forked from
144 lines
3.4 KiB
144 lines
3.4 KiB
<Story title="EventListViewCard">
<Variant title="default">
<EventListViewCard :event="baseEvent" />
<Variant title="long">
<EventListViewCard :event="longEvent" />
<!-- <Variant title="tentative">
<EventListViewCard :event="tentativeEvent" />
<Variant title="cancelled">
<EventListViewCard :event="cancelledEvent" />
</Variant> -->
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { IActor } from "@/types/actor";
import {
} from "@/types/enums";
import { IEvent } from "@/types/event.model";
import { reactive } from "vue";
import EventListViewCard from "./EventListViewCard.vue";
const baseActorAvatar = {
id: "",
name: "",
alt: "",
metadata: {},
url: "",
const baseActor: IActor = {
name: "Thomas Citharel",
preferredUsername: "tcit",
avatar: baseActorAvatar,
domain: null,
url: "",
summary: "",
suspended: false,
type: ActorType.PERSON,
const baseEvent: IEvent = {
uuid: "",
title: "A very interesting event",
description: "Things happen",
beginsOn: new Date().toISOString(),
endsOn: new Date().toISOString(),
physicalAddress: {
description: "Somewhere",
street: "",
locality: "",
region: "",
country: "",
type: "",
postalCode: "",
picture: {
id: "",
name: "",
alt: "",
metadata: {},
url: "",
url: "",
local: true,
slug: "",
publishAt: new Date().toISOString(),
status: EventStatus.CONFIRMED,
visibility: EventVisibility.PUBLIC,
joinOptions: EventJoinOptions.FREE,
draft: false,
participantStats: {
notApproved: 0,
notConfirmed: 0,
rejected: 0,
participant: 0,
creator: 0,
moderator: 0,
administrator: 0,
going: 0,
participants: { total: 0, elements: [] },
relatedEvents: [],
tags: [{ slug: "something", title: "Something" }],
attributedTo: undefined,
organizerActor: {
name: "Hello",
avatar: {
url: "",
comments: [],
options: {
maximumAttendeeCapacity: 0,
remainingAttendeeCapacity: 0,
showRemainingAttendeeCapacity: false,
anonymousParticipation: false,
hideOrganizerWhenGroupEvent: false,
offers: [],
participationConditions: [],
attendees: [],
program: "",
commentModeration: CommentModeration.ALLOW_ALL,
showParticipationPrice: false,
showStartTime: false,
showEndTime: false,
timezone: null,
isOnline: false,
metadata: [],
contacts: [],
language: "en",
category: "hello",
const longEvent = reactive<IEvent>({
"A very long title that will have trouble to display because it will take multiple lines but where will it stop ?! Maybe after 3 lines is enough. Let's say so.",
// const tentativeEvent = reactive<IEvent>({
// ...baseEvent,
// status: EventStatus.TENTATIVE,
// });
// const cancelledEvent = reactive<IEvent>({
// ...baseEvent,
// status: EventStatus.CANCELLED,
// });