38 lines
983 B
38 lines
983 B
# Script for populating the database. You can run it as:
# mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
# Inside the script, you can read and write to any of your
# repositories directly:
# Eventos.Repo.insert!(%Eventos.SomeSchema{})
# We recommend using the bang functions (`insert!`, `update!`
# and so on) as they will fail if something goes wrong.
import Logger
Eventos.Repo.delete_all Eventos.Accounts.User
{:ok, {privkey, pubkey}} = RsaEx.generate_keypair("4096")
account = Ecto.Changeset.change(%Eventos.Accounts.Account{}, %{
username: "tcit",
description: "myaccount",
display_name: "Thomas Citharel",
domain: nil,
private_key: privkey,
public_key: pubkey,
uri: "",
url: ""
user = Eventos.Accounts.User.registration_changeset(%Eventos.Accounts.User{}, %{
email: "tcit@tcit.fr",
password: "tcittcit",
password_confirmation: "tcittcit"
account_with_user = Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(account, :user, user)