Fork 0

Merge branch 'weblate-mobilizon-frontend' into 'master'

Translations update from Weblate

See merge request 
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Citharel 2020-10-19 09:00:38 +02:00
commit 542dc67de5
2 changed files with 115 additions and 64 deletions

View file

@ -328,16 +328,20 @@
"Instance rules": "Normas da instancia",
"Instance settings": "Axustes da instancia",
"Instances": "Instancias",
"Instances following you": "Instancias que te seguen",
"Instances you follow": "Instancias que segues",
"Invite a new member": "Convida a un novo membro",
"Invite member": "Convida a persoa",
"Invited": "Convidada",
"Italic": "Cursiva",
"Join <b>{instance}</b>, a Mobilizon instance": "Únete a <b>{instance}</b>, unha instancia Mobilizon",
"Join group": "Unirse ó grupo",
"Join {instance}, a Mobilizon instance": "Únete a {instance}, unha instancia Mobilizon",
"Keep the entire conversation about a specific topic together on a single page.": "Manter nunha sóa páxina a conversa sobre un evento ou tema concreto.",
"Key words": "Palabras chave",
"Language": "Idioma",
"Last IP adress": "Último enderezo IP",
"Last group created": "Último grupo creado",
"Last published event": "Último evento publicado",
"Last sign-in": "Última conexión",
"Last week": "Última semana",
@ -522,6 +526,7 @@
"Publication date": "Data de publicación",
"Publish": "Publicar",
"Published events": "Eventos publicados",
"Published events with <b>{comments}</b> comments and <b>{participations}</b> confirmed participations": "Eventos publicados con <b>{comments}</b> comentarios e <b>{participations}</b> participacións confirmadas",
"RSS/Atom Feed": "Fonte RSS/Atom",
"Radius": "Radio",
"Read Framasofts statement of intent on the Framablog": "Ler no Framablog a declaración de Framasoft sobre as súas intencións",
@ -628,6 +633,7 @@
"The event will show the group as organizer.": "O evento mostrará ó grupo como organizador.",
"The group will be publicly listed in search results and may be suggested in the explore section. Only public informations will be shown on it's page.": "Este grupo aparecerá en resultados de buscas e podería ser suxerido na sección descubrir. Só se mostrará información pública nesta páxina.",
"The instance administrator is the person or entity that runs this Mobilizon instance.": "A administradora da instancia é a persoa ou entidade que xestiona a instancia Mobilizon.",
"The member was removed from the group {group}": "A usuaria foi eliminada do grupo {group}",
"The page you're looking for doesn't exist.": "A páxina que buscas non existe.",
"The password was successfully changed": "Cambiouse correctamente o contrasinal",
"The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below.": "A denuncia vaise enviar á moderación da instancia. Podes explicar aquí abaixo as razóns para denunciar.",
@ -816,5 +822,6 @@
"{number} posts": "Sen publicacións|Unha publicación|{number} publicacións",
"{profile} (by default)": "{profile} (by default)",
"{title} ({count} todos)": "{title} ({count} pendentes)",
"{username} was invited to {group}": "{username} convidoute a {group}",
"© The OpenStreetMap Contributors": "© The OpenStreetMap Contributors"

View file

@ -3,417 +3,461 @@ msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-18 04:49+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-10-19 04:51+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: josé m. <correo@xmgz.eu>\n"
"Language-Team: Galician <https://weblate.framasoft.org/projects/mobilizon/"
"Language: gl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 3.0.0\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.1\n"
#: lib/web/templates/email/password_reset.html.eex:48
#, elixir-format
msgid "If you didn't request this, please ignore this email. Your password won't change until you access the link below and create a new one."
msgstr ""
"Se non solicitaches isto, ignora este email. O teu constrasinal non cambiará "
"ata que accedas á ligazón inferior e cres un novo."
#: lib/service/export/feed.ex:170
#, elixir-format
msgid "Feed for %{email} on Mobilizon"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Fonte para %{email} en Mobilizon"
#: lib/web/templates/email/report.html.eex:74
#, elixir-format
msgid "%{title} by %{creator}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%{title} por %{creator}"
#: lib/web/templates/email/registration_confirmation.html.eex:58
#, elixir-format
msgid "Activate my account"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Activar a miña conta"
#: lib/web/templates/email/email.html.eex:121
#: lib/web/templates/email/email.text.eex:14
#, elixir-format
msgid "Ask the community on Framacolibri"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Pregunta á comunidade en Framacolibri"
#: lib/web/templates/email/report.text.eex:15
#, elixir-format
msgid "Comments"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Comentarios"
#: lib/web/templates/email/report.html.eex:72
#: lib/web/templates/email/report.text.eex:11
#, elixir-format
msgid "Event"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Evento"
#: lib/web/email/user.ex:48
#, elixir-format
msgid "Instructions to reset your password on %{instance}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Instruccións para restablecer o contrasinal en %{instance}"
#: lib/web/templates/email/report.text.eex:21
#, elixir-format
msgid "Reason"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Razón"
#: lib/web/templates/email/password_reset.html.eex:61
#, elixir-format
msgid "Reset Password"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Restablecer Contrasinal"
#: lib/web/templates/email/password_reset.html.eex:41
#, elixir-format
msgid "Resetting your password is easy. Just press the button below and follow the instructions. We'll have you up and running in no time."
msgstr ""
"Restablecer o contrasinal é doado. Preme no botón inferior e segue as "
"instrucción. Voltarás a poder conectarte nuns intres."
#: lib/web/email/user.ex:28
#, elixir-format
msgid "Instructions to confirm your Mobilizon account on %{instance}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Instruccións para confirmar a túa conta Mobilizon en %{instance}"
#: lib/web/email/admin.ex:24
#, elixir-format
msgid "New report on Mobilizon instance %{instance}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nova denuncia sobre a instancia Mobilizon %{instance}"
#: lib/web/templates/email/before_event_notification.html.eex:51
#: lib/web/templates/email/before_event_notification.text.eex:4
#, elixir-format
msgid "Go to event page"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ir á páxina do evento"
#: lib/web/templates/email/report.text.eex:1
#, elixir-format
msgid "New report from %{reporter} on %{instance}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Nova denuncia de %{reporter} sobre %{instance}"
#: lib/web/templates/email/event_participation_approved.text.eex:1
#, elixir-format
msgid "Participation approved"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Participación aprobada"
#: lib/web/templates/email/password_reset.html.eex:13
#: lib/web/templates/email/password_reset.text.eex:1
#, elixir-format
msgid "Password reset"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Restablece o contrasinal"
#: lib/web/templates/email/password_reset.text.eex:7
#, elixir-format
msgid "Resetting your password is easy. Just click the link below and follow the instructions. We'll have you up and running in no time."
msgstr ""
"Restablecer o contrasinal é doado. Preme na ligazón inferior e segue as "
"instruccións. Moi pronto poderás voltar e conectarte."
#: lib/web/templates/email/registration_confirmation.text.eex:5
#, elixir-format
msgid "You created an account on %{host} with this email address. You are one click away from activating it. If this wasn't you, please ignore this email."
msgstr ""
"Creaches unha conta en %{host} con este enderezo de email. Só precisas "
"activalo. Se non foches ti, por favor ignora este email."
#: lib/web/email/participation.ex:113
#, elixir-format
msgid "Your participation to event %{title} has been approved"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Foi aprobada a túa participación no evento %{title}"
#: lib/web/email/participation.ex:71
#, elixir-format
msgid "Your participation to event %{title} has been rejected"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Foi rexeitada a túa participación no evento %{title}"
#: lib/web/email/event.ex:36
#, elixir-format
msgid "Event %{title} has been updated"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Actualizouse o evento %{title}"
#: lib/web/templates/email/event_updated.text.eex:15
#, elixir-format
msgid "New title: %{title}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Novo título: %{title}"
#: lib/web/templates/email/password_reset.text.eex:5
#, elixir-format
msgid "You requested a new password for your account on %{instance}."
msgstr ""
"Solicitaches un novo contrasinal para a túa conta na instancia %{instance]."
#: lib/web/templates/email/email.html.eex:88
#: lib/web/templates/email/email.text.eex:6
#, elixir-format
msgid "This is a demonstration site to test the beta version of Mobilizon."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Esta é unha web de exemplo para probar a versión beta de Mobilizon."
#: lib/web/templates/email/email.html.eex:85
#, elixir-format
msgid "Warning"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Aviso"
#: lib/web/email/participation.ex:135
#, elixir-format
msgid "Confirm your participation to event %{title}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Confirma a túa participación no evento %{title}"
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:75
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "An internal ID for your current selected identity"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ID interno para a túa identidade seleccionada"
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:74
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "An internal user ID"
msgstr ""
msgstr "ID de usuaria interno"
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:37
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "Any of the information we collect from you may be used in the following ways:"
msgstr ""
"Calquera información que obtemos de ti podería usarse dos seguintes xeitos:"
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:9
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "Basic account information"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Información básica da conta"
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:25
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "Do not share any dangerous information over Mobilizon."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non compartas informacións perigosas en Mobilizon."
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:90
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "Do we disclose any information to outside parties?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Enviamos información a terceiras partes alleas?"
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:68
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "Do we use cookies?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Usamos cookies?"
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:51
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "How do we protect your information?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Como protexemos a túa información?"
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:29
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "IPs and other metadata"
msgstr ""
msgstr "IPs e outros metadatos"
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:17
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "Published events and comments"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Eventos publicados e comentarios"
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:64
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "Retain the IP addresses associated with registered users no more than 12 months."
msgstr ""
"Retención de enderezos IP asociados con usuarias rexistradas durante non "
"máis de 12 meses."
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:76
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "Tokens to authenticate you"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Tokens para autenticarte"
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:31
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "We also may retain server logs which include the IP address of every request to our server."
msgstr ""
"Tamén retemos rexistros do servidor que inclúen enderezos IP de cada "
"solicitude ó noso servidor."
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:70
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "We store the following information on your device when you connect:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Gardamos información no teu dispositivo cando te conectas:"
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:58
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "We will make a good faith effort to:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Esforzarémonos de boa fe para:"
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:35
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "What do we use your information for?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Para que usamos a túa información?"
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:57
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "What is our data retention policy?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Cal é a nosa política de retención de datos?"
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:67
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "You may irreversibly delete your account at any time."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Podes eliminar de xeito definitivo a túa conta cando queiras."
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:115
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "Changes to our Privacy Policy"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Cambios na nosa Política de Privacidade"
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:106
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "If this server is in the EU or the EEA: Our site, products and services are all directed to people who are at least 16 years old. If you are under the age of 16, per the requirements of the GDPR (<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Data_Protection_Regulation\">General Data Protection Regulation</a>) do not use this site."
msgstr ""
"Se este servidor está na UE ou nos EEUU: a nosa web, produtos e servizos "
"están dirixidos a persoas cos 16 anos cumpridos. Se tes menos de 16 anos, "
"por requerimento da GDPR (<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/"
"General_Data_Protection_Regulation\">Regulación Xeral de Protección de "
"Datos)</a>) non uses esta web."
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:109
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "If this server is in the USA: Our site, products and services are all directed to people who are at least 13 years old. If you are under the age of 13, per the requirements of COPPA (<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children%27s_Online_Privacy_Protection_Act\">Children's Online Privacy Protection Act</a>) do not use this site."
msgstr ""
"Se este servidor está nos EEUU: a nosa web, produtos e servizos están "
"dirixidos a maiores de 13 anos. Se aínda non tes 13 anos, por requerimento "
"da COPPA (<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children%"
"27s_Online_Privacy_Protection_Act\">Children's Online Privacy Protection "
"Act</a>) non utilices esta web."
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:117
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page."
msgstr ""
"Se decidimos cambiar a nosa política de privacidade, publicaremos aquí os "
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:112
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "Law requirements can be different if this server is in another jurisdiction."
msgstr ""
"Os requerimentos legais poderían ser diferentes se o servidor está noutra "
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:103
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "Site usage by children"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Utilización da web por menores"
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:47
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "The email address you provide may be used to send you information, updates and notifications about other people\n interacting with your content or sending you messages and to respond to inquiries, and/or other requests or\n questions."
msgstr ""
"O enderezo de email que nos proporcionas podería ser utilizado para "
"enviarche información, actualizacións e notificacións\n"
"sobre outras persoas que interactúan co teu contido ou che envían mensaxes "
"así como para responder a preguntas, e/ou outras solicitudes\n"
"ou cuestións."
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:45
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "To aid moderation of the community, for example comparing your IP address with other known ones to determine ban\n evasion or other violations."
msgstr ""
"Para axudar na xestión da comunidade, por exemplo comparar o teu enderezo IP "
"con outro coñecidos para evitar o salto\n"
"de bloqueos ou outros infrinximentos."
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:43
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "To provide the core functionality of Mobilizon. Depending on this instance's policy you may only be able to\n interact with other people's content and post your own content if you are logged in."
msgstr ""
"Para proporcionar as funcións básicas de Mobilizon. Dependendo das normas da "
"instancia podería ser un requerimento\n"
"estar conectada para así poder interactuar co contido doutras usuarias e "
"publicar o teu contido."
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:6
#, elixir-format
msgctxt "terms"
msgid "What information do we collect?"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Que información recollemos?"
#: lib/web/email/user.ex:176
#, elixir-format
msgid "Mobilizon on %{instance}: confirm your email address"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Mobilizon en %{instance}: confirma o enderezo de email"
#: lib/web/email/user.ex:152
#, elixir-format
msgid "Mobilizon on %{instance}: email changed"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Mobilizon en %{instance}: email cambiado"
#: lib/web/email/notification.ex:46
#, elixir-format
msgid "One event planned today"
msgid_plural "%{nb_events} events planned today"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[0] "Un evento previsto para hoxe"
msgstr[1] "%{nb_events} eventos previstos hoxe"
#: lib/web/templates/email/on_day_notification.html.eex:38
#: lib/web/templates/email/on_day_notification.text.eex:4
#, elixir-format
msgid "You have one event today:"
msgid_plural "You have %{total} events today:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[0] "Hoxe tes un evento:"
msgstr[1] "Tes %{total} eventos hoxe:"
#: lib/web/templates/email/group_invite.text.eex:3
#, elixir-format
msgid "%{inviter} just invited you to join their group %{group}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%{inviter} convidoute a unirte ó seu grupo %{group}"
#: lib/web/templates/email/group_invite.html.eex:13
#: lib/web/templates/email/group_invite.text.eex:1
#, elixir-format
msgid "Come along!"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Imos!"
#: lib/web/email/notification.ex:24
#, elixir-format
msgid "Don't forget to go to %{title}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Non esquezas ir a %{title}"
#: lib/web/templates/email/before_event_notification.html.eex:38
#: lib/web/templates/email/before_event_notification.text.eex:3
#, elixir-format
msgid "Get ready for %{title}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Prepárate para %{title}"
#: lib/web/templates/email/group_invite.html.eex:59
#, elixir-format
msgid "See my groups"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ver os meus grupos"
#: lib/web/templates/email/group_invite.html.eex:45
#: lib/web/templates/email/group_invite.text.eex:5
#, elixir-format
msgid "To accept this invitation, head over to your groups."
msgstr ""
msgstr "Para aceptar o convite, vaite ós teus grupos."
#: lib/web/templates/email/before_event_notification.text.eex:5
#, elixir-format
msgid "View the event on: %{link}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Ver o evento en: %{link}"
#: lib/web/email/group.ex:32
#, elixir-format
msgid "You have been invited by %{inviter} to join group %{group}"
msgstr ""
msgstr "%{inviter} convidoute a unirte ó grupo %{group}"
#: lib/web/email/notification.ex:70
#, elixir-format
msgid "One event planned this week"
msgid_plural "%{nb_events} events planned this week"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[0] "Un evento previsto nesta semana"
msgstr[1] "%{nb_events} eventos previstos nesta semana"
#: lib/web/email/notification.ex:92
#, elixir-format
msgid "One participation request for event %{title} to process"
msgid_plural "%{number_participation_requests} participation requests for event %{title} to process"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[0] "Hai unha solicitude de participación para o evento %{title} que atender"
msgstr[1] ""
"Hai %{number_participation_requests} solicitudes de participación no evento "
"%{title} que atender"
#: lib/web/templates/email/notification_each_week.html.eex:38
#: lib/web/templates/email/notification_each_week.text.eex:4
#, elixir-format
msgid "You have one event this week:"
msgid_plural "You have %{total} events this week:"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[0] "Tes un evento esta semana:"
msgstr[1] "Tes %{total} eventos esta semana:"
#: lib/service/metadata/utils.ex:27
#, elixir-format
msgid "The event organizer didn't add any description."
msgstr ""
msgstr "A organización do evento non proporcionou unha descrición."
#: lib/web/templates/api/privacy.html.eex:54
#, elixir-format