defmodule Mobilizon.Service.DateTimeTest do @moduledoc """ Test representing datetimes in defined locale """ use Mobilizon.DataCase alias Mobilizon.Service.DateTime, as: DateTimeTools @datetime "2021-06-22T15:25:29.531539Z" describe "render a datetime to string" do test "standard datetime" do {:ok, datetime, _} = DateTime.from_iso8601(@datetime) assert DateTimeTools.datetime_to_string(datetime) == "Jun 22, 2021, 3:25:29 PM" assert DateTimeTools.datetime_to_string(datetime, "fr") == "22 juin 2021, 15:25:29" assert DateTimeTools.datetime_to_string(datetime, "fr", :long) == "22 juin 2021, 15:25:29 UTC" end test "non existing or loaded locale fallbacks to english" do {:ok, datetime, _} = DateTime.from_iso8601(@datetime) assert DateTimeTools.datetime_to_string(datetime, "es") == "Jun 22, 2021, 3:25:29 PM" end end describe "render a time to string" do test "standard time" do {:ok, datetime, _} = DateTime.from_iso8601(@datetime) assert DateTimeTools.datetime_to_time_string(datetime) == "3:25 PM" assert DateTimeTools.datetime_to_time_string(datetime, "fr") == "15:25" end test "non existing or loaded locale fallbacks to english" do {:ok, datetime, _} = DateTime.from_iso8601(@datetime) assert DateTimeTools.datetime_to_time_string(datetime, "pl") == "3:25 PM" end end describe "convert a datetime with a timezone" do test "with an existing tz" do {:ok, datetime, _} = DateTime.from_iso8601(@datetime) converted_datetime = DateTimeTools.datetime_tz_convert(datetime, "Europe/Paris") assert %DateTime{time_zone: "Europe/Paris", utc_offset: 3600} = converted_datetime assert converted_datetime |> DateTime.to_unix() == datetime |> DateTime.to_unix() end test "with an non existing tz" do {:ok, datetime, _} = DateTime.from_iso8601(@datetime) converted_datetime = DateTimeTools.datetime_tz_convert(datetime, "Planet/Mars") assert converted_datetime == datetime end end describe "gets relative time to a datetime" do test "standard time" do then = DateTime.add(DateTime.utc_now(), 3600 * -5) assert DateTimeTools.datetime_relative(then) == "5 hours ago" assert DateTimeTools.datetime_relative(then, "fr") == "il y a 5 heures" end test "non existing or loaded locale fallbacks to english" do then = DateTime.add(DateTime.utc_now(), 3600 * -4) assert DateTimeTools.datetime_relative(then, "pl") == "4 hours ago" end end describe "gets the first day of a week" do # English starts week on sunday, french on monday test "in the past" do assert DateTimeTools.calculate_first_day_of_week(~D[2021-06-25]) == ~D[2021-06-20] end test "same day" do assert DateTimeTools.calculate_first_day_of_week(~D[2021-06-20]) == ~D[2021-06-20] end test "locale" do assert DateTimeTools.calculate_first_day_of_week(~D[2021-06-20], "fr") == ~D[2021-06-14] end end describe "calculate next day notification" do test "same day" do assert DateTimeTools.calculate_next_day_notification(~D[2021-06-20], compare_to: ~U[2021-06-20 10:04:18Z] ) == ~U[2021-06-20 18:00:00Z] end test "tomorrow" do assert DateTimeTools.calculate_next_day_notification(~D[2021-06-20], compare_to: ~U[2021-06-20 18:04:18Z] ) == ~U[2021-06-21 18:00:00Z] end end describe "calculate next week notification" do test "same week" do assert DateTimeTools.calculate_next_week_notification(~U[2021-06-23 15:00:00Z], compare_to: ~U[2021-06-22 10:04:18Z] ) == nil end test "next week" do assert DateTimeTools.calculate_next_week_notification(~U[2021-06-22 15:00:00Z], compare_to: ~U[2021-06-14 10:04:18Z] ) == ~U[2021-06-20 08:00:00Z] end test "next week with custom time" do assert DateTimeTools.calculate_next_week_notification(~U[2021-06-22 15:00:00Z], compare_to: ~U[2021-06-14 10:04:18Z], notification_time: ~T[18:00:00] ) == ~U[2021-06-20 18:00:00Z] end test "next week with custom locale" do assert DateTimeTools.calculate_next_week_notification(~U[2021-06-22 15:00:00Z], compare_to: ~U[2021-06-14 10:04:18Z], locale: "fr" ) == ~U[2021-06-21 08:00:00Z] end test "same day but before time" do assert DateTimeTools.calculate_next_week_notification(~U[2021-06-21 10:00:00Z], compare_to: ~U[2021-06-21 07:00:00Z], locale: "fr" ) == ~U[2021-06-21 08:00:00Z] end test "same day but after time" do assert DateTimeTools.calculate_next_week_notification(~U[2021-06-21 15:00:00Z], compare_to: ~U[2021-06-21 10:04:18Z], locale: "fr" ) == nil end end describe "calculate next day of the week" do test "same week can not send a notification for next week" do assert DateTimeTools.next_first_day_of_week(~U[2021-06-22 15:00:00Z], compare_to: ~U[2021-06-21 10:04:18Z] ) == nil end test "next week can send a notification for next week" do assert DateTimeTools.next_first_day_of_week(~U[2021-06-22 15:00:00Z], compare_to: ~U[2021-06-15 10:04:18Z] ) == ~U[2021-06-20 08:00:00Z] end end describe "check if we're between hours" do test "basic" do refute DateTimeTools.is_between_hours?( compare_to_datetime: ~U[2021-06-22 15:00:00Z], compare_to_day: ~D[2021-06-22] ) assert DateTimeTools.is_between_hours?( compare_to_datetime: ~U[2021-06-22 08:00:00Z], compare_to_day: ~D[2021-06-22] ) assert DateTimeTools.is_between_hours?( compare_to_datetime: ~U[2021-06-22 08:01:00Z], compare_to_day: ~D[2021-06-22] ) end test "with special timezone" do refute DateTimeTools.is_between_hours?( compare_to_datetime: ~U[2021-06-22 08:01:00Z], compare_to_day: ~D[2021-06-22], timezone: "Asia/Brunei" ) assert DateTimeTools.is_between_hours?( compare_to_datetime: ~U[2021-06-22 00:01:00Z], compare_to_day: ~D[2021-06-22], timezone: "Asia/Brunei" ) end end describe "check if we're between hours on right day" do test "basic" do assert DateTimeTools.is_between_hours_on_first_day?( compare_to_datetime: ~U[2021-06-20 08:00:00Z], compare_to_day: ~D[2021-06-20] ) assert DateTimeTools.is_between_hours_on_first_day?( compare_to_datetime: ~U[2021-06-21 08:00:00Z], compare_to_day: ~D[2021-06-21], locale: "fr" ) end test "with special timezone" do refute DateTimeTools.is_between_hours_on_first_day?( compare_to_datetime: ~U[2021-06-21 08:00:00Z], compare_to_day: ~D[2021-06-21], locale: "fr", timezone: "Asia/Srednekolymsk" ) assert DateTimeTools.is_between_hours_on_first_day?( compare_to_datetime: ~U[2021-06-20 21:00:00Z], compare_to_day: ~D[2021-06-21], locale: "fr", timezone: "Asia/Srednekolymsk" ) end end end