defmodule MobilizonWeb.PageController do @moduledoc """ Controller to load our webapp """ use MobilizonWeb, :controller alias Mobilizon.Service.Metadata alias Mobilizon.Actors alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Events alias Mobilizon.Events.{Event, Comment} plug(:put_layout, false) action_fallback(MobilizonWeb.FallbackController) def index(conn, _params) do conn |> put_resp_content_type("text/html") |> send_file(200, "priv/static/index.html") end def actor(conn, %{"name" => name}) do case get_format(conn) do "html" -> with {status, %Actor{} = actor} when status in [:ok, :commit] <- Actors.get_cached_local_actor_by_name(name) do render_with_meta(conn, actor) else _ -> {:error, :not_found} end # "activity-json" matches "application/activity+json" inside our config "activity-json" ->, :actor) _ -> {:error, :not_found} end end def event(conn, %{"uuid" => uuid}) do case get_format(conn) do "html" -> with {status, %Event{} = event} when status in [:ok, :commit] <- Events.get_cached_event_full_by_uuid(uuid), true <- event.visibility in [:public, :unlisted] do render_with_meta(conn, event) else _ -> {:error, :not_found} end "activity-json" ->, :event) _ -> {:error, :not_found} end end def comment(conn, %{"uuid" => uuid}) do case get_format(conn) do "html" -> with {status, %Comment{} = comment} when status in [:ok, :commit] <- Events.get_cached_comment_full_by_uuid(uuid) do # Comments are always public for now # TODO : Make comments maybe restricted # true <- comment.public do render_with_meta(conn, comment) else _ -> {:error, :not_found} end "activity-json" ->, :comment) _ -> {:error, :not_found} end end # Inject OpenGraph information defp render_with_meta(conn, object) do {:ok, index_content} = tags = Metadata.build_tags(object) response = String.replace(index_content, "<!--server-generated-meta-->", tags) conn |> put_resp_content_type("text/html") |> send_resp(200, response) end defp index_file_path() do Path.join(Application.app_dir(:mobilizon, "priv/static/"), "index.html") end end