Thomas Citharel 2f2c538cc9
Add Credo checks and refactor code
Signed-off-by: Thomas Citharel <>

Make Logger.debug calls lazy

Signed-off-by: Thomas Citharel <>

Add missing @moduledocs

Signed-off-by: Thomas Citharel <>

Refactor according to credo

Signed-off-by: Thomas Citharel <>

Final fixes and add credo to CI

Signed-off-by: Thomas Citharel <>

2019-01-03 15:52:48 +01:00

53 lines
1.5 KiB

defmodule MobilizonWeb.Uploaders.Category do
@moduledoc """
Handles file uploads for categories
use Arc.Definition
use Arc.Ecto.Definition
# To add a thumbnail version:
@versions [:original, :thumb]
@extension_whitelist ~w(.jpg .jpeg .gif .png)
# Override the bucket on a per definition basis:
# def bucket do
# :custom_bucket_name
# end
# Whitelist file extensions:
def validate({file, _}) do
file_extension = file.file_name |> Path.extname() |> String.downcase()
Enum.member?(@extension_whitelist, file_extension)
# Define a thumbnail transformation:
def transform(:thumb, _) do
{:convert, "-strip -thumbnail 250x250^ -gravity center -extent 250x250 -format png", :png}
# Override the persisted filenames:
def filename(version, {_file, %{title: title}}) do
# TODO : When we're sure creating a category is secured and made possible only for admins, use category name
# Override the storage directory:
def storage_dir(_, _) do
# Provide a default URL if there hasn't been a file uploaded
# def default_url(version, scope) do
# "/images/avatars/default_#{version}.png"
# end
# Specify custom headers for s3 objects
# Available options are [:cache_control, :content_disposition,
# :content_encoding, :content_length, :content_type,
# :expect, :expires, :storage_class, :website_redirect_location]
# def s3_object_headers(version, {file, scope}) do
# [content_type: MIME.from_path(file.file_name)]
# end