import { i18n } from '@/utils/i18n'; export const refreshSuggestion = i18n.t('Please refresh the page and retry.') as string; export const defaultError: IError = { match: / /, value: i18n.t('An error has occurred.') as string, }; export interface IError { match: RegExp; value: string; suggestRefresh?: boolean; } export const errors: IError[] = [ { match: /^Event with UUID .* not found$/, value: i18n.t('Page not found') as string, suggestRefresh: false, }, { match: /^Event not found$/, value: i18n.t('Event not found.') as string, }, { match: /^Event with this ID .* doesn't exist$/, value: i18n.t('Event not found.') as string, }, { match: /^Error while saving report$/, value: i18n.t('Error while saving report.') as string, }, { match: /^Participant already has role rejected$/, value: i18n.t('Participant already was rejected.') as string, }, { match: /^Participant already has role participant$/, value: i18n.t('Participant has already been approved as participant.') as string, }, { match: /^You are already a participant of this event$/, value: i18n.t('You are already a participant of this event.') as string, }, { match: /NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.$/, value: i18n.t('Error while communicating with the server.') as string, }, { match: /Provided moderator actor ID doesn't have permission on this event$/, value: i18n.t("The current identity doesn't have any permission on this event. You should probably change it.") as string, suggestRefresh: false, }, ];