defmodule Mobilizon.Service.FrontEndAnalytics do @moduledoc """ Behaviour for any analytics service """ @callback id() :: String.t() @doc """ Whether the service is enabled """ @callback enabled?() :: boolean() @doc """ The configuration for the service """ @callback configuration() :: keyword() @doc """ The CSP configuration to add for the service to work """ @callback csp() :: keyword() @spec providers :: list(module()) def providers do :mobilizon |> Application.get_env(:analytics, []) |> Keyword.get(:providers, []) end @spec config :: map() def config do Enum.reduce(providers(), [], &load_config/2) end @spec csp :: keyword() def csp do providers() |> &1.csp()) |> Enum.reduce([], &merge_csp_config/2) end @spec load_config(module(), list(map())) :: list(map()) defp load_config(provider, acc) do acc ++ [ %{ id:, enabled: provider.enabled?(), configuration: convert_config(provider.configuration()) } ] end @spec convert_config(Keyword.t()) :: list(map()) defp convert_config(config) do Enum.reduce(config, [], fn {key, val}, acc -> acc ++ [%{key: key, value: val, type: type(val)}] end) end defp type(val) when is_integer(val), do: :integer defp type(val) when is_float(val), do: :float defp type(val) when is_boolean(val), do: :boolean defp type(val) when is_binary(val), do: :string defp merge_csp_config(config, global_config) do Keyword.merge(global_config, config, fn _key, global, config -> global ++ config end) end end