defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.API.Utils do @moduledoc """ Utils for API. """ alias Mobilizon.Medias alias Mobilizon.Medias.Media alias Mobilizon.Service.Formatter @doc """ Creates HTML content from text and mentions """ @spec make_content_html(String.t(), list(), String.t()) :: {String.t(), list(), list()} def make_content_html(text, additional_tags, content_type) do with {text, mentions, tags} <- format_input(text, content_type, []) do {text, mentions, additional_tags ++, fn {_, tag} -> tag end)} end end def format_input(text, "text/plain", options) do text |> Formatter.html_escape("text/plain") |> Formatter.linkify(options) |> inject_new_lines() end def format_input(text, "text/html", options) do text |> Formatter.html_escape("text/html") |> Formatter.linkify(options) end defp inject_new_lines({text, mentions, tags}) do {String.replace(text, ~r/\r?\n/, "<br>"), mentions, tags} end @doc """ Use the data-media-id attributes to extract media from body text """ @spec extract_pictures_from_body(String.t(), integer() | String.t()) :: list(Media.t()) def extract_pictures_from_body(body, actor_id) do body |> do_extract_pictures_from_body() |>, actor_id)) |> Enum.filter(& &1) end @spec do_extract_pictures_from_body(String.t()) :: list(String.t()) defp do_extract_pictures_from_body(body) when is_nil(body) or body == "", do: [] defp do_extract_pictures_from_body(body) do {:ok, document} = Floki.parse_document(body) document |> Floki.attribute("img", "data-media-id") end @spec fetch_picture(String.t() | integer(), String.t() | integer()) :: Media.t() | nil defp fetch_picture(id, actor_id) do with %Media{actor_id: media_actor_id} = media <- Medias.get_media(id), {:owns_media, true} <- {:owns_media, check_actor_owns_media?(actor_id, media_actor_id)} do media else _ -> nil end end @spec check_actor_owns_media?(integer() | String.t(), integer() | String.t()) :: boolean() defp check_actor_owns_media?(actor_id, media_actor_id) do actor_id == media_actor_id || Mobilizon.Actors.member?(media_actor_id, actor_id) end end