defmodule MobilizonWeb.Schema do @moduledoc """ GraphQL schema representation """ use Absinthe.Schema alias Mobilizon.{Actors, Events} alias Mobilizon.Actors.{Actor, Follower, Member} alias Mobilizon.Events.{Event, Comment, Participant} import_types(MobilizonWeb.Schema.Custom.UUID) import_types(MobilizonWeb.Schema.Custom.Point) import_types(Absinthe.Type.Custom) import_types(Absinthe.Plug.Types) import_types(MobilizonWeb.Schema.UserType) import_types(MobilizonWeb.Schema.ActorInterface) import_types(MobilizonWeb.Schema.Actors.PersonType) import_types(MobilizonWeb.Schema.Actors.GroupType) import_types(MobilizonWeb.Schema.CommentType) alias MobilizonWeb.Resolvers @desc "A struct containing the id of the deleted object" object :deleted_object do field(:id, :integer) end @desc "A JWT and the associated user ID" object :login do field(:token, non_null(:string), description: "A JWT Token for this session") field(:user, non_null(:user), description: "The user associated to this session") end @desc "A picture" object :picture do field(:url, :string, description: "The URL for this picture") field(:url_thumbnail, :string, description: "The URL for this picture's thumbnail") end @desc """ Represents a notification for an user """ object :notification do field(:id, :integer, description: "The notification ID") field(:user, :user, description: "The user to transmit the notification to") field(:actor, :actor, description: "The notification target profile") field(:activity_type, :integer, description: "Whether the notification is about a follow, group join, event change or comment" ) field(:target_object, :object, description: "The object responsible for the notification") field(:summary, :string, description: "Text inside the notification") field(:seen, :boolean, description: "Whether or not the notification was seen by the user") field(:published, :datetime, description: "Datetime when the notification was published") end union :object do types([:event, :person, :group, :comment, :follower, :member, :participant]) resolve_type(fn %Actor{type: :Person}, _ -> :person %Actor{type: :Group}, _ -> :group %Event{}, _ -> :event %Comment{}, _ -> :comment %Follower{}, _ -> :follower %Member{}, _ -> :member %Participant{}, _ -> :participant end) end @desc "A search result" union :search_result do types([:event, :person, :group]) resolve_type(fn %Actor{type: :Person}, _ -> :person %Actor{type: :Group}, _ -> :group %Event{}, _ -> :event end) end def context(ctx) do loader = |> Dataloader.add_source(Actors, |> Dataloader.add_source(Events, Map.put(ctx, :loader, loader) end def plugins do [Absinthe.Middleware.Dataloader] ++ Absinthe.Plugin.defaults() end @desc """ Root Query """ query do @desc "Search through events, persons and groups" field :search, list_of(:search_result) do arg(:search, non_null(:string)) arg(:page, :integer, default_value: 1) arg(:limit, :integer, default_value: 10) resolve(&Resolvers.Event.search_events_and_actors/3) end import_fields(:user_queries) import_fields(:person_queries) import_fields(:group_queries) import_fields(:event_queries) import_fields(:participant_queries) import_fields(:category_queries) end @desc """ Root Mutation """ mutation do import_fields(:user_mutations) import_fields(:person_mutations) import_fields(:group_mutations) import_fields(:event_mutations) import_fields(:category_mutations) import_fields(:comment_mutations) # @desc "Upload a picture" # field :upload_picture, :picture do # arg(:file, non_null(:upload)) # resolve(&Resolvers.Upload.upload_picture/3) # end end end