# Portions of this file are derived from Pleroma: # Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors <https://pleroma.social/> # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Mobilizon.Service.RichMedia.Parser do @moduledoc """ Module to parse data in HTML pages """ @options [ max_body: 2_000_000, timeout: 10_000, recv_timeout: 20_000, follow_redirect: true ] alias Mobilizon.Config alias Mobilizon.Service.HTTP.RichMediaPreviewClient alias Mobilizon.Service.RichMedia.Favicon alias Mobilizon.Service.RichMedia.Parsers.Fallback alias Plug.Conn.Utils require Logger import Mobilizon.Service.HTTP.Utils defp parsers do Mobilizon.Config.get([:rich_media, :parsers]) end def parse(nil), do: {:error, "No URL provided"} @spec parse(String.t()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, :http | :parsing | :unknown, any()} def parse(url) do case Cachex.fetch(:rich_media_cache, url, fn _ -> case parse_url(url) do {:ok, data} -> {:commit, data} {:error, error_type, error} -> {:ignore, {error_type, error}} end end) do {status, value} when status in [:ok, :commit] -> {:ok, value} {_, {error_type, err}} -> {:error, error_type, err} end rescue e -> {:error, "Cachex error: #{inspect(e)}"} end @doc """ Get a filename for the fetched data, using the response header or the last part of the URL """ @spec get_filename_from_response(Enum.t(), String.t()) :: String.t() | nil def get_filename_from_response(response_headers, url) do get_filename_from_headers(response_headers) || get_filename_from_url(url) end @spec parse_url(String.t(), Enum.t()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, :http | :parsing | :unknown, any()} defp parse_url(url, options \\ []) do user_agent = Keyword.get(options, :user_agent, default_user_agent(url)) headers = [{"User-Agent", user_agent}] Logger.debug("Fetching content at address #{inspect(url)}") try do with {:ok, _} <- prevent_local_address(url), {:fetch, {:ok, %{body: body, status: code, headers: response_headers}}} when code in 200..299 <- {:fetch, RichMediaPreviewClient.get( url, headers: headers, opts: @options )}, {:is_html, _response_headers, true} <- {:is_html, response_headers, html?(response_headers)} do body |> convert_utf8(response_headers) |> maybe_parse() |> Map.put(:url, url) |> maybe_add_favicon() |> clean_parsed_data() |> check_parsed_data(body) |> check_remote_picture_path() else {:is_html, response_headers, false} -> data = get_data_for_media(response_headers, url) {:ok, data} {:fetch, {_, err}} -> Logger.debug("HTTP error: #{inspect(err)}") {:error, :http, err} {:error, err} -> Logger.debug("Parsing error: #{inspect(err)}") {:error, :parsing, err} end rescue e -> {:error, :unknown, "Parsing error: #{inspect(e)} #{inspect(__STACKTRACE__)}"} end end @spec get_data_for_media(Enum.t(), String.t()) :: map() defp get_data_for_media(response_headers, url) do data = %{title: get_filename_from_headers(response_headers) || get_filename_from_url(url)} if image?(response_headers) do Map.put(data, :image_remote_url, url) else data end end @spec html?(Enum.t()) :: boolean defp html?(headers) do content_type_matches?(headers, ["text/html", "application/xhtml"]) end @spec image?(Enum.t()) :: boolean defp image?(headers) do content_type_matches?(headers, ["image/"]) end @spec get_filename_from_headers(Enum.t()) :: String.t() | nil defp get_filename_from_headers(headers) do case get_header(headers, "Content-Disposition") do nil -> nil content_disposition -> parse_content_disposition(content_disposition) end end @spec get_filename_from_url(String.t()) :: String.t() defp get_filename_from_url(url) do case URI.parse(url) do %URI{path: nil} -> nil %URI{path: path} -> path |> String.split("/", trim: true) |> Enum.at(-1) |> URI.decode() end end # The following is taken from https://github.com/elixir-plug/plug/blob/65986ad32f9aaae3be50dc80cbdd19b326578da7/lib/plug/parsers/multipart.ex#L207 @spec parse_content_disposition(String.t()) :: String.t() | nil defp parse_content_disposition(disposition) do with [_, params] <- :binary.split(disposition, ";"), %{"name" => _name} = params <- Utils.params(params) do handle_disposition(params) else _ -> nil end end @spec handle_disposition(map()) :: String.t() | nil defp handle_disposition(params) do case params do %{"filename" => ""} -> nil %{"filename" => filename} -> filename %{"filename*" => ""} -> nil %{"filename*" => "utf-8''" <> filename} -> URI.decode(filename) _ -> nil end end @spec maybe_parse(String.t()) :: map() defp maybe_parse(html) do Enum.reduce_while(parsers(), %{}, fn parser, acc -> Logger.debug("Using #{inspect(parser)} to parse link") case parser.parse(html, acc) do {:ok, data} -> {:halt, data} {:error, _msg} -> {:cont, acc} end end) end defp check_parsed_data(data, html, first_run \\ true) defp check_parsed_data(%{title: title} = data, _html, _first_run) when is_binary(title) and byte_size(title) > 0 do data end defp check_parsed_data(data, html, first_run) do # Maybe the first data found is incomplete, pass it through the Fallback parser once again if first_run do {:ok, data} = Fallback.parse(html, data) Logger.debug("check parsed data") Logger.debug(inspect(data)) check_parsed_data(data, html, false) else Logger.debug("Found metadata was invalid or incomplete: #{inspect(data)}") {:error, :parsing, :invalid_parsed_data} end end defp clean_parsed_data(data) do data |> Enum.reject(fn {key, val} -> case Jason.encode(%{key => val}) do {:ok, _} -> false _ -> true end end) |> Map.new() end defp prevent_local_address(url) do case URI.parse(url) do %URI{host: host} when not is_nil(host) -> host = String.downcase(host) if validate_hostname_not_localhost(host) && validate_hostname_only(host) && validate_ip(host) do {:ok, url} else {:error, :local_address, "Host violates local access rules"} end _ -> {:error, :no_host, "Could not detect any host"} end end defp validate_hostname_not_localhost(hostname), do: hostname != "localhost" && !String.ends_with?(hostname, ".local") && !String.ends_with?(hostname, ".localhost") defp validate_hostname_only(hostname), do: hostname |> String.graphemes() |> Enum.count(&(&1 == ".")) > 0 defp validate_ip(hostname) do case hostname |> String.to_charlist() |> :inet.parse_address() do {:ok, address} -> !IpReserved.is_reserved?(address) # Not a valid IP {:error, _} -> true end end @spec maybe_add_favicon(map()) :: map() defp maybe_add_favicon(%{url: url} = data) do case Favicon.fetch(url) do {:ok, favicon_url} -> Logger.debug("Adding favicon #{favicon_url} to metadata") Map.put(data, :favicon_url, favicon_url) err -> Logger.debug("Failed to add favicon to metadata") Logger.debug(inspect(err)) data end end @spec check_remote_picture_path(map()) :: {:ok, map()} defp check_remote_picture_path(%{image_remote_url: image_remote_url, url: url} = data) when is_binary(image_remote_url) and is_binary(url) do Logger.debug("Checking image_remote_url #{image_remote_url}") data = Map.put(data, :image_remote_url, format_url(url, image_remote_url)) {:ok, data} end defp check_remote_picture_path({:error, _, _} = err), do: err defp check_remote_picture_path(data), do: {:ok, data} @spec format_url(String.t(), String.t()) :: String.t() defp format_url(url, path) do url |> URI.parse() |> URI.merge(path) |> to_string() end # Twitter requires a well-know crawler user-agent to show server-rendered data defp default_user_agent("https://twitter.com/" <> _) do Config.instance_user_agent() <> " (compatible; bot)" end defp default_user_agent("https://mobile.twitter.com/" <> _) do Config.instance_user_agent() <> " (compatible; bot)" end defp default_user_agent(_url) do Config.instance_user_agent() end defp convert_utf8(body, headers) do headers |> get_header("Content-Type") |> handle_charset(body) end defp handle_charset(nil, body) do case detect_charset_from_meta(body) do "" -> body nil -> body charset -> convert_body(body, charset) end end defp handle_charset(content_type, body) do case charset_from_content_type(content_type) do nil -> handle_charset(nil, body) charset -> convert_body(body, charset) end end defp charset_from_content_type(content_type) do with [_, params] <- :binary.split(content_type, ";"), %{"charset" => charset} <- Utils.params(params) do charset else _ -> nil end end defp detect_charset_from_meta(body) do Logger.debug("Trying to detect charset from meta") document = Floki.parse_document!(body) case document |> Floki.find("meta[http-equiv=\"content-type\"]") |> List.first() do nil -> case document |> Floki.find("meta[http-equiv=\"Content-Type\"]") |> List.first() do nil -> nil meta -> content_type_from_meta(meta) end meta -> content_type_from_meta(meta) end end defp content_type_from_meta(meta) do Logger.debug("Finding content-type into <meta> element") meta |> Floki.attribute("content") |> List.first() |> String.trim() |> charset_from_content_type() end defp convert_body(body, "utf-8"), do: body defp convert_body(body, charset) do Logger.debug("Converting body from #{charset}") Codepagex.to_string!(body, fix_charset(charset)) end defp fix_charset("windows-1252"), do: :"VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP1252" defp fix_charset(charset) do String.replace(charset, "-", "_") end end