# Portions of this file are derived from Pleroma: # Copyright © 2017-2019 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only # Upstream: https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma/blob/develop/lib/pleroma/reverse_proxy.ex defmodule Mobilizon.Web.ReverseProxy do @range_headers ~w(range if-range) @keep_req_headers ~w(accept user-agent accept-encoding cache-control if-modified-since) ++ ~w(if-unmodified-since if-none-match) ++ @range_headers @resp_cache_headers ~w(etag date last-modified) @keep_resp_headers @resp_cache_headers ++ ~w(content-length content-type content-disposition content-encoding) ++ ~w(content-range accept-ranges vary) @default_cache_control_header "public, max-age=1209600" @valid_resp_codes [200, 206, 304] @max_read_duration :timer.seconds(30) @max_body_length :infinity @methods ~w(GET HEAD) @moduledoc """ A reverse proxy. Mobilizon.Web.ReverseProxy.call(conn, url, options) It is not meant to be added into a plug pipeline, but to be called from another plug or controller. Supports `#{inspect(@methods)}` HTTP methods, and only allows `#{inspect(@valid_resp_codes)}` status codes. Responses are chunked to the client while downloading from the upstream. Some request / responses headers are preserved: * request: `#{inspect(@keep_req_headers)}` * response: `#{inspect(@keep_resp_headers)}` If no caching headers (`#{inspect(@resp_cache_headers)}`) are returned by upstream, `cache-control` will be set to `#{inspect(@default_cache_control_header)}`. Options: * `redirect_on_failure` (default `false`). Redirects the client to the real remote URL if there's any HTTP errors. Any error during body processing will not be redirected as the response is chunked. This may expose remote URL, clients IPs, …. * `max_body_length` (default `#{inspect(@max_body_length)}`): limits the content length to be approximately the specified length. It is validated with the `content-length` header and also verified when proxying. * `max_read_duration` (default `#{inspect(@max_read_duration)}` ms): the total time the connection is allowed to read from the remote upstream. * `inline_content_types`: * `true` will not alter `content-disposition` (up to the upstream), * `false` will add `content-disposition: attachment` to any request, * a list of allowlisted content types * `keep_user_agent` will forward the client's user-agent to the upstream. This may be useful if the upstream is doing content transformation (encoding, …) depending on the request. * `req_headers`, `resp_headers` additional headers. * `http`: options for [hackney](https://github.com/benoitc/hackney). """ import Plug.Conn alias Plug.Conn require Logger @type option :: {:keep_user_agent, boolean} | {:max_read_duration, :timer.time() | :infinity} | {:max_body_length, non_neg_integer | :infinity} | {:http, []} | {:req_headers, [{String.t(), String.t()}]} | {:resp_headers, [{String.t(), String.t()}]} | {:inline_content_types, boolean | [String.t()]} | {:redirect_on_failure, boolean} @default_hackney_options [] @inline_content_types [ "image/gif", "image/jpeg", "image/jpg", "image/png", "image/svg+xml", "audio/mpeg", "audio/mp3", "video/webm", "video/mp4", "video/quicktime" ] @spec call(Plug.Conn.t(), url :: String.t(), [option]) :: Plug.Conn.t() def call(_conn, _url, _opts \\ []) def call(conn = %{method: method}, url, opts) when method in @methods do hackney_opts = @default_hackney_options |> Keyword.merge(Keyword.get(opts, :http, [])) req_headers = build_req_headers(conn.req_headers, opts) opts = if filename = filename(url) do Keyword.put_new(opts, :attachment_name, filename) else opts end with {:is_url, true} <- {:is_url, valid_uri?(url)}, {:ok, code, headers, client} <- request(method, url, req_headers, hackney_opts), :ok <- header_length_constraint(headers, Keyword.get(opts, :max_body_length)) do response(conn, client, url, code, headers, opts) else {:ok, code, headers} -> conn |> head_response(url, code, headers, opts) |> halt() {:is_url, false} -> Logger.warning("Tried to reverse proxy URL #{inspect(url)}") conn |> error_or_redirect(url, 400, "Request failed", opts) |> halt() {:error, {:invalid_http_response, code}} -> Logger.error("#{__MODULE__}: request to #{inspect(url)} failed with HTTP status #{code}") conn |> error_or_redirect( url, code, "Request failed: " <> Conn.Status.reason_phrase(code), opts ) |> halt() {:error, error} -> Logger.error("#{__MODULE__}: request to #{inspect(url)} failed: #{inspect(error)}") conn |> error_or_redirect(url, 400, "Request failed", opts) |> halt() end end # sobelow_skip ["XSS.SendResp"] def call(conn, _, _) do conn |> send_resp(400, Conn.Status.reason_phrase(400)) |> halt() end @spec request(String.t(), String.t(), list(tuple()), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, 200 | 206 | 304, list(tuple()), any()} | {:ok, 200 | 206 | 304, list(tuple())} | {:error, {:invalid_http_response, pos_integer()}} | {:error, any()} defp request(method, url, headers, hackney_opts) do Logger.debug("#{__MODULE__} #{method} #{url} #{inspect(headers)}") method = method |> String.downcase() |> String.to_existing_atom() case hackney().request(method, url, headers, "", hackney_opts) do {:ok, code, headers, client} when code in @valid_resp_codes -> {:ok, code, downcase_headers(headers), client} {:ok, code, headers} when code in @valid_resp_codes -> {:ok, code, downcase_headers(headers)} {:ok, code, _, _} -> {:error, {:invalid_http_response, code}} {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end end @spec response(Plug.Conn.t(), any(), String.t(), pos_integer(), list(tuple()), Keyword.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t() defp response(conn, client, url, status, headers, opts) do result = conn |> put_resp_headers(build_resp_headers(headers, opts)) |> send_chunked(status) |> chunk_reply(client, opts) case result do {:ok, conn} -> halt(conn) {:error, :closed, conn} -> :hackney.close(client) halt(conn) {:error, error, conn} -> Logger.warning( "#{__MODULE__} request to #{url} failed while reading/chunking: #{inspect(error)}" ) :hackney.close(client) halt(conn) end end @spec chunk_reply( Plug.Conn.t(), any(), Keyword.t(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer() | :no_duration_limit ) :: {:ok, Plug.Conn.t()} | {:error, any(), Plug.Conn.t()} defp chunk_reply(conn, client, opts) do chunk_reply(conn, client, opts, 0, 0) end defp chunk_reply(conn, client, opts, sent_so_far, duration) do with {:ok, {duration, now}} <- check_read_duration( duration, Keyword.get(opts, :max_read_duration, @max_read_duration) ), {:ok, data} <- hackney().stream_body(client), {:ok, duration} <- increase_read_duration({duration, now}), sent_so_far = sent_so_far + byte_size(data), :ok <- body_size_constraint(sent_so_far, Keyword.get(opts, :max_body_size)), {:ok, conn} <- chunk(conn, data) do chunk_reply(conn, client, opts, sent_so_far, duration) else :done -> {:ok, conn} {:error, error} -> {:error, error, conn} end end @spec head_response(Plug.Conn.t(), any(), pos_integer(), list(tuple()), Keyword.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t() | no_return() defp head_response(conn, _url, code, headers, opts) do conn |> put_resp_headers(build_resp_headers(headers, opts)) |> send_resp(code, "") end # sobelow_skip ["XSS.SendResp"] @spec error_or_redirect(Plug.Conn.t(), String.t(), pos_integer(), String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t() defp error_or_redirect(conn, url, code, body, opts) do if Keyword.get(opts, :redirect_on_failure, false) do conn |> Phoenix.Controller.redirect(external: url) |> halt() else conn |> send_resp(code, body) |> halt end end @spec downcase_headers(list(tuple())) :: list(tuple()) defp downcase_headers(headers) do Enum.map(headers, fn {k, v} -> {String.downcase(k), v} end) end @spec get_content_type(list(tuple())) :: String.t() defp get_content_type(headers) do {_, content_type} = List.keyfind(headers, "content-type", 0, {"content-type", "application/octet-stream"}) [content_type | _] = String.split(content_type, ";") content_type end @spec put_resp_headers(Plug.Conn.t(), list(tuple())) :: Plug.Conn.t() defp put_resp_headers(conn, headers) do Enum.reduce(headers, conn, fn {k, v}, conn -> put_resp_header(conn, k, v) end) end @spec build_req_headers(list(tuple()), Keyword.t()) :: list(tuple()) defp build_req_headers(headers, opts) do headers |> downcase_headers() |> Enum.filter(fn {k, _} -> k in @keep_req_headers end) |> maybe_keep_user_agent(opts) end defp maybe_keep_user_agent(headers, opts) do headers = headers ++ Keyword.get(opts, :req_headers, []) if Keyword.get(opts, :keep_user_agent, false) do List.keystore( headers, "user-agent", 0, {"user-agent", Mobilizon.user_agent()} ) else headers end end @spec build_resp_headers(list(tuple()), Keyword.t()) :: list(tuple()) defp build_resp_headers(headers, opts) do headers |> Enum.filter(fn {k, _} -> k in @keep_resp_headers end) |> build_resp_cache_headers(opts) |> build_resp_content_disposition_header(opts) |> maybe_add_headers_from_opts(opts) end defp maybe_add_headers_from_opts(headers, opts) do headers ++ Keyword.get(opts, :resp_headers, []) end @spec build_resp_cache_headers(list(tuple()), Keyword.t()) :: list(tuple()) defp build_resp_cache_headers(headers, _opts) do has_cache? = Enum.any?(headers, fn {k, _} -> k in @resp_cache_headers end) has_cache_control? = List.keymember?(headers, "cache-control", 0) cond do has_cache? && has_cache_control? -> headers has_cache? -> # There's caching header present but no cache-control -- we need to explicitely override it # to public as Plug defaults to "max-age=0, private, must-revalidate" List.keystore(headers, "cache-control", 0, {"cache-control", "public"}) true -> List.keystore( headers, "cache-control", 0, {"cache-control", @default_cache_control_header} ) end end @spec build_resp_content_disposition_header(list(tuple()), Keyword.t()) :: list(tuple()) defp build_resp_content_disposition_header(headers, opts) do opt = Keyword.get(opts, :inline_content_types, @inline_content_types) content_type = get_content_type(headers) attachment? = cond do is_list(opt) && !Enum.member?(opt, content_type) -> true opt == false -> true true -> false end if attachment? do name = try do {{"content-disposition", content_disposition_string}, _} = List.keytake(headers, "content-disposition", 0) [name | _] = Regex.run( ~r/filename="((?:[^"\\]|\\.)*)"/u, content_disposition_string || "", capture: :all_but_first ) name rescue MatchError -> Keyword.get(opts, :attachment_name, "attachment") end disposition = "attachment; filename=\"#{name}\"" List.keystore(headers, "content-disposition", 0, {"content-disposition", disposition}) else headers end end @spec header_length_constraint(list(tuple()), non_neg_integer()) :: :ok | {:error, :body_too_large} defp header_length_constraint(headers, limit) when is_integer(limit) and limit > 0 do with {_, size} <- List.keyfind(headers, "content-length", 0), {size, _} <- Integer.parse(size), true <- size <= limit do :ok else false -> {:error, :body_too_large} _ -> :ok end end defp header_length_constraint(_, _), do: :ok @spec body_size_constraint(integer(), integer()) :: :ok | {:error, :body_too_large} defp body_size_constraint(size, limit) when is_integer(limit) and limit > 0 and size >= limit do {:error, :body_too_large} end defp body_size_constraint(_, _), do: :ok @spec check_read_duration(any(), integer() | :no_duration_limit) :: {:ok, {integer(), integer()}} | {:ok, {:no_duration_limit, :no_duration_limit}} | {:error, :read_duration_exceeded} defp check_read_duration(duration, max) when is_integer(duration) and is_integer(max) and max > 0 do if duration > max do {:error, :read_duration_exceeded} else {:ok, {duration, :erlang.system_time(:millisecond)}} end end defp check_read_duration(_, _), do: {:ok, {:no_duration_limit, :no_duration_limit}} @spec increase_read_duration( {previous_duration :: pos_integer | :no_duration_limit, started :: pos_integer | :no_duration_limit} ) :: {:ok, pos_integer()} | {:ok, :no_duration_limit} defp increase_read_duration({previous_duration, started}) when is_integer(previous_duration) and is_integer(started) do duration = :erlang.system_time(:millisecond) - started {:ok, previous_duration + duration} end defp increase_read_duration(_) do {:ok, :no_duration_limit} end @spec filename(String.t()) :: String.t() | nil def filename(url_or_path) do if path = URI.parse(url_or_path).path, do: Path.basename(path) end @spec valid_uri?(String.t()) :: boolean() defp valid_uri?(url) do uri = URI.parse(url) uri.scheme != nil && uri.host =~ "." end defp hackney do Application.get_env(:mobilizon, :hackney, :hackney) end end