import { EventJoinOptions, ParticipantRole } from "@/types/enums"; type DataMock = { data: Record<string, unknown>; }; export const fetchEventBasicMock = { data: { event: { __typename: "Event", id: "1", uuid: "f37910ea-fd5a-4756-9679-00971f3f4106", joinOptions: EventJoinOptions.FREE, participantStats: { __typename: "ParticipantStats", notApproved: 0, notConfirmed: 0, participant: 0, going: 1, }, }, }, }; export const joinEventResponseMock = { data: { joinEvent: { __typename: "Participant", id: "5", role: ParticipantRole.NOT_APPROVED, insertedAt: "2020-12-07T09:33:41Z", metadata: { __typename: "ParticipantMetadata", cancellationToken: "some token", message: "a message long enough", }, event: { __typename: "Event", id: "1", uuid: "f37910ea-fd5a-4756-9679-00971f3f4106", }, actor: { __typename: "Person", preferredUsername: "some_actor", name: "Some actor", avatar: null, domain: null, id: "1", }, }, }, }; export const joinEventMock = { eventId: "1", actorId: "1", email: "some@email.tld", message: "a message long enough", locale: "en_US", timezone: Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone, }; export const eventNoCommentThreadsMock = { data: { event: { __typename: "Event", id: "1", uuid: "f37910ea-fd5a-4756-9679-00971f3f4106", comments: [], }, }, }; export const eventCommentThreadsMock = { data: { event: { __typename: "Event", id: "1", uuid: "f37910ea-fd5a-4756-9679-00971f3f4106", comments: [ { __typename: "Comment", id: "2", uuid: "e37910ea-fd5a-4756-9679-00971f3f4107", url: "https://some-instance.tld/comments/e37910ea-fd5a-4756-9679-00971f3f4107", text: "my comment text", local: true, visibility: "PUBLIC", totalReplies: 5, updatedAt: "2020-12-03T09:02:00Z", inReplyToComment: null, originComment: null, replies: [], actor: { __typename: "Person", avatar: { __typename: "Media", id: "78", url: "", }, id: "89", domain: null, preferredUsername: "someauthor", name: "Some author", summary: "I am the senate", }, deletedAt: null, insertedAt: "2020-12-03T09:02:00Z", isAnnouncement: false, language: "en", }, { __typename: "Comment", id: "29", uuid: "e37910ea-fd5a-4756-9679-01171f3f4107", url: "https://some-instance.tld/comments/e37910ea-fd5a-4756-9679-01171f3f4107", text: "a second comment", local: true, visibility: "PUBLIC", totalReplies: 0, updatedAt: "2020-12-03T11:02:00Z", inReplyToComment: null, originComment: null, replies: [], actor: { __typename: "Person", avatar: { __typename: "Media", id: "78", url: "", }, id: "89", domain: null, preferredUsername: "someauthor", name: "Some author", summary: "I am the senate", }, deletedAt: null, insertedAt: "2020-12-03T11:02:00Z", isAnnouncement: false, language: "en", }, ], }, }, }; export const newCommentForEventMock = { eventId: "1", text: "my new comment", inReplyToCommentId: undefined, isAnnouncement: false, originCommentId: undefined, }; export const newCommentForEventResponse: DataMock = { data: { createComment: { __typename: "Comment", id: "79", uuid: "e37910ea-fd5a-4756-9679-01171f3f4444", url: "https://some-instance.tld/comments/e37910ea-fd5a-4756-9679-01171f3f4444", text: newCommentForEventMock.text, local: true, visibility: "PUBLIC", totalReplies: 0, updatedAt: "2020-12-03T13:02:00Z", originComment: null, inReplyToComment: null, replies: [], actor: { __typename: "Person", avatar: { __typename: "Media", id: "78", url: "", }, id: "89", domain: null, preferredUsername: "someauthor", name: "Some author", summary: "I am the senate", }, deletedAt: null, insertedAt: "2020-12-03T13:02:00Z", isAnnouncement: false, language: "en", }, }, };