defmodule Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub.UtilsTest do use Mobilizon.DataCase import Mobilizon.Factory alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub.Utils alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.Converter use Mobilizon.Web, :verified_routes describe "make" do test "comment data from struct" do comment = insert(:comment) tag = insert(:tag, title: "MyTag") reply = insert(:comment, in_reply_to_comment: comment, tags: [tag], attributed_to: nil) assert %{ "type" => "Note", "to" => [""], "cc" => [], "tag" => [ %{ "href" => "http://mobilizon.test/tags/#{tag.slug}", "name" => "#MyTag", "type" => "Hashtag" } ], "content" => "My Comment", "actor" =>, "uuid" => reply.uuid, "id" => url(~p"/comments/#{reply.uuid}"), "inReplyTo" => comment.url, "attributedTo" =>, "mediaType" => "text/html", "published" => reply.published_at |> DateTime.to_iso8601(), "isAnnouncement" => false } == Converter.Comment.model_to_as(reply) end test "comment data from map" do comment = insert(:comment, attributed_to: nil) reply = insert(:comment, in_reply_to_comment: comment, attributed_to: nil) to = [""] comment_data = Converter.Comment.model_to_as(reply) assert comment_data["type"] == "Note" assert comment_data["to"] == to assert comment_data["content"] == reply.text assert comment_data["actor"] == assert comment_data["inReplyTo"] == comment.url end end describe "origin_check?" do test "origin_check? with a tombstone" do assert Utils.origin_check?("http://an_uri", %{ "type" => "Tombstone", "id" => "http://an_uri" }) end end describe "get_actor/1" do test "with a string" do assert Utils.get_actor(%{"actor" => "https://somewhere.tld/@someone"}) == "https://somewhere.tld/@someone" end test "with an object" do assert Utils.get_actor(%{ "actor" => %{"id" => "https://somewhere.tld/@someone", "type" => "Person"} }) == "https://somewhere.tld/@someone" end test "with an invalid object" do assert_raise ArgumentError, "Object contains an actor object with invalid type: \"Else\"", fn -> Utils.get_actor(%{ "actor" => %{"id" => "https://somewhere.tld/@someone", "type" => "Else"} }) end end test "with a list" do assert Utils.get_actor(%{ "actor" => ["https://somewhere.tld/@someone", "https://somewhere.else/@other"] }) == "https://somewhere.tld/@someone" end test "with a list of objects" do assert Utils.get_actor(%{ "actor" => [ %{"type" => "Person", "id" => "https://somewhere.tld/@someone"}, "https://somewhere.else/@other" ] }) == "https://somewhere.tld/@someone" end test "with a list of objects containing an invalid one" do assert Utils.get_actor(%{ "actor" => [ %{"type" => "Else", "id" => "https://somewhere.tld/@someone"}, "https://somewhere.else/@other" ] }) == "https://somewhere.else/@other" end test "with an empty list" do assert_raise ArgumentError, "Object contains not actor information", fn -> Utils.get_actor(%{ "actor" => [] }) end end test "fallbacks to attributed_to" do assert Utils.get_actor(%{ "actor" => nil, "attributedTo" => "https://somewhere.tld/@someone" }) == "https://somewhere.tld/@someone" end test "with no actor information" do assert_raise ArgumentError, "Object contains both actor and attributedTo fields being null: %{\"actor\" => nil, \"attributedTo\" => nil}", fn -> Utils.get_actor(%{ "actor" => nil, "attributedTo" => nil }) end end end end