formatDateTimeString(beginsOn, timezoneToShow, showStartTime)
t("On {date} from {startTime} to {endTime}", {
date: formatDate(beginsOn),
startTime: formatTime(beginsOn, timezoneToShow),
endTime: formatTime(endsOn, timezoneToShow),
{{ t("On {date} starting at {startTime}", { date: formatDate(beginsOn), startTime: formatTime(beginsOn, timezoneToShow), }) }}
{{ t("On {date}", { date: formatDate(beginsOn) }) }}
t("From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate} at {endTime}", {
startDate: formatDate(beginsOn),
startTime: formatTime(beginsOn, timezoneToShow),
endDate: formatDate(endsOn),
endTime: formatTime(endsOn, timezoneToShow),
t("From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate}", {
startDate: formatDate(beginsOn),
startTime: formatTime(beginsOn, timezoneToShow),
endDate: formatDate(endsOn),
{{ t("From the {startDate} to the {endDate}", { startDate: formatDate(beginsOn), endDate: formatDate(endsOn), }) }}