const path = require("path"); const ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin = require("fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin"); module.exports = { devServer: { proxy: "", }, runtimeCompiler: true, lintOnSave: process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production", filenameHashing: true, productionSourceMap: false, outputDir: path.resolve(__dirname, "../priv/static"), configureWebpack: (config) => { // Limit the used memory when building // Source : // get a reference to the existing ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin const existingForkTsChecker = config.plugins.filter( (p) => p instanceof ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin )[0]; // remove the existing ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin // so that we can replace it with our modified version config.plugins = config.plugins.filter( (p) => !(p instanceof ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin) ); // copy the options from the original ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin // instance and add the memoryLimit property const forkTsCheckerOptions = existingForkTsChecker.options; forkTsCheckerOptions.memoryLimit = process.env.NODE_BUILD_MEMORY || 2048; config.plugins.push(new ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin(forkTsCheckerOptions)); }, chainWebpack: (config) => { // remove the prefetch plugin config.plugins.delete("prefetch"); }, css: { loaderOptions: { scss: { additionalData: `@import "@/variables.scss";`, }, }, }, };