2020-02-13 15:48:12 +01:00
< template >
2020-03-12 14:29:21 +01:00
< section >
2020-02-13 15:48:12 +01:00
< div class = "setting-title" >
< h2 > { { $t ( 'Email' ) } } < / h2 >
< / div >
< i18n tag = "p" class = "content" v-if ="loggedUser" path="Your current email is {email}. You use it to log in." >
< b slot = "email" > { { loggedUser . email } } < / b >
< / i18n >
< b -notification
type = "is-danger"
has - icon
aria - close - label = "Close notification"
role = "alert"
: key = "error"
v - for = "error in changeEmailErrors"
{ { error } }
< / b - n o t i f i c a t i o n >
< form @submit.prevent ="resetEmailAction" ref = "emailForm" class = "form" >
< b -field : label = "$t('New email')" >
< b -input
aria - required = "true"
type = "email"
v - model = "newEmail"
/ >
< / b - f i e l d >
< p class = "help" > { { $t ( "You'll receive a confirmation email." ) } } < / p >
< b -field :label ="$t('Password')" >
< b -input
aria - required = "true"
type = "password"
password - reveal
minlength = "6"
v - model = "passwordForEmailChange"
/ >
< / b - f i e l d >
< button class = "button is-primary" : disabled = "!($refs.emailForm && $refs.emailForm.checkValidity())" >
{ { $t ( 'Change my email' ) } }
< / button >
< / form >
< div class = "setting-title" >
< h2 > { { $t ( 'Password' ) } } < / h2 >
< / div >
< b -notification
type = "is-danger"
has - icon
aria - close - label = "Close notification"
role = "alert"
: key = "error"
v - for = "error in changePasswordErrors"
{ { error } }
< / b - n o t i f i c a t i o n >
< form @submit.prevent ="resetPasswordAction" ref = "passwordForm" class = "form" >
< b -field : label = "$t('Old password')" >
< b -input
aria - required = "true"
type = "password"
password - reveal
minlength = "6"
v - model = "oldPassword"
/ >
< / b - f i e l d >
< b -field : label = "$t('New password')" >
< b -input
aria - required = "true"
type = "password"
password - reveal
minlength = "6"
v - model = "newPassword"
/ >
< / b - f i e l d >
< button class = "button is-primary" : disabled = "!($refs.passwordForm && $refs.passwordForm.checkValidity())" >
{ { $t ( 'Change my password' ) } }
< / button >
< / form >
< div class = "setting-title" >
< h2 > { { $t ( 'Delete account' ) } } < / h2 >
< / div >
< p class = "content" > { { $t ( 'Deleting my account will delete all of my identities.' ) } } < / p >
< b -button @click ="openDeleteAccountModal" type = "is-danger" > { { $t ( 'Delete my account' ) } } < / b - b u t t o n >
< b -modal :active.sync ="isDeleteAccountModalActive"
has - modal - card full - screen : can - cancel = "false" >
< section class = "hero is-primary is-fullheight" >
< div class = "hero-body has-text-centered" >
< div class = "container" >
< div class = "columns" >
< div class = "column is-one-third-desktop is-offset-one-third-desktop" >
< h1 class = "title" >
{ { $t ( 'Deleting your Mobilizon account' ) } }
< / h1 >
< p class = "content" >
{ { $t ( "Are you really sure you want to delete your whole account? You'll lose everything. Identities, settings, events created, messages and participations will be gone forever." ) } }
< br >
< b > { { $t ( 'There will be no way to recover your data.' ) } } < / b >
< / p >
< p class = "content" > { { $t ( 'Please enter your password to confirm this action.' ) } } < / p >
< form @submit.prevent ="deleteAccount" >
< b -field >
< b -input type = "password" v -model = " passwordForAccountDeletion " password -reveal icon = "lock" :placeholder ="$t('Password')" / >
< / b - f i e l d >
< b -button native -type = " submit " type = "is-danger" size = "is-large" > { { $t ( 'Delete everything' ) } } < / b - b u t t o n >
< / form >
< div class = "cancel-button" >
< b -button type = "is-light" @ click = "isDeleteAccountModalActive = false" > { { $t ( 'Cancel' ) } } < / b - b u t t o n >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / section >
< / b - m o d a l >
< / section >
< / template >
< script lang = "ts" >
import { Component , Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator' ;
import { CHANGE _EMAIL , CHANGE _PASSWORD , DELETE _ACCOUNT , LOGGED _USER } from '@/graphql/user' ;
import { RouteName } from '@/router' ;
import { Refs } from '@/shims-vue' ;
import { ICurrentUser } from '@/types/current-user.model' ;
import { logout } from '@/utils/auth' ;
@ Component ( {
apollo : {
loggedUser : LOGGED _USER ,
} ,
} )
export default class AccountSettings extends Vue {
$refs ! : Refs < {
passwordForm : HTMLElement ,
} > ;
loggedUser ! : ICurrentUser ;
passwordForEmailChange : string = '' ;
newEmail : string = '' ;
changeEmailErrors : string [ ] = [ ] ;
oldPassword : string = '' ;
newPassword : string = '' ;
changePasswordErrors : string [ ] = [ ] ;
isDeleteAccountModalActive : boolean = false ;
passwordForAccountDeletion : string = '' ;
RouteName = RouteName ;
async resetEmailAction ( ) {
this . changeEmailErrors = [ ] ;
try {
await this . $apollo . mutate ( {
mutation : CHANGE _EMAIL ,
variables : {
email : this . newEmail ,
password : this . passwordForEmailChange ,
} ,
} ) ;
this . $notifier . info ( this . $t ( "The account's email address was changed. Check your emails to verify it." ) as string ) ;
this . newEmail = '' ;
this . passwordForEmailChange = '' ;
} catch ( err ) {
this . handleErrors ( 'email' , err ) ;
async resetPasswordAction ( ) {
this . changePasswordErrors = [ ] ;
try {
await this . $apollo . mutate ( {
mutation : CHANGE _PASSWORD ,
variables : {
oldPassword : this . oldPassword ,
newPassword : this . newPassword ,
} ,
} ) ;
this . $notifier . success ( this . $t ( 'The password was successfully changed' ) as string ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
this . handleErrors ( 'password' , err ) ;
protected async openDeleteAccountModal ( ) {
this . passwordForAccountDeletion = '' ;
this . isDeleteAccountModalActive = true ;
async deleteAccount ( ) {
try {
await this . $apollo . mutate ( {
mutation : DELETE _ACCOUNT ,
variables : {
password : this . passwordForAccountDeletion ,
} ,
} ) ;
await logout ( this . $apollo . provider . defaultClient ) ;
this . $buefy . notification . open ( {
message : this . $t ( 'Your account has been successfully deleted' ) as string ,
type : 'is-success' ,
position : 'is-bottom-right' ,
duration : 5000 ,
} ) ;
return await this . $router . push ( { name : RouteName . HOME } ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
this . handleErrors ( 'delete' , err ) ;
private handleErrors ( type : string , err : any ) {
console . error ( err ) ;
if ( err . graphQLErrors !== undefined ) {
err . graphQLErrors . forEach ( ( { message } ) => {
switch ( type ) {
case 'email' :
this . changeEmailErrors . push ( this . convertMessage ( message ) as string ) ;
break ;
case 'password' :
this . changePasswordErrors . push ( this . convertMessage ( message ) as string ) ;
break ;
} ) ;
private convertMessage ( message : string ) {
switch ( message ) {
case 'The password provided is invalid' :
return this . $t ( 'The password provided is invalid' ) ;
case 'The new email must be different' :
return this . $t ( 'The new email must be different' ) ;
case "The new email doesn't seem to be valid" :
return this . $t ( "The new email doesn't seem to be valid" ) ;
case 'The current password is invalid' :
return this . $t ( 'The current password is invalid' ) ;
case 'The new password must be different' :
return this . $t ( 'The new password must be different' ) ;
< / script >
< style lang = "scss" scoped >
@ import "@/variables.scss" ;
. setting - title {
margin - top : 3 rem ;
h2 {
display : inline ;
background : $secondary ;
padding : 2 px 7.5 px ;
text - transform : uppercase ;
font - size : 1.25 rem ;
. cancel - button {
margin - top : 2 rem ;
/deep/ . modal . modal - background {
background - color : initial ;
< / style >