defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.Participant do @moduledoc """ Handles the participation-related GraphQL calls. """ alias Mobilizon.{Actors, Config, Crypto, Events} alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Events.{Event, Participant} alias Mobilizon.GraphQL.API.Participations alias Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.Person alias Mobilizon.Users.User alias Mobilizon.Web.Email alias Mobilizon.Web.Email.Checker require Logger @doc """ Join an event for an regular actor """ def actor_join_event( _parent, %{actor_id: actor_id, event_id: event_id} = args, %{context: %{current_user: %User{} = user}} ) do case User.owns_actor(user, actor_id) do {:is_owned, %Actor{} = actor} -> do_actor_join_event(actor, event_id, args) _ -> {:error, "Actor id is not owned by authenticated user"} end end @doc """ Join an event for an anonymous actor """ def actor_join_event( _parent, %{actor_id: actor_id, event_id: event_id} = args, _resolution ) do with {:has_event, {:ok, %Event{} = event}} <- {:has_event, Mobilizon.Events.get_event_with_preload(event_id)}, {:anonymous_participation_enabled, true} <- {:anonymous_participation_enabled, event.local == true && Config.anonymous_participation?() && event.options.anonymous_participation == true}, {:anonymous_actor_id, true} <- {:anonymous_actor_id, to_string(Config.anonymous_actor_id()) == actor_id}, {:email_required, true} <- {:email_required, Config.anonymous_participation_email_required?() && args |> Map.get(:email) |> valid_email?()}, {:confirmation_token, {confirmation_token, role}} <- {:confirmation_token, if(Config.anonymous_participation_email_confirmation_required?(), do: {Crypto.random_string(30), :not_confirmed}, else: {nil, :participant} )}, # We only federate if the participation is not to be confirmed later args <- args |> Map.put(:confirmation_token, confirmation_token) |> Map.put(:cancellation_token, Crypto.random_string(30)) |> Map.put(:role, role) |> Map.put(:local, role == :participant), {:actor_not_found, %Actor{} = actor} <- {:actor_not_found, Actors.get_actor_with_preload(actor_id)}, {:ok, %Participant{} = participant} <- do_actor_join_event(actor, event_id, args) do if Config.anonymous_participation_email_required?() && Config.anonymous_participation_email_confirmation_required?() do args |> Map.get(:email) |> Email.Participation.anonymous_participation_confirmation(participant) |> Email.Mailer.deliver_later() end {:ok, participant} else {:error, err} -> {:error, err} {:has_event, _} -> {:error, "Event with this ID #{inspect(event_id)} doesn't exist"} {:anonymous_participation_enabled, false} -> {:error, "Anonymous participation is not enabled"} {:anonymous_actor_id, false} -> {:error, "Actor ID provided is not the anonymous actor one"} {:email_required, _} -> {:error, "A valid email is required by your instance"} {:actor_not_found, _} -> Logger.error( "The actor ID \"#{actor_id}\" provided by configuration doesn't match any actor in database" ) {:error, "Internal Error"} end end def actor_join_event(_parent, _args, _resolution) do {:error, "You need to be logged-in to join an event"} end @spec do_actor_join_event(Actor.t(), integer | String.t(), map()) :: {:ok, Participant.t()} | {:error, String.t()} defp do_actor_join_event(actor, event_id, args) do with {:has_event, {:ok, %Event{} = event}} <- {:has_event, Events.get_event_with_preload(event_id)}, {:ok, _activity, participant} <- Participations.join(event, actor, args), %Participant{} = participant <- participant |> Map.put(:event, event) |> Map.put(:actor, Person.proxify_pictures(actor)) do {:ok, participant} else {:maximum_attendee_capacity, _} -> {:error, "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"} {:has_event, _} -> {:error, "Event with this ID #{inspect(event_id)} doesn't exist"} {:error, :event_not_found} -> {:error, "Event id not found"} {:ok, %Participant{}} -> {:error, "You are already a participant of this event"} end end @doc """ Leave an event for an actor """ def actor_leave_event( _parent, %{actor_id: actor_id, event_id: event_id, token: token}, _resolution ) when not is_nil(token) do with {:anonymous_participation_enabled, true} <- {:anonymous_participation_enabled, Config.anonymous_participation?()}, {:anonymous_actor_id, true} <- {:anonymous_actor_id, to_string(Config.anonymous_actor_id()) == actor_id}, {:has_event, {:ok, %Event{} = event}} <- {:has_event, Mobilizon.Events.get_event_with_preload(event_id)}, %Actor{} = actor <- Actors.get_actor_with_preload(actor_id), {:ok, _activity, %Participant{id: participant_id} = _participant} <- Participations.leave(event, actor, %{local: false, cancellation_token: token}) do {:ok, %{event: %{id: event_id}, actor: %{id: actor_id}, id: participant_id}} else {:has_event, _} -> {:error, "Event with this ID #{inspect(event_id)} doesn't exist"} {:is_owned, nil} -> {:error, "Actor id is not owned by authenticated user"} {:only_organizer, true} -> {:error, "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"} {:error, :participant_not_found} -> {:error, "Participant not found"} end end def actor_leave_event( _parent, %{actor_id: actor_id, event_id: event_id}, %{context: %{current_user: user}} ) do with {:is_owned, %Actor{} = actor} <- User.owns_actor(user, actor_id), {:has_event, {:ok, %Event{} = event}} <- {:has_event, Events.get_event_with_preload(event_id)}, {:ok, _activity, _participant} <- Participations.leave(event, actor) do {:ok, %{event: %{id: event_id}, actor: %{id: actor_id}}} else {:has_event, _} -> {:error, "Event with this ID #{inspect(event_id)} doesn't exist"} {:is_owned, nil} -> {:error, "Actor id is not owned by authenticated user"} {:only_organizer, true} -> {:error, "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"} {:error, :participant_not_found} -> {:error, "Participant not found"} end end def actor_leave_event(_parent, _args, _resolution) do {:error, "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"} end def update_participation( _parent, %{id: participation_id, moderator_actor_id: moderator_actor_id, role: new_role}, %{ context: %{ current_user: user } } ) do # Check that moderator provided is rightly authenticated with {:is_owned, moderator_actor} <- User.owns_actor(user, moderator_actor_id), # Check that participation already exists {:has_participation, %Participant{role: old_role} = participation} <- {:has_participation, Events.get_participant(participation_id)}, {:same_role, false} <- {:same_role, new_role == old_role}, # Check that moderator has right {:actor_approve_permission, true} <- {:actor_approve_permission, Events.moderator_for_event?(, moderator_actor_id)}, {:ok, _activity, participation} <- Participations.update(participation, moderator_actor, new_role) do {:ok, participation} else {:is_owned, nil} -> {:error, "Moderator Actor ID is not owned by authenticated user"} {:has_participation, nil} -> {:error, "Participant not found"} {:actor_approve_permission, _} -> {:error, "Provided moderator actor ID doesn't have permission on this event"} {:same_role, true} -> {:error, "Participant already has role #{new_role}"} {:error, :participant_not_found} -> {:error, "Participant not found"} end end @spec confirm_participation_from_token(map(), map(), map()) :: {:ok, Participant.t()} | {:error, String.t()} def confirm_participation_from_token( _parent, %{confirmation_token: confirmation_token}, _context ) do with {:has_participant, %Participant{actor: actor, role: :not_confirmed, event: event} = participant} <- {:has_participant, Events.get_participant_by_confirmation_token(confirmation_token)}, default_role <- Events.get_default_participant_role(event), {:ok, _activity, %Participant{} = participant} <- Participations.update(participant, actor, default_role) do {:ok, participant} else {:has_participant, _} -> {:error, "This token is invalid"} end end @spec valid_email?(String.t() | nil) :: boolean defp valid_email?(email) when is_nil(email), do: false defp valid_email?(email) when is_bitstring(email) do email |> String.trim() |> Checker.valid?() end end