defmodule Mobilizon.Web.ExportController do @moduledoc """ Controller to serve exported files """ use Mobilizon.Web, :controller plug(:put_layout, false) action_fallback(Mobilizon.Web.FallbackController) alias Mobilizon.Export import Mobilizon.Service.Export.Participants.Common, only: [enabled_formats: 0, export_path: 1] import Mobilizon.Web.Gettext, only: [dgettext: 3] # sobelow_skip ["Traversal.SendDownload"] @spec export(Plug.Conn.t(), map) :: {:error, :not_found} | Plug.Conn.t() def export(conn, %{"format" => format, "file" => file}) do if format in enabled_formats() do case Export.get_export(file, "event_participants", format) do %Export{file_name: file_name, file_path: file_path} -> local_path = Path.join(export_path(format), file_path) # We're using encode: false to disable escaping the filename with URI.encode_www_form/1 # but it may introduce an security issue if the event title wasn't properly sanitized # # send_download(conn, {:file, local_path}, filename: file_name, encode: false) nil -> {:error, :not_found} end else send_resp( conn, 404, dgettext("errors", "Export to format %{format} is not enabled on this instance", format: format ) ) end end end