ""
@ -648,7 +649,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr ""
@ -668,7 +669,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr ""
@ -683,17 +684,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr ""
@ -803,12 +804,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr ""
@ -836,3 +837,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr ""
@ -153,7 +153,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr ""
@ -330,12 +331,12 @@ msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -350,7 +351,7 @@ msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr ""
@ -370,24 +371,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr ""
@ -407,14 +408,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr ""
@ -468,7 +469,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr ""
@ -483,12 +484,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr ""
@ -524,7 +525,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr ""
@ -544,7 +545,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -554,7 +555,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -564,13 +565,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
@ -580,12 +581,12 @@ msgid "You can't set yourself to a lower member role for this group because you
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr ""
@ -645,7 +646,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr ""
@ -665,7 +666,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr ""
@ -680,17 +681,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr ""
@ -800,12 +801,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr ""
@ -833,3 +834,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr ""
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
## to merge POT files into PO files.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-10-29 08:17+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-20 03:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Berto Te <>\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish <"
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ msgstr "No se encontró ningún usuario con este correo electrónico"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr "El perfil no es propiedad del usuario autenticado"
@ -336,12 +337,12 @@ msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr "Perfil ya suspendido"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr "Su instancia requiere un correo electrónico válido"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr "La participación anónima no está habilitada"
@ -356,7 +357,7 @@ msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr "No se puede eliminar la última identidad de un usuario"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr "El comentario ya está eliminado"
@ -376,24 +377,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr "Error al actualizar el informe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr "ID de evento no encontrado"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr "Evento no encontrado"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr "El evento con este ID%{id} no existe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr "Error interno"
@ -413,14 +414,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr "No existe tal token de alimentación"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr "El participante ya tiene el rol%{role}"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr "Participante no encontrado"
@ -474,7 +475,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr "Perfil no encontrado"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr "El perfil de moderador proporcionado no tiene permiso para este evento"
@ -489,12 +490,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr "El recurso no existe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr "El evento ya alcanzó su capacidad máxima"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr "Este token no es válido"
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr "Ya tienes un perfil para este usuario"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr "Ya eres participante de este evento"
@ -550,7 +551,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr "No eres moderador ni administrador de este grupo"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr "No está permitido crear un comentario si no está conectado"
@ -560,7 +561,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr "No puede crear un token de feed si no está conectado"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr "No puede eliminar un comentario si no está conectado"
@ -570,13 +571,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr "No puede eliminar un token de feed si no está conectado"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr "No se le permite actualizar un comentario si no está conectado"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
"No puedes abandonar el evento porque eres el único participante creador del "
@ -590,12 +591,12 @@ msgstr ""
"es el único administrador"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr "No puedes borrar este comentario"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr "No puedes borrar este evento"
@ -662,7 +663,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr "Debes iniciar sesión para acceder a los recursos"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr "Debes iniciar sesión para crear eventos"
@ -682,7 +683,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr "Debe iniciar sesión para crear recursos"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr "Debe iniciar sesión para eliminar un evento"
@ -697,17 +698,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr "Debes iniciar sesión para eliminar recursos"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr "Debes iniciar sesión para eliminar recursos"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr "Debes iniciar sesión para salir de un evento"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr "Debe iniciar sesión para actualizar un evento"
@ -819,12 +820,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr "El perfil no es miembro del grupo"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr "No puedes borrar este evento."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr "No puedes rechazar esta invitación con este perfil."
@ -846,9 +847,19 @@ msgstr "No tiene derecho a eliminar este miembro."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/mobilizon/actors/actor.ex:344
msgid "This username is already taken."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Este nombre de usuario ya está en uso."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr "El perfil del organizador no es propiedad del usuario"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr "El ID de perfil proporcionado no es el del perfil anónimo"
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
## to merge POT files into PO files.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-10-29 15:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Ville Ranki <>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-20 03:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Taru Luojola <>\n"
"Language-Team: Finnish <"
"Language: fi\n"
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ msgstr "tulee olla tasas %{number}"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:103
msgid "Cannot refresh the token"
msgstr "Ei voida päivittää tokenia"
msgstr "Merkkiä ei voi päivittää"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:198
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ msgstr "Ryhmää ei löydy"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:66
msgid "Group with ID %{id} not found"
msgstr "Ryhmää jonka ID on %{id} ei löydy"
msgstr "Tunnuksella %{id} ei löydy ryhmää"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:83
@ -154,305 +154,308 @@ msgstr "Käyttäjää, jolla on tämä sähköpostiosoite ei löydy"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Profiili ei ole tunnistautuneen käyttäjän omistuksessa"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:125
msgid "Registrations are not open"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ei voi rekisteröityä"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:330
msgid "The current password is invalid"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nykyinen salasana ei kelpaa"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:382
msgid "The new email doesn't seem to be valid"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Uusi sähköpostiosoite ei vaikuta kelvolliselta"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:379
msgid "The new email must be different"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Uuden sähköpostiosoitteen on poikettava vanhasta"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:333
msgid "The new password must be different"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Uuden salasanan on poikettava vanhasta"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:376 lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:439
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:442
msgid "The password provided is invalid"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Annettu salasana on epäkelpo"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:337
msgid "The password you have chosen is too short. Please make sure your password contains at least 6 characters."
msgstr ""
"Valitsemasi salasana on liian lyhyt. Käytä vähintään kuuden merkin mittaista "
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:215
msgid "This user can't reset their password"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Käyttäjä ei voi palauttaa salasanaansa"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:79
msgid "This user has been disabled"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Käyttäjä on poistettu käytöstä"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:179
msgid "Unable to validate user"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Käyttäjää ei voi vahvistaa"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:420
msgid "User already disabled"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Käyttäjä on jo poistettu käytöstä"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:487
msgid "User requested is not logged-in"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pyydetty käyttäjä ei ole kirjautuneena sisään"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:232
msgid "You are already a member of this group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Olet jo tämän ryhmän jäsen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:265
msgid "You can't leave this group because you are the only administrator"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Et voi poistua ryhmästä, koska olet sen ainoa ylläpitäjä"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:229
msgid "You cannot join this group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Et voi liittyä tähän ryhmään"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:94
msgid "You may not list groups unless moderator."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Voit nähdä ryhmäluettelon vain, jos olet moderaattori."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:387
msgid "You need to be logged-in to change your email"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Sähköpostiosoitteen voi vaihtaa vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:345
msgid "You need to be logged-in to change your password"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Salasanan voi vaihtaa vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:207
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete a group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ryhmän voi poistaa vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:447
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete your account"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Voit poistaa tilisi vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:237
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join a group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Voit liittyä ryhmään vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:270
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave a group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Voit poistua ryhmästä vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:172
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update a group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Voit päivittää ryhmää vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:58
msgid "You need to have admin access to list users"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Voit nähdä käyttäjäluettelon vain ylläpitäjänä"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:108
msgid "You need to have an existing token to get a refresh token"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Voit saada uuden merkin vain, jos sinulla on jo merkki"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:198 lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:222
msgid "You requested again a confirmation email too soon"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pyysit uutta vahvistussähköpostia liian aikaisin"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:128
msgid "Your email is not on the allowlist"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Sähköpostiosoitteesi ei ole sallittujen luettelossa"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:64 lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:94
msgid "Error while performing background task"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Virhe taustatehtävää suoritettaessa"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:27
msgid "No profile found with this ID"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tällä tunnisteella ei löytynyt profiilia"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:54 lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:91
msgid "No remote profile found with this ID"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tällä tunnisteella ei löytynyt etäprofiilia"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:69
msgid "Only moderators and administrators can suspend a profile"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Vain moderaattorit ja ylläpitäjät voivat hyllyttää profiilin"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:99
msgid "Only moderators and administrators can unsuspend a profile"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Vain moderaattorit ja ylläpitäjät voivat palauttaa hyllytetyn profiilin"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:24
msgid "Only remote profiles may be refreshed"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Vain etäprofiilit voi ladata uudelleen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:61
msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Profiili on jo hyllytetty"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Palvelin vaatii kelvollisen sähköpostiosoitteen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Anonyymi osallistuminen ei ole käytössä"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:184
msgid "Cannot remove the last administrator of a group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ryhmän viimeistä ylläpitäjää ei voi poistaa"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:181
msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Käyttäjän viimeistä identiteettiä ei voi poistaa"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Kommentti on jo poistettu"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:61
msgid "Discussion not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Keskustelua ei löydy"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:58 lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:77
msgid "Error while saving report"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Virhe raporttia tallennettaessa"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:96
msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Virhe raporttia päivitettäessä"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tapahtumatunnistetta ei löydy"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tapahtumaa ei löydy"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tunnisteella %{id} ei ole tapahtumaa"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Sisäinen virhe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:193
msgid "No discussion with ID %{id}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tunnisteella %{id} ei ole keskustelua"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:78 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:168
msgid "No profile found for user"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Käyttäjälle ei löydy profiilia"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:63
msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Kyseistä syötemerkkiä ei ole"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Osallistujalla on jo rooli %{role}"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Osallistujaa ei löydy"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:29
msgid "Person with ID %{id} not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tunnuksella %{id} ei löydy henkilöä"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:50
msgid "Person with username %{username} not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Käyttäjänimellä %{username} ei löydy henkilöä"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/picture.ex:41
msgid "Picture with ID %{id} was not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tunnuksella %{id} ei löydy kuvaa"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:165 lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:198
msgid "Post ID is not a valid ID"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Julkaisun tunnus ei ole kelvollinen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:168 lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:201
msgid "Post doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Julkaisua ei ole"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:83
msgid "Profile invited doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Kutsuttua profiilia ei ole"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:92 lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:96
msgid "Profile is already a member of this group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Profiili on jo ryhmän jäsen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:131 lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:171
@ -461,376 +464,389 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:81 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:99 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:171
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:194 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:222
msgid "Profile is not member of group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Profiili ei ole ryhmän jäsen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:150 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:178
msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Profiilia ei löydy"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Annetulla moderaattoriprofiililla ei ole oikeuksia tähän tapahtumaan"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:36
msgid "Report not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Raporttia ei löydy"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:150 lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:179
msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Resurssia ei ole"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tapahtuma on jo täynnä"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Epäkelpo merkki"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:165 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:219
msgid "Todo doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Työkalua ei ole"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:75 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:191
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:216
msgid "Todo list doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tehtäväluetteloa ei ole"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:69
msgid "Token does not exist"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Merkkiä ei ole"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:66
msgid "Token is not a valid UUID"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Merkki ei ole kelvollinen UUID"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:87 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:317
msgid "User not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Käyttäjää ei löydy"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:232
msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Sinulla on jo profiili tälle käyttäjälle"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Olet jo tapahtuman osallistuja"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:197
msgid "You are not a member of the group the discussion belongs to"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Et ole jäsenenä ryhmässä, johon keskustelu liittyy"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:86
msgid "You are not a member of this group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Et ole ryhmän jäsen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:151
msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Et ole ryhmän moderaattori tai ylläpitäjä"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ilman yhteyttä ei voi kommentoida"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:41
msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ilman yhteyttä ei voi luoda syötemerkkiä"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ilman yhteyttä ei voi poistaa kommenttia"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:78
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ilman yhteyttä ei voi poistaa syötemerkkiä"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ilman yhteyttä ei voi päivittää kommenttia"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
"Et voi poistua tapahtumasta, koska olet ainoa tapahtuman luonut osallistuja"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:155
msgid "You can't set yourself to a lower member role for this group because you are the only administrator"
msgstr ""
"Et voi vaihtaa jäsenrooliasi ryhmässä nykyistä alemmaksi, koska olet ainoa "
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Et voi poistaa kommenttia"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Et voi poistaa tapahtumaa"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:89
msgid "You cannot invite to this group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Et voi kutsua tähän ryhmään"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:72
msgid "You don't have permission to delete this token"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Sinulla ei ole oikeutta poistaa tätä merkkiä"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:52
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to list action logs"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Toimintalokien katselu vain moderaattorille sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:26
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to list reports"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Raporttien katselu vain moderaattorille sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:101
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to update a report"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Raportin päivittäminen vain moderaattorille sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:41
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to view a report"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Raportin katselu vain moderaattorille sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:236
msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to access admin settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pääsy ylläpitoasetuksiin vain ylläpitäjälle sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:221
msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to access dashboard statistics"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pääsy koontinäytön tilastoihin vain ylläpitäjälle sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:260
msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to save admin settings"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ylläpitoasetusten tallennus vain ylläpitäjälle sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:75
msgid "You need to be logged-in to access discussions"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pääsy keskusteluihin vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:93
msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pääsy resursseihin vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tapahtumien luonti vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:139
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create posts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Julkaisujen luonti vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:74
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create reports"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Raporttien luonti vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:129
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Resurssien luonti vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tapahtuman poisto vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:209
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete posts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Julkaisujen poisto vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:187
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Resurssien poisto vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tapahtumaan liittyminen vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tapahtumasta poistuminen vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tapahtuman päivittäminen vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:176
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update posts"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Julkaisujen päivittäminen vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:158
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update resources"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Resurssien päivittäminen vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to view a resource preview"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Resurssin esikatselu vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/picture.ex:79
msgid "You need to login to upload a picture"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Kuvan lähettäminen vain sisäänkirjautuneena"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:121
msgid "Parent resource doesn't belong to this group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ylätason resurssi ei kuulu tähän ryhmään"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:109
msgid "The chosen password is too short."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Valittu salasana on liian lyhyt."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:138
msgid "The registration token is already in use, this looks like an issue on our side."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Rekisteröintimerkki on jo käytössä. Vaikuttaa palvelinpään virheeltä."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:104
msgid "This email is already used."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Sähköpostiosoite on jo käytössä."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:88
msgid "Post not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Julkaisua ei löydy"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:75
msgid "Invalid arguments passed"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Virheelliset argumentit välitetty"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:81
msgid "Invalid credentials"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Virheelliset kirjautumistiedot"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:79
msgid "Reset your password to login"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Palauta salasana, jotta voit kirjautua sisään"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:86 lib/graphql/error.ex:91
msgid "Resource not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Resurssia ei löydy"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:92
msgid "Something went wrong"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Jokin meni vikaan"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:74
msgid "Unknown Resource"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tuntematon resurssi"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:84
msgid "You don't have permission to do this"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Sinulla ei ole oikeutta tähän"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:76
msgid "You need to be logged in"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Kirjaudu ensin sisään"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:116
msgid "You can't accept this invitation with this profile."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Et voi hyväksyä kutsua tällä profiililla."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:134
msgid "You can't reject this invitation with this profile."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Et voi hylätä kutsua tällä profiililla."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/picture.ex:71
msgid "File doesn't have an allowed MIME type."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tiedostolla ei ole sallittua MIME-tyyppiä."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:167
msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Profiili ei ole ryhmän ylläpitäjä"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr "Et voi muokata tapahtumaa."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Et voi yhdistää tapahtumaa tähän profiiliin."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:137
msgid "This invitation doesn't exist."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Kutsua ei ole."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:179
msgid "This member already has been rejected."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Jäsen on jo hylätty."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:186
msgid "You don't have the right to remove this member."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Sinulla ei ole oikeutta poistaa jäsentä."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/mobilizon/actors/actor.ex:344
msgid "This username is already taken."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Käyttäjänimi on jo käytössä."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr "Järjestäjän profiili ei ole käyttäjän hallussa"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr "Annettu profiilitunniste ei kuulu anonyymille profiilille"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# # to merge POT files into PO files.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-18 10:37+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-20 12:22+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Thomas Citharel <>\n"
"Language-Team: French <>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
@ -155,7 +155,8 @@ msgstr "Aucun·e utilisateur·ice avec cette adresse e-mail n'a été trouvé·e
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr "Le profil n'est pas possédé par l'utilisateur connecté"
@ -334,12 +335,12 @@ msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr "Le profil est déjà suspendu"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr "Une adresse e-mail valide est requise par votre instance"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr "La participation anonyme n'est pas activée"
@ -354,7 +355,7 @@ msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer le dernier profil d'un·e utilisateur·ice"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr "Le commentaire est déjà supprimé"
@ -374,24 +375,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr "Erreur lors de la mise à jour du signalement"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr "ID de l'événement non trouvé"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr "Événement non trouvé"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr "L'événement avec cet ID %{id} n'existe pas"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr "Erreur interne"
@ -411,14 +412,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr "Aucun jeton de flux correspondant"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr "Le ou la participant·e a déjà le rôle %{role}"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr "Participant·e non trouvé·e"
@ -472,7 +473,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr "Profile non trouvé"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr "Le profil modérateur fourni n'a pas de permissions sur cet événement"
@ -487,12 +488,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr "La ressource n'existe pas"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr "L'événement a déjà atteint sa capacité maximale"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr "Ce jeton est invalide"
@ -528,7 +529,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr "Vous avez déjà un profil pour cet utilisateur"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr "Vous êtes déjà un·e participant·e à cet événement"
@ -548,7 +549,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas administrateur·ice ou modérateur·ice de ce groupe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé·e à créer un commentaire si non connecté·e"
@ -558,7 +559,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé·e à créer un jeton de flux si non connecté·e"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé·e à supprimer un commentaire si non connecté·e"
@ -568,13 +569,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé·e à supprimer un jeton de flux si non connecté·e"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé·e à mettre à jour un commentaire si non connecté·e"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas quitter cet événement car vous en êtes le ou la seule créateur·ice participant"
@ -586,12 +587,12 @@ msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer ce commentaire"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer cet événement"
@ -651,7 +652,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr "Vous devez être connecté·e pour supprimer un groupe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr "Vous devez être connecté·e pour créer des événements"
@ -671,7 +672,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr "Vous devez être connecté·e pour quitter un groupe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr "Vous devez être connecté·e pour supprimer un groupe"
@ -686,17 +687,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr "Vous devez être connecté·e pour supprimer un groupe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr "Vous devez être connecté·e pour rejoindre un groupe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr "Vous devez être connecté·e pour quitter un groupe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr "Vous devez être connecté·e pour mettre à jour un groupe"
@ -806,12 +807,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr "Le profil n'est pas administrateur·ice pour le groupe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas éditer cet événement."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas attribuer cet événement à ce profil."
@ -839,3 +840,13 @@ msgstr "Cet identifiant est déjà pris."
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr "Vous devez fournir un ID ou bien un slug pour accéder à une discussion"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr "Le profil de l'organisateur·ice n'appartient pas à l'utilisateur·ice"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr "L'ID du profil fourni n'est pas celui du profil anonyme"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
## to merge POT files into PO files.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-05 10:29+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-20 11:10+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: josé m. <>\n"
"Language-Team: Galician <"
@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ msgstr "Non se atopa ningunha usuaria con este email"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr "O perfil non pertence a unha usuaria autenticada"
@ -333,12 +334,12 @@ msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr "O perfil xa está suspendido"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr "A túa instancia require un email válido"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr "Non está permitida a participación ánonima"
@ -353,7 +354,7 @@ msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr "Non se pode eliminar a última identidade dunha usuaria"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr "O comentario xa foi eliminado"
@ -373,24 +374,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr "Erro ó actualizar a denuncia"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr "Non se atopou o ID do evento"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr "Evento non atopado"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr "Non existe un evento co ID %{id}"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr "Erro interno"
@ -410,14 +411,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr "Non hai tal token da fonte"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr "A participante xa ten o rol %{role}"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr "Non se atopou a participante"
@ -471,7 +472,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr "Perfil non atopado"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr "O perfil da moderadora proporcionado non ten permisos neste evento"
@ -486,12 +487,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr "Non existe o recurso"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr "Este evento xa acadou a súa capacidade máxima"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr "Este token non é válido"
@ -527,7 +528,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr "Xa tes un perfil para esta usuaria"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr "Xa es unha participante neste evento"
@ -547,7 +548,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr "Non es moderadora ou administradora deste grupo"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr "Non tes permiso para crear un comentario sen estar conectada"
@ -557,7 +558,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr "Non tes permiso para crear un token da fonte se non estás conectada"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr "Non tes permiso para eliminar un comentario se non estás conectada"
@ -567,13 +568,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr "Non tes permiso para eliminar o token da fonte se non estás conectada"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr "Non tes permiso para actualizar un comentario se non estás conectada"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
"Non podes saír do evento porque es a única creadora do evento que participa"
@ -586,12 +587,12 @@ msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr "Non podes eliminar este comentario"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr "Non podes eliminar este evento"
@ -659,7 +660,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr "Tes que estar conectada para acceder ós recursos"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr "Tes que estar conectada para crear eventos"
@ -679,7 +680,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr "Tes que estar conectada para crear recursos"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr "Tes que estar conectada para eliminar un evento"
@ -694,17 +695,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr "Tes que estar conectada para eliminar recursos"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr "Tes que estar conectada para unirte a un evento"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr "Tes que estar conectada para saír dun evento"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr "Tes que estar conectada para actualizar un evento"
@ -815,12 +816,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr "O perfil non é administrador do grupo"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr "Non podes editar este evento."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr "Non podes atribuír este evento a este perfil."
@ -842,9 +843,19 @@ msgstr "Non tes permiso para eliminar este membro."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/mobilizon/actors/actor.ex:344
msgid "This username is already taken."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Este nome de usuaria xa está pillado."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr "O perfil da organización non pertence á usuaria"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr "O ID do perfil proporcionado non é o perfil anónimo"
@ -169,7 +169,8 @@ msgstr "Nem található ezzel az e-mail-címmel rendelkező felhasználó"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr "A profilt nem hitelesített felhasználó birtokolja"
@ -350,12 +351,12 @@ msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr "A profil már fel van függesztve"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr "Érvényes e-mail-címet követelt meg az Ön példánya"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr "A névtelen részvétel nincs engedélyezve"
@ -370,7 +371,7 @@ msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr "Nem lehet eltávolítani egy felhasználó utolsó személyazonosságát"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr "A hozzászólást már törölték"
@ -390,24 +391,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr "Hiba a jelentés frissítésekor"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr "Nem található az eseményazonosító"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr "Nem található az esemény"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr "Ezzel a(z) %{id} azonosítóval rendelkező esemény nem létezik"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr "Belső hiba"
@ -427,14 +428,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr "Nincs ilyen hírforrástoken"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr "A résztvevő már rendelkezik %{role} szereppel"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr "Nem található a résztvevő"
@ -488,7 +489,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr "Nem található a profil"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr "A megadott moderátorprofilnak nincs jogosultsága ezen az eseményen"
@ -503,12 +504,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr "Az erőforrás nem létezik"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr "Az esemény már elérte a legnagyobb kapacitását"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr "Ez a token érvénytelen"
@ -544,7 +545,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr "Már rendelkezik profillal ehhez a felhasználóhoz"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr "Már résztvevője ennek az eseménynek"
@ -564,7 +565,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr "Nem moderátor vagy adminisztrátor ennél a csoportnál"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr "Nem hozhat létre hozzászólást, ha nincs kapcsolódva"
@ -574,7 +575,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr "Nem hozhat létre hírforrástokent, ha nincs kapcsolódva"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr "Nem törölhet hozzászólást, ha nincs kapcsolódva"
@ -584,13 +585,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr "Nem törölhet hírforrástokent, ha nincs kapcsolódva"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr "Nem frissíthet hozzászólást, ha nincs kapcsolódva"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
"Nem hagyhatja el az eseményt, mert Ön az egyedüli eseménylétrehozó résztvevő"
@ -603,12 +604,12 @@ msgstr ""
"egyedüli adminisztrátor"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr "Nem tudja törölni ezt a hozzászólást"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr "Nem tudja törölni ezt az eseményt"
@ -682,7 +683,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr "Bejelentkezve kell lennie az erőforrásokhoz való hozzáféréshez"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr "Bejelentkezve kell lennie az események létrehozásához"
@ -702,7 +703,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr "Bejelentkezve kell lennie az erőforrások létrehozásához"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr "Bejelentkezve kell lennie egy esemény törléséhez"
@ -717,17 +718,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr "Bejelentkezve kell lennie az erőforrások törléséhez"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr "Bejelentkezve kell lennie egy eseményhez való csatlakozáshoz"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr "Bejelentkezve kell lennie egy esemény elhagyásához"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr "Bejelentkezve kell lennie egy esemény frissítéséhez"
@ -838,12 +839,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr "A profil nem adminisztrátor ennél a csoportnál"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr "Nem tudja szerkeszteni ezt az eseményt."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr "Nem tudja ezt az eseményt ennek a profilnak tulajdonítani."
@ -871,3 +872,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr ""
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
## to merge POT files into PO files.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-05 10:29+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: x <>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-20 03:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Gabriele Tosato <>\n"
"Language-Team: Italian <"
"Language: it\n"
@ -153,7 +153,8 @@ msgstr "Nessun utente con questa email"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr "L'utente autenticato non è propietario di questo profilo"
@ -334,12 +335,12 @@ msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr "Profilo già sospeso"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr "Un'email valida è richiesta dalla vostra istanza"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr "La partecipazione anonima non è abilitata"
@ -354,7 +355,7 @@ msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr "Impossibile rimuovere l'ultima identità di un utente"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr "Commento già cancellato"
@ -374,24 +375,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr "Errore durante l'aggiornamento del rapporto"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr "ID evento non trovato"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr "Evento non trovato"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr "L'evento con questo ID %{id} non esiste"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr "Errore Interno"
@ -411,14 +412,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr "Nessun token di rifornimento corrispondente"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr "Il partecipante ha già il ruolo %{role}"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr "Partecipante non trovato"
@ -472,7 +473,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr "Profilo non trovato"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr ""
"Il profilo del moderatore fornito non dispone dell'autorizzazione per questo "
@ -489,12 +490,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr "La risorsa non esiste"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr "L'evento ha già raggiunto la sua massima capacità"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr "Questo token non è valido"
@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr "Hai già un profilo per questo utente"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr "Se già un partecipante di questo evento"
@ -550,7 +551,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr "Non sei un moderatore o amministratore di questo gruppo"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr "Non è consentito creare un commento se non si è collegati"
@ -560,7 +561,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr "Non puoi creare un token di rifornimento senza connessione"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr "Non è consentito eliminare un commento se non si è collegati"
@ -570,13 +571,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr "Non puoi eliminare un token di rifornimento senza connettersi"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr "Non è consentito aggiornare un commento se non si è collegati"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
"Non puoi lasciare l'evento perchè sei l'unico partecipante creatore di eventi"
@ -589,12 +590,12 @@ msgstr ""
"gruppo perché sei l'unico amministratore"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr "Non puoi eliminare questo commento"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr "Non puoi eliminare questo evento"
@ -660,7 +661,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per accedere alle risorse"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per creare eventi"
@ -680,7 +681,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per creare risorse"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per eliminare un evento"
@ -695,17 +696,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per eliminare risorse"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per partecipare a un evento"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per lasciare un evento"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr "Devi essere connesso per aggiornare un evento"
@ -817,12 +818,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr "Il profilo non è amministratore del gruppo"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr "Non puoi modificare questo evento."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr "Non puo iattribuire questo evento a questo profilo."
@ -844,9 +845,19 @@ msgstr "Non hai il diritto di rimuovere questo membro."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/mobilizon/actors/actor.ex:344
msgid "This username is already taken."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Questo nome utente è già in uso."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr "Il profilo dell'organizzatore non è di proprietà dell'utente"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr "L'ID profilo fornito non è quello del profilo anonimo"
@ -140,7 +140,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr ""
@ -317,12 +318,12 @@ msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -337,7 +338,7 @@ msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr ""
@ -357,24 +358,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr ""
@ -394,14 +395,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr ""
@ -455,7 +456,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr ""
@ -470,12 +471,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr ""
@ -511,7 +512,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr ""
@ -531,7 +532,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -541,7 +542,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -551,13 +552,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
@ -567,12 +568,12 @@ msgid "You can't set yourself to a lower member role for this group because you
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr ""
@ -632,7 +633,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr ""
@ -652,7 +653,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr ""
@ -667,17 +668,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr ""
@ -787,12 +788,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr ""
@ -820,3 +821,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr ""
@ -146,7 +146,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr ""
@ -323,12 +324,12 @@ msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -343,7 +344,7 @@ msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr ""
@ -363,24 +364,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr ""
@ -400,14 +401,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr ""
@ -461,7 +462,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr ""
@ -476,12 +477,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr ""
@ -517,7 +518,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr ""
@ -537,7 +538,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -547,7 +548,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -557,13 +558,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
@ -573,12 +574,12 @@ msgid "You can't set yourself to a lower member role for this group because you
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr ""
@ -638,7 +639,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr ""
@ -658,7 +659,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr ""
@ -673,17 +674,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr ""
@ -793,12 +794,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr ""
@ -826,3 +827,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr ""
@ -169,7 +169,8 @@ msgstr "Fann ingen brukar med denne eposten"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr "Ingen godkjent brukar eig denne profilen"
@ -346,12 +347,12 @@ msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr "Profilen er allereie sperra"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr "Nettstaden din krev ei gyldig epostadresse"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr "Det er ikkje høve til å vera med anonymt"
@ -366,7 +367,7 @@ msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr "Kan ikkje fjerna den siste identiteten til ein brukar"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr "Kommentaren er allereie sletta"
@ -386,24 +387,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr "Greidde ikkje oppdatera rapporten"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr "Fann ikkje ID-en til hendinga"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr "Fann ikkje hendinga"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr "Det finst inga hending med ID-en %{id}"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr "Intern feil"
@ -423,14 +424,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr "Det finst ikkje noko slikt teikn for kjelda"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr "Deltakaren har rolla %{role} allereie"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr "Fann ikkje deltakaren"
@ -484,7 +485,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr "Fann ikkje profilen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr "Moderatorprofilen har ikkje tilgang til denne hendinga"
@ -499,12 +500,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr "Ressursen finst ikkje"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr "Hendinga er fullteikna"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr "Teiknet er ugyldig"
@ -540,7 +541,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr ""
@ -560,7 +561,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -570,7 +571,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -580,13 +581,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
@ -596,12 +597,12 @@ msgid "You can't set yourself to a lower member role for this group because you
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr ""
@ -661,7 +662,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr ""
@ -681,7 +682,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr ""
@ -696,17 +697,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr ""
@ -816,12 +817,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr ""
@ -849,3 +850,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr ""
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
## to merge POT files into PO files.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-18 08:13+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-11-20 03:52+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Joan Luci Labòrda <>\n"
"Language-Team: Occitan <"
@ -155,7 +155,8 @@ msgstr "Degun trobat d'amb aquesta email"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr "Lo perhiu es pas proprietat del utilizator autenticat"
@ -261,32 +262,32 @@ msgstr "Debetz d'esser conectat per suprimir un grop"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:447
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete your account"
msgstr "Deves-tz d'esser conectat-ada per suprimir lo voste compte"
msgstr "Devetz d'esser conectat per suprimir lo voste compte"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:237
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join a group"
msgstr "Deves-tz d'esser conectat-ada per rejónher un grop"
msgstr "Devetz d'esser conectat per rejónher un grop"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:270
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave a group"
msgstr "Deves-tz d'esser conectat-ada per quitar un grop"
msgstr "Devetz d'esser conectat per quitar un grop"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:172
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update a group"
msgstr "Deves-tz d'esser conectat per metre à jorn un grop"
msgstr "Devetz d'esser conectat per metre à jorn un grop"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:58
msgid "You need to have admin access to list users"
msgstr "Deves-tz aver un accès admin per listar los utilizators"
msgstr "Devetz aver un accès admin per listar los utilizators"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:108
msgid "You need to have an existing token to get a refresh token"
msgstr "deves-tz aver un senhau existant per obtiéner un senhau nau"
msgstr "Devetz aver un senhau existant per obtiéner un senhau nau"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:198 lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:222
@ -296,72 +297,73 @@ msgstr "Demandatz de nau un email de confirmacion tròp lèu"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:128
msgid "Your email is not on the allowlist"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Vòstre email es pas en la lista d'autorizacions"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:64 lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:94
msgid "Error while performing background task"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Error mentre que efectuant ua tasca de plan darrèr"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:27
msgid "No profile found with this ID"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Cap de profiu trobat d'amb aquesta ID"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:54 lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:91
msgid "No remote profile found with this ID"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Cap de profiu distant trobat d'amb aquesta ID"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:69
msgid "Only moderators and administrators can suspend a profile"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Sonque moderators e administrators pòden suspendre un profiu"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:99
msgid "Only moderators and administrators can unsuspend a profile"
msgstr ""
"Sonque moderators e administrators pòden annular la suspension d'un profiu"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:24
msgid "Only remote profiles may be refreshed"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Sonque profius distants pòden esser refrescats"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:61
msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Profiu déjà suspendut"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Un email valid es requerit per la vòstra instància"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ua participacion anonima es pas permetuda"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:184
msgid "Cannot remove the last administrator of a group"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pòden pas suprimir lo darrièr administrator d'un grop"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:181
msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pòden pas suprimir la darrièra identitat d'un utilizator"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Comentari déjà suprimit"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:61
msgid "Discussion not found"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Discussion non trobada"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:58 lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:77
@ -374,24 +376,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr ""
@ -411,14 +413,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr ""
@ -472,7 +474,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr ""
@ -487,12 +489,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr ""
@ -528,7 +530,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr ""
@ -548,7 +550,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -558,7 +560,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -568,13 +570,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
@ -584,12 +586,12 @@ msgid "You can't set yourself to a lower member role for this group because you
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr ""
@ -649,7 +651,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr ""
@ -669,7 +671,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr ""
@ -684,17 +686,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr ""
@ -804,12 +806,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr ""
@ -837,3 +839,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr ""
@ -162,7 +162,8 @@ msgstr "Nie znaleziono użytkownika o tym adresie e-mail"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr "Profil nie należy do uwierzytelnionego użytkownika"
@ -344,12 +345,12 @@ msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr "Już zawieszono profil"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr "Twoja instancja wymaga prawidłowego adresu e-mail"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr "Anonimowe uczestnictwa nie są włączone"
@ -364,7 +365,7 @@ msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr "Nie można usunąć jedynej tożsamości użytkownika"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr "Komentarz jest już usunięty"
@ -384,24 +385,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr "Wystąpił błąd podczas aktualizacji zgłoszenia"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono id wydarzenia"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono wydarzenia"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr "Wydarzenie o ID %{id} nie istnieje"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr "Wewnętrzny błąd"
@ -421,14 +422,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr "Nie ma takiego tokenu strumienia"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr "Uczestnik już ma rolę %{role}"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono uczestnika"
@ -482,7 +483,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono profilu"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr "Wskazany profil moderatora nie ma uprawnień dla tego wydarzenia"
@ -497,12 +498,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr "Zasób nie istnieje"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr "Wydarzenie już przekroczyło maksymalną zasobność"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr "Ten token jest nieprawidłowy"
@ -538,7 +539,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr "Już masz profil dla tego użytkownika"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr "Już jesteś uczestnikiem tego wydarzenia"
@ -558,7 +559,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr "Nie jesteś moderatorem ani administratorem tej grupy"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -568,7 +569,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -578,13 +579,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
@ -596,12 +597,12 @@ msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr "Nie możesz usunąć tego komentarza"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr "Nie możesz usunąć tego wydarzenia"
@ -667,7 +668,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby uzyskać dostęp do zasobów"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby móc utworzyć wydarzenia"
@ -687,7 +688,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby utworzyć zasób"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby usunąć wydarzenie"
@ -702,17 +703,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby usunąć zasób"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby dołączyć do wydarzenia"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby opuścić wydarzenie"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr "Musisz być zalogowany(-a), aby zaktualizować wydarzenie"
@ -824,12 +825,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr "Profil nie jest administratorem grupy"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr "Nie możesz edytować tego wydarzenia."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr "Nie możesz przypisać tego wydarzenia do tego profilu."
@ -857,3 +858,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr ""
@ -146,7 +146,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr ""
@ -323,12 +324,12 @@ msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -343,7 +344,7 @@ msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr ""
@ -363,24 +364,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr ""
@ -400,14 +401,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr ""
@ -461,7 +462,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr ""
@ -476,12 +477,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr ""
@ -517,7 +518,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr ""
@ -537,7 +538,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -547,7 +548,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -557,13 +558,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
@ -573,12 +574,12 @@ msgid "You can't set yourself to a lower member role for this group because you
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr ""
@ -638,7 +639,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr ""
@ -658,7 +659,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr ""
@ -673,17 +674,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr ""
@ -793,12 +794,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr ""
@ -826,3 +827,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr ""
@ -146,7 +146,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr ""
@ -323,12 +324,12 @@ msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -343,7 +344,7 @@ msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr ""
@ -363,24 +364,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr ""
@ -400,14 +401,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr ""
@ -461,7 +462,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr ""
@ -476,12 +477,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr ""
@ -517,7 +518,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr ""
@ -537,7 +538,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -547,7 +548,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -557,13 +558,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
@ -573,12 +574,12 @@ msgid "You can't set yourself to a lower member role for this group because you
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr ""
@ -638,7 +639,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr ""
@ -658,7 +659,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr ""
@ -673,17 +674,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr ""
@ -793,12 +794,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr ""
@ -826,3 +827,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr ""
@ -152,7 +152,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr ""
@ -329,12 +330,12 @@ msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -349,7 +350,7 @@ msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr ""
@ -369,24 +370,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr ""
@ -406,14 +407,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr ""
@ -467,7 +468,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr ""
@ -482,12 +483,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr ""
@ -523,7 +524,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr ""
@ -543,7 +544,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -553,7 +554,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -563,13 +564,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
@ -579,12 +580,12 @@ msgid "You can't set yourself to a lower member role for this group because you
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr ""
@ -644,7 +645,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr ""
@ -664,7 +665,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr ""
@ -679,17 +680,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr ""
@ -799,12 +800,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr ""
@ -832,3 +833,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr ""
@ -153,7 +153,8 @@ msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:29 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:160
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:189 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:187
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:253 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:282 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:295
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr ""
@ -330,12 +331,12 @@ msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:93
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:85
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:87
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr ""
@ -350,7 +351,7 @@ msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:104
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr ""
@ -370,24 +371,24 @@ msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:123
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:128
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:232
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:279
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:82
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:152
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:84
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:125 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:157
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:95
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr ""
@ -407,14 +408,14 @@ msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:227
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:238
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:162
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:220
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:170
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:199 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:231
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:241
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr ""
@ -468,7 +469,7 @@ msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:224
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:101 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:235
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr ""
@ -483,12 +484,12 @@ msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:116
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:121
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:250
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:261
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr ""
@ -524,7 +525,7 @@ msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:126
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:131
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr ""
@ -544,7 +545,7 @@ msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:50
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -554,7 +555,7 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:109
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
@ -564,13 +565,13 @@ msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:72
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:182
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:164
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
@ -580,12 +581,12 @@ msgid "You can't set yourself to a lower member role for this group because you
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:272
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:275
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr ""
@ -645,7 +646,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:207
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:210
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr ""
@ -665,7 +666,7 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:281
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:284
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr ""
@ -680,17 +681,17 @@ msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:100
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:105
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:193
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:204
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:246
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:249
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr ""
@ -800,12 +801,12 @@ msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:235
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:238
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:241
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr ""
@ -833,3 +834,13 @@ msgstr ""
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:72
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:199
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr ""
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:90
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr ""
Reference in a new issue