Fork 0

Merge branch 'lowercase-users-emails-when-resetting' into 'main'

Always lowercase the emails before trying to reset password

See merge request 
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Citharel 2022-10-18 17:07:36 +00:00
commit f0c1444be3
2 changed files with 27 additions and 6 deletions

View file

@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.User do
# Domains should always be lower-case, so let's force that
@spec lowercase_domain(String.t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, :invalid_email}
defp lowercase_domain(email) do
defp lowercase_domain(email) when is_binary(email) do
case split_email(email) do
[user_part, domain_part] ->
{:ok, "#{user_part}@#{String.downcase(domain_part)}"}
@ -232,6 +232,8 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.User do
defp lowercase_domain(_), do: {:error, :invalid_email}
@spec split_email(String.t()) :: list(String.t())
defp split_email(email), do: String.split(email, "@", parts: 2, trim: true)
@ -270,8 +272,9 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.User do
We only do this to accounts not activated
def resend_confirmation_email(_parent, args, _resolution) do
with {:ok, %User{locale: locale} = user} <-
Users.get_user_by_email(Map.get(args, :email), activated: false, unconfirmed: false),
with {:ok, email} <- lowercase_domain(Map.get(args, :email)),
{:ok, %User{locale: locale} = user} <-
Users.get_user_by_email(email, activated: false, unconfirmed: false),
{:ok, email} <-
Email.User.resend_confirmation_email(user, Map.get(args, :locale, locale)) do
{:ok, email}
@ -279,6 +282,9 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.User do
{:error, :user_not_found} ->
{:error, dgettext("errors", "No user to validate with this email was found")}
{:error, :invalid_email} ->
{:error, dgettext("errors", "This email doesn't seem to be valid")}
{:error, :email_too_soon} ->
{:error, dgettext("errors", "You requested again a confirmation email too soon")}
@ -288,7 +294,7 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.User do
Send an email to reset the password from an user
def send_reset_password(_parent, args, _resolution) do
with email <- Map.get(args, :email),
with {:ok, email} <- lowercase_domain(Map.get(args, :email)),
{:ok, %User{locale: locale} = user} <-
Users.get_user_by_email(email, activated: true, unconfirmed: false),
{:can_reset_password, true} <-
@ -299,6 +305,9 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.User do
{:can_reset_password, false} ->
{:error, dgettext("errors", "This user can't reset their password")}
{:error, :invalid_email} ->
{:error, dgettext("errors", "This email doesn't seem to be valid")}
{:error, :user_not_found} ->
# TODO : implement rate limits for this endpoint
{:error, dgettext("errors", "No user with this email was found")}

View file

@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.UserTest do
mutation = """
mutation {
email: "oh no"
email: "oh@no.com"
@ -741,6 +741,18 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.UserTest do
assert res["data"]["sendResetPassword"] == email
test "test send_reset_password/3 with an email with no account", %{conn: conn} do
res =
|> AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query(
query: @send_reset_password_mutation,
variables: %{email: "noone@nowhere.com"}
assert hd(res["errors"])["message"] ==
"No user with this email was found"
test "test send_reset_password/3 with invalid email", %{conn: conn} do
res =
@ -750,7 +762,7 @@ defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.UserTest do
assert hd(res["errors"])["message"] ==
"No user with this email was found"
"This email doesn't seem to be valid"
test "test send_reset_password/3 for an LDAP user", %{conn: conn} do