<%= @subject %> == <%= case @activity.type do %> <% :comment -> %> <%= dgettext("activity", "%{profile} has posted a public announcement under event %{event}.", %{ profile: Mobilizon.Actors.Actor.display_name_and_username(@activity.author), event: @activity.subject_params["event_title"] } ) %> <%= Routes.page_url(Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint, :event, @activity.subject_params["event_uuid"]) |> URI.decode() %> <% :conversation -> %> <%= dgettext("activity", "%{profile} has posted a private announcement about event %{event}.", %{ profile: Mobilizon.Actors.Actor.display_name_and_username(@activity.author), event: @activity.subject_params["conversation_event_title"] } ) %> <%= dgettext("activity", "It might give details on how to join the event, so make sure to read it appropriately.") %> -- <%= @activity.subject_params["conversation_text"] |> html_to_text() |> mail_quote() %> -- <%= dgettext("activity", "This information is sent privately to you as a person who registered for this event. Share the informations above with other people with caution.") %> <%= Routes.page_url(Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint, :event, @activity.subject_params["conversation_event_uuid"]) |> URI.decode() %> <% end %>