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defmodule Mobilizon.Service.Geospatial.Provider do
@moduledoc """
Provider Behaviour for Geospatial stuff.
## Supported backends
* `Mobilizon.Service.Geospatial.Nominatim` [🔗](
* `Mobilizon.Service.Geospatial.Photon` [🔗](
* `Mobilizon.Service.Geospatial.Addok` [🔗](
* `Mobilizon.Service.Geospatial.MapQuest` [🔗](
* `Mobilizon.Service.Geospatial.GoogleMaps` [🔗](
* `Mobilizon.Service.Geospatial.Mimirsbrunn` [🔗](
* `Mobilizon.Service.Geospatial.Pelias` [🔗](
## Shared options
* `:lang` Lang in which to prefer results. Used as a request parameter or
through an `Accept-Language` HTTP header. Defaults to `"en"`.
* `:country_code` An ISO 3166 country code. String or `nil`
* `:limit` Maximum limit for the number of results returned by the backend.
Defaults to `10`
* `:api_key` Allows to override the API key (if the backend requires one) set
inside the configuration.
* `:endpoint` Allows to override the endpoint set inside the configuration.
alias Mobilizon.Addresses.Address
@doc """
Get an address from longitude and latitude coordinates.
## Options
In addition to [the shared options](#module-shared-options), `c:geocode/3` also
accepts the following options:
* `zoom` Level of detail required for the address. Default: 15
## Examples
iex> geocode(48.11, -1.77)
@callback geocode(longitude :: number, latitude :: number, options :: keyword) ::
@doc """
Search for an address
## Options
In addition to [the shared options](#module-shared-options), `c:search/2` also
accepts the following options:
* `coords` Map of coordinates (ex: `%{lon: 48.11, lat: -1.77}`) allowing to
give a geographic priority to the search. Defaults to `nil`.
* `type` Filter by type of results. Allowed values:
* `:administrative` (cities, regions)
## Examples
iex> search("10 rue Jangot")
@callback search(address :: String.t(), options :: keyword) :: [Address.t()]
@doc """
Returns a `Geo.Point` for given coordinates
@spec coordinates([number | String.t()]) :: Geo.Point.t() | nil
def coordinates([x, y]) when is_number(x) and is_number(y) do
%Geo.Point{coordinates: {x, y}, srid: 4326}
def coordinates([x, y]) when is_binary(x) and is_binary(y) do
%Geo.Point{coordinates: {String.to_float(x), String.to_float(y)}, srid: 4326}
def coordinates(_), do: nil
@doc """
Returns the timezone for a Geo.Point
@spec timezone(nil | Geo.Point.t()) :: nil | String.t()
def timezone(nil), do: nil
def timezone(%Geo.Point{} = point) do
case TzWorld.timezone_at(point) do
{:ok, tz} -> tz
{:error, _err} -> nil
@spec endpoint(atom()) :: String.t()
def endpoint(provider) do
Application.get_env(:mobilizon, provider) |> get_in([:endpoint])