defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.CommentTest do use Mobilizon.Web.ConnCase import Mobilizon.Factory alias Mobilizon.Events alias Mobilizon.Events.{Event, EventOptions} alias Mobilizon.GraphQL.AbsintheHelpers @comment_text "I love this event" setup %{conn: conn} do user = insert(:user) actor = insert(:actor, user: user) event = insert(:event) {:ok, conn: conn, actor: actor, user: user, event: event} end describe "Comment Resolver" do @create_comment_mutation """ mutation CreateComment($text: String!, $eventId: ID!, $inReplyToCommentId: ID) { createComment(text: $text, eventId: $eventId, inReplyToCommentId: $inReplyToCommentId) { id, text, uuid, inReplyToComment { id, text } } } """ test "create_comment/3 creates a comment", %{ conn: conn, user: user, event: event } do res = conn |> auth_conn(user) |> AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query( query: @create_comment_mutation, variables: %{text: @comment_text, eventId:} ) assert res["data"]["createComment"]["text"] == @comment_text end test "create_comment/3 doesn't allow creating events if it's disabled", %{ conn: conn, user: user, event: event } do {:ok, %Event{options: %EventOptions{comment_moderation: :closed}}} = Events.update_event(event, %{options: %{comment_moderation: :closed}}) res = conn |> auth_conn(user) |> AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query( query: @create_comment_mutation, variables: %{text: @comment_text, eventId:} ) assert hd(res["errors"])["message"] == "You don't have permission to do this" end test "create_comment/3 allows creating events if it's disabled but we're the organizer", %{ conn: conn, actor: actor, user: user } do event = insert(:event, organizer_actor: actor, options: %{comment_moderation: :closed}) res = conn |> auth_conn(user) |> AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query( query: @create_comment_mutation, variables: %{text: @comment_text, eventId:} ) assert is_nil(res["errors"]) assert res["data"]["createComment"]["text"] == @comment_text end test "create_comment/3 requires that the user needs to be authenticated", %{ conn: conn, event: event } do res = conn |> AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query( query: @create_comment_mutation, variables: %{text: @comment_text, eventId:} ) assert hd(res["errors"])["message"] == "You need to be logged in" end test "create_comment/3 creates a reply to a comment", %{ conn: conn, user: user, event: event } do comment = insert(:comment) res = conn |> auth_conn(user) |> AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query( query: @create_comment_mutation, variables: %{ text: @comment_text, eventId:, inReplyToCommentId: } ) assert is_nil(res["errors"]) assert res["data"]["createComment"]["text"] == @comment_text uuid = res["data"]["createComment"]["uuid"] assert res["data"]["createComment"]["inReplyToComment"]["id"] == to_string( query = """ query { thread(id: #{}) { text, uuid } } """ res = conn |> auth_conn(user) |> AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query(query: query, variables: %{}) assert res["errors"] == nil assert res["data"]["thread"] == [%{"uuid" => uuid, "text" => @comment_text}] end @delete_comment """ mutation DeleteComment($commentId: ID!) { deleteComment(commentId: $commentId) { id, deletedAt } } """ test "deletes a comment", %{conn: conn, user: user, actor: actor} do comment = insert(:comment, actor: actor) res = conn |> AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query( query: @delete_comment, variables: %{commentId:} ) assert hd(res["errors"])["message"] == "You need to be logged in" # Change the current actor for user actor2 = insert(:actor, user: user) Mobilizon.Users.update_user_default_actor(user, actor2) res = conn |> auth_conn(user) |> AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query( query: @delete_comment, variables: %{commentId:} ) assert hd(res["errors"])["message"] == "You cannot delete this comment" Mobilizon.Users.update_user_default_actor(user, actor) res = conn |> auth_conn(user) |> AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query( query: @delete_comment, variables: %{commentId:} ) assert res["errors"] == nil assert res["data"]["deleteComment"]["id"] == to_string( refute is_nil(res["data"]["deleteComment"]["deletedAt"]) end test "delete_comment/3 allows a comment being deleted by a moderator and creates a entry in actionLogs", %{ conn: conn, user: _user, actor: _actor } do user_moderator = insert(:user, role: :moderator) actor_moderator = insert(:actor, user: user_moderator) actor2 = insert(:actor) comment = insert(:comment, actor: actor2) res = conn |> auth_conn(user_moderator) |> AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query( query: @delete_comment, variables: %{commentId:} ) assert res["errors"] == nil assert res["data"]["deleteComment"]["id"] == to_string( query = """ query ActionLogs { actionLogs { total elements { action, actor { preferredUsername }, object { ... on Report { id, status }, ... on ReportNote { content } ... on Event { id, title }, ... on Comment { id, text } } } } } """ res = conn |> auth_conn(user_moderator) |> AbsintheHelpers.graphql_query(query: query) refute res["errors"] assert hd(res["data"]["actionLogs"]["elements"]) == %{ "action" => "COMMENT_DELETION", "actor" => %{"preferredUsername" => actor_moderator.preferred_username}, "object" => %{"text" => comment.text, "id" => to_string(} } end end end