defmodule Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.Converter.Event do @moduledoc """ Event converter. This module allows to convert events from ActivityStream format to our own internal one, and back. """ alias Cldr.DateTime.Formatter alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Addresses.Address alias Mobilizon.Events.Categories alias Mobilizon.Events.Event, as: EventModel alias Mobilizon.Events.EventOptions alias Mobilizon.Medias.Media alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.{Converter, Convertible} alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.Converter.Address, as: AddressConverter alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.Converter.EventMetadata, as: EventMetadataConverter alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.Converter.Media, as: MediaConverter alias Mobilizon.Service.TimezoneDetector alias Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint import Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub.Utils, only: [get_url: 1] import Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.Converter.Utils, only: [ fetch_tags: 1, fetch_mentions: 1, build_tags: 1, maybe_fetch_actor_and_attributed_to_id: 1, process_pictures: 2, get_address: 1, fetch_actor: 1 ] import Mobilizon.Service.Metadata.Utils, only: [ datetime_to_string: 3, render_address!: 1 ] require Logger @behaviour Converter defimpl Convertible, for: EventModel do alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.Converter.Event, as: EventConverter defdelegate model_to_as(event), to: EventConverter end @online_address_name "Website" @banner_picture_name "Banner" @ap_public "" @doc """ Converts an AP object data to our internal data structure. """ @impl Converter @spec as_to_model_data(map) :: map() | {:error, atom()} def as_to_model_data(object) do case maybe_fetch_actor_and_attributed_to_id(object) do {:ok, %Actor{id: actor_id}, attributed_to} -> address = get_address(object["location"]) tags = fetch_tags(object["tag"]) mentions = fetch_mentions(object["tag"]) visibility = get_visibility(object) options = get_options(object, address) metadata = get_metdata(object) contacts = get_contacts(object) [description: description, picture_id: picture_id, medias: medias] = process_pictures(object, actor_id) %{ title: object["name"], description: description, organizer_actor_id: actor_id, attributed_to_id: if(is_nil(attributed_to), do: nil, else:, picture_id: picture_id, medias: medias, begins_on: object["startTime"], ends_on: object["endTime"], category: Categories.get_category(object["category"]), visibility: visibility, join_options: Map.get(object, "joinMode", "free"), local: local?(object["id"]), external_participation_url: object["externalParticipationUrl"], options: options, metadata: metadata, # Remove fallback in MBZ 5.x status: object |> Map.get("status", Map.get(object, "ical:status", "CONFIRMED")) |> String.downcase(), online_address: object |> Map.get("attachment", []) |> get_online_address(), phone_address: object["phoneAddress"], draft: object["draft"] == true, url: object["id"], uuid: object["uuid"], tags: tags, mentions: mentions, physical_address_id: if(address, do:, else: nil), updated_at: object["updated"], publish_at: object["published"], language: object["inLanguage"], contacts: contacts } {:error, err} -> {:error, err} end end @doc """ Convert an event struct to an ActivityStream representation. """ @impl Converter @spec model_to_as(EventModel.t()) :: map def model_to_as(%EventModel{} = event) do {to, cc} = if event.visibility == :public, do: {[@ap_public], [event.organizer_actor.followers_url]}, else: {[attributed_to_or_default(event).followers_url], [@ap_public]} participant_count = Mobilizon.Events.count_participant_participants( %{ "type" => "Event", "to" => to, "cc" => cc, "attributedTo" => attributed_to_or_default(event).url, "name" => event.title, "actor" => if(Ecto.assoc_loaded?(event.organizer_actor), do: event.organizer_actor.url, else: nil), "uuid" => event.uuid, "category" => event.category, "content" => event.description, "published" => (event.publish_at || event.inserted_at) |> date_to_string(), "updated" => event.updated_at |> date_to_string(), "mediaType" => "text/html", "startTime" => event.begins_on |> shift_tz(event.options.timezone) |> date_to_string(), "joinMode" => to_string(event.join_options), "externalParticipationUrl" => event.external_participation_url, "endTime" => event.ends_on |> shift_tz(event.options.timezone) |> date_to_string(), "tag" => event.tags |> build_tags(), "maximumAttendeeCapacity" => event.options.maximum_attendee_capacity, "remainingAttendeeCapacity" => remaining_attendee_capacity(event.options, participant_count), "participantCount" => participant_count, "repliesModerationOption" => event.options.comment_moderation, "commentsEnabled" => event.options.comment_moderation == :allow_all, "anonymousParticipationEnabled" => event.options.anonymous_participation, "attachment" =>, &EventMetadataConverter.metadata_to_as/1), "draft" => event.draft, # TODO: Remove me in MBZ 5.x "ical:status" => event.status |> to_string |> String.upcase(), "status" => event.status |> to_string |> String.upcase(), "id" => event.url, "url" => event.url, "inLanguage" => event.language, "timezone" => event.options.timezone, "contacts" =>, & &1.url), "isOnline" => event.options.is_online, "summary" => event_summary(event) } |> maybe_add_physical_address(event) |> maybe_add_event_picture(event) |> maybe_add_online_address(event) |> maybe_add_inline_media(event) end @spec attributed_to_or_default(EventModel.t()) :: Actor.t() defp attributed_to_or_default(%EventModel{} = event) do if(is_nil(event.attributed_to) or not Ecto.assoc_loaded?(event.attributed_to), do: nil, else: event.attributed_to ) || event.organizer_actor end # Get only elements that we have in EventOptions @spec get_options(map, Address.t() | nil) :: map defp get_options(object, address) do %{ maximum_attendee_capacity: object["maximumAttendeeCapacity"], anonymous_participation: object["anonymousParticipationEnabled"], comment_moderation: Map.get( object, "repliesModerationOption", if(Map.get(object, "commentsEnabled", true), do: :allow_all, else: :closed) ), timezone: calculate_timezone(object, address), is_online: object["isOnline"] == true } end defp calculate_timezone(%{"timezone" => timezone}, %Address{geom: geom}) do TimezoneDetector.detect( timezone, geom, "Etc/UTC" ) end defp calculate_timezone(_object, nil), do: nil defp calculate_timezone(_object, %Address{geom: nil}), do: nil defp calculate_timezone(_object, %Address{geom: geom}) do TimezoneDetector.detect( nil, geom, "Etc/UTC" ) end defp get_metdata(%{"attachment" => attachments}) do attachments |> Enum.filter(&(&1["type"] == "PropertyValue")) |> end defp get_metdata(_), do: [] defp get_visibility(object), do: if(@ap_public in object["to"], do: :public, else: :unlisted) @spec date_to_string(DateTime.t() | nil) :: String.t() defp date_to_string(nil), do: nil defp date_to_string(%DateTime{} = date), do: DateTime.to_iso8601(date) @spec shift_tz(DateTime.t(), String.t() | nil) :: DateTime.t() defp shift_tz(%DateTime{} = date, timezone) when is_binary(timezone) do DateTime.shift_zone!(date, timezone) end defp shift_tz(datetime, _tz), do: datetime defp get_online_address(attachments) do Enum.find_value(attachments, fn attachment -> case attachment do %{ "type" => "Link", "href" => url, "mediaType" => "text/html", "name" => @online_address_name } -> url _ -> nil end end) end @spec maybe_add_physical_address(map(), EventModel.t()) :: map() defp maybe_add_physical_address(res, %EventModel{ physical_address: %Address{} = physical_address }) do Map.put(res, "location", AddressConverter.model_to_as(physical_address)) end defp maybe_add_physical_address(res, %EventModel{physical_address: _}), do: res @spec maybe_add_event_picture(map(), EventModel.t()) :: map() defp maybe_add_event_picture(res, %EventModel{picture: %Media{} = picture}) do Map.update( res, "attachment", [], &(&1 ++ [ picture |> MediaConverter.model_to_as() |> Map.put("name", @banner_picture_name) ]) ) end defp maybe_add_event_picture(res, %EventModel{picture: _}), do: res @spec maybe_add_online_address(map(), EventModel.t()) :: map() defp maybe_add_online_address(res, %EventModel{online_address: online_address}) when is_binary(online_address) do Map.update( res, "attachment", [], &(&1 ++ [ %{ "type" => "Link", "href" => online_address, "mediaType" => "text/html", "name" => @online_address_name } ]) ) end defp maybe_add_online_address(res, %EventModel{online_address: _}), do: res @spec maybe_add_inline_media(map(), EventModel.t()) :: map() defp maybe_add_inline_media(res, %EventModel{media: media}) do medias =, &MediaConverter.model_to_as/1) Map.update( res, "attachment", [], &(&1 ++ medias) ) end @spec local?(String.t()) :: boolean() defp local?(url) do %URI{host: url_domain} = URI.parse(url) %URI{host: local_domain} = URI.parse(Endpoint.url()) url_domain == local_domain end @spec get_contacts(map()) :: list(Actor.t()) defp get_contacts(object) do object |> Map.get("contacts", []) |> |> Enum.filter(&match?({:ok, _}, &1)) |> {:ok, contact} -> contact end) end defp get_contact(contact) do contact |> get_url() |> fetch_actor() end @spec remaining_attendee_capacity(map(), integer()) :: integer() | nil defp remaining_attendee_capacity( %{maximum_attendee_capacity: maximum_attendee_capacity}, participant_count ) when is_integer(maximum_attendee_capacity) and maximum_attendee_capacity > 0 do maximum_attendee_capacity - participant_count end defp remaining_attendee_capacity( %{maximum_attendee_capacity: _}, _participant_count ), do: nil def event_summary(%EventModel{ begins_on: begins_on, physical_address: address, options: %EventOptions{timezone: timezone}, language: language }) do begins_on = build_begins_on(begins_on, timezone) begins_on |> datetime_to_string(language || "en", :long) |> (&[&1]).() |> add_timezone(begins_on) |> maybe_build_address(address) |> Enum.join(" - ") end @spec build_begins_on(DateTime.t(), String.t() | nil) :: DateTime.t() defp build_begins_on(begins_on, nil), do: begins_on defp build_begins_on(begins_on, timezone) do case DateTime.shift_zone(begins_on, timezone) do {:ok, begins_on} -> begins_on {:error, _err} -> begins_on end end defp add_timezone(elements, %DateTime{} = begins_on) do elements ++ [Formatter.zone_gmt(begins_on)] end @spec maybe_build_address(list(String.t()), Address.t() | nil) :: list(String.t()) defp maybe_build_address(elements, %Address{} = address) do elements ++ [render_address!(address)] rescue # If the address is not renderable e in ArgumentError -> require Logger Logger.error(Exception.format(:error, e, __STACKTRACE__)) elements end defp maybe_build_address(elements, _address), do: elements end