defmodule MobilizonWeb.ActivityPub.ObjectView do use MobilizonWeb, :view alias MobilizonWeb.ActivityPub.ObjectView alias Mobilizon.Service.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier alias Mobilizon.Service.ActivityPub.Utils def render("event.json", %{event: event}) do event = %{ "type" => "Event", "actor" => event["actor"], "id" => event["id"], "name" => event["title"], "category" => render_one(event["category"], ObjectView, "category.json", as: :category), "content" => event["summary"], "mediaType" => "text/html" # "published" => Timex.format!(event.inserted_at, "{ISO:Extended}"), # "updated" => Timex.format!(event.updated_at, "{ISO:Extended}") } Map.merge(event, Utils.make_json_ld_header()) end def render("comment.json", %{comment: comment}) do comment = %{ "actor" => comment["actor"], "uuid" => comment["uuid"], # The activity should have attributedTo, not the comment itself # "attributedTo" => comment.attributed_to, "type" => "Note", "id" => comment["id"], "content" => comment["content"], "mediaType" => "text/html" # "published" => Timex.format!(comment.inserted_at, "{ISO:Extended}"), # "updated" => Timex.format!(comment.updated_at, "{ISO:Extended}") } Map.merge(comment, Utils.make_json_ld_header()) end def render("category.json", %{category: category}) do %{ "identifier" =>, "name" => category.title } end def render("category.json", %{category: nil}) do nil end end