# Portions of this file are derived from Pleroma: # Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only # Upstream: https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma/blob/develop/lib/pleroma/uploaders/local.ex defmodule MobilizonWeb.Uploaders.Local do @moduledoc """ Local uploader for files """ @behaviour MobilizonWeb.Uploaders.Uploader def get_file(_) do {:ok, {:static_dir, upload_path()}} end def put_file(upload) do {path, file} = local_path(upload.path) result_file = Path.join(path, file) unless File.exists?(result_file) do File.cp!(upload.tempfile, result_file) end :ok end def remove_file(path) do with {path, file} <- local_path(path), full_path <- Path.join(path, file), true <- File.exists?(full_path), :ok <- File.rm(full_path), :ok <- remove_folder(path) do {:ok, path} else false -> {:error, "File #{path} doesn't exist"} end end defp remove_folder(path) do with {:subfolder, true} <- {:subfolder, path != upload_path()}, {:empty_folder, {:ok, [] = _files}} <- {:empty_folder, File.ls(path)} do File.rmdir(path) else {:subfolder, _} -> :ok {:empty_folder, _} -> {:error, "Error: Folder is not empty"} end end defp local_path(path) do case Enum.reverse(String.split(path, "/", trim: true)) do [file] -> {upload_path(), file} [file | folders] -> path = Path.join([upload_path()] ++ Enum.reverse(folders)) File.mkdir_p!(path) {path, file} end end def upload_path do Mobilizon.CommonConfig.get!([__MODULE__, :uploads]) end end