defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.Schema.MediaType do @moduledoc """ Schema representation for Medias """ use Absinthe.Schema.Notation alias Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.Media @env Application.compile_env(:mobilizon, :env) @media_rate_limiting 60 @desc "A media" object :media do meta(:authorize, :all) field(:id, :id, description: "The media's ID") field(:alt, :string, description: "The media's alternative text") field(:name, :string, description: "The media's name") field(:url, :string, description: "The media's full URL") field(:content_type, :string, description: "The media's detected content type") field(:size, :integer, description: "The media's size") field(:metadata, :media_metadata, description: "The media's metadata") end @desc """ A paginated list of medias """ object :paginated_media_list do meta(:authorize, :all) field(:elements, list_of(:media), description: "The list of medias") field(:total, :integer, description: "The total number of medias in the list") end @desc """ Some metadata associated with a media """ object :media_metadata do meta(:authorize, :all) field(:width, :integer, description: "The media width (if a picture)") field(:height, :integer, description: "The media width (if a height)") field(:blurhash, :string, description: "The media blurhash (if a picture") end @desc "An attached media or a link to a media" input_object :media_input do # Either a full media object field(:media, :media_input_object, description: "A full media attached") # Or directly the ID of an existing media field(:media_id, :id, description: "The ID of an existing media") end @desc "An attached media" input_object :media_input_object do field(:name, non_null(:string), description: "The media's name") field(:alt, :string, description: "The media's alternative text") field(:file, non_null(:upload), description: "The media file") field(:actor_id, :id, description: "The media owner") end object :media_queries do @desc "Get a media" field :media, :media do arg(:id, non_null(:id), description: "The media ID") middleware(Rajska.QueryAuthorization, permit: :all) resolve(& end end object :media_mutations do @desc "Upload a media" field :upload_media, :media do arg(:name, non_null(:string), description: "The media's name") arg(:alt, :string, description: "The media's alternative text") arg(:file, non_null(:upload), description: "The media file") arg(:actor_id, :id, description: "The actor that uploads the media") middleware(Rajska.QueryAuthorization, permit: :user, scope: Mobilizon.Medias.Media, rule: :"write:media:upload", args: %{} ) middleware(Rajska.RateLimiter, limit: media_rate_limiting(@env)) resolve(&Media.upload_media/3) end @desc """ Remove a media """ field :remove_media, :deleted_object do arg(:id, non_null(:id), description: "The media's ID") middleware(Rajska.QueryAuthorization, permit: :user, scope: Mobilizon.Medias.Media, rule: :"write:media:remove" ) resolve(&Media.remove_media/3) end end defp media_rate_limiting(:test), do: @media_rate_limiting * 1000 defp media_rate_limiting(_), do: @media_rate_limiting end