forked from
605 lines
42 KiB
605 lines
42 KiB
"<b>Please do not use it in any real way.</b>": "<b>Please do not use it in any real way.</b>",
"A user-friendly, emancipatory and ethical tool for gathering, organising, and mobilising.": "A user-friendly, emancipatory and ethical tool for gathering, organising, and mobilising.",
"A validation email was sent to {email}": "A validation email was sent to {email}",
"Abandon edition": "Abandon edition",
"About Mobilizon": "About Mobilizon",
"About this event": "About this event",
"About this instance": "About this instance",
"About": "About",
"Accepted": "Accepted",
"Account": "Account",
"Add a note": "Add a note",
"Add an address": "Add an address",
"Add an instance": "Add an instance",
"Add some tags": "Add some tags",
"Add to my calendar": "Add to my calendar",
"Add": "Add",
"Additional comments": "Additional comments",
"Admin settings successfully saved.": "Admin settings successfully saved.",
"Admin": "Admin",
"Administration": "Administration",
"All the places have already been taken": "All the places have been taken|One place is still available|{places} places are still available",
"Allow all comments": "Allow all comments",
"Allow registrations": "Allow registrations",
"An error has occurred.": "An error has occurred.",
"Anonymous participant": "Anonymous participant",
"Anonymous participants will be asked to confirm their participation through e-mail.": "Anonymous participants will be asked to confirm their participation through e-mail.",
"Anonymous participations": "Anonymous participations",
"Approve": "Approve",
"Are you really sure you want to delete your whole account? You'll lose everything. Identities, settings, events created, messages and participations will be gone forever.": "Are you really sure you want to delete your whole account? You'll lose everything. Identities, settings, events created, messages and participations will be gone forever.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this comment? This action cannot be undone.": "Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this comment? This action cannot be undone.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this event? This action cannot be undone. You may want to engage the conversation with the event creator or edit its event instead.": "Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this event? This action cannot be undone. You may want to engage the conversation with the event creator or edit its event instead.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel the event creation? You'll lose all modifications.": "Are you sure you want to cancel the event creation? You'll lose all modifications.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel the event edition? You'll lose all modifications.": "Are you sure you want to cancel the event edition? You'll lose all modifications.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel your participation at event \"{title}\"?": "Are you sure you want to cancel your participation at event \"{title}\"?",
"Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be reverted.": "Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be reverted.",
"Avatar": "Avatar",
"Back to previous page": "Back to previous page",
"Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account": "Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account",
"By @{username}": "By @{username}",
"By {username} and {group}": "By {username} and {group}",
"Cancel anonymous participation": "Cancel anonymous participation",
"Cancel creation": "Cancel creation",
"Cancel edition": "Cancel edition",
"Cancel my participation request…": "Cancel my participation request…",
"Cancel my participation…": "Cancel my participation…",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Cancelled: Won't happen": "Cancelled: Won't happen",
"Category": "Category",
"Change my email": "Change my email",
"Change my identity…": "Change my identity…",
"Change my password": "Change my password",
"Change": "Change",
"Clear": "Clear",
"Click to select": "Click to select",
"Click to upload": "Click to upload",
"Close comments for all (except for admins)": "Close comments for all (except for admins)",
"Close": "Close",
"Closed": "Closed",
"Comment deleted": "Comment deleted",
"Comment from @{username} reported": "Comment from @{username} reported",
"Comments have been closed.": "Comments have been closed.",
"Comments": "Comments",
"Confirm my participation": "Confirm my participation",
"Confirm my particpation": "Confirm my particpation",
"Confirmed: Will happen": "Confirmed: Will happen",
"Continue editing": "Continue editing",
"Country": "Country",
"Create a new event": "Create a new event",
"Create a new group": "Create a new group",
"Create a new identity": "Create a new identity",
"Create and manage several identities from the same account": "Create and manage several identities from the same account",
"Create group": "Create group",
"Create my event": "Create my event",
"Create my group": "Create my group",
"Create my profile": "Create my profile",
"Create token": "Create token",
"Create, edit or delete events": "Create, edit or delete events",
"Create": "Create",
"Creator": "Creator",
"Current identity has been changed to {identityName} in order to manage this event.": "Current identity has been changed to {identityName} in order to manage this event.",
"Current page": "Current page",
"Custom URL": "Custom URL",
"Custom text": "Custom text",
"Custom": "Custom",
"Dashboard": "Dashboard",
"Date and time settings": "Date and time settings",
"Date parameters": "Date parameters",
"Date": "Date",
"Default terms": "Default terms",
"Default": "Default",
"Delete Comment": "Delete Comment",
"Delete Event": "Delete Event",
"Delete account": "Delete account",
"Delete event": "Delete event",
"Delete everything": "Delete everything",
"Delete my account": "Delete my account",
"Delete this identity": "Delete this identity",
"Delete your identity": "Delete your identity",
"Delete {eventTitle}": "Delete {eventTitle}",
"Delete {preferredUsername}": "Delete {preferredUsername}",
"Delete": "Delete",
"Deleting comment": "Deleting comment",
"Deleting event": "Deleting event",
"Deleting my account will delete all of my identities.": "Deleting my account will delete all of my identities.",
"Deleting your Mobilizon account": "Deleting your Mobilizon account",
"Description": "Description",
"Didn't receive the instructions ?": "Didn't receive the instructions ?",
"Display name": "Display name",
"Display participation price": "Display participation price",
"Domain": "Domain",
"Draft": "Draft",
"Drafts": "Drafts",
"Edit": "Edit",
"Eg: Stockholm, Dance, Chess…": "Eg: Stockholm, Dance, Chess…",
"Either on the {instance} instance or on another instance.": "Either on the {instance} instance or on another instance.",
"Either the account is already validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Either the account is already validated, either the validation token is incorrect.",
"Either the email has already been changed, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Either the email has already been changed, either the validation token is incorrect.",
"Either the participation has already been validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Either the participation has already been validated, either the validation token is incorrect.",
"Email": "Email",
"Ends on…": "Ends on…",
"Enjoy discovering Mobilizon!": "Enjoy discovering Mobilizon!",
"Enter the link URL": "Enter the link URL",
"Enter your own terms. HTML tags allowed.'s terms are provided as template.": "Enter your own terms. HTML tags allowed.'s terms are provided as template.",
"Error while changing email": "Error while changing email",
"Error while communicating with the server.": "Error while communicating with the server.",
"Error while saving report.": "Error while saving report.",
"Error while validating account": "Error while validating account",
"Error while validating participation": "Error while validating participation",
"Event already passed": "Event already passed",
"Event cancelled": "Event cancelled",
"Event creation": "Event creation",
"Event edition": "Event edition",
"Event list": "Event list",
"Event not found.": "Event not found.",
"Event page settings": "Event page settings",
"Event to be confirmed": "Event to be confirmed",
"Event {eventTitle} deleted": "Event {eventTitle} deleted",
"Event {eventTitle} reported": "Event {eventTitle} reported",
"Event": "Event",
"Events": "Events",
"Ex:": "Ex:",
"Exclude": "Exclude",
"Explore": "Explore",
"Failed to save admin settings": "Failed to save admin settings",
"Featured events": "Featured events",
"Features": "Features",
"Federation": "Federation",
"Find an address": "Find an address",
"Find an instance": "Find an instance",
"Followers": "Followers",
"Followings": "Followings",
"For instance: London, Taekwondo, Architecture…": "For instance: London, Taekwondo, Architecture…",
"Forgot your password ?": "Forgot your password ?",
"From a birthday party with friends and family to a march for climate change, right now, our gatherings are <b>trapped inside the tech giants’ platforms</b>. How can we organize, how can we click “Attend,” without <b>providing private data</b> to Facebook or <b>locking ourselves up</b> inside MeetUp?": "From a birthday party with friends and family to a march for climate change, right now, our gatherings are <b>trapped inside the tech giants’ platforms</b>. How can we organize, how can we click “Attend,” without <b>providing private data</b> to Facebook or <b>locking ourselves up</b> inside MeetUp?",
"From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate} at {endTime}": "From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate} at {endTime}",
"From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate}": "From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate}",
"From the {startDate} to the {endDate}": "From the {startDate} to the {endDate}",
"Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize": "Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize",
"General information": "General information",
"General": "General",
"Getting location": "Getting location",
"Go": "Go",
"Going as {name}": "Going as {name}",
"Group List": "Group List",
"Group full name": "Group full name",
"Group name": "Group name",
"Group {displayName} created": "Group {displayName} created",
"Groups": "Groups",
"Headline picture": "Headline picture",
"Hide replies": "Hide replies",
"I create an identity": "I create an identity",
"I don't have a Mobilizon account": "I don't have a Mobilizon account",
"I have a Mobilizon account": "I have a Mobilizon account",
"I have an account on another Mobilizon instance.": "I have an account on another Mobilizon instance.",
"I participate": "I participate",
"I want to allow people to participate without an account.": "I want to allow people to participate without an account.",
"I want to approve every participation request": "I want to approve every participation request",
"Identity {displayName} created": "Identity {displayName} created",
"Identity {displayName} deleted": "Identity {displayName} deleted",
"Identity {displayName} updated": "Identity {displayName} updated",
"If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to {email}": "If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to {email}",
"If this identity is the only administrator of some groups, you need to delete them before being able to delete this identity.": "If this identity is the only administrator of some groups, you need to delete them before being able to delete this identity.",
"If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here.": "If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here.",
"Impossible to login, your email or password seems incorrect.": "Impossible to login, your email or password seems incorrect.",
"In the meantime, please consider that the software is not (yet) finished. More information {onBlog}.": "In the meantime, please consider that the software is not (yet) finished. More information {onBlog}.",
"Installing Mobilizon will allow communities to free themselves from the services of tech giants by creating <b>their own event platform</b>.": "Installing Mobilizon will allow communities to free themselves from the services of tech giants by creating <b>their own event platform</b>.",
"Instance Description": "Instance Description",
"Instance Name": "Instance Name",
"Instance Terms Source": "Instance Terms Source",
"Instance Terms URL": "Instance Terms URL",
"Instance Terms": "Instance Terms",
"Instance settings": "Instance settings",
"Instances": "Instances",
"Join {instance}, a Mobilizon instance": "Join {instance}, a Mobilizon instance",
"Last published event": "Last published event",
"Last week": "Last week",
"Learn more about Mobilizon": "Learn more about Mobilizon",
"Learn more": "Learn more",
"Leave event": "Leave event",
"Leaving event \"{title}\"": "Leaving event \"{title}\"",
"Let's create a new common": "Let's create a new common",
"License": "License",
"Limited number of places": "Limited number of places",
"Load more": "Load more",
"Locality": "Locality",
"Log in": "Log in",
"Log out": "Log out",
"Login on Mobilizon!": "Login on Mobilizon!",
"Login on {instance}": "Login on {instance}",
"Login": "Login",
"Manage participations": "Manage participations",
"Mark as resolved": "Mark as resolved",
"Members": "Members",
"Message": "Message",
"Mobilizon is a federated network. You can interact with this event from a different server.": "Mobilizon is a federated network. You can interact with this event from a different server.",
"Mobilizon is a free/libre software that will allow communities to create <b>their own spaces</b> to publish events in order to better emancipate themselves from tech giants.": "Mobilizon is a free/libre software that will allow communities to create <b>their own spaces</b> to publish events in order to better emancipate themselves from tech giants.",
"Mobilizon’s licence": "Mobilizon’s licence",
"Moderated comments (shown after approval)": "Moderated comments (shown after approval)",
"Moderation log": "Moderation log",
"Moderation": "Moderation",
"My account": "My account",
"My events": "My events",
"My identities": "My identities",
"Name": "Name",
"New email": "New email",
"New note": "New note",
"New password": "New password",
"New profile": "New profile",
"Next page": "Next page",
"No actors found": "No actors found",
"No address defined": "No address defined",
"No closed reports yet": "No closed reports yet",
"No comment": "No comment",
"No comments yet": "No comments yet",
"No end date": "No end date",
"No events found": "No events found",
"No group found": "No group found",
"No groups found": "No groups found",
"No instance follows your instance yet.": "No instance follows your instance yet.",
"No instance to approve|Approve instance|Approve {number} instances": "No instance to approve|Approve instance|Approve {number} instances",
"No instance to reject|Reject instance|Reject {number} instances": "No instance to reject|Reject instance|Reject {number} instances",
"No instance to remove|Remove instance|Remove {number} instances": "No instances to remove|Remove instance|Remove {number} instances",
"No message": "No message",
"No open reports yet": "No open reports yet",
"No participant to approve|Approve participant|Approve {number} participants": "No participant to approve|Approve participant|Approve {number} participants",
"No participant to reject|Reject participant|Reject {number} participants": "No participant to reject|Reject participant|Reject {number} participants",
"No resolved reports yet": "No resolved reports yet",
"No results for \"{queryText}\"": "No results for \"{queryText}\"",
"No user account with this email was found. Maybe you made a typo?": "No user account with this email was found. Maybe you made a typo?",
"Notes": "Notes",
"Notifications": "Notifications",
"Number of places": "Number of places",
"OK": "OK",
"Old password": "Old password",
"On {date} ending at {endTime}": "On {date} ending at {endTime}",
"On {date} from {startTime} to {endTime}": "On {date} from {startTime} to {endTime}",
"On {date} starting at {startTime}": "On {date} starting at {startTime}",
"On {date}": "On {date}",
"Only accessible through link and search (private)": "Only accessible through link and search (private)",
"Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are supported.": "Only alphanumeric characters and underscores are supported.",
"Open": "Open",
"Opened reports": "Opened reports",
"Or": "Or",
"Organized by {name}": "Organized by {name}",
"Organized": "Organized",
"Organizer": "Organizer",
"Other software may also support this.": "Other software may also support this.",
"Otherwise this identity will just be removed from the group administrators.": "Otherwise this identity will just be removed from the group administrators.",
"Page limited to my group (asks for auth)": "Page limited to my group (asks for auth)",
"Page not found": "Page not found",
"Page": "Page",
"Participant already was rejected.": "Participant already was rejected.",
"Participant has already been approved as participant.": "Participant has already been approved as participant.",
"Participant": "Participant",
"Participants": "Participants",
"Participate using your email address": "Participate using your email address",
"Participate": "Participate",
"Participation approval": "Participation approval",
"Participation confirmation": "Participation confirmation",
"Participation requested!": "Participation requested!",
"Password (confirmation)": "Password (confirmation)",
"Password reset": "Password reset",
"Password": "Password",
"Past events": "Passed events",
"Pending": "Pending",
"Pick an identity": "Pick an identity",
"Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive the email.": "Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive the email.",
"Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake.": "Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake.",
"Please enter your password to confirm this action.": "Please enter your password to confirm this action.",
"Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved.": "Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved.",
"Please read the full rules": "Please read the full rules",
"Please refresh the page and retry.": "Please refresh the page and retry.",
"Post a comment": "Post a comment",
"Post a reply": "Post a reply",
"Postal Code": "Postal Code",
"Preferences": "Preferences",
"Previous page": "Previous page",
"Privacy Policy": "Privacy Policy",
"Private event": "Private event",
"Private feeds": "Private feeds",
"Profiles": "Profiles",
"Public RSS/Atom Feed": "Public RSS/Atom Feed",
"Public comment moderation": "Public comment moderation",
"Public event": "Public event",
"Public feeds": "Public feeds",
"Public iCal Feed": "Public iCal Feed",
"Publish": "Publish",
"Published events": "Published events",
"RSS/Atom Feed": "RSS/Atom Feed",
"Read Framasoft’s statement of intent on the Framablog": "Read Framasoft’s statement of intent on the Framablog",
"Redirecting to event…": "Redirecting to event…",
"Region": "Region",
"Register an account on Mobilizon!": "Register an account on Mobilizon!",
"Register for an event by choosing one of your identities": "Register for an event by choosing one of your identities",
"Register": "Register",
"Registration is allowed, anyone can register.": "Registration is allowed, anyone can register.",
"Registration is closed.": "Registration is closed.",
"Registration is currently closed.": "Registration is currently closed.",
"Registrations are restricted by whitelisting.": "Registrations are restricted by whitelisting.",
"Reject": "Reject",
"Rejected participations": "Rejected participations",
"Rejected": "Rejected",
"Reopen": "Reopen",
"Reply": "Reply",
"Report this comment": "Report this comment",
"Report this event": "Report this event",
"Report": "Report",
"Reported by someone on {domain}": "Reported by someone on {domain}",
"Reported by {reporter}": "Reported by {reporter}",
"Reported by": "Reported by",
"Reported identity": "Reported identity",
"Reported": "Reported",
"Reports": "Reports",
"Requests": "Requests",
"Resend confirmation email": "Resend confirmation email",
"Reset my password": "Reset my password",
"Resolved": "Resolved",
"Resource provided is not an URL": "Resource provided is not an URL",
"Role": "Role",
"Save draft": "Save draft",
"Save": "Save",
"Search events, groups, etc.": "Search events, groups, etc.",
"Search results: \"{search}\"": "Search results: \"{search}\"",
"Search": "Search",
"Searching…": "Searching…",
"Send email": "Send email",
"Send me an email to reset my password": "Send me an email to reset my password",
"Send me the confirmation email once again": "Send me the confirmation email once again",
"Send the report": "Send the report",
"Set an URL to a page with your own terms.": "Set an URL to a page with your own terms.",
"Settings": "Settings",
"Share this event": "Share this event",
"Show map": "Show map",
"Show remaining number of places": "Show remaining number of places",
"Show the time when the event begins": "Show the time when the event begins",
"Show the time when the event ends": "Show the time when the event ends",
"Sign up": "Sign up",
"Software to the people": "Software to the people",
"Starts on…": "Starts on…",
"Status": "Status",
"Street": "Street",
"Tentative: Will be confirmed later": "Tentative: Will be confirmed later",
"Terms": "Terms",
"The account's email address was changed. Check your emails to verify it.": "The account's email address was changed. Check your emails to verify it.",
"The actual number of participants may differ, as this event is hosted on another instance.": "The actual number of participants may differ, as this event is hosted on another instance.",
"The content came from another server. Transfer an anonymous copy of the report?": "The content came from another server. Transfer an anonymous copy of the report ?",
"The current identity doesn't have any permission on this event. You should probably change it.": "The current identity doesn't have any permission on this event. You should probably change it.",
"The current password is invalid": "The current password is invalid",
"The draft event has been updated": "The draft event has been updated",
"The event has been created as a draft": "The event has been created as a draft",
"The event has been published": "The event has been published",
"The event has been updated and published": "The event has been updated and published",
"The event has been updated": "The event has been updated",
"The event organiser has chosen to validate manually participations. Do you want to add a little note to explain why you want to participate to this event?": "The event organiser has chosen to validate manually participations. Do you want to add a little note to explain why you want to participate to this event?",
"The event organizer didn't add any description.": "The event organizer didn't add any description.",
"The event organizer manually approves participations. Since you've chosen to participate without an account, please explain why you want to participate to this event.": "The event organizer manually approves participations. Since you've chosen to participate without an account, please explain why you want to participate to this event.",
"The event title will be ellipsed.": "The event title will be ellipsed.",
"The new email doesn't seem to be valid": "The new email doesn't seem to be valid",
"The new email must be different": "The new email must be different",
"The new password must be different": "The new password must be different",
"The page you're looking for doesn't exist.": "The page you're looking for doesn't exist.",
"The password provided is invalid": "The password provided is invalid",
"The password was successfully changed": "The password was successfully changed",
"The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below.": "The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below.",
"The user account you're trying to login as has not been confirmed yet. Check your email inbox and eventually your spam folder.": "The user account you're trying to login as has not been confirmed yet. Check your email inbox and eventually your spam folder.",
"The {default_terms} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.": "The {default_terms} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.",
"There are {participants} participants.": "There are {participants} participants.",
"There will be no way to recover your data.": "There will be no way to recover your data.",
"These events may interest you": "These events may interest you",
"This Mobilizon instance and this event organizer allows anonymous participations, but requires validation through email confirmation.": "This Mobilizon instance and this event organizer allows anonymous participations, but requires validation through email confirmation.",
"This email is already registered as participant for this event": "This email is already registered as participant for this event",
"This information is saved only on your computer. Click for details": "This information is saved only on your computer. Click for details",
"This installation (called “instance“) can easily {interconnect}, thanks to {protocol}.": "This installation (called “instance“) can easily {interconnect}, thanks to {protocol}.",
"This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances.": "This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances.",
"This is a demonstration site to test the beta version of Mobilizon.": "This is a demonstration site to test the beta version of Mobilizon.",
"This will delete / anonymize all content (events, comments, messages, participations…) created from this identity.": "This will delete / anonymize all content (events, comments, messages, participations…) created from this identity.",
"Title": "Title",
"To achieve your registration, please create a first identity profile.": "To achieve your registration, please create a first identity profile.",
"To change the world, change the software": "To change the world, change the software",
"To confirm, type your event title \"{eventTitle}\"": "To confirm, type your event title \"{eventTitle}\"",
"To confirm, type your identity username \"{preferredUsername}\"": "To confirm, type your identity username \"{preferredUsername}\"",
"Transfer to {outsideDomain}": "Transfer to {outsideDomain}",
"Type": "Type",
"URL": "URL",
"Unfortunately, this instance isn't opened to registrations": "Unfortunately, this instance isn't opened to registrations",
"Unfortunately, your participation request was rejected by the organizers.": "Unfortunately, your participation request was rejected by the organizers.",
"Unknown actor": "Unknown actor",
"Unknown error.": "Unknown error.",
"Unknown": "Unknown",
"Unsaved changes": "Unsaved changes",
"Upcoming": "Upcoming",
"Update event {name}": "Update event {name}",
"Update my event": "Update my event",
"Updated": "Updated",
"Username": "Username",
"Users": "Users",
"View a reply": "|View one reply|View {totalReplies} replies",
"View event page": "View event page",
"View everything": "View everything",
"View page on {hostname} (in a new window)": "View page on {hostname} (in a new window)",
"Visible everywhere on the web (public)": "Visible everywhere on the web (public)",
"Waiting for organization team approval.": "Waiting for organization team approval.",
"Waiting list": "Waiting list",
"Warning": "Warning",
"We just sent an email to {email}": "We just sent an email to {email}",
"We want to develop a <b>digital common</b>, that everyone can make their own, which respects <b>privacy and activism by design</b>.": "We want to develop a <b>digital common</b>, that everyone can make their own, which respects <b>privacy and activism by design</b>.",
"We will redirect you to your instance in order to interact with this event": "We will redirect you to your instance in order to interact with this event",
"We won’t change the world from Facebook. The tool we dream of, surveillance capitalism corporations won’t develop it, as they couldn’t profit from it. This is an opportunity to build something better, by taking another approach.": "We won’t change the world from Facebook. The tool we dream of, surveillance capitalism corporations won’t develop it, as they couldn’t profit from it. This is an opportunity to build something better, by taking another approach.",
"Website / URL": "Website / URL",
"Welcome back {username}!": "Welcome back {username}!",
"Welcome back!": "Welcome back!",
"Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!",
"Who can view this event and participate": "Who can view this event and participate",
"World map": "World map",
"Write something…": "Write something…",
"You are already a participant of this event.": "You are already a participant of this event.",
"You are participating in this event anonymously but didn't confirm participation": "You are participating in this event anonymously but didn't confirm participation",
"You are participating in this event anonymously": "You are participating in this event anonymously",
"You can add tags by hitting the Enter key or by adding a comma": "You can add tags by hitting the Enter key or by adding a comma",
"You can try another search term or drag and drop the marker on the map": "You can try another search term or drag and drop the marker on the map",
"You can't remove your last identity.": "You can't remove your last identity.",
"You don't follow any instances yet.": "You don't follow any instances yet.",
"You have been disconnected": "You have been disconnected",
"You have cancelled your participation": "You have cancelled your participation",
"You have one event in {days} days.": "You have no events in {days} days | You have one event in {days} days. | You have {count} events in {days} days",
"You have one event today.": "You have no events today | You have one event today. | You have {count} events today",
"You have one event tomorrow.": "You have no events tomorrow | You have one event tomorrow. | You have {count} events tomorrow",
"You may also ask to {resend_confirmation_email}.": "You may also ask to {resend_confirmation_email}.",
"You need to login.": "You need to login.",
"You will be redirected to the original instance": "You will be redirected to the original instance",
"You wish to participate to the following event": "You wish to participate to the following event",
"You'll receive a confirmation email.": "You'll receive a confirmation email.",
"Your account has been successfully deleted": "Your account has been successfully deleted",
"Your account has been validated": "Your account has been validated",
"Your account is being validated": "Your account is being validated",
"Your account is nearly ready, {username}": "Your account is nearly ready, {username}",
"Your current email is {email}. You use it to log in.": "Your current email is {email}. You use it to log in.",
"Your email has been changed": "Your email has been changed",
"Your email is being changed": "Your email is being changed",
"Your email is not whitelisted, you can't register.": "Your email is not whitelisted, you can't register.",
"Your email will only be used to confirm that you're a real person and send you eventual updates for this event. It will NOT be transmitted to other instances or to the event organizer.": "Your email will only be used to confirm that you're a real person and send you eventual updates for this event. It will NOT be transmitted to other instances or to the event organizer.",
"Your federated identity": "Your federated identity",
"Your local administrator resumed its policy:": "Your local administrator resumed its policy:",
"Your participation has been confirmed": "Your participation has been confirmed",
"Your participation has been rejected": "Your participation has been rejected",
"Your participation has been requested": "Your participation has been requested",
"Your participation has been validated": "Your participation has been validated",
"Your participation is being validated": "Your participation is being validated",
"Your participation status has been changed": "Your participation status has been changed",
"[This comment has been deleted]": "[This comment has been deleted]",
"[deleted]": "[deleted]",
"a decentralised federation protocol": "a decentralised federation protocol",
"as {identity}": "as {identity}",
"default Mobilizon terms": "default Mobilizon terms",
"e.g. 10 Rue Jangot": "e.g. 10 Rue Jangot",
"firstDayOfWeek": "0",
"iCal Feed": "iCal Feed",
"interconnect with others like it": "interconnect with others like it",
"its source code is public": "its source code is public",
"on our blog": "on our blog",
"profile@instance": "profile@instance",
"resend confirmation email": "resend confirmation email",
"respect of the fundamental freedoms": "respect of the fundamental freedoms",
"with another identity…": "with another identity…",
"{approved} / {total} seats": "{approved} / {total} seats",
"{count} participants": "No participants yet | One participant | {count} participants",
"{count} requests waiting": "{count} requests waiting",
"{license} guarantees {respect} of the people who will use it. Since {source}, anyone can audit it, which guarantees its transparency.": "{license} guarantees {respect} of the people who will use it. Since {source}, anyone can audit it, which guarantees its transparency.",
"© The Mobilizon Contributors {date} - Made with Elixir, Phoenix, VueJS & with some love and some weeks": "© The Mobilizon Contributors {date} - Made with Elixir, Phoenix, VueJS & with some love and some weeks",
"© The OpenStreetMap Contributors": "© The OpenStreetMap Contributors",
"@{username} ({role})": "@{username} ({role})",
"@{username}": "@{username}",
"@{group}": "@{group}",
"{title} ({count} todos)": "{title} ({count} todos)",
"Pick a group": "Pick a group",
"Unset group": "Unset group",
"Add a group": "Add a group",
"The event will show the group as organizer.": "The event will show the group as organizer.",
"My groups": "My groups",
"Assigned to": "Assigned to",
"Due on": "Due on",
"Organizers": "Organizers",
"Hide the organizer": "Hide the organizer",
"Don't show @{organizer} as event host alongside @{group}": "Don't show @{organizer} as event host alongside @{group}",
"Group": "Group",
"Ongoing tasks": "Ongoing tasks",
"You need to create the group before you create an event.": "You need to create a group before you create an event.",
"This identity is not a member of any group.": "This identity is not a member of any group.",
"(Masked)": "(Masked)",
"{going}/{capacity} available places": "No places left|{going}/{capacity} available places",
"No one is going to this event": "No one is going to this event|One person going|{going} persons going",
"By @{group}": "By @{group}",
"Date and time": "Date and time",
"Location": "Location",
"No resources selected": "No resources selected|One resources selected|{count} resources selected",
"You have been invited by {invitedBy} to the following group:": "You have been invited by {invitedBy} to the following group:",
"Accept": "Accept",
"Decline": "Decline",
"Rename": "Rename",
"Move": "Move",
"Contact": "Contact",
"Website": "Website",
"Actor": "Actor",
"Statut": "Statut",
"Conversations": "Conversations",
"Text": "Text",
"New conversation": "New conversation",
"Create a new conversation": "Create a new conversation",
"All group members and other eventual server admins will still be able to view this information.": "All group members and other eventual server admins will still be able to view this information.",
"Upcoming events": "Upcoming events",
"View all upcoming events": "View all upcoming events",
"Resources": "Resources",
"View all resources": "View all resources",
"Public page": "Public page",
"Followed by {count} persons": "Followed by {count} persons",
"Edit biography": "Edit biography",
"Post a public message": "Post a public message",
"View all todos": "View all todos",
"Discussions": "Discussions",
"View all conversations": "View all conversations",
"No public upcoming events": "No public upcoming events",
"Latest posts": "Latest posts",
"Invite a new member": "Invite a new member",
"Ex:": "Ex:",
"Invite member": "Invite member",
"Group Members": "Group Members",
"Public": "Public",
"New folder": "New folder",
"New link": "New link",
"Rename resource": "Rename resource",
"Create resource": "Create resource",
"Create a pad": "Create a pad",
"Create a calc": "Create a calc",
"Create a visioconference": "Create a visioconference",
"Task lists": "Task lists",
"Add a todo": "Add a todo",
"List title": "List title",
"Create a new list": "Create a new list",
"Your timezone is currently set to {timezone}.": "Your timezone is currently set to {timezone}.",
"Timezone detected as {timezone}.": "Timezone detected as {timezone}.",
"Bold": "Bold",
"Italic": "Italic",
"Duplicate": "Duplicate",
"Home": "Home",
"Notification on the day of the event": "Notification on the day of the event",
"We'll use your timezone settings to send a recap of the morning of the event.": "We'll use your timezone settings to send a recap of the morning of the event.",
"You can pick your timezone into your preferences.": "You can pick your timezone into your preferences.",
"Recap every week": "Recap every week",
"You'll get a weekly recap every Monday for upcoming events, if you have any.": "You'll get a weekly recap every Monday for upcoming events, if you have any.",
"Notification before the event": "Notification before the event",
"We'll send you an email one hour before the event begins, to be sure you won't forget about it.": "We'll send you an email one hour before the event begins, to be sure you won't forget about it.",
"Timezone": "Timezone",
"Select a timezone": "Select a timezone",
"Other": "Other",
"No moderation logs yet": "No moderation logs yet",
"Participation notifications": "Participation notifications",
"We'll always send you emails to notify about important event updates": "We'll always send you emails to notify about important event updates",
"Like title or physical address update, start or end date change or event being confirmed or cancelled.": "Like title or physical address update, start or end date change or event being confirmed or cancelled.",
"Organizer notifications": "Organizer notifications",
"Notifications for manually approved participations to an event": "Notifications for manually approved participations to an event",
"We'll send you an email when there new participations requests.": "We'll send you an email when there new participations requests.",
"No notifications": "No notifications",
"Direct": "Direct",
"Every hour": "Every hour",
"Every day": "Every day",
"report #{report_number}": "report #{report_number}",
"{actor} closed {report}": "{actor} closed {report}",
"a non-existent report": "a non-existent report",
"{actor} reopened {report}": "{actor} reopened {report}",
"{actor} marked {report} as resolved": "{actor} marked {report} as resolved",
"{actor} added a note on {report}": "{actor} added a note on {report}",
"{actor} deleted an event named \"{title}\"": "{actor} deleted an event named \"{title}\"",
"If the direction given by the development team does not suit you, you have the legal right to create your own version of the software, with your own governance choices.": "If the direction given by the development team does not suit you, you have the legal right to create your own version of the software, with your own governance choices.",
"change the world, one byte at a time": "change the world, one byte at a time",
"Concieved with care for humans": "Concieved with care for humans",
"digital habits of activists": "digital habits of activists",
"Register on this instance": "Register on this instance",
"Mobilizon is not developed by a secretive start-up, but by a group of friends who strive to {change_world}. So while we do work slower, we remain attentive and in touch with our users.": "Mobilizon is not developed by a secretive start-up, but by a group of friends who strive to {change_world}. So while we do work slower, we remain attentive and in touch with our users.",
"We asked professional designers to help us develop our vision for Mobilizon. We took time to study the {digital_habits} in order to understand the features they need to gather, organize, and mobilize.": "We asked professional designers to help us develop our vision for Mobilizon. We took time to study the {digital_habits} in order to understand the features they need to gather, organize, and mobilize.",
"So that, right from its conception, Mobilizon would {fit_needs_uses_people} who are going to use it.": "So that, right from its conception, Mobilizon would {fit_needs_uses_people} who are going to use it.",
"fit the needs and uses of the people": "fit the needs and uses of the people",
"Mobilizon is under development, we will add new features to this site during regular updates, until the release of <b>version 1 of the software in the fall of 2020</b>.": "Mobilizon is under development, we will add new features to this site during regular updates, until the release of <b>version 1 of the software in the fall of 2020</b>."