defmodule MobilizonWeb.API.Events do @moduledoc """ API for Events """ alias Mobilizon.Events.Event alias Mobilizon.Service.ActivityPub alias Mobilizon.Service.ActivityPub.Utils, as: ActivityPubUtils alias MobilizonWeb.API.Utils @doc """ Create an event """ @spec create_event(map()) :: {:ok, Activity.t(), Event.t()} | any() def create_event(%{organizer_actor: organizer_actor} = args) do with %{ title: title, physical_address: physical_address, picture: picture, content_html: content_html, tags: tags, to: to, cc: cc, begins_on: begins_on, ends_on: ends_on, category: category, options: options } <- prepare_args(args), event <- ActivityPubUtils.make_event_data( organizer_actor.url, %{to: to, cc: cc}, title, content_html, picture, tags, %{ begins_on: begins_on, ends_on: ends_on, physical_address: physical_address, category: category, options: options } ) do ActivityPub.create(%{ to: [""], actor: organizer_actor, object: event, local: true }) end end @doc """ Update an event """ @spec update_event(map(), Event.t()) :: {:ok, Activity.t(), Event.t()} | any() def update_event( %{ organizer_actor: organizer_actor } = args, %Event{} = event ) do with args <- Map.put(args, :tags, Map.get(args, :tags, [])), %{ title: title, physical_address: physical_address, picture: picture, content_html: content_html, tags: tags, to: to, cc: cc, begins_on: begins_on, ends_on: ends_on, category: category, options: options } <- prepare_args(Map.merge(event, args)), event <- ActivityPubUtils.make_event_data( organizer_actor.url, %{to: to, cc: cc}, title, content_html, picture, tags, %{ begins_on: begins_on, ends_on: ends_on, physical_address: physical_address, category: category, options: options }, event.uuid, event.url ) do ActivityPub.update(%{ to: [""], actor: organizer_actor.url, cc: [], object: event, local: true }) end end defp prepare_args( %{ organizer_actor: organizer_actor, title: title, description: description, options: options, tags: tags, begins_on: begins_on, category: category } = args ) do with physical_address <- Map.get(args, :physical_address, nil), title <- String.trim(title), visibility <- Map.get(args, :visibility, :public), picture <- Map.get(args, :picture, nil), {content_html, tags, to, cc} <- Utils.prepare_content(organizer_actor, description, visibility, tags, nil) do %{ title: title, physical_address: physical_address, picture: picture, content_html: content_html, tags: tags, to: to, cc: cc, begins_on: begins_on, ends_on: Map.get(args, :ends_on, nil), category: category, options: options } end end @doc """ Trigger the deletion of an event If the event is deleted by """ def delete_event(%Event{} = event, federate \\ true) do ActivityPub.delete(event, federate) end end