defmodule Mobilizon.Federation.NodeInfo do @moduledoc """ Performs NodeInfo requests """ alias Mobilizon.Service.HTTP.WebfingerClient require Logger import Mobilizon.Service.HTTP.Utils, only: [is_content_type?: 2] @application_uri "" @nodeinfo_rel_2_0 "" @nodeinfo_rel_2_1 "" @env Application.compile_env(:mobilizon, :env) @spec application_actor(String.t()) :: String.t() | nil def application_actor(host) do Logger.debug("Fetching application actor from NodeInfo data for domain #{host}") case fetch_nodeinfo_endpoint(host) do {:ok, body} -> extract_application_actor(body) {:error, _err} -> nil end end @spec nodeinfo(String.t()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, atom()} def nodeinfo(host) do Logger.debug("Fetching NodeInfo details for domain #{host}") with {:ok, endpoint} when is_binary(endpoint) <- fetch_nodeinfo_details(host), :ok <- Logger.debug("Going to get NodeInfo information from URL #{endpoint}"), {:ok, %{body: body, status: code, headers: headers}} when code in 200..299 <- WebfingerClient.get(endpoint), {:ok, body} <- validate_json_response(body, headers) do Logger.debug("Found nodeinfo information for domain #{host}") {:ok, body} else {:error, err} -> {:error, err} err -> Logger.debug("Failed to fetch NodeInfo data from endpoint #{inspect(err)}") {:error, :node_info_endpoint_http_error} end end defp extract_application_actor(body) do body |> Map.get("links", []) |> Enum.find(%{"rel" => @application_uri, "href" => nil}, fn %{"rel" => rel, "href" => href} -> rel == @application_uri and is_binary(href) end) |> Map.get("href") end @spec fetch_nodeinfo_endpoint(String.t()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, atom()} defp fetch_nodeinfo_endpoint(host) do prefix = if @env !== :dev, do: "https", else: "http" case WebfingerClient.get("#{prefix}://#{host}/.well-known/nodeinfo") do {:ok, %{body: body, status: code, headers: headers}} when code in 200..299 -> validate_json_response(body, headers) err -> Logger.debug("Failed to fetch NodeInfo data #{inspect(err)}") {:error, :node_info_meta_http_error} end end @spec fetch_nodeinfo_details(String.t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, atom()} defp fetch_nodeinfo_details(host) do with {:ok, body} <- fetch_nodeinfo_endpoint(host) do extract_nodeinfo_endpoint(body) end end @spec extract_nodeinfo_endpoint(map()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, :no_node_info_endpoint_found | :no_valid_node_info_endpoint_found} defp extract_nodeinfo_endpoint(body) do links = Map.get(body, "links", []) relation = find_nodeinfo_relation(links, @nodeinfo_rel_2_1) || find_nodeinfo_relation(links, @nodeinfo_rel_2_0) if is_nil(relation) do {:error, :no_node_info_endpoint_found} else endpoint = Map.get(relation, "href") if is_nil(endpoint) do {:error, :no_valid_node_info_endpoint_found} else {:ok, endpoint} end end end defp find_nodeinfo_relation(links, relation) do Enum.find(links, fn %{"rel" => rel, "href" => href} -> rel == relation and is_binary(href) end) end @spec validate_json_response(map() | String.t(), list()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, :bad_content_type | :body_not_json} defp validate_json_response(body, headers) do cond do !is_content_type?(headers, "application/json") -> {:error, :bad_content_type} !is_map(body) -> {:error, :body_not_json} true -> {:ok, body} end end end