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{"en_US":{"© The Mobilizon Contributors %{date} - Made with Elixir, Phoenix, VueJS & with some love and some weeks":"© The Mobilizon Contributors %{date} - Made with Elixir, Phoenix, VueJS & with some love and some weeks","A validation email was sent to %{email}":"A validation email was sent to %{email}","About":"About","About this event":"About this event","About this instance":"About this instance","Add a new profile":"Add a new profile","Add to my calendar":"Add to my calendar","Are you going to this event?":"Are you going to this event?","Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account":"Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account","By %{ name }":"By %{ name }","Create a new event":"Create a new event","Create a new group":"Create a new group","Create group":"Create group","Create my event":"Create my event","Create my group":"Create my group","Create my profile":"Create my profile","Create token":"Create token","Create your communities and your events":"Create your communities and your events","Current":"Current","Delete":"Delete","Didn't receive the instructions ?":"Didn't receive the instructions ?","Edit":"Edit","Either the account is already validated, either the validation token is incorrect.":"Either the account is already validated, either the validation token is incorrect.","Event list":"Event list","Events":"Events","Events nearby you":"Events nearby you","Events you're going at":"Events you're going at","Features":"Features","Forgot your password ?":"Forgot your password ?","From the %{ startDate } at %{ startTime } to the %{ endDate } at %{ endTime }":"From the %{ startDate } at %{ startTime } to the %{ endDate } at %{ endTime }","Group List":"Group List","Groups":"Groups","iCal Feed":"iCal Feed","Identities":"Identities","If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to %{email}":"If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to %{email}","Join":"Join","Learn more on\n <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"></a>":"Learn more on\n <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"></a>","Leave":"Leave","Legal":"Legal","License":"License","Log in":"Log in","Log out":"Log out","Login":"Login","meditate a bit":"meditate a bit","Members":"Members","My account":"My account","No address defined":"No address defined","No events found":"No events found","No group found":"No group found","No groups found":"No groups found","Organized":"Organized","Organizer":"Organizer","Other stuff…":"Other stuff…","Password reset":"Password reset","Please be nice to each other":"Please be nice to each other","Please check you spam folder if you didn't receive the email.":"Please check you spam folder if you didn't receive the email.","Please read the full rules":"Please read the full rules","Private feeds":"Private feeds","public event":"public event","Public feeds":"Public feeds","Public iCal Feed":"Public iCal Feed","Public RSS/Atom Feed":"Public RSS/Atom Feed","Register":"Register","Register an account on Mobilizon!":"Register an account on Mobilizon!","Registration is currently closed.":"Registration is currently closed.","Resend confirmation email":"Resend confirmation email","Reset my password":"Reset my password","RSS/Atom Feed":"RSS/Atom Feed","Search":"Search","Search results: « %{ search } »":"Search results: « %{ search } »","Send confirmation email again":"Send confirmation email again","Send email to reset my password":"Send email to reset my password","Share this event":"Share this event","Show map":"Show map","Sign up":"Sign up","The %{ date } at %{ time }":"The %{ date } at %{ time }","The %{ date } from %{ startTime } to %{ endTime }":"The %{ date } from %{ startTime } to %{ endTime }","The event organizer didn't add any description.":"The event organizer didn't add any description.","These events may interest you":"These events may interest you","This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances.":"This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances.","Unknown error.":"Unknown error.","User logout":"User logout","We just sent an email to %{email}":"We just sent an email to %{email}","Welcome back %{username}":"Welcome back %{username}","Welcome back!":"Welcome back!","You announced that you're going to this event.":"You announced that you're going to this event.","You are already logged-in.":"You are already logged-in.","You are an organizer.":"You are an organizer.","You have one event in %{ days } days.":["You have one event in %{ days } days.","You have %{ count } events in %{ days } days"],"You have one event today.":["You have one event today.","You have %{ count } events today"],"You have one event tomorrow.":["You have one event tomorrow.","You have %{ count } events tomorrow"],"You need to login.":"You need to login.","You're not going to any event yet":"You're not going to any event yet","Your account has been validated":"Your account has been validated","Your account is being validated":"Your account is being validated","Your account is nearly ready, %{username}":"Your account is nearly ready, %{username}","Your local administrator resumed it's policy:":"Your local administrator resumed it's policy:","World map":"World map"},"fr_FR":{"© The Mobilizon Contributors %{date} - Made with Elixir, Phoenix, VueJS & with some love and some weeks":"© Les contributeurs de Mobilizon %{date} - Fait avec Elixir, Phoenix, VueJS & et de l'amour et des semaines","A validation email was sent to %{email}":"Un email de validation a été envoyé à %{email}","About":"À propos","About this event":"À propos de cet événement","About this instance":"À propos de cette instance","Add a new profile":"Ajouter un nouveau profil","Add to my calendar":"Ajouter à mon agenda","Are you going to this event?":"Allez-vous à cet événement ?","Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account":"Avant que vous puissiez vous enregistrer, vous devez cliquer sur le lien à l'intérieur pour valider votre compte","By %{ name }":"Par %{name}","Create a new event":"Créer un nouvel événement","Create a new group":"Créer un nouveau groupe","Create group":"Créer un groupe","Create my event":"Créer mon événement","Create my group":"Créer mon groupe","Create my profile":"Créer mon profil","Create token":"Créer un jeton","Create your communities and your events":"Créer vos communautés et vos événements","Current":"Actuel","Delete":"Supprimer","Didn't receive the instructions ?":"Vous n'avez pas reçu les instructions ?","Edit":"Éditer","Either the account is already validated, either the validation token is incorrect.":"Soit le compte est déjà validé, soit le jeton de validation est incorrect.","Event list":"Liste d'événements","Events":"Événements","Events nearby you":"Événements près de chez vous","Events you're going at":"Événements auxquels vous vous rendez","Features":"Fonctionnalités","Forgot your password ?":"Mot de passe oublié ?","From the %{ startDate } at %{ startTime } to the %{ endDate } at %{ endTime }":"Du %{ startDate } à %{ startTime } au %{ endDate } à %{ endTime }","Group List":"Liste de groupes","Groups":"Groupes","iCal Feed":"Flux iCal","Identities":"Identités","If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to %{email}":"Si un compte avec un tel email existe, nous venons juste d'envoyer un nouvel email de confirmation à %{email}","Join":"Rejoindre","Learn more on\n <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"></a>":"En apprendre plus sur\n <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"></a>","Leave":"Quitter","Legal":"Mentions légales","License":"License","Log in":"Se connecter","Log out":"Se déconnecter","Login":"Se connecter","meditate a bit":"méditez un peu","Members":"Membres","My account":"Mon compte","No address defined":"Aucune adresse définie","No events found":"Aucun événement trouvé","No group found":"Aucun groupe trouvé","No groups found":"Aucun groupe trouvé","Organized":"Organisés","Organizer":"Organisateur","Other stuff…":"Autres trucs…","Password reset":"Réinitialisation du mot de passe","Please be nice to each other":"Soyez sympas entre vous","Please check you spam folder if you didn't receive the email.":"Merci de vérifier votre dossier des indésirables si vous n'avez pas reçu l'email.","Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake.":"Veuillez contacter l'administrateur de cette instance Mobilizon si vous pensez qu’il s’agit d’une erreur.","Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved.":"Assurez‐vous que l’adresse est correcte et que la page n’a pas été déplacée.","Please read the full rules":"Merci de lire les règles complètes","Private feeds":"Flux privés","public event":"événement public","Public feeds":"Flux publics","Public iCal Feed":"Flux iCal public","Public RSS/Atom Feed":"Flux RSS/Atom public","Register":"S'inscrire","Register an account on Mobilizon!":"S'inscrire sur Mobilizon !","Registration is currently closed.":"Les inscriptions sont actuellement fermées.","Resend confirmation email":"Envoyer à nouveau l'email de confirmation","Reset my password":"Réinitialiser mon mot de passe","RSS/Atom Feed":"Flux RSS/Atom","Search":"Rechercher","Search results: « %{ search } »":"Résultats de recherche : « %{ search } »","Send confirmation email again":"Envoyer l'email de confirmation à nouveau","Send email to reset my password":"Envoyer un email pour réinitialiser mon mot de passe","Share this event":"Partager l'événement","Show map":"Afficher la carte","Sign up":"S'enregistrer","The %{ date } at %{ time }":"Le %{ date } à %{ time }","The %{ date } from %{ startTime } to %{ endTime }":"Le %{ date } de %{ startTime } à %{ endTime }","The event organizer didn't add any description.":"L'organisateur de l'événement n'a pas ajouté de description.","The page you're looking for doesn't exist.":"La page que vous recherchez n'existe pas.","These events may interest you":"Ces événements peuvent vous intéresser","This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances.":"Cette instance n'autorise pas les inscriptions, mais vous pouvez vous enregistrer sur d'autres instances.","Unknown error.":"Erreur inconnue.","User logout":"Déconnexion","We just sent an email to %{email}":"Nous venons d'envoyer un email à %{email}","Welcome back %{username}":"Bon retour %{username}","Welcome back!":"Bon retour !","You announced that you're going to this event.":"Vous avez annoncé vous rendre à cet événement.","You are already logged-in.":"Vous êtes déjà connecté.","You are an organizer.":"Vous êtes un organisateur.","You have one event in %{ days } days.":["Vous avez un événement dans %{ days } jours.","Vous avez %{ count } événements dans %{ days } jours"],"You have one event today.":["Vous avez un événement aujourd'hui.","Vous avez %{ count } événements aujourd'hui"],"You have one event tomorrow.":["Vous avez un événement demain.","Vous avez %{ count } événements demain"],"You need to login.":"Vous devez vous connecter.","You're not going to any event yet":"Vous n'allez à aucun événement pour le moment","Your account has been validated":"Votre compte a été validé","Your account is being validated":"Votre compte est en cours de validation","Your account is nearly ready, %{username}":"Votre compte est presque prêt, %{ username }","Your local administrator resumed it's policy:":"Votre administrateur local a résumé sa politique ainsi :","World map":"Carte mondiale","Search events, groups, etc.":"Rechercher des événements, des groupes, etc."}} |