defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.Error do @moduledoc """ Module to handle errors in GraphQL """ require Logger alias __MODULE__ alias Mobilizon.Web.Gettext, as: GettextBackend import Mobilizon.Web.Gettext, only: [dgettext: 2] @type t :: %{code: atom(), message: String.t(), status_code: pos_integer(), field: atom()} defstruct [:code, :message, :status_code, :field] @type error :: {:error, any()} | {:error, any(), any(), any()} | atom() @doc """ Normalize an error to return `t`. """ # Error Tuples # ------------ # Regular errors @spec normalize(any()) :: t() | list(t()) def normalize({:error, reason}) do handle(reason) end # Ecto transaction errors def normalize({:error, _operation, reason, _changes}) do handle(reason) end # It's unclear why returned errors are now binaries instead of atoms # but we can still convert them back def normalize(string) when is_binary(string) do string |> String.to_existing_atom() |> handle() rescue ArgumentError -> handle(string) end # Unhandled errors def normalize(other) do handle(other) end # Handle Different Errors # ----------------------- defp handle(code) when is_atom(code) do {status, message} = metadata(code) %Error{ code: code, message: message, status_code: status } end defp handle(errors) when is_list(errors) do, &handle/1) end defp handle(%Ecto.Changeset{} = changeset) do changeset |> Ecto.Changeset.traverse_errors(&translate_error/1) |> {k, v} -> %Error{ code: :validation, message: v, field: k, status_code: 422 } end) end defp handle(reason) when is_binary(reason) do Logger.debug("Unknown error") Logger.debug(reason) %Error{ code: :unknown_error, message: reason, status_code: 500 } end defp handle(%Error{} = error), do: error # ... Handle other error types here ... defp handle(other) do Logger.error("Unhandled error term:\n#{inspect(other)}") handle(:unknown) end # Build Error Metadata # -------------------- defp metadata(:unknown_resource), do: {400, dgettext("errors", "Unknown Resource")} defp metadata(:invalid_argument), do: {400, dgettext("errors", "Invalid arguments passed")} defp metadata(:unauthenticated), do: {401, dgettext("errors", "You need to be logged in")} defp metadata(:password_hash_missing), do: {401, dgettext("errors", "Reset your password to login")} defp metadata(:incorrect_password), do: {401, dgettext("errors", "Invalid credentials")} defp metadata(:unauthorized), do: {403, dgettext("errors", "You don't have permission to do this")} defp metadata(:not_found), do: {404, dgettext("errors", "Resource not found")} defp metadata(:user_not_found), do: {404, dgettext("errors", "User not found")} defp metadata(:post_not_found), do: {404, dgettext("errors", "Post not found")} defp metadata(:event_not_found), do: {404, dgettext("errors", "Event not found")} defp metadata(:group_not_found), do: {404, dgettext("errors", "Group not found")} defp metadata(:resource_not_found), do: {404, dgettext("errors", "Resource not found")} defp metadata(:discussion_not_found), do: {404, dgettext("errors", "Discussion not found")} defp metadata(:application_not_found), do: {404, dgettext("errors", "Application not found")} defp metadata(:application_token_not_found), do: {404, dgettext("errors", "Application token not found")} defp metadata(:unknown), do: {500, dgettext("errors", "Something went wrong")} defp metadata(code) do Logger.warn("Unhandled error code: #{inspect(code)}") {422, to_string(code)} end # Translates an error message using gettext. defp translate_error({msg, opts}) do # Because error messages were defined within Ecto, we must # call the Gettext module passing our Gettext backend. We # also use the "errors" domain as translations are placed # in the errors.po file. # Ecto will pass the :count keyword if the error message is # meant to be pluralized. # On your own code and templates, depending on whether you # need the message to be pluralized or not, this could be # written simply as: # # dngettext "errors", "1 file", "%{count} files", count # dgettext "errors", "is invalid" # if count = opts[:count] do Gettext.dngettext(GettextBackend, "errors", msg, msg, count, opts) else Gettext.dgettext(GettextBackend, "errors", msg, opts) end end end