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Merge branch 'weblate-mobilizon-frontend' into 'main'

Translations update from Weblate

See merge request 
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Citharel 2021-11-30 07:09:33 +00:00
commit 52343ea5cf
4 changed files with 533 additions and 3 deletions

View file

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
"About": "Über",
"About Mobilizon": "Über Mobilizon",
"About anonymous participation": "Über anonyme Teilnahme",
"About instance": "Über diese Instanz",
"About this event": "Über diese Veranstaltung",
"About this instance": "Über diese Instanz",
"About {instance}": "Über {instance}",
@ -63,10 +64,14 @@
"Add a todo": "To-do hinzufügen",
"Add an address": "Adresse hinzufügen",
"Add an instance": "Instanz hinzufügen",
"Add link": "Link hinzufügen",
"Add new…": "Neu hinzufügen …",
"Add picture": "Bild hinzufügen",
"Add some tags": "Füge Tags hinzu",
"Add to my calendar": "Zu meinem Kalender hinzufügen",
"Additional comments": "Kommentar hinzufügen",
"Admin": "Admin",
"Admin dashboard": "Übersichtsseite der Administration",
"Admin settings": "Admineinstellungen",
"Admin settings successfully saved.": "Admineinstellungen erfolgreich gespeichert.",
"Administration": "Administration",
@ -78,6 +83,7 @@
"Allow all comments": "Erlaube alle Kommentare",
"Allow all comments from users with accounts": "Erlaube alle Kommentare von eingeloggten Usern",
"Allow registrations": "Erlaube Registrierungen",
"An URL to an external ticketing platform": "Eine Webadresse zu einer externen Ticketplattform",
"An error has occured while refreshing the page.": "Es trat ein Fehler auf, während die Seite neu geladen wurde.",
"An error has occured. Sorry about that. You may try to reload the page.": "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte entschuldige. Du kannst versuchen die Seite neu zu laden.",
"An error has occurred.": "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.",
@ -111,16 +117,19 @@
"Are you sure you want to cancel your participation at event \"{title}\"?": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihre Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung \"{Titel}\" stornieren möchten?",
"Are you sure you want to delete this entire discussion?": "Sind Sie sicher, dass sie die gesamte Diskussion löschen wollen?",
"Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be reverted.": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Veranstaltung löschen möchten? Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.",
"Are you sure you want to delete this post? This action cannot be reverted.": "Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Beitrag löschen willst? Das kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.",
"As the event organizer has chosen to manually validate participation requests, your participation will be really confirmed only once you receive an email stating it's being accepted.": "Da der Veranstalter sich entschieden hat, die Teilnahmeanfragen manuell zu validieren, wird Ihre Teilnahme erst dann wirklich bestätigt, wenn Sie eine E-Mail erhalten, in der die Annahme bestätigt wird.",
"Assigned to": "Zugewiesen an",
"Atom feed for events and posts": "Atom-Feed mit Veranstaltungen und Beiträgen",
"Avatar": "Profilbild",
"Back to previous page": "Zurück zur vorherigen Seite",
"Back to top": "Zurück nach oben",
"Banner": "Banner",
"Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account.": "Bevor Sie sich anmelden können, müssen Sie auf den darin enthaltenen Link klicken, um Ihr Konto zu validieren.",
"Begins on": "Beginnt um",
"Bold": "Fett",
"Browser notifications": "Browserbenachrichtigungen",
"Bullet list": "Aufzählung",
"By others": "Von Anderen",
"By {author}": "Von {author}",
"By {group}": "Von {group}",
@ -131,9 +140,10 @@
"Cancel anonymous participation": "Anonyme Teilnahme abbrechen",
"Cancel creation": "Erstellung abbrechen",
"Cancel edition": "Bearbeiten abbrechen",
"Cancel follow request": "Folgeanfrage abbrechen",
"Cancel my participation request…": "Meine Teilnahmeanfrage abbrechen…",
"Cancel my participation…": "Meine Teilnahme absagen…",
"Cancelled": "Abgebrochen",
"Cancelled": "Abgesagt",
"Cancelled: Won't happen": "Abgesagt: Wird nicht stattfinden",
"Category": "Kategorie",
"Change": "Ändern",
@ -145,14 +155,17 @@
"Check your inbox (and your junk mail folder).": "Prüfen Sie Ihren Posteingang (und den Spamordner).",
"City or region": "Ort, Landkreis oder Bundesland",
"Clear": "Leeren",
"Clear address field": "Adressfeld leeren",
"Clear participation data for all events": "Übersichtliche Teilnehmerdaten für alle Veranstaltungen",
"Clear participation data for this event": "Übersichtliche Teilnehmerdaten für diese Veranstaltung",
"Clear timezone field": "Zeitzonen-Feld leeren",
"Click for more information": "Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen",
"Click to select": "Klicken zum Auswählen",
"Click to upload": "Klicken zum Hochladen",
"Close": "Schließen",
"Close comments for all (except for admins)": "Kommentare für alle sperren (außer für Admins)",
"Closed": "Geschlossen",
"Comment body": "Text des Kommentars",
"Comment deleted": "Kommentar gelöscht",
"Comment from @{username} reported": "Kommentar von @{username} gemeldet",
"Comment text can't be empty": "Der Kommentar darf nicht leer sein",
@ -163,6 +176,7 @@
"Concieved with care for humans": "Gemacht mit viel ❤️ für Menschen",
"Confirm my participation": "Meine Teilnahme bestätigen",
"Confirm my particpation": "Bestätige meine Teilnahme",
"Confirm participation": "Teilnahme bestätigen",
"Confirmed": "Bestätigt",
"Confirmed at": "Bestätigt am",
"Confirmed: Will happen": "Bestätigt: Wird stattfinden",
@ -187,8 +201,10 @@
"Create a visioconference": "Erstelle eine Videokonferenz",
"Create an account": "Konto erstellen",
"Create and manage several identities from the same account": "Erstelle und verwalte mehrere Identitäten vom selben Account aus",
"Create discussion": "Diskussion erstellen",
"Create event": "Veranstaltung erstellen",
"Create group": "Gruppe erstellen",
"Create identity": "Identität erstellen",
"Create my event": "Erstelle eine neue Veranstaltung",
"Create my group": "Erstelle eine Gruppe",
"Create my profile": "Erstelle mein Profil",
@ -213,6 +229,7 @@
"Date and time settings": "Datums- und Uhrzeiteinstellungen",
"Date parameters": "Datumsoptionen",
"Decline": "Ablehnen",
"Decrease": "Verrringern",
"Default": "Standard",
"Default Mobilizon privacy policy": "Standard-Datenschutzerklärung von Mobilizon",
"Default Mobilizon terms": "Standard-Nutzungsbedingungen von Mobilizon",
@ -238,6 +255,7 @@
"Deleting your Mobilizon account": "Löschen Sie Ihr Mobilizon Konto",
"Demote": "zurückstufen",
"Description": "Beschreibung",
"Details": "Details",
"Didn't receive the instructions ?": "Bestätigungsmail nicht erhalten?",
"Didn't receive the instructions?": "Sie haben die Anleitung nicht erhalten?",
"Disabled": "Deaktiviert",
@ -249,6 +267,7 @@
"Do not receive any mail": "Keine E-Mails erhalten",
"Do you wish to {create_event} or {explore_events}?": "Möchten Sie ein {create_event} oder {explore_events}?",
"Do you wish to {create_group} or {explore_groups}?": "Möchten Sie eine {create_group} oder {explore_groups}?",
"Does the event needs to be confirmed later or is it cancelled?": "Muss die Veranstaltung später noch bestätigt werden oder wurde sie abgesagt?",
"Domain": "Domain",
"Don't show @{organizer} as event host alongside @{group}": "Zeige @{organizer} nicht neben @{group} als Veranstalter:in an",
"Draft": "Entwurf",
@ -266,6 +285,8 @@
"Either the email has already been changed, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Die E-Mail-Adresse wurde bereits geändert oder der Bestätigungstoken ist abgelaufen.",
"Either the participation has already been validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Die Teilnahme wurde bereits bestätigt oder der Bestätigungstoken ist abgelaufen.",
"Either the participation request has already been validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Die Teilnahmeanfrage wurde schon bestätigt, oder das Bestätigungs-Token ist nicht gültig.",
"Element title": "Element-Überschrift",
"Element value": "Element-Wert",
"Email": "E-Mail",
"Email address": "E-Mail-Adresse",
"Email notifications": "E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen",
@ -290,14 +311,17 @@
"Error while validating account": "Fehler beim Bestätigen des Kontos",
"Error while validating participation": "Fehler beim Bestätigen der Teilnahme",
"Error while validating participation request": "Bei Ihrer Teilnahmebestätigung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten",
"Etherpad notes": "Etherpad-Notizen",
"Ethical alternative to Facebook events, groups and pages, Mobilizon is a <b>tool designed to serve you</b>. Period.": "Ethische Alternative zu Facebook-Events, -Gruppen und -Seiten. Mobilizon ist ein <b>Werkzeug, welches Ihnen dienen soll</b>. Punkt.",
"Event": "Veranstaltung",
"Event URL": "Veranstaltungslink",
"Event already passed": "Veranstaltung liegt in der Vergangenheit",
"Event cancelled": "Veranstaltung abgesagt",
"Event creation": "Veranstaltung anlegen",
"Event description body": "Text der Veranstaltungsbeschreibung",
"Event edition": "Veranstaltung bearbeiten",
"Event list": "Veranstaltungsliste",
"Event metadata": "Metadaten der Veranstaltung",
"Event not found.": "Veranstaltung nicht gefunden.",
"Event page settings": "Einstellungen der Veranstaltungsseite",
"Event to be confirmed": "Veranstaltungsbestätigung ausstehend",
@ -313,15 +337,24 @@
"Exclude": "Ausschließen",
"Explore": "Entdecken",
"Explore events": "Entdecke Veranstaltungen",
"Export": "Export",
"Failed to get location.": "Ort nicht ermittelbar.",
"Failed to save admin settings": "Admin-Einstellungen konnten nicht gespeichert werden",
"Featured events": "Vorgestellte Veranstaltungen",
"Features": "Funktionen",
"Federated Group Name": "Föderierter Gruppenname",
"Federation": "Federation",
"Fediverse account": "Fediverse-Konto",
"Fetch more": "Mehr abrufen",
"Filter": "Filter",
"Filter by name": "Nach dem Namen filtern",
"Filter by profile or group name": "Nach Profil oder Gruppenname filtern",
"Find an address": "Adresse finden",
"Find an instance": "Eine Instanz finden",
"Find another instance": "Weitere Instanz finden",
"Find or add an element": "Ein Element suchen oder hinzufügen",
"First steps": "Erste Schritte",
"Follow": "Folgen",
"Follower": "Folgende",
"Followers": "Folgende",
"Followers will receive new public events and posts.": "Follower werden über neue öffentliche Ereignisse und Beiträge informiert.",
@ -330,11 +363,14 @@
"For instance: London, Taekwondo, Architecture…": "Beispielsweise: London, Taekwondo, Architektur…",
"Forgot your password ?": "Passwort vergessen?",
"Forgot your password?": "Passwort vergessen?",
"Framadate poll": "Framadate-Umfrage",
"From a birthday party with friends and family to a march for climate change, right now, our gatherings are <b>trapped inside the tech giants platforms</b>. How can we organize, how can we click “Attend,” without <b>providing private data</b> to Facebook or <b>locking ourselves up</b> inside MeetUp?": "Von der Geburtstagsparty mit Freunden und Familie bis hin zu Demonstrationen gegen den Klimawandel, momentan sind unsere Veranstaltungen <b>in den Platformen der Tech-Giganten gefangen</b>. Wie können wir uns organisieren, wie können wir auf „Teilnehmen“ klicken ohne <b>private Daten an Facebook zu geben</b> oder <b>abhängig von MeetUp zu sein</b>?",
"From my groups": "Aus meinen Gruppen",
"From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate}": "Vom {startDate} um {startTime} bis zum {endDate}",
"From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate} at {endTime}": "Vom {startDate} um {startTime} Uhr bis zum {endDate} um {endTime} Uhr",
"From the {startDate} to the {endDate}": "Vom {startDate} bis zum {endDate}",
"From yourself": "Von Ihnen selbst",
"Fully accessible with a wheelchair": "Komplett barrierefrei für Rollstühle",
"Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize": "Treffen ⋅ Organisieren ⋅ Mobilisieren",
"General": "Allgemein",
"General information": "Allgemeine Informationen",
@ -352,9 +388,11 @@
"Group URL": "Gruppenlink",
"Group activity": "Gruppenereignisse",
"Group address": "Gruppenadresse",
"Group description body": "Text der Gruppenbeschreibung",
"Group display name": "Angezeigter Gruppenname",
"Group full name": "Vollständiger Gruppenname",
"Group name": "Gruppenname",
"Group profiles": "Gruppenprofile",
"Group settings": "Gruppeneinstellungen",
"Group settings saved": "Gruppeneinstellungen wurden gespeichert",
"Group short description": "Kurzbeschreibung der Gruppe",
@ -364,11 +402,15 @@
"Groups": "Gruppen",
"Groups are not enabled on this instance.": "Gruppen sind auf dieser Instanz nicht aktiviert.",
"Groups are spaces for coordination and preparation to better organize events and manage your community.": "Gruppen sind Räume zur Koordination und Vorbereitung, um Veranstaltungen besser zu organisieren und Ihre Gemeinschaft zu verwalten.",
"Heading Level 1": "Überschrift erster Ordnung",
"Heading Level 2": "Überschrift zweiter Ordnung",
"Heading Level 3": "Überschrift dritter Ordnung",
"Headline picture": "Titelbild",
"Hide replies": "Antworten ausblenden",
"Hide the organizer": "Verstecke die Organisator:innen",
"Home": "Home",
"Home to {number} users": "Zuhause von {number} Nutzern",
"Homepage": "Website",
"Hourly email summary": "Stündliche E-Mail-Zusammenfassungen",
"I agree to the {instanceRules} and {termsOfService}": "Ich stimme den {instanceRules} und den {termsOfService} zu",
"I create an identity": "Ich erstelle eine Identität",
@ -397,6 +439,8 @@
"Impossible to login, your email or password seems incorrect.": "Login nicht möglich. Deine E-Mail-Adresse oder dein Passwort ist falsch.",
"In the following context, an application is a software, either provided by the Mobilizon team or by a 3rd-party, used to interact with your instance.": "Im Folgenden meinen wir mit Anwendung eine Software, über die Sie mit Ihrer Instanz interagieren. Diese Software kann vom Mobilizon-Team oder von Dritten bereitgestellt werden.",
"In the meantime, please consider that the software is not (yet) finished. More information {onBlog}.": "Bitte beachte, dass diese Software noch nicht fertig ist. Mehr Informationen {onBlog}.",
"In the past": "In der Vergangenheit",
"Increase": "Erhöhen",
"Installing Mobilizon will allow communities to free themselves from the services of tech giants by creating <b>their own event platform</b>.": "Mobilizon zu installieren wird es Gemeinschaften erlauben, sich von den Plattformen und Diensten der Tech-Giganten loszulösen, indem sie <b>ihre eigene Plattform</b> schaffen.",
"Instance": "Instanz",
"Instance Description": "Beschreibung der Instanz",
@ -420,6 +464,8 @@
"Instances": "Instanzen",
"Instances following you": "Instanzen, die Ihnen folgen",
"Instances you follow": "Instanzen, denen Sie folgen",
"Integrate this event with 3rd-party tools and show metadata for the event.": "Diese Veranstaltung mit externen Dienstdn verbinden und Metadaten anzeigen",
"Interact": "Interagieren",
"Invite a new member": "Neues Mitglied einladen",
"Invite member": "Mitglied einladen",
"Invited": "Eingeladen",
@ -445,6 +491,7 @@
"Learn more about {instance}": "Mehr über {instance} erfahren",
"Leave": "Verlassen",
"Leave event": "Teilnahme absagen",
"Leave group": "Gruppe verlassen",
"Leaving event \"{title}\"": "Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung \"{title}\" absagen",
"Legal": "Rechtliches",
"Let's create a new common": "Lass uns neues Gemeingut erschaffen",
@ -458,6 +505,7 @@
"Load more activities": "Mehr Ereignisse laden",
"Loading comments…": "Lade Kommentare…",
"Local": "Lokal",
"Local time ({timezone})": "Ortszeit ({timezone})",
"Locality": "Ort",
"Location": "Ort",
"Log in": "Einloggen",
@ -494,6 +542,7 @@
"Moderated comments (shown after approval)": "Moderierte Kommentare (werden nach manueller Freigabe angezeigt)",
"Moderation": "Moderation",
"Moderation log": "Moderations-Logbuch",
"Moderation logs": "Moderationsprotokoll",
"Moderator": "Moderator*in",
"Move": "Verschieben",
"Move \"{resourceName}\"": "„{resourceName}“ verschieben",
@ -505,6 +554,7 @@
"My identities": "Meine Identitäten",
"NOTE! The default terms have not been checked over by a lawyer and thus are unlikely to provide full legal protection for all situations for an instance admin using them. They are also not specific to all countries and jurisdictions. If you are unsure, please check with a lawyer.": "VORSICHT! Standard-Nutzungsbedingungen wurden nicht von einem Anwalt geprüft und stellen daher wahrscheinlich keinen vollständigen Schutz für Administratoren in allen erdenklichen Fällen dar. Sie sind zudem nicht auf die lokalen Gesetzgebungen der Länder angepasst. Falls Sie sich unsicher sind, konsultieren Sie einen Rechtsanwalt.",
"Name": "Name",
"Navigated to {pageTitle}": "Zu {pageTitle} navigiert",
"New discussion": "Neue Diskussion",
"New email": "Neue E-Mail",
"New folder": "Neuer Ordner",
@ -527,6 +577,7 @@
"No events found": "Keine Veranstaltungen gefunden",
"No follower matches the filters": "Kein Follower passt zu diesen Filtern",
"No group found": "Keine Gruppe gefunden",
"No group matches the filters": "Keine Gruppe entspricht dem Filter",
"No groups found": "Keine Gruppen gefunden",
"No information": "Keine Informationen",
"No instance follows your instance yet.": "Noch keine Instanz folgt deiner Instanz.",
@ -564,6 +615,7 @@
"No rules defined yet.": "Noch keine Regeln definiert.",
"No user account with this email was found. Maybe you made a typo?": "Es wurde kein Account mit dieser E-Mail-Adresse gefunden. Vielleicht hast Du dich vertippt?",
"None": "Keine",
"Not accessible with a wheelchair": "Für Rollstühle nicht barrierefrei",
"Not approved": "Nicht freigegeben",
"Not confirmed": "Unbestätigt",
"Notes": "Notizen",
@ -586,6 +638,7 @@
"On {instance} and other federated instances": "Auf {instance} und anderen föderierten Instanzen",
"One person is going": "Niemand geht hin | Eine Person geht hin | {approved} Personen gehen hin",
"Ongoing tasks": "Aktuelle Aufgaben",
"Online": "Online",
"Only accessible through link": "Nur über den Link einsehbar",
"Only accessible through link (private)": "Nur über Link einsehbar (privat)",
"Only accessible through link and search (private)": "Nur erreichbar über den Link oder die Suche (privat)",
@ -600,6 +653,7 @@
"Open an issue on our bug tracker (advanced users)": "Eröffne eine Meldung in unserem Fehlermeldesystem (Bug-Tracker für erfahrene Benutzer)",
"Opened reports": "Geöffnete Meldungen",
"Or": "Oder",
"Ordered list": "Nummerierte Liste",
"Organize and take action, freely": "Organisiert euch und legt los, selbstbestimmt",
"Organized": "Organisiert",
"Organized by": "Organisiert von",
@ -609,6 +663,7 @@
"Organizer notifications": "Benachrichtigungen für Organisatoren",
"Organizers": "Organisator",
"Other": "Andere",
"Other actions": "Weitere Aktionen",
"Other notification options:": "Andere Benachrichtigungs-Optionen:",
"Other software may also support this.": "Andere Software unterstützt dies möglicherweise auch.",
"Otherwise this identity will just be removed from the group administrators.": "Andernfalls wird diese Identität einfach aus der Liste der Gruppenadministratoren entfernt.",
@ -616,6 +671,7 @@
"Page limited to my group (asks for auth)": "Seite ist auf meine Gruppe beschränkt (nach Authentifizierung fragen)",
"Page not found": "Seite nicht gefunden",
"Parent folder": "Übergeordneter Ordner",
"Partially accessible with a wheelchair": "Teilweise barrierefrei für Rollstühle",
"Participant": "Teilnehmer",
"Participant already was rejected.": "Teilnehmer:in wurde bereits abgelehnt.",
"Participant has already been approved as participant.": "Teilnehmer:in wurde bereits bestätigt.",
@ -626,6 +682,8 @@
"Participation confirmation": "Teilnahmebestätigung",
"Participation notifications": "Benachrichtigungen für Teilnehmer",
"Participation requested!": "Teilnahme angefragt!",
"Participation with account": "Teilnahme mit Konto",
"Participation without account": "Teilnahme ohne Konto",
"Participations": "Teilnahmen",
"Password": "Passwort",
"Password (confirmation)": "Passwort (Bestätigung)",
@ -651,15 +709,22 @@
"Please refresh the page and retry.": "Bitte lade die Seite neu und versuche es erneut.",
"Please type at least 5 characters": "Bitte tippe wenigstens 5 Zeichen",
"Post": "Beitrag",
"Post URL": "Webadresse des Beitrags",
"Post a comment": "Kommentar schreiben",
"Post a public message": "Schreibe eine öffentliche Nachricht",
"Post a reply": "Antwort schreiben",
"Post body": "Text des Beitrags",
"Post {eventTitle} reported": "Veranstaltung {eventTitle} gemeldet",
"Postal Code": "Postleitzahl",
"Posts": "Beiträge",
"Powered by Mobilizon": "Angetrieben durch Mobilizon",
"Powered by {mobilizon}. © 2018 - {date} The Mobilizon Contributors - Made with the financial support of {contributors}.": "Betrieben mit {mobilizon}. © 2018 - {date} Mobilizon-Mitwirkende - Mit finanzieller Unterstützung von {contributors}.",
"Preferences": "Einstellungen",
"Previous": "Vorher",
"Previous month": "Voriger Monat",
"Previous page": "Vorherige Seite",
"Price sheet": "Preisliste",
"Privacy": "Privatsphäre",
"Privacy Policy": "Datenschutzerklärung",
"Privacy policy": "Datenschutzerklärung",
"Private event": "Private Veranstaltung",
@ -679,17 +744,22 @@
"Public preview": "Öffentliche Vorschau",
"Publication date": "Erstellungsdatum",
"Publish": "Veröffentlichen",
"Published by {name}": "Veröffentlicht von {name}",
"Published events": "Veröffentlichte Veranstaltungen",
"Published events with <b>{comments}</b> comments and <b>{participations}</b> confirmed participations": "Veröffentlichte Veranstaltungen mit <b>{comments}</b> Kommentaren und <b>{participations}</b> bestätigten Teilnahmen",
"Push": "Push",
"Quote": "Zitat",
"RSS/Atom Feed": "RSS/Atom-Feed",
"Radius": "Radius",
"Read Framasofts statement of intent on the Framablog": "Ließ Framasofts Absichtserklärung im Framablog",
"Recap every week": "Jede Woche benachrichtigen",
"Receive one email for each activity": "Eine Email für jedes Ereignis erhalten",
"Receive one email per request": "Eine E-Mail für jede Anfrage erhalten",
"Redirecting in progress…": "Du wirst umgeleitet …",
"Redirecting to Mobilizon": "Weiterleitung zu Mobilizon",
"Redirecting to content…": "Weiterleitung zum Inhalt…",
"Redirecting to event…": "Weiterleiten zur Veranstaltung…",
"Redo": "Wiederholen",
"Refresh profile": "Profil aktualisieren",
"Regenerate new links": "Erstelle die Links neu",
"Region": "Region",
@ -709,15 +779,18 @@
"Rejected participations": "Abgelehnte Teilnahmen",
"Remember my participation in this browser": "Erinner dich an meine Teilnahme in diesem Browser",
"Remove": "Entfernen",
"Remove link": "Link entfernen",
"Rename": "Umbenennen",
"Rename resource": "Name der Ressource",
"Reopen": "Wieder öffnen",
"Replay": "Wiederholung",
"Reply": "Antworten",
"Report": "Melden",
"Report #{reportNumber}": "Meldung #{reportNumber}",
"Report this comment": "Diesen Kommentar melden",
"Report this event": "Diese Veranstaltung melden",
"Report this group": "Diese Gruppe melden",
"Report this post": "Diesen Beitrag melden",
"Reported": "Gemeldet",
"Reported by": "Gemeldet von",
"Reported by someone on {domain}": "Gemeldet von jemandem auf {domain}",
@ -728,7 +801,10 @@
"Request for participation confirmation sent": "Anfrage zur Teilnahmebestätigung gesendet",
"Requests": "Anfragen",
"Resend confirmation email": "Bestätigungsmail erneut senden",
"Resent confirmation email": "Bestätigungsmail erneut gesendet",
"Reset": "Zurücksetzen",
"Reset my password": "Mein Passwort zurücksetzen",
"Reset password": "Passwort zurücksetzen",
"Resolved": "Gelöst",
"Resource provided is not an URL": "Die angegebene Ressource ist keine URL",
"Resources": "Ressourcen",
@ -751,9 +827,11 @@
"Select a timezone": "Zeitzone wählen",
"Select languages": "Sprache wählen",
"Select the activities for which you wish to receive an email or a push notification.": "Wählen Sie die Ereignisse aus, für die Sie Email- oder Push-Benachrichtigungen erhalten möchten.",
"Send": "Senden",
"Send email": "E-Mail senden",
"Send me an email to reset my password": "Sende mir eine E-Mail, um mein Passwort zurückzusetzen",
"Send me the confirmation email once again": "Sende mir noch eine Bestätigungsmail",
"Send notification e-mails": "Benachrichtungs-E-Mails senden",
"Send the confirmation email again": "Bestätigungsmail erneut senden",
"Send the report": "Meldung senden",
"Set an URL to a page with your own privacy policy.": "Setze eine URL zu einer Seite mit deiner eigenen Datenschutzerklärung.",
@ -762,15 +840,18 @@
"Share": "Teilen",
"Share this event": "Diese Veranstaltung teilen",
"Share this group": "Diese Gruppe teilen",
"Share this post": "Diesen Beitrag teilen",
"Short bio": "Kurze Biografie",
"Show map": "Karte anzeigen",
"Show me where I am": "Wo bin ich?",
"Show remaining number of places": "Freie Plätze anzeigen",
"Show the time when the event begins": "Zeige mir die Zeit, zu der die Veranstaltung beginnt",
"Show the time when the event ends": "Zeige mir die Zeit, zu der die Veranstaltung endet",
"Sign Language": "Gebärdensprache",
"Sign in with": "Anmelden mit",
"Sign up": "Registrieren",
"Since you are a new member, private content can take a few minutes to appear.": "Da Sie ein neues Mitglied sind, kann es ein paar Minuten dauern bis private Inhalte sichtbar sind.",
"Skip to main content": "Zum Hauptinhalt springen",
"So that, right from its conception, Mobilizon would {fit_needs_uses_people} who are going to use it.": "Sodass Mobilizon, direkt von Beginn an {fit_needs_uses_people}, die es nutzen werden.",
"Software to the people": "Software für die Menschen",
"Some terms, technical or otherwise, used in the text below may cover concepts that are difficult to grasp. We have provided a glossary here to help you understand them better:": "Einige der im Text genannten Begriffe beschreiben Konzepte, die nicht ganz einfach zu erklären sind. Wir haben ein Liste mit Begriffsdefinitionen zusammengestellt, damit Sie jederzeit nachsehen können, was wir damit meinen:",
@ -782,6 +863,7 @@
"Suspend": "Sperren",
"Suspend group": "Gruppe ausschließen",
"Suspended": "Gesperrt",
"Tag search": "Schlüsselwort-Suche",
"Task lists": "Aufgabenliste",
"Technical details": "Technische Details",
"Tentative": "Vorläufige",
@ -796,10 +878,15 @@
"The current identity doesn't have any permission on this event. You should probably change it.": "Die aktuelle Identität hat keine Berechtigungen für diese Veranstaltung. Du solltest sie wahrscheinlich wechseln.",
"The current password is invalid": "Das Passwort ist ungültig",
"The draft event has been updated": "Der Entwurf wurde aktualisiert",
"The event has a sign language interpreter": "Für die Veranstaltung gibt es Dolmetschen in Gebärdensprache",
"The event has been created as a draft": "Diese Veranstaltung wurde als Entwurf erstellt",
"The event has been published": "Die Veranstaltung wurde veröffentlicht",
"The event has been updated": "Die Veranstaltung wurde aktualisiert",
"The event has been updated and published": "Die Veranstaltung wurde aktualisiert und veröffentlicht",
"The event hasn't got a sign language interpreter": "Die Veranstaltung wird nicht in Gebärdensprache wiedergeben",
"The event is fully online": "Die Veranstaltung findet online statt",
"The event live video contains subtitles": "Der Livestream der Veranstaltung enthält Untertitel",
"The event live video does not contain subtitles": "Der Livestream der Veranstaltung enthält keine Untertitel",
"The event organiser has chosen to validate manually participations. Do you want to add a little note to explain why you want to participate to this event?": "Der Veranstalter hat sich dafür entschieden, Teilnahmeanfragen manuell zu überprüfen. Möchten Sie eine kurze Nachricht hinterlassen, in der Sie erklären, warum Sie an der Veranstaltung teilnehmen möchten?",
"The event organizer didn't add any description.": "Der Organisator hat keine Beschreibung hinzugefügt.",
"The event organizer manually approves participations. Since you've chosen to participate without an account, please explain why you want to participate to this event.": "Der Organisator möchte Teilnahmen manuell bestätigen. Wenn Sie ohne Konto teilnehmen möchten, erklären Sie bitte warum Sie an der Veranstaltung interessiert sind.",
@ -846,29 +933,34 @@
"These feeds contain event data for the events for which any of your profiles is a participant or creator. You should keep these private. You can find feeds for specific profiles on each profile edition page.": "Diese Feeds enthalten Veranstaltungsdaten für alle Veranstaltungen, für die irgendeines Ihrer Profile Teilnehmer*in oder Ersteller*in ist.",
"These feeds contain event data for the events for which this specific profile is a participant or creator. You should keep these private. You can find feeds for all of your profiles into your notification settings.": "Diese Feeds enthalten Veranstaltungsdaten für alle Veranstaltungen, für die dieses Profil Teilnehmer*in oder Ersteller*in ist.",
"This Mobilizon instance and this event organizer allows anonymous participations, but requires validation through email confirmation.": "Diese Mobilizon-Instanz und der Organisator akzeptieren anonyme Teilnahmen, aber eine Bestätigung per E-Mail ist erforderlich.",
"This URL doesn't seem to be valid": "Diese Webadresse scheint ungültig",
"This URL is not supported": "Diese URL wird nicht unterstützt",
"This email is already registered as participant for this event": "Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist bereits als Teilnehmer:in für die Veranstaltung registriert",
"This email is already used.": "Diese E-Mail-Adresse wird bereits verwendet.",
"This event has been cancelled.": "Diese Veranstaltung wurde abgesagt.",
"This event is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.": "Diese Veranstaltung ist nur über den Link einsehbar. Seien Sie vorsichtig, wo Sie diesen Link veröffentlichen.",
"This group doesn't have a description yet.": "Diese Gruppe hat noch keine Beschreibung.",
"This group is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.": "Diese Gruppe ist nur über ihren Link aufrufbar. Überlege genau, wo der Link gepostet wird.",
"This group is invite-only": "Diese Gruppe ist nur für Eingeladene",
"This identifier is unique to your profile. It allows others to find you.": "Diese Kennung ist eindeutig für Ihr Profil. Sie ermöglicht es anderen, Sie zu finden.",
"This identity is not a member of any group.": "Diese Identität ist nicht Mitglied in einer Gruppe.",
"This information is saved only on your computer. Click for details": "Diese Information ist nur auf Ihrem Computer gespeichert. Klicken Sie für mehr Details",
"This installation (called “instance“) can easily {interconnect}, thanks to {protocol}.": "Diese Installation (genannt \"Instanz\") kann sich dank {protocol} ganz einfach {interconnect}.",
"This instance hasn't got push notifications enabled.": "Dieser Instanz hat keine Benachrichtigungen aktiviert.",
"This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances.": "Diese Instanz lässt keine Registrierungen zu, aber Sie können sich auf anderen Instanzen registrieren.",
"This instance, <b>{instanceName} ({domain})</b>, hosts your profile, so remember its name.": "Diese Instanz, <b>{instanceName} ({domain})</b>, hostet Ihr Profil, merken Sie sich also ihren Namen.",
"This is a demonstration site to test Mobilizon.": "Dies ist eine Demoseite zum kennenlernen von Mobilizon.",
"This is a demonstration site to test the beta version of Mobilizon.": "Dies ist eine Demo-Seite, um die Beta-Version von Mobilizon zu testen.",
"This is like your federated username (<code>{username}</code>) for groups. It will allow the group to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique.": "Dies ist wie Ihr federierter Benutzername (<code>{username}</code>) für Gruppen. Damit kann die Gruppe im Verbund gefunden werden und ist garantiert eindeutig.",
"This month": "Diesen Monat",
"This profile is from another instance, the informations shown here may be incomplete.": "Dieses Profil ist von einer anderen Instanz, die Informationen hierzu können unvollständig sein.",
"This setting will be used to display the website and send you emails in the correct language.": "Diese Einstellung wird verwendet, um die Website anzuzeigen und Ihnen E-Mails in der richtigen Sprache zu senden.",
"This user has been disabled": "Dieser Account wurde deaktiviert",
"This website isn't moderated and the data that you enter will be automatically destroyed every day at 00:01 (Paris timezone).": "Diese Website wird nicht moderiert und die Daten, die Sie eingeben, werden jeden Tag um 00:01 Uhr (Pariser Zeitzone) automatisch gelöscht.",
"This week": "Diese Woche",
"This weekend": "Dieses Wochenende",
"This will delete / anonymize all content (events, comments, messages, participations…) created from this identity.": "Dies wird alle Inhalte (Veranstaltungen, Kommentare, Nachrichten, Teilnahmen...) löschen/anonymisieren, die von dieser Identität erstellt wurden.",
"Times in your timezone ({timezone})": "Zeiten in deiner Zeitszone ({timezone})",
"Timezone": "Zeitzone",
"Timezone detected as {timezone}.": "Zeitzone erkannt als {timezone}.",
"Title": "Titel",
@ -883,7 +975,10 @@
"To register for an event by choosing one of your identities": "So registrieren Sie sich für eine Veranstaltung, indem Sie eine Ihrer Identitäten auswählen",
"Today": "Heute",
"Tomorrow": "Morgen",
"Tools": "Werkzeuge",
"Transfer to {outsideDomain}": "Zu {outsideDomain} übertragen",
"Triggered profile refreshment": "Neuladen des Profils ausgelöst",
"Twitter account": "Twitter-Konto",
"Type": "Typ",
"Type or select a date…": "Datum wählen…",
"URL": "URL",
@ -895,6 +990,9 @@
"Unable to load event for participation. The error details are provided below:": "Event für die Teilnahme kann nicht geladen werden. Die Fehlerdetails finden Sie unten:",
"Unable to save your participation in this browser.": "Ihre Teilnahme kann in diesem Browser nicht gespeichert werden.",
"Unable to update the profile. The avatar picture may be too heavy.": "Die Aktualisierung des Profils ist fehlgeschlagen. Das Profilbild ist eventuell zu groß.",
"Underline": "Unterstreichen",
"Undo": "Rückgängig macheb",
"Unfollow": "Nicht mehr folgen",
"Unfortunately, this instance isn't opened to registrations": "Leider lässt diese Instanz keine Registrierungen zu",
"Unfortunately, your participation request was rejected by the organizers.": "Leider wurde Ihre Teilnahmeanfrage vom Organisator abgelehnt.",
"Unknown": "Unbekannt",
@ -909,6 +1007,7 @@
"Upcoming events from your groups": "Bevorstehende Veranstaltungen deiner Gruppen",
"Update": "Update",
"Update app": "App aktualisieren",
"Update discussion title": "Überschrift der Diskussion aktualisieren",
"Update event {name}": "Veranstaltung {name} aktualisieren",
"Update group": "Gruppe aktualisieren",
"Update my event": "Veranstaltung aktualisieren",
@ -920,8 +1019,11 @@
"User settings": "Nutzer*inneneinstellungen",
"Username": "Nutzername",
"Users": "Nutzer",
"Validating account": "Konto bestätigen",
"Validating email": "E-Mail bestätigen",
"Video Conference": "Videokonferenz",
"View a reply": "|Zeige eine Antwort|Zeige {totalReplies} Antworten",
"View account on {hostname} (in a new window)": "Konto unter {hostname} aufrufen (neues Fenster)",
"View all": "Zeige alles",
"View all discussions": "Zeige alle Diskussionen",
"View all events": "Zeige alle Veranstaltungen",
@ -931,6 +1033,9 @@
"View all upcoming events": "Zeige alle bevorstehenden Veranstaltungen",
"View event page": "Veranstaltungsseite anzeigen",
"View everything": "Alles anzeigen",
"View full profile": "Das gesamte Profil ansehen",
"View less": "Weniger anzeigen",
"View more": "Mehr anzeigen",
"View page on {hostname} (in a new window)": "Seite auf {hostname} anzeigen (in einem neuen Fenster)",
"Visibility was set to an unknown value.": "Die Sichtbarkeit wurde in unbekannt geändert.",
"Visibility was set to private.": "Die Sichtbarkeit wurde in privat geändert.",
@ -958,7 +1063,12 @@
"Welcome on your administration panel": "Willkommen in deiner Administrationsansicht",
"Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "Willkommen zu Mobilizon, {username}!",
"What can I do to help?": "Was kann ich tun, wenn ich helfen möchte?",
"Wheelchair accessibility": "Barrierefreiheit für Rollstühle",
"When a moderator from the group creates an event and attributes it to the group, it will show up here.": "Wenn ein Moderator der Gruppe ein Ereignis erstellt und es der Gruppe zuordnet, wird es hier angezeigt.",
"Whether the event is accessible with a wheelchair": "Ob eine Veranstaltung für Rollstühle barrierefrei ist",
"Whether the event is interpreted in sign language": "Ob die Veranstaltung in Gebärdensprache wiedergegeben wird",
"Whether the event live video is subtitled": "Ob der Livestream der Veranstaltung untertitelt ist",
"Who can post a comment?": "Wer darf kommentieren?",
"Who can view this event and participate": "Wer kann diese Veranstaltung sehen und daran teilnehmen kann",
"Who can view this post": "Wer kann diesen Beitrag sehen",
"Who published {number} events": "Die {number} Veranstaltungen angelegt haben",
@ -1004,6 +1114,7 @@
"You didn't create or join any event yet": "Sie haben noch keine Veranstaltung erstellt oder sind einer Veranstaltung beigetreten",
"You didn't create or join any event yet.": "Sie haben keine Veranstaltung erstellt oder sind dieser beigetreten.",
"You don't follow any instances yet.": "Sie folgen noch keinen Instanzen.",
"You don't have any upcoming events. Maybe try another filter?": "Es gibt keine anstehenden Veranstaltungen. Probiere doch einen anderen Filter.",
"You excluded member {member}.": "Sie haben {member} ausgeschlossen.",
"You have been disconnected": "Ihre Verbindung wurde getrennt",
"You have been invited by {invitedBy} to the following group:": "Sie wurden von {invitedBy} zu dieser Gruppe eingeladen:",
@ -1102,11 +1213,13 @@
"default Mobilizon terms": "Standard-Nutzungsbedingungen von Mobilizon",
"digital habits of activists": "Anforderungen von Aktivist:innen",
"e.g. 10 Rue Jangot": "z .B. Musterstraße 21",
"enable the feature": "Funktion aktivieren",
"explore the events": "Veranstaltungen entdecken",
"explore the groups": "Gruppen entdecken",
"firstDayOfWeek": "0",
"fit the needs and uses of the people": "den Anforderungen der Menschen entspricht",
"full rules": "vollständigen Regeln",
"group's upcoming public events": "Die bevorstehenden, öffentlichen Veranstaltungen der Gruppe",
"iCal Feed": "iCal-Feed",
"instance rules": "Instanz-Regeln",
"interconnect with others like it": "mit anderen seiner Art verbinden",
@ -1120,6 +1233,7 @@
"return to the event's page": "zurück zur Seite der Veranstaltung",
"terms of service": "Nutzungsbedingungen",
"with another identity…": "mit einer anderen Identität.…",
"your notification settings": "Deine Benachrichtigungseinstellungen",
"{approved} / {total} seats": "{approved} / {total} Plätze",
"{available}/{capacity} available places": "Keine freien Plätze|{available}/{capacity} freie Plätze",
"{count} km": "{count} km",
@ -1130,7 +1244,9 @@
"{folder} - Resources": "{folder} - Ressourcen",
"{group} activity timeline": "Auflistungen der Ereignisse in {group}",
"{group} events": "{group} Veranstaltungen",
"{group} posts": "{group}-Beiträge",
"{group}'s events": "{group} Events",
"{group}'s todolists": "{group}s Aufgabenliste",
"{instanceName} is an instance of the {mobilizon} software.": "{instanceName} ist eine Instanz der {mobilizon}-Software.",
"{instanceName} is an instance of {mobilizon_link}, a free software built with the community.": "{instanceName} ist eine Instanz von {mobilizon_link}. Es ist eine freie Software, aus einer gemeinschaftlichen Entwicklung.",
"{license} guarantees {respect} of the people who will use it. Since {source}, anyone can audit it, which guarantees its transparency.": "{license} garantiert den {respect} der Leute die es Nutzen. Da {sources}, kann jeder ihn einsehen und analysieren, was Tranzparenz verspricht.",
@ -1145,6 +1261,7 @@
"{moderator} has deleted a comment from {author}": "{moderator} hat einen Kommentar von {author} gelöscht",
"{moderator} has deleted a comment from {author} under the event {event}": "{moderator} hat einen Kommentar von {author} unter der Veranstaltung {event} gelöscht",
"{moderator} has deleted user {user}": "{moderator} hat den Nutzer {user} gelöscht",
"{moderator} has done an unknown action": "{moderator} hat eine umbekannte Handlung vorgenommen",
"{moderator} has unsuspended profile {profile}": "{moderator} hat das Profil {profil} gesperrt",
"{moderator} marked {report} as resolved": "{moderator} hat {report} als erledigt markiert",
"{moderator} reopened {report}": "{moderator} hat {report} wieder geöffnet",
@ -1155,6 +1272,7 @@
"{number} organized events": "Keine organisierten Veranstaltungen|Eine organisierte Veranstaltung|{number} organisierte Veranstaltungen",
"{number} participations": "Keine Teilnehmer|Ein Teilnehmer|{number} Teilnehmer",
"{number} posts": "Keine Beiträge |Ein Beitrag|{number} Beiträge",
"{number} seats left": "{number} Plätze übrig",
"{old_group_name} was renamed to {group}.": "{old_group_name} wurde in {group} umbenannt.",
"{profile} (by default)": "{profile} (Standard)",
"{profile} added the member {member}.": "{profile} hat das Mitglied {member} hinzugefügt.",

View file

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"Change my email": "تغییر رایانامه من",
"Change my identity…": "تغییر هویت من…",
"Change my password": "تغییر گذرواژه من",
"Clear": "پاک کردن",
"Click to upload": "برای بارگذاری کلیک کنید",
"Close": "بستن",
"Close comments for all (except for admins)": "بستن نظرات برای همه (به جز مدیران)",
@ -66,6 +67,7 @@
"Create my group": "ساخت گروه من",
"Create my profile": "ساخت نمایه من",
"Create token": "ساخت توکن",
"Current identity has been changed to {identityName} in order to manage this event.": "به منظور مدیریت این رویداد، هویت فعلی به {identityName} تغییر یافت.",
"Current page": "صفحه جاری",
"Custom": "سفارشی",
"Custom URL": "نشانی سفارشی",
@ -73,6 +75,7 @@
"Dashboard": "پیش‌خوان",
"Date": "تاریخ",
"Date and time settings": "تنظیمات تاریخ و زمان",
"Date parameters": "پارامترهای تاریخ",
"Default": "پیش‌فرض",
"Delete": "حذف",
"Delete Comment": "حذف نظر",
@ -85,6 +88,10 @@
"Delete your identity": "حذف هویت شما",
"Delete {eventTitle}": "حذف {eventTitle}",
"Delete {preferredUsername}": "حذف {preferredUsername}",
"Deleting comment": "حذف دیدگاه",
"Deleting event": "حذف رویداد",
"Deleting my account will delete all of my identities.": "پاک کردن حسابم منجر به پاک شدن همه هویت‌های من می‌شود.",
"Deleting your Mobilizon account": "پاک کردن حساب موبیلیزون شما",
"Description": "توضیحات",
"Display name": "نام نمایشی",
"Display participation price": "هزینه حضور نمایشی",
@ -98,9 +105,50 @@
"Either the email has already been changed, either the validation token is incorrect.": "یا ایمیل تغییر کرده است، یا نشانه اعتبار سنجی نادرست است.",
"Either the participation request has already been validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "یا درخواست مشارکت اعتبار سنجی شده است، یا نشانه اعتبار سنجی نادرست است.",
"Email": "ایمیل",
"Ends on…": "پایان در…",
"Enter the link URL": "آدرس لینک را وارد کنید",
"Error while changing email": "خطا هنگام تغییر ایمیل",
"Error while validating account": "خطا در هنگام اعتبارسنجی حساب",
"Error while validating participation request": "خطا حین اعتبارسنجی درخواست شرکت",
"Event": "رویداد",
"Event already passed": "زمان رویداد گذشته است",
"Event cancelled": "رویداد لغو شد",
"Event creation": "ایجاد رویداد",
"Event edition": "ویرایش رویداد",
"Event list": "فهرست رویداد",
"Event page settings": "تنظیمات صفحه رویداد",
"Event to be confirmed": "رویداد نیازمند تایید",
"Event {eventTitle} deleted": "رویداد {eventTitle} پاک شد",
"Event {eventTitle} reported": "رویداد {eventTitle} گزارش شد",
"Events": "رویدادها",
"Ex: mobilizon.fr": "مثلا: mobilizon.fr",
"Explore": "کاوش",
"Failed to save admin settings": "شکست در ذخیره تنظیمات مدیریتی",
"Featured events": "رویدادهای شاخص",
"Federation": "فدراسیون",
"Find an address": "یافتن نشانی",
"Find an instance": "یافتن نمونه",
"Followers": "دنبال‌کنندگان",
"Followings": "دنبال‌شوندگان",
"For instance: London, Taekwondo, Architecture…": "مثلا: لندن، تکواندو، معماری…",
"Forgot your password ?": "گذرواژه را فراموش کرده‌اید؟",
"From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate}": "از تاریخ {startDate} ساعت {startTime} تا {endDate}",
"From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate} at {endTime}": "از تاریخ {startDate} ساعت {startTime} تا {endDate} ساعت {endTime}",
"From the {startDate} to the {endDate}": "از تاریخ {startDate} تا {endDate}",
"Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize": "گردهم‌آیی ⋅ سازمان‌دهی ⋅ بسیج",
"General": "کلی",
"General information": "اطلاعات عمومی",
"Getting location": "دریافت موقعیت مکانی",
"Go": "برو",
"Group name": "نام گروه",
"Group {displayName} created": "گروه {displayName} ایجاد شد",
"Groups": "گروه‌ها",
"Hide replies": "پنهان‌سازی پاسخ‌ها",
"I create an identity": "یک هویت می‌سازم",
"I don't have a Mobilizon account": "حساب موبیلیزون ندارم",
"I have a Mobilizon account": "حساب موبیلیزون دارم",
"I have an account on another Mobilizon instance.": "یک حساب روی نمونهٔ دیگری از موبیلیزون دارم.",
"I participate": "شرکت می‌کنم",
"Please do not use it in any real way.": "لطفا در موارد واقعی از این استفاده نکنید.",
"Post a reply": "ارسال پاسخ",
"Previous page": "صفحه قبل",

View file

@ -24,5 +24,305 @@
"Anonymous participants will be asked to confirm their participation through e-mail.": "Od anonimnih sudionika će se tražiti potvrda o sudjelovanju kroz e-mail.",
"Anonymous participations": "Anonimno sudjelovanje",
"Are you really sure you want to delete your whole account? You'll lose everything. Identities, settings, events created, messages and participations will be gone forever.": "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati svoj cijeli račun? Izgubiti ćete sve. Identiteti, postavke, događaji, poruke, i sudjelovanja će biti zauvijek uklonjeni.",
"Please do not use it in any real way.": "Molimo nemojte koristiti na bilo kakav stvarni način."
"Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this comment? This action cannot be undone.": "Jeste li sigurni da želite <b>izbrisati</b> ovaj komentar? Nećete ga moći ponovno vratiti.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this event? This action cannot be undone. You may want to engage the discussion with the event creator or edit its event instead.": "Jeste li sigurni da želite <b>izbrisati</b> ovaj komentar? Nećete ga moći ponovno vratiti. Možda biste željeli započeti razgovor sa organizatorom događaja ili izmjeniti događaj.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel the event creation? You'll lose all modifications.": "Jeste li sigurni da želite poništiti stvaranje događaja? Izgubiti ćete sve izmjene.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel the event edition? You'll lose all modifications.": "Jeste li sigurni da želite poništiti uređivanje događaja? Izgubiti ćete sve izmjene.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel your participation at event \"{title}\"?": "Jeste li sigurni da ne želite više sudjelovati u događaju \"{title}\"?",
"Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be reverted.": "Jeste li sigurni da želite izbrisati ovaj događaj? Nećete moći poništiti ovu odluku.",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
"Back to previous page": "Natrag na prethodnu stranicu",
"Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account.": "Morate ovjeriti svoj račun na dobivenoj poveznici kako biste se mogli prijaviti.",
"By {username}": "Od {username}",
"Cancel": "Otkaži",
"Cancel anonymous participation": "Otkaži anonimno sudjelovanje",
"Cancel creation": "Poništi stvaranje",
"Cancel edition": "Poništi uređivanje",
"Cancel my participation request…": "Otkaži moj zahtjev za sudjelovanje…",
"Cancel my participation…": "Otkaži moje sudjelovanje…",
"Cancelled: Won't happen": "Otkaženo: Neće se dogoditi",
"Change": "Promijeni",
"Change my email": "Promijeni moj email",
"Change my identity…": "Promijeni moj identitet…",
"Change my password": "Promijeni moju zaporku",
"Clear": "Očisti",
"Click to upload": "Stisni za slanje",
"Close": "Zatvori",
"Close comments for all (except for admins)": "Zatvori komentare za sve (osim administratore)",
"Closed": "Zatvoreno",
"Comment deleted": "Komentar obrisan",
"Comment from @{username} reported": "Komentar od @{username} prijavljen",
"Comments": "Komentari",
"Confirm my participation": "Potvrdi moje sudjelovanje",
"Confirm my particpation": "Potvrdi moje sudjelovanje",
"Confirmed: Will happen": "Potrvđeno: Dogoditi će se",
"Continue editing": "Nastavi uređivanje",
"Country": "Država",
"Create": "Stvori",
"Create a new event": "Stvori novi događaj",
"Create a new group": "Stvori novu grupu",
"Create a new identity": "Stvori novi indentitet",
"Create group": "Stvori grupu",
"Create my event": "Stvori moj događaj",
"Create my group": "Stvori moju grupu",
"Create my profile": "Stvori moj profil",
"Create token": "Stvori token",
"Current identity has been changed to {identityName} in order to manage this event.": "Trenutni identitet je promijenjen u {identityName} kako bi se mogao voditi događaj.",
"Current page": "Trenutna stranica",
"Custom": "Vlastiti",
"Custom URL": "Vlastiti URL",
"Custom text": "Vlastiti tekst",
"Dashboard": "Nadzorna ploča",
"Date": "Datum",
"Date and time settings": "Postavke za datum i vrijeme",
"Date parameters": "Parametri za datum",
"Default": "Zadano/Obično",
"Delete": "Izbriši",
"Delete Comment": "Izbriši komentar",
"Delete Event": "Izbriši događaj",
"Delete account": "Izbriši račun",
"Delete event": "Izbriši događaj",
"Delete everything": "Izbriši sve",
"Delete my account": "Izbriši moj račun",
"Delete this identity": "Izbriši ovaj identitet",
"Delete your identity": "Izbriši svoj identitet",
"Delete {eventTitle}": "Izbriši {eventTitle}",
"Delete {preferredUsername}": "Izbriši {preferredUsername}",
"Deleting comment": "Brisanje komentara",
"Deleting event": "Brisanje događaja",
"Deleting my account will delete all of my identities.": "Brisanje računa će izbrisati sve moje identitete.",
"Deleting your Mobilizon account": "Brisanje mog Mobizilion računa",
"Description": "Opis",
"Display name": "Prikazno ime",
"Display participation price": "Prikaži cijenu sudjelovanja",
"Domain": "Domena",
"Draft": "Skica",
"Drafts": "Skice",
"Edit": "Uredi",
"Eg: Stockholm, Dance, Chess…": "Eg: Stockholm, Ples, Šah…",
"Either on the {instance} instance or on another instance.": "Ili na {instance} instanci ili na drugoj instanci.",
"Either the account is already validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Ili je račun već ovjeren, ili je token za ovjerenje netočan.",
"Either the email has already been changed, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Ili je email već promijenjen, ili je token za ovjerenje netočan.",
"Either the participation request has already been validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Ili je zahtjev za sudjelovanje već ovjeren, ili je token za ovjerenje netočan.",
"Email": "Email",
"Ends on…": "Završava na…",
"Enter the link URL": "Upišite URL poveznice",
"Error while changing email": "Greška pri promjeni email-a",
"Error while validating account": "Greška pri ovjerenju računa",
"Error while validating participation request": "Greška pri ovjerenju zahtjeva za sudjelovanje",
"Event": "Događaj",
"Event already passed": "Događaj je već prošao",
"Event cancelled": "Događaj otkazan",
"Event creation": "Stvaranje događaja",
"Event edition": "Uređivanje događaja",
"Event list": "Popis događaja",
"Event page settings": "Postavke stranice događaja",
"Event to be confirmed": "Događaj iščekuje potvrdu",
"Event {eventTitle} deleted": "Događaj {eventTitle} izbrisan",
"Event {eventTitle} reported": "Događaj {eventTitle} prijavljen",
"Events": "Događaji",
"Ex: mobilizon.fr": "Ex: mobilizon.fr",
"Explore": "Istraži",
"Failed to save admin settings": "Greška pri spremanju administratorskih postavki",
"Featured events": "Istaknuti događaji",
"Federation": "Federacija",
"Find an address": "Pronađi adresu",
"Find an instance": "Pronađi instancu",
"Followers": "Pratitelji",
"Followings": "Praćenja",
"For instance: London, Taekwondo, Architecture…": "Za instance: London, Taekwondo, Arhitektura.…",
"Forgot your password ?": "Zaboravljena lozinka?",
"From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate}": "Od {startDate} u {startTime} do {endDate}",
"From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate} at {endTime}": "Od {startDate} u {startTime} do {endDate} u {endTime}",
"From the {startDate} to the {endDate}": "Od {startDate} do {endDate}",
"Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize": "Skupite ⋅ Organizirajte ⋅ Mobilizirajte",
"General": "Opće",
"General information": "Opće informacije",
"Getting location": "Lociranje",
"Go": "Idi",
"Group name": "Ime grupe",
"Group {displayName} created": "Grupa {displayName} stvorena",
"Groups": "Grupe",
"Headline picture": "Naslovna slika",
"Hide replies": "Sakrij odgovore",
"I create an identity": "Stvorim identitet",
"I don't have a Mobilizon account": "Nemam Mobilizon račun",
"I have a Mobilizon account": "Imam Mobilizon račun",
"I have an account on another Mobilizon instance.": "Imam račun na drugoj Mobilizon instanci.",
"I participate": "Sudjelujem",
"I want to allow people to participate without an account.": "Želim dopustiti ljudima da sudjeluju i bez računa.",
"I want to approve every participation request": "Želim odobriti svaki zahtjev za sudjelovanje",
"Identity {displayName} created": "Identitet {displayName} stvoren",
"Identity {displayName} deleted": "Identitet {displayName} izbrisan",
"Identity {displayName} updated": "Identitet {displayName} ažuriran",
"If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to {email}": "Ako račun sa ovim emailom postoji, upravo smo poslali još jedan email za potvrdu na {email}",
"If this identity is the only administrator of some groups, you need to delete them before being able to delete this identity.": "Ako je ovaj identitet jedini administrator nekih grupa, trebate ih izbrisati prije nego što možete izbrisati ovaj identitet.",
"If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here.": "Ako želite, ovdje možete poslati poruku organizatoru događaja.",
"Instance Name": "Ime Instance",
"Instance Terms": "Uvjeti Instance",
"Instance Terms Source": "Izvor Uvjeta Instance",
"Instance Terms URL": "URL Uvjeta Instance",
"Instance settings": "Postavke instance",
"Instances": "Instance",
"Join <b>{instance}</b>, a Mobilizon instance": "Pridruži se <b>{instance}</b>, Mobilizon instanca",
"Last published event": "Zadnji objavljeni događaj",
"Last week": "Prošli tjedan",
"Learn more": "Saznaj više",
"Learn more about Mobilizon": "Saznaj više o Mobilizonu",
"Leave event": "Izađi s događaja",
"Leaving event \"{title}\"": "Izlaženje s događaja \"{title}\"",
"License": "Licenca",
"Limited number of places": "Ograničeni broj mjesta",
"Load more": "Učitaj više",
"Locality": "Lokalitet",
"Log in": "Prijava",
"Log out": "Odjava",
"Login": "Prijava",
"Login on Mobilizon!": "Prijava na Mobilizon!",
"Login on {instance}": "Prijava na {instance}",
"Manage participations": "Uredi sudjelovanja",
"Mark as resolved": "Označi kao obavljeno",
"Members": "Članovi",
"Message": "Poruka",
"Mobilizon is a federated network. You can interact with this event from a different server.": "Mobilizon je federativna mreža. Možete pregledati ovaj događaj sa drugog servera.",
"Moderated comments (shown after approval)": "Ograničeni komentari (prikazani nakon odobrenja)",
"Moderation": "Moderacija",
"Moderation log": "Zapisnik moderacije",
"My account": "Moj račun",
"My events": "Moji događaji",
"My identities": "Moji identiteti",
"Name": "Ime",
"New email": "Novi email",
"New note": "Nova bilješka",
"New password": "Nova zaporka",
"New profile": "Novi profil",
"Next page": "Sljedeća stranica",
"No address defined": "Nema određene adrese",
"No closed reports yet": "Nema zatvorenih prijava",
"No comment": "Nema komentara",
"No comments yet": "Još nema komentara",
"No end date": "Bez završnog datum",
"No events found": "Bez rezultata",
"No group found": "Bez rezultata",
"No groups found": "Bez rezultata",
"No instance follows your instance yet.": "Nijedna instanca još ne prati vašu instancu.",
"No instance to approve|Approve instance|Approve {number} instances": "Nema instance za odobriti|Odobri instancu|Odobri {number} instanca",
"No instance to reject|Reject instance|Reject {number} instances": "Nema instance za odbiti|Odbij instancu|Odbij {number} instanca",
"No instance to remove|Remove instance|Remove {number} instances": "Nema instanca za ukloniti|Ukolni instancu|Ukloni {number} instanca",
"No message": "Nema poruke",
"No open reports yet": "Nema otvorenih prijava",
"No participant to approve|Approve participant|Approve {number} participants": "Nema sudjelovanja za odobiriti|Odobri sudjelovanje|Odobri {number} sudjelovanja",
"No participant to reject|Reject participant|Reject {number} participants": "Nema sudjelovanja za odbiti|Odbij sudjelovanje|Odbij {number} sudjelovanja",
"No resolved reports yet": "Nema razriješenih prijava",
"No results for \"{queryText}\"": "Nema rezultata za \"{queryText}\"",
"Notes": "Bilješke",
"Number of places": "Broj mjesta",
"OK": "OK",
"Old password": "Stara zaporka",
"On {date}": "Na {date}",
"On {date} ending at {endTime}": "Na {date} završava u {endTime}",
"On {date} from {startTime} to {endTime}": "Na {date} od {startTime} do {endTime}",
"On {date} starting at {startTime}": "Na {date} započinje u {startTime}",
"Only accessible through link (private)": "Dostupno samo kroz poveznicu (privatno)",
"Only alphanumeric lowercased characters and underscores are supported.": "Samo alphanumerična mala slova i podcrte su podržane.",
"Open": "Otvori",
"Opened reports": "Otvorene prijave",
"Or": "Ili",
"Organized": "Organizirano",
"Organized by {name}": "Organizira {name}",
"Organizer": "Organizator",
"Other software may also support this.": "Moguće je da i drugi sotfware ovo podržava.",
"Otherwise this identity will just be removed from the group administrators.": "Inače će ovaj identitet biti uklonjen iz grupnih administratora.",
"Page": "Stranica",
"Page limited to my group (asks for auth)": "Stranica ograničena na moju grupu (autentikacija po upitu)",
"Participant": "Sudionik",
"Participants": "Sudionici",
"Participate": "Sudjeluj",
"Participate using your email address": "Sudjelujte korišteći vašu email adresu",
"Participation approval": "Odobra za sudjelovanje",
"Participation confirmation": "Potvrda za sudjelovanje",
"Participation requested!": "Sudjelovanje zatraženo!",
"Password": "Zaporka",
"Password (confirmation)": "Zaporka (potvrđivanje)",
"Password reset": "Resetiraj zaporku",
"Past events": "Prošli događaji",
"Pending": "U tijeku",
"Pick an identity": "Izaberite identitet",
"Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive the email.": "Molimo vas zavirite u spam mapu ako niste dobili email.",
"Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake.": "Molimo vas kontaktirajte admina ove instance ako mislite da je ovo pogreška.",
"Please do not use it in any real way.": "Molimo nemojte koristiti na bilo kakav stvarni način.",
"Please enter your password to confirm this action.": "Molimo vas unesite svoju zaporku kako biste potvrdili.",
"Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved.": "Molimo vas pogledajte je li adresa točna te da se stranica nije premjestila.",
"Post a comment": "Pošalji komentar",
"Post a reply": "Pošalji odgovor",
"Postal Code": "Poštanski broj",
"Preferences": "Preferencije",
"Previous page": "Prethodna stranica",
"Privacy Policy": "Politika Privatnosti",
"Private event": "Privatni događaj",
"Private feeds": "Privatni feed",
"Profiles": "Profili",
"Public RSS/Atom Feed": "Javni RSS/Atom Feed",
"Public comment moderation": "Javna moderacija komentara",
"Public event": "Javni događaj",
"Public feeds": "Javni feed",
"Public iCal Feed": "Javni iCal Feed",
"Publish": "Objavi",
"Published events with <b>{comments}</b> comments and <b>{participations}</b> confirmed participations": "Objavljeni događaji sa <b>{comments}</b> komentarima i <b>{participations}</b> potvrđenim sudjelovanjima",
"RSS/Atom Feed": "RSS/Atom Feed",
"Region": "Regija",
"Registration is allowed, anyone can register.": "Registracije su dopuštene, bilo tko se može registrirati.",
"Registration is closed.": "Registracije su zatvorene.",
"Registration is currently closed.": "Registracije su trenutno zatvorene.",
"Rejected": "Odbijeno",
"Reopen": "Otvori opet",
"Reply": "Odgovori",
"Report": "Prijavi",
"Report this comment": "Prijavi ovaj komentar",
"Report this event": "Prijavi ovaj događaj",
"Reported": "Prijavljeno",
"Reported by": "Prijavili su",
"Reported by someone on {domain}": "Prijavljeno od nekog sa {domain}",
"Reported by {reporter}": "Prijavili {reporter}",
"Reported identity": "Prijavljeni identitet",
"Reports": "Prijave",
"Reset my password": "Resetiraj moju zaporku",
"Resolved": "Riješeno",
"Resource provided is not an URL": "Priloženi resurs nije URL",
"Role": "Uloga",
"Save": "Spremi",
"Save draft": "Spremi skicu",
"Search": "Pretraži",
"Search events, groups, etc.": "Pretraži događaje, grupe, itd.",
"Searching…": "Pretraživanje…",
"Send email": "Pošalji email",
"Send the report": "Pošalji prijavu",
"Set an URL to a page with your own terms.": "Postavi URL na stranicu sa svojim uvjetima.",
"Settings": "Postavke",
"Share this event": "Podijeli ovaj događaj",
"Show map": "Prikaži kartu",
"Show remaining number of places": "Prikaži preostala slobodna mjesta",
"Show the time when the event begins": "Prikaži vrijeme kada događaj počinje",
"Show the time when the event ends": "Prikaži vrijeme kada događaj završava",
"Sign up": "Upiši se",
"Starts on…": "Započinje…",
"Status": "Status",
"Street": "Ulica",
"Tentative: Will be confirmed later": "Neodređeno: Biti će potvrđeno poslje",
"Terms": "Uvjeti",
"The account's email address was changed. Check your emails to verify it.": "Email adresa od računa je bila promijenjena. Provjerite svoj email kako biste ju ovjerili.",
"The actual number of participants may differ, as this event is hosted on another instance.": "Pravi broj sudionika se može razlikovati jer se ovaj događaj vodi na drugoj instanci.",
"The content came from another server. Transfer an anonymous copy of the report?": "Sadržaj je došao sa drugog servera. Prenesi anonimnu kopiju prijave?",
"The draft event has been updated": "Ažuriran je događaj iz skice",
"The event has been created as a draft": "Događaj je stvoren kao skica",
"The event has been published": "Događaj je objavljen",
"The event has been updated": "Događaj je ažuriran",
"The event has been updated and published": "Događaj je ažuriran i objavljen",
"The event organiser has chosen to validate manually participations. Do you want to add a little note to explain why you want to participate to this event?": "Organizatori su odlučili ručno odobriti svako sudjelovanje. Želite li dodati malu bilješku kako bi objasnili zašto želite sudjelovati u ovom događaju?",
"The event organizer didn't add any description.": "Organizatori nisu dodali opis.",
"The event organizer manually approves participations. Since you've chosen to participate without an account, please explain why you want to participate to this event.": "Organizatori ručno odobravaju sudjelovanja. Pošto ste se odlučili pridružiti bez računa, objasnite zašto želite sudjelovati u ovom događaju.",
"The event title will be ellipsed.": "Naslovu događaja će se dodati trotočka.",
"The page you're looking for doesn't exist.": "Stranica koju tražite ne postoji.",
"The password was successfully changed": "Zaporka je uspješno promijenjena",
"The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below.": "Prijava će biti poslana voditeljima instance. Ovdje možete objasniti zašto ste prijavili ovaj sadržaj."

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
"@{group}": "@{group}",
"@{username}": "@{username}",
"@{username} ({role})": "@{username} ({role})",
"@{username}'s follow request was rejected": "La demanda de seguiment de @{username} es estada regetada",
"A cookie is a small file containing information that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. When you visit the site again, the cookie allows that site to recognize your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. You can configure your browser to refuse all cookies. However, this may result in some website features or services partially working. Local storage works the same way but allows you to store more data.": "Un cookie es un pichon fichier que conten informacions e es enviat a lordenador quand consultatz un site web. Quand visitatz lo site de nòu, lo cookie permet al site de reconéisser vòstre navegador. Los cookies pòdon gardar las preferéncias dels utilizaires e dautras informacions. Podètz configurar vòstre navegador per que regète totes los cookies. Pasmens, aquò pòt copar unas foncions o unes servicis del site web. Lemmagazinatge local fonciona de la meteissa manièra mas permet de salvar mai de donadas.",
"A federated software": "Un logicial federat",
"A place for your code of conduct, rules or guidelines. You can use HTML tags.": "Una seccion apropriada per vòstre còdi de conduch, règlas o linhas directrises. Podètz utilizar las balisas HTML.",
@ -61,12 +62,14 @@
"Admin settings successfully saved.": "Paramètres dadministracion corrèctament enregistrats.",
"Administration": "Administracion",
"Administrator": "Administrator",
"All activities": "Totas las activitats",
"All good, let's continue!": "Tot es bon, contunham!",
"All group members and other eventual server admins will still be able to view this information.": "Totes les membres de grop e los autres administrators eventuals poiràn totjorn capables de veire aquesta informacion.",
"All the places have already been taken": "Totas las plaças son presas",
"Allow all comments": "Autorizar totes los comentaris",
"Allow all comments from users with accounts": "Autorizar los comentaris dels utilizaires amb compte",
"Allow registrations": "Permetre las inscripcions",
"An error has occured. Sorry about that. You may try to reload the page.": "Una error ses producha. O planhèm. Podètz tornar ensajar en actualizant la pagina.",
"An error has occurred.": "Una error ses producha.",
"An ethical alternative": "Una alternativa etica",
"An instance is an installed version of the Mobilizon software running on a server. An instance can be run by anyone using the {mobilizon_software} or other federated apps, aka the “fediverse”. This instance's name is {instance_name}. Mobilizon is a federated network of multiple instances (just like email servers), users registered on different instances may communicate even though they didn't register on the same instance.": "Una instància es una version del logicial Mobilizon que fonciona sus un servidor. Quina persona que siá pòt gerir una instància amb lo {mobilizon_software} o dautras aplicacions federadas, correspondent al «fedivers». Aquesta instància sapèla {instance_name}. Mobilizon es un malhum federat de multiplas instàncias (coma los servidors de corrièl), unes utilizaires son marcats sus diferentas instàncias e pòdon comunicar malgrat que sián pas enregistrats sus la meteissa instància.",
@ -90,6 +93,7 @@
"Are you sure you want to cancel the event creation? You'll lose all modifications.": "Volètz vertadièrament anullar la creacion de leveniment ? Perdretz totas vòstras modificacions.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel the event edition? You'll lose all modifications.": "Volètz vertadièrament anullar la modificacion de leveniment ? Perdretz totas vòstras modificacions.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel your participation at event \"{title}\"?": "Volètz vertadièrament anullar vòstra participacion a leveniment « {title} » ?",
"Are you sure you want to delete this entire discussion?": "Volètz vertadièrament suprimir la discussion entièra?",
"Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be reverted.": "Volètz vertadièrament suprimir aqueste eveniment ? Aquesta accion se pòt pas anullar.",
"As the event organizer has chosen to manually validate participation requests, your participation will be really confirmed only once you receive an email stating it's being accepted.": "L'organizator de l'eveniment causiguèt de validar manualament las demandas de participacion, la vòstra participacion serà vertadièrament confirmada al moment que recebrètz un e-mail disent qu'es estada acceptada.",
"Assigned to": "Assignat a",
@ -100,10 +104,12 @@
"Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account.": "Abans que poscatz vos marcar, devètz clicar lo ligam dedins per validar lo compte.",
"Begins on": "Comença lo",
"Bold": "Gras",
"By {username}": "Per {username}",
"Browser notifications": "Notificacions de navegador",
"By @{username} and @{group}": "Per @{username} e @{group}",
"By others": "Dels autres",
"By {author}": "Per {author}",
"By {group}": "Per {group}",
"By {username}": "Per {username}",
"By {username} and {group}": "Per {username} e {group}",
"Can be an email or a link, or just plain text.": "Pòt èsser una adreça electronica o un ligam, o encara un simple tèxt brut.",
"Cancel": "Anullar",
@ -122,7 +128,9 @@
"Change password": "Modificar mon senhal",
"Change timezone": "Cambiar de zòna orària",
"Check your inbox (and your junk mail folder).": "Verificatz vòstra bóstia de recepcion (los indesirales tanben).",
"City or region": "Vila o region",
"Clear": "Escafar",
"Clear participation data for all events": "Escafar mas donadas de participacion per totes los eveniments",
"Clear participation data for this event": "Escafar mas donadas de participacion per aqueste eveniment",
"Click for more information": "Clicatz per mai dinformacions",
"Click to select": "Clicatz per seleccionar",
@ -133,6 +141,7 @@
"Collections": "Colleccions",
"Comment deleted": "Comentari suprimit",
"Comment from @{username} reported": "Comentari de @{username} senhalat",
"Comment text can't be empty": "Lo tèxt del comentari pòt pas èsser void",
"Comments": "Comentaris",
"Comments are closed for everybody else.": "Los comentaris son tampats pels autres.",
"Comments have been closed.": "Los comentaris son barrats.",
@ -158,6 +167,7 @@
"Create a new group": "Crear un grop novèl",
"Create a new identity": "Crear una identitat novèla",
"Create a new list": "Crear una lista novèla",
"Create a new profile": "Crear un perfil nòu",
"Create a pad": "Crear un pad",
"Create a videoconference": "Crear una visio-conferéncia",
"Create a visioconference": "Crear una vidèo-conferéncia",
@ -168,6 +178,7 @@
"Create my event": "Crear mon eveniment",
"Create my group": "Crear mon grop",
"Create my profile": "Crear mon perfil",
"Create new links": "Crear de ligams nòus",
"Create resource": "Crear una ressorsa",
"Create the discussion": "Crear la discussion",
"Create to-do lists for all the tasks you need to do, assign them and set due dates.": "Creatz de listas de causas a far per quin prètzfach que siá que devètz realizar, assignatz-las e fixatz de datas limit.",
@ -198,11 +209,13 @@
"Delete Event": "Suprimir leveniment",
"Delete account": "Supression del compte",
"Delete conversation": "Suprimir la conversacion",
"Delete discussion": "Suprimir la discussion",
"Delete event": "Suprimir un eveniment",
"Delete everything": "O suprimir tot",
"Delete group": "Suprimir lo grop",
"Delete my account": "Suprimir mon compte",
"Delete post": "Suprimir la publicacion",
"Delete this discussion": "Suprimir aquesta discussion",
"Delete this identity": "Suprimir aquesta identitat",
"Delete your identity": "Suprimir vòstra identitat",
"Delete {eventTitle}": "Suprimir {eventTitle}",
@ -234,6 +247,7 @@
"Duplicate": "Duplicar",
"Edit": "Editar",
"Edit post": "Modificar lo bilhet",
"Edit profile {profile}": "Editar lo perfil {profile}",
"Edited {ago}": "Modificat {ago}",
"Eg: Stockholm, Dance, Chess…": "Per exemple : Tolosa, balèti, velhada…",
"Either on the {instance} instance or on another instance.": "Siá sus linstància {instance} siá sus una autra instància.",
@ -254,8 +268,12 @@
"Enter your own terms. HTML tags allowed. Mobilizon.org's terms are provided as template.": "Picatz vòstres pròpris tèrmes. Balisas HTML autorizadas. Los tèrmes de Mobilizon.org son donats en exemple.",
"Enter your own terms. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_terms} are provided as template.": "Picatz vòstras pròprias condicions dutilizacion. Las balisas HTML son autorizadas. Los {mobilizon_terms} son fornits coma modèl.",
"Error": "Error",
"Error details copied!": "Detalhs de lerror copiats!",
"Error message": "Messatge derror",
"Error stacktrace": "Error amb traça",
"Error while changing email": "Error en modificar ladreça electronica",
"Error while communicating with the server.": "Error de comunicacion amb lo servidor.",
"Error while loading the preview": "Error pendent lo cargament de lapercebut",
"Error while login with {provider}. Retry or login another way.": "Error pendent la connexion a {provider}. Tornatz ensajar o connectatz-vos autrament.",
"Error while login with {provider}. This login provider doesn't exist.": "Error pendent la connexion a {provider}. Aqueste metòde de connexion existís pas.",
"Error while reporting group {groupTitle}": "Error pendent lo senhalament del grop {groupTitle}",
@ -276,6 +294,7 @@
"Event {eventTitle} deleted": "Eveniment {eventTitle} suprimit",
"Event {eventTitle} reported": "Eveniment {eventTitle} senhalat",
"Events": "Eveniments",
"Events nearby": "Eveniments prèp",
"Events nearby you": "Eveniments prop de çò vòstre",
"Events tagged with {tag}": "Eveniments etiquetats amb {tag}",
"Events you're going at": "Eveniment ont anatz",
@ -295,7 +314,9 @@
"Find an instance": "Trobar una instància",
"Find another instance": "Trobar una autra instància",
"Followed by {count} persons": "Seguit per {count} personas",
"Follower": "Seguidor",
"Followers": "Seguidors",
"Followers will receive new public events and posts.": "Los seguidors recebràn las publicacions e activitats novèlas.",
"Followings": "Abonaments",
"For instance: London": "Per exemple: Tolosa",
"For instance: London, Taekwondo, Architecture…": "Per exemple : Tolosa, Taekwondo, Arquitectura…",
@ -305,9 +326,11 @@
"From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate}": "Del {startDate} a {startTime} fins al {endDate}",
"From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate} at {endTime}": "Del {startDate} a {startTime} fins al {endDate} a {endTime}",
"From the {startDate} to the {endDate}": "Del {startDate} fins al {endDate}",
"From yourself": "De vos",
"Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize": "Amassar ⋅ Organizar ⋅ Mobilizar",
"General": "General",
"General information": "Informacions generalas",
"General settings": "Paramètres generals",
"Getting location": "Obtencion de la localizacion",
"Getting there": "I arribar",
"Glossary": "Glossari",
@ -315,8 +338,10 @@
"Go to the event page": "Anar a la pagina de leveniment",
"Going as {name}": "Coma {name}",
"Group": "Grop",
"Group Followers": "Seguidors del grop",
"Group List": "Lista dels grops",
"Group Members": "Membre del grop",
"Group activity": "Activitat dels grops",
"Group address": "Adreça del grop",
"Group display name": "Nom de mostrar del grop",
"Group full name": "Nom complèt del grop",
@ -398,6 +423,7 @@
"Last IP adress": "Darrièra adreça IP",
"Last group created": "Darrièr grop creat",
"Last published event": "Darrièr eveniment publicat",
"Last published events": "Darrièrs eveniments publicats",
"Last sign-in": "Darrièra connexion",
"Last week": "La setmana passada",
"Latest posts": "Darrièras messatges publics",
@ -435,10 +461,12 @@
"Manage my settings": "Gerir mos paramètres",
"Manage participants": "Gerir los participants",
"Manage participations": "Gerir las participacions",
"Manually approve new followers": "Aprovar las demandas de seguiment novèlas manualament",
"Manually invite new members": "Convidar membres novèls manualament",
"Mark as resolved": "Marcar coma resolgut",
"Member": "Membre",
"Members": "Membres",
"Mentions": "Mencions",
"Message": "Messatge",
"Mobilizon": "Mobilizon",
"Mobilizon is a federated network. You can interact with this event from a different server.": "Mobilizon es un malhum federat. Podètz interagir amb aqueste eveniment dun servidor diferent estant.",
@ -472,6 +500,7 @@
"New members": "Membres novèls",
"New note": "Nòva nòta",
"New password": "Nòu senhal",
"New post": "Publicacion novèla",
"New profile": "Nòu perfil",
"Next": "Seguent",
"Next month": "Lo mes que ven",
@ -485,6 +514,7 @@
"No discussions yet": "Cap de conversacions pel moment",
"No end date": "Cap de data de fin",
"No events found": "Cap deveniment pas trobat",
"No follower matches the filters": "Cap de seguidor correspondent als filtres",
"No group found": "Cap de grop pas trobat",
"No groups found": "Cap de grop pas trobat",
"No instance follows your instance yet.": "Cap dinstància vos sèc pel moment.",
@ -495,6 +525,7 @@
"No member matches the filters": "Cap de membre correspond pas als filtres",
"No message": "Cap de messatge",
"No moderation logs yet": "Cap de jornals de moderacion pel moment",
"No more activity to display.": "I a pas mai dactivitat de mostrar.",
"No notification settings yet": "Cap de paramètres de notificacion pel moment",
"No one is participating|One person participating|{going} people participating": "Degun participa pas",
"No open reports yet": "Cap de senhalament dubèrt pel moment",
@ -523,8 +554,10 @@
"Nothing to see here": "I a pas res a veire aquí",
"Notification before the event": "Notificacion abans leveniment",
"Notification on the day of the event": "Notificacion lo jorn de leveniment",
"Notification settings": "Paramètres de notificacions",
"Notifications": "Notificacions",
"Notifications for manually approved participations to an event": "Notificacion per laprobacion manuala de las participacions a un eveniment",
"Notify participants": "Notificar los participants",
"Now, create your first profile:": "Ara, creatz vòstre primièr perfil:",
"Number of places": "Nombre de plaças",
"OK": "OK",
@ -544,6 +577,8 @@
"Only group members can access discussions": "Sonque los membres del grop pòdon accedir a las discussions",
"Only group moderators can create, edit and delete posts.": "Sonque los moderators de grops pòdon crear, modificar e suprimir de publicacions.",
"Open": "Dobèrtas",
"Open a topic on our forum": "Dobrir un subjècte al forum",
"Open an issue on our bug tracker (advanced users)": "Dobrir un incident (utilizaire avançat)",
"Opened reports": "Senhalaments dubèrts",
"Or": "O",
"Organize and take action, freely": "Sorganizar e agir, liurament",
@ -578,11 +613,13 @@
"Password reset": "Reïnicializacion del senhal",
"Past events": "Eveniments passats",
"Pending": "En espèra",
"Personal feeds": "Flux personals",
"Pick": "Causir",
"Pick a group": "Causissètz un grop",
"Pick a profile or a group": "Causir un perfil o un grop",
"Pick an identity": "Causir una identitat",
"Pick an instance": "Causir una instància",
"Please add as many details as possible to help identify the problem.": "Mercés dapondre un maximum de detalhs per ajudar a identificar lo problèma.",
"Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive the email.": "Mercés de verificar vòstre dorsièr de messatges indesirables savètz pas recebut lo corrièl.",
"Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake.": "Volgatz contactar ladministrator daquesta instància Mobilizon se pensatz ques una error.",
"Please do not use it in any real way.": "Mercés de lutilizar pas dun biais real.",
@ -607,6 +644,8 @@
"Privacy policy": "Politica de confidencialitat",
"Private event": "Eveniment privat",
"Private feeds": "Flux privats",
"Profile": "Perfil",
"Profile feeds": "Flux del perfil",
"Profiles": "Perfils",
"Profiles and federation": "Perfils e federacion",
"Promote": "Promòure",
@ -622,6 +661,7 @@
"Publish": "Publicar",
"Published events": "Eveniments publicats",
"Published events with <b>{comments}</b> comments and <b>{participations}</b> confirmed participations": "Eveniments publicats amb <b>{comments}</b> comentaris e <b>{participations}</b> participacions confirmadas",
"Push": "Push",
"RSS/Atom Feed": "Flux RSS/Atom",
"Radius": "Rai",
"Read Framasofts statement of intent on the Framablog": "Legir la nòta dintencion de Framasoft sul Framablog",
@ -630,6 +670,7 @@
"Redirecting to content…": "Redireccion cap al contengut…",
"Redirecting to event…": "Redireccion cap a leveniment…",
"Refresh profile": "Actualizar lo perfil",
"Regenerate new links": "Regenerar de ligams nòus",
"Region": "Region",
"Register": "Sinscriure",
"Register an account on Mobilizon!": "Sinscriure a Mobilizon!",
@ -685,6 +726,7 @@
"Searching…": "Recèrca…",
"Search…": "Cercar…",
"Select a language": "Causissètz una lenga",
"Select a radius": "Seleccionar un rai",
"Select a timezone": "Seleccionatz una zòna orària",
"Select languages": "Causissètz una lenga",
"Send confirmation email again": "Tornar enviar lo corrièl de validacion",
@ -717,6 +759,7 @@
"Suspend group": "Suspendre lo grop",
"Suspended": "Suspendut",
"Task lists": "Lista dels prètzfaches",
"Technical details": "Detalhs tecnics",
"Tentative": "Provisòri",
"Tentative: Will be confirmed later": "Provisòri : serà confirmat mai tard",
"Terms": "Tèrmes",
@ -739,6 +782,7 @@
"The event organizer manually approves participations. Since you've chosen to participate without an account, please explain why you want to participate to this event.": "Lorganizator daqueste eveniment aprovar manualament las participacion. Estant quavètz causit de participar sens compte, mercés dexplicar perque volètz participar a aqueste eveniment.",
"The event title will be ellipsed.": "Lo títol de leveniment utilizarà una ellipsi.",
"The event will show as attributed to this group.": "Leveniment serà mostrat coma atribuit a aqueste grop.",
"The event will show as attributed to this profile.": "Leveniment serà afichat coma atribuit a aqueste perfil.",
"The event will show as attributed to your personal profile.": "Leveniment serà mostrat coma atribuit a vòstre perfil.",
"The event will show the group as organizer.": "Leveniment mostrarà lo grop coma organizator.",
"The events you created are not shown here.": "Aquí apareissan los eveniments quavètz creats.",
@ -805,6 +849,7 @@
"URL": "URL",
"URL copied to clipboard": "URL copiada al quicha-papièrs",
"Unable to detect timezone.": "Deteccion impossibla de la zòna orària.",
"Unable to load event for participation. The error details are provided below:": "Cargament impossible de leveniment per la participacion. Los detalhs de lerror son disponibles çai-jos:",
"Unable to save your participation in this browser.": "Fracàs de la salvagarda de vòstra participacion dins aqueste navegador.",
"Unfortunately, this instance isn't opened to registrations": "Malaürosament, aquesta instància es pas dubèrta a las inscripcions",
"Unfortunately, your participation request was rejected by the organizers.": "Malaürosament, vòstra demanda de participacion es estada refusada pels organizators.",
@ -857,6 +902,7 @@
"Welcome back!": "Tornatz ben aquí!",
"Welcome on your administration panel": "La benvenguda a vòstre espaci dadministracion",
"Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "Benvengut a Mobilizon, {username}!",
"What can I do to help?": "Qué pòdi far per ajudar?",
"When a moderator from the group creates an event and attributes it to the group, it will show up here.": "Quand un moderator de grop crèa un eveniment e latribuís al grop, se mostrarà aicí.",
"Who can view this event and participate": "Qual pòt veire aqueste eveniment e i participar",
"Who can view this post": "Qual pòt veire aqueste bilhet",
@ -865,6 +911,7 @@
"Will allow to display and manage your participation status on the event page when using this device. Uncheck if you're using a public device.": "Permet de mostrar e gerir lestatut de vòstra participacion sus la pagina de leveniment quand utilizatz aqueste periferic. Desmarcatz aquesta casa sutilizatz un periferic public.",
"World map": "Mapa mondiala",
"Write something…": "Escrivètz quicòm…",
"Yesterday": "Ièr",
"You and one other person are going to this event": "Sètz lunica persona a anar a aqueste eveniment | Vos e una persona mai anatz a aqueste eveniment | Vos e {approved} personas mai anatz a aqueste eveniment.",
"You announced that you're going to this event.": "Avètz anonciat quanatz a aqueste eveniment.",
"You are already a participant of this event.": "Participatz ja a aqueste eveniment.",
@ -872,6 +919,7 @@
"You are an organizer.": "Sètz un organizaire.",
"You are not an administrator for this group.": "Sètz pas administrator daqueste grop.",
"You are not part of any group.": "Fasètz pas part de cap de grop.",
"You are offline": "Sètz fòra linha",
"You are participating in this event anonymously": "Participatz a aqueste eveniment dun biais anonim",
"You are participating in this event anonymously but didn't confirm participation": "Participatz a aqueste eveniment dun biais anonim mas avètz pas encara confirmat vòstra participacion",
"You can add tags by hitting the Enter key or by adding a comma": "Podètz ajustar detiquetas en tocant la tòca Entrada o en ajustant una vergula",
@ -880,6 +928,7 @@
"You can try another search term or drag and drop the marker on the map": "Podètz ensajar un autre tèrme de recèrca o botar lo marcador sus la mapa",
"You can't change your password because you are registered through {provider}.": "Podètz pas cambiar vòstre senhal perque sètz enregistrat via {provider}.",
"You can't remove your last identity.": "Podètz pas suprimir vòstra darrièra identitat.",
"You created the event {event}.": "Avètz creat leveniment {event}.",
"You didn't create or join any event yet.": "Avètz pas encara pas creat o participat a un eveniment.",
"You don't follow any instances yet.": "Seguissètz pas cap dinstància pel moment.",
"You have been disconnected": "Sètz estat desconnectat",
@ -889,11 +938,16 @@
"You have one event in {days} days.": "Avètz pas cap deveniment daquí {days} jorns | Avètz un eveniment daquí {days} jorns. | Avètz {count} eveniments daquí {days} jorns",
"You have one event today.": "Avètz pas cap deveniment uèi | Avètz un eveniment uèi. | Avètz {count} eveniments uèi",
"You have one event tomorrow.": "Avètz pas cap deveniment deman| Avètz un eveniment deman. | Avètz {count} eveniments deman",
"You invited {member}.": "Avètz convidat {member}.",
"You may also ask to {resend_confirmation_email}.": "Podètz tanben demandar a {resend_confirmation_email}.",
"You may clear all participation information for this device with the buttons below.": "Podètz escafar totas las informacions de participacion per aqueste periferic amb los botons çai-jos.",
"You may now close this window, or {return_to_event}.": "Ara podètz tampar aquesta fenèstra o {return_to_event}.",
"You may now close this window.": "Podètz ara tampar aquesta fenèstra.",
"You need to create the group before you create an event.": "Vos cal crear lo grop abans de crear leveniment.",
"You need to login.": "Vos cal vos connectar.",
"You posted a comment on the event {event}.": "Avètz publicat un comentari sus leveniment {event}.",
"You replied to a comment on the event {event}.": "Avètz respondut a un comentari sus leveniment {event}.",
"You requested to join the group.": "Avètz demandat a rejónher lo grop.",
"You will be able to add an avatar and set other options in your account settings.": "Poiretz ajustar un avatar e definir dautras opcions als paramètres del compte.",
"You will be redirected to the original instance": "Vos enviarem a linstància dorigina",
"You wish to participate to the following event": "Volètz participar a leveniment seguent",
@ -924,10 +978,13 @@
"Your participation status has been changed": "Lestatut de vòstra participacion a cambiat",
"Your participation status is saved only on this device and will be deleted one month after the event's passed.": "Vòstra participacion es enregistrada pas que sus aquel aparelh e serà escafada un mes aprèp la fin de l'eveniment.",
"Your participation still has to be approved by the organisers.": "Los organizators devon aprovar vòstra participacion.",
"Your participation will be validated once you click the confirmation link into the email, and after the organizer manually validates your participation.": "Vòstra participacion serà validada un còp quauretz clicat lo ligam de confirmacion contengut pel corrièl, e aprèp validacion per lorganizator.",
"Your participation will be validated once you click the confirmation link into the email.": "Vòstra participacion serà validada un còp quauretz clicat lo ligam de confirmacion contengut dins lo corrièl.",
"Your profile will be shown as contact.": "Vòstre perfil serà mostrat coma contacte.",
"Your timezone is currently set to {timezone}.": "Vòstra zòna orària es defenida a {timezone}.",
"Your timezone was detected as {timezone}.": "Vòstra zòna orària es estada detectada coma {timezone}.",
"Your timezone {timezone} isn't supported.": "Vòstra zòna orària {timezone} es pas presa en carga.",
"Your upcoming events": "Vòstres eveniments a venir",
"[This comment has been deleted by it's author]": "[Aqueste comentari es estat suprimit per son autor]",
"[This comment has been deleted]": "[Aqueste comentari es estat escafat]",
"[deleted]": "[escafat]",
@ -965,11 +1022,16 @@
"{actor}'s avatar": "Avatar de {actor}",
"{approved} / {total} seats": "{approved} / {total} plaças",
"{available}/{capacity} available places": "Cap de plaças restantas|{available}/{capacity} plaças disponiblas",
"{count} km": "{count}km",
"{count} participants": "Cap de participacion pel moment|Un participant|{count} participants",
"{count} requests waiting": "Una demanda en espèra|{count} demandas en espèra",
"{count} team members": "{count} membre dequipa",
"{folder} - Resources": "{folder} - Ressorsas",
"{group} activity timeline": "Cronologia de las accions de {group}",
"{group} events": "Activitats de {group}",
"{group}'s events": "Eveniments de {group}",
"{instanceName} is an instance of the {mobilizon} software.": "{instanceName} es instància del logicial {mobilizon}.",
"{instanceName} is an instance of {mobilizon_link}, a free software built with the community.": "{instanceName} es una instància de {mobilizon_link}, una aplicacion de logicial liure construïda per una comunitat.",
"{license} guarantees {respect} of the people who will use it. Since {source}, anyone can audit it, which guarantees its transparency.": "{license} assegura {respect} del monde que lutilizaràn. Del moment que {source}, tot lo monde pòt linspectar, aquò assegura sa transparéncia.",
"{moderator} added a note on {report}": "{moderator} apondèt una nòta sus {report}",
"{moderator} closed {report}": "{moderator} a tancat {report}",
@ -978,9 +1040,11 @@
"{moderator} has unsuspended profile {profile}": "{moderator} anullèt la suspension de {profile}",
"{moderator} marked {report} as resolved": "{moderator} marquèt {report} coma resolgut",
"{moderator} reopened {report}": "{moderator} a tornat dobrir {report}",
"{moderator} suspended group {profile}": "{moderator} a suspendut lo grop {profile}",
"{moderator} suspended profile {profile}": "{moderator} suspendèt lo perfil {profile}",
"{nb} km": "{nb}km",
"{number} members": "{number} membres",
"{number} memberships": "{number} membres",
"{number} organized events": "Cap deveniment|Un eveniment organizat|{number} eveniments organizats",
"{number} participations": "Cap de participacion|Una participacion|{number} participacions",
"{number} posts": "Cap de publicacion|Una publicacion|{number} publicacions",