diff --git a/js/src/i18n/en_US.json b/js/src/i18n/en_US.json
index fdabf1d94..c74629007 100644
--- a/js/src/i18n/en_US.json
+++ b/js/src/i18n/en_US.json
@@ -1228,5 +1228,7 @@
   "Showing events starting on": "Showing events starting on",
   "Showing events before": "Showing events before",
   "Clear date filter field": "Clear date filter field",
-  "{count} members or followers": "No members or followers|One member or follower|{count} members or followers"
+  "{count} members or followers": "No members or followers|One member or follower|{count} members or followers",
+  "This profile is from another instance, the informations shown here may be incomplete.": "This profile is from another instance, the informations shown here may be incomplete.",
+  "View full profile": "View full profile"
diff --git a/js/src/i18n/fr_FR.json b/js/src/i18n/fr_FR.json
index 1ab624ec1..d4d2eefaf 100644
--- a/js/src/i18n/fr_FR.json
+++ b/js/src/i18n/fr_FR.json
@@ -1332,5 +1332,7 @@
   "Showing events starting on": "Afficher les événements à partir de",
   "Showing events before": "Afficher les événements avant",
   "Clear date filter field": "Vider le champ de filtre de la date",
-  "{count} members or followers": "Aucun⋅e membre ou abonné⋅e|Un⋅e membre ou abonné⋅e|{count} membres ou abonné⋅es"
+  "{count} members or followers": "Aucun⋅e membre ou abonné⋅e|Un⋅e membre ou abonné⋅e|{count} membres ou abonné⋅es",
+  "This profile is from another instance, the informations shown here may be incomplete.": "Ce profil provient d'une autre instance, les informations montrées ici peuvent être incomplètes.",
+  "View full profile": "Voir le profil complet"
diff --git a/js/src/views/Group/Group.vue b/js/src/views/Group/Group.vue
index 9c8e78945..36d45d378 100644
--- a/js/src/views/Group/Group.vue
+++ b/js/src/views/Group/Group.vue
@@ -473,6 +473,16 @@
     <div v-else-if="group" class="public-container">
       <aside class="group-metadata">
         <div class="sticky">
+          <b-message v-if="group.domain && !isCurrentActorAGroupMember">
+            {{
+              $t(
+                "This profile is from another instance, the informations shown here may be incomplete."
+              )
+            }}
+            <a :href="group.url" rel="noopener noreferrer external">{{
+              $t("View full profile")
+            }}</a>
+          </b-message>
           <event-metadata-block :title="$t('Members')" icon="account-group">
               $tc("{count} members", group.members.total, {