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Translated using Weblate (Catalan)

Currently translated at 82.8% (1046 of 1262 strings)

Translation: Mobilizon/Frontend
Translate-URL: https://weblate.framasoft.org/projects/mobilizon/frontend/ca/
This commit is contained in:
Anonymous 2022-01-17 15:25:09 +00:00 committed by Weblate
parent e713f28fe6
commit cd08c0db4f

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
"(this folder)": "(aquesta carpeta)",
"(this link)": "(aquest enllaç)",
"+ Add a resource": "+ Afegeix un recurs",
"+ Create a post": "",
"+ Create an event": "+ Prepara una activitat",
"+ Start a discussion": "+ Comença una discussió",
"<b>{contact}</b> will be displayed as contact.": "Es mostrarà <b>{contact}</b> com a contacte.|Es mostraran <b>{contact}</b> com a contactes.",
@ -15,6 +16,9 @@
"A cookie is a small file containing information that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. When you visit the site again, the cookie allows that site to recognize your browser. Cookies may store user preferences and other information. You can configure your browser to refuse all cookies. However, this may result in some website features or services partially working. Local storage works the same way but allows you to store more data.": "Una cookie és un arxiu petit amb informació que s'envia al teu ordinador quan visites una web. Quan tornes a visitar el lloc web, la cookie fa que el lloc pugui reconèixer el teu navegador. Les cookies poden conservar preferències i altres informacions. Pots configurar el teu navegador perquè rebutgi totes les cookies. Ara bé, això podria fer que algunes funcionalitats o serveis d'algunes webs deixessin de funcionar bé. L'emmagatzematge local funciona de la mateixa manera, però permet desar més informació.",
"A discussion has been created or updated": "S'ha creat o actualitzat una discussió",
"A federated software": "Un software federat",
"A fediverse account URL to follow for event updates": "",
"A link to a page presenting the event schedule": "",
"A link to a page presenting the price options": "",
"A member has been updated": "S'ha actualitzat un membre",
"A member requested to join one of my groups": "Un membre ha soŀlicitat unir-se a un dels meus grups",
"A new version is available.": "Hi ha una nova versió disponible.",
@ -27,6 +31,7 @@
"A practical tool": "Una eina pràctica",
"A resource has been created or updated": "S'ha creat o modificat un recurs",
"A short tagline for your instance homepage. Defaults to \"Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize\"": "Un subtítol de reclam per la pàgina principal de la instància. Per defecte és \"Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize\"",
"A twitter account handle to follow for event updates": "",
"A user-friendly, emancipatory and ethical tool for gathering, organising, and mobilising.": "Una eina senzilla, emancipatòria i ètica per a reunir-nos, organitzar-nos i mobilitzar-nos.",
"A validation email was sent to {email}": "S'ha enviat un mail de validació a {email}",
"API": "API",
@ -34,11 +39,14 @@
"About": "Quant a",
"About Mobilizon": "Quant a Mobilizon",
"About anonymous participation": "Quant a la participació anònima",
"About instance": "",
"About this event": "Sobre aquesta activitat",
"About this instance": "Quant a aquesta instància",
"About {instance}": "Quant a {instance}",
"Accept": "Accepta",
"Accepted": "Acceptada",
"Accessibility": "",
"Accessible only by link": "",
"Accessible only to members": "Accessible només a membres",
"Accessible through link": "Accessible amb enllaç",
"Account": "Compte",
@ -57,10 +65,15 @@
"Add a todo": "Afegeix una tasca",
"Add an address": "Afegeix una adreça",
"Add an instance": "Afegeix una instància",
"Add link": "",
"Add new…": "",
"Add picture": "",
"Add some tags": "Afegeix algunes etiquetes",
"Add to my calendar": "Afegeix al meu calendari",
"Additional comments": "Altres comentaris",
"Admin": "Administrador",
"Admin dashboard": "",
"Admin settings": "",
"Admin settings successfully saved.": "La configuració de l'administrador s'ha desat correctament.",
"Administration": "Administració",
"Administrator": "Administradora",
@ -69,6 +82,7 @@
"All the places have already been taken": "No hi ha més places disponibles",
"Allow all comments from users with accounts": "Permet comentaris de qualsevol usuària registrada",
"Allow registrations": "Permetre registres",
"An URL to an external ticketing platform": "",
"An error has occured while refreshing the page.": "S'ha produït un error mentre es refrescava la pàgina.",
"An error has occured. Sorry about that. You may try to reload the page.": "S'ha produït un error, ho sentim. Prova de recarregar la pàgina.",
"An ethical alternative": "Una alternativa ètica",
@ -87,9 +101,12 @@
"Anonymous participants will be asked to confirm their participation through e-mail.": "Els participants anònims hauran de confirmar la seva participació a través del correu electrònic.",
"Anonymous participations": "Participacions anònimes",
"Any day": "Qualsevol dia",
"Any type": "",
"Anyone can join freely": "Qualsevol s'hi pot afegir",
"Anyone can request being a member, but an administrator needs to approve the membership.": "",
"Anyone wanting to be a member from your group will be able to from your group page.": "Qualsevol persona que vulgui fer-se membre del teu grup ho podrà fer des de la pàgina del grup.",
"Application": "Aplicació",
"Approve member": "",
"Are you really sure you want to delete your whole account? You'll lose everything. Identities, settings, events created, messages and participations will be gone forever.": "Segur que voleu suprimir tot el compte? Ho perdràs tot. Les identitats, la configuració, els esdeveniments creats, els missatges i les participacions desapareixeran per sempre.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>completely delete</b> this group? All members - including remote ones - will be notified and removed from the group, and <b>all of the group data (events, posts, discussions, todos…) will be irretrievably destroyed</b>.": "Estàs segur/a que vols <b>esborrar completament</b> aquest grup? Tots els membres, incloent-hi els remots, seran notificats i esborrats del grup, i <b> totes les dades del grup (activitats, publicacions, discussions, tasques...) seran destruïdes irreversiblement</b>.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this comment? This action cannot be undone.": "Segur que vols <b>esborrar</b> aquest comentari? Aquesta acció és irreversible.",
@ -101,17 +118,28 @@
"Are you sure you want to cancel your participation at event \"{title}\"?": "Segur que vols deixar de participar a l'activitat \"{title}\"?",
"Are you sure you want to delete this entire discussion?": "Estàs segur/a que vols esborrar tota aquesta conversa?",
"Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be reverted.": "Segur que vols esborrar aquesta activitat? Aquesta acció és irreversible.",
"Are you sure you want to delete this post? This action cannot be reverted.": "",
"Are you sure you want to leave the group {groupName}? You'll loose access to this group's private content. This action cannot be undone.": "",
"As the event organizer has chosen to manually validate participation requests, your participation will be really confirmed only once you receive an email stating it's being accepted.": "Com que l'organitzadora de l'activitat ha triat validar manualment les soŀlicituds per participar-hi, hauràs d'esperar la seva decisió. T'arribarà un correu comunicant-te-la.",
"Ask your instance admin to {enable_feature}.": "Demana a l'administració de la instància de {enable_feature}.",
"Assigned to": "Assignat a",
"Atom feed for events and posts": "Flux Atom d'activitats i publicacions",
"Attending": "",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
"Back to group list": "",
"Back to previous page": "Tornar a la pàgina anterior",
"Back to profile list": "",
"Back to top": "",
"Back to user list": "",
"Banner": "Bàner",
"Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account.": "Per a validar el compte i poder entrar, has de clicar l'enllaç que t'hem enviat en el mail.",
"Begins on": "Comença a",
"Big Blue Button": "",
"Bold": "Negreta",
"Booking": "",
"Breadcrumbs": "",
"Browser notifications": "Notificacions de navegador",
"Bullet list": "",
"By others": "Les d'altres",
"By {group}": "De {group}",
"By {username}": "De {username}",
@ -119,7 +147,10 @@
"Cancel": "Canceŀla",
"Cancel anonymous participation": "Cancelar la participació anònima",
"Cancel creation": "Canceŀla la creació",
"Cancel discussion title edition": "",
"Cancel edition": "Canceŀla l'edició",
"Cancel follow request": "",
"Cancel membership request": "",
"Cancel my participation request…": "Canceŀla la meva soŀlicitud de participació…",
"Cancel my participation…": "Canceŀla la meva participació…",
"Cancelled": "Canceŀlada",
@ -130,15 +161,21 @@
"Change my password": "Canvia la contrasenya",
"Change timezone": "Canvia el fus horari",
"Check your inbox (and your junk mail folder).": "Mira la teva safata d'entrada (i la de brossa, per si de cas).",
"Choose the source of the instance's Privacy Policy": "",
"Choose the source of the instance's Terms": "",
"City or region": "Municipi o regió",
"Clear": "Esborra",
"Clear address field": "",
"Clear date filter field": "",
"Clear participation data for all events": "Esborra les dades d'assistència de totes les activitats",
"Clear participation data for this event": "Esborra les dades d'assistència per aquesta activitat",
"Clear timezone field": "",
"Click for more information": "Fes clic per a més informació",
"Click to upload": "Clica per pujar",
"Close": "Deshabilita",
"Close comments for all (except for admins)": "Deshabilita els comentaris per a tothom excepte admins",
"Closed": "Deshabilitats",
"Comment body": "",
"Comment deleted": "S'ha esborrat el comentari",
"Comment from @{username} reported": "S'ha denunciat un comentari de @{username}",
"Comment text can't be empty": "El comentari no pot ser buit",
@ -146,6 +183,7 @@
"Comments are closed for everybody else.": "Els comentaris estan tancats per a tots els altres.",
"Confirm my participation": "Confirmar la meva participació",
"Confirm my particpation": "Confirma la meva participació",
"Confirm participation": "",
"Confirmed": "Confirmada",
"Confirmed at": "Confirmada a",
"Confirmed: Will happen": "Confirmada: Es farà",
@ -168,8 +206,10 @@
"Create a pad": "Crea un pad",
"Create a videoconference": "Crea una videoconferència",
"Create an account": "Crea un compte",
"Create discussion": "",
"Create event": "Crea una activitat",
"Create group": "Crea un grup",
"Create identity": "",
"Create my event": "Crea l'activitat",
"Create my group": "Crea el grup",
"Create my profile": "Crea el perfil",
@ -192,6 +232,7 @@
"Date and time settings": "Configuració de data i hora",
"Date parameters": "Paràmetres de la data",
"Decline": "Rebutja",
"Decrease": "",
"Default": "Predeterminats",
"Default Mobilizon privacy policy": "Política de privacitat per defecte de Mobilizon",
"Default Mobilizon terms": "Condicions per defecte de Mobilizon",
@ -217,9 +258,11 @@
"Deleting your Mobilizon account": "Eliminar el vostre compte de Mobilizon",
"Demote": "Degrada",
"Description": "Descripció",
"Details": "",
"Didn't receive the instructions?": "No has rebut les instruccions?",
"Disabled": "Desactivat",
"Discussions": "Discussions",
"Discussions list": "",
"Display name": "Nom per mostrar",
"Display participation price": "Preu per participar",
"Displayed nickname": "Sobrenom per mostrar",
@ -227,6 +270,7 @@
"Do not receive any mail": "No vull rebre cap correu",
"Do you wish to {create_event} or {explore_events}?": "Vols {create_event} o {explore_events}?",
"Do you wish to {create_group} or {explore_groups}?": "Vols {create_group} o {explore_groups}?",
"Does the event needs to be confirmed later or is it cancelled?": "",
"Domain": "Domini",
"Draft": "Esborrany",
"Drafts": "Esborranys",
@ -236,13 +280,18 @@
"Edit post": "Edita la publicació",
"Edit profile {profile}": "Edita el perfil {profile}",
"Edited {ago}": "S'ha editat {ago}",
"Edited {relative_time} ago": "",
"Eg: Stockholm, Dance, Chess…": "Ex.: Vilafranca, dansa, escacs…",
"Either on the {instance} instance or on another instance.": "Ja sigui a la instància {instant} o a una altra instància.",
"Either the account is already validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "O bé el compte ja ha estat validat, o bé el codi de validació és incorrecte.",
"Either the email has already been changed, either the validation token is incorrect.": "O el correu electrònic ja s'ha canviat, o el testimoni de validació és incorrecte.",
"Either the participation request has already been validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "O bé la soŀlicitud de participació ja s'ha validat, o bé la clau de validació no és correcta.",
"Element title": "",
"Element value": "",
"Email": "Email",
"Email address": "Adreça de correu",
"Email validate": "",
"Emails usually don't contain capitals, make sure you haven't made a typo.": "",
"Enabled": "Habilitat",
"Ends on…": "Acaba al…",
"Enter the link URL": "Introdueix la URL de l'enllaç",
@ -263,15 +312,19 @@
"Error while updating participation status inside this browser": "S'ha produït un error en actualitzar l'assistència en aquest navegador",
"Error while validating account": "S'ha produït un error a l'hora de validar el compte",
"Error while validating participation request": "S'ha produït un error en validar la soŀlicitud de participació",
"Etherpad notes": "",
"Ethical alternative to Facebook events, groups and pages, Mobilizon is a <b>tool designed to serve you</b>. Period.": "És una alternativa ètica als esdeveniments, grups i pàgines de Facebook. Mobilizon és una <b>eina dissenyada per servir-te</b>. Fin de la cita.",
"Event": "Activitat",
"Event URL": "URL de l'activitat",
"Event already passed": "L'activitat ja ha passat",
"Event cancelled": "S'ha canceŀlat l'activitat",
"Event creation": "Crear esdeveniment",
"Event description body": "",
"Event edition": "Edició de l'esdeveniment",
"Event list": "Llista d'esdeveniments",
"Event metadata": "",
"Event page settings": "Configuració de la pàgina d'activitat",
"Event timezone will default to the timezone of the event's address if there is one, or to your own timezone setting.": "",
"Event to be confirmed": "L'activitat no està confirmada",
"Event {eventTitle} deleted": "S'ha esborrat {eventTitle}",
"Event {eventTitle} reported": "S'ha denunciat {eventTitle}",
@ -283,43 +336,60 @@
"Ex: someone@mobilizon.org": "Ex: algu@mobilizon.org",
"Explore": "Explora",
"Explore events": "Explora activitats",
"Export": "",
"Failed to get location.": "",
"Failed to save admin settings": "Error al guardar la configuració d'administració",
"Featured events": "Activitats destacades",
"Federated Group Name": "Nom federat del grup",
"Federation": "Federació",
"Fediverse account": "",
"Fetch more": "Carrega'n més",
"Filter": "",
"Filter by name": "",
"Filter by profile or group name": "",
"Find an address": "Cerca una adreça",
"Find an instance": "Cerca una instància",
"Find another instance": "Cerca una altra instància",
"Find or add an element": "",
"First steps": "",
"Follow": "",
"Follower": "Seguidor/a",
"Followers": "Seguidors/es",
"Followers will receive new public events and posts.": "Les seguidores rebran les publicacions i activitats noves.",
"Following the group will allow you to be informed of the {group_upcoming_public_events}, whereas joining the group means you will {access_to_group_private_content_as_well}, including group discussions, group resources and members-only posts.": "",
"Followings": "Seguint",
"For instance: London": "Per exemple: Lleida",
"For instance: London, Taekwondo, Architecture…": "Per exemple: Lleida, Ioga, Història…",
"Forgot your password ?": "Has oblidat la contrasenya?",
"Forgot your password?": "Has oblidat la contrasenya?",
"Framadate poll": "",
"From my groups": "",
"From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate}": "Des de {startDate} a {startTime} fins a {endDate}",
"From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate} at {endTime}": "Des de {startDate} a {startTime} fins a {endDate} a {endTime}",
"From the {startDate} to the {endDate}": "Des de {startDate} fins a {endDate}",
"From yourself": "Les teves",
"Fully accessible with a wheelchair": "",
"Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize": "Trobem-nos ⋅ Organitzem-nos ⋅ Mobilitzem-nos",
"General": "General",
"General information": "Informació general",
"General settings": "Configuració general",
"Geolocation was not determined in time.": "",
"Getting location": "Obtenció d'ubicació",
"Getting there": "Com arribar-hi",
"Glossary": "Glossari",
"Go": "Anar",
"Go to the event page": "Porta'm a la pàgina de l'activitat",
"Google Meet": "",
"Group": "Grup",
"Group Followers": "Seguidores del grup",
"Group Members": "Membres del grup",
"Group URL": "URL del grup",
"Group activity": "Accions de grups",
"Group address": "Adreça del grup",
"Group description body": "",
"Group display name": "Nom per mostrar del grup",
"Group name": "Nom del grup",
"Group profiles": "",
"Group settings": "Opcions del grup",
"Group settings saved": "S'han desat les preferències del grup",
"Group short description": "Descripció curta del grup",
@ -329,10 +399,14 @@
"Groups": "Grups",
"Groups are not enabled on this instance.": "Els grups no estan disponibles en aquesta instància.",
"Groups are spaces for coordination and preparation to better organize events and manage your community.": "Els grups són espais de coordinació i preparació per organitzar millor les activitats i gestionar una comunitat.",
"Heading Level 1": "",
"Heading Level 2": "",
"Heading Level 3": "",
"Headline picture": "Imatge de capçalera",
"Hide replies": "Amaga les respostes",
"Home": "Inici",
"Home to {number} users": "Una comunitat de {number} membres",
"Homepage": "",
"Hourly email summary": "Un correu resum màxim cada hora",
"I agree to the {instanceRules} and {termsOfService}": "Accepto les {instanceRules} i les {termsOfService}",
"I create an identity": "Creo una identitat",
@ -357,7 +431,10 @@
"If you have opted for manual validation of participants, Mobilizon will send you an email to inform you of new participations to be processed. You can choose the frequency of these notifications below.": "Si has optat per validar manualment les participants, Mobilizon t'enviarà un correu per informar-te de les soŀlicituds per participar. Pots triar la freqüència màxima amb què t'arribaran aquí a sota.",
"If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here.": "Si voleu, aquí podeu enviar un missatge a l'organitzador d'esdeveniments.",
"Ignore": "Ignora",
"In person": "",
"In the following context, an application is a software, either provided by the Mobilizon team or by a 3rd-party, used to interact with your instance.": "En el context següent, una aplicació és una peça de software, bé proporcionada per l'equip de Mobilizon, bé per altri, i es fa servir per interactuar amb la teva instància.",
"In the past": "",
"Increase": "",
"Instance": "Instància",
"Instance Long Description": "Descripció llarga de la instància",
"Instance Name": "Nom de la instància",
@ -379,12 +456,15 @@
"Instances": "Instàncies",
"Instances following you": "Instàncies que us segueixen",
"Instances you follow": "Instancies que seguiu",
"Integrate this event with 3rd-party tools and show metadata for the event.": "",
"Interact": "",
"Interact with a remote content": "Interactua amb contingut remot",
"Invite a new member": "Convida algú",
"Invite member": "Convida",
"Invited": "Convidat/da",
"It is possible that the content is not accessible on this instance, because this instance has blocked the profiles or groups behind this content.": "Pot ser que el contingut no sigui accessible en aquesta instància perquè els perfils o grups creadors del contingut hi estiguin bloquejats.",
"Italic": "Cursiva",
"Jitsi Meet": "",
"Join <b>{instance}</b>, a Mobilizon instance": "Uneix-te a <b>{instance}</b>, una instància de Mobilizon",
"Join group": "Suma't al grup",
"Join group {group}": "Afegeix-te al grup {group}",
@ -403,16 +483,19 @@
"Learn more about {instance}": "Més informació sobre {instance}",
"Leave": "Surt",
"Leave event": "Deixar lesdeveniment",
"Leave group": "",
"Leaving event \"{title}\"": "Deixar lesdeveniment \"{title}\"",
"Legal": "Legal",
"Let's define a few settings": "Configurem algunes coses",
"License": "Llicència",
"Limited number of places": "Places limitades",
"List title": "Títol de la llista",
"Live": "",
"Load more": "Carrega'n més",
"Load more activities": "Carrega més accions",
"Loading comments…": "S'estan carregant els comentaris…",
"Local": "Local",
"Local time ({timezone})": "",
"Locality": "Localitat",
"Location": "Ubicació",
"Log in": "Inicia sessió",
@ -428,8 +511,10 @@
"Mark as resolved": "Marca com resolta",
"Member": "Membre",
"Members": "Membres",
"Members-only post": "",
"Mentions": "Mencions",
"Message": "Missatge",
"Microsoft Teams": "",
"Mobilizon": "Mobilizon",
"Mobilizon is a federated network. You can interact with this event from a different server.": "Mobilizon és una xarxa federada. Podeu interactuar amb aquest esdeveniment des dun servidor diferent.",
"Mobilizon is a federated software, meaning you can interact - depending on your admin's federation settings - with content from other instances, such as joining groups or events that were created elsewhere.": "Mobilizon és una aplicació federada, i per tant, si les administradores ho han configurat així, et permet interactuar amb contingut d'altres instàncies, tal com apuntar-te a grups o a activitats creades en algun altre servidor.",
@ -439,9 +524,11 @@
"Mobilizon uses a system of profiles to compartiment your activities. You will be able to create as many profiles as you want.": "Mobilizon fa servir un sistema de perfils per compartimentar les teves accions. Pots crear tants perfils com necessitis.",
"Mobilizon version": "Versió de Mobilizon",
"Mobilizon will send you an email when the events you are attending have important changes: date and time, address, confirmation or cancellation, etc.": "Mobilizon t'enviarà un correu quan les activitats a les quals estiguis apuntat/da tinguin canvis importants: data o hora, adreça, confirmació o canceŀlació, etc.",
"Moderate new members": "",
"Moderated comments (shown after approval)": "Comentaris moderats (mostrats després de ser aprovats)",
"Moderation": "Moderació",
"Moderation log": "Registre de la moderació",
"Moderation logs": "",
"Moderator": "Moderadora",
"Move": "Mou",
"Move \"{resourceName}\"": "Mou \"{resourceName}\"",
@ -453,6 +540,7 @@
"My identities": "Les meves identitats",
"NOTE! The default terms have not been checked over by a lawyer and thus are unlikely to provide full legal protection for all situations for an instance admin using them. They are also not specific to all countries and jurisdictions. If you are unsure, please check with a lawyer.": "Alerta! Les condicions per defecte no han estat validades per advocada i per tant és probable que no us cobreixin legalment en totes situacions possibles. Tampoc són específiques per a tots els països i jurisdiccions. Si tens dubtes, consulta algun advocat/da.",
"Name": "Nom",
"Navigated to {pageTitle}": "",
"New discussion": "Discussió nova",
"New email": "Nou correu electrònic",
"New folder": "Afegeix una carpeta",
@ -476,6 +564,7 @@
"No follower matches the filters": "No hi ha cap seguidor que hi coincideixi",
"No group found": "No s'ha trobat cap grup",
"No group matches the filters": "No hi ha cap grup que coincideixi amb els filtres",
"No group member found": "",
"No groups found": "No s'han trobat grups",
"No information": "No n'hi ha informació",
"No instance follows your instance yet.": "Encara no hi ha cap instància que segueixi la teva.",
@ -496,6 +585,7 @@
"No participant matches the filters": "Cap participant coincideix amb els filtres",
"No participant to approve|Approve participant|Approve {number} participants": "Cap participant per aprovar|Aprova la participant|Aprova {number} participants",
"No participant to reject|Reject participant|Reject {number} participants": "Cap participant per rebutjar|Rebutja la participant|Rebutja {number} participants",
"No participations listed": "",
"No posts found": "No s'ha trobat cap publicació",
"No posts yet": "Encara no s'ha publicat res",
"No profile matches the filters": "No hi ha cap perfil que coincideixi amb els filtres",
@ -505,8 +595,10 @@
"No resources selected": "No s'ha triat cap recurs|S'ha triat un recurs|S'han triat {count} recursos",
"No resources yet": "Encara no s'ha afegit cap recurs",
"No results for \"{queryText}\"": "No s'ha trobat cap resultat per \"{queryText}\"",
"No results for {search}": "",
"No rules defined yet.": "Encara no s'han definit les normes.",
"None": "Cap",
"Not accessible with a wheelchair": "",
"Not approved": "Sense aprovar",
"Not confirmed": "Sense confirmar",
"Notes": "Notes",
@ -525,17 +617,22 @@
"On {date} from {startTime} to {endTime}": "A {date} de {startTime} a {endTime}",
"On {date} starting at {startTime}": "A {date} i comença a {startTime}",
"On {instance} and other federated instances": "A {instance} i a altres instàncies federades",
"Online": "",
"Online ticketing": "",
"Only accessible through link": "Només accessible amb un enllaç",
"Only accessible through link (private)": "Només accessible mitjançant un enllaç (privat)",
"Only accessible to members of the group": "Només accessible als membres del grup",
"Only alphanumeric lowercased characters and underscores are supported.": "Només es permeten els caràcters alfanumèrics en minúscula i els guions baixos.",
"Only group members can access discussions": "Només els membres del grup poden accedir a les discussions",
"Only group moderators can create, edit and delete events.": "",
"Only group moderators can create, edit and delete posts.": "Només les moderadores poden crear, modificar i esborrar publicacions.",
"Only registered users may fetch remote events from their URL.": "",
"Open": "Obre",
"Open a topic on our forum": "Obre un tema al fòrum",
"Open an issue on our bug tracker (advanced users)": "Obre una incidència (ús avançat)",
"Opened reports": "Denúncies obertes",
"Or": "O",
"Ordered list": "",
"Organized": "Organitzat",
"Organized by": "Organitzat per",
"Organized by {name}": "Organitzat per {name}",
@ -543,6 +640,7 @@
"Organizer notifications": "Notificacions d'organitzadora",
"Organizers": "Organitzadores",
"Other": "Altres",
"Other actions": "",
"Other notification options:": "Altres opcions de notificacions:",
"Other software may also support this.": "Poden haver-hi altres softwares compatibles.",
"Otherwise this identity will just be removed from the group administrators.": "Sinó, aquesta identitat serà esborrada del grup d'administració.",
@ -550,6 +648,7 @@
"Page limited to my group (asks for auth)": "La pàgina està restringida al meu grup (demana autenticació)",
"Page not found": "No s'ha trobat la pàgina",
"Parent folder": "Carpeta mare",
"Partially accessible with a wheelchair": "",
"Participant": "Participant",
"Participants": "Participants",
"Participate": "Participa",
@ -558,11 +657,15 @@
"Participation confirmation": "Confirmació de participació",
"Participation notifications": "Notificacions de participació",
"Participation requested!": "S'ha enviat la soŀlicitud per participar-hi!",
"Participation with account": "",
"Participation without account": "",
"Participations": "Participacions",
"Password": "Contrasenya",
"Password (confirmation)": "Contrasenya (confirmació)",
"Password reset": "Restabliment de contrasenya",
"Past events": "Activitats passades",
"PeerTube live": "",
"PeerTube replay": "",
"Pending": "Pendent",
"Personal feeds": "Fluxos personals",
"Pick": "Tria",
@ -577,14 +680,21 @@
"Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved.": "Assegura't que l'adreça és correcta i que la pàgina no s'ha mogut.",
"Please read the {fullRules} published by {instance}'s administrators.": "Llegeix les {fullRules} publicades per l'equip d'administració de {instance}.",
"Post": "Publicació",
"Post URL": "",
"Post a comment": "Publica un comentari",
"Post a reply": "Publica una resposta",
"Post body": "",
"Post {eventTitle} reported": "",
"Postal Code": "Codi postal",
"Posts": "Publicacions",
"Powered by Mobilizon": "",
"Powered by {mobilizon}. © 2018 - {date} The Mobilizon Contributors - Made with the financial support of {contributors}.": "Funciona amb {mobilizon}. © 2018 - {date} Les contribuïdores de Mobilizon - Fet amb el suport econòmic de {contributors}.",
"Preferences": "Preferències",
"Previous": "Anterior",
"Previous month": "",
"Previous page": "Pàgina anterior",
"Price sheet": "",
"Privacy": "",
"Privacy Policy": "Política de privacitat",
"Privacy policy": "Política de privacitat",
"Private event": "Activitat privada",
@ -604,14 +714,19 @@
"Public preview": "Previsualització pública",
"Publication date": "Data de publicació",
"Publish": "Publica",
"Published by {name}": "",
"Published events with <b>{comments}</b> comments and <b>{participations}</b> confirmed participations": "Activitats amb <b>{comments}</b> comentaris i <b>{participations}</b> participacions confirmades",
"Push": "Notificacions automàtiques",
"Quote": "",
"RSS/Atom Feed": "Flux RSS/Atom",
"Radius": "Radi",
"Recap every week": "Avisa'm cada setmana",
"Receive one email for each activity": "Un correu per cada novetat",
"Receive one email per request": "Un correu per soŀlicitud",
"Redirecting in progress…": "",
"Redirecting to Mobilizon": "",
"Redirecting to content…": "S'està redirigint el navegador al contingut…",
"Redo": "",
"Refresh profile": "Actualitza el perfil",
"Regenerate new links": "Regenera els enllaços",
"Region": "Regió",
@ -624,18 +739,22 @@
"Registrations": "Tipus de registre",
"Registrations are restricted by allowlisting.": "El registre està limitat per una llista positiva.",
"Reject": "Rebutja",
"Reject member": "",
"Rejected": "Rebutjades",
"Remember my participation in this browser": "Recorda la meva participació en aquest navegador",
"Remove": "Esborra",
"Remove link": "",
"Rename": "Canvia'n el nom",
"Rename resource": "Canvia el nom del recurs",
"Reopen": "Reobre",
"Replay": "",
"Reply": "Respon",
"Report": "Denuncia",
"Report #{reportNumber}": "Informe #{reportNumber}",
"Report this comment": "Denuncia aquest comentari",
"Report this event": "Denuncia aquesta activitat",
"Report this group": "Denuncia aquest grup",
"Report this post": "",
"Reported": "Denunciada",
"Reported by": "Denunciada per",
"Reported by someone on {domain}": "Denunciada per algú a {domain}",
@ -643,9 +762,13 @@
"Reported group": "S'ha denunciat el grup",
"Reported identity": "Identitat denunciada",
"Reports": "Denúncies",
"Reports list": "",
"Request for participation confirmation sent": "S'ha enviat la soŀlicitud de participació",
"Resend confirmation email": "Reenvia el correu de confirmació",
"Resent confirmation email": "",
"Reset": "",
"Reset my password": "Restableix la meva contrasenya",
"Reset password": "",
"Resolved": "Resolts",
"Resource provided is not an URL": "El recurs no és una URL",
"Resources": "Recursos",
@ -658,6 +781,7 @@
"Save": "Desa",
"Save draft": "Desa l'esborrany",
"Schedule": "",
"Search": "Cerca",
"Search events, groups, etc.": "Cerca activitats, grups, etc.",
"Searching…": "S'està cercant…",
@ -666,8 +790,10 @@
"Select a timezone": "Tria un fus horari",
"Select languages": "Tria les llengües",
"Select the activities for which you wish to receive an email or a push notification.": "Tria les activitats de les quals vols rebre'n avisos per correu o notificacions automàtiques.",
"Send": "",
"Send email": "Envia correu",
"Send notification e-mails": "Envia correus de notificació",
"Send password reset": "",
"Send the confirmation email again": "Reenvia el correu de confirmació",
"Send the report": "Envia la denúncia",
"Set an URL to a page with your own privacy policy.": "Configura un enllaç a una pàgina amb la vostra política de privacitat.",
@ -676,22 +802,31 @@
"Share": "Compartir",
"Share this event": "Comparteix aquesta activitat",
"Share this group": "Comparteix aquest grup",
"Share this post": "",
"Short bio": "Autodescripció curta",
"Show map": "Mostra el mapa",
"Show me where I am": "",
"Show remaining number of places": "Mostra el nombre de places disponibles",
"Show the time when the event begins": "Mostra l'hora d'inici de l'activitat",
"Show the time when the event ends": "Mostra l'hora final de l'activitat",
"Showing events before": "",
"Showing events starting on": "",
"Sign Language": "",
"Sign in with": "Inicia sessió amb",
"Sign up": "Crea un compte",
"Since you are a new member, private content can take a few minutes to appear.": "Com que acabes d'entrar com a membre, el contingut privat pot trigar uns minuts en aparèixer.",
"Skip to main content": "",
"Social": "",
"Some terms, technical or otherwise, used in the text below may cover concepts that are difficult to grasp. We have provided a glossary here to help you understand them better:": "Alguns termes que es fan servir a sota, tècnics o d'altres, poden representar conceptes difícils d'entendre d'entrada. Hem recollit un glossari per facilitar-ne la comprensió:",
"Starts on…": "Comença a …",
"Status": "Estat",
"Street": "Carrer",
"Submit": "Envia",
"Subtitles": "",
"Suspend": "Suspèn",
"Suspend group": "Suspen el grup",
"Suspended": "Suspesa",
"Tag search": "",
"Task lists": "Llista de tasques",
"Technical details": "Detalls tècnics",
"Tentative": "Provisional",
@ -699,14 +834,29 @@
"Terms": "Condicions",
"Terms of service": "Condicions del servei",
"Text": "Text",
"That you follow or of which you are a member": "",
"The Big Blue Button video teleconference URL": "",
"The Google Meet video teleconference URL": "",
"The Jitsi Meet video teleconference URL": "",
"The Microsoft Teams video teleconference URL": "",
"The URL of a pad where notes are being taken collaboratively": "",
"The URL of a poll where the choice for the event date is happening": "",
"The URL where the event can be watched live": "",
"The URL where the event live can be watched again after it has ended": "",
"The Zoom video teleconference URL": "",
"The account's email address was changed. Check your emails to verify it.": "L'adreça de correu del compte ha canviat. Comprova el teu correu per verificar-la.",
"The actual number of participants may differ, as this event is hosted on another instance.": "El nombre concret de participants pot ser diferent perquè aquesta activitat està publicada en una altra instància.",
"The content came from another server. Transfer an anonymous copy of the report?": "El contingut ha arribat des d'un altre servidor. Vols enviar-hi una còpia anònima de la denúncia?",
"The draft event has been updated": "S'ha actualitzat l'esborrany",
"The event has a sign language interpreter": "",
"The event has been created as a draft": "S'ha creat l'activitat com a esborrany",
"The event has been published": "S'ha publicat l'activitat",
"The event has been updated": "L'activitat s'ha actualitzat",
"The event has been updated and published": "L'activitat s'ha actualitzat i publicat",
"The event hasn't got a sign language interpreter": "",
"The event is fully online": "",
"The event live video contains subtitles": "",
"The event live video does not contain subtitles": "",
"The event organiser has chosen to validate manually participations. Do you want to add a little note to explain why you want to participate to this event?": "L'organització de l'activitat ha triat validar manualment la participació. Vols afegir un missatge explicant breument per què vols participar-hi?",
"The event organizer didn't add any description.": "L'organització de l'activitat no ha afegit cap descripció.",
"The event organizer manually approves participations. Since you've chosen to participate without an account, please explain why you want to participate to this event.": "L'organització de l'activitat aprova les soŀlicituds manualment. Com que vols participar-hi sense compte, et demanem que esbossis per què vols participar-hi.",
@ -718,6 +868,8 @@
"The event {event} was deleted by {profile}.": "{profile} ha esborrat l'activitat {event}.",
"The event {event} was updated by {profile}.": "{profile} ha actualitzat l'activitat {event}.",
"The events you created are not shown here.": "Aquí no apareixen les activitats que has creat tu.",
"The geolocation prompt was denied.": "",
"The group can now be joined by anyone, but new members need to be approved by an administrator.": "",
"The group can now be joined by anyone.": "El grup és obert a tothom.",
"The group can now only be joined with an invite.": "El grup ara només és obert a persones amb invitació.",
"The group will be publicly listed in search results and may be suggested in the explore section. Only public informations will be shown on it's page.": "Es llistarà públicament el grup en els resultats de cerca i podrà ser suggerit en la secció d'explorar. Només se'n mostrarà informació pública.",
@ -726,7 +878,9 @@
"The group's physical address was changed.": "S'ha canviat l'adreça postal del grup.",
"The group's short description was changed.": "S'ha canviat la descripció curta del grup.",
"The instance administrator is the person or entity that runs this Mobilizon instance.": "L'administradora de la instància és la persona o entitat que gestiona aquesta instància de Mobilizon.",
"The member was approved": "",
"The member was removed from the group {group}": "S'ha esborrat el/la membre del grup {group}",
"The membership request from {profile} was rejected": "",
"The only way for your group to get new members is if an admininistrator invites them.": "L'única manera de sumar més membres al grup és amb una invitació emesa per una administradora.",
"The organiser has chosen to close comments.": "L'organitzadora ha decidit tancar els comentaris.",
"The page you're looking for doesn't exist.": "La pàgina que buscaves no existeix.",
@ -747,12 +901,14 @@
"These feeds contain event data for the events for which any of your profiles is a participant or creator. You should keep these private. You can find feeds for specific profiles on each profile edition page.": "Aquests fluxos porten informació per a les creadores o participants d'una activitat. És millor mantenir-los privats. Pots trobar fluxos de perfil en la pàgina d'edició de cada perfil.",
"These feeds contain event data for the events for which this specific profile is a participant or creator. You should keep these private. You can find feeds for all of your profiles into your notification settings.": "Aquests fluxos porten informació per a les creadores o participants d'una activitat. És millor mantenir-los privats. Pots trobar fluxos per cada perfil teu en les opcions de notificacions.",
"This Mobilizon instance and this event organizer allows anonymous participations, but requires validation through email confirmation.": "Aquesta instància de Mobilizon i l'organització d'aquesta activitat permeten la participació anònima, però demanen una validació per correu.",
"This URL doesn't seem to be valid": "",
"This URL is not supported": "Aquesta URL no és compatible",
"This event has been cancelled.": "Aquesta activitat ha estat canceŀlada.",
"This event is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.": "Aquesta activitat només és accessible a través d'aquest enllaç. Vigila com el comparteixes.",
"This group doesn't have a description yet.": "El grup encara no té descripció.",
"This group is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.": "Aquest grup només és accessible a través d'aquest enllaç. Tingue-ho en compte a l'hora de compartir-lo.",
"This group is invite-only": "Aquest grup funciona per invitació",
"This group was not found": "",
"This identifier is unique to your profile. It allows others to find you.": "Aquest identificador és únic per al teu perfil. Permet als altres trobar-te.",
"This information is saved only on your computer. Click for details": "Aquesta informació només es desa al teu ordinador. Fes clic per més detalls",
"This instance hasn't got push notifications enabled.": "Aquesta instància no és compatible amb les notificacions automàtiques.",
@ -761,11 +917,18 @@
"This is a demonstration site to test Mobilizon.": "Lloc web de prova de Mobilizon.",
"This is like your federated username (<code>{username}</code>) for groups. It will allow the group to be found on the federation, and is guaranteed to be unique.": "És com el teu nom d'usuària federada (<code>{username}</code>) però per a grups. Permetrà trobar el grup a la federació i serà únic.",
"This month": "Aquest mes",
"This post is accessible only for members. You have access to it for moderation purposes only because you are an instance moderator.": "",
"This post is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.": "",
"This profile is from another instance, the informations shown here may be incomplete.": "",
"This profile was not found": "",
"This setting will be used to display the website and send you emails in the correct language.": "Aquesta opció es farà servir per mostrar-te la web i escriure't els correus en la llengua adequada.",
"This user was not found": "",
"This website isn't moderated and the data that you enter will be automatically destroyed every day at 00:01 (Paris timezone).": "Aquesta web no està moderada i les dades que hi introdueixis es destruiran automàticament cada dia a les 00:01, hora de París.",
"This week": "Aquesta setmana",
"This weekend": "Aquest cap de setmana",
"This will delete / anonymize all content (events, comments, messages, participations…) created from this identity.": "Això farà que s'esborrin o s'anonimitzin tots els continguts (activitats, comentaris, missatges, participacions…) que s'hagin creat des d'aquesta identitat.",
"Time in your timezone ({timezone})": "",
"Times in your timezone ({timezone})": "",
"Timezone": "Fus horari",
"Timezone detected as {timezone}.": "S'ha detectat el fus horari {timezone}.",
"Title": "Títol",
@ -775,11 +938,16 @@
"To create and manage multiples identities from a same account": "Per crear i gestionar múltiples identitats des d'un mateix compte",
"To create and manage your events": "Per preparar i gestionar activitats",
"To create or join an group and start organizing with other people": "Per muntar o apuntar-te a un grup i organitzar-te amb altres persones",
"To follow groups and be informed of their latest events": "",
"To register for an event by choosing one of your identities": "Per apuntar-te a una activitat des d'una de les teves identitats",
"Today": "Avui",
"Tomorrow": "Demà",
"Tools": "",
"Transfer to {outsideDomain}": "Transfereix a {outsideDomain}",
"Triggered profile refreshment": "S'ha activat l'actualització de perfil",
"Twitch live": "",
"Twitch replay": "",
"Twitter account": "",
"Type": "Escriu",
"Type or select a date…": "Escriu o tria una data…",
"URL": "URL",
@ -791,18 +959,25 @@
"Unable to load event for participation. The error details are provided below:": "No s'ha pogut carregar l'activitat. Els detalls de l'error es detallen a sota:",
"Unable to save your participation in this browser.": "No s'ha pogut desar al navegador la teva assistència.",
"Unable to update the profile. The avatar picture may be too heavy.": "No s'ha pogut actualitzar el perfil. La imatge d'avatar és massa grossa.",
"Underline": "",
"Undo": "",
"Unfollow": "",
"Unfortunately, this instance isn't opened to registrations": "Malauradament, aquesta instància no està oberta a nous comptes",
"Unfortunately, your participation request was rejected by the organizers.": "Malauradament, l'organització de l'activitat ha rebutjat la teva soŀlicitud de participació.",
"Unknown": "Desconegut",
"Unknown actor": "Agent desconegut/da",
"Unknown error.": "Error desconegut.",
"Unknown value for the openness setting.": "Nivell d'obertura del grup desconegut.",
"Unlogged participation": "",
"Unsaved changes": "Canvis sense desar",
"Unsubscribe to browser push notifications": "Canceŀla la subscripció a les notificacions de navegador",
"Unsuspend": "Aprova",
"Upcoming": "Properament",
"Upcoming events": "Activitats properes en temps",
"Upcoming events from your groups": "",
"Update": "Actualitza",
"Update app": "",
"Update discussion title": "",
"Update event {name}": "Actualitza l'activitat {name}",
"Update group": "Actualitza el grup",
"Update my event": "Actualitza l'activitat",
@ -814,12 +989,19 @@
"User settings": "Configuració personal",
"Username": "Nom d'usuària",
"Users": "Usuàries",
"Validating account": "",
"Validating email": "",
"Video Conference": "",
"View a reply": "|Mostra la resposta|Mostra les {totalReplies} resposta",
"View account on {hostname} (in a new window)": "",
"View all": "Mostra-ho tot",
"View all events": "Mostra totes les activitats",
"View all posts": "Mostra totes les publicacions",
"View event page": "Mostra la pàgina de l'activitat",
"View everything": "Mostra-ho tot",
"View full profile": "",
"View less": "",
"View more": "",
"View page on {hostname} (in a new window)": "mostra la pàgina a {hostname} (s'obrirà en una pestanya nova)",
"Visibility was set to an unknown value.": "S'ha canviat el nivell de visibilitat del grup.",
"Visibility was set to private.": "El grup s'ha fet privat.",
@ -843,7 +1025,14 @@
"Welcome back!": "Bentornat/da!",
"Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "Benvingut/da a Mobilizon, {username}!",
"What can I do to help?": "Què podem fer per ajudar?",
"Wheelchair accessibility": "",
"When a moderator from the group creates an event and attributes it to the group, it will show up here.": "Quan una moderadora del grup crea una activitat i l'atribueix al grup, apareixerà aquí.",
"When the event is private, you'll need to share the link around.": "",
"When the post is private, you'll need to share the link around.": "",
"Whether the event is accessible with a wheelchair": "",
"Whether the event is interpreted in sign language": "",
"Whether the event live video is subtitled": "",
"Who can post a comment?": "",
"Who can view this event and participate": "Qui pot veure i participar en aquesta activitat",
"Who can view this post": "Qui pot veure aquesta publicació",
"Who published {number} events": "Amb {number} activitats publicades",
@ -853,6 +1042,7 @@
"Yesterday": "Ahir",
"You accepted the invitation to join the group.": "Has acceptat la invitació per afegir-te al grup.",
"You added the member {member}.": "Has afegit el/la membre {member}.",
"You approved {member}'s membership.": "",
"You archived the discussion {discussion}.": "Has arxivat la discussió {discussion}.",
"You are not an administrator for this group.": "No ets administrador/a d'aquest grup.",
"You are not part of any group.": "No formes de cap grup.",
@ -881,7 +1071,9 @@
"You demoted {member} to simple member.": "Has tret tot els poders especials a {member}.",
"You didn't create or join any event yet.": "No t'has apuntat a cap activitat ni n'has creat cap.",
"You don't follow any instances yet.": "Encara no pots seguir cap instància.",
"You don't have any upcoming events. Maybe try another filter?": "",
"You excluded member {member}.": "Has exclòs el/la membre {member}.",
"You have attended {count} events in the past.": "",
"You have been disconnected": "S'ha desconnectat la sessió",
"You have been invited by {invitedBy} to the following group:": "{invitedBy} t'ha convidat a afegir-te al següent grup:",
"You have been removed from this group's members.": "T'han tret d'aquest grup.",
@ -902,6 +1094,7 @@
"You promoted the member {member} to an unknown role.": "Has atorgat alguns poders a {member}.",
"You promoted {member} to administrator.": "Has atorgat poders d'administració a {member}.",
"You promoted {member} to moderator.": "Has atorgat poders de moderació a {member}.",
"You rejected {member}'s membership request.": "",
"You renamed the discussion from {old_discussion} to {discussion}.": "Has canviat el nom de discussió de {old_discussion} a {discussion}.",
"You renamed the folder from {old_resource_title} to {resource}.": "Has canviat el nom de la carpeta de {old_resource_title} a {resource}.",
"You renamed the resource from {old_resource_title} to {resource}.": "Has canviat el nom del recurs de {old_resource_title} a {resource}.",
@ -920,11 +1113,15 @@
"You were promoted to moderator by {profile}.": "{profile} t'ha atorgat poders de moderació.",
"You will be able to add an avatar and set other options in your account settings.": "Pots afegir un avatar i editar altres opcions en les preferències del compte.",
"You will be redirected to the original instance": "Seràs redirigit/da a la instància original",
"You will find here all the events you have created or of which you are a participant, as well as events organized by groups you follow or are a member of.": "",
"You will receive notifications about this group's public activity depending on %{notification_settings}.": "",
"You wish to participate to the following event": "Vols participar en l'activitat següent",
"You'll get a weekly recap every Monday for upcoming events, if you have any.": "Rebràs un recordatori cada dilluns que tinguis activitats properes planificades.",
"You'll need to change the URLs where there were previously entered.": "Hauràs d'actualitzar les URL allà on les haguessis introduïdes.",
"You'll need to transmit the group URL so people may access the group's profile. The group won't be findable in Mobilizon's search or regular search engines.": "Hauràs de fer arribar l'enllaç del grup a les persones que vulguis que accedeixin al perfil del grup. No es podrà trobar en la cerca de Mobilizon ni als motors de cerca generals.",
"You'll receive a confirmation email.": "Rebràs un correu de confirmació.",
"YouTube live": "",
"YouTube replay": "",
"Your account has been successfully deleted": "S'ha esborrat el teu compte",
"Your account has been validated": "El teu compte ha estat validat",
"Your account is being validated": "El teu compte està sent validat",
@ -937,6 +1134,7 @@
"Your email is being changed": "S'està canviant la teva adreça de correu",
"Your email will only be used to confirm that you're a real person and send you eventual updates for this event. It will NOT be transmitted to other instances or to the event organizer.": "El teu correu només es farà servir per confirmar que ets una persona real i per enviar-te possibles actualitzacions d'aquesta activitat. Ni altres instàncies ni l'organització de l'activitat podran veure'l.",
"Your federated identity": "La teva identitat federada",
"Your membership was approved by {profile}.": "",
"Your participation has been confirmed": "S'ha confirmat la teva participació",
"Your participation has been rejected": "S'ha denegat la teva participació",
"Your participation has been requested": "S'ha soŀlicitat la teva participació",
@ -947,15 +1145,20 @@
"Your participation still has to be approved by the organisers.": "Les organitzadores encara no t'han aprovat com a participant.",
"Your participation will be validated once you click the confirmation link into the email, and after the organizer manually validates your participation.": "Es validarà la teva participació un cop hagis seguit l'enllaç de confirmació del correu, que t'arribarà després que una organitzadora accepti la teva soŀlicitud.",
"Your participation will be validated once you click the confirmation link into the email.": "La teva assistència serà validada un cop hagis fet clic a l'enllaç de confirmació que t'arribarà al correu.",
"Your position was not available.": "",
"Your profile will be shown as contact.": "Es mostrarà el teu perfil com a contacte.",
"Your timezone is currently set to {timezone}.": "El fus horari que tens configurat és {timezone}.",
"Your timezone was detected as {timezone}.": "S'ha detectat el fus horari {timezone}.",
"Your timezone {timezone} isn't supported.": "El fus horari {timezone} no és compatible amb la plataforma.",
"Your upcoming events": "Properes activitats al teu calendari",
"Zoom": "",
"Zoom in": "",
"Zoom out": "",
"[This comment has been deleted by it's author]": "[Aquest comentari ha estat esborrat pel seu autor/a]",
"[This comment has been deleted]": "[Comentari esborrat]",
"[deleted]": "[esborrat]",
"a non-existent report": "una denúncia que ja no existeix",
"access to the group's private content as well": "",
"and {number} groups": "i {number} grups",
"any distance": "qualsevol distància",
"as {identity}": "com a {identity}",
@ -965,10 +1168,13 @@
"default Mobilizon privacy policy": "política de privacitat per defecte de Mobilizon",
"default Mobilizon terms": "condicions de Mobilizon per defecte",
"e.g. 10 Rue Jangot": "ex.: 13 Rue del Percebe",
"e.g. Accessibility, Twitch, PeerTube": "",
"enable the feature": "activa la funcionalitat",
"explore the events": "explora les activitats",
"explore the groups": "explora els grups",
"full rules": "normes completes",
"group's upcoming public events": "",
"https://mensuel.framapad.org/p/some-secret-token": "",
"iCal Feed": "Flux iCal",
"instance rules": "normes de la instància",
"more than 1360 contributors": "més de 1360 contribuïdores",
@ -977,19 +1183,24 @@
"return to the event's page": "torna a la pàgina de l'activitat",
"terms of service": "condicions del servei",
"with another identity…": "amb una altra identitat…",
"your notification settings": "",
"{approved} / {total} seats": "{approved} / {total} places",
"{available}/{capacity} available places": "Places esgotades|Hi ha {available}/{capacity} places disponibles",
"{count} km": "{count} km",
"{count} members": "Cap membre|Un membre|{count} membres",
"{count} members or followers": "",
"{count} participants": "Cap participant per ara|Un/a participant|{count} participants",
"{count} requests waiting": "{count} soŀlicituds pendents",
"{folder} - Resources": "{folder} - Recursos",
"{group} activity timeline": "Cronologia de les accions de {group}",
"{group} events": "Activitats de {group}",
"{group} posts": "",
"{group}'s events": "Activitats de {group}",
"{group}'s todolists": "",
"{instanceName} is an instance of the {mobilizon} software.": "{instanceName} és una instància del software {mobilizon}.",
"{instanceName} is an instance of {mobilizon_link}, a free software built with the community.": "{instanceName} és una instància de {mobilizon_link}, una aplicació de software lliure construïda per una comunitat.",
"{member} accepted the invitation to join the group.": "{member} ha acceptat afegir-se al grup.",
"{member} joined the group.": "",
"{member} rejected the invitation to join the group.": "{member} ha rebutjat la invitació per afegir-se al grup.",
"{member} requested to join the group.": "{member} ha soŀlicitat afegir-se al grup.",
"{member} was invited by {profile}.": "{profile} ha convidat {member}.",
@ -1012,9 +1223,11 @@
"{number} organized events": "No hi ha activitats organitzades|Hi ha una activitat organitzada|Hi ha {number} activitats organitzades",
"{number} participations": "Sense participants|Un/a participant|{number} participants",
"{number} posts": "Sense publicacions|Una publicació|{number} publicacions",
"{number} seats left": "",
"{old_group_name} was renamed to {group}.": "Ha canviat el nom del grup {old_group_name} a {group}.",
"{profile} (by default)": "{profile} (per defecte)",
"{profile} added the member {member}.": "{profile} ha afegit el/la membre {member}.",
"{profile} approved {member}'s membership.": "",
"{profile} archived the discussion {discussion}.": "{profile} ha arxivat la discussió {discussion}.",
"{profile} created the discussion {discussion}.": "{profile} ha obert la discussió {discussion}.",
"{profile} created the folder {resource}.": "{profile} ha creat la carpeta {resource}.",
@ -1036,6 +1249,7 @@
"{profile} promoted {member} to an unknown role.": "{profile} ha atorgat alguns poders a {member}.",
"{profile} promoted {member} to moderator.": "{profile} ha atorgat poders de moderació a {member}.",
"{profile} quit the group.": "{profile} ha sortit del grup.",
"{profile} rejected {member}'s membership request.": "",
"{profile} renamed the discussion from {old_discussion} to {discussion}.": "{profile} ha canviat el nom de la discussió de {old_discussion} a {discussion}.",
"{profile} renamed the folder from {old_resource_title} to {resource}.": "{profile} ha canviat el nom de la carpeta de {old_resource_title} a {resource}.",
"{profile} renamed the resource from {old_resource_title} to {resource}.": "{profile} ha canviat el nom del recurs de {old_resource_title} a {resource}.",
@ -1043,6 +1257,7 @@
"{profile} replied to the discussion {discussion}.": "{profile} ha respost a la discussió {discussion}.",
"{profile} updated the group {group}.": "{profile} ha actualitzat el grup {group}.",
"{profile} updated the member {member}.": "{profile} ha actualitzat el/la membre {member}.",
"{timezoneLongName} ({timezoneShortName})": "",
"{title} ({count} todos)": "{title} ({count} pendents)",
"{username} was invited to {group}": "{username} ha estat convidat a {group}",
"© The OpenStreetMap Contributors": "© Les persones contribuïdores d'OpenStreetMap"