From 23071f2cc5a33512f9ed06e439cddd908b671b82 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Weblate <> Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2021 10:08:23 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Update translation files Updated by "Cleanup translation files" hook in Weblate. Translation: Mobilizon/Frontend Translate-URL: --- js/src/i18n/ar.json | 5 ----- js/src/i18n/be.json | 8 +------- js/src/i18n/ca.json | 8 -------- js/src/i18n/de.json | 21 --------------------- js/src/i18n/es.json | 26 -------------------------- js/src/i18n/fi.json | 20 -------------------- js/src/i18n/fr_FR.json | 14 -------------- js/src/i18n/gl.json | 9 --------- js/src/i18n/hu.json | 1 - js/src/i18n/it.json | 3 --- js/src/i18n/ja.json | 1 - js/src/i18n/langs.json | 6 ------ js/src/i18n/nl.json | 18 +----------------- js/src/i18n/nn.json | 1 - js/src/i18n/oc.json | 25 ------------------------- js/src/i18n/pl.json | 9 --------- js/src/i18n/pt_BR.json | 8 -------- js/src/i18n/ru.json | 1 - js/src/i18n/sv.json | 16 ---------------- 19 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 198 deletions(-) diff --git a/js/src/i18n/ar.json b/js/src/i18n/ar.json index e3b4204fe..7750bb146 100644 --- a/js/src/i18n/ar.json +++ b/js/src/i18n/ar.json @@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ "Create my event": "انشئ فعاليتي", "Create my group": "انشئ فريقي", "Create my profile": "انشئ ملفي التعريفي", - "Creator": "المُنشئ", "Current page": "الصفحة الحالية", "Custom": "مخصص", "Custom text": "نص مخصص", @@ -116,7 +115,6 @@ "General information": "معلومات عامة", "Getting location": "جارٍ الحصول على الموقع", "Go": "هيل بنا", - "Group List": "قائمة الفِرَق", "Group name": "اسم الفريق", "Group {displayName} created": "تم إنشاء الفريق {displayName}", "Groups": "الفِرَق", @@ -204,7 +202,6 @@ "Password reset": "تصفير الكلمة السرية", "Past events": "الفعاليات المُنصرمة", "Pick an identity": "اختر هوية", - "Please refresh the page and retry.": "يرجى انعاش الصفحة ثم أعد المحاولة.", "Post a comment": "إضافة تعليق", "Post a reply": "إضافة ردّ", "Postal Code": "الرمز البريدي", @@ -276,7 +273,6 @@ "Welcome back!": "أهلًا بك ثانيةً!", "Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "مرحبًا بك إلى موبيليزون ، {username}!", "Who can view this event and participate": "من يمكنه رؤية هذه الفعالية والمشاركة فيها", - "Write something…": "اكتب شيئا ما…", "You don't follow any instances yet.": "في الوقت الحالي أنت لا تُتابِع أي مثيل خادم.", "You have cancelled your participation": "لقد ألغيتَ مشاركتك", "You need to login.": "يجب عليك الولوج.", @@ -287,7 +283,6 @@ "[This comment has been deleted]": "[لقد حُذِف هذا التعليق]", "as {identity}": "كـ {identity}", "e.g. 10 Rue Jangot": "مثال : 10 شارع جانغو", - "on our blog": "على مدوّنتنا", "respect of the fundamental freedoms": "احترام الحريات الأساسية", "terms of service": "الشروط العامة للإستخدام", "with another identity…": "بهوية أخرى…", diff --git a/js/src/i18n/be.json b/js/src/i18n/be.json index 0a60cd2ba..15e927419 100644 --- a/js/src/i18n/be.json +++ b/js/src/i18n/be.json @@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ "Create my group": "Стварыць групу", "Create my profile": "Стварыць профіль", "Create token": "Стварыць токен", - "Creator": "Стваральнік/стваральніца", "Current identity has been changed to {identityName} in order to manage this event.": "Бягучая ідэнтычнасць змененая на {identityName}, каб можна было рэдагаваць гэту падзею.", "Dashboard": "Панэль кіравання", "Date": "Дата", @@ -94,7 +93,6 @@ "Ends on…": "Заканчваецца…", "Enter the link URL": "Увядзіце адрас URL", "Error while changing email": "Памылка пры змяненні email", - "Error while saving report.": "Памылка падчас запісу паведамлення пра праблемы.", "Error while validating account": "Памылка падчас пацвярджэння ўліковага запісу", "Event": "Падзея", "Event already passed": "Падзея ўжо прайшла", @@ -126,7 +124,6 @@ "General information": "Агульная інфармацыя", "Getting location": "Атрыманне месцапалажэння", "Go": "Перайсці", - "Group List": "Спіс груп", "Group name": "Назва групы", "Group {displayName} created": "Створаная група {displayName}", "Groups": "Групы", @@ -144,7 +141,6 @@ "Identity {displayName} updated": "Ідэнтычнасць {displayName} абноўленая", "If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to {email}": "Калі ўліковы запіс з гэтым адрасам існуе, мы толькі што даслалі ліст на {email}", "If this identity is the only administrator of some groups, you need to delete them before being able to delete this identity.": "Калі гэтая ідэнтычнасць — адміністратар нейкіх груп, спачатку трэба выдаліць гэтыя групы, а потым можна будзе выдаліць гэта ідэнтычнасць.", - "In the meantime, please consider that the software is not (yet) finished. More information {onBlog}.": "Пакуль што разумейце, што гэта праграма (пакуль што) недаробленая. Болей інфармацыі {onBlog}.", "Instance Name": "Імя сервера", "Instance settings": "Налады сервера", "Instances": "Серверы", @@ -166,7 +162,6 @@ "Manage participations": "Кіраванне ўдзеламі", "Mark as resolved": "Пазначыць як гатовае", "Members": "Сябры", - "Mobilizon is under development, we will add new features to this site during regular updates, until the release of <b>version 1 of the software in the first half of 2020</b>.": "Mobilizon зараз распрацоўваецца, мы будзем рэгулярна абнаўляць гэты сайт і дадаваць магчымасці да выхаду <b>версіі праграмы 1 у першай палове 2020 года</b>.", "Moderated comments (shown after approval)": "Каментарыі ў мадэрацыі (з'явяцца пасля адабрэння)", "My account": "Мой уліковы запіс", "My events": "Мае падзеі", @@ -203,6 +198,5 @@ "Participation approval": "Дазваленне ўдзелу", "Participation confirmation": "Паццьвярджэнне ўдзелу", "Post a comment": "Даслаць каментар", - "Post a reply": "Даслаць адказ", - "This is a demonstration site to test the beta version of Mobilizon.": "Гэта дэманстрацыйны сайт для праверкі бэта-версіі Mobilizon." + "Post a reply": "Даслаць адказ" } diff --git a/js/src/i18n/ca.json b/js/src/i18n/ca.json index 68d9380e5..82a097244 100644 --- a/js/src/i18n/ca.json +++ b/js/src/i18n/ca.json @@ -358,7 +358,6 @@ "If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here.": "Si voleu, aquí podeu enviar un missatge a l'organitzador d'esdeveniments.", "Ignore": "Ignora", "In the following context, an application is a software, either provided by the Mobilizon team or by a 3rd-party, used to interact with your instance.": "En el context següent, una aplicació és una peça de software, bé proporcionada per l'equip de Mobilizon, bé per altri, i es fa servir per interactuar amb la teva instància.", - "Installing Mobilizon will allow communities to free themselves from the services of tech giants by creating <b>their own event platform</b>.": "Instaŀlar Mobilizon permet a les comunitats d'alliberar-se dels serveis de les grans multinacionals creant <b>la seva pròpia agenda coŀlaborativa</b>.", "Instance": "Instància", "Instance Long Description": "Descripció llarga de la instància", "Instance Name": "Nom de la instància", @@ -423,7 +422,6 @@ "Login on {instance}": "Connectar-se a", "Login status": "Estat de la sessió", "Main languages you/your moderators speak": "Llengües principals que parleu o enteneu l'equip de moderació", - "Manage my settings": "Gestiona les preferències", "Manage participations": "Gestiona les participacions", "Manually approve new followers": "Aprova manualment les noves seguidores", "Manually invite new members": "Invitacions manuals", @@ -553,7 +551,6 @@ "Page not found": "No s'ha trobat la pàgina", "Parent folder": "Carpeta mare", "Participant": "Participant", - "Participant has already been approved as participant.": "Aquesta persona ja ha estat aprovada com a participant.", "Participants": "Participants", "Participate": "Participa", "Participate using your email address": "Participa-hi amb el correu electrònic", @@ -670,7 +667,6 @@ "Select languages": "Tria les llengües", "Select the activities for which you wish to receive an email or a push notification.": "Tria les activitats de les quals vols rebre'n avisos per correu o notificacions automàtiques.", "Send email": "Envia correu", - "Send me the confirmation email once again": "Envia'm el correu de confirmació un altre cop", "Send notification e-mails": "Envia correus de notificació", "Send the confirmation email again": "Reenvia el correu de confirmació", "Send the report": "Envia la denúncia", @@ -854,12 +850,10 @@ "Why create an account?": "Per què m'hauria de crear un compte?", "Will allow to display and manage your participation status on the event page when using this device. Uncheck if you're using a public device.": "Et facilitarà veure i gestionar des d'aquest dispositiu la teva participació a la pàgina de l'activitat. Desmarca-ho si hi ha més gent que faci servir aquest dispositiu.", "Within {number} kilometers of {place}": "|Dins d'un km de {place}|A menys de {number} km de {place}", - "Write something…": "Escriu alguna cosa …", "Yesterday": "Ahir", "You accepted the invitation to join the group.": "Has acceptat la invitació per afegir-te al grup.", "You added the member {member}.": "Has afegit el/la membre {member}.", "You archived the discussion {discussion}.": "Has arxivat la discussió {discussion}.", - "You are already logged-in.": "Ja tens una sessió iniciada.", "You are not an administrator for this group.": "No ets administrador/a d'aquest grup.", "You are not part of any group.": "No formes de cap grup.", "You are offline": "Estàs desconnectat/da", @@ -977,11 +971,9 @@ "full rules": "normes completes", "iCal Feed": "Flux iCal", "instance rules": "normes de la instància", - "its source code is public": "el codi font és públic", "more than 1360 contributors": "més de 1360 contribuïdores", "profile@instance": "perfil@instancia", "report #{report_number}": "denúncia #{report_number}", - "respect of the fundamental freedoms": "respecte per les llibertats fonamentals", "return to the event's page": "torna a la pàgina de l'activitat", "terms of service": "condicions del servei", "with another identity…": "amb una altra identitat…", diff --git a/js/src/i18n/de.json b/js/src/i18n/de.json index 7481d791a..5a010d8f3 100644 --- a/js/src/i18n/de.json +++ b/js/src/i18n/de.json @@ -161,7 +161,6 @@ "Comment text can't be empty": "Der Kommentar darf nicht leer sein", "Comments": "Kommentare", "Comments are closed for everybody else.": "Kommentare sind für alle anderen geschlossen.", - "Comments on the event page": "Kommentare auf der Veranstaltungs-Seite", "Confirm my participation": "Meine Teilnahme bestätigen", "Confirm my particpation": "Bestätige meine Teilnahme", "Confirm participation": "Teilnahme bestätigen", @@ -478,7 +477,6 @@ "Login on {instance}": "Einloggen auf {instance}", "Login status": "Login-Status", "Main languages you/your moderators speak": "Hauptsprache Ihres Moderators", - "Manage my settings": "Meine Einstellungen verwalten", "Manage participations": "Teilnehmer verwalten", "Manually approve new followers": "Neue Follower*innen manuell genehmigen", "Manually invite new members": "Manuelles Einladen neuer Mitglieder", @@ -493,7 +491,6 @@ "Mobilizon is a federated software, meaning you can interact - depending on your admin's federation settings - with content from other instances, such as joining groups or events that were created elsewhere.": "Mobilizon ist eine föderierte Software, d.h. Sie können - abhängig von Ihren Admin-Federationseinstellungen - mit Inhalten aus anderen Instanzen interagieren, z.B. Gruppen oder Veranstaltungen beitreten, die anderswo erstellt wurden.", "Mobilizon is a tool that helps you <b>find, create and organise events</b>.": "Mobilizon ist ein Werkzeug, das Ihnen beim <b>Finden, Erstellen und Organisieren von Veranstaltungen</b> hilft.", "Mobilizon is not a giant platform, but a <b>multitude of interconnected Mobilizon websites</b>.": "Mobilizon ist keine riesige Plattform, sondern eine <b>Vielzahl von miteinander verbundenen Mobilizon-Websiten</b>.", - "Mobilizon is under development, we will add new features to this site during regular updates, until the release of <b>version 1 of the software in the fall of 2020</b>.": "Mobilizon befindet sich noch in der Entwicklung. Bis zur Veröffentlichung von <b>Version 1.0 im zweiten Halbjahr 2020</b> werden wir über regelmäßige Updates neue Funktionen hinzufügen.", "Mobilizon software": "Mobilizon-Software", "Mobilizon uses a system of profiles to compartiment your activities. You will be able to create as many profiles as you want.": "Mobilizon verwendet ein System von Profilen, um Ihre Aktivitäten zu unterteilen. Sie können so viele Profile erstellen, wie Sie möchten.", "Mobilizon version": "Mobilizon-Version", @@ -561,7 +558,6 @@ "No posts found": "Keine Beiträge gefunden", "No posts yet": "Noch keine Beträge vorhanden", "No profile matches the filters": "Kein Profil entspricht den Filterkriterien", - "No public posts": "Keine öffentlichen Beiträge", "No public upcoming events": "Keine bevorstehenden öffentlichen Veranstaltungen", "No resolved reports yet": "Bisher keine abgeschlossenen Berichte", "No resources in this folder": "Keine Ressourcen in diesem Ordner", @@ -590,7 +586,6 @@ "On {date} from {startTime} to {endTime}": "Am {date} von {startTime} bis {endTime}", "On {date} starting at {startTime}": "Am {date}, beginnt um {startTime}", "On {instance} and other federated instances": "Auf {instance} und anderen föderierten Instanzen", - "Ongoing tasks": "Aktuelle Aufgaben", "Online": "Online", "Online ticketing": "Online-Ticketverkauf", "Only accessible through link": "Nur über den Link einsehbar", @@ -623,7 +618,6 @@ "Parent folder": "Übergeordneter Ordner", "Partially accessible with a wheelchair": "Teilweise barrierefrei für Rollstühle", "Participant": "Teilnehmer", - "Participant has already been approved as participant.": "Teilnehmer:in wurde bereits bestätigt.", "Participants": "Teilnehmer", "Participate": "Teilnehmen", "Participate using your email address": "Nehmen Sie mit Ihrer E-Mail Adresse teil", @@ -652,9 +646,7 @@ "Please do not use it in any real way.": "Bitte nicht im praktischen Einsatz verwenden.", "Please enter your password to confirm this action.": "Bitte geben Sie zur Bestätigung des Vorgangs Ihr Passwort ein.", "Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved.": "Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass die Adresse korrekt ist und die Seite nicht verschoben wurde.", - "Please read the instance's {fullRules}": "Bitte lese die {fullRules} der Instanz", "Please read the {fullRules} published by {instance}'s administrators.": "Bitte lesen Sie die {fullRules}, veröffentlicht von den Administratoren von {instance}.", - "Please type at least 5 characters": "Bitte tippe wenigstens 5 Zeichen", "Post": "Beitrag", "Post URL": "Webadresse des Beitrags", "Post a comment": "Kommentar schreiben", @@ -766,7 +758,6 @@ "Select the activities for which you wish to receive an email or a push notification.": "Wählen Sie die Ereignisse aus, für die Sie Email- oder Push-Benachrichtigungen erhalten möchten.", "Send": "Senden", "Send email": "E-Mail senden", - "Send me the confirmation email once again": "Sende mir noch eine Bestätigungsmail", "Send notification e-mails": "Benachrichtungs-E-Mails senden", "Send password reset": "Passwort zurücksetzen", "Send the confirmation email again": "Bestätigungsmail erneut senden", @@ -789,7 +780,6 @@ "Sign up": "Registrieren", "Since you are a new member, private content can take a few minutes to appear.": "Da Sie ein neues Mitglied sind, kann es ein paar Minuten dauern bis private Inhalte sichtbar sind.", "Skip to main content": "Zum Hauptinhalt springen", - "Software to the people": "Software für die Menschen", "Some terms, technical or otherwise, used in the text below may cover concepts that are difficult to grasp. We have provided a glossary here to help you understand them better:": "Einige der im Text genannten Begriffe beschreiben Konzepte, die nicht ganz einfach zu erklären sind. Wir haben ein Liste mit Begriffsdefinitionen zusammengestellt, damit Sie jederzeit nachsehen können, was wir damit meinen:", "Starts on…": "Startet am…", "Status": "Status", @@ -816,7 +806,6 @@ "The account's email address was changed. Check your emails to verify it.": "Die E-Mail-Adresse des Accounts wurde geändert. Bitte prüfen Sie Ihre E-Mails für eine Bestätigung.", "The actual number of participants may differ, as this event is hosted on another instance.": "Die tatsächliche Zahl der Teilnehmer kann variieren, da diese Veranstaltung auf einer anderen Instanz ausgerichtet wird.", "The content came from another server. Transfer an anonymous copy of the report?": "Der Inhalt kam von einem anderen Server. Möchten Sie eine anonyme Kopie der Meldung übertragen?", - "The current password is invalid": "Das Passwort ist ungültig", "The draft event has been updated": "Der Entwurf wurde aktualisiert", "The event has a sign language interpreter": "Für die Veranstaltung gibt es Dolmetschen in Gebärdensprache", "The event has been created as a draft": "Diese Veranstaltung wurde als Entwurf erstellt", @@ -847,7 +836,6 @@ "The group's short description was changed.": "Die Kurzbeschreibung der Gruppe wurde geändert.", "The instance administrator is the person or entity that runs this Mobilizon instance.": "Der Administrator der Instanz ist die Person oder Organisation, die diese Mobilizon-Instanz betreibt.", "The member was removed from the group {group}": "Das Mitglied wurde aus der Gruppe {group} entfernt", - "The new email must be different": "Die neue E-Mail-Adresse muss unterschiedlich sein", "The only way for your group to get new members is if an admininistrator invites them.": "Die einzige Möglichkeit für Ihre Gruppe, neue Mitglieder zu bekommen, ist, wenn ein Administrator Sie einlädt.", "The organiser has chosen to close comments.": "Der Veranstalter hat beschlossen, die Kommentare zu schließen.", "The page you're looking for doesn't exist.": "Die Seite, nach der Sie suchen existiert nicht.", @@ -870,7 +858,6 @@ "This Mobilizon instance and this event organizer allows anonymous participations, but requires validation through email confirmation.": "Diese Mobilizon-Instanz und der Organisator akzeptieren anonyme Teilnahmen, aber eine Bestätigung per E-Mail ist erforderlich.", "This URL doesn't seem to be valid": "Diese Webadresse scheint ungültig", "This URL is not supported": "Diese URL wird nicht unterstützt", - "This email is already used.": "Diese E-Mail-Adresse wird bereits verwendet.", "This event has been cancelled.": "Diese Veranstaltung wurde abgesagt.", "This event is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.": "Diese Veranstaltung ist nur über den Link einsehbar. Seien Sie vorsichtig, wo Sie diesen Link veröffentlichen.", "This group doesn't have a description yet.": "Diese Gruppe hat noch keine Beschreibung.", @@ -959,7 +946,6 @@ "View all": "Zeige alles", "View all events": "Zeige alle Veranstaltungen", "View all posts": "Zeige alle Beiträge", - "View all todos": "Zeige alle To-dos", "View event page": "Veranstaltungsseite anzeigen", "View everything": "Alles anzeigen", "View full profile": "Das gesamte Profil ansehen", @@ -1000,12 +986,10 @@ "Why create an account?": "Warum ein Konto erstellen?", "Will allow to display and manage your participation status on the event page when using this device. Uncheck if you're using a public device.": "Ermöglicht die Anzeige und Verwaltung Ihres Teilnahmestatus auf der Veranstaltungsseite, wenn Sie dieses Gerät verwenden. Deaktivieren Sie diese Option, wenn Sie ein öffentliches Gerät verwenden.", "Within {number} kilometers of {place}": "|Innerhalb eines Kilometers von {place}|Innerhalb von {number} Kilometer von {place}", - "Write something…": "Schreiben Sie etwas…", "Yesterday": "Gestern", "You accepted the invitation to join the group.": "Sie haben die Einladung zur Gruppe angenommen.", "You added the member {member}.": "Sie haben das Mitglied {member} hinzugefügt.", "You archived the discussion {discussion}.": "Sie haben die Diskussion {discussion} archiviert.", - "You are already logged-in.": "Du bist bereits eingeloggt.", "You are not an administrator for this group.": "Sie sind kein Administrator dieser Gruppe.", "You are not part of any group.": "Sie sind kein Teil einer Gruppe.", "You are offline": "Sie sind offline", @@ -1015,7 +999,6 @@ "You can pick your timezone into your preferences.": "Sie können Ihre Zeitzone in den Einstellungen festlegen.", "You can try another search term or drag and drop the marker on the map": "Sie können einen anderen Suchbegriff verwenden oder die Markierung auf der Karte verschieben", "You can't change your password because you are registered through {provider}.": "Sie können Ihr Passwort nicht ändern, weil Sie über {provider} angemeldet sind.", - "You can't reset your password because you use a 3rd-party auth provider to login.": "Du kannst dein Passwort nicht zurücksetzen, weil du über einen Drittanbieter eingeloggt bist.", "You can't use push notifications in this browser.": "Du kannst keine Push-Benachrichtigungen in diesem Browser nutzen.", "You changed your email or password": "Sie haben Ihre Email-Adresse oder Ihr Passwort geändert", "You created the discussion {discussion}.": "Sie haben die Diskussion {discussion} erstellt.", @@ -1097,7 +1080,6 @@ "Your participation has been confirmed": "Ihre Teilnahme wurde bestätigt", "Your participation has been rejected": "Ihre Teilnahme wurde abgelehnt", "Your participation has been requested": "Ihre Teilnahme wurde angefragt", - "Your participation is being validated": "Deine Teilnahme wird bestätigt", "Your participation request has been validated": "Ihre Teilnahme wurde bestätigt", "Your participation request is being validated": "Ihre Teilnahme wird überprüft", "Your participation status has been changed": "Ihr Teilnahmestatus hat sich geändert", @@ -1130,16 +1112,13 @@ "enable the feature": "Funktion aktivieren", "explore the events": "Veranstaltungen entdecken", "explore the groups": "Gruppen entdecken", - "fit the needs and uses of the people": "den Anforderungen der Menschen entspricht", "full rules": "vollständigen Regeln", "group's upcoming public events": "Die bevorstehenden, öffentlichen Veranstaltungen der Gruppe", "iCal Feed": "iCal-Feed", "instance rules": "Instanz-Regeln", - "its source code is public": "der Quellcode offen ist", "more than 1360 contributors": "mehr als 1360 Spender:innen", "profile@instance": "profil@instanz", "report #{report_number}": "Meldung #{report_number}", - "respect of the fundamental freedoms": "Respekt für die fundamentalen Freiheiten", "return to the event's page": "zurück zur Seite der Veranstaltung", "terms of service": "Nutzungsbedingungen", "with another identity…": "mit einer anderen Identität.…", diff --git a/js/src/i18n/es.json b/js/src/i18n/es.json index 567ab292b..077bb9791 100644 --- a/js/src/i18n/es.json +++ b/js/src/i18n/es.json @@ -181,7 +181,6 @@ "Comment text can't be empty": "El texto del comentario no puede estar vacío", "Comments": "Comentarios", "Comments are closed for everybody else.": "Los comentarios están cerrados para todos los demás.", - "Conceived with care for humans": "Concebido con cuidado para los humanos", "Confirm my participation": "Confirma mi participación", "Confirm my particpation": "Confirmar mi participación", "Confirm participation": "Confirmar participación", @@ -364,7 +363,6 @@ "Forgot your password ?": "¿Olvidaste tu contraseña ?", "Forgot your password?": "¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?", "Framadate poll": "Encuesta Framadate", - "From a birthday party with friends and family to a march for climate change, right now, our gatherings are <b>trapped inside the tech giants’ platforms</b>. How can we organize, how can we click “Attend,” without <b>providing private data</b> to Facebook or <b>locking ourselves</b> inside MeetUp?": "Desde una fiesta de cumpleaños con amigos y familiares hasta una marcha por el cambio climático, ahora mismo, nuestras reuniones están <b> atrapadas dentro de las plataformas de los gigantes tecnológicos </b>. ¿Cómo podemos organizarnos, cómo podemos hacer clic en \"Asistir\" sin <b> proporcionar datos privados </b> a Facebook o <b> encerrarnos </b> dentro de MeetUp?", "From my groups": "De mis grupos", "From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate}": "Desde {startDate} en {startTime} hasta {endDate}", "From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate} at {endTime}": "Desde el {startDate} en {startTime} hasta el {endDate} en {endTime}", @@ -433,7 +431,6 @@ "If you have opted for manual validation of participants, Mobilizon will send you an email to inform you of new participations to be processed. You can choose the frequency of these notifications below.": "Si ha optado por la validación manual de participantes, Mobilizon le enviará un correo electrónico para informarle de las nuevas participaciones que se procesarán. Puede elegir la frecuencia de estas notificaciones a continuación.", "If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here.": "Si lo desea, puede enviar un mensaje al organizador del evento aquí.", "Ignore": "Ignorar", - "Impossible to login, your email or password seems incorrect.": "Imposible iniciar sesión, su correo electrónico o contraseña parece incorrecta.", "In person": "En persona", "In the following context, an application is a software, either provided by the Mobilizon team or by a 3rd-party, used to interact with your instance.": "En el siguiente contexto, una aplicación es un software, ya sea proporcionado por el equipo de Mobilizon o por un tercero, utilizado para interactuar con su instancia.", "In the past": "En el pasado", @@ -508,7 +505,6 @@ "Login on {instance}": "Inicia sesión en {instancia}", "Login status": "Estado de inicio de sesión", "Main languages you/your moderators speak": "Idiomas principales que usted o sus moderadores hablan", - "Manage my settings": "Administrar mi configuración", "Manage participations": "Administrar participaciones", "Manually approve new followers": "Aprobar manualmente nuevos seguidores", "Manually invite new members": "Invitar nuevos miembros manualmente", @@ -524,7 +520,6 @@ "Mobilizon is a federated software, meaning you can interact - depending on your admin's federation settings - with content from other instances, such as joining groups or events that were created elsewhere.": "Mobilizon es un software federado, lo que significa que puede interactuar, según la configuración de su federación de administrador, con contenido de otras instancias, como unirse a grupos o eventos que se crearon en otro lugar.", "Mobilizon is a tool that helps you <b>find, create and organise events</b>.": "Mobilizon es una herramienta que le ayuda a <b> buscar, crear y organizar eventos </b>.", "Mobilizon is not a giant platform, but a <b>multitude of interconnected Mobilizon websites</b>.": "Mobilizon no es una plataforma gigante, sino una <b> multitud de sitios web de Mobilizon interconectados </b>.", - "Mobilizon is under development, we will add new features to this site during regular updates, until the release of <b>version 1 of the software in the fall of 2020</b>.": "Mobilizon está en desarrollo, agregaremos nuevas funciones a este sitio durante las actualizaciones periódicas, hasta el lanzamiento d <b>versión 1 del software en el otoño de 2020</b>.", "Mobilizon software": "Software Mobilizon", "Mobilizon uses a system of profiles to compartiment your activities. You will be able to create as many profiles as you want.": "Mobilizon utiliza un sistema de perfiles para compartimentar sus actividades. Podrás crear tantos perfiles como quieras.", "Mobilizon version": "Versión Mobilizon", @@ -594,7 +589,6 @@ "No posts found": "No se han encontrado publicaciones", "No posts yet": "Aún no hay publicaciones", "No profile matches the filters": "Ningún perfil coincide con los filtros", - "No public posts": "Sin aportaciones públicas", "No public upcoming events": "No hay eventos públicos próximos", "No resolved reports yet": "Aún no hay informes resueltos", "No resources in this folder": "No hay recursos en esta carpeta", @@ -623,7 +617,6 @@ "On {date} from {startTime} to {endTime}": "El {fecha} de {startTime} a {endTime}", "On {date} starting at {startTime}": "El {fecha} a partir de {startTime}", "On {instance} and other federated instances": "En {instance} y otras instancias federadas", - "Ongoing tasks": "Tareas en curso", "Online": "En línea", "Online ticketing": "Venta de entradas en línea", "Only accessible through link": "Solo accesible a través del enlace", @@ -657,7 +650,6 @@ "Parent folder": "Carpeta superior", "Partially accessible with a wheelchair": "Parcialmente accesible con silla de ruedas", "Participant": "Participante", - "Participant has already been approved as participant.": "El participante ya ha sido aprobado como participante.", "Participants": "Participantes", "Participate": "Participar", "Participate using your email address": "Participa usando tu dirección de correo electrónico", @@ -686,7 +678,6 @@ "Please do not use it in any real way.": "Por favor, no lo use de ninguna manera real.", "Please enter your password to confirm this action.": "Introduzca su contraseña para confirmar esta acción.", "Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved.": "Asegúrese de que la dirección sea correcta y que la página no se haya movido.", - "Please read the instance's {fullRules}": "Por favor, lea las {fullRules} de la instancia", "Please read the {fullRules} published by {instance}'s administrators.": "Lea las {fullRules} publicadas por los administradores de {instance}.", "Post": "Publicación", "Post URL": "URL de publicación", @@ -801,7 +792,6 @@ "Select the activities for which you wish to receive an email or a push notification.": "Seleccione las actividades para las que desea recibir un correo electrónico o una notificación automática.", "Send": "Enviar", "Send email": "Enviar correo electrónico", - "Send me the confirmation email once again": "Envíame el correo electrónico de confirmación una vez más", "Send notification e-mails": "Enviar correos electrónicos de notificación", "Send password reset": "Enviar restablecimiento de contraseña", "Send the confirmation email again": "Enviar el correo electrónico de confirmación nuevamente", @@ -857,7 +847,6 @@ "The account's email address was changed. Check your emails to verify it.": "Se cambió la dirección de correo electrónico de la cuenta. Revise sus correos electrónicos para verificarlo.", "The actual number of participants may differ, as this event is hosted on another instance.": "El número real de participantes puede diferir ya que este evento se aloja en otra instancia.", "The content came from another server. Transfer an anonymous copy of the report?": "El contenido vino de otro servidor. ¿Transferir una copia anónima del informe?", - "The current password is invalid": "La contraseña actual no es válida", "The draft event has been updated": "El borrador del evento ha sido actualizado", "The event has a sign language interpreter": "El evento cuenta con intérprete de lengua de signos", "The event has been created as a draft": "El evento ha sido creado como borrador", @@ -892,7 +881,6 @@ "The member was approved": "El miembro fue aprobado", "The member was removed from the group {group}": "El miembro fue eliminado del grupo {grup}", "The membership request from {profile} was rejected": "Se rechazó la solicitud de adesión de {profile}", - "The new email must be different": "El nuevo correo electrónico debe ser diferente", "The only way for your group to get new members is if an admininistrator invites them.": "La única forma de que su grupo obtenga nuevos miembros es si un administrador los invita.", "The organiser has chosen to close comments.": "El organizador ha optado por cerrar los comentarios.", "The page you're looking for doesn't exist.": "La página que estás buscando no existe.", @@ -903,7 +891,6 @@ "The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below.": "El informe se enviará a los moderadores de su instancia. Puede explicar por qué declara este contenido a continuación.", "The selected picture is too heavy. You need to select a file smaller than {size}.": "La imagen seleccionada es demasiado pesada. Debe seleccionar un archivo menor que {size}.", "The technical details of the error can help developers solve the problem more easily. Please add them to your feedback.": "Los detalles técnicos del error pueden ayudar a los desarrolladores a resolver el problema más fácilmente. Agrégalos a tus comentarios.", - "The username is a unique identifier of your account on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.": "El nombre de usuario es un identificador único de su cuenta en esta y todas las demás instancias. Es tan único como una dirección de correo electrónico, lo que facilita que otras personas interactúen con él.", "The {default_privacy_policy} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.": "Se utilizará {default_privacy_policy}. Se traducirán en el idioma del usuario.", "The {default_terms} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.": "Se utilizarán los {default_terms}. Se traducirán en el idioma del usuario.", "There are {participants} participants.": "Hay {participantes} participantes.", @@ -916,7 +903,6 @@ "This Mobilizon instance and this event organizer allows anonymous participations, but requires validation through email confirmation.": "Esta instancia de Mobilizon y este organizador de eventos permiten participaciones anónimas pero requieren validación mediante confirmación por correo electrónico.", "This URL doesn't seem to be valid": "Esta URL no parece ser válida", "This URL is not supported": "Esta URL no es compatible", - "This email is already used.": "Este correo electrónico ya está en uso.", "This event has been cancelled.": "Este evento ha sido cancelado.", "This event is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.": "Este evento es accesible solo a través de su enlace. Tenga cuidado donde publica este enlace.", "This group doesn't have a description yet.": "Este grupo aún no tiene una descripción.", @@ -925,7 +911,6 @@ "This group was not found": "No se encontró este grupo", "This identifier is unique to your profile. It allows others to find you.": "Este identificador es único para su perfil. Permite que otros te encuentren.", "This information is saved only on your computer. Click for details": "Esta información se guarda solo en su computadora. Haga clic para más detalles", - "This installation (called “instance“) can easily {interconnect}, thanks to {protocol}.": "Esta instalación (llamada \"instancia\") puede fácilmente {interconnect}, gracias a {protocol}.", "This instance hasn't got push notifications enabled.": "Esta instancia no tiene habilitadas las notificaciones push.", "This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances.": "Esta instancia no está abierta a registros pero puede registrarse en otras instancias.", "This instance, <b>{instanceName} ({domain})</b>, hosts your profile, so remember its name.": "Esta instancia,<b>{instanceName} ({domain})</b>, aloja su perfil, así que recuerde su nombre.", @@ -985,7 +970,6 @@ "Unknown value for the openness setting.": "Valor desconocido para la configuración de apertura.", "Unlogged participation": "Participación no registrada", "Unsaved changes": "Cambios no guardados", - "Unsubscribe to WebPush": "Cancelar la suscripción a WebPush", "Unsubscribe to browser push notifications": "Cancelar la suscripción a las notificaciones push del navegador", "Unsuspend": "Aprobar", "Upcoming": "Próximo", @@ -1013,7 +997,6 @@ "View all": "Ver todo", "View all events": "Ver todos los eventos", "View all posts": "Ver todas las publicaciones", - "View all todos": "Ver todas las tareas pendientes", "View event page": "Ver página del evento", "View everything": "Ver todo", "View full profile": "Ver todo el perfil", @@ -1027,12 +1010,10 @@ "Visible everywhere on the web (public)": "Visible en todas partes de la web (público)", "Waiting for organization team approval.": "Esperando la aprobación del equipo de la organización.", "Warning": "Advertencia", - "We asked professional designers to help us develop our vision for Mobilizon. We took time to study the {digital_habits} in order to understand the features they need to gather, organize, and mobilize.": "Pedimos a los diseñadores profesionales que nos ayuden a desarrollar nuestra visión para Mobilizon. Nos tomamos el tiempo de estudiar los {digital_habits} para comprender las características que necesitan para reunir, organizar y movilizar.", "We couldn't save your participation inside this browser. Not to worry, you have successfully confirmed your participation, we just couldn't save it's status in this browser because of a technical issue.": "No pudimos guardar su participación dentro de este navegador. No se preocupe, ha confirmado con éxito su participación, simplemente no pudimos guardar su estado en este navegador debido a un problema técnico.", "We improve this software thanks to your feedback. To let us know about this issue, two possibilities (both unfortunately require user account creation):": "Mejoramos este software gracias a sus comentarios. Para informarnos sobre este problema, hay dos posibilidades (ambas lamentablemente requieren la creación de una cuenta de usuario):", "We just sent an email to {email}": "Acabamos de enviar un correo electrónico a {email}", "We use your timezone to make sure you get notifications for an event at the correct time.": "Usamos su zona horaria para asegurarnos de que reciba notificaciones de un evento en el momento correcto.", - "We want to develop a <b>digital common</b>, that everyone can make their own, which respects <b>privacy and activism by design</b>.": "Queremos desarrollar un <b> común digital </b>, que todos puedan hacer suyo, que respete la <b> privacidad y activismo por diseño </b>.", "We will redirect you to your instance in order to interact with this event": "Lo redirigiremos a su instancia para interactuar con este evento", "We will redirect you to your instance in order to interact with this group": "Te redireccionaremos a tu instancia para poder interactuar con este grupo", "We'll send you an email one hour before the event begins, to be sure you won't forget about it.": "Le enviaremos un correo electrónico una hora antes de que comience el evento, para asegurarnos de que no lo olvide.", @@ -1058,7 +1039,6 @@ "Why create an account?": "¿Por qué crear una cuenta?", "Will allow to display and manage your participation status on the event page when using this device. Uncheck if you're using a public device.": "Permitirá mostrar y administrar su estado de participación en la página del evento cuando utilice este dispositivo. Desmarque si está usando un dispositivo público.", "Within {number} kilometers of {place}": "|Dentro de un kilómetro de {place}|Dentro de {number} kilómetros de {place}", - "Write something…": "Escribe algo…", "Yesterday": "Ayer", "You accepted the invitation to join the group.": "Aceptaste la invitación para unirte al grupo.", "You added the member {member}.": "Agregaste al miembro {menber}.", @@ -1073,7 +1053,6 @@ "You can pick your timezone into your preferences.": "Puedes elegir tu zona horaria según tus preferencias.", "You can try another search term or drag and drop the marker on the map": "Puedes probar con otro término de búsqueda o arrastrar y soltar el marcador en el mapa", "You can't change your password because you are registered through {provider}.": "No puede cambiar su contraseña porque está registrado a través de {provider}.", - "You can't reset your password because you use a 3rd-party auth provider to login.": "No puede restablecer su contraseña porque utiliza un proveedor de autenticación de terceros para iniciar sesión.", "You can't use push notifications in this browser.": "No puede usar notificaciones push en este navegador.", "You changed your email or password": "Cambiaste tu correo electrónico o contraseña", "You created the discussion {discussion}.": "Creaste la discusión {discussion}.", @@ -1159,7 +1138,6 @@ "Your participation has been confirmed": "Su participación ha sido confirmada", "Your participation has been rejected": "Su participación ha sido rechazada", "Your participation has been requested": "Su participación ha sido solicitada", - "Your participation is being validated": "Tu participación está siendo validada", "Your participation request has been validated": "Tu participación ha sido validada", "Your participation request is being validated": "Tu participación esta siendo validada", "Your participation status has been changed": "Su estado de participación ha cambiado", @@ -1194,17 +1172,14 @@ "enable the feature": "habilitar la función", "explore the events": "explorar los eventos", "explore the groups": "explorar los grupos", - "fit the needs and uses of the people": "se ajusta a las necesidades y usos de las personas", "full rules": "reglas completas", "group's upcoming public events": "próximos eventos públicos del grupo", "": "", "iCal Feed": "Suministro iCal", "instance rules": "reglas de instancia", - "its source code is public": "su código fuente es público", "more than 1360 contributors": "más de 1360 contribuyentes", "profile@instance": "perfil@instancia", "report #{report_number}": "informe #{report_number}", - "respect of the fundamental freedoms": "respeto de las libertades fundamentales", "return to the event's page": "volver a la página del evento", "terms of service": "términos de servicio", "with another identity…": "con otra identidad …", @@ -1224,7 +1199,6 @@ "{group}'s todolists": "Trabajos pendientes de {group}", "{instanceName} is an instance of the {mobilizon} software.": "{instanceName} es una instancia de lsoftware {mobilizon .", "{instanceName} is an instance of {mobilizon_link}, a free software built with the community.": "{instanceName} es una instancia de {mobilizon_link}, un software gratuito creado con la comunidad.", - "{license} guarantees {respect} of the people who will use it. Since {source}, anyone can audit it, which guarantees its transparency.": "{license} garantiza {respect} de las personas que lo usarán. Desde {source}, cualquiera puede auditarlo, lo que garantiza su transparencia.", "{member} accepted the invitation to join the group.": "{member} aceptó la invitación para unirse al grupo.", "{member} joined the group.": "{member} se unió al grupo.", "{member} rejected the invitation to join the group.": "{member} rechazó la invitación para unirse al grupo.", diff --git a/js/src/i18n/fi.json b/js/src/i18n/fi.json index ebe56c7f9..20dc15cc5 100644 --- a/js/src/i18n/fi.json +++ b/js/src/i18n/fi.json @@ -155,7 +155,6 @@ "Comment text can't be empty": "Kommentin teksti ei voi olla tyhjä", "Comments": "Kommentit", "Comments are closed for everybody else.": "Kommentit on suljettu muilta.", - "Concieved with care for humans": "Luotu ihmiset huomioiden", "Confirm my participation": "Vahvista osallistumiseni", "Confirm my particpation": "Vahvista osallistumiseni", "Confirmed": "Vahvistettu", @@ -383,7 +382,6 @@ "If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here.": "Tästä voit halutessasi lähettää tapahtuman järjestäjälle viestin.", "Ignore": "Sivuuta", "In the following context, an application is a software, either provided by the Mobilizon team or by a 3rd-party, used to interact with your instance.": "Seuraavassa sovellus tarkoittaa Mobilizon-tiimin tai kolmannen osapuolen toimittamaa ohjelmaa, jonka kautta instanssia käytetään.", - "Installing Mobilizon will allow communities to free themselves from the services of tech giants by creating <b>their own event platform</b>.": "Asentamalla Mobilizonin yhteisöt voivat luoda <b>oman tapahtuma-alustansa</b> ja vapautua teknologiajättien palveluista.", "Instance": "Instanssi", "Instance Long Description": "Instanssin pitkä kuvaus", "Instance Name": "Instanssin nimi", @@ -452,7 +450,6 @@ "Login on {instance}": "Kirjaudu instanssille {instance}", "Login status": "Kirjautumisen tila", "Main languages you/your moderators speak": "Pääkieli, jota sinä ja moderaattorisi puhuvat", - "Manage my settings": "Hallinnoi asetuksia", "Manage participations": "Hallinnoi osallistumisia", "Manually approve new followers": "Hyväksy uudet seuraajat käsin", "Manually invite new members": "Kutsu uusia jäseniä", @@ -468,7 +465,6 @@ "Mobilizon is a federated software, meaning you can interact - depending on your admin's federation settings - with content from other instances, such as joining groups or events that were created elsewhere.": "Mobilizon on federoitu palvelu, minkä ansiosta voit viestiä myös muilla instansseilla olevien käyttäjien ja ryhmien kanssa ja ilmoittautua niillä oleviin tapahtumiin.", "Mobilizon is a tool that helps you <b>find, create and organise events</b>.": "Mobilizon on työkalu, jolla pystyt <b>hakemaan, luomaan ja järjestämään tapahtumia</b>.", "Mobilizon is not a giant platform, but a <b>multitude of interconnected Mobilizon websites</b>.": "Mobilizon ei ole jättiläismäinen keskitetty alusta vaan <b>suuri joukko tosiinsa yhdistyneitä Mobilizon-instansseja</b>.", - "Mobilizon is under development, we will add new features to this site during regular updates, until the release of <b>version 1 of the software in the fall of 2020</b>.": "Mobilizonin kehitystyö on vielä kesken, ja tälle sivulle lisätään säännöllisesti uusia ominaisuuksia, kunnes <b>ohjelman versio 1 julkaistaan syksyllä 2020</b>.", "Mobilizon software": "Mobilizon-ohjelma", "Mobilizon uses a system of profiles to compartiment your activities. You will be able to create as many profiles as you want.": "Mobilizon käyttää profiilijärjestelmää, jonka avulla voit esiintyä eri profiileilla eri tarkoituksiin. Voit luoda niin monta profiilia kuin haluat.", "Mobilizon version": "Mobilizon-versio", @@ -534,7 +530,6 @@ "No posts found": "Viestejä ei löytynyt", "No posts yet": "Ei julkaisuja vielä", "No profile matches the filters": "Ei suodattimia vastaavia profiileja", - "No public posts": "Ei julkisia julkaisuja", "No public upcoming events": "Ei julkisia tulevia tapahtumia", "No resolved reports yet": "Ratkaistuja raportteja ei vielä ole", "No resources in this folder": "Tässä kansiossa ei ole resursseja", @@ -563,7 +558,6 @@ "On {date} from {startTime} to {endTime}": "{date} klo {startTime}–{endTime}", "On {date} starting at {startTime}": "{date} klo {startTime}", "On {instance} and other federated instances": "Instanssi {instance} ja muilla federoiduilla instansseilla", - "Ongoing tasks": "Meneillään olevat tehtävät", "Online ticketing": "Lipunmyynti verkossa", "Only accessible through link": "Pääsy vain linkistä", "Only accessible through link (private)": "Pääsy vain linkin kautta (yksityinen)", @@ -594,7 +588,6 @@ "Parent folder": "Yläkansio", "Partially accessible with a wheelchair": "Pääsee osittain pyörätuolilla", "Participant": "Osallistuja", - "Participant has already been approved as participant.": "Osallistuja on jo hyväksytty.", "Participants": "Osallistujat", "Participate": "Osallistu", "Participate using your email address": "Osallistu sähköpostiosoitteella", @@ -621,7 +614,6 @@ "Please do not use it in any real way.": "Älä käytä todellisiin tarkoituksiin.", "Please enter your password to confirm this action.": "Vahvista toimenpide syöttämällä salasanasi.", "Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved.": "Varmista, että osoite on oikein eikä sivua ole siirretty.", - "Please read the instance's {fullRules}": "Lue palvelimen {fullRules}", "Please read the {fullRules} published by {instance}'s administrators.": "Ole hyvä ja lue {fullRules} jotka {instance}:n ylläpito on kirjoittanut.", "Post": "Julkaisu", "Post a comment": "Lähetä kommentti", @@ -718,7 +710,6 @@ "Select languages": "Valitse kielet", "Select the activities for which you wish to receive an email or a push notification.": "Valitse toiminnat, joista haluat saada sähköposti- tai push-ilmoitukset.", "Send email": "Lähetä sähköposti", - "Send me the confirmation email once again": "Lähetä vahvistussähköposti uudelleen", "Send notification e-mails": "Lähetä ilmoitusten sähköpostit", "Send the confirmation email again": "Lähetä vahvistussähköposti uudelleen", "Send the report": "Lähetä raportti", @@ -767,7 +758,6 @@ "The account's email address was changed. Check your emails to verify it.": "Tilin sähköpostiosoite vaihdettiin. Katso vahvistusviesti sähköpostistasi.", "The actual number of participants may differ, as this event is hosted on another instance.": "Koska tapahtumasivu sijaitsee toisella instanssilla, osallistujien todellinen määrä voi poiketa tästä.", "The content came from another server. Transfer an anonymous copy of the report?": "Sisältö on peräisin toiselta instanssilta. Lähetetäänkö raportista sinne nimetön kopio?", - "The current password is invalid": "Nykyinen salasana ei kelpaa", "The draft event has been updated": "Tapahtumaluonnosta on päivitetty", "The event has a sign language interpreter": "Tapahtumalla on viittomakielen tulkki", "The event has been created as a draft": "Tapahtuma on luotu luonnoksena", @@ -797,7 +787,6 @@ "The group's short description was changed.": "Ryhmän lyhyt kuvaus muutettiin.", "The instance administrator is the person or entity that runs this Mobilizon instance.": "Instanssin ylläpitäjä on tämän Mobilizon-instanssin toiminnasta vastaava henkilö tai taho.", "The member was removed from the group {group}": "Jäsen poistettiin ryhmästä {group}", - "The new email must be different": "Uuden sähköpostiosoitteen on oltava eri kuin vanhan", "The only way for your group to get new members is if an admininistrator invites them.": "Ryhmääsi voidaan ottaa uusia jäseniä vain ylläpitäjän kutsumana.", "The organiser has chosen to close comments.": "Tapahtuman järjestäjä on sulkenut kommentoinnin.", "The page you're looking for doesn't exist.": "Etsimääsi sivua ei ole olemassa.", @@ -820,7 +809,6 @@ "This Mobilizon instance and this event organizer allows anonymous participations, but requires validation through email confirmation.": "Nimetön osallistuminen on sallittua tällä Mobilizon-instanssilla ja tähän tapahtumaan, mutta osallistuminen on vahvistettava sähköpostitse.", "This URL doesn't seem to be valid": "Tämä URL ei näytä olevan toimiva", "This URL is not supported": "Osoite ei ole tuettu", - "This email is already used.": "Sähköpostiosoite on jo käytössä.", "This event has been cancelled.": "Tapahtuma on peruttu.", "This event is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.": "Tapahtumasivulle on pääsy vain linkin kautta. Ole tarkkana, missä julkaiset linkin.", "This group doesn't have a description yet.": "Ryhmällä ei ole vielä kuvausta.", @@ -899,7 +887,6 @@ "View all": "Näytä kaikki", "View all events": "Näytä kaikki tapahtumat", "View all posts": "Näytä kaikki viestit", - "View all todos": "Näytä kaikki tehtävät", "View event page": "Näytä tapahtumasivu", "View everything": "Näytä kaikki", "View less": "Katso vähemmän", @@ -938,12 +925,10 @@ "Why create an account?": "Miksi kannattaa tehdä tunnus?", "Will allow to display and manage your participation status on the event page when using this device. Uncheck if you're using a public device.": "Sallimme osallistumisesi näyttämisen ja hallinnoinnin tapahtumasivulla tällä laitteella. Älä valitse, jos käytät julkista laitetta.", "Within {number} kilometers of {place}": "|Yhden kilometrin sisällä paikasta {place}|{number} kilometrin päässä paikasta {place}", - "Write something…": "Kirjoita jotain…", "Yesterday": "Eilen", "You accepted the invitation to join the group.": "Hyväksyit liittymiskutsun ryhmään.", "You added the member {member}.": "Lisäsit käyttäjän {member}.", "You archived the discussion {discussion}.": "Arkistoit keskustelun {discussion}.", - "You are already logged-in.": "Olet jo kirjautunut sisään.", "You are not an administrator for this group.": "Et ole ryhmän ylläpitäjä.", "You are not part of any group.": "Et kuulu mihinkään ryhmään.", "You are offline": "Ei verkkoyhteyttä", @@ -953,7 +938,6 @@ "You can pick your timezone into your preferences.": "Voit valita aikavyöhykkeen asetuksistasi.", "You can try another search term or drag and drop the marker on the map": "Voit kokeilla toista hakuehtoa tai vetää merkin kartalle", "You can't change your password because you are registered through {provider}.": "Et voi vaihtaa salasanaa, koska olet rekisteröitynyt palvelussa {provider}.", - "You can't reset your password because you use a 3rd-party auth provider to login.": "Et voi palauttaa salasanaa, koska käytät kirjautumiseen ulkopuolista tunnistautumispalvelua.", "You can't use push notifications in this browser.": "Et voi käyttää push-ilmoituksia tässä selaimessa.", "You changed your email or password": "Muutit sähköpostisi tai salasanasi", "You created the discussion {discussion}.": "Loit keskustelun {discussion}.", @@ -1033,7 +1017,6 @@ "Your participation has been confirmed": "Osallistumisesi on vahvistettu", "Your participation has been rejected": "Osallistumisesi on hylätty", "Your participation has been requested": "Osallistumispyyntösi on tehty", - "Your participation is being validated": "Osallistumisesi odottaa vahvistusta", "Your participation request has been validated": "Osallistumisesi on vahvistettu", "Your participation request is being validated": "Osallistumistasi vahvistetaan", "Your participation status has been changed": "Osallistumisesi tilaa on muutettu", @@ -1066,15 +1049,12 @@ "enable the feature": "salli ominaisuus", "explore the events": "tutustua tapahtumiin", "explore the groups": "tutustua ryhmiin", - "fit the needs and uses of the people": "vastaa ihmisten käyttötarpeita", "full rules": "säännöt kokonaan", "iCal Feed": "iCal-syöte", "instance rules": "Instanssin säännöt", - "its source code is public": "sen lähdekoodi on julkinen", "more than 1360 contributors": "yli 1360 tukijaa", "profile@instance": "profiili@instanssi", "report #{report_number}": "raportti #{report_number}", - "respect of the fundamental freedoms": "perusoikeuksien kunnioittamisen", "return to the event's page": "palata tapahtuman sivulle", "terms of service": "käyttöehdot", "with another identity…": "toisella identiteetillä…", diff --git a/js/src/i18n/fr_FR.json b/js/src/i18n/fr_FR.json index 9b35111bf..ff8bb1128 100644 --- a/js/src/i18n/fr_FR.json +++ b/js/src/i18n/fr_FR.json @@ -181,7 +181,6 @@ "Comment text can't be empty": "Le texte du commentaire ne peut être vide", "Comments": "Commentaires", "Comments are closed for everybody else.": "Les commentaires sont fermés pour tou·te·s les autres.", - "Conceived with care for humans": "Conçu avec soin pour les humains", "Confirm my participation": "Confirmer ma participation", "Confirm my particpation": "Confirmer ma participation", "Confirm participation": "Confirmer la participation", @@ -506,7 +505,6 @@ "Login on {instance}": "Se connecter sur {instance}", "Login status": "Statut de connexion", "Main languages you/your moderators speak": "Principales langues parlées par vous / vos modérateurs", - "Manage my settings": "Gérer mes paramètres", "Manage participations": "Gérer les participations", "Manually approve new followers": "Approuver les nouvelles demandes de suivi manuellement", "Manually invite new members": "Inviter des nouveaux·elles membres manuellement", @@ -591,7 +589,6 @@ "No posts found": "Aucun billet trouvé", "No posts yet": "Pas encore de billets", "No profile matches the filters": "Aucun profil ne correspond aux filtres", - "No public posts": "Pas de billets publics", "No public upcoming events": "Aucun événement public à venir", "No resolved reports yet": "Aucun signalement résolu pour le moment", "No resources in this folder": "Aucune ressource dans ce dossier", @@ -653,7 +650,6 @@ "Parent folder": "Dossier parent", "Partially accessible with a wheelchair": "Partiellement accessible avec un fauteuil roulant", "Participant": "Participant⋅e", - "Participant has already been approved as participant.": "Le ou la participant⋅e a déjà été approuvé⋅e en tant que participant⋅e.", "Participants": "Participant⋅e⋅s", "Participate": "Participer", "Participate using your email address": "Participer en utilisant votre adresse email", @@ -851,7 +847,6 @@ "The account's email address was changed. Check your emails to verify it.": "L'adresse email du compte a été modifiée. Vérifiez vos emails pour confirmer le changement.", "The actual number of participants may differ, as this event is hosted on another instance.": "Le nombre réel de participant⋅e⋅s peut être différent, car cet événement provient d'une autre instance.", "The content came from another server. Transfer an anonymous copy of the report?": "Le contenu provient d'une autre instance. Transférer une copie anonyme du signalement ?", - "The current password is invalid": "Le mot de passe actuel est invalide", "The draft event has been updated": "L'événement brouillon a été mis à jour", "The event has a sign language interpreter": "L'événement a un interprète en langue des signes", "The event has been created as a draft": "L'événement a été créé en tant que brouillon", @@ -886,7 +881,6 @@ "The member was approved": "Le ou la membre a été approuvée", "The member was removed from the group {group}": "Le ou la membre a été supprimé·e du groupe {group}", "The membership request from {profile} was rejected": "La demande d'adhésion de {profile} a été rejetée", - "The new email must be different": "La nouvelle adresse email doit être différente", "The only way for your group to get new members is if an admininistrator invites them.": "La seule manière pour votre groupe d'obtenir de nouveaux·elles membres sera si un·e administrateur·ice les invite.", "The organiser has chosen to close comments.": "L'organisateur·rice a choisi de fermer les commentaires.", "The page you're looking for doesn't exist.": "La page que vous recherchez n'existe pas.", @@ -897,7 +891,6 @@ "The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below.": "Le signalement sera envoyé aux modérateur⋅ices de votre instance. Vous pouvez expliquer pourquoi vous signalez ce contenu ci-dessous.", "The selected picture is too heavy. You need to select a file smaller than {size}.": "L'image sélectionnée est trop lourde. Vous devez sélectionner un fichier de moins de {size}.", "The technical details of the error can help developers solve the problem more easily. Please add them to your feedback.": "Les détails techniques de l'erreur peuvent aider les développeur⋅ices à résoudre le problème plus facilement. Merci de les inclure dans vos retours.", - "The username is a unique identifier of your account on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.": "Le nom d'utilisateur·rice est un identifiant unique pour votre compte. Il est similaire à une adresse e-mail mais permettant à d'autres personnes de vous trouver.", "The {default_privacy_policy} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.": "La {default_privacy_policy} sera utilisée. Elle sera traduite dans la langue de l'utilisateur·rice.", "The {default_terms} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.": "Les {default_terms} seront utilisées. Elles seront traduites dans la langue de l'utilisateur⋅rice.", "There are {participants} participants.": "Il n'y a qu'un⋅e participant⋅e. | Il y a {participants} participant⋅es.", @@ -910,7 +903,6 @@ "This Mobilizon instance and this event organizer allows anonymous participations, but requires validation through email confirmation.": "Cette instance Mobilizon et l'organisateur⋅ice de l'événement autorise les participations anonymes, mais requiert une validation à travers une confirmation par email.", "This URL doesn't seem to be valid": "Cette URL ne semble pas être valide", "This URL is not supported": "Cette URL n'est pas supportée", - "This email is already used.": "Cette adresse email est déjà utilisée.", "This event has been cancelled.": "Cet événement a été annulé.", "This event is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.": "Cet événement est accessible uniquement à travers son lien. Faites attention où vous le diffusez.", "This group doesn't have a description yet.": "Ce groupe n'a pas encore de description.", @@ -1018,7 +1010,6 @@ "Visible everywhere on the web (public)": "Visible partout sur le web (public)", "Waiting for organization team approval.": "En attente d'approbation par l'organisation.", "Warning": "Attention", - "We can’t change the world from within Facebook. The tool we dream of, surveillance capitalism corporations won’t develop, as they cannot profit from it. This is an opportunity to build something better, by taking another approach.": "On ne peut pas changer le monde depuis Facebook. L’outil dont nous rêvons, les entreprises du capitalisme de surveillance ne le produiront pas, car elles ne peuvent pas en tirer profit. C’est l’occasion de faire mieux qu’elles, en faisant autrement.", "We couldn't save your participation inside this browser. Not to worry, you have successfully confirmed your participation, we just couldn't save it's status in this browser because of a technical issue.": "Nous n'avons pas pu sauvegarder votre participation dans ce navigateur. Aucune inquiétude, vous avez bien confirmé votre participation, nous n'avons juste pas pu enregistrer son statut dans ce navigateur à cause d'un souci technique.", "We improve this software thanks to your feedback. To let us know about this issue, two possibilities (both unfortunately require user account creation):": "Nous améliorons ce logiciel grâce à vos retours. Pour nous avertir de ce problème, vous avez deux possibilités (les deux requièrent toutefois la création d'un compte) :", "We just sent an email to {email}": "Nous venons d'envoyer un email à {email}", @@ -1048,7 +1039,6 @@ "Why create an account?": "Pourquoi se créer un compte ?", "Will allow to display and manage your participation status on the event page when using this device. Uncheck if you're using a public device.": "Permet d'afficher et de gérer le statut de votre participation sur la page de l'événement lorsque vous utilisez cet appareil. Décochez si vous utilisez un appareil public.", "Within {number} kilometers of {place}": "|Dans un rayon d'un kilomètre de {place}|Dans un rayon de {number} kilomètres de {place}", - "Write something…": "Écrivez quelque chose…", "Yesterday": "Hier", "You accepted the invitation to join the group.": "Vous avez accepté l'invitation à vous joindre au groupe.", "You added the member {member}.": "Vous avez ajouté le ou la membre {member}.", @@ -1063,7 +1053,6 @@ "You can pick your timezone into your preferences.": "Vous pouvez choisir votre fuseau horaire dans vos préférences.", "You can try another search term or drag and drop the marker on the map": "Vous pouvez essayer avec d'autres termes de recherche ou bien glisser et déposer le marqueur sur la carte", "You can't change your password because you are registered through {provider}.": "Vous ne pouvez pas changer votre mot de passe car vous vous êtes enregistré via {provider}.", - "You can't reset your password because you use a 3rd-party auth provider to login.": "Vous ne pouvez pas réinitialiser votre mot de passe car vous vous connectez via une méthode externe.", "You can't use push notifications in this browser.": "Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser les notifications push dans ce navigateur.", "You changed your email or password": "Vous avez modifié votre email ou votre mot de passe", "You created the discussion {discussion}.": "Vous avez créé la discussion {discussion}.", @@ -1183,17 +1172,14 @@ "enable the feature": "activer la fonctionnalité", "explore the events": "explorer les événements", "explore the groups": "explorer les groupes", - "fit the needs and uses of the people": "aux besoins et usages", "full rules": "règles complètes", "group's upcoming public events": "prochains événements publics du groupe", "": "", "iCal Feed": "Flux iCal", "instance rules": "règles de l'instance", - "its source code is public": "son code source est public", "more than 1360 contributors": "plus de 1360 contributeur·rice·s", "profile@instance": "profil@instance", "report #{report_number}": "le signalement #{report_number}", - "respect of the fundamental freedoms": "le respect des libertés fondamentales", "return to the event's page": "retourner sur la page de l'événement", "terms of service": "conditions générales d'utilisation", "with another identity…": "avec une autre identité…", diff --git a/js/src/i18n/gl.json b/js/src/i18n/gl.json index 70f871056..03737ec3e 100644 --- a/js/src/i18n/gl.json +++ b/js/src/i18n/gl.json @@ -146,7 +146,6 @@ "Comment text can't be empty": "O texto do comentario non pode estar baleiro", "Comments": "Comentarios", "Comments are closed for everybody else.": "Os comentarios están pechados para todas.", - "Conceived with care for humans": "Concebida con agarimo polos humanos", "Confirm my participation": "Confirmar a miña participación", "Confirm my particpation": "Confirmar a miña participación", "Confirmed": "Confirmada", @@ -363,7 +362,6 @@ "If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here.": "Se o desexas, aquí podes enviar unha mensaxe á organización do evento.", "Ignore": "Ignorar", "In the following context, an application is a software, either provided by the Mobilizon team or by a 3rd-party, used to interact with your instance.": "No seguinte contexto, unha aplicación é un software, proporcionado polo equipo Mobilizon ou por terceiros, utilizado para interactuar coa túa instancia.", - "Installing Mobilizon will allow communities to free themselves from the services of tech giants by creating <b>their own event platform</b>.": "Instalando Mobilizon as comunidades poderán librarse dos servizos das grandes corporacións ó crear <b>a súa propia plataforma para eventos</b>.", "Instance": "Instancia", "Instance Long Description": "Descrición longa da instancia", "Instance Name": "Nome da instancia", @@ -428,7 +426,6 @@ "Login on {instance}": "Conecta en {instance}", "Login status": "Estado da conexión", "Main languages you/your moderators speak": "Idiomas principais que ti ou as túas colaboradoras falades", - "Manage my settings": "Xestionar os axustes", "Manage participations": "Xestionar participantes", "Manually approve new followers": "Aprobar manualmente novas solicitudes", "Manually invite new members": "Convida manualmente a novos membros", @@ -443,7 +440,6 @@ "Mobilizon is a federated software, meaning you can interact - depending on your admin's federation settings - with content from other instances, such as joining groups or events that were created elsewhere.": "Mobilizon é un software federado, esto significa que podes interactuar - dependendo dos axustes da instancia - con contido doutras instancias, como unirte a grupos ou eventos que foron creados nelas.", "Mobilizon is a tool that helps you <b>find, create and organise events</b>.": "Mobilizon é unha ferramenta que che axuda a <b>atopar, crear e organizar eventos</b>.", "Mobilizon is not a giant platform, but a <b>multitude of interconnected Mobilizon websites</b>.": "Mobilizon non é unha plataforma xigante, se non <b>múltiples sitios web Mobilizon interconectados</b>.", - "Mobilizon is under development, we will add new features to this site during regular updates, until the release of <b>version 1 of the software in the fall of 2020</b>.": "Mobilizon está en desenvolvemento, engadiremos novas características a esta web de xeito regular, ata a publicación da <b>versión 1 do software no outono do 2020</b>.", "Mobilizon software": "Software Mobilizon", "Mobilizon uses a system of profiles to compartiment your activities. You will be able to create as many profiles as you want.": "Mobilizon utiliza un sistema de perfís para organizar as túas actividades. Poderás crear tantos perfís como queiras.", "Mobilizon version": "Versión Mobilizon", @@ -812,7 +808,6 @@ "Unknown error.": "Erro descoñecido.", "Unknown value for the openness setting.": "Axuste descoñecido para o acceso ao grupo.", "Unsaved changes": "Cambios non gardados", - "Unsubscribe to WebPush": "Quitar subscrición a WebPush", "Unsubscribe to browser push notifications": "Retirar subscrición ás notificacións push do navegdor", "Unsuspend": "Reactivar", "Upcoming": "Próximamente", @@ -846,7 +841,6 @@ "Visible everywhere on the web (public)": "Visible en toda a web (público)", "Waiting for organization team approval.": "Agardando pola aprobación da organización.", "Warning": "Aviso", - "We can’t change the world from within Facebook. The tool we dream of, surveillance capitalism corporations won’t develop, as they cannot profit from it. This is an opportunity to build something better, by taking another approach.": "Non podemos cambiar o mundo desde dentro de Facebook. A ferramenta que precisamos non nola vai dar o capitalismo de vixilancia, porque non pode sacar cartos dela. Esta é unha oportunidade para construír algo mellor, adoptando un enfoque diferente.", "We couldn't save your participation inside this browser. Not to worry, you have successfully confirmed your participation, we just couldn't save it's status in this browser because of a technical issue.": "Non puidemos gardar a túa participación neste navegador. Non te preocupes, confirmaches correctamente a túa participación, só que non puidemos gardar o estado neste navegador por algunha cuestión técnica.", "We improve this software thanks to your feedback. To let us know about this issue, two possibilities (both unfortunately require user account creation):": "Melloramos este software grazas á túa colaboración. Infórmanos acerca deste asunto, tes dúas posibilidades (desafortunadamente as dúas requiren a creación dunha conta):", "We just sent an email to {email}": "Enviámosche un email a {email}", @@ -869,7 +863,6 @@ "Why create an account?": "Por que crear unha conta?", "Will allow to display and manage your participation status on the event page when using this device. Uncheck if you're using a public device.": "Permitirá mostrar e xestionar o estado da túa participación na páxina do evento cando utilices este dispositivo. Quita a marca se estás a usar un dispositivo público.", "Within {number} kilometers of {place}": "|Menos dun quilómetro de {place}|A menos de {number} quilometros de {place}", - "Write something…": "Escribe algo…", "Yesterday": "Onte", "You accepted the invitation to join the group.": "Aceptaches o convite para unirte ao grupo.", "You added the member {member}.": "Engadiches a {member}.", @@ -989,11 +982,9 @@ "enable the feature": "activar a característica", "explore the events": "explorar os eventos", "explore the groups": "explorar grupos", - "fit the needs and uses of the people": "cumpre coas necesidades e usos das persoas", "full rules": "normas completas", "iCal Feed": "Fonte iCal", "instance rules": "normas da instancia", - "its source code is public": "o seu código fonte é público", "more than 1360 contributors": "máis de 1360 colaboradoras", "profile@instance": "perfil@instancia", "report #{report_number}": "denuncia #{report_number}", diff --git a/js/src/i18n/hu.json b/js/src/i18n/hu.json index dcffebe0f..e51ca6bc1 100644 --- a/js/src/i18n/hu.json +++ b/js/src/i18n/hu.json @@ -502,7 +502,6 @@ "Login on {instance}": "Bejelentkezés a(z) {instance} példányra", "Login status": "Bejelentkezési állapot", "Main languages you/your moderators speak": "Fő nyelvek, amelyeken Ön vagy a moderátorai beszélnek", - "Manage my settings": "Saját beállítások kezelése", "Manage participations": "Részvételek kezelése", "Manually approve new followers": "Új követők kézi jóváhagyása", "Manually invite new members": "Új tagok meghívása kézzel", diff --git a/js/src/i18n/it.json b/js/src/i18n/it.json index fd028f848..035b9c266 100644 --- a/js/src/i18n/it.json +++ b/js/src/i18n/it.json @@ -119,7 +119,6 @@ "Comment from @{username} reported": "Commento da @{nomeutente} segnalato", "Comments": "Commenti", "Comments are closed for everybody else.": "I commenti sono disabilitati per tutti gli altri.", - "Concieved with care for humans": "Ideato tenendo al centro le persone", "Confirm my participation": "Conferma la mia partecipazione", "Confirm my particpation": "Conferma la mia partecipazione", "Confirmed": "Confermato", @@ -372,7 +371,6 @@ "Login on {instance}": "Accedi a {instance}", "Login status": "Stato di accesso", "Main languages you/your moderators speak": "Lingue principali parlate da te/dai tuoi moderatori", - "Manage my settings": "Gestisci le mie impostazioni", "Manage participations": "Gestisci partecipazioni", "Manually invite new members": "Invita manualmente nuovi membri", "Mark as resolved": "Segna come risolto", @@ -857,7 +855,6 @@ "e.g. 10 Rue Jangot": "ad es. via Jangot, 10", "explore the events": "esplora gli eventi", "explore the groups": "esplora i gruppi", - "fit the needs and uses of the people": "Soddisfa i bisogni e gli utilizzi delle persone", "full rules": "regole complete", "iCal Feed": "Feed iCal", "instance rules": "regole dell'istanza", diff --git a/js/src/i18n/ja.json b/js/src/i18n/ja.json index dac18f114..75f9d5563 100644 --- a/js/src/i18n/ja.json +++ b/js/src/i18n/ja.json @@ -122,7 +122,6 @@ "Warning": "ご注意", "Website": "ウェブサイト", "Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "{username} 、Mobilizonへよこそう!", - "Write something…": "何を書いてください…", "[This comment has been deleted]": "[このコメントは削除されました]", "[deleted]": "[削除された]", "as {identity}": "{identity} として" diff --git a/js/src/i18n/langs.json b/js/src/i18n/langs.json index 88323fde0..2e49a72f0 100644 --- a/js/src/i18n/langs.json +++ b/js/src/i18n/langs.json @@ -1,14 +1,8 @@ { - "bn": "বাংলা", "cs": "čeština", - "de": "Deutsch", "es": "Español", - "fi": "suomi", "gd": "Gàidhlig", - "hu": "Magyar", "it": "Italiano", - "nn": "Nynorsk", "pl": "Polski", - "ru": "Русский", "sv": "Svenska" } diff --git a/js/src/i18n/nl.json b/js/src/i18n/nl.json index 2c603b9dd..b991efb47 100644 --- a/js/src/i18n/nl.json +++ b/js/src/i18n/nl.json @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ "Admin settings successfully saved.": "Beheerdersinstellingen successvol opgeslagen.", "Administration": "Administratie", "All the places have already been taken": "Ale plaatsen zijn bezet|Er is nog één plaats vrij|Er zijn nog {places} plaatsen vrij", - "An error has occurred.": "Er is een fout opgetreden.", "Anonymous participant": "Anonieme gebruiker", "Anonymous participants will be asked to confirm their participation through e-mail.": "Anonieme gebruikers zullen worden gevraagd hun deelname te bevestigen via e-mail.", "Anonymous participations": "Anonieme deelnames", @@ -57,7 +56,6 @@ "Create my group": "Mijn groep aanmaken", "Create my profile": "Mijn profiel aanmaken", "Create token": "Token aanmaken", - "Creator": "Aanmaker", "Current identity has been changed to {identityName} in order to manage this event.": "De huidige identiteit is veranderd in {identityName} om dit evenement te beheren.", "Date and time settings": "Datum- en tijdsinstellingen", "Date parameters": "Datuminstellingen", @@ -78,7 +76,6 @@ "Email": "Email", "Ends on…": "Eindigt op…", "Enter the link URL": "Voeg de link URL in", - "Error while saving report.": "Fout tijdens het opslaan van de melding.", "Error while validating account": "Fout tijdens het valideren van de account", "Event": "Evenement", "Event already passed": "Evenement is al voorbij", @@ -102,7 +99,6 @@ "From the {startDate} to the {endDate}": "Van {startDate} tot {endDate}", "Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize": "Breng samen - Organiseer - Mobiliseer", "General information": "Algemene informatie", - "Group List": "Lijst met groepen", "Group name": "Groepsnaam", "Group {displayName} created": "Groep {displayName} aangemaakt", "Groups": "Groepen", @@ -115,7 +111,6 @@ "Identity {displayName} updated": "Identiteit {displayName} bijgewerkt", "If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to {email}": "Als er al een account met dit emailadres bestaat, hebben we net nog een bevestigingsemail verstuurd naar {email}", "If this identity is the only administrator of some groups, you need to delete them before being able to delete this identity.": "Als deze identiteit de enige beheerder van een of meerdere groepen is, moet u deze eerst verwijderen voordat u de identiteit kan verwijderen.", - "In the meantime, please consider that the software is not (yet) finished. More information {onBlog}.": "Gelieve er intussen rekening mee te houden dat de software (nog) niet klaar is. Meer informatie {onBlog}.", "Join {instance}, a Mobilizon instance": "Sluit je aan bij {instance}, een Mobilizonserver", "Last published event": "Laatst gepubliceerd evenement", "Last week": "Vorige week", @@ -133,7 +128,6 @@ "Login on Mobilizon!": "Aanmelden bij Mobilizon!", "Manage participations": "Deelnames beheren", "Members": "Leden", - "Mobilizon is under development, we will add new features to this site during regular updates, until the release of <b>version 1 of the software in the first half of 2020</b>.": "Mobilizon is in ontwikkeling, we zullen regelmatig nieuwe functies toevoegen aan deze site via updates, tot <b>versie 1 van de software beschikbaar is in de eerste helft van 2020</b>.", "Moderated comments (shown after approval)": "Gemodereerde opmerkingen (getoond na goedkeuring)", "My account": "Mijn account", "My events": "Mijn evenementen", @@ -153,7 +147,6 @@ "On {date} ending at {endTime}": "Op {date}, tot {endTime}", "On {date} from {startTime} to {endTime}": "Op {date} van {startTime} tot {endTime}", "On {date} starting at {startTime}": "Op {date} vanaf {startTime}", - "Only accessible through link and search (private)": "Alleen bereikbaar via link en zoeken (privé)", "Opened reports": "Geopende meldingen", "Organized": "Georganiseerd", "Organized by {name}": "Georganiseerd door {name}", @@ -161,7 +154,6 @@ "Otherwise this identity will just be removed from the group administrators.": "Anders zal deze identiteit alleen verwijderd worden uit de beheerders van de groep.", "Page limited to my group (asks for auth)": "Pagina beperkt tot mijn groep (vraag om authentificatie)", "Page not found": "Pagina niet gevonden", - "Participant has already been approved as participant.": "Deelnemer is al goedgekeurd.", "Participants": "Deelnemers", "Participate": "Deelnemen", "Participation approval": "Goedkeuring van deelnemers", @@ -174,7 +166,6 @@ "Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive the email.": "Gelieve uw map met spamberichten te controleren indien u de email niet ontvangen hebt.", "Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake.": "Gelieve de beheerder van deze Mobilizonserver te contacteren als u denkt dat dit niet juist is.", "Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved.": "Gelieve te controleren dat het adres juist is, en de pagina niet verplaatst is.", - "Please refresh the page and retry.": "Gelieve de pagina te verversen, en opnieuw te proberen.", "Postal Code": "Postcode", "Private event": "Privé-evenement", "Private feeds": "Privéfeeds", @@ -187,7 +178,6 @@ "RSS/Atom Feed": "RSS-/Atomfeed", "Region": "Regio", "Register": "Inschrijven", - "Register for an event by choosing one of your identities": "Meld u aan voor een evenement door een van uw identiteiten te kiezen", "Registration is currently closed.": "Inschrijvingen zijn momenteel gesloten.", "Reject": "Afwijzen", "Rejected": "Afgewezen", @@ -200,7 +190,6 @@ "Search": "Zoeken", "Search events, groups, etc.": "Zoek evenementen, groepen, etc.", "Searching…": "Zoeken…", - "Send me the confirmation email once again": "Stuur mij de bevestigingsemail nog eens", "Send the report": "Verstuur de melding", "Share this event": "Dit evenement delen", "Show map": "Kaart tonen", @@ -228,7 +217,6 @@ "This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances.": "Deze server is nog niet open voor inschrijvingen, maar u kan zich inschrijven op andere servers.", "This will delete / anonymize all content (events, comments, messages, participations…) created from this identity.": "Dit zal alle inhoud (evenementen, opmerkingen, berichten, deelnames…) die aangemaakt is met deze identiteit verwijderen / anonimiseren.", "Title": "Titel", - "To change the world, change the software": "Verander de software om de wereld te veranderen", "To confirm, type your event title \"{eventTitle}\"": "Typ de titel van uw evenement \"{eventTitle}\" om te bevestigen", "To confirm, type your identity username \"{preferredUsername}\"": "Typ de gebruikersnaam van uw identiteit \"{preferredUsername}\" om te bevestigen", "Transfer to {outsideDomain}": "Verplaatsen naar {outsideDomain}", @@ -248,13 +236,11 @@ "Waiting for organization team approval.": "Wacht op goedkeuring van het organisatieteam.", "Warning": "Waarschuwing", "We just sent an email to {email}": "We hebben zonet een email verstuurd naar {email}", - "We won’t change the world from Facebook. The tool we dream of, surveillance capitalism corporations won’t develop it, as they couldn’t profit from it. This is an opportunity to build something better, by taking another approach.": "We zullen de wereld niet veranderen van Facebook. Het hulpmiddel waar we van dromen zal niet door de bedrijven van het toezichtskapitalisme ontwikkeld worden omdat ze er geen winst kunnen mee maken. Er is een mogelijkheid om iets beters te bouwen door een andere benadering te kiezen.", "Website / URL": "Website / URL", "Welcome back {username}!": "Welkom terug {username}!", "Welcome back!": "Welkom terug!", "Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "Welkom bij Mobilizon, {username}!", "Who can view this event and participate": "Wie kan dit evenement bekijken en eraan deelnemen", - "Write something…": "Schrijf iets…", "You are already a participant of this event.": "U neemt al deel aan dit evenement.", "You can add tags by hitting the Enter key or by adding a comma": "U kunt tags toevoegen door op de Enter-toets te drukken, of door een komma toe te voegen", "You have been disconnected": "De verbinding is verbroken", @@ -270,11 +256,9 @@ "Your participation has been requested": "Uw deelname is aangevraagd", "e.g. 10 Rue Jangot": "bvb. Jangotstraat 10", "iCal Feed": "iCalfeed", - "its source code is public": "de broncode is openbaar", "resend confirmation email": "bevestigingsemail opnieuw versturen", "with another identity…": "met een andere identiteit…", "{approved} / {total} seats": "{approved} / {total} plaatsen", "{count} participants": "Nog geen deelnemers | Eén deelnemer | {count} deelnemers", - "{count} requests waiting": "{count} aanvragen in afwachting", - "© The Mobilizon Contributors {date} - Made with Elixir, Phoenix, VueJS & with some love and some weeks": "© Het Mobilizonteam {date} - Ontwikkeld met Elixir, Phoenix, VueJS & veel liefde en tijd" + "{count} requests waiting": "{count} aanvragen in afwachting" } diff --git a/js/src/i18n/nn.json b/js/src/i18n/nn.json index 8ef4bbcbb..412f0c8c5 100644 --- a/js/src/i18n/nn.json +++ b/js/src/i18n/nn.json @@ -485,7 +485,6 @@ "Login on {instance}": "Logg inn på {instance}", "Login status": "Innloggingsstatus", "Main languages you/your moderators speak": "Dei språka du og styrarane pratar", - "Manage my settings": "Endre innstillingane mine", "Manage participations": "Handter deltakingar", "Manually approve new followers": "Godkjenn nye fylgjarar manuelt", "Manually invite new members": "Inviter nye medlemer manuelt", diff --git a/js/src/i18n/oc.json b/js/src/i18n/oc.json index f15889d99..aec822fc9 100644 --- a/js/src/i18n/oc.json +++ b/js/src/i18n/oc.json @@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ "Anyone can join freely": "Qual que siá pòt rejónher", "Anyone wanting to be a member from your group will be able to from your group page.": "Qual que siá que vòl devenir membre poirà o far a partir d’aquesta pagina de grop.", "Application": "Aplicacion", - "Are you going to this event?": "Anatz a aqueste eveniment ?", "Are you really sure you want to delete your whole account? You'll lose everything. Identities, settings, events created, messages and participations will be gone forever.": "Volètz vertadièrament suprimir vòstre compte ? O perdretz tot. Identitats, paramètres, eveniments creats, messatges e participacions desapareisseràn per totjorn.", "Are you sure you want to <b>completely delete</b> this group? All members - including remote ones - will be notified and removed from the group, and <b>all of the group data (events, posts, discussions, todos…) will be irretrievably destroyed</b>.": "Volètz vertadièrament <b>suprimir complètament</b> aqueste grop ? Totes los membres, inclutz los d’autras instàncias, seràn notificats e suprimits de grop, e <b>totas las donadas ligadas al grop (eveniments, publicacions, discussions, prètzfaches…) seràn irremediablament perduts</b>.", "Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this comment? This action cannot be undone.": "Volètz vertadièrament <b>suprimir</b> aqueste comentari ? Aquesta accion es irreversibla.", @@ -128,7 +127,6 @@ "Comment text can't be empty": "Lo tèxt del comentari pòt pas èsser void", "Comments": "Comentaris", "Comments are closed for everybody else.": "Los comentaris son tampats pels autres.", - "Comments on the event page": "Comentari a pagina de l’eveniment", "Concieved with care for humans": "Concebut amb suènh pels umans", "Confirm my participation": "Confirmar ma participacion", "Confirm my particpation": "Confirmar ma participacion", @@ -164,7 +162,6 @@ "Create token": "Crear un geton", "Created by {name}": "Creat per {name}", "Created by {username}": "Creat per {username}", - "Current": "Actual", "Current identity has been changed to {identityName} in order to manage this event.": "L’identitat actuala es estada cambiada per {identityName} per dire de poder gerir aqueste eveniment.", "Current page": "Pagina actuala", "Custom": "Personalizar", @@ -230,7 +227,6 @@ "Email address": "Adreça mail", "Enabled": "Activada", "Ends on…": "S’acaba lo…", - "Enter some tags": "Escriure d’etiquetas", "Enter the link URL": "Picatz l’URL del ligam", "Enter your email address below, and we'll email you instructions on how to change your password.": "Indicatz vòstra adreça electronica çai-jos. Vos enviarem las consignas tocant la modificacion de vòstre senhal.", "Enter your own privacy policy. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_privacy_policy} is provided as template.": "Picatz vòstra pròpria politica de confidencialitat. Las balisas HTML son autorizadas. La {mobilizon_privacy_policy} es fornida coma modèl.", @@ -337,7 +333,6 @@ "If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here.": "Se volètz, podètz daissar aquí un messatge per l’organizator de l’eveniment çai-jos.", "Ignore": "Ignorar", "In the following context, an application is a software, either provided by the Mobilizon team or by a 3rd-party, used to interact with your instance.": "Dins lo contèxt seguent, una aplicacion es un logicial, provesit per la còla Mobilizon o una tèrça part, utilizat per interagir amb vòstra instància.", - "Installing Mobilizon will allow communities to free themselves from the services of tech giants by creating <b>their own event platform</b>.": "Installar Mobilizon permetrà a de collectius de se liberar de las aisinas dels gigants del web en creant <b>lor pròpria plataforma d’eveniments</b>.", "Instance": "Instància", "Instance Long Description": "Descripcion longa de l’instància", "Instance Name": "Nom de l’instància", @@ -378,7 +373,6 @@ "Learn more": "Ne saber mai", "Learn more about Mobilizon": "Ne saber mai subre Mobilizon", "Learn more about {instance}": "Ne saber mai tocant {instance}", - "Learn more on {0}": "Ne saber mai sus {0}", "Leave": "Quitar", "Leave event": "Anullar ma participacion a l’eveniment", "Leave group": "Quitar lo grop", @@ -400,7 +394,6 @@ "Login on {instance}": "Connexion a {instance}", "Login status": "Estat de la connexion", "Main languages you/your moderators speak": "Lengas principalas vòstras / de vòstres moderators", - "Manage my settings": "Gerir mos paramètres", "Manage participations": "Gerir las participacions", "Manually approve new followers": "Aprovar las demandas de seguiment novèlas manualament", "Manually invite new members": "Convidar membres novèls manualament", @@ -471,7 +464,6 @@ "No posts found": "Cap de publicacion pas trobada", "No posts yet": "Cap de publicacion pel moment", "No profile matches the filters": "Cap de perfil correspond pas als filtres", - "No public posts": "Cap de bilhets publics", "No public upcoming events": "Cap d’eveniment pas previst", "No resolved reports yet": "Cap de senhalament resolgut pel moment", "No resources in this folder": "Cap de ressorsa dins aquesta dossièr", @@ -497,7 +489,6 @@ "On {date} ending at {endTime}": "Lo {date}, s’acaba a {endTime}", "On {date} from {startTime} to {endTime}": "Lo {date} de {startTime} fins a {endTime}", "On {date} starting at {startTime}": "Lo {date} a partir de {startTime}", - "Ongoing tasks": "Afars en cors", "Only accessible through link": "Accessible sonque via ligam", "Only accessible through link (private)": "Sonque accessible via ligam (privat)", "Only accessible to members of the group": "Accessible sonque als membres del grop", @@ -524,7 +515,6 @@ "Page not found": "Pagina pas trobada", "Parent folder": "Dossièr parent", "Participant": "Participant", - "Participant has already been approved as participant.": "Lo participant es ja estat aprovat coma participant.", "Participants": "Participants", "Participate": "Participar", "Participate using your email address": "Participar en utilizant una adreça electronica", @@ -549,9 +539,7 @@ "Please do not use it in any real way.": "Mercés de l’utilizar pas d’un biais real.", "Please enter your password to confirm this action.": "Volgatz picar vòstre senhal per confirmar aquesta accion.", "Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved.": "Asseguratz-vos que l’adreça es corrècta e que la pagina es pas estada desplaçada.", - "Please read the instance's {fullRules}": "Mercés de legir las {fullRules}", "Please read the {fullRules} published by {instance}'s administrators.": "Mercés de legir las {fullRules} publicadas per l’administrator de {instance}.", - "Please type at least 5 characters": "Mercés de picar almens 5 caractèrs", "Post": "Publicacion", "Post a comment": "Publicar lo comentari", "Post a reply": "Respondre", @@ -641,7 +629,6 @@ "Select a timezone": "Seleccionatz una zòna orària", "Select languages": "Causissètz una lenga", "Send email": "Enviar un corrièl", - "Send me an email to reset my password": "Enviatz-me un corrièl per reïnicializar lo senhal", "Send the confirmation email again": "Tornar enviar l’email de confirmacion", "Send the report": "Enviar lo senhalament", "Set an URL to a page with your own privacy policy.": "Picatz una URL cap a una pagina web amb vòstra pròpria politica de confidencialitat.", @@ -676,7 +663,6 @@ "The account's email address was changed. Check your emails to verify it.": "L’adreça electronica es ja estada modificada. Verificatz vòstres corrièls per confirmar lo cambiament.", "The actual number of participants may differ, as this event is hosted on another instance.": "Lo nombre real pòt èsser diferent pr’amor que l’eveniment ven d’una autra instància.", "The content came from another server. Transfer an anonymous copy of the report?": "Lo contengut ven d’una autra instància. Transferir una còpia anonima del senhalament ?", - "The current password is invalid": "Lo senhal actual es invalid", "The draft event has been updated": "L’eveniment borrolhon es estat actualizat", "The event has been created as a draft": "L’eveniment es estat creat coma borrolhon", "The event has been published": "L’eveniment es estat publicat", @@ -693,13 +679,11 @@ "The group will be publicly listed in search results and may be suggested in the explore section. Only public informations will be shown on it's page.": "Lo grop serà listat publicament dins los resultats de recèrca e poirà èsser suggerit sus la pagina « Explorar ». Sonque las informacions publicas seràn mostradas sus la pagina.", "The instance administrator is the person or entity that runs this Mobilizon instance.": "L’administrator de l’instància es la persona o entitat que gerís aquesta instància Mobilizon.", "The member was removed from the group {group}": "Lo membre foguèt suprimit del grop {group}", - "The new email must be different": "La nòva adreça deu èsser diferenta", "The only way for your group to get new members is if an admininistrator invites them.": "L’unica manièra per que lo grop aja de membres novèls es que l’administrator los convide.", "The organiser has chosen to close comments.": "L’organizator decidèt de tampar los comentaris.", "The page you're looking for doesn't exist.": "La pagina que cercatz existís pas.", "The password was successfully changed": "Lo senhal es estat corrèctament cambiat", "The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below.": "Lo senhalament serà enviat als moderators de l’autra instància. Podètz explicar çai-jos perque senhalatz lo contengut.", - "The {date} at {time}": "Lo {date} a {time}", "The {default_privacy_policy} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.": "La {default_privacy_policy} serà utilizada. Serà traducha dins la lenga de l’utilizaire.", "The {default_terms} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.": "Los {default_terms} seràn utilizat. Seràn traduches dins la lenga de l’utilizaire.", "There are {participants} participants.": "I a pas qu’un participant | I a {participants} participants.", @@ -708,7 +692,6 @@ "These events may interest you": "Aquestes eveniments pòdon vos interessar", "This Mobilizon instance and this event organizer allows anonymous participations, but requires validation through email confirmation.": "Aquesta instància Mobilizon e l’organizaire de l’eveniment permeton las participacions anonimas, mas aquò requerís una validacion per email.", "This URL is not supported": "Aquesta URL es pas compotibla", - "This email is already used.": "Aquesta adreça es ja utilizada.", "This event has been cancelled.": "Aqueste eveniment foguèt anullat.", "This event is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.": "Aqueste eveniment es sonque accessible via son ligam. Fasètz moment ont lo publicatz.", "This group doesn't have a description yet.": "Aqueste grop a pas encara de descripcion.", @@ -771,7 +754,6 @@ "View all": "O veire tot", "View all events": "Veire totes eveniments", "View all posts": "Veire totas las publicacions", - "View all todos": "Veire totes los todos", "View event page": "Veire la pagina de l’eveniment", "View everything": "O veire tot", "View page on {hostname} (in a new window)": "Veire la pagina {hostname} (dins una fenèstra novèla)", @@ -797,9 +779,7 @@ "Who published {number} events": "Qu’an publicat {number} eveniments", "Why create an account?": "Perqué crear un compte ?", "Will allow to display and manage your participation status on the event page when using this device. Uncheck if you're using a public device.": "Permet de mostrar e gerir l’estatut de vòstra participacion sus la pagina de l’eveniment quand utilizatz aqueste periferic. Desmarcatz aquesta casa s’utilizatz un periferic public.", - "Write something…": "Escrivètz quicòm…", "Yesterday": "Ièr", - "You announced that you're going to this event.": "Avètz anonciat qu’anatz a aqueste eveniment.", "You are already logged-in.": "Sètz ja connectat.", "You are not an administrator for this group.": "Sètz pas administrator d’aqueste grop.", "You are not part of any group.": "Fasètz pas part de cap de grop.", @@ -823,7 +803,6 @@ "You invited {member}.": "Avètz convidat {member}.", "You may clear all participation information for this device with the buttons below.": "Podètz escafar totas las informacions de participacion per aqueste periferic amb los botons çai-jos.", "You may now close this window, or {return_to_event}.": "Ara podètz tampar aquesta fenèstra o {return_to_event}.", - "You need to create the group before you create an event.": "Vos cal crear lo grop abans de crear l’eveniment.", "You need to login.": "Vos cal vos connectar.", "You posted a comment on the event {event}.": "Avètz publicat un comentari sus l’eveniment {event}.", "You replied to a comment on the event {event}.": "Avètz respondut a un comentari sus l’eveniment {event}.", @@ -848,7 +827,6 @@ "Your participation has been confirmed": "Vòstra participacion es estada confirmada", "Your participation has been rejected": "Vòstra participacion es estada regetada", "Your participation has been requested": "Vòstra participacion es estada demandada", - "Your participation is being validated": "Vòstra participacion es en espèra de validacion", "Your participation request has been validated": "Vòstra participacion es estada validada", "Your participation request is being validated": "Vòstra demanda de participacion es a èsser validada", "Your participation status has been changed": "L’estatut de vòstra participacion a cambiat", @@ -876,15 +854,12 @@ "e.g. 10 Rue Jangot": "per exemple : 10 carrièra Jangot", "explore the events": "explorar los eveniments", "explore the groups": "explorar los grops", - "fit the needs and uses of the people": "als besonhs e usatges", "full rules": "règlas complètas", "iCal Feed": "Flux iCal", "instance rules": "règlas de l’instància", - "its source code is public": "son còdi font es public", "more than 1360 contributors": "mai de 1360 contributors", "profile@instance": "perfil@instancia", "report #{report_number}": "lo senhalament #{report_number}", - "respect of the fundamental freedoms": "lo respet de las libertats fondamentalas", "return to the event's page": "tornar a la pagina de l’eveniment", "terms of service": "condicions generalas d’utilizacion", "with another identity…": "amb una autra identitat…", diff --git a/js/src/i18n/pl.json b/js/src/i18n/pl.json index 6aad1fc67..b6af712d7 100644 --- a/js/src/i18n/pl.json +++ b/js/src/i18n/pl.json @@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ "Comment from @{username} reported": "Zgłoszono komentarz @{username}", "Comments": "Komentarze", "Comments are closed for everybody else.": "Komentarze są zamknięte dla innych.", - "Comments on the event page": "Komentarze na stronie wydarzenia", "Confirm my participation": "Potwierdź moje uczestnictwo", "Confirm my particpation": "Potwierdź mój udział", "Confirmed": "Potwierdzony", @@ -249,7 +248,6 @@ "Glossary": "Słownik", "Go": "Przejdź", "Go to the event page": "Przejdź na stronę wydarzenia", - "Group List": "Lista grup", "Group Members": "Członkowie grupy", "Group address": "Adres grupy", "Group display name": "Wyświetlana nazwa grupy", @@ -284,7 +282,6 @@ "If you have opted for manual validation of participants, Mobilizon will send you an email to inform you of new participations to be processed. You can choose the frequency of these notifications below.": "Jeżeli wybrałeś(-aś) ręczne zatwierdzanie uczestników, Mobilizon będzie wysyłać wiadomości aby informować o nowych uczestnikach do zatwierdzenia. Poniżej możesz wybrać, jak często będziesz otrzymywać takie powiadomienia.", "If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here.": "Jeśli chcesz, możesz tu przesłać wiadomość do organizatora urządzenia.", "In the following context, an application is a software, either provided by the Mobilizon team or by a 3rd-party, used to interact with your instance.": "W tym kontekście, aplikacja to oprogramowanie dostarczone przez zespół Mobilizon lub osoby trzecie, dzięki której wchodzisz w interakcje ze swoją instancją.", - "Installing Mobilizon will allow communities to free themselves from the services of tech giants by creating <b>their own event platform</b>.": "Zainstalowanie Mobilizon pozwoli społecznościom uwolnić się od usług technologicznych gigantów, tworząc <b>własną platformę wydarzeń</b>.", "Instance": "Instancja", "Instance Long Description": "Dłuższy opis instancji", "Instance Name": "Nazwa instancji", @@ -341,7 +338,6 @@ "Login on {instance}": "Zaloguj się na {instance}", "Login status": "Stan logowania", "Main languages you/your moderators speak": "Główne języki którymi posługujesz się Ty/moderatorzy", - "Manage my settings": "Zarządzaj moimi ustawieniami", "Manage participations": "Zarządzaj uczestnikami", "Manually invite new members": "Ręcznie zapraszaj nowych członków", "Mark as resolved": "Oznacz jako rozwiązane", @@ -352,7 +348,6 @@ "Mobilizon is a federated network. You can interact with this event from a different server.": "Mobilizon jest sfederowaną siecią. Możesz wchodzić w interakcje z tym wydarzeniem z innego serwera.", "Mobilizon is a tool that helps you <b>find, create and organise events</b>.": "Mobilizon to narzędzie, które pomoże Ci <b>znaleźć, utworzyć i organizować wydarzenia</b>.", "Mobilizon is not a giant platform, but a <b>multitude of interconnected Mobilizon websites</b>.": "Mobilizon nie jest wielką platformą, ale składa się z <b>wielu połączonych ze sobą serwerów Mobilizon</b>.", - "Mobilizon is under development, we will add new features to this site during regular updates, until the release of <b>version 1 of the software in the first half of 2020</b>.": "Mobilizon jest wciąż rozwijany, na stronie będą regularnie pojawiały się nowe funkcje, do czasu wydania <b>pierwszej wersji oprogramowania w pierwszej połowie 2020 roku</b>.", "Mobilizon software": "oprogramowania Mobilizon", "Mobilizon version": "Wersja Mobilizon", "Mobilizon will send you an email when the events you are attending have important changes: date and time, address, confirmation or cancellation, etc.": "Mobilizon wyśle Tobie e-mail, kiedy zmieni się ważna informacja o wydarzeniach w których bierzesz udział: data i czas, adres, potwierdzenie anulowania itd.", @@ -448,7 +443,6 @@ "Page not found": "Nie znaleziono strony", "Parent folder": "Katalog nadrzędny", "Participant": "Uczestnik", - "Participant has already been approved as participant.": "Uczestnik już został zatwierdzonym uczestnikiem.", "Participants": "Uczestnicy", "Participate": "Weź udział", "Participate using your email address": "Weź udział używając adresu e-mail", @@ -552,7 +546,6 @@ "Select a timezone": "Wybierz strefę czasową", "Select languages": "Wybierz języki", "Send email": "Wyślij e-mail", - "Send me the confirmation email once again": "Wyślij wiadomość potwierdzającą ponownie", "Send the confirmation email again": "Wyślij wiadomość potwierdzającą ponownie", "Send the report": "Wyślij zgłoszenie", "Set an URL to a page with your own privacy policy.": "Ustaw adres URL strony z własną polityką prywatności.", @@ -686,7 +679,6 @@ "Who published {number} events": "Którzy utworzyli {number} wydarzeń", "Why create an account?": "Dlaczego warto założyć konto?", "Will allow to display and manage your participation status on the event page when using this device. Uncheck if you're using a public device.": "Pozwoli na wyświetlenie i zarządzanie stanem uczestnictwa na stronie wydarzenia gdy używasz tego urządzenia. Odznacz, jeżeli korzystasz z ogólnodostępnego urządzenia.", - "Write something…": "Napisz coś…", "You are already logged-in.": "Jesteś już zalogowany(-a).", "You are not an administrator for this group.": "Nie jesteś administratorem tej grupy.", "You are participating in this event anonymously": "Bierzesz udział w tym wydarzeniu anonimowo", @@ -703,7 +695,6 @@ "You have one event in {days} days.": "Nie masz żadnych wydarzeń w przeciągu {days} dni | Masz jedno wydarzeń w przeciągu {days} dni | Masz {count} wydarzeń w przeciągu {days} dni", "You have one event today.": "Nie masz dziś żadnych wydarzeń | Masz dziś jedno wydarzenie. | Masz dziś {count} wydarzeń", "You have one event tomorrow.": "Nie masz jutro żadnych wydarzeń | Masz jutro jedno wydarzenie. | Masz jutro {count} wydarzeń", - "You may now close this window.": "Możesz teraz zamknąć to okno.", "You need to login.": "Musisz się zalogować.", "You will be able to add an avatar and set other options in your account settings.": "Będziesz mieć możliwość dodania awataru i zmiany innych opcji w ustawieniach konta.", "You will be redirected to the original instance": "Zostaniesz przekierowany(-a) na instancję źródłową", diff --git a/js/src/i18n/pt_BR.json b/js/src/i18n/pt_BR.json index 882374b44..d0b441f74 100644 --- a/js/src/i18n/pt_BR.json +++ b/js/src/i18n/pt_BR.json @@ -252,7 +252,6 @@ "Glossary": "Glossário", "Go": "Vamos", "Go to the event page": "Vá para a página do evento", - "Group List": "Lista de grupos", "Group Members": "Membros do grupo", "Group address": "Endereço do grupo", "Group display name": "Nome de exibição do grupo", @@ -287,7 +286,6 @@ "If you have opted for manual validation of participants, Mobilizon will send you an email to inform you of new participations to be processed. You can choose the frequency of these notifications below.": "Se você optou por validação manual dos participantes, o Mobilizon enviará à você um email informando os novos participantes a serem processados. Você pode escolher a frequência dessas notificações abaixo.", "If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here.": "Se você quiser, você pode enviar uma mensagem para o organizador do evento aqui.", "In the following context, an application is a software, either provided by the Mobilizon team or by a 3rd-party, used to interact with your instance.": "No contexto que se segue, uma aplicação é um software, seja fornecido pela equipe Mobilizon ou por um terceiro, usado para interagir com a sua instância.", - "Installing Mobilizon will allow communities to free themselves from the services of tech giants by creating <b>their own event platform</b>.": "instalar Mobilizon possibilitará às comunidades de se libertarem dos serviços de grandes empresas de tecnologia criando, elas mesmas, <b>suas próprias plataformas</b>.", "Instance": "Instância", "Instance Long Description": "Descrição longa da instância", "Instance Name": "Nome da instância", @@ -455,7 +453,6 @@ "Page not found": "Página não encontrada", "Parent folder": "Pasta pai", "Participant": "Participante", - "Participant has already been approved as participant.": "o participante já foi aprovado como participante.", "Participants": "Participantes", "Participate": "Participar", "Participate using your email address": "Participar utilizando o seu endereço de email", @@ -561,7 +558,6 @@ "Select a timezone": "Selecionar um fuso horário", "Select languages": "Selecionar idioma", "Send email": "Enviar email", - "Send me the confirmation email once again": "Envie-me o email de confirmação novamente", "Send the confirmation email again": "Enviar o email de confirmação novamente", "Send the report": "Enviar o relato", "Set an URL to a page with your own privacy policy.": "Defina um endereço URL apontando para uma página web com a sua própria política de privacidade.", @@ -697,7 +693,6 @@ "Who published {number} events": "Quem publicou {number} eventos", "Why create an account?": "Por que criar uma conta?", "Will allow to display and manage your participation status on the event page when using this device. Uncheck if you're using a public device.": "Permitirá mostrar e administrar o estado da sua participação na página do evento quando usar este aparelho. Desmarque se você está usando um dispositivo público.", - "Write something…": "Escreva qualquer coisa…", "You are already a participant of this event.": "Você já participa deste evento.", "You are not an administrator for this group.": "Você não é um administrador deste grupo.", "You are participating in this event anonymously": "Você está participando deste evento de forma anônima", @@ -736,7 +731,6 @@ "Your participation has been confirmed": "Sua participação foi confirmada", "Your participation has been rejected": "Sua participação foi rejeitada", "Your participation has been requested": "Sua participação foi solicitada", - "Your participation is being validated": "Sua participação está sendo validada", "Your participation request has been validated": "Sua participação foi validada", "Your participation request is being validated": "Sua participação está sendo validada", "Your participation status has been changed": "O estado da sua participação foi modificado", @@ -759,11 +753,9 @@ "full rules": "Regras completas", "iCal Feed": "Feed iCal", "instance rules": "regras da instância", - "its source code is public": "seu código fonte é público", "more than 1360 contributors": "mais de 1360 contribuidores", "profile@instance": "perfil@instance", "report #{report_number}": "relatório #{report_number}", - "respect of the fundamental freedoms": "o respeito às liberdades fundamentais", "terms of service": "condições gerais do serviço", "with another identity…": "com uma outra identidade…", "{approved} / {total} seats": "{approved} / {total} lugares", diff --git a/js/src/i18n/ru.json b/js/src/i18n/ru.json index b070a6d10..81f036ddf 100644 --- a/js/src/i18n/ru.json +++ b/js/src/i18n/ru.json @@ -926,7 +926,6 @@ "Unknown value for the openness setting.": "Неизвестное значение ограничений доступа.", "Unlogged participation": "Незарегистрированное участие", "Unsaved changes": "Несохранённые изменения", - "Unsubscribe to WebPush": "Отписаться от WebPush уведомлений", "Unsubscribe to browser push notifications": "Отказаться от подписки на push-уведомления браузера", "Unsuspend": "Отменить приостановку", "Upcoming": "Предстоящие", diff --git a/js/src/i18n/sv.json b/js/src/i18n/sv.json index d22a4b651..bd4ce18c0 100644 --- a/js/src/i18n/sv.json +++ b/js/src/i18n/sv.json @@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ "Comment deleted": "Kommentar raderad", "Comment from @{username} reported": "Kommentaren från @{username} har anmälts", "Comments": "Kommentarer", - "Comments on the event page": "Kommentarer på evenemangets sida", "Confirm my participation": "Bekräfta mitt deltagande", "Confirm my particpation": "Bekräfta mitt deltagande", "Confirmed: Will happen": "Fastställt: Kommer ske", @@ -70,7 +69,6 @@ "Create my group": "Skapa min grupp", "Create my profile": "Skapa min profil", "Create token": "Skapa token", - "Creator": "Skapare", "Current identity has been changed to {identityName} in order to manage this event.": "Aktiv identitet har ändrats till {identityName} för att hantera det här evenemanget.", "Current page": "Nuvarande sida", "Custom": "Anpassad", @@ -114,7 +112,6 @@ "Ends on…": "Slutar…", "Enter the link URL": "Skriv in länken", "Error while changing email": "Fel vid byte av e-post", - "Error while saving report.": "Fel vid sparande av rapport.", "Error while validating account": "Fel vid validering av konto", "Error while validating participation request": "Fel vid validering av deltagandeförfrågan", "Event": "Evenemang", @@ -146,7 +143,6 @@ "General": "Allmänt", "General information": "Generell information", "Getting location": "Hämtar plats", - "Group List": "Grupplista", "Group name": "Gruppnamn", "Group {displayName} created": "Gruppen {displayName} har skapats", "Groups": "Grupper", @@ -164,7 +160,6 @@ "Identity {displayName} updated": "Identiteten {displayName} uppdaterad", "If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to {email}": "Om ett konto med den här e-postadressen finns skickade vi precis ett till meddelande till {email}", "If this identity is the only administrator of some groups, you need to delete them before being able to delete this identity.": "Om den här identiteten är den enda administratören av vissa grupper måste du radera dem innan du kan radera den här identiteten.", - "In the meantime, please consider that the software is not (yet) finished. More information {onBlog}.": "Under tiden, kom ihåg att mjukvaran inte är färdig (ännu). Mer information {onBlog}.", "Instance Name": "Instansnamn", "Instance Terms": "Instansvillkor", "Instance Terms Source": "Instansvillkor source", @@ -190,7 +185,6 @@ "Login on Mobilizon!": "Logga in på Mobilizon!", "Manage participations": "Hantera deltaganden", "Members": "Medlemmar", - "Mobilizon is under development, we will add new features to this site during regular updates, until the release of <b>version 1 of the software in the first half of 2020</b>.": "Mobilizon är under utveckling, vi kommer lägga till nya funktioner till den här sidan med regelbundna uppdatering, tills vi släpper <b>version 1 av mjukvaran under första halvåret av 2020</b>.", "Moderated comments (shown after approval)": "Modererade kommentarer (visas när de godkänts)", "My account": "Mitt konto", "My events": "Mina evenemang", @@ -211,7 +205,6 @@ "On {date} ending at {endTime}": "På {date}, slut klockan {endTime}", "On {date} from {startTime} to {endTime}": "På {date} från {startTime} till {endTime}", "On {date} starting at {startTime}": "På {date} med start klockan {startTime}", - "Only accessible through link and search (private)": "Endast tillgänglig via länk och sök (privat)", "Opened reports": "Öppnade rapporter", "Organized": "Organiserad", "Organized by": "Organiseras av", @@ -220,7 +213,6 @@ "Otherwise this identity will just be removed from the group administrators.": "Annars kommer den här identiteten bara raderas från gruppens administratörer.", "Page limited to my group (asks for auth)": "Sida begränsad till min grupp (frågar efter autentisering)", "Page not found": "Sidan hittades inte", - "Participant has already been approved as participant.": "Deltagaren har redan godkänts.", "Participants": "Deltagare", "Participate": "Delta", "Participation approval": "Deltagandegodkännande", @@ -234,7 +226,6 @@ "Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake.": "Vänligen kontakta den här instansens Mobilizon-administratör om du tror det här är ett misstag.", "Please do not use it in any real way.": "Använd det inte på riktigt.", "Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved.": "Vänligen se till att adressen stämmer och att sidan inte flyttats.", - "Please refresh the page and retry.": "Vänligen ladda om sidan och försök igen.", "Post a comment": "Skriv en kommentar", "Post a reply": "Skriv ett svar", "Postal Code": "Postkod", @@ -250,7 +241,6 @@ "Radius": "Avstånd", "Region": "Region", "Register": "Registrera", - "Register for an event by choosing one of your identities": "Registrera dig för ett evenemang genom att välja en av dina identiteter", "Registration is currently closed.": "Registreringen är stängd för närvarande.", "Reject": "Avfärda", "Rejected": "Avfärdad", @@ -264,7 +254,6 @@ "Search": "Sök", "Search events, groups, etc.": "Sök evenemang, grupper, etc.", "Searching…": "Söker…", - "Send me the confirmation email once again": "Skicka mig bekräftelsemailet en gång till", "Send the report": "Skicka rapporten", "Share this event": "Dela det här evenemanget", "Show map": "Visa karta", @@ -293,7 +282,6 @@ "This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances.": "Den här isntansen är inte öppen för registrering, men du kan registrera på andra instanser.", "This will delete / anonymize all content (events, comments, messages, participations…) created from this identity.": "Det här kommer radera / anonymisera allt innehåll (evenemang, kommentarer, meddelanden, deltaganden...) skapade av den här identiteten.", "Title": "Titel", - "To change the world, change the software": "För att ändra världen, ändra mjukvaran", "To confirm, type your event title \"{eventTitle}\"": "För att bekräfta, skriv in evenemangets titel \"{eventTitle}\"", "To confirm, type your identity username \"{preferredUsername}\"": "För att bekräfta, skriv in din identitets användarnamn \"{preferredUsername}\"", "Transfer to {outsideDomain}": "Överför till {outsideDomain}", @@ -315,13 +303,11 @@ "Waiting for organization team approval.": "Väntar på godkännande från organisationsteamet.", "Warning": "Varning", "We just sent an email to {email}": "Vi skickade precis ett mail till {email}", - "We won’t change the world from Facebook. The tool we dream of, surveillance capitalism corporations won’t develop it, as they couldn’t profit from it. This is an opportunity to build something better, by taking another approach.": "Vi kommer inte ändra världen utifrån Facebook. Verktyget i drömmer om kommer inte utvecklas av övervakande, kapitalistiska företag, eftersom de inte kan gör vinst på det. Det här är ett tillfälle att bygga någonting bättre genom att tänka annorlunda.", "Website / URL": "Hemsida / URL", "Welcome back {username}!": "Välkommen tillbaka {username}!", "Welcome back!": "Välkommen tillbaka!", "Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "Välkommen till Mobilizon, {username}!", "Who can view this event and participate": "Vem kan se och delta i detta evenemang", - "Write something…": "Skriv något …", "You are already a participant of this event.": "Du är redan en deltagare av detta evenemang.", "You can add tags by hitting the Enter key or by adding a comma": "Du kan lägga till taggar genom att trycka Enter eller skriva ett komma", "You can try another search term or drag and drop the marker on the map": "Du kan försöka med ett annat sökord eller dra och släpp markören på kartan", @@ -339,12 +325,10 @@ "e.g. 10 Rue Jangot": "e.g. 10 Rue Jangot", "explore the events": "utforska evenemang", "iCal Feed": "iCal-feed", - "its source code is public": "dens mjukvara är publik", "resend confirmation email": "skicka bekräftelsemail igen", "with another identity…": "med en annan identitet…", "{approved} / {total} seats": "{approved} / {total} platser", "{count} participants": "Inga deltagande ännu|En deltagande|{count} deltagande", "{count} requests waiting": "{count} förfrågningar väntar", - "© The Mobilizon Contributors {date} - Made with Elixir, Phoenix, VueJS & with some love and some weeks": "© Mobilizon bidragarna {date} - Gjord med Elixir, Phoenix, VueJS & och med kärlek och några veckor", "© The OpenStreetMap Contributors": "© Alla bidragsgivare till OpenStreetMap" }