import { EventMetadataType, EventMetadataKeyType, EventMetadataCategories, } from "@/types/enums"; import { IEventMetadataDescription } from "@/types/event-metadata"; import { i18n } from "@/utils/i18n"; const t =; export const eventMetaDataList: IEventMetadataDescription[] = [ { icon: "wheelchair-accessibility", key: "mz:accessibility:wheelchairAccessible", label: t("Wheelchair accessibility") as string, description: t( "Whether the event is accessible with a wheelchair" ) as string, value: "no", type: EventMetadataType.STRING, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.CHOICE, choices: { no: t("Not accessible with a wheelchair") as string, partially: t("Partially accessible with a wheelchair") as string, fully: t("Fully accessible with a wheelchair") as string, }, category: EventMetadataCategories.ACCESSIBILITY, }, { icon: "subtitles", key: "mz:accessibility:live:subtitle", label: t("Subtitles") as string, description: t("Whether the event live video is subtitled") as string, value: "false", type: EventMetadataType.BOOLEAN, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.PLAIN, choices: { true: t("The event live video contains subtitles") as string, false: t("The event live video does not contain subtitles") as string, }, category: EventMetadataCategories.ACCESSIBILITY, }, { icon: "mz:icon:sign_language", key: "mz:accessibility:live:sign_language", label: t("Sign Language") as string, description: t( "Whether the event is interpreted in sign language" ) as string, value: "false", type: EventMetadataType.BOOLEAN, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.PLAIN, choices: { true: t("The event has a sign language interpreter") as string, false: t("The event hasn't got a sign language interpreter") as string, }, category: EventMetadataCategories.ACCESSIBILITY, }, { icon: "smoking-off", key: "mz:accessibility:smokeFree", label: t("Smoke free") as string, description: t("Whether smoking is prohibited during the event") as string, value: "false", type: EventMetadataType.BOOLEAN, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.PLAIN, choices: { true: t("Smoke free") as string, false: t("Smoking allowed") as string, }, category: EventMetadataCategories.ACCESSIBILITY, }, { icon: "youtube", key: "mz:replay:youtube:url", label: t("YouTube replay") as string, description: t( "The URL where the event live can be watched again after it has ended" ) as string, value: "", type: EventMetadataType.STRING, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.URL, pattern: /http(?:s?):\/\/(?:www\.)?youtu(?:be\.com\/watch\?v=|\.be\/)([\w\-_]*)(&(amp;)?‌[\w?‌=]*)?/, category: EventMetadataCategories.REPLAY, }, // { // icon: "twitch", // key: "mz:replay:twitch:url", // label: t("Twitch replay") as string, // description: t( // "The URL where the event live can be watched again after it has ended" // ) as string, // value: "", // type: EventMetadataType.STRING, // }, { icon: "mz:icon:peertube", key: "mz:replay:peertube:url", label: t("PeerTube replay") as string, description: t( "The URL where the event live can be watched again after it has ended" ) as string, value: "", type: EventMetadataType.STRING, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.URL, pattern: /^https?:\/\/([^/]+)\/(?:videos\/(?:watch|embed)|w)\/([^/]+)$/, category: EventMetadataCategories.REPLAY, }, { icon: "mz:icon:peertube", key: "mz:live:peertube:url", label: t("PeerTube live") as string, description: t("The URL where the event can be watched live") as string, value: "", type: EventMetadataType.STRING, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.URL, pattern: /^https?:\/\/([^/]+)\/(?:videos\/(?:watch|embed)|w)\/([^/]+)$/, category: EventMetadataCategories.LIVE, }, { icon: "twitch", key: "mz:live:twitch:url", label: t("Twitch live") as string, description: t("The URL where the event can be watched live") as string, value: "", type: EventMetadataType.STRING, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.URL, placeholder: "", pattern: /^(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.|go\.)?twitch\.tv\/([a-z0-9_]+)($|\?)/, category: EventMetadataCategories.LIVE, }, { icon: "youtube", key: "mz:live:youtube:url", label: t("YouTube live") as string, description: t("The URL where the event can be watched live") as string, value: "", type: EventMetadataType.STRING, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.URL, pattern: /http(?:s?):\/\/(?:www\.)?youtu(?:be\.com\/watch\?v=|\.be\/)([\w\-_]*)(&(amp;)?‌[\w?‌=]*)?/, category: EventMetadataCategories.LIVE, }, { icon: "mz:icon:owncast", key: "mz:live:owncast:url", label: t("Owncast") as string, description: t("The URL where the event can be watched live") as string, value: "", type: EventMetadataType.STRING, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.URL, pattern: /^https?:\/\/(([^/.]+)\.)+([a-z]+)\/?/, category: EventMetadataCategories.LIVE, }, { icon: "calendar-check", key: "mz:poll:framadate:url", label: t("Framadate poll") as string, description: t( "The URL of a poll where the choice for the event date is happening" ) as string, value: "", placeholder: "", type: EventMetadataType.STRING, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.URL, category: EventMetadataCategories.TOOLS, }, { icon: "file-document-edit", key: "mz:notes:etherpad:url", label: t("Etherpad notes") as string, description: t( "The URL of a pad where notes are being taken collaboratively" ) as string, value: "", placeholder: t( "" ) as string, type: EventMetadataType.STRING, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.URL, category: EventMetadataCategories.TOOLS, }, { icon: "twitter", key: "mz:social:twitter:account", label: t("Twitter account") as string, description: t( "A twitter account handle to follow for event updates" ) as string, value: "", placeholder: "@JoinMobilizon", type: EventMetadataType.STRING, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.HANDLE, category: EventMetadataCategories.SOCIAL, }, { icon: "mz:icon:fediverse", key: "mz:social:fediverse:account_url", label: t("Fediverse account") as string, description: t( "A fediverse account URL to follow for event updates" ) as string, value: "", placeholder: "", type: EventMetadataType.STRING, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.URL, category: EventMetadataCategories.SOCIAL, }, { icon: "ticket-confirmation", key: "mz:ticket:external_url", label: t("Online ticketing") as string, description: t("An URL to an external ticketing platform") as string, value: "", type: EventMetadataType.STRING, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.URL, category: EventMetadataCategories.BOOKING, }, { icon: "cash", key: "mz:ticket:price_url", label: t("Price sheet") as string, description: t("A link to a page presenting the price options") as string, value: "", type: EventMetadataType.STRING, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.URL, category: EventMetadataCategories.DETAILS, }, { icon: "calendar-text", key: "mz:schedule_url", label: t("Schedule") as string, description: t("A link to a page presenting the event schedule") as string, value: "", type: EventMetadataType.STRING, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.URL, category: EventMetadataCategories.DETAILS, }, { icon: "webcam", key: "mz:visio:jitsi_meet", label: t("Jitsi Meet") as string, description: t("The Jitsi Meet video teleconference URL") as string, value: "", type: EventMetadataType.STRING, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.URL, category: EventMetadataCategories.VIDEO_CONFERENCE, placeholder: "", }, { icon: "webcam", key: "mz:visio:zoom", label: t("Zoom") as string, description: t("The Zoom video teleconference URL") as string, value: "", type: EventMetadataType.STRING, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.URL, category: EventMetadataCategories.VIDEO_CONFERENCE, pattern: /https:\/\/.*\.?\/.*/, }, { icon: "microsoft-teams", key: "mz:visio:microsoft_teams", label: t("Microsoft Teams") as string, description: t("The Microsoft Teams video teleconference URL") as string, value: "", type: EventMetadataType.STRING, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.URL, category: EventMetadataCategories.VIDEO_CONFERENCE, pattern: /https:\/\/teams\.live\.com\/meet\/.+/, }, { icon: "google-hangouts", key: "mz:visio:google_meet", label: t("Google Meet") as string, description: t("The Google Meet video teleconference URL") as string, value: "", type: EventMetadataType.STRING, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.URL, category: EventMetadataCategories.VIDEO_CONFERENCE, pattern: /https:\/\/meet\.google\.com\/.+/, }, { icon: "webcam", key: "mz:visio:big_blue_button", label: t("Big Blue Button") as string, description: t("The Big Blue Button video teleconference URL") as string, value: "", type: EventMetadataType.STRING, keyType: EventMetadataKeyType.URL, category: EventMetadataCategories.VIDEO_CONFERENCE, }, ];