defimpl Mobilizon.Service.Metadata, for: Mobilizon.Posts.Post do alias Phoenix.HTML alias Phoenix.HTML.Tag alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Medias.{File, Media} alias Mobilizon.Posts.Post alias Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint alias Mobilizon.Web.JsonLD.ObjectView alias Mobilizon.Web.Router.Helpers, as: Routes import Mobilizon.Service.Metadata.Utils, only: [process_description: 2, strip_tags: 1, escape_text: 1] def build_tags(%Post{} = post, locale \\ "en") do post = Map.put(post, :body, process_description(post.body, locale)) tags = [ Tag.tag(:meta, property: "og:title", content: escape_text(post.title)), Tag.tag(:meta, property: "og:url", content: post.url), Tag.tag(:meta, property: "og:description", content: post.body), Tag.tag(:meta, property: "og:type", content: "article"), Tag.tag(:meta, property: "twitter:card", content: "summary"), # Tell Search Engines what's the origin Tag.tag(:link, rel: "canonical", href: post.url) ] |> maybe_add_post_picture(post) breadcrumbs = %{ "@context" => "", "@type" => "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement" => [ %{ "@type" => "ListItem", "position" => 1, "name" => post.attributed_to |> Actor.display_name() |> escape_text, "item" => Endpoint |> Routes.page_url( :actor, Actor.preferred_username_and_domain(post.attributed_to) ) |> URI.decode() }, %{ "@type" => "ListItem", "position" => 2, "name" => post.title } ] } tags ++ [ Tag.tag(:meta, property: "twitter:card", content: "summary_large_image"), ~s{<script type="application/ld+json">#{Jason.encode!(breadcrumbs)}</script>} |> HTML.raw(), ~s{<script type="application/ld+json">#{json(post)}</script>} |> HTML.raw() ] end # Insert JSON-LD schema by hand because Tag.content_tag wants to escape it defp json(%Post{title: title} = post) do "post.json" |> ObjectView.render(%{post: %{post | title: strip_tags(title)}}) |> Jason.encode!() end @spec maybe_add_post_picture(list(), Post.t()) :: list() defp maybe_add_post_picture(tags, %Post{picture: %Media{file: %File{url: url}}}), do: tags ++ [ Tag.tag(:meta, property: "og:image", content: url ) ] defp maybe_add_post_picture(tags, _), do: tags end