defmodule Mobilizon.Service.AntiSpam.Akismet do @moduledoc """ Validate user data """ alias Exkismet.Comment, as: AkismetComment alias Mobilizon.{Actors, Discussions, Events, Users} alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Discussions.Comment alias Mobilizon.Events.Event alias Mobilizon.Reports.Report alias Mobilizon.Service.AntiSpam.Provider alias Mobilizon.Users.User alias Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint require Logger @behaviour Provider @env Application.compile_env(:mobilizon, :env) @impl Provider @spec check_user(String.t(), String.t(), String.t()) :: :ham | :spam | :discard | {:error, HTTPoison.Response.t()} def check_user(email, ip, user_agent) do check_content(%AkismetComment{ blog: homepage(), user_ip: ip, comment_author_email: email, user_agent: user_agent, comment_type: "signup" }) end @impl Provider @spec check_profile(String.t(), String.t(), String.t() | nil, String.t(), String.t()) :: :ham | :spam | :discard | {:error, HTTPoison.Response.t()} def check_profile(username, summary, email \\ nil, ip \\ "", user_agent \\ nil) do check_content(%AkismetComment{ blog: homepage(), user_ip: ip, comment_author: username, comment_author_email: email, comment_content: summary, user_agent: user_agent, comment_type: "signup" }) end @impl Provider @spec check_event(String.t(), String.t(), String.t() | nil, String.t(), String.t()) :: :ham | :spam | :discard | {:error, HTTPoison.Response.t()} def check_event(event_body, username, email \\ nil, ip \\ "", user_agent \\ nil) do check_content(%AkismetComment{ blog: homepage(), user_ip: ip, comment_author: username, comment_author_email: email, comment_content: event_body, user_agent: user_agent, comment_type: "blog-post" }) end @impl Provider @spec check_comment(String.t(), String.t(), boolean(), String.t() | nil, String.t(), String.t()) :: :ham | :spam | :discard | {:error, HTTPoison.Response.t()} def check_comment( comment_body, username, is_reply?, email \\ nil, ip \\ "", user_agent \\ nil ) do check_content(%AkismetComment{ blog: homepage(), user_ip: ip, comment_author: username, comment_author_email: email, comment_content: comment_body, user_agent: user_agent, comment_type: if(is_reply?, do: "reply", else: "comment") }) end @spec report_ham(Report.t()) :: :ok | {:error, atom()} | {:error, HTTPoison.Response.t()} def report_ham(%Report{} = report) do report |> report_to_akismet_comment() |> submit_ham() end @spec report_spam(Report.t()) :: :ok | {:error, atom()} | {:error, HTTPoison.Response.t()} def report_spam(%Report{} = report) do report |> report_to_akismet_comment() |> submit_spam() end @spec homepage() :: String.t() defp homepage do Endpoint.url() end defp check_content(%AkismetComment{} = comment) do if @env != :test and ready?() do comment |> Exkismet.comment_check(key: api_key()) else :ham end end defp api_key do Application.get_env(:mobilizon, __MODULE__) |> get_in([:key]) end @impl Provider def ready?, do: !is_nil(api_key()) @spec report_to_akismet_comment(Report.t()) :: AkismetComment.t() | {:error, atom()} defp report_to_akismet_comment(%Report{comments: [comment | _]}) do with %Comment{text: body, actor: %Actor{} = actor} <- Discussions.get_comment_with_preload(, {email, preferred_username, ip} <- actor_details(actor) do %AkismetComment{ blog: homepage(), comment_content: body, comment_author_email: email, comment_author: preferred_username, user_ip: ip } else {:error, err} -> {:error, err} err -> {:error, err} end end defp report_to_akismet_comment(%Report{event: %Event{id: event_id}}) do with %Event{description: body, organizer_actor: %Actor{} = actor} <- Events.get_event_with_preload!(event_id), {email, preferred_username, ip} <- actor_details(actor) do %AkismetComment{ blog: homepage(), comment_content: body, comment_author_email: email, comment_author: preferred_username, user_ip: ip } else {:error, err} -> {:error, err} err -> {:error, err} end end defp report_to_akismet_comment(%Report{reported_id: reported_id}) do case reported_id |> Actors.get_actor_with_preload!() |> actor_details() do {email, preferred_username, ip} -> %AkismetComment{ blog: homepage(), comment_author_email: email, comment_author: preferred_username, user_ip: ip } {:error, err} -> {:error, err} err -> {:error, err} end end @spec actor_details(Actor.t()) :: {String.t(), String.t(), any()} | {:error, :invalid_actor} defp actor_details(%Actor{ type: :Person, preferred_username: preferred_username, user: %User{ current_sign_in_ip: current_sign_in_ip, last_sign_in_ip: last_sign_in_ip, email: email } }) do {email, preferred_username, current_sign_in_ip || last_sign_in_ip} end defp actor_details(%Actor{ type: :Person, preferred_username: preferred_username, user_id: user_id }) when not is_nil(user_id) do case user_id |> Users.get_user() |> user_details() do {email, ip} -> {preferred_username, email, ip} _ -> {:error, :invalid_actor} end end defp actor_details(%Actor{ type: :Person, preferred_username: preferred_username, user_id: nil }) do {nil, preferred_username, ""} end defp actor_details(_) do {:error, :invalid_actor} end @spec user_details(User.t()) :: {String.t(), any()} | {:error, :user_not_found} defp user_details(%User{ current_sign_in_ip: current_sign_in_ip, last_sign_in_ip: last_sign_in_ip, email: email }) do {email, current_sign_in_ip || last_sign_in_ip} end defp user_details(_), do: {:error, :user_not_found} @spec submit_spam(AkismetComment.t() | :error) :: :ok | {:error, atom()} | {:error, HTTPoison.Response.t()} defp submit_spam(%AkismetComment{} = comment) do comment |> tap(fn comment ->"Submitting content to Akismet as spam: #{inspect(comment)}") end) |> Exkismet.submit_spam(key: api_key()) |> log_response() end defp submit_spam({:error, err}), do: {:error, err} @spec submit_ham(AkismetComment.t() | :error) :: :ok | {:error, atom()} | {:error, HTTPoison.Response.t()} defp submit_ham(%AkismetComment{} = comment) do comment |> tap(fn comment ->"Submitting content to Akismet as ham: #{inspect(comment)}") end) |> Exkismet.submit_ham(key: api_key()) |> log_response() end defp submit_ham({:error, err}), do: {:error, err} defp log_response(res), do: tap(res, fn res -> Logger.debug("Return from Akismet is: #{inspect(res)}") end) end